Congressman John Shimkus visits Sen. Mark Kirk
Wednesday, Mar 14, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Congressman Shimkus went to see Sen. Kirk Sunday night and filed this report…
Family and close friends have pitched in to support him, and he was surrounded by “get well” notes from Illinois and around the world. I added to the collection with a card recently signed at the Clark County Republican Lincoln Day dinner and another from wounded warriors, organized by Bert Caswell, who is a red-coat tour guide at the United States Capitol.
Mark was sitting up with a smile on his face. His short hair reminded me of Sgt. Carter from the TV show Gomer Pyle, USMC. […]
I told him I was reading the book “Lone Survivor.” As a graduate of the Army’s Ranger school, I could not believe what the Navy Seal school put these students through. I reflected on my 52 day experience. Surely it was not that bad. Mark talked about a weapons qualification test he took led by a Navy Seal. He griped about the ungodly amount of rounds he had to send downrange over a two day period.
But he said that nothing he has done has been as difficult as this road to recovery. Every day, Mark pushes himself through tough physical therapy sessions, on a treadmill and walking the hallways. Some days are better than others but his progress is consistent, and he knows we are cheering him on.
Mentally he is sharp. I believe he could cast knowledgeable votes today. But he is in a critical time to continue to focus on improvement and strengthening his body and soul for the important work he looks forward to resuming.
We did talk about faith and he pointed again to the window ledge where his Bible sits. He mentioned the daily visit of the rehab center chaplain and time spent in prayer. How quickly I and many others have dropped Mark off our prayer lists. I would ask that we all continue to pray for his speedy recovery.
Best of luck, Senator. Come home soon.
- Ryan from Carrollton - Wednesday, Mar 14, 12 @ 10:15 am:
Glad to hear Kirk is going good. As tough as the SEAL training is in that book, the mission put Luttrel through much more.
- Stones - Wednesday, Mar 14, 12 @ 10:21 am:
Concur. Wishing the best for a quick and full recovery.
- Louie - Wednesday, Mar 14, 12 @ 10:47 am:
Best wishes for Senator Kirk for good recovery.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 14, 12 @ 11:01 am:
One of the toughest, honest and most determined person I have ever met in politics. My favorite type! Always a good guy, Mark, get better and hope to see back at work shortly!
- Louis G. Atsaves - Wednesday, Mar 14, 12 @ 11:03 am:
Mark, get well soon! We all miss you! Soon I’ll run into you again pumping your own gas and checking your own tires at the local Mobil station!
- Wensicia - Wednesday, Mar 14, 12 @ 11:37 am:
This is really good news!
- Responsa - Wednesday, Mar 14, 12 @ 2:48 pm:
I’ve been meaning to send a get well card and note to Sen. Mark Kirk at the Rehab Institute. Thanks for reminding me and for posting the update on his progress, Rich.
- Southern Illinois Voter - Wednesday, Mar 14, 12 @ 5:50 pm:
People in Southern IL still ask me how Sen. Kirk is doing. We are still praying for his recovery. I think Sen. Kirk will do better than the doctors expect. Just want to add that I think it was really classy that Israel’s prime minister wished Sen. Kirk well.
- amalia - Wednesday, Mar 14, 12 @ 10:03 pm:
Sen. Kirk: glad to hear that you are putting the folks at the Rehab Center through their paces as you hit the treadmill and walk around the hallways. thinking of you often and with good wishes.