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Question of the day - Golden Horseshoe Awards - Lobsters

Thursday, Dec 22, 2011 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Local Government Official - Chicago/Cook County goes to Cook County Board President Toni Preckwinkle. Commenter “No Nonsence” was right on the money….

She’s no-nonsense, hard-working and has done everything right so far as County Board Prez. She’s been out in front on decriminalization and lowering the jail population, and it took a lot to keep her promise to roll back the sales tax in this period of austerity. Couldn’t have a better leader at the helm of the County Board.

I think we’ve all been impressed by President Preckwinkle’s performance. Is a gubernatorial bid in her future? It’s not a bad idea.

* Runner-up is Mayor Rahm Emanuel

He has brought a real sense of reform to the city in the first time in, well, forever. He may not be perfect, he may not be polite, but he’s revolutionizing the mayor’s office.

His tenure speaks loudly for itself.

* The nominations for the Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Local Government Official - Collar Counties were all over the place. So, I choose Will County Executive Larry Walsh. Once again, commenter “bored now” points us in the right direction without the bother of capital letters..

electing a democrat to be the county executive in will county was difficult, and a whole lot of things had to come together to make that happen. but the fact is, his election was the easy part. will is, by all indicators, a swing county, both a hotbed of tea party supporters as well as growing minority communities, and one that has always had a strong labor presence. it also has unique rules and trying to hold together coalitions in light of all that has definitely meant that walsh has had his hand full. if he wasn’t so wedded to his community, i’d bet he had wished a thousand times that he never left springfield. but he’s will county’s greatest promoter. another remarkable political talent (btw, i don’t consider walsh a reformer but his political talent can’t be ignored).

Personally, I love me some Larry, but don’t tell him or he’ll get a big head.

* Runner-up is DuPage County Board Chairman Dan Cronin

In two short years he has reduced headcount and spending and has begun the discussion and process of consolidating services by closing DuPage’s Juvenile Detention Facility. He also appears to have more consolidation on his agenda. They also reformed their employee benefits, cutting long-term cost in a sensible manner.

* The Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Local Government Official - Downstate was a no-brainer. Champaign County Clerk Gordy Hulten

He was criticized as being a “party hack” but has proven himself to be an effective, strong, non-partisan leader. He has cut his budget in a time when the county is simply broke, and has brought a new level of technological advancement

Gordy is a former political blogger, so I have always had a soft spot in my heart for him. He got the most votes, but, if truth be told, I would’ve picked him anyway.

* Runner-up goes to Savanna Police Chief Michael Moon. I have never heard of this guy, but this is one wild nomination…

My vote goes to Chief Michael Moon of the Savanna, IL Police Department on the basis that when I had to go out there to do some business for a client, he made sure I didn’t get killed in the process. “Made sure I don’t get killed” is about the highest compliment I can give any official. Chief Moon, my wife and kids thank you and your department.

Um, OK. I lived in Savanna for a while and never felt in danger, but maybe times have changed.

…Adding… I’m told that the Savanna incident in question is described here.

* On to today’s nominations. This is the last and final round…

* Best Contract Lobbyist

* Best In-House Lobbyist

* Best “Do-Gooder” Lobbyist

* The Mike McClain Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Statehouse “Insider”

Do your very best to nominate in all categories, please. And, as always, make sure to fully explain your nominations. Have fun and choose wisely.


  1. - Shore - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 2:42 am:

    preckwinkle would be 69 if she ran and won in 2014 at the end of her first term. that’s a long ways from here.

  2. - Rail Monkey - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 7:44 am:

    Contract: There is a lot of talent in this category but Tom Walsh played hurt all session and that has to count for something. Bo Jackson caliber performance should win him the horseshoe.

    In-House: Jim Covington, ISBA. Always testifies knowledgeably on complicated bills and is a trusted resource for staff and members.

    Do-Gooder: Mark Walsh, ICHV. Another guy who knows the s-word out of his issue. Plus the gardening/farmers market/tattoo thing ups his D-G cred.

    Insider: Al Ronan. He knows everybody. If I needed to hire someone to lobby the grim reaper to let me live, he’d be the guy.

  3. - Chicagobound - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 7:55 am:

    Tom Cullen- great insight,nice guy, gets things done
    Bob Barry from At&t knows telecom issues and knows the players
    Best do gooder is Kathy Drea She fights hard for anti tobacco causes
    Best insider has to go to Carter Hendren. If you want to know what’s going on with the republicans, turn to Carter.

