Plummer breaks campaign pledge while DCCC screws up
Thursday, Aug 30, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * Republican congressional candidate Jason Plummer has repeatedly said that he’ll run a positive campaign. For instance, this is from a Plummer press release…
* But Plummer is running a TV ad in the Paducah market, far away from the political journalists in the Metro East, that is anything but positive. Watch… Calling Democrat Bill Enyart a “millionaire trial lawyer” twice in a TV ad is not what you would call a “positive” campaign. Not in the least. Plummer reportedly has a thousand points behind this ad, so it’s not a little thing. * Meanwhile, check out the DCCC’s potentially dangerous TV ad for Democratic congressional candidate Bill Enyart… On first blush, it looks great. But it’s full of dangerous goofiness. For instance…
Enyart did travel to Afghanistan and he was the general for the Guard troops who went there, but as I pointed out earlier today Enyart never saw combat. The DCCC is getting awful close to pulling a Mark Kirk here. Careful, kids. * But this is where the DCCC really goofed up…
The ad actually shows Gov. Pat Quinn in the ad. A screen capture… ![]() …Adding… I actually meant to post this screen shot instead of the other one. The governor is in the first several seconds of the DCCC’s ad… ![]() Quinn’s numbers outside the Metro East are beyond bad. Horrible even. You’re gonna use him in a TV ad? Are you insane? * Also, Enyart wasn’t originally appointed to run the Guard by Gov. Quinn. From Enyart’s official National Guard biography…
Rod Blagojevich was governor in 2007. The DCCC just opened the door wide to a “Rod’s general” attack. It was probably coming anyway, but they stuck their chin way out on this one. Stupid. Just stupid. According to the National Journal, the DCCC is spending $166,000 on this dangerous piece of junk through September.
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 11:18 am:
Issue number ONE is JOBS.
Plummer says it in this ad, and polls agree.
Enyart needs to answer for the President’s lack of a jobs plan by proposing one for Obama. Enyart has to address the need for jobs in this district without help from the DCCC. Make something up now.
Laugh all you want at Baby Jason and his inherited wealth, but voters recognize know that they want jobs. Plummer is talking about it.
Enyart must do the same.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 11:18 am:
The Quinn and Blago stuff is clearly the shortsighted work of DCCC ad makers who don’t know the reality on the ground in Southern Illinois, but if I’m Enyart, I’m hoping Plummer tries to engage me on the question of serving your country. Even if Enyart is overstating his service, Daddy’s Boy has no leg to stand on.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 11:19 am:
They are both a mess at this point. I am glad NEITHER are going to represent me, at this point.
BTW, Plummer, when you bring up how much people make, others have EVERY RIGHT to ask you for tax returns …just sayin’
- walkinfool - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 11:21 am:
Right out of GOP campaign playbook: Announce to the press that you hate negative campaigning and will be positive — the day before your own negative campaign rollout. Some rookies in the press even fall for this obvious tactic.
Politicians with part-time desk jobs in the Pentagon, and Springfield, with occasional trips abroad, are often sold as military heroes in their campaigns.
Their military service is fine just as it is, you shouldn’t have to overblow it.
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 11:28 am:
What’s your plan to get jobs on this part of Illinois when the White House won’t make any jobs plan?
What do you think your governor, Blagojevich, would do? What office would he sell to create more jobs here?
- wordslinger - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 11:29 am:
It is pretty shocking to see Quinn in a spot. And why mention the “Democratic governor” who appointed you when he’s doing time?
Unforced errors. I don’t know that they had the A-Team working on that one.
Plummer might not want to get into an argument on who has the most millions and how they got them.
- Brendan - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 11:33 am:
Re: the Quinn screenshot - that’s a HUGE stretch to say that “he’s in the ad.”
It’s not as if Quinn is mentioned in the ad or his face is even visible. I’m sure his face is “cropped” for a reason.
The only people that might think that “Quinn is in the ad” are political nerds like us - and he’s NOT in the ad.
- Brendan - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 11:35 am:
Quinn’s faceless torso is visible for all of two seconds.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 11:35 am:
===and he’s NOT in the ad. ===
Yes, he is. And I just talked to an Enyart guy who said that whoever did that DCCC spot ought to be fired.
- Way Way Down Here - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 11:36 am:
The DCCC ground team on this is having a hard time outside of the metro area. They need a scorecard. They don’t know the players and it is beginning to show.
- G'Kar - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 11:39 am:
Sorry for my political naivety, but what does this mean? “Plummer reportedly has a thousand points behind this ad, so it’s not a little thing.”
- walkinfool - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 11:41 am:
DCCC should talk to John Bradley before the next ad. He’d know how to message this thing.
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 11:43 am:
Quinn’s faceless torso is usually all folks in Southern Illinois get to see of him, so they’ve come to recognize the Chicago governor by his superfluous left nipple.
