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Rod Blagojevich’s pre-prison statement

Wednesday, Mar 14, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* You can watch the former governor by clicking here.

* He still can’t admit that he did wrong. He still says he believes he “always” did right by the people. Such bunk.

* This is turning into yet another campaign speech. He’s talking about all of his alleged accomplishments in office. All Kids, free rides for seniors, no income tax increase.

* I can’t help but wonder if those people chanting “Free our governor!” were paid to be there.

* Dismisses his crimes as mere “political horse trading.”

* “I’ve been putting off the thought of what that’s going to be like,” he said about his future prison life. Typical Blagojevichian denial.

* OK, that was weird. Somebody tried to drape Rod and Patti in an American flag. “Please take that thing off,” Patti said.

* It’s very difficult to admit this because I don’t consider myself a hard, or unfeeling man. But I found myself actually sneering while Blagojevich’s voice started to crack as he talked about his family.

* “The truth ultimately will prevail,” he said, saying he was confident in his appeals. He was also confident he would be exonerated.

* OK, that’s all I can take. If you want to watch the follow-up interviews, feel free to comment about them below. My stomach turned and I need to walk away from this for the rest of the night.


OK, Tom, stop begging

Wednesday, Mar 14, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tom Bowen over at the mayor’s campaign listened to some new radio ads I posted in the subscriber section this afternoon and has now taken it upon himself to persuade me to release the spots to the Interwebtubes public. I like Tom, always have. And I just hate to see him look so silly on Twitter, so I am relenting.

These radio ads were produced by former state Sen. Rickey Hendon for state Sen. Annazette Collins (D-Chicago) and Napoleon Harris (D-Flossmoor) in their respective Senate primaries. Hendon’s black radio spots are legendary.

First up, the Collins spot…

Now one for Harris…

You’re welcome, Tom.


Stir it up

Wednesday, Mar 14, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As we’ve discussed more than once before, there is a longtime gentleman’s agreement here in Illinois not to challenge rival presidential primary nominating petitions. The presidential primary has never meant anything here anyway, so there was no sense in making unnecessary intraparty enemies over something as silly as meaningless delegate filings.

But now that Rick Santorum won two southern states yesterday (even though Romney came out ahead in the day’s delegate count), all eyes are turning to Illinois. Nate Silver’s projection

* It’s not about who wins the beauty contest, it’s about who wins the delegates. Back in January, Mitt Romney’s campaign decided to challenge everybody else’s petition signatures. This was the explanation that Treasurer Dan Rutherford supplied for challenging Santorum’s petitions when the other campaigns complained

The Senator Santorum campaign in Illinois filed slates in 14 of the 18 Districts. Of the 14, only 4 had 600 signatures. No objection was filed for any District that had the required 600. One District had only 614 signatures and no attempt was made to vet signatures to bump them to be below the 600. There will be candidates for Delegate/Alternate for Senator Santorum on the ballot.

Rutherford decided that discretion might be the better part of valor, and since he is a statewide official who wants to keep the peace with his party’s various factions, especially if he runs for governor in 2014, Rutheford negotiated a truce

Leadership from the Romney campaign (Dan Rutherford), Gingrich campaign (Bruce Hansen and Nick Provenzano), Paul campaign (Chris Younce) and Santorum campaign (Al Salvi and Jon Zahm) have agreed today to withdraw all petition challenges in Illinois against one another’s statewide and delegate petitions.

* Flash-forward to now, when Romney’s campaign is struggling for every possible delegate. Treasurer Rutherford and Illinois Republican Party Chairman Pat Brady explained that January decision this way to the Daily Herald

“That’s when I visited with the Boston folks (Romney’s national campaign), and we said, ‘OK, let it be,’” Rutherford said.

Jon Zahm, Santorum’s Illinois director, also had filed a challenge against Romney, on the basis that his statement of candidacy was notarized in Massachusetts, not Illinois, as well as challenges to former House Speaker Newt Gingrich of Georgia and Texas Rep. Ron Paul.