  4. - McTaggart - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 8:46 am:

    Contract Lobbyist: Ed Peck. The guy is a grinder, he works complete roll calls for both sides of the aisle and doesn’t cut corners. He knows the issues and his clients are never surprised by a vote.

    In-House: Todd Maisch. Keeps the chamber grounded to its principles and is willing to push back against other biz lobbyists to get the best legislation available. Maisch kept the chamber neutral on the work comp bill against a hail of criticism from other biz groups, but he was proven right as comp rates continue to rise.

    Best Insider: David Dring. while his dress has toned down incredibly since his days as Cross’ flashy spokesman and he’s traded his Don Johnson (circa Miami Vice) style dress for a Mad Men approach, his friendliness has stayed consistent. He knows everyone on both sides of the aisle and is the token GOP in the most connected lobby firm in the capitol. In addition, he still has a lot of press relationships from his days of yore.

  5. - Lincoln's Penny - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 8:53 am:

    Best Contract Lobbyist - Neil Flynn. Who says nice guys finish last? This guy is smart, detailed, and dedicated.

    * Best In-House Lobbyist - John Hooker. SB1652. Enough said.

    * Best “Do-Gooder” Lobbyist - Mike Kreloff. He’s a knowledgeable guy who lobbies for some great causes (most by the way are anything but easy issues).

    * The Mike McClain Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Statehouse “Insider” - Mike McClain. Havent had a lot of business with him but his reputation proceeds him.

  6. - CentralIL Labor - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 9:02 am:

    Contract Lobbyist- Liz Brown- She was finally able to pull Tenaska across the finish line in the Senate.
    In House- Jason Keller with the AFL-CIO does a great job.
    Best Insider- Bill Filan- loved by all and always knows the truth

  7. - Give Me A Break - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 9:20 am:

    Contract Lobster: Cullen is a great choice, he knows who to get to when something needs done and his does not let his clients turn every issue into a circus.

    In-House Lobster: Sorry Tod but have to go with Kim (his better half). She is great to work with and even when you don’t agree with her you find yourself understanding where she is coming from.

    Do Good Lobster: Phil Milsk, there has not been a piece of disability related legislation move in the last 20 years that Phil has not played a part in. He is willing to compromise when need be and understands that not every issue can be fixed by tossing dollars at it. And, he has a good relationship with the DHS legislative folks who are key to his getting things done.

  8. - Long Shot - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 9:33 am:

    Do-Gooder: Dan Johnson-Weinberger. Always fights the good fight and is just a really swell guy.

    In-House: Derek Blaida, Cook County’s lobbyist. After carrying water for Stroger he finally gets to work on bills he cares about, and is probably one of the funniest, most genuine people you’ll ever meet. He really deserves some recognition.

  9. - walkinfool - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 9:56 am:

    I have in-house and contract confused, but here are the three best:

    Dave Sullivan, for pure effectiveness and knowledge of how everyone thinks.

    Nick Yelverton: for responsiveness, and being the most credible source on pensions.

    Terry Steckzo: fights for the underdog, while being entirely practical.

  10. - Jonathan Goldman - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 10:05 am:

    Thanks again to everyone who nominated me last year for best do-gooder!

    While two in a row would be great, I’m nominating Jeremy Schroeder as best do-gooder this year. The passage of the death penalty repeal was one of those once in a generation victories that had been worked on for a long time.

  11. - TooLate - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 10:09 am:

    Insider- Hands down Dave Sullivan! He’s a top notch lobbyist! Great knowlegde on every issue he deals with and can work both sides of the aisle to get things done! Throws an AWESOME Party!

    In-House Lobbyist-Scott Humbard a good choice! There is a reason he goes back and forth between Com-ed and Excelon they want the best in the spot when it counts!

    Do-gooder-Bill Filan always kind! “How are you my Friend”!

    Contract Lobbyist- Carter Hendren definately knows the movers and shakers but I’m sure willing to tell his clients when they are totally off base on an issue!

  12. - AdidasBoy - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 10:19 am:

    Best Contract Lobbyist - Neil Flynn. The most honest and nicest guy in the Capitol. He is squeaky clean and yet spends all day, every day down in the trenches. Even with all of his insider connections, he doesn’t skip or miss a step. The man hustles and works just as hard as a roookie. He’s not above talking to the lowest level staffer even though he has the clout to go straight to the top. A class act.

