Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Rauner says he’s raised $1.3 million in less than a month
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Rauner says he’s raised $1.3 million in less than a month

Tuesday, Apr 2, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a press release…

The Bruce Rauner Exploratory Committee announced today that it raised $1.3 million since its inception on March 5 and carried forward more than $1.2 million into the second quarter. The fundraising figures include a $249,000 contribution from Bruce Rauner.

The fundraising haul comes amidst a statewide Listening Tour that has already included 20 stops. Bruce has visited with voters in Cumberland, Coles, DuPage, Effingham, Mason, McDonough, Richland, Shelby, Tazewell, and Washington counties, and Elmhurst, South Holland and Winnetka.

“The folks I’m meeting as I travel the state understand Illinois needs a political outsider willing to take on the failed status quo in Springfield, and I’m excited by their response to my exploratory committee,” said Bruce Rauner. “The amount of support we’ve received in less than a month exceeds expectations and underscores the fact that Illinoisans are looking for someone to bring a fresh perspective to solving the challenges facing our state.”

Bruce’s next stops on the Listening Tour this week include Rockford, Rosemont, and Monroe County.

“The more time I spend discussing both the hopes and the concerns of people who want to see a better Illinois, the more convinced I am that our state’s future is bright,” Rauner said. “The fact is Illinois’ greatest resource is her people. Unfortunately, they have been let down time and again by the politicians in Springfield. It’s time for an outsider.”

That $249,000 contribution from Rauner means he is just $1,000 under the self-funding law. Another grand in the calendar year and all contribution caps are off for all gubernatorial candidates.

Also, I highly doubt that most of his high-dollar, often out-of-state contributors went to any of his Downstate listening tour stops. For instance

Interestingly enough, Rauner has not yet reported that contribution from himself.

* He is doing well in comparison to the other candidates, however…

$ Raised (01/01/13-03/31/13)
Brady - $2,000
Dillard -$86,958.75
Rutherford - $202,759.00
Lisa Madigan - $14,250
Quinn - $60,500
TOTAL = $366,467.75

* In other Rauner-related news, the possible GOP candidate is running a Facebook ad of a choked chicken. I kid you not

Do your very best to keep it clean in comments, please. Seriously. Let’s not demean ourselves just because his ad is goofy. Go ahead and snicker first, make the joke in your own head, then proceed to comment in a very clean fashion. Thanks.


  1. - Kasich Walker, Jr. - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 12:25 pm:

    I don’t get it.

    Is he campaigning as a sensible political rubber chicken?

  2. - Tom B. - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 12:29 pm:

    I’ll be the consultant who approved this ad is paid 10 grand a month. #Whale

  3. - How Ironic - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 12:30 pm:

    Wow. There are so many things to say, but none are worth getting banned for.

    I suppose it could only be topped if his campaign song is ‘Beat It’ by Michael Jackson.

  4. - OneMan - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 12:33 pm:

    Bruce’s Chicken and Squeezy are working on a pilot for the WB right now…

  5. - Tom B. - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 12:35 pm:

    Nice job OneMan. Way to bring the snake into the choked chicken conversation!

  6. - Shore - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 12:36 pm:

    lefkofsky-the groupon ceo listed residence/place of business is an empty restaurant with a for rent sign. Not sure how that works.

    the rest of this reads like harvard classmates/business friends.

  7. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 12:37 pm:

    @TheRaunerChicken - When @FakeBruceRauner is using “we” when he talks, he is including me!

    @TheRaunerChicken - Hey @Pongee! There is a new prop in town! #WasSupposeToBeAWoopieCushion

    @TheRaunerChicken - “By sundown tomorrow”, I will have more followers than Dillard #TheYokeIsOnIllinois

    @TheRaunerChicken - Hey Congressman! Chicken is good for you and your Abs. #AreYouSchockedAtThisAaron

    @FakeJasonPluumer - @TheRaunerChicken, when are you coming to visit? #DadEmptiedMyToyBox

    @TheRaunerChicken - I am on the Rauner Payroll for $249,000. #ExpensiveJokeIsRauner

  8. - Wensicia - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 12:41 pm:

    ==I’ll be the consultant who approved this ad is paid 10 grand a month.==

    It was probably Svengoolie.