But soon after, Zahm said, Illinois campaign leaders began talking.

They agreed to a “mutual nonaggression pact,” Illinois GOP Chairman Pat Brady said.

“I don’t think it benefits the party as a whole if people are whacking each other off the ballot,” Brady, of St. Charles, said. “We don’t want to fight with Republicans.”

* But Buzzfeed is trying to make some hay out of this, and in doing so ignored all historical (recent and otherwise) perspectives

The decision produced a quiet storm of outrage among Romney’s allies in the state, who were bewildered by the decision to make a slam-dunk race competitive, and to grant an opening in the desperate scramble to reach the 1,144 delegates required for the Republican nomination.

“When there is a challenge filed because a campaign doesn’t file the required number of signatures, it’s pretty much a no brainer,” said a senior Romney supporter in Illinois. “The conservative folks started screaming bloody murder, and Rutherford caved.”

“This isn’t about Romney, it’s about Rutherford,” he said.

Rutherford is thought to be planning to seek his party’s nomination for governor in 2014, and Romney’s other local allies accuse him of putting his interests above the candidate’s, and ingratiating himself to Santorum-supporting conservative activists.

“Either man up or get out of this game,” said another top Illinois Republican. “If Santorum picks up delegates downstate then shame on them.”

Romney’s local supporters say Rutherford acted on his own, but he and Romney’s aides in Boston are playing down any difference of opinion.

“We decided to be spirited and let it go,” Rutherford told BuzzFeed today, reached while on a day-long fly-around the state with former Speaker of the House Dennis Hastert to support Romney delegates. “The decision was a combination of ours and Boston’s.”

Romney campaign press secretary Andrea Saul told BuzzFeed that it was incumbent on them to force Santorum off the ballots in the states where he fell short of the required number of signatures. “We decided against doing that,” she said.

* So, you’ve got a couple of anonymous Illinois Republicans complaining two months after the fact about a decision made by Rutherford and Romney’s Boston HQ which was also approved by the state party chairman. We don’t know who these anonymous IL Republicans are, but I’d be willing to bet they’re not on board with Rutherford’s personal ambitions.

Either way, they should’ve stepped up two months ago with their objections (if they even had objections then) rather than Monday morning quarterback everybody now.

* It’s not Rutherford’s fault that Romney can’t close the deal in other states. And Republicans will be here in Illinois long after Romney passes through next week. What Rutherford did was try to build a tiny bit of party unity in a state that hasn’t had any such unity in years. He was right then, and he’s right now.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition and a campaign roundup

Wednesday, Mar 14, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Question of the day

Wednesday, Mar 14, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As you already know, Rod Blagojevich will be making a brief statement today before he reports to federal prison tomorrow. This is from Blagojevich’s publicist

Because some media outlets may be taking it live, a “two minute warning” will be provided via Twitter before former governor of Illinois Rod Blagojevich begins his statement, Blagojevich’s spokesman announced today.

That statement is scheduled to begin at 5:02 p.m. Central / 6:02 p.m. Eastern outside his Ravenswood Manor home.

The news media is encouraged to monitor @publicityagency (!/publicityagency), the Twitter feed from The Publicity Agency, the PR firm that has represented Rod Blagojevich for more than three years.

The Agency will provide a five minute and a two minute warning Tweet for stations, networks and other news outlets covering the event.

“This will be one of the most important moments of Rod Blagojevich’s life. The governor never memorizes, does not use a script or a teleprompter. He speaks extemporaneously. He will speak from the heart,” says Glenn Selig, the former governor’s spokesman.

FAQs regarding the statement:

Q: Will there be an opportunity for the media to ask Rod Blagojevich questions?

A: No. This will be a statement only. This is NOT a news conference.

Q: Will the governor be doing any interviews?

A: There are no plans for any interviews with anyone.

Q: Will you release more information about the governor’s plans for departing Chicago?

A: No, for security reasons we will not release detailed information.

* The Question: What would you like to say to Rod Blagojevich today?