- just sayin' - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 11:45 am:
Any recent polling on this race? I mean the legitimate kind.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 11:49 am:
–Quinn’s faceless torso is visible for all of two seconds.–
Dude, he’s standing right behind Enyart (not smiling), full profile, three seconds into the spot. Then again at 11 seconds, cropped but clearly Quinn.
- Curious - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 11:50 am:
It seems like the DCCC folks have a really poor track record in Illinois the last few cycles. Is this limited to just here? The midwest? Other regions? Might make sense for them to start having staff here than in D.C.
- Hey There - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 11:55 am:
Clearly the work of out-of-state DCCC staffers who know absolutely nothing about the district, the players in the district, or what matters to voters in the district. Could we see a repeat of the DCCC’s handiwork in the 13th CD Democratic primary for Goetten?
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 12:00 pm:
===Quinn’s faceless torso is visible for all of two seconds. ===
Because I posted the wrong screen shot. Refresh the page.
- Cincinnatus - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 12:03 pm:
Please point out a lie, a fabrication, a personal attack in the Plummer ad. It’s negative because it points out that his opponent is not a professional full-time military man?
- OneMan - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 12:05 pm:
Rod’s General…
Liking that one…
- Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 12:09 pm:
This race is turning into “Dumb and Plummer.”
- Snark Encouraged - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 12:10 pm:
Pat Quinn is clearly visible in the first 8 seconds or so of the ad. His face is framed right next to Enyart’s. Terrible ad. They don’t know what they’re doing and have no idea what is important to the locals.
- Sideliner - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 12:12 pm:
You’d think military training would emphasize local on the ground intel before committing to battle.
- 10th Indy - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 12:21 pm:
-Even if Enyart is overstating his service, Daddy’s Boy has no leg to stand on.-
The 2010 senate race proves that statement wrong. Enyart better be careful. My guess it’s already too late and RNC operatives are pouring over any and all references the general has made about his service. Ugh.
- Leroy - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 12:26 pm:
Oswego Willy You are going to have two years going, after Plummer. Enyart is a weak candidate and the DCCC is out of touch with the district. Why isn’t Enyart using Jerrry Costello in his ads?
- Reality - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 12:30 pm:
Plummer didn’t break any promise. This is not negative campaigning. It’s the truth. He is a millionaire trial lawyer correct? C’mon man, this is big boy politics thats all. If ya can’t stand the heat…
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 12:33 pm:
===This is not negative campaigning. It’s the truth.===
This is definitely not positive campaigning, which is what he pledged.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 12:37 pm:
- LeRoy -.
I always look at Congress like this… in the PURE, POLITICAL sense of the office and its place in Illinois Politics.
To paraphrase the belief of Old Man Daley, after knowing he had is Guy “Danny” firmly in place. What would Old Man Daley do with “Dopes”?
“(S)He is a pain, useless, and hindering all that needs to be done. Send ‘em to DC”
Once the US Speaker gets a hold of Jason in his Caucus, or when Jason talks to colleagues in the Congress, Jason will be a back-bencher, taken as seriously as the number of his seat is to the relation of Boehner staying Speaker.
It’s a fact, and if Illinois gets stuck with him, then I will have plenty to mock for a while. What makes me feel even safer, is that Jason will be a “Freshman”, he will still “be” Jason, and Jason will NOT be anywhere near what could affect the country on his own.
- Hello - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 12:38 pm:
“The DCCC just opened the door wide to a “Rod’s general” attack. It was probably coming anyway, but they stuck their chin way out on this one.”
GOP better be careful with that one.
State Rep. Dave Harris could be labeled “George Ryan’s general” with that line of thought.
Heck, since Blago kept Harris on during his first term he could be labeled “Blago’s general” too.
Then there’s that whole episode where Harris was appointed by George W. Bush to the State Dept office in Iraq while billions of dollars were falling off the back of trucks.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 12:39 pm:
===State Rep. Dave Harris could be labeled “George Ryan’s general” with that line of thought.===
Harris barely has an opponent. No risk at all.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 12:44 pm:
===This is not negative campaigning. It’s the truth.===
You DID read the “Jason” pledge, right?
“Southern Illinois is hurting, and I’m proud to be running a positive, issue-oriented campaign.”
Weasel move not thinking this was NOT in the spirit of what Jason pledged.
Millionares should NOT throw expensive Vases through stain-glass windows when talking about money … when the tax returns are still hidden.
- CU Voter - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 12:55 pm:
The Plummer pledge will hurt him about as much as Obama’s public financing pledge hurt him in 2008.
I don’t see an issue with Enyart’s Afghanistan claim. I think most people understand the generals don’t get shot at too often.
The Quinn thing is pure gold. Someone actually got paid to put his picture in that ad.