    Best In-House Lobbyist — Scott Humbard. What he accomplished this past year for his employer both in passing Smart Grid and in continually defeating Tenaska was brilliant. The man hustles.

    Best “Do-Gooder” — Barry Matchet, Environmental Law and Policy Center — Finally, for the last couple of years, the Environmental Lobby has a presence that was capable and willing to work a deal. Barry is skilled and sensible.

  13. - ORDtraveler - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 10:25 am:

    Best In-House Lobbyist: Randy Hannig, Equality Illinois

  14. - Some Dude - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 10:29 am:

    Contract- Ed Peck. He never stops working. He can sell anyone on just about anything. Just this past Saturday he convinced one of the nicest, smartest and prettiest in-house lobbyists on the rail to marry him. That proves he can work miracles.

    In House- Jason Keller. He doesn’t get caught up in the partisan or union vs business rhetoric. He just gets work done. He’s always a friendly face at the rail and a great source of insight. He’s one of the true gentlemen of the process.

    Do Gooder- Bruce Simon. The work he does with hospitals to provide healthcare oportunities for the less fortunate is amazing. He is a quiet force for good. This award, while nice, could only begin to recognize the good that Bruce has done. He really deserves a knighthood or sainthood or at the very least Kenny Williams job.

    Insider- Everywhere I look I see Rob Karr. He’s sneakey and he’s always right there in the middle of every big issue. He’s not flashy but it’s a huge mistake to underestimeate him. If you don’t see Rob in the room then you know you’re not playing with the big boys.

  15. - SangamoGOP - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 10:29 am:

    Contract: Tom Cullen-his pedigree doesn’t get in his way from being friendly and fair to everyone he comes across

    In-House: Bobby Myers-he knows what his members want out of the GA and he goes after everyday. Plus, The Tro doesn’t hurt

    Do-Gooder: Not sure if there is a definition here but representing municipalities in the austerity era can’t be easy but Michelle Kelm fights for her mayors and other public bodies in the face of overwhelming odds and often in spite of themselves.

    Insider: Bill Luking passes the big ticket items that everyone is haggling over but more importantly passes legislation that nobody even knows about until it is signed, sealed and delivered.

  16. - dave - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 10:39 am:

    Do-gooder: Jeremy Schreoder absolutely deserves this one. His work around abolishing the death penalty was unmatched. He rebuilt ICADP into an organization that could effectively I lobby and move one of the more controversial issues in the building.

    Sean Noble gets a very strong honorable mention for his long-time advocacy for EITC expansion. He is no longer at Voices, but definitely deserves credit for the long buildup towards making the increase happen.

    Insider: Mike Thompson- takes on a large variety of issues effectively. He work on Sears was very well done (despite my distaste for the bill) especially considering the hype around the bill.

    In-house: Scott Musser at AARP. While he ultimately lost the ComEd fight, his work was excellent, and played a very large role in making that bill very difficult to pass. If it were not for Quinn’s bumbling on it, that bill may have been able to be killed, in large part because of Scott’s work.

  17. - Obamas Puppy - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 10:42 am:

    Contract: john nicolay connections all over the place and he lobbies for the cubs good enough for me
    In house: dave gross for the past year at siu, he worked for poshard and kept glenns foot out of his mouth
    Insider: luking he has forgotten more than I will ever know
    Do Gooder: Coleen Daley of ICHGV anyone that has to deal with Todd always gets my vote

  18. - Randy Hannig - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 10:52 am:

    Contract: Has to be the guy who took a chance on me and is just a good guy all around — Mike Thomson (no ‘p’ there).

    In House: Mary Dixon of ACLU … she knows her stuff

    Do-Gooder: Are there any?

    Insider: Dave Sullivan, hands down.

  19. - Bernard Cherkasov - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 10:58 am:

    Best in-house lobbyist: Randy Hannig, Equality Illinois. Randy’s knowledge of state government and his relationships with key actors on both sides of the aisle makes him very successful. When we’re in Springfield, I can’t walk two feet in the State House without someone stopping Randy to say hello.

  20. - walkinfool - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 11:05 am:

    Sorry, these categories stymie me:

    Do Gooder: Mary Dixon. Not only helps ACLU causes, but chidren’s services, seniors, mental health services, whenever she can lend a quick hand. Insistent, but always kind and courteous.

