Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x2 - More ads on the way *** Chris Christie roars again
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*** UPDATED x2 - More ads on the way *** Chris Christie roars again

Friday, Mar 4, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* New Jersey Gov. Christie is a bit on the sensitive side. When he was asked to respond to ads taken out in three New Jersey publications Monday by the somewhat mysterious political action committee For a Better Chicago, he lashed out at Gov. Pat Quinn

“Let me tell you something: We won’t lose any business to Illinois as long as Pat Quinn’s the governor,” Christie, a Republican, said during a news conference Thursday. “He’s a disaster.”

The Chicago group said it’s taking out the ads to set the record straight on which state has the best business climate.

“We understand that governors have to be cheerleaders for their states, but the claims Gov. Christie is making are so far from the truth,” said Jake Braun, For a Better Chicago spokesman.

The Chicago ads, which say “Rhetoric is nice, reality matters,” focus on New Jersey’s high property taxes and cost of living.


The comment came after a question about a nonprofit group, For a Better Chicago, taking out advertisements in New Jersey publications, such as NJ Biz, highlighting the Garden State’s less-than-stellar tax reputation. The ad claims that “Illinois has a better tax environment for business than New Jersey,” and it printed the telephone numbers of business development offices in Illinois state government.

The ad was in apparent retaliation to an earlier Christie effort to draw businesses away from Illinois to New Jersey, citing a harsh tax climate in Quinn’s state.

Quinn’s press office didn’t meet fire with fire.

“We’re not going to respond to personal attacks like that,” said Brie Callahan, Quinn’s press secretary. “Gov. Quinn is focused on moving Illinois forward, making Illinois an even stronger economic competitor.”


*** UPDATE 1 *** The complete, official response from Gov. Quinn’s office…

“We were fourth in the nation in creating jobs last year, while New Jersey was last. Site Selection magazine just named Illinois in their top 10, New Jersey was nowhere to be found. Instead of making personal attacks on other governors, Governor Quinn is focused on getting our state’s fiscal house in order and continuing to make Illinois an even stronger economic competitor.”

…Adding… Keep in mind that, unlike Christie’s ads bashing Illinois, these ads on Chicago’s and Illinois’ behalf are privately funded. NJ Biz, where one of the ads will appear, has more

According to Greg Goldner, chair of FBC — a nonprofit focused on job creation and business development — the purpose of the ads is to change the rhetoric and let people know that Illinois is a good place to do business.

“Our state has taken action to deal with its deficit,” Goldner said. “These governors from other states, notably New Jersey and Wisconsin, have jumped into the fray and developed messages that they have better business climates — and that’s just not the case.” […]

The retaliation ad campaign didn’t come about because Illinois was worried about losing its businesses to New Jersey, Goldner said. Rather, the organization wanted to show the reality, and that no one in Chicago was fooled. He maintained that Illinois has a better business climate, but granted that New Jersey has other advantages, such as location.

*** UPDATE 2 *** I just talked to Goldner via e-mail. Apparently, more ads are in the works, including for Wisconsin. My own suggestion: “Escape From Wisconsin.” Do you have any ideas for Goldner’s crew?


  1. - Aldyth - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 1:59 pm:


  2. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 2:01 pm:


    Can you elaborate a little bit, please? Thanks.

  3. - Small Town Liberal - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 2:03 pm:

    Another load of BS from the tea party’s not-so-little darling. I think I’m going to enjoy seeing how favorably history remembers Christie.

  4. - Niles Township - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 2:05 pm:

    Quinn’s taking the higher road here.

  5. - One of the 35 - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 2:06 pm:

    Christie is just going to have to develop a thicker skin if he wants to play the type of game he initiated. It’s not as much fun to be on the receiving end of the hyperbole as it is to generate it.

  6. - Small Town Liberal - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 2:07 pm:

    - Christie is just going to have to develop a thicker skin -

    I don’t know, it looks pretty thick already…

  7. - Little Lebowski - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 2:10 pm:

    I’m really warming up to this For A Better Chicago bunch.

  8. - Objective Dem - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 2:13 pm:

    I love the fact that they are poking that blowhard.