- OurMagician - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 1:04 pm:
Is Pat Quinn much more popular than Blago? Somebody should send the DCCC Pat’s State Fair Democrats Day speech. I don’t think any downstate Dem wants to be associated with either.
- Madison - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 1:05 pm:
Lot of talk here about legitimizing service. I think he general has a lot more of a legitimate service record than whatever Plummer calls a navy reservist. The only way Plummer could find Afghanistan on a map was if he had his money in a Kabul offshore account.
- OneMan - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 1:17 pm:
Yeah we get it, you guys don’t like Plummer, but you know what, like him or not, he did step up and volunteer to join the reserves. He may have been motivated by political gain, but like or not, he actually did it. He didn’t do it for the money, he didn’t do it because he was about to get drafted.
You may not like it, but it is more that lots of sons of privilege are willing to do.
- Plutocrat03 - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 1:27 pm:
Sooooo now being a millionaire trial lawyer is a bad thing?
Kind of blunts the ‘I was a military man’ meme though.
The great John Edwards turned being a trial layer into a campaign asset. If Enyart is/was a successful trial lawyer, why is that considered to be a negative? The real point should be whether it is true.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 1:35 pm:
–If Enyart is/was a successful trial lawyer, why is that considered to be a negative? The real point should be whether it is true.–
I’m guessing from the content of the spot, it was meant to be a negative. “Millionaire trial lawyer” doesn’t roll off the tongue, twice. It was reenforced with a graphic, too.
Somebody’s trying to tell you something.
If it didn’t come off as negative to you — what with “The Exorcist”-like piano and dark filming — Plummer should get his money back. Because they were trying.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 1:44 pm:
Rich, I normally would agree with you about Blagojevich’s toxicity, but I think the GOP would be stepping into a trap if they said anything remotely negative about his military record.
There are WAY to many veterans and active duty military in that district.
- M O'Malley - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 2:07 pm:
Rich, you should rethink this “combat/leading” issue. What is your criteria for combat? Criteria for leading troops in a war zone? Eisenhower was not getting shot at Normandy but no one ever accused him of not leading the troops. Does Enyart have the Afghanistan Campaign Medal? Was he getting hostile fire pay? What is “combat” has been argued for decades in all services. Does a C-130 pilot flying injured troops out of Bagram count as combat to you? Is an Army nurse who worked at a base in Iraq but never went outside the wire a combat veteran to you? Think you should talk to some vets who’ve been in a war zone before you harp on this “combat” thing much more.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 2:10 pm:
M O’Malley, I read your full comment and stand by what I said. And, no he didn’t get a campaign medal of any kind.
- Leroy - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 2:11 pm:
Oswego Wily
Hey, after Plummer wins, Rodney Davis wins and Schilling keeps his seat, I guess taking back the house by the Dems won’t run thru Illinois. And Madigan will sure look dumb on how he drew the map to freeze out the Republicans.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 2:13 pm:
===And Madigan will sure look dumb on how he drew the map===
The map is strong Democratic. The problem is their candidates.
- M O'Malley - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 2:22 pm:
That website was last updated Sept 2010, so hard to tell if he got the award or not. And again, what is your definition of combat? I didn’t shoot anybody when I was in Iraq and Afghanistan, so it appears that I am not a combat veteran per your opinion.
- M O'Malley - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 2:31 pm:
Awards from the website you linked:
Republic of Vietnam Gallantry Cross (with Palm)
U.S. Military units were individually cited for award of the Republic of Vietnam (RVN) Gallantry Cross; however, the Vietnamese Government issued the award to all units subordinate to Military Assistance Command (MACV) during the period 8 February 1962 and 28 March 1973 and to U.S. Army Vietnam and its subordinate units for the period 20 July 1965 to 28 March 1973. This permits all personnel who served in Vietnam to wear the RVN Gallantry Cross unit citation.
- Cincinnatus - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 3:13 pm:
New definition of “negative ad.” Whenever a Republican points out a truth about a Democrat. Does not matter if it is a personal attack or a lie, just that it is.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 3:23 pm:
=== ===And Madigan will sure look dumb on how he drew the map===
The map is strong Democratic. The problem is their candidates.===
thank you Rich … appreciate it.
BTW, Lemme know ALL the ILGA seats that change for “R” to “D” too …just for giggles and all.
And - LeRoy -,
I got a box of cannoli bet ON Davis … so I hope you are right!
I dunno what side you think I am on - LeRoy -, or my issues, but I think you are a bit lost on me.
- WazUp - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 3:28 pm:
If the General never shot himself in the foot during his career, he has now. Quinn in the background, really? Wow open door and insert Jason Plummer’s foot!
- Small Town Liberal - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 3:30 pm:
- Whenever a Republican points out a truth about a Democrat. -
I suppose this is a positive message ad? You really like to whine, huh?