  9. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 12:41 pm:

    @TheRaunerChicken -

  10. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 12:42 pm:

    I think the photo is the perfect metaphor for Rauner’s campaign.

    It’s times like these when I like to ponder: I wonder what images were rejected in favor of the chicken under duress?

    A number come immediately to mind, along with their accompanying verb, but I guess I’ll just have to keep them to myself.

  11. - Roadiepig - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 12:42 pm:

    A man’s hand tightly rapped around a (rubber) chicken’s neck? So many things could be posted , but I really don’t want to be banned for life so…

    I will say that whoever is doing the consulting work for him is proving on a weekly basis that they are highly overpaid.

  12. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 12:43 pm:

    @TheRaunerChicken - My Fedge Fund Manager has been on a listening tour. I have no ears, so My Hedge Fund Manager will have to use our “special languange” #WeTalkIn50s&100DollarBills

  13. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 12:44 pm:

    For ALL of us “holding our tongues”

    @TheRaunerChicken - (Censored) #(Censored)

  14. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 12:48 pm:

    @FakeBruceRauner - Please @FakeJasonPlummer, stop with the jokes about @TheRaunerChicken, or we will call your Dad and he will put the Parental Locks #ItsAMedaphorNotAJoke

  15. - OneMan - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 12:51 pm:

    @TheRaunerChicken Sorry didn’t know I couldn’t take homestead exemption on three nests #SimpleMistake

  16. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 12:52 pm:

    @TheRaunerChicken - “We”, My Hedge Fund Manager and I, have been listening, but only My Hedge Fund Manager has been eating. #ImARubberChickenButNotACanibal

  17. - How Ironic - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 12:52 pm:

    In other news, Bruce Rauner has promoted Harry Palms as his new communications director.

    In what is proported to be a campaign first, all new employees are to have their vision checked monthly to ‘prevent blindness’.

  18. - OneMan - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 12:54 pm:

    @TheRaunerChicken See I listen to the patty people and raise money from the Pâté people

  19. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 12:55 pm:

    @TheRaunerChicken - Riding shotgun with My Hedge Fund Manager. Can someone “tweet” where Lincoln County is? #ChickensSquawkNotReadGPS

    @TheRaunerChicken - Somewhere, my old friend, the “Unknown Comic”, is missing me. #TakeMyWifePlease

  20. - Jon Zahm - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 12:55 pm:

    Hey Oswego Willy,

    You claim that you’re an expert on GOP politics. Do you agree that Cicero Dan Proft and his hypocrisy are destroying the GOP? Also, Willy, what does Cicero Dan think about Senator LaHood’s child support/gambling bill? I wonder if Proft will run for Governor and break 5%?

  21. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:02 pm:

    - Jon Zahm -,

    Rauner posted that, i didn’t.

    With kindest personal regards, I remain.

    Sincerely yours,

    Oswego Willy

    @TheRaunerChicken - Please refrain from making fun of My Hedge Fund Manager. He will make it worth your while. #CostPerVoteNotAnIssue

  22. - OneMan - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:03 pm:

    If Proft runs for Governor and gives up the WLS gig so he can (figure they would force him) then IMHO he has the sense of a rubber chicken…

    Unfortunately the Cicero stuff is too inside baseball to make one iota of difference to most folks.

  23. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:04 pm:

    @TheRaunerChicken - I use to lay golden eggs, now look at me? #StillOnThePayrollBut…

  24. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:08 pm:

    @TheRaunerChicken - Would you let a goof hand choke you on “the facebook” for $249,000? #NotDoingItForTheMoneyHonest

  25. - Empty Chair - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:09 pm:

    Serious question - RM you noted that if he breaks the $250k barrier, all gubernatorial caps for fundraising are off. Is that true? The law is pretty clear on the various cycles. Wouldn’t the caps just be off for Republican gubernatorial candidates in the primary, and then NEW caps would be placed on for both candidates in the general election?