Personal PAC unleashed just in time for Theis surge

Wednesday, Mar 14, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Carol Marin looks at the contested Supreme Court primary and yesterday’s federal judicial decision striking down some of the state’s regulations on independent expenditures

Abortion is front and center in the Illinois Supreme Court race thanks to a federal court ruling Tuesday that gave the bipartisan, pro-choice Personal PAC a giant victory. And opened the way for unlimited fund-raising for pro-choice candidates.

That kindles a firefight over the open seat on the March 20 primary ballot. Some background:

Candidate Mary Jane Theis — an incumbent, appointed Supreme Court justice — has attracted the most money, $1,141,385.36, and endorsements from the Democratic Party and Rahm Emanuel. But, until a recent TV ad blitz, she’s been a virtual unknown.

Opponent Aurelia Pucinski, an appellate court justice, has the least — $33,529.68, but huge name recognition.

The mailer, while silent on Theis’ stand on abortion, lists endorsements by pro-choice organizations along with the highest endorsements by bar associations.

Pucinski plans a news conference Wednesday to address the Personal Pac issue. A Pucinski spokesman responded to the mailing by reiterating the ethical canon that judges may not assert a position on issues that may come before them.

Subscribers saw the mailer yesterday.

* Meanwhile, Theis’ big TV ad buy is pushing up her poll numbers, and the Personal PAC mail will only help that effort

Theis leads Pucinski 29 percent to 25 percent in the poll of 400 likely Democratic voters. With a margin-of-error of 5 percentage points, that means a statistical dead-heat.

Pucinski has a name Cook County voters have come to know over the half a century that Aurelia Pucinski and, before her, her father, U.S. Rep. Roman Pucinski, spent in elected office.

Theis has a name most voters could not even pronounce (It’s pronounced TICE, rhyming with “rice.”) a month ago though she has been a judge 28 years.

In a poll Feb. 6-8, Pucinski had 32 percent of the vote; attorney Thomas Flannigan had 13 percent; Appellate Justice Joy Cunningham had 12 percent and Theis — who has served on the high court by appointment for the past year ­— brought up the rear with 7 percent.

Just a month later, in a poll conducted March 11-12, Theis now leads with 29 percent. Pucinski is four points behind at 25 percent. Cunningham has 13 percent. And Flannigan has 11 percent.

Theis’s campaign commissioned both of the polls, which were conducted by GBA Strategies.

What has happened between the two surveys is close to half-a-million dollars of television commercials boosting Theis.

Theis’s name recognition now stands at 45 percent, compared to 60 percent who recognize Pucinski’s name and 26 percent who recognize Cunningham’s name, according to the poll.

Cunningham, who would be the first African-American woman on the high court, has had a more limited television presence.

* Related…

* ADDED: Supreme Court to hear Batavia online scam case: The Illinois Supreme Court will hear arguments in a fraud lawsuit against a Batavia woman who is accused of conducting an elaborate, 18-month online hoax to make a California woman believe that a firefighter she’d met in a chat room and fallen in love with had died.

* Federal judge throws out part of Illinois campaign finance law: But the watchdog group that helped establish the state campaign-finance law said Aspen’s ruling would bring “super PACs” to Illinois. “As we have already seen at the federal level, super PACs open the door to a risk of corruption by allowing enormous donations from one contributor to be dedicated to the candidate of their choosing,” said David Morrison, deputy director of the Illinois Campaign for Political Reform.

* Illinois Supreme Court Candidate Forum

* Hines: Supreme Court candidates on recusal

* Judge Aurelia Pucinski is interviewed for Public Affairs TV

* Duking it out for an Illinois Supreme Court seat


Congressman John Shimkus visits Sen. Mark Kirk

Wednesday, Mar 14, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Congressman Shimkus went to see Sen. Kirk Sunday night and filed this report

Family and close friends have pitched in to support him, and he was surrounded by “get well” notes from Illinois and around the world. I added to the collection with a card recently signed at the Clark County Republican Lincoln Day dinner and another from wounded warriors, organized by Bert Caswell, who is a red-coat tour guide at the United States Capitol.