Just make sure you feel the same way if Enyart runs an ad pointing out that Plummer is a “born into it millionaire”. Nothing but the truth.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 3:39 pm:
–New definition of “negative ad.” Whenever a Republican points out a truth about a Democrat. Does not matter if it is a personal attack or a lie, just that it is. –
Such delicate daisies. Better tune in to Clint tonight and cowboy up.
There’s no “new definition” at all. It’s a negative ad. You can lie in negative ads, you can tell the truth in negative ads, or something in between. But, regardless, the purpose of the ads are to present your opponent in a negative light.
When Obama backers run spots that say Romney is a rich guy who had a Swiss bank account, it’s true, but it’s also a negative ad. Why would anyone pretend it’s not? Why would anyone pretend the Plummer ad is not?
If you hadn’t noticed, campaigns have been putting out negative ads since James Callender started publishing stories about Thomas Jefferson and Sally Hemmings.
They work, and they’re not going away, no matter how many candidates tell you that won’t run them. Why would anyone believe that?
- Judgment Day - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 3:45 pm:
When your political ads say stuff like “General Bill Enyart led the Illinois National Guard’s deployment to Afghanistan”, you’re taking ownership for the operational deployment of the troops (in this case, IL NG units, primarily from central and southern IL).
I’ve got family friends who had their kids deployed in Afghanistan as part of those deployments, and there were ‘issues’ that came up, and didn’t really get addressed by leadership.
Old adage in the military: “The officers don’t eat until the troops get fed”. That’s supposed to apply in a number of different areas, and didn’t always happen during the IL NG deployment. There was a fair amount of unhappiness in the family readiness and support groups back home.
“Stuff Happens”, but when you make those kind of blanket statements, you get the good, along with the bad.
Just sayin…
- Cincinnatus - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 3:53 pm:
“When Obama backers run spots that say Romney is a rich guy who had a Swiss bank account, it’s true, but it’s also a negative ad. Why would anyone pretend it’s not? Why would anyone pretend the Plummer ad is not?”
This is not my idea of a negative ad. Saying Romney was responsible for the death of the woman, that’s negative. I don’t think what you use as an example is all that bad. This is politics, after all.
How can one ever contrast an opponents record and words and actions without it being called negative?
- Chicago Cardinal - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 3:56 pm:
and by the way, being successful in business, that’s a good thing,”
Apparently that only applies to US!
- Small Town Liberal - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 4:12 pm:
- How can one ever contrast an opponents record and words and actions without it being called negative? -
That’s the point, Cinci. Plummer apparently didn’t understand what he was saying.
- ReformedPublicServant - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 4:20 pm:
Rich, you should have trademarked “Rod’s General,” because that’s priceless!
For those military families of the 33rd BCT, and their spheres of influence, the “General Bill Enyart led the Illinois National Guard’s deployment to Afghanistan” is a dangerous statement. Afghanistan is becoming viewed as was the Korean War - the forgotten war. More generally to all constituencies, the “war hero” was a theme for 2004 and maybe 2008, not 2012. Take note, Duckworth campaign.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 4:20 pm:
–How can one ever contrast an opponents record and words and actions without it being called negative?–
I’m not terribly hung up on the word “negative.” It describes the purpose of the ad — to cast your opponent in a negative light.
All kinds of politicians claim they won’t go there when they know they will. It’s as predictable as the sunrise.
“Truthiness” and “fairness” are different issues, and not always abundant in negative or positive spots. The Fact-check business is booming.
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 4:23 pm:
===Saying Romney was responsible for the death of the woman, that’s negative===
Yes, except that no one ever said that.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 4:55 pm:
@Judgement Day -
If Jason Plummer wants to criticize Enyart’s performance as General for the National Guard, by all means. Fair game.
My guess is that’s not gonna go over too well, especially coming from a kid who was born with a silver spoon and never wore the uniform.
By all means, go for it.
- Small Town Liberal - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 4:59 pm:
- never wore the uniform. -
C’mon YDD, you know Jason has some uniforms he wears for “pretend time”.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 6:42 pm:
@SmallTownLiberal -
I owe an apology. Like many Republicans, Jason Plummer magically became a Navy Reserve Intelligence Officer three days before announcing for Lt. Gov.
News stories note that Plummer never completed the required training prior to being appointed.
- East Sider - Friday, Aug 31, 12 @ 1:47 pm:
=Sooooo now being a millionaire trial lawyer is a bad thing?
Kind of blunts the ‘I was a military man’ meme though.
The great John Edwards turned being a trial layer into a campaign asset. If Enyart is/was a successful trial lawyer, why is that considered to be a negative? The real point should be whether it is true. =
In case you haven’t noticed, the Metro East is infamously known as a “Judicial Hellhole”. Calling Enyart a “metro east trial laywer” is pretty unflattering in Southern Illinois.