    Furthermore, if that is the case - which I believe it is - I think Rauner would be smart to blow the caps off, give himself as much money as he needs, pummel his way through the primary to the general, and then have way more money than any Democrat would, given their handicap of the caps.

    The example above is ridiculous, but I think it is in line with the law. Just shows how ridiculous the post-blago finance laws actually were. Try to fix it and just make it worse.

  26. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:10 pm:

    Somebody on Rauner’s team watched too much Son of Svengoolie back in the day.


  27. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:10 pm:

    @TheRaunerChicken - “We” are planning a meeting of all the donors, but we need to pick a central location, “tweet” me @TheRaunerChicken for thoughts. #KansasOrNebraskaIsCentralUSA

  28. - Mike Huntoon - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:11 pm:

    “This chicken is freaking golden!”

  29. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:11 pm:

    I thought I had heard that Schock was a chicken but now I learn I was mistaken.

  30. - Tommydanger - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:13 pm:

    Personally, I find the ad rather fowl.

  31. - Jon Zahm - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:13 pm:

    How about a Rauner/Proft ticket? One who has unlimited money, and one who knows how to spend a rich guy’s unlimited money (ask Ron Gidwitz).

  32. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:13 pm:

    @TheRaunerChicken - Again, My Hedge Fund Manager is not too happy with this mocking, someone spent a great deal of time to think of me! #AndWastedAGreatDealOfMoneyButIDigress

  33. - qcexaminer - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:14 pm:

    Holy Cow! We get Svengoolie here in Texas!

    As for Rauner, money can’t fix stupid. The GOP needs a fighter who knows how to fight and win the Dem game.

    It ain’t Rauner.

  34. - Chris - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:15 pm:

    “lefkofsky-the groupon ceo listed residence/place of business is an empty restaurant with a for rent sign”

    Um, no. It’s the very-much-still-open UPS Store at the south end of the building. Obv his PO Box for public-disclosure-address stuff.

    Not that it’s hard to figure out where he owns an actual house.

  35. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:16 pm:

    - Jon Zahm -,

    If you think I am Dan Proft… I’m not. Sorry.

    @TheRaunerChicken - Also, Oswego Willy is NOT Clarabel the Clown, Batman, or Ronnie “Woo-Woo” #GoodGuessButWrong

  36. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:18 pm:

    @TheRaunerChicken - I am looking to do my OWN tour, but I cant drive My Hedge Fund Manger’s “Taurus”… the car he uses, every day. #CauseICantDriveStickShift

  37. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:22 pm:

    @TheRaunerChicken - Yep, its true. I, @TheRaunerChicken, donated $3.9 million to My Hedge Fund Manager’s Coffers. I am real, and not a funnel to add to My Hedge Fund Manager’s Own Donations. #Skirting250KMarkIsEasy

  38. - Endangered Moderate Species - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:25 pm:

    #Rauner “Oberweis warned me that political consultants are overpriced. Rich guys like us know what we are doing. The chicken in every pot slogan is time tested. Politics is not that hard.”

  39. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:25 pm:

    Reminds me of the last episode of MASH. Rauner had to squeeze that chicken’s neck so he wouldn’t make any noises to save everyone from Squeezey.

  40. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:28 pm:

    @TheRaunerChicken - Actually, My Hedge Fund Manager is making fun of ME and not politicians. If My Hedge Fund Manager wasn’t paying me so well, I would be offended! #LeaveTheLogicTakeTheMoney

  41. - Chavez-respecting Obamist - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:31 pm:


    Hey, GOP folks. Very recently we had 8 years of the MBA President running the country as if it were a business. That didn’t work out very well. Why on earth does this guy think we’re going to try that again at the state level?