  21. - Feedup - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 11:17 am:

    Insider- Dave Sullivan! Not only in with the big dogs but always kind to staff on all sides!

    contract- Neil Flynn another one who is kind to everyone why gettin it done!

  22. - Logic not emotion - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 11:21 am:

    Like walkinfool, I’m not sure on all the categories. On the Do Gooder one, a number of deserving individuals jump to mind; but I’m going with Todd Vandermyde of the NRA. Although not yet successful, his efforts to better enable Illinois citizens to protect themselves from harm are important and appreciated.

  23. - CapBeat - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 11:28 am:

    In house- Mark Denzler IMA I think he is the best in the business.

    Insider- Dave Vite has the place wired

    Contract- Ed Peck workhorse and if you have any questions just look at his list of clients!

  24. - Girls Club - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 11:30 am:

    Contract- Ed Peck- He dedicates himself to his clients 24-7, 365. He takes pride in having a handful of clients instead of a long list, like many other contract lobbyists- because he really wants to provide a higher level of care and hard work. That is commendable.

    In House- Rob Karr- IRMA should be very thankful for having a work horse like Rob Karr. Not only is he kind and thoughtful- which goes a long way in the Statehouse- he can outwork anyone on any issue at any given time. He is literally the first lobbyist at the Capitol and last one to leave.

    Do Gooder- Colleen Daley- She took over a new job with a new set of issues but has become a true advocate against handguns. And lets face it- working against Todd V everyday can’t be easy. she gets my vote.

    Insider- Mark Denzler. They don’t call him “Dirty” for nothing. I really think he can hear through walls because this guy knows it all, when it comes to what’s coming down the pipe. But I know it’s not his keen sense of hearing- Mark has gained the trust and respect from many of the top dogs at the Cap and gets information before most.

  25. - SportShoz - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 11:43 am:

    * Best Contract Lobbyist - Anyone not representing ComEd, or wait. Seriously, though I’m joining others in nominating Neil Flynn. He’s very good and one of the nicest people under the Dome.

    * Best In-House Lobbyist - Barry Matchett from ELPC. Barry was very busy this session on utility and environmental issues, but always looked at the big picture over the quick “win” unlike some other groups.

    * Best “Do-Gooder” Lobbyist - William McNary from Citizen Action is very well-respected, knowledgable and a great rally speaker too. He’s a great champion of the public good.

    * The Mike McClain Golden Horseshoe Award for Best Statehouse “Insider” - I’m going with Randy Witter, knows about everything and everyone and is still down-to-earth and very friendly

  26. - SPIpolitico - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 11:43 am:

    Best In-House: Randy Hannig, Equality Illinois…no reservations about saying that during his six months there he has been dedicated to LGBT rights. Having known Randy since high school he took this stance at a time back then at a young age when it was not as easy or accepted. He did the right thing at the right time and continues to do so.

    Best Contract: Mike Thomson…hard worker and while I may not agree with all of the issues he represents, he is fair and effective. He is also willing to extend a helping hand when he can professionally and personally.

    Best Do-Gooder: Mary Dixon…ACLU, works diligently to help not only her cause, but also speak on behalf of many of those citizens who are the most vulnerable and not heard from…children, seniors, mentally disabled…

  27. - A Lincoln2 - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 12:01 pm:

    Contract Lobbyist - Agree with all the Neil Flynn nominations. He is one of the kindest, hardest working and most decent person I know. I had my high school son down for a few days to be a page, and wanted to make sure my son met Neil so that he could be assured that there are good guys in this process. Neil represents the way the process is supposed to work.

  28. - Talk - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 12:02 pm:

    The best contract lobbyist I’ve seen working is Cullen. He uses his political background to make the tough possible.

    The best inside guy has to be Karr. He spends more time in front of the House Chamber than the doorman.

    Best do gooder has to be Anita Badell. She fights the good fit always out numbered 20-1.

    Hello my friend Filan is the best insider. He knows the players and how to get to the players.

  29. - Rail Monkey - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 12:04 pm:

    Anita Badell at 20-1? I’ll take that bet. Oh, wait. She won’t let me.

  30. - Feedup - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 12:09 pm:

    Insider- Dave Sullivan! He’s all about things being equal and everyone having a “partner” need I say more!

