Caption contest!
Tuesday, Jan 17, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * Seems a little slow today. Must be the post-holiday blahs combined with the weird weather. Maybe this will help. From Gov. Pat Quinn’s Twitter feed…
And the pic… ![]() I studied the full-size version for several minutes and never did figure out what the purple thing is in that bearded dude’s hand. …Adding… The governor’s press office has informed me that the item in question is a WIU Leatherneck purple tie. PQ loves purple ties, but his tend to be in Northwestern’s colors.
- WIU - Tuesday, Jan 17, 12 @ 10:47 am:
Perhaps a WIU Leatherneck, which is the college’s mascot.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 17, 12 @ 10:58 am:
Quinn prepares to sing “YMCA” at karaoke.
- Willie the Wildcat - Tuesday, Jan 17, 12 @ 10:58 am:
Go Cats Rawr!
- Give Me A Break - Tuesday, Jan 17, 12 @ 11:03 am:
I’m telling you Gov, this IS the low bidder’s product.
- MeAgain - Tuesday, Jan 17, 12 @ 11:08 am:
LSU fan tries to trick Quinn into wearing yellow and purple…and he fell for it!
- MeAgain - Tuesday, Jan 17, 12 @ 11:12 am:
Bearded Dude tries to win a bet with Madigan that he could get Quinn to put a hard hat on and hold a hammer and yell “Go Boilermakers!
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 17, 12 @ 11:13 am:
“Pat the Governor, can we fix it, Pat the Governor, Yes We Can!”
“Governor, the ‘hard hat’ may be a bit small, but this purple jumpsuit is worse.”
“Nothing says ‘blue collar’ than an ill-fitting hard hat and parting gift.”
“While visiting the ‘Pottery 301′ class at WIU - Quad Cities, each studnet signed a hard hat for Governor Quinn and the students made for the Governor a beautiful NU ashtray as a gift.”
“Governor, with all due respect, and I mean All Due Respect … a purple pile of ribbons is NOT a “Major Award”, no matter if you wear a plastic hard hat or not.”
“Well, I will say this for you Governor, you can’t make anything, but you got the right color.”
“You’re really giving this to me Governor … a ripped apart Barney doll …”
“Pat Quinn tunrs in his final project and finally gets his Masters in Paper Mache (MPM) from WIU-QC, although the Dean thinks it was store-bought.”
“You Know Governor, SIU Edwardsville got a ceramic lamp from you … this ain’t no ceramic lamp.”
“You want me to GRADE this?”
“The mini hard hat says you DID the work, the squeaky clean hands say … “
- Esquire - Tuesday, Jan 17, 12 @ 11:13 am:
My old friend, slugger Dick Allen of the White Sox, told me that it never hurts to play it safe, so never go anywhere without a helmet on your head. You never know when the cheering crowds can turn hostile and start throwing pop bottles and other projectiles. Last time I was in DuQoin, am I boring you? Well, to make a long story short, as I was saying. Did I mention Dick Allen? He used to play for the Sox. He advised me to . . .
- Bluefish - Tuesday, Jan 17, 12 @ 11:17 am:
No thanks. THAT tie clashes with my hard hat.
- Aldyth - Tuesday, Jan 17, 12 @ 11:23 am:
I have to do WHAT to solve the pension problem?
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 17, 12 @ 11:25 am:
The “Mini” Hard Hat - “Hmm, difficult. VERY difficult. Plenty of courage, I see. Not a bad mind, either. There’s talent, oh yes. And a thirst to prove yourself. But where to put you?
PQ - “Not Secretary of State … Not SOS”
“Mini” Hard Hat - “Not Secretary of State, eh? Are you sure? You could be great, you know. It’s all here in your head. And SOS will help you on the way to greatness, there’s no doubt about that. No?”
PQ - “Not SOS, anything but Secretary of State”
“Mini” Had Hat - “Well if you’re sure, better be… GOVERNOR!”
- Way Way Down Here - Tuesday, Jan 17, 12 @ 11:31 am:
I don’t care if it did seem to fall from the sky next to your car. It’s not a piece of the Russian Mars probe—and you can take off the hat now too.
- Boone Logan Square - Tuesday, Jan 17, 12 @ 11:37 am:
“This magnificent bituminous clean coal from the great state of Illinois is not only clean, but purple!”
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jan 17, 12 @ 11:42 am:
“Governor, you toured our QC campus. You saw how bad the facilites are. You got so nervous, you took a hard hat from an 11 year old girl, ironically named ‘Patty’. You do all of this, and still there is no money for upgrading our facilities.
Governor Quinn, on behalf of this campus, I give you this. It’s from our Ag Department. It is shellacked and painted purple. Yes, it came from a cow, and yes it’s in it’s natural state.”
- Highland, IL - Tuesday, Jan 17, 12 @ 11:47 am:
I ate one of those on my China trip. Tasted like chicken.
- Amuzing Myself - Tuesday, Jan 17, 12 @ 12:02 pm:
“Reduce, reuse, recycle! It works as an approach to governing and talking points, too, kids!”
- amalia - Tuesday, Jan 17, 12 @ 12:05 pm:
Western, no, it’s Northwestern!
- tommydanger - Tuesday, Jan 17, 12 @ 12:19 pm:
The Governor blushed and politely declined the purple nosegay.
- Homer J. Simpson - Tuesday, Jan 17, 12 @ 12:40 pm:
“Governor, please accept this bottle of Crown Royal in exchange for state monies.”
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Jan 17, 12 @ 12:53 pm:
Confronted with the evidence, Gov. Quinn admits he did not pick up after his dog.
- Cincinnatus - Tuesday, Jan 17, 12 @ 1:00 pm:
Governor Quinn provides the state-madated protection for the inside of hard hats.
- Stuff happens - Tuesday, Jan 17, 12 @ 1:14 pm:
‘No, you keep it. Those things always get me into trouble.’
- Stones - Tuesday, Jan 17, 12 @ 1:26 pm:
PQ: Pursuant to the my the gift ban act I am unable to accept your generous gift of a tie. Besides, it would clash with my Tonka helmet”
- MeAgain - Tuesday, Jan 17, 12 @ 1:55 pm:
“Ladies and Gentlemen..Michael Dukakis!”
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 17, 12 @ 2:02 pm:
Governor: “No thanks, I’ve already lost my lunch.”
- OneMan - Tuesday, Jan 17, 12 @ 2:03 pm:
Ironically it turns out even though he appeared to be taking safety too far, Governor Quinn was the only one who agreed that balding men should wear hardhats indoors to prevent glare.
- Dirty Red - Tuesday, Jan 17, 12 @ 3:18 pm:
How sturdy is that building if he has to wear a helmet inside of it?
- 3rd Generation Chicago - Tuesday, Jan 17, 12 @ 4:41 pm:
It’s purple earmuffs to go with the gold helmet! Now you can wear the WIU colors purple and Gold!
I am an alum of WIU, their colors are purple and gold
- Esquire - Tuesday, Jan 17, 12 @ 4:45 pm:
Look kids! It’s Pat Quinn dressed up like Bob the Builder!
- zatoichi - Tuesday, Jan 17, 12 @ 4:51 pm:
What?…where did you find that?
- dumb ol' country boy - Tuesday, Jan 17, 12 @ 5:37 pm:
Every since I was laid out on the football field and given a concussion, and they ref was yelling at me to get up, yeah every since that happend, My mom makes me wear this silly yellow hard hat.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Jan 17, 12 @ 9:44 pm:
Aw….That’s kind of cute, country boy!