  42. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:32 pm:

    @TheRaunerChicken - You think its easy for @Pongee to tweet? Think how difficult it is being choked and using your beak to tweet! Much harder! #TakingOnPongeeIsGoodPolitics

  43. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:35 pm:

    @TheRaunerChicken - “Illinois isn’t Broke …It’s Chicken Soup!” #ProftWasOnToSomething

  44. - Just Observing - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:35 pm:

    Is it unconventional? Yes.

    Is it the way I would approach a campaign? Probably not.

    That said, I don’t think it’s all that goofy.

  45. - anon sequitor - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:36 pm:

    Separating a millionaire candidate from his money is as easy as…

  46. - OneMan - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:38 pm:

    How about a Rauner/Proft ticket? One who has unlimited money, and one who knows how to spend a rich guy’s unlimited money (ask Ron Gidwitz).

    I am sure there are going to be lots of folks who are happy to help Bruce spend his money

  47. - anon sequitor - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:39 pm:

    PS. I hear the Rubber Chicken Defense League has hired a former PETA lobbyist to fight back.

  48. - OneMan - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:40 pm:

    Hey, GOP folks. Very recently we had 8 years of the MBA President running the country as if it were a business. That didn’t work out very well. Why on earth does this guy think we’re going to try that again at the state level?

    Well we have tried middling attorneys with government experience here and that has worked out really great as well….

  49. - some old stuff - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:42 pm:

    Wow, must be really nice to be a student and an intern and be able to donate $5,300 - come on really! This guy is a freakin joke!
    Shah, Bipin
    Occupation: Chairman and CEO
    Employer: Universal Business Payment Solutions 1100 Wyndon Ave.

    Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 $5,300.00
    3/18/2013 1A
    Bruce Rauner Exploratory Committee
    Shah, Elle Lang
    Occupation: Consultant
    Employer: Universal Business Payment Solutions 1100 Wyndon Ave.

    Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 $5,300.00
    3/18/2013 1A
    Bruce Rauner Exploratory Committee
    Shah, Sarah Lynn
    Occupation: Intern
    Employer: Rachel Zoe, Inc. 1100 Wyndon Ave.

    Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 $5,300.00
    3/18/2013 1A
    Bruce Rauner Exploratory Committee
    Shah, Genevieve
    Occupation: Student
    Employer: Student 1100 Wyndon Ave.

    Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 $5,300.00
    3/18/2013 1A
    Bruce Rauner Exploratory Committee
    Shah, Nelie
    Occupation: President
    Employer: NFS Inc. 1100 Wyndon Ave.

    Bryn Mawr, PA 19010 $5,300.00
    3/18/2013 1A
    Bruce Rauner Exploratory Committee

  50. - Skeptic - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:45 pm:

    What, no one has noticed the parallel with the Cubs? Choke? Get it? He’s doomed.

  51. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:54 pm:

    For Immediate Release.


    Chicago - After showing incredible disregard to a beloved comic prop, the Rubber Chicken Union #3882, based in Lincoln County, Illinois, is threating a picketing campaign, and a multi-million dollar lawsuit, unless a formal apology is issued from Millionaire Bruce Rauner and his “Exploratory Committee” for using one of “its own” Chickens, and not paying the Union Scale for a politcal Ad.

    Rauner, on a “listening tour” with the Chicken who tweets under @TheRaunerChicken, was unavailable from his Ford Taurus, that Rauner drives everyday, …honest.

    “We rubber chickens do not mind being part of jokes, but when we are put front and center, as a symbol for a campaign, and doing that without consulting OUR Union, our Local, we will call then out on it,” said Pimples, the Shop Stewart Rubber Chicken for Advertising and Promotional rubber chickens. “You just can’t go into a joke store and think we agree with you enough to help a political message. Bruce Rauner should know that.”

    The Local hopes that The Rauner Chickem will join them in the lawsuit, which will also include exploding gum and itching powder as concessions the Local as asking the Rauner campaign to consider in future ads.