  31. - Watching - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 12:10 pm:

    Inside: Scott Humbard…he has fought the Tenaska fight very well.
    Contract: Dave Sullivan…always key to big issues, bi-partisan and throws the best party
    Do Gooder…Bob Gilligan, very tough job
    Insider…Bill Filan, friendly and effective

  32. - Visionary - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 12:47 pm:

    Todd Vandermyde of the NRA is focused, well informed, and believes the Second Amendment is fundamental. He is a tireless advocate of the right to keep and bear arms in Illinois.

  33. - Rich Miller - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 12:49 pm:

    OK, but what category are you nominating him for?

  34. - Visionary - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 1:04 pm:

    Best Contract Lobbyist

  35. - CicularFiringSquad - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 1:05 pm:

    Lobbo (contract) Liz Brown….high energy produces results and saves others’ butts

    Lobbo (in) Gotta go to John Hooker. …the electro cooker

    DoGooder: how about Bill Vela zquez….CHA pays but he is into foreclosure and social justice too

    McClain Cup….only choice….Mike Kasper…if we gave the reason…and you read it….we would have to vice you

  36. - UtilityLib - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 1:13 pm:

    Liz Brown for best contract. Representing labor at the capitol with the strong business lobbyists - she’s able to hold her own.

    Kathy Drea for best do-gooder. Hard worker!

    Scott Humbard for best in-house. It’s been good watching he and Liz fight it out for the past year on Tenaska.

  37. - reformer - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 1:42 pm:

    Contract: Todd, one of the most formidable railbirds who frustrated Harry Osterman & Mayor Daley for years on gun issues.
    Do Gooder: Dan Johnson-Weinberger. Combines passion with being personable. Knows the legislators and his issues.
    In house: Neil Flynn, gives lobbyists a good repuation.
    Insider: Al “the Pal” Ronan. In a class by himself the way he knows the system, the players and what strategy will work.

  38. - for what its worth - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 1:54 pm:

    Contract - Neil Flynn: Nice guy, hard worker and always responsive - makes lobbyists look like good guys.
    In House - Nick Yelverton: Who doesn’t love this guy? Works his tail off for the IFT, and their members. And even on the worst of days he still has a smile on his face.
    Do gooder - Colleen Daley: I am with the previous commenter - anyone that has to deal with Todd has my vote. Plus she has done a great job in a short period of time.
    Insider - Filan: my friend has my vote

  39. - cunning linguist - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 2:46 pm:

    In House: Todd Vandermdye although he could fall under contract he really is in house lobbyist for NRA. Continually defeated Daley when few could.

    Insider: Mike Kasper, even stronger now that we have Mayor Emanuel.

    Do Gooder: Kathy Drea, a tireless advocate for anti tobacco causes

  40. - staffer - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 3:25 pm:

    Contract-Carter Hendren knows even the dark back hallways in the Capitol

    Do-gooder Todd Vandermdye always working hard for the rights all citizens

    Insider- Dave Sullivan he goes above and beyond to be nice to staff! He knows they are the ones that really get things done!

  41. - So Far So Good - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 3:29 pm:

    Best Contract-Mike Thomson. Takes on big issues and is an impressively hard worker.

    Best Do-Gooder-Kathy Drea. Has built an impressive record working against people with a lot of money and political muscle to promote public health for everyone.

    Best Insider-Bill Luking. Always seems to have just the answers you’re looking for.

  42. - Opinion of Former Minion - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 3:34 pm:

    Insider: Mike Kasper (if you need to know why, then you’re not an insider yourself): Do Gooder: Jeremy Schroeder (anyone who can manage to get the death penalty abolished in IL definately deserves the nod here); In House: Bob Meyers, Beer Dist. (just an all around super guy, cheers); Contract: I’m voting for two here, Greg & Cecelia with C & G Consulting (hard working, bi-partisan dynamic duo, who are the go to team for all things health care)

  43. - Benny - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 4:09 pm:

    I’ll have to echo Todd V. in the do-gooder catagory, for obvious reasons.

  44. - Suburbanelected - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 4:17 pm:

    Always on the move and working contract person is Liz Brown- She’s one to watch

    In house- Bobbie Meyers delivered for his employer last session

    Do gooder– Barry Matchett at ELPC. This guy should run for leected office

    Insider gotta give it to Ronan.. this guys is still kicking butt and taking names

  45. - Fantasma - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 4:19 pm:

    Contract: I echo the minion, Greg and Cecilia are a great duo. Their budget knowledge is second to none and they have taken up some pretty large substantive bill negotiations over the past couple of years.