    I have a suggestion for another ad. A picture of the Jersey Shore kids on one side of the page, a picture of the Groupon founder and some of our other bright stars on the other side of the page. A caption along the lines of “Come to Illinois where the future is brighter”

  9. - Amuzing Myself - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 2:14 pm:

    Part of Christie’s popularity is his propensity to “tell it as he sees it.” Funniest out of all of the coverage of this and comments that “he needs a thicker skin” is that he’s right. Quinn is a disaster. I’ve seen no signs of a turnaround since he took office - even with his tax hike. The outlook in Illinois is still bleak, and he continues to make threats of cuts that he’s clearly not willing to follow through on. I’m not sure what more he’d have to do short of literally burning down the Statehouse to qualify as a disaster.

    Small Town, you’re in for a long ride. He’s just getting started.

  10. - Small Town Liberal - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 2:18 pm:

    - Small Town, you’re in for a long ride. He’s just getting started. -

    Started doing what, talking? He may be calling it how he sees it, but that doesn’t exactly make it so.

  11. - Responsa - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 2:23 pm:

    Christie has a strong personality that is very New Jersey along with his accent. Owing to the fact that there are political team loyalties which must be maintained, it’s probably a given that politics alone prevent some here from seeing Christie’s appeal, humor, and gifts as a raconteur and explainer of complex issues. But better get used to seeing him on the Sunday morning talk shows.

    I would pay good money to see the NJ Governor on a stage with our Quinn debating pretty much any topic under the sun. Any topic at all.

  12. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 2:24 pm:

    I just sent Goldner an e-mail suggesting an “Escape from Wisconsin” ad. He’s drafting something. lol

  13. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 2:24 pm:

    ===Christie has a strong personality ===

    Sounds more like a wussy to me. Can’t take it.

  14. - Ray del Camino - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 2:28 pm:

    Some things are opinion: (Quinn is a disaster, Christie is a schmuck). Some things are facts: (Illinois has a better business climate than New Jersey). Everyone is entitled to his or her own opinions, but not to his or her own facts. Oh, and Christie is a schmuck.

  15. - PFK - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 2:30 pm:

    Gov. Snookie got what was coming to him.

  16. - Excessively Rabid - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 2:34 pm:

    “Who moved my cheese?” could probably play a role in an ad campaign, but is no doubt already copyrighted.

  17. - Amused - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 2:35 pm:

    ===I just sent Goldner an e-mail suggesting an “Escape from Wisconsin” ad. He’s drafting something. lol===

    Starring 14 Wisconsin senators, I’m sure.

  18. - J - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 2:36 pm:

    Chris Christie is a classic bully, as long as you don’t fight back he talks a big game, but the second you take a swing at him he’s in trouble.

    Christie loves to load his town halls with his supporters so that he can “debate” average citizens while his supporters drown everyone critical out.

    I’d love to see what happens when he has to deal with someone on equal footing for an extended period of time.

  19. - wordslinger - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 2:37 pm:

    Amuzing Myself, did you read the update?

    –“We were fourth in the nation in creating jobs last year, while New Jersey was last. Site Selection magazine just named Illinois in their top 10, New Jersey was nowhere to be found–

    There’s no heaven on earth, and Illinois certainly has issues. But we’re the 5th largest state economy, and the Chicago metro is the fourth largest metro economy in the world. We don’t need to take this stuff from this Newark blowhard. He can clean up his own mess.

    To date, his biggest economic development project is to commit $261 million in state money to complete a billion dollar white elephant casino on the AC boardwalk — that will compete with 11 privately owned casinos already there.

    Plus, he was quoted the other day that he would win the GOP nomination for president, as well as the general election, but he’s not sure if he’s ready yet.

    He’s not.

  20. - OneMan - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 2:41 pm:

    Wisconsin your elected officials know the best place to do business from.. Illinois, why not join them,…

    If you want to do more than open a go-cart track or a water slide why not try Illinois

  21. - OneMan - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 2:42 pm:

    Illinois our private universities have better after class lectures.

  22. - Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 2:43 pm:

    Christie has figured out that you don’t actually have to balance a budget or create jobs to become famous. You just have to say outrageous things and yell at people in Youtube videos. Christie is the Charlie Sheen of politics.

  23. - Nearly Normal - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 2:46 pm:

    Instead of the Illinois River Road or Ronald Reagan Trail, how about the Wisconsin Senatorial Refuge Pilgrimage highlighting their stops?

  24. - piling on - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 2:49 pm:

    Stop the madness: Escape to Illinois.