Mark was sitting up with a smile on his face. His short hair reminded me of Sgt. Carter from the TV show Gomer Pyle, USMC. […]

I told him I was reading the book “Lone Survivor.” As a graduate of the Army’s Ranger school, I could not believe what the Navy Seal school put these students through. I reflected on my 52 day experience. Surely it was not that bad. Mark talked about a weapons qualification test he took led by a Navy Seal. He griped about the ungodly amount of rounds he had to send downrange over a two day period.

But he said that nothing he has done has been as difficult as this road to recovery. Every day, Mark pushes himself through tough physical therapy sessions, on a treadmill and walking the hallways. Some days are better than others but his progress is consistent, and he knows we are cheering him on.

Mentally he is sharp. I believe he could cast knowledgeable votes today. But he is in a critical time to continue to focus on improvement and strengthening his body and soul for the important work he looks forward to resuming.

We did talk about faith and he pointed again to the window ledge where his Bible sits. He mentioned the daily visit of the rehab center chaplain and time spent in prayer. How quickly I and many others have dropped Mark off our prayer lists. I would ask that we all continue to pray for his speedy recovery.

Best of luck, Senator. Come home soon.


Union airs new ad blasting Quinn

Wednesday, Mar 14, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* AFSCME has yet another radio ad playing that slams Gov. Pat Quinn for facility closures and job losses. Listen…

* Script…

[VO] Governor Quinn’s new budget plan takes our state in the wrong direction. He’s trying to push hundreds of people with severe disabilities out of the place they call home – and he’s ignoring the voices of their loved ones.

[Guardian] I don’t know why they would want to close this place down, ‘cause there’s so many people that depend on the care and the love that they get here.

[VO] At the same time, law enforcement officials say Pat Quinn’s cuts would make our streets less safe.

[Sheriff] Closing the toughest prison we’ve got, where the worst offenders go, and letting other people out to make room, doesn’t make sense.

[VO] In all, the Quinn budget would wipe out 3,000 Illinois jobs. Governor Quinn just gave huge new tax breaks to big corporations. Now he says we can’t afford to save the jobs of thousands who protect public safety and care for the most vulnerable.

It’s time for our legislators to stand up for us. Say no to Pat Quinn’s plan.



* Related…

* Illinois lawmakers start petition to stop closures

* Hearings on Illinois enterprise zones start Thursday: Hearings aimed at extending a long-running tax incentive program get under way this week as part of a push by state lawmakers and business groups to keep Illinois competitive with other states. In a year marked by the General Assembly and Gov. Pat Quinn scrambling to offer tax incentives to companies threatening to leave the state, the hearings are designed to clear a path for an extension of the state’s existing 97 enterprise zones for another 25 years.

* Public invited to meeting regarding state budget: he local public employees union will hold a public meeting Thursday night to discuss what it says are the deleterious effects of Gov. Pat Quinn’s budget plan.

* State backing $42 million center at Chicago college

* U of I: State funding should at least stay flat

* Officials: Plan to Shift Pension Cost to Local Schools Would Cost VVSD Millions

* Guest Column: Action must match rhetoric to achieve education goals


Goodbye and good riddance

Wednesday, Mar 14, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This conversation between the federal government’s cooperating witness and Rep. Derrick Smith (D-Chicago) pretty much seals the deal. The witness is handing Smith $7,000 in a cash bribe that Smith “earned” by writing a letter of support for a daycare center grant

During the meeting, CS-1 stated, “You thought I was bulls…’ didn’t you?” (CS-1 and SMITH laugh) CS-1 then stated (while counting the money), “One. Two. Three. Four. Five. Damn, stuck together. Six. Seven. (UI) Talk to you later.”

SMITH then asked, “You don’t want me to give you yours now?” CS-1 answered, “Holla’ at you later, man. I get at you later man. I just want you to know I ain’t playin’ no games wich you, serious.” SMITH said, “Alright, man.” CS-1 stated, “Do what you gonna do to keep your word. Holla at you later man.” SMITH said, “Alright. Get yours. When you want it?. . . When you want it?” CS-1 answered, “I’m gonna call you.” SMITH said, “(UI) pick out ya’ car first?” CS-1 said, “Yeah, I’m gonna get my car. . . but I got th, I, you know, your campaign now, you got to come on. Do what you gonna do man.” SMITH said, “Man, we gonna. I (UI) sh*t.” CS-1 said, “Do whatever you want me to have for the campaign, jus, just let me know.” SMITH said, “I’m gonna get you your two man!” CS-1 said, “Alright.” SMITH said, “You know what I’m talkin’ ‘bout. You know, and we said we gonna, we talk about it.”

“I’m gonna get you your two man!” refers to Rep. Smith’s promise to kick back $2,000 to the witness for his help in obtaining the bribe. The bribe was paid by the federal government, acting in the guise of a fictitious daycare center owner.


So long, farewell.

* Smith was not exactly Mr. Clean before Secretary of State Jesse White had him appointed to the House

Smith grew up in Cabrini Green with [Ald. Walter Burnett], who handpicked him to be 27th Ward Superintendent.

But Smith was fired from the $72,528-a-year job in 2005 amid allegations he used city equipment and personnel to do private landscaping work and improperly used state-financed Earnfare workers to lighten the load of city employees.

“In my job with the city of Chicago, I did nothing wrong,” Smith has said through a spokesman.

At the time, Streets and Sanitation officials refused to explain why Smith had been fired. Smith served as a precinct captain in the 27th Ward Regular Democratic Organization run by Burnett and Committeeman White.

“It’s painful. He’s like a brother to me. If it was my brother, I’d feel the same way,” Burnett said in 2005. “Anyone who loses their employment is painful to me. I know they’ve got families to feed. . . . Whatever happened, he has to deal with it with his lawyer.”

Smith was employed in the secretary of state’s office under White from December 2006 until March 2011, when White helped engineer his appointment to the House to replace Collins, who had moved to the Senate.

* The Chicago Tribune has unsurprisingly retracted its endorsement of Rep. Smith

The case also confronts Democrats in Smith’s mostly West Side district with an impossible choice. Come Tuesday, do they nominate a man charged with public corruption? Or do they nominate his challenger, Tom Swiss, who has shown considerable disrespect for them?

Right here we need to interject that, on March 7, this page endorsed Smith over Swiss. That’s an endorsement we hereby retract. Federal prosecutors will have to prove Smith guilty beyond a reasonable doubt before he’s declared guilty. Political endorsements don’t have to meet that high burden. We aren’t convicting or acquitting Smith; we’re trying to guide voters in their choice of representation. Specifically, we’re looking at every word of the government’s 23-page criminal complaint and concluding that we do not want Derrick Smith in the Illinois House.

That said, we’re also uncomfortable with the challenger. As we wrote March 7, “Say this for Tom Swiss, a former director of the Cook County Republican Party running as a Democrat: He’s honest about what he thinks about his would-be constituents. He’s targeting what he calls ‘low-information voters.’ One campaign billboard in this racially mixed district features his name and image — he’s white — and another billboard features his name … and the image of a black construction worker.”

The political complications here are enormous, to say the least.

* Here is that complete e-mail Swiss sent in May of last year about the “extremely low information voters”…

From: Tom Swiss
Sent: Tuesday, May 24, 2011 2:53 PM
Subject: RE: Re-Map


I was thinking about running for State Representative because there is an excellent opportunity in Chicago.

After Sen. Ricky Hendon resigned, my State Rep., Anazette Collins, was selected to replace him. Subsequently, an unknown, Derrick Smith, was selected to fill the State Rep vacancy. He is a member of Jesse White/Walter Burnett’s organization.

The boundaries of this district barely changed. The vote will be fragmented into many sections with Anazette Collin’s daughter Angelique, Patricia Van Pelt-Watkins, and Smith all running with probably another 4-6 people. It is a very poor district with previous candidates only raising $40k to $100k. It would probably take a plurality of only 4,000 votes to win.

I would run as a Democrat. My political service company (Ogden & Fry) could provide artwork, yard signs, data, and robocalling at cost. My cost would be 1/3 would the other candidates would spend.

The people of the district are extremely low information voters. I would emphasize 3 paths to victory - branding (yard signs/door-to-door lit drop, get-out-the-vote (early and election day door to door activity), and hiring people’s yards to place a yard sign for $5.

It would be an extremely aggressive campaign. It could possibly be the least expensive State Rep seat pick up for conservatives.

I have been analyzing the maps, D-2’s, and opponents for 3 months. There is truly a very unique opportunity here, so I am seriously considering this race.

Let me know if this is something your team would be interested in knowing more about…Tom

* And here is Swiss’ response to the Sun-Times about my reporting and about his billboard featuring a photo of an African-American

When Rich Miller’s Capitol Fax website wrote about Swiss’ candidacy last year, Miller quoted an e-mail Swiss sent out saying many of the voters in the district were “extremely low-information voters.”

Swiss said Thursday most voters in Illinois are “low information voters” as evidenced by Rod Blagojevich’s two elections as governor.

“I kind of resent that — because of all the work I have done working with Africans [and the disadvantaged in America] — white journalists implying there is something racist in that,” Swiss said.

The reason Swiss chose a black man in a white hard hat to put on his billboard is because as construction jobs come to the district, he wants to make sure they go to district residents, he said.

* But here is an e-mail sent by the President of Illinois Log Cabin Republicans about the Swiss campaign last October…

From: Caitlin Huxley
Sent: Wednesday, October 26, 2011 4:12 PM
To: Caitlin Huxley
Subject: Petition signature volunteers needed this weekend!

Chicago Republican Volunteers,

As Republicans, we have a problem. Democrats in Illinois run Plants for slots as Republican Committeemen, and all too often as the Republican Challenger against themselves. With a little funding, and slow republican turnout, they can assure they will not be challenged. This happens all too often, and has done damage to the party structure. In fact, not too long ago, Illinois was a Red State.

It’s time to turn the tables and use their same tricks against them! This year we have a lifelong republican supporter running as a Democrat. Tom Swiss is fighting fire with fire & needs your help. this weekend we’ll be doing a massive push to get him on the ballot. If you’re available this Saturday and/or Sunday we could use your help to collect petition signatures. We need 1500, and with 5 to 10 volunteers we could easily reach that goal in 2 days.

Please email me back 7 let me know your availability.

Thank you,

Caitlin Huxley

* And a photo of Rep. Smith leaving the federal courthouse. Caption?…


ComEd Providing $50 Million in Customer Assistance

Wednesday, Mar 14, 2012 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

ComEd is providing $50 million dollars in relief funding over the next five years to eligible customers in need. This support is made directly through the Energy Infrastructure Modernization Act Trailer Bill passed last fall, and funds will be provided through the following three programs:

    · Residential Special Hardship: Supplementing state-sponsored programs such as the Low Income Energy Assistance Program and the Percentage of Income Payment Plan,eligible customers can receive a grant of up to $500. The program began March 1 and will provide $8 million to eligible recipients in 2012.

    · C.H.A.M.P (ComEd Helps Active Military Personnel): Active military and veterans experiencing hardship may be eligible to receive a grant of up to $1,000. Other benefits may include: deposit refund, forgiveness of late payment charges, deferred payment plans and budget payment plans. The program will provide $500,000 to eligible recipients in 2012.

    · ComEd will launch its Non-Profit Special Hardship program for non-profit organizations in May 2012.

Since 2007, ComEd has distributed more than 930,000 grants to eligible customers who need assistance paying their electricity bills, and our commitment remains unwavering.

Customers may apply for these grants at their local Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) agency. More information is available by calling 888-806-CARE or by visiting

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Wednesday, Mar 14, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* As Chicago continues to look the other way, Decatur city council bans sweepstakes machines
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