Reader comments will be closed for a while
Friday, Jul 15, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * The governor is in Salt Lake City today and is heading to Israel next week…
His absence means a very low chance of drama and newsworthy events, so, I’m gonna shut down the blog and take a break. Capitol Fax will be published on Monday, but that’ll be it for a week or so. I’ll try to post any big stories that might pop up, but I could use some down time. * Monday, July 25th is our annual White Sox outing, so anyone who has won tickets needs to contact me before then - even if you’ve contacted me already. Thanks. * Allow me a brief personal aside. This is my niece, Reagan Miller, possibly a future president or Texas governor… * Get yourself a cold drink, find a shady spot, and let War play us out… When you feel those balmy breezes on your face
Blagojevich bond set at $450K
Friday, Jul 15, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * A friend of mine told me the other day that Rod and Patti Blagojevich were actively looking for a Chicago condo. Turns out, she was right. They have their house up for sale, but I’m not sure how they can sell it when it’s being used as collateral for Rod’s bond…
* Prosecutors had asked for a million dollar bond. No luck…
The former governor and his wife said they had about $600,000 in equity in the two properties. * More…
Just like he had no intention of violating his oath of office? * Prosecutors claimed earlier this week that they hadn’t received all the necessary paperwork on the two properties, but that’s supposedly all settled. Also, the judge barred Blagojevich’s attorneys from talking with the jurors for now.
Question of the day
Friday, Jul 15, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * From NBC Chicago…
* The Question: What advice do you have for one of our state’s newest residents? Snark is heavily encouraged, of course.
*** UPDATED x3 - AFSCME says Emanuel never tried to discuss changes *** Emanuel essentially gives unions another month to come to the table
Friday, Jul 15, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * From the Tribune…
* But is this for real? Are these 625 city jobs going to immediately disappear, or is this yet another delay to the threats he’s been issuing for weeks? Read all the way to the bottom of the Sun-Times story and you’ll see the answer…
The labor unions reportedly intend to talk this over on Monday. * Here are the work rule changes demanded by the mayor…
* And here are the items announced today…
Also, notice that the press release says the cuts “may impact up to…” *** UPDATE 1 *** From Charles Thomas’ Twitter feed…
*** UPDATE 2 *** From AFSCME Council 31 executive director Henry Bayer…
*** UPDATE 3 *** From the Chicago Federation of Labor….
*** UPDATED x2 *** Today’s quotables: Jaffe declares war and Quinn says Champaign could soon be a suburb
Friday, Jul 15, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller *** UPDATE 1 *** Illinois Statehouse News has released the full audio of their interview with Chairman Jaffe… They left out a couple of zingers from their story, including these about the General Assembly…
Ouch. * Chairman Jaffe also claimed this change was made to existing law…
That’s absolutely not true. The Racing Board has always had discretion to waive fingerprint requirements. The new proposal deletes the requirement that waivers could be given only to applicants who’ve undergone FBI background checks for licensure. Sen. Terry Link explained the proposal this week…
I’m not sure if that’s everything involved here, of course, but Jaffe’s statement is still false on its face. If he had actually read the bill, he wouldn’t known this because it’s pretty darned clear in the legislation… *** UPDATE 2 *** ISN has also posted Rep. Lou Lang’s complete interview… * Gaming Board Chairman Aaron Jaffe has all but declared war on the legislators who sponsored the gaming expansion bill…
If Jaffe is reappointed, don’t expect him to survive Senate confirmation. Back in 2009, he said the Gaming Board would probably need a police force the size of the Illinois State Police or the City of Chicago’s to adequately monitor video gaming in taverns… * Gov. Pat Quinn got off on a tangent (surprise!) yesterday about high speed rail during an unrelated press conference…
Yes, the governor actually said that Champaign could be a Chicago suburb. He was even asked whether he thought Champaign wanted to be a suburb… * Related…
AFSCME: Quinn’s office “appeared to accept” refusal to defer raises
Friday, Jul 15, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * The governor’s office has been implying privately for days that they did try to talk to AFSCME about avoiding a confrontation over their members’ contractual pay hikes. I asked AFSCME for a statement and this is what I received…
* The governor’s people are also pointing to this end of session report by House GOP Leader Tom Cross as evidence that everybody should’ve known weeks ago that this problem with the contracted pay raises was real…
It’s truly amazing to me that reporters who covered this House Republican demand seem now to have completely forgotten about it. * Even so, the unions claim Quinn had alternatives…
* Meanwhile, DHFS needlessly alarmed thousands of senior citizens…
* Toll hikes on the way? Could be…
* And, despite the state’s budget troubles, Peoria wants its own public university…
* Related and a roundup…
Caption contest!
Friday, Jul 15, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Gov. Pat Quinn and House Republican Leader Tom Cross were both in Aurora this week… Winner gets a free ticket to the July 25th White Sox game. * Yesterday’s winner was “just sayin’” for this little gem…
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
Friday, Jul 15, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller