Question of the day
Wednesday, Aug 31, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * From Carol Marin’s Sun-Times column…
* The Question: Should Illinois amend its new civil union law to allow same-sex marriage? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments.
*** UPDATED x1 - Schnorf knocks down story *** What they’re not telling you
Wednesday, Aug 31, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * The Tribune has a new story about corporate sales tax havens…
I’m not sure why, but nowhere in the article are the adamant claims by Kankakee that these are overwhelmingly out of state companies looking for an Illinois sales tax nexus, not Chicago-area companies looking to avoid high local taxation. From a press release…
* This Springfield story also leaves out an important point…
This is the same bill I told you about last week…
To date, nobody else has picked up this rather ironic angle. * From the AP…
Are we gonna see stories every time Quinn uses his legal prerogative on patronage jobs? I mean, if that was the case, newspapers would’ve been doing nothing but this under pretty much all of his predecessors. In the grand scheme of things, Quinn’s patronage hires have not been all that egregious. A little perspective might be in order here. *** UPDATE *** I just talked to Steve Schnorf, the chairman of the Liquor Control Commission. This woman is not just a “secretary,” she has an official state position requiring a gubernatorial appointment. She’s the “board secretary” and her compensation is set by statute. Quinn sent over three names as a courtesy to the commission, which Schnorf said was “a first class” act on Quinn’s part. The amount left out of these stories is quite disturbing.
Some progress with Sears, but doubts remain
Wednesday, Aug 31, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Greg Hinz reports that a meeting yesterday between Sears CEO Lou D’Ambrosio and Senate President John Cullerton showed a bit of progress on attempts to keep the company’s corporate headquarters in Illinois…
* But there’s a problem in Cullerton’s caucus. Democratic state Sen. Mike Noland, who represents the area, is against that bill…
* Yet Rep. Fred Crespo remains optimistic…
* Meanwhile, I’m not sure if this is a totally fair comparison, but The Atlantic has a story today about 25 corporate CEOs who were paid more than their company paid in taxes. Some bigtime Illinois CEOs are listed as well…
Motorola Mobility received a ten-year, $100 million state subsidy this year. Boeing got some public incentives to move its headquarters to Chicago. Aon’s Greg Case and Motorola Solutions’ Greg Brown both sit on the Civic Committee of the Commercial Club of Chicago. The group has railed against the high cost of pensions for public employees. * Related…
Caption contest!
Wednesday, Aug 31, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller * Gov. Pat Quinn at the Farm Progress show… ![]() Winner can come to my house for some perfectly grilled sweet corn. And I know I don’t have to say this, but I will anyway: Keep it clean, people. Thanks. Nobody wants to get banned for life over a silly photo, right?
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
Wednesday, Aug 31, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller