Question of the day
Thursday, Aug 30, 2012 - Posted by Rich Miller * As I’ve told you before, my brother Doug is an alternate Texas delegate to the Republican National Convention. From his Twitter feed…
Oh, funny. Like a clown funny. He amuses me. He makes me laugh. * A photo Doug tweeted of himself on the convention floor… ![]() * The Question: Caption? And, please, try to be somewhat gentle. Doug is my brother, after all.
- Cincinnatus - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 1:08 pm:
Miller Lite
- John A Logan - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 1:09 pm:
If I owned hell and Texas. I would live in hell and rent Texas.
- Give Me A Break - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 1:09 pm:
Cicni: They can’t be topped. Classic.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 1:10 pm:
Doug spoke at my birthday roast. He did a fantastic job. But fellow roaster Paul Green had a great line: “When Rich’s brother leaves Illinois and goes back to Texas, the average IQ of both states will rise.”
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 1:19 pm:
What do Texans dream of, when they take a little Texas snooze.
Do they dream of mauling Ohio, or Indiana in her Alabama “suit”.
Don’t you worry your pretty cowboy head we’re gonna get you back to Texas and your cozy Texas bed.
And then we’re gonna find our bestfriend Doug and then we’re gonna give him a bestfriend hug.
Doug, Doug, Oh, Doug Douggie Douggie Doug Doug.
But if he’s been captured by Illinois delegate tweekers, well then he’s (bleep) out of luck.
- Ghost of John Brown - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 1:23 pm:
Hi, I’m Doug, Rich’s brother. Be gentle with Rich, he’s my brother after all and more importantly, he’s not a Republican. If only he had listened to me more growing up he could be here too.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 1:26 pm:
Meet the newest member of Bob Wills and the Texas Playboys:
“You can hear the Grand Ol’ Opry in Nashville Tennessee
It’s the home of country music,on that we all agree
But when you cross that ol’ Red River hoss that just don’t mean a thing
Cause’ once you’re down in Texas, Bob Wills is still the king”
Hope he’s flying home. Driving the Gulf Coast looks a little dodgy about now.
- MrJM - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 1:29 pm:
“Simply put, many Hispanics and African
Americans who voted in the last election will, because of the burdens imposed by SB 14, likely
be unable to vote in the next election. This is retrogression.” STATE OF TEXAS v. HOLDER
– MrJM
- The Captain - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 1:30 pm:
Cincy wins, easy.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 1:32 pm:
“I’m Tucker McElroy, lead singer, driver of the Winnebago. Listen, I’d like to talk to you son but we’re running very late.”
- dupage dan - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 1:33 pm:
I saw miles and miles of Texas all the stars up in the sky
I saw miles and miles of Texas gonna live here till I die
I started tamin’ bronko’s I made every rodeo
Until I met a tuff one you know his name was devil joe
I grabb’d hold of his bridle just to ride this ol’ outlaw
He threw me from the saddle and this is what I saw
I saw miles and miles of Texas all the stars up in the sky
I saw miles and miles of Texas gonna live here till I die
(Asleep at the Wheel)
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 1:35 pm:
All hat and no cattle.
Or Latinos.
Or African Americans.
Or single women.
Or PhD’s.
- Doug - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 1:38 pm:
The smart good looking Miller from the state with low taxes and a balanced budget.
- Just the Facts - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 1:39 pm:
The brother Rich sometimes vexes lives in Texas
- Ready To Get Out - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 1:40 pm:
I can’t remember ever agreeing with Cincy, but The Captain called it. Cincy wins hands down, close the voting.
- South of I-80 - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 1:40 pm:
Rich won’t let wear this outfit on his dang boat!!!
- Small Town Liberal - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 1:42 pm:
Thankfully Doug was able to find someone from Illinois that could figure out how to use the “picture machine” they brought to the convention.
- N'ville - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 1:44 pm:
Proof that Millers actually DO have chins.
- My observation - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 1:50 pm:
Devin is the talented one, Doug is obviously the smart one………what’s left
- Palos Park Bob - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 1:57 pm:
Nice to see the DEEP end of the Miller gene pool!
- OneMan - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 2:11 pm:
Our fugitive is Mr. Richard Miller this photo is what Mr. Miller might look like without a beard and some weight and it he was a Texan, hell just check some local bars guys…
- TwoFeetThick - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 2:12 pm:
Cowboy Hat: Check.
Blue Shirt: Check.
Sign: Check.
Having a Goofy Look on Your Face that Screams “I’m from Texas! Yeeeeee-Haaaaawww!”: Priceless.
- mark walker - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 2:22 pm:
I thought they outlawed “critical thinking” in Texas.
- Rich's Mom - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 2:25 pm:
We have 5 boys….all different , but all wonderful sons. We love each one of them and are proud of them all for what they have accomplished in life.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 2:30 pm:
@Rich’s Mom -
That includes the adopted garden gnome, right?
Glad you could all make it to Rich’s birthday party. Hope there’s an encore next year.
- Rich Miller Sr - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 2:47 pm:
Doug is the most politically sensible son, after all he wore the Goldwater-Miller button to Tampa! They were all required to recite the Candidates by year, by party, to include the VP’s (Richard missed Estes Kefauver more than once. We are proud of all five!
- just sayin' - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 3:28 pm:
No caption, just an observation that TX is always the coolest and most enthused delegation at every RNC.
- nonMeNick - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 3:33 pm:
Durn. I come to see the rodeo and all I get to see is this Bullcrap!
- Wensicia - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 4:16 pm:
The way they’re all dressed alike, I thought he was part of the Olympic team, their sport being political snark.
- amalia - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 5:12 pm:
one of my xas livin’ in Texas. (hey, it’s right in the photo!)
- gentleman, behold! - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 5:49 pm:
Is that Scott Kennedy?
- Levois - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 5:58 pm:
where’s his beard?
- Chicago Republican 2 - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 6:05 pm:
So, it appears your brother got all the brains in the family.
- Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 6:12 pm:
My brother went to the RNC in Tampa and all I got was a lousy cowboy hat.
- Bigtwitch - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 8:10 pm:
All hat, no beer.
- Darian - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 10:35 pm:
Don’t tell anyone… but we actually have jobs available in Texas unlike you Yankee idiots that voted for Obama.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Aug 30, 12 @ 10:54 pm:
Darlan, it doesn’t take a genius to make a buck on $95 a barrel. Just a hole in the ground.
But glad you’re better off than you were four years ago.
- amalia - Friday, Aug 31, 12 @ 7:54 am:
please, please ask him what the what was going on when Clint Eastwood “spoke.” Clint was like the cranky white old uncle on some bad wine who is going on about how he hates the mayor of a town. It was epic surreal political theater and a huge waste of tv time for the RNC.
- Hawkeye - Friday, Aug 31, 12 @ 9:03 am:
Artist’s concept of Rich Miller after a style intervention. He cleans up real well!
- Anonymous - Friday, Aug 31, 12 @ 9:54 am:
==It was epic surreal political theater and a huge waste of tv time for the RNC.==
Isn’t that what political conventions are, theater? Mr. Eastwood’s performance was modern TV at its best.