  52. - Jon Zahm - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 1:56 pm:

    Oswego Willy,
    That was an interesting denial. Beware He Doth Protesteth Too Much. Who are you, so we can evaluate the credibility and bias of your commentary? You use people’s names a lot so you should not be allowed to disguise yours.

  53. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 2:01 pm:

    ===That was an interesting denial===

    - Jon Zahm -,

    I am not Proft. I wouldn’t mind the radio gig, but sadly, I am not Proft.

    Attacking me, because I mock Bruce Rauner, is not a good way for a campaign to spend its time. You have more to worry about than me.

    With kindest personal regards, I remain.

    Sincerely yours,

    Oswego Willy

  54. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 2:01 pm:

    –You use people’s names a lot so you should not be allowed to disguise yours.–

    He’s really billionaire Bruce Wayne. He lives in stately Wayne Manor.

    “should not be allowed.”

    Who are you to say?

  55. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 2:02 pm:

    I recognize that chicken! It was from the Bozo show! Rauner was using a collectible.

    Howdy Doody will probably be next.

  56. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 2:08 pm:

    Hmm, if I were trying to guess who Willie really is, I wonder, based on his years of posting, where I would put Dan Proft on my list of guesses?

    How many people are there on Planet Earth?

  57. - dupage dan - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 2:16 pm:

    anonymous @ 1:11 pm was me.

  58. - siriusly - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 2:17 pm:

    Keep it clean? Really? Sorry, you really can’t post questions like that and say keep it clean.

    I love the whole “listening tour,” misnomer. The whole point of the tour is to talk about yourself, not to listen.

  59. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 2:21 pm:

    Rauner has ads asking for donations on

    Curious placement.

  60. - Cincinnatus - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 2:21 pm:

  61. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 2:22 pm:

    Zahm, move along or leave. Last warning.

  62. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 2:23 pm:

    @TheRaunerChicken - I want to thank my Union, and my Local for thinking of me. My Hedge Fund Manger said he will give me a an additional $999.99 from his own pocket, and not a cent more #KeepItUnder250K

  63. - Jon Zahm - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 2:27 pm:

    To be clear, I am not a Bruce Rauner supporter. With Adam A. out of that race I am uncommitted.

    Sorry to offend you, Rich.

  64. - some old stuff - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 2:45 pm:

    Bruce boy has a long way to go before he catch’s up on the big dough he and his straight “D” voting wife have contributed to Mayors Daley and Emanuel , Bill Foster, Jan Shakowsky and the $200,000 to the Democrat Gov. of Pennsylavania who then double the amount of state pension $$$ to Rauner’s firm!

  65. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 2:46 pm:

    @TheRaunerChicken - When My Hedge Fund Manager talks about shutting down the state for a few weeks I explain it so everyone understands #JustLikeSundaysForChickFilA

  66. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 2:55 pm:

    @TheRaunerChicken - I am also an “Outsider”… when My Hedge Fund Manager speaks, he leaves me outside… in the Taurus! #ThisThingOn?

  67. - Cheswick - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 2:57 pm:

    You are invited to an exclusive evening with Bruce Rauner and the rubber chicken. Bring your questions, your hashtags, your checkbooks. But, do not bring your chopping block. Please, we implore you.

  68. - Cincinnatus - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 2:58 pm:

    - some old stuff - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 2:45 pm:

    “… the $200,000 to the Democrat Gov. of Pennsylavania who then double the amount of state pension $$$ to Rauner’s firm!”

    Hey, he can double money? Sounds perfect, this ability would solve the state fiscal problems. Is this a Super Hero ability?

  69. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 3:02 pm:

    @TheRaunerChicken - On April Fools Day, My Hedge Fund Manager gave me Rubber Chicken Feed in my bowl! He is silly that way #Pankster

  70. - Boone Logan Square - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 3:49 pm:

    The Aristocrat!

  71. - Just The Way It Is One - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 4:19 pm:

    Who in the heck are these people throwing their money out the window who actually believe he has a reasonable chance of actually winning?