  25. - Nearly Normal - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 2:49 pm:

    Come to Illinois and Chicago, the City of Broad Shoulders not Newark home of the Broad New Jersey Governor!

  26. - Objective Dem - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 2:51 pm:

    How about “you would have to be high to move to Indiana” with Mitch Daniels in a cloud of smoke.

    As background Daniels was busted with two shoe boxes of pot when in college. (Then again bringing up politician shoe boxes isn’t the smartest thing for Illinois.)

  27. - Seriously??? - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:00 pm:

    Gov. Christie is a big bully. He says Gov. Quinn is a disaster, I don’t necessarily disagree as a broad statement. But let’s take a look. Both Governors are suggesting large cuts to education as a budget balancing measure and both Govs are skipping large pension payments as a budget balancing measure. And for all of his big talk about balancing NJ’s budget, the budget he proposed is actually an increase from the year before. Facts are not something Governor Christie bothers with, they would just bog him down.

  28. - Responsa - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:01 pm:

    My take is that ALL state ads touting “business opportunities abound here!” are mostly vanity projects and a waste of money both to produce and to place. Businesses basically pay zero attention to them as they use personal and professional networking and rely on detailed business analysis covering a variety of factors, when making financial decisions. These ads may have some benefit if placed in foreign countries which might be looking for opportunities in the states. But the Illinois-Wisconsin-New Jersey-etc. schoolyard back and forths are just dumb–no matter who’s loudest or most clever.

  29. - wordslinger - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:04 pm:

    Radio spot:

    “There’s a Midwestern state where a politician named Fitzgerald runs half the government with an iron first.

    “His brother, another Fitzgerald, runs the other half of state government the same way.

    “They entertain no compromises and brook no opposition. When tens of thousands of citizens exercise their rights to protest peaceably in the streets, they call in law enforcement from all over the state to surround the Capitol, leaving their towns less protected.

    “And when they don’t like your politics, they have their daddy, the Fitzgerald who’s a former Chicago cop, send his armed state troopers to arrest them.

    “There’s a name for a state that practices such clannish nepotism and thuggery.

    “It’s Wisconsin.

    “Escape from Libya on the Lake. Escape from Wisconsin.

    “Like the sign says, the people of Illinois welcome you.

  30. - Nearly Normal - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:04 pm:

    New Jersey Land of 108 Toxic Waste Sites.

  31. - jerry 101 - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:05 pm:

    Its about time to remember who the blowhard represents.

    He’s the governor of New Jersey.

    New Jersey. Not New York. Not Massachusetts. Not Virginia. Not Florida. Not California. Not Texas. New Jersey.

    It’s New York City’s armpit (in location, appearance, and smell).

    It’s a fourth-rate state that would be about as appealing as Delaware if it weren’t right next to New York City.

    Chris Christie is a blowhard wanna-be. He’s the governor of a high tax, low value, ugly, stinky, oversized version of Northwest Indiana.

    Sure, its got a few nice parts, and some casinos, but its mostly never-ending strip malls, smokestacks, and track housing. Like Northwest Indiana.

    It’s like we’re wasting our time getting into a tiff with the County Board President of Lake County (IN).

  32. - Thoughts... - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:05 pm:

    ===Plus, he was quoted the other day that he would win the GOP nomination for president, as well as the general election, but he’s not sure if he’s ready yet.===

    I hope to God he determines he is, I’d love to see him implode on a national stage.

  33. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:06 pm:

    Raz has bad news for Scott Walker…

    * How would you rate the job Scott Walker has been doing as Governor… do you strongly approve, somewhat approve, somewhat disapprove, or strongly disapprove of the job he’s been doing?

    34% Strongly approve

    9% Somewhat approve

    9% Somewhat disapprove

    48% Strongly disapprove

    0% Not sure

  34. - Nearly Normal - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:07 pm:

    Revise the state song of New Jersey–
    “I’m From New Jersey–And Glad I Now Live in Illinois”

  35. - jerry 101 - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:07 pm:

    Come to Illinois. Our Governor Walker’s already been convicted!

    Illinois. When our Governor forgets his meds, he just has a tendency to ramble.

  36. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:11 pm:

    Illinois: Where “culture” is about more than just cheese.

  37. - Commonsense in Illinois - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:11 pm:

    Move to Illinois…the Lac du Flambeau thank you.

