Question of the day
Wednesday, Mar 27, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller * Should the state keep the portion of all new income tax revenue growth that is traditionally transferred to municipalities? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please. surveys
Projecting the future
Wednesday, Mar 27, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller * From New York Times polling analyst Nate Silver…
The national polling graph… ![]() * And using a model based on polling and demographic analysis, Silver projects the future…
* Some of his projected support results for same sex marriage in ballot initiatives. Note Illinois… ![]() Illinois doesn’t have binding ballot initiatives, of course, but you get the idea. * Meanwhile, the Sun-Times looks at the prospects for the gay marriage bill…
As I told you yesterday, Madigan overstated the margin. Right now, there’s only one Republican openly supporting the bill, Rep. Ron Sandack. There may be another out there, but so far, not much more than that. * But GOP Chairman Pat Brady is standing firm…
If Silver’s projections are even close to accurate, then Brady has made the right decision: Get on the bus before it runs you over. But Brady is also giving the GOP cover in case the Republican House vote for gay marriage is as low as it was in the Senate, which is also pretty smart.
Wednesday, Mar 27, 2013 - Posted by Advertising Department [The following is a paid advertisement.] The satellite television industry serves a crucial role in connecting Illinois to the rest of the world with content that informs, entertains and educates – in many instances it’s the exclusive broadcast service provider available to Illinois homes. In addition, the satellite TV industry is an important economic driver creating hundreds of jobs in our state. Facts About Satellite TV in Illinois:
• Employs over 790 people, plus more than 1,000 technicians at 481 local retailers • Rural Illinois depends on satellite TV since cable does not often provide service to their area • Satellite TV offers a wider range of foreign language programming in comparison to cable Lawmakers continue to be prodded by the cable TV industry to place a NEW 5% monthly tax on satellite TV service. Previous versions of this discriminatory tax proposal have been defeated in Springfield—and similar bills are regularly defeated in other states including three times in neighboring Indiana, Iowa and Minnesota. This revenue generator needs to be clearly labeled what it is: An unfair tax increase on the 1.3 million Illinois families and businesses who subscribe to satellite TV.
*** UPDATED x1 *** Cook County judge rules gun law unconstitutional
Wednesday, Mar 27, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller * Donta Mosley, 20, was convicted in Cook County of two charges of aggravated unlawful use of a weapon. He had an uncased, loaded and immediately accessible gun without a valid FOID card. Not good. But Cook County Judge Michael Brown recently declared the Aggravated UUW law unconstitutional and tossed out the felony charge against Mosley. * Part of the problem for Mosley, as outlined by Brown, was that he was ineligible to obtain a FOID card. From the opinion…
* The judge also found an inherent contradiction in the UUW law…
The full opinion is here. One of the better explanations I’ve seen in the online message boards is from a commenter who also posts here…
This is a lower court, so the opinion is not binding outside the case itself. But the UUW laws regarding public carry have already been declared federally unconstitutional by an appellate court, so the gun folks now have a little more ammo. *** UPDATE *** Rep. Mike Zalewski (D-Riverside) saw today’s post and sent me a note..
* The analysis…
Explanations and theories
Wednesday, Mar 27, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller * I asked Bruce Rauner’s campaign spokesman just what the possible GOP gubernatorial candidate meant yesterday when he issued this press release…
* The reply…
* Then again, Rauner won’t say what “bold reforms” he wants. Daily Herald…
Um, yesterday’s press release didn’t sound like he was “learning.” It sounded like he was “teaching,” without saying much at all except that guaranteeing state payments is the worst idea ever. * A longtime reader/subscriber mused yesterday in an e-mail about what he thinks is going on. He noted that the Chicago Tribune editorial board agrees with Rauner that pension benefits should not be guaranteed…
* There are more nefarious theories out there. For instance, this one is from comments yesterday…
* And then there was this comment…
That last sentence “Funding should be redirected to a sensible alternative system” is the most interesting. This may very well have something to do with crashing the system and creating something new.
Quote of the day
Wednesday, Mar 27, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller * From an interview of Lt. Gov. Sheila Simon, who announced earlier this year that she won’t be Gov. Pat Quinn’s running mate…
No respect. * But it wasn’t all bad…