Behind the screaming headlines
Wednesday, Jun 29, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * The Associated Press often acts like a giant blogger by repackaging stories into little briefs. Too often, though, those briefs skew the story. For instance, this story is headlined: “Insiders got early notice of college savings deal”…
* You already know the back story. Bright Start’s administrator, Oppenheimer Funds, sent out 100,000 letters to the college savings program participants on May 31st offering to match their next $250 contribution. Trouble is, the offer was limited to the first 2,500 people and about 8,500 people took up the offer by going to the plan’s website. But the website wasn’t changed to reflect the fact that the money had dried up until a day after all the cash was spoken for, which left some folks quite angry. * The Tribune reports that Rutherford’s office sent its workers an e-mail the same day Oppenheimer mailed the letters from New Jersey, giving Rutherford’s employees a clear head start on everyone else. That was obviously a bad move. The e-mail encouraged the employees to forward the offer to their friends and family. Not good, either. * However, Rutherford’s employees were not eligible for the matching funds, according to the Tribune’s report. That little factoid was buried deep within the Trib’s story, which was headlined “Family, friends got head start in Bright Start match - Treasurer’s office employees were sent email about $250 program before general public received letters.” The workers’ friends and family were eligible, of course, but the Tribune could only find “about 25 people” who were forwarded the e-mails from state accounts. Not great, but hardly a gigantic scandal. The Tribune also noted that the Bright Start website announced the program on May 27th - days before anybody was notified by e-mail or snail mail. And, despite what the AP claims, Rutherford himself was never quoted by the Tribune as saying “early word was sent out solely as a promotion because officials weren’t sure the new offer would be popular.” That comment was attributed by the Trib to an official at his office. * Whether this was just another stupid bungle or something more nefarious, this whole thing has become a PR disaster for Rutherford, who obviously thought the stunt would be popular…
Unfortunately for Rutherford, the TV ads about this will write themselves.
Question of the day
Wednesday, Jun 29, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * With all the negativity sparked by the Blagojevich verdict, I thought we’d try to balance that out with a little positivity. So… * The Question: In your opinion, who was the best Illinois governor of the modern era? I define “modern era” as the period since the new state Constitution was drafted. Take the poll and then fully explain your answer in comments, please.
*** UPDATED x1 *** More grim budget news
Wednesday, Jun 29, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * The grim state budget situation is being felt all the way through the system…
* Oy…
The average is $104K? Wow. Yet more evidence that state government is one of the biggest drags on Illinois’ economy. * Speaking of taxes, the Illinois Department of Revenue didn’t do so well in a recent state audit…
* Turning to the city’s budget woes, the mayor is ending the furlough program…
*** UPDATE *** From the Tribune…
* Related…
Jury didn’t buy the act that charmed the rest of the state
Wednesday, Jun 29, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * The jurors in Rod Blagojevich’s trial saw through the hokum…
Know hope. * Speaking of hope, a commenter pointed out this recent New York Times story about how Bernie Madoff’s judge decided to go with the ultimate max in his sentencing order…
And New York legal analyst Jami Floyd makes a prediction…
* More legal analysis. This time, about the appeal…
…Adding… Oops. I forgot to post this important piece of the puzzle…
…Adding More… I missed this one…
* Bizarre…
* National pundits were wrong again. No surprise, since most don’t bother to do even basic fact-checking and just repeat pre-approved talking points…
What the clueless pundits deliberately failed to realize was that Blagojevich had predicted that Emanuel could clear him. He was actually right on one point. The juror failed to convict the former governor on charges that he had attempted to extort a campaign fundraiser from Emanuel’s brother in exchange for releasing grant money to a school in Emanuel’s congressional district back in 2006. Emanuel testified that he was never told of any proposed deal. * And Jon Stewart was pretty darned funny last night… And… * Roundup…
Caption contest!
Wednesday, Jun 29, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Gov. Pat Quinn did a fly-around yesterday to sign the workers’ compensation bill into law and appeared at Kraft Foods in Champaign. As part of the festivities, he was presented with a box of Kraft’s Macaroni & Cheese with his photo on it. It was a fun little presentation… There’s no word yet on whether the governor also received a personalized truck during yesterday’s visit to Navistar. Thanks to our friends at for the clip. * And here’s a close-up shot of the box [updated with a high-rez photo from a good pal]… ![]() Have fun.