  38. - Dan Johnson-Weinberger - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:12 pm:

    This is one of the coolest things any political committee has done this cycle to stick up for Illinois. Good for Resolute and the FBC funders.

  39. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:12 pm:

    Illinois: Our largest Statehouse rally was about raising taxes. And they won!

    OK, maybe not that one.

  40. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:14 pm:

    Come to Illinois, visit your legislators.

  41. - Nearly Normal - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:15 pm:

    “Indiana Wants Me–but I’m Staying in Illinois”

  42. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:15 pm:

    Illinois: Our legislators get arrested for stuff they do at the Statehouse.

  43. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:16 pm:

    Thanks, NN, now I’m gonna have that silly song in my head all afternoon.

  44. - Nothing is easy... - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:18 pm:

    Has anyone looked at the facts? What are the NJ tax rates? Christie has been in office for two years. What, other than eating free food from coast to coast and yelling at anyone who disagrees with him, what has he done? Some dogs’ barks are much worse than their bites. The issue? The Republican Governors ran on promises that cannot fix the immense problems. They have painted themselves into corners. There is no simple formula and beating up public employees is not the map out of the corner.

  45. - Nearly Normal - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:24 pm:

    Sorry Rich, I’m showing my age. I remember when it was new!

  46. - Nothing is easy... - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:29 pm:

    Illinois, where the USA turns when they really need a good President…

  47. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:29 pm:


  48. - Nothing is easy... - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:31 pm:

    New Jersey, where Illinoisans go to really appreciate home.

  49. - Nothing is easy... - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:32 pm:

    Milwaukee, Wisconsin, where Cub fans go to get a really good seat…

  50. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:35 pm:

    Illinois: Move here before we invade.

  51. - Seriously??? - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:38 pm:

    jerry 101 - While I extremely dislike Governor Christie and his positions, I think your take on NJ is extremely wrong. I am actually from there, and there are a lot of good things about it too, it’s proximity to NYC is not just it.

    We have vast amount of open space and farm land(which if you ever saw anything beyond the Newark Airport, you would know). NJ is the number one producer of eggplant in the country, I bet you didn’t know that. There has actually been more of a cultural boon in NJ over the last ten years with the addition of the NJ Performing Arts Center, which gets quite a bit of traffic from the state.

    And the fact of the matter is that the cast of Jersey Shore isn’t actually from NJ. Most actually hail from Staten Island and Long Island. But New Jersey does have some very nice beaches, that are on an actual ocean.

    One last thing, New Jersey has no sales tax on clothes and has the third lowest gas tax in the country.

    Sorry, don’t slam my state. While we have our flaws, most natives are very proud.

  52. - 47th Ward - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:38 pm:

    If Illinois is good enough for Miller Coors, it’s good enough for the rest of you. Send us your companies or we turn off the beer supply.

  53. - matty - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:38 pm:

    “the 14 chose Illinois for a reason”

  54. - Nearly Normal - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:39 pm:

    Thanks to Wisconsin Senators–

  55. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:39 pm:

    47th Ward, that might just work.

  56. - 47th Ward - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:40 pm:

    ===number one producer of eggplant in the country===

    I think that helps Jerry’s argument…

  57. - Sue - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:40 pm:

    Christie is probably accurate in his assesment- This week’s Bloomberg/Business week at pages 29/30 highlights what Republican AND Democratic Giovernors are doing to confront their budget challenges- Quoting from te summation-”Governors of both Parties are zeroing inon public sector health and pension benefits as they seek ways to balance budgets”- Notably missing in the discussion is Governor Quinn- Why is is that if Cuomo and Brown can tackle their budgets by demanding concessions from the public sector- Quinn drops the ball- Forget about Walker, Daniels Christie and Kasich and focus in on NY and/or CA- we have elected a boob for Giovernor and all he can find time to do is tell everyone how great a job ahe and Obama are doing- lets get real before we truly are broke and defer to Madigan who for the first time is publicly stating it is time to get serious and reduce what we are wasting on public sector employees’ benefit costs

  58. - Nothing is easy... - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:42 pm:

    Eggplant? Seriously? Hey, I’ve got to go check the futures of…eggplant.

  59. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:43 pm:

    Sue, after all that big talk, Christie managed to cut just $200 million from his budget. So far, he’s only “taking on” the unions via his mouth, not his deeds.