    In House: Bobby Myers. He is a real stand up guy. He actually took my husband out to show him the ropes when he first started lobbying, and told him about the pitfalls to avoid.

    In-sider: Mike Mcclain. The guy has the Speaker’s ear, and that’s not an easy feat.

    Do-Gooder/In-house: Sessy Nyman. Sessy does a fantatstic job at advancing legislation for an organization without “political” muscle.

  46. - menard - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 4:23 pm:

    What we need these days are upstanding, honest, respectful, kind etc. lobbyists #1 guy Dave Sullivan!!

  47. - Tough Guy - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 4:37 pm:

    Conttract: Loretta Durbin-Personable, friendly and straight shooter; Could have been best “Do-Gooder” but that goes to Kathy Drea, hardworker and true believer in her cause.

    Insider-Mike Kasper, been around along time and knows the game

    In-House-Dave Gross-done a great job with SIU and is very capable for the big job ahead of him

  48. - Champaign - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 5:11 pm:

    Best do-gooder goes to Barry Matchett at ELPC. I have yet to hear him lose an argument and all other enviros look to him for advice. I don’t know enough in the other categories to nominate.

  49. - 1776 - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 5:17 pm:

    Contract: Neil Flynn is an assassin. He hits his target every time and is one of the nicest guys around. Downfall is his love of the Redbirds!

    In-house: I echo Rob Karr. He know everything and is always in the mix. Unlike the Chamber and others that have to blow their own horn, Rob and IRMA are the ones actually doing the work.

    Insider: No brainer - Dave Vite. He is one speed dial with the Governor and all four leaders. If they really wanted a budget deal they would lock Vite in a room with Quinn, Madigan, Cullerton, Cross, and Radogno and let the Italian Stallion work his magic.

  50. - Mary Sunshine - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 5:21 pm:

    Best contract lobbyist: Jim Morphew; he is incredibly hard working, honest, pragmatic and well-respected. Unlike a lot of his counterparts, he is actually working the rail and talking to members every day. This makes him extremely effective even for clients who otherwise would be rolled in Springfield.
    Best in-house lobbyist: Stephanie Vojas (sp?) for the Trial Lawyers - though young and probably underestimated, she is super smart and savvy. She has a friendly and open personality - the perfect balance for intensity of Jim Collins. Together they make a formidable team.
    Best do-gooder: Newcomer Ramon Gardenhire of the AIDS foundation. Responsible and diligent, Ramon is not afraid of a challenge and doesn’t give up a fight.
    Best insider: Obviously McClain. Can I still nominate him? I’d also like to nominate Luking for something, but feel like he needs his own category. How about “The smartest person in the state of Illinois who knows and can recall every detail of every single thing that ever happened in Illinois state government. Ever”?

  51. - Logic not emotion - Thursday, Dec 22, 11 @ 5:29 pm:

    Just another reason to support Todd Vandemyde’s nomination. He is one of the few lobbyists that I’ve noted actually posting in support of his causes here on CapitolFax using his real name.

  52. - Outzider - Friday, Dec 23, 11 @ 12:15 am:

    Contact: Victor Reyes. Simply put he gets it done. Consistently.

    In House: Bobby Myers. Anheuser Busch bought every lobbyist in Springfield this year and he still won. Not many in-house guys can say that.

    Best do Gooder - Don’t know any

    Insider - got to go with Mike McClain again this year. Anyone who has dinner with Madigan nightly has got to be a contender for this category.

  53. - Quinn T. Sential - Friday, Dec 23, 11 @ 12:20 am:

    Who is the lobbyist for the ISBE?

    They apparently won the “Race to the Top”
    Seven states won a share of $200 million in federal “Race to the Top” money to improve K-12 education programs, the Education Department announced Thursday.

    The winners are Arizona, $25.1 million; Colorado, $17.9 million; Illinois, $42.8 million; Kentucky, $17 million; Louisiana, $17.5 million; Pennsylvania, $41.3 million; and New Jersey, $37.9 million.

  54. - clowningaround - Friday, Dec 23, 11 @ 12:26 am:

    Insider: Mike Kasper especially with the new mayor. Do Gooder: Jeremy Schroeder in house: Bob Myers- one of the hardest working guys I know.

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