    As Obi-Wan Kenobi once queried in Star Wars Episode IV, “Who’s more foolish: the fool, or the fool who follows him?” Interesting to ponder…

  72. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 4:35 pm:

    @TheRaunerChicken - When My Hedge Fund Manager shuts down the state of IL for weeks, I hope that includes health inspectors to chicken coops. I have about 2,618 cousins laying eggs here and I want them working not in ovens. #PositivesOfStateShutdown

  73. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 4:57 pm:

    @TheRaunerChicken - I was first a gift to Chad Koppie from Jack Roeser. I guess I am ‘GOOD’ luck, right? #ChickenByCommittee

  74. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 5:53 pm:

    @TheRaunerChicken - I use to work Birthday Parties, now I work ‘Tea’ Parties, looking crash pensions, and shut down IL. Being a prop is hard! #AintShowAndTellFun

  75. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 6:05 pm:

    @TheRaunerChicken - A quick “Fowl Poll”, who do you THINK is NOT listening more to people? My Hedge Fund Manager, or me, @TheRaunerChicken. #RememberIHaveNoEars

  76. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 6:29 pm:

    @TheRaunerChicken I almost choked when I heard that some wingnut thinks Oswego Willy is Dan Proft! #whatthecluck

  77. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 6:47 pm:

    word and Willy, at this point, we really should get that consulting proposal up to Mr. Rauner, perhaps with a fee adjustment.

  78. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 7:23 pm:

    AA, way up, I think, given some of the challenges:

    Sell as an “outsider” a dude who’s dropped $1.5 million on state and local politicians of both parties;

    Explain why paying public employee pensions are bad, but making money of public employee pension funds is good.

  79. - Roadiepig - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 7:42 pm:

    - wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 7:23 pm:

    Explain why paying public employee pensions are bad, but making money of public employee pension funds is good.

    Good point Word- have been wondering the same thing. Maybe because he could make even more money with excessive fees from all the state employees when they get moved into defined contribution retirement savings plans (that his firm somehow would receive exclusive control over)after they get those pesky pensions cut/eliminated?

  80. - Wallendar - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 7:47 pm:

    It isn’t fair that Facebook doesn’t have a “dislike” option. A VERY strong “dislike” option.

  81. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 8:05 pm:

    word, and don’t forget “trying to screw Cook County out of a couple hundred bucks a year on his third luxopad.” Way up indeed.

    Roadie, to be fair, neither Rauner’s old firm, GTCR, or the boutique he currently runs would be qualified to run a Statewide DC plan and they would be the first to tell you so. Nice theory, though.

  82. - RNUG Fan - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 8:09 pm:

    All these guys like Rauner and Romney made their fortunes in part on the risks they took with public employee pensions. Maybe they just want to cut off potential competition by destroying the once golden goose?
    I really don’t get these guys at all. SEIU had something called GTCR but it is no longer online. Anyone know what they found?

  83. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 8:41 pm:

    - wordslinger - & - AA -,

    Let me know when we should meet and have lunch, and dinner and drinks so we can hash all this out.

    We couldn’t do worse than the chicken, that I do know, for sure!

    Both of you, as well … thinking I am Proft is quite comical, luckily - wordslinger - was there to, um, clarify … that I am not.

  84. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 9:11 pm:

    Willy, we’ll be in touch. Probably not at a chicken place lol.
    You know, back in the day, when Rich first got the Blog really going, a couple of the Blago gang accused AA of being Judy Baar Topinka. I told them best I could that I was definitely a dude, and JBT had forgotten more than AA ever knew. But Proft-that’s an insult!

  85. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 2, 13 @ 9:28 pm:

    - AA -,

    I will wait for the “Bat Signal” for our meeting, since I am Bruce Wayne, and you and - wordslinger - must be either Commissioner Gordon and/or Chief O’Hara.

    @TheRaunerChicken - I will release my fees when My Hedge Fund Manager discloses me on his D-2. #250LargeToBePosted

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