  60. - Demoralized - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:43 pm:

    Come to Illinois - home of Hamburger University

  61. - waitress practicing politics. . - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:43 pm:

    This would all be more humorous if budgets did not need fixing. Less time should be spent on this verbal battle of the states and more on solving the problems.

  62. - Nothing is easy... - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:45 pm:

    Hey, folks. This state made a sizable adjustment to he post-retirement benefits last year. There will probably be more to come. But, we have a state constitutional issue regarding pensions that has to be respected. Governor Christie has not made any significant impact except the seats upon which he sits.

  63. - wordslinger - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:48 pm:

    “Escape to Illinois — Our Fitzgerald Only Arrests Political Criminals”

  64. - Anonymous - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:49 pm:

    Rich, isn’t there a story hiding in plain view here? A 501(c)(4) like Goldner’s is useful because contributors need not be disclosed. If my memory is correct, 501(c)(4)’s must have a primary purpose that isn’t political activity. In order to keep the contributors shielded, therefore, the organization must do something else so that it can be within IRS regs. So isn’t it possible that Goldner is taking out these ads to meet the IRS requirements of having a “primary purpose” other than contributions to the aldermanic campaigns? Is this correct?

  65. - Sue - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 3:50 pm:

    Cuomo’s proposal to limit the salaries paid to school administrators could be a real starter here in Illinois where Superintendants and their minions are paid gargantuan salaries all of which is credited for TRS pension service- Quinn complains that hundreds of administrators are paid more then he is but doesn’t suggest a viable solution- consolidating school districts takes forever and stirs up local opposition- why not immediately pass a bill limiting administrative salaries to no more then 175K

  66. - Flaming Liberal - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 4:05 pm:

    Let’s be careful of the criticism of NJ. They have been under Democrat control for years. I think their legislature is still democratic. It doesn’t help our cause to celebrate democrat mis-managment.

  67. - Wensicia - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 4:06 pm:

    Suffering from substance abuse? Escape to Illinois! We offer free clinics for cheese addicts!

  68. - Demoralized - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 4:10 pm:

    Illinois: We’re a sanctuary state for wayward lawmakers

  69. - Dooley Dudright - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 4:14 pm:

    On Wuss-consin!

    Performed, of course, by the New Christie Minstrels.

  70. - Wensicia - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 4:17 pm:

    ==Let’s be careful of the criticism of NJ.==

    It’s not New Jersey we’re criticizing, it’s Christie. And it’s criticism well earned.

  71. - Michelle Flaherty - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 5:16 pm:

    Their Senate is controlled by Democrats. The Senate President has to call out the snow plows and declare an emergency in blizzards because Gov. Snookie is away.
    Not sure exactly what that guy does other than fill air time.

  72. - Gregor - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 5:24 pm:

    Ain’t no time for corner boys
    Down on the street makin’ all that noise
    And orange girls on the avenue
    Because their taxes make them talk so blue
    But tonight I’m gonna take that ride,
    Cross the river to the Jersey side
    Where Chris Christie thinks it’s really great
    Though his tax is higher than mid west states

    Down the shore, everything’s all right
    Wearing Ed Hardy shirts on Saturday nights
    And boy their sports teams, they all do so well,
    And infrastructure that’s gone all to hell

    Shalala, shala la-la-la,
    Shalalala, la-la la, la,la,
    Shalalala, la-la la, la,la,

    Shala-lala, he can stay with his Jersey girls

    You know they’re not allowed to pump their gas
    What kind of garden state smell just like ___
    And they’re the landfill, for New York’s waste
    The kids from “Real World” show off Jersey taste

    Move your business to fair Lincoln Land
    Better culture, food, and rockin’ bands
    Better everything is just a fact
    Chicago’s everything that Jersey lacks.

    Shalala, shala la-la-la,
    Shalalala, la-la la, la,la,
    Shalalala, la-la la, la,la,

    Shala-lala, he can stay with his Jersey girls

    -Apologies to Tom Waits

  73. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 5:34 pm:

    Illinois: We got your “contempt” right here, pal.

  74. - Rich Miller - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 6:04 pm:

    Illinois: We tackle legislation, not legislators.

  75. - foster brooks - Friday, Mar 4, 11 @ 7:01 pm:

    “Tool” time staring chris cristy

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