* Billboards are some of the least effective political advertising, but they’re relatively cheap, so…
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is putting up billboards in 10 House Republicans’ districts accusing them of “putting radicalism and partisanship ahead of solutions for the middle class.” […]
The National Republican Congressional Committee fired back.
“The only thing that’s radical is the Democrats’ plan to never, ever balance our nation’s budget – and that’s causing a lot more whiplash for voters than these silly billboards will,” NRCC spokesman Daniel Scarpinato said.
From the DCCC…
“Every day when these Members’ constituents drive home, they think of how they will pay their bills, support their families, and pay for their healthcare and retirement – and now they will be reminded that their Republican Member of Congress would rather put radical ideology ahead of solutions for those worries,” said Emily Bittner of the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee. “The Republican budget puts millionaires ahead of the middle class and partisanship before solutions, and now Republicans will not be able to hide from their radical records, because they are in plain view. Instead of offering bipartisan solutions, these House Republicans have chosen partisanship again.”
The Davis billboard…
Yeah, that’ll work, I’m sure.
* While the DCCC is blowing cash on a billboard, Davis raked in a pretty darned big haul…
Rep. Rodney Davis, R-Ill., raised just north of $401,000 in his first full fundraising quarter in Congress, according to figures provided exclusively to CQ Roll Call.
The freshman will report having $334,000 in cash on hand and zero debt at the end of March, which marks the deadline to close the books on the first fundraising period of the year. […]
House Democrats have actively searched for potential candidates in the 13th District, even feting a well-known circuit court judge in Washington, D.C., over inauguration weekend.
But so far, not a single Democrat has announced a bid to challenge Davis. Other potential candidates who previously indicated interest in the race include Champaign Mayor Don Gerard and former Champaign County Board Member Brendan McGinty.
I highly doubt they’ll find a solid candidate there. Davis is everywhere, and that district is far more Republican in the off-years than during presidential years, partly because the district is packed with universities. If they couldn’t beat him last year, it’s gonna be a lot tougher to win that seat in 2014.
* Freshman Democratic Congressman Brad Schneider also raised $400K during the first quarter. Bob Dold is looking at a rematch, but that also may be tough row to hoe.
- shore - Thursday, Apr 11, 13 @ 11:05 am:
“While the DCCC is blowing cash on a billboard, Davis raked in a pretty darned big haul…”
There’s no biggert, dold, walsh, hultgren, kinzger or gop us senate candidate ect to compete with for campaign dollars so far in chicago. DCCC/NRCC also do these things at the beginning of every cycle. Sometimes it’s a robocall, other times it’s a radio ad. They cost maybe $5,000 but because of how little political news there is they get treated in the press like it’s a $250,000 major tv ad buy.
“Freshman Democratic Congressman Brad Schneider also raised $400K during the first quarter. Bob Dold is looking at a rematch, but that also may be tough row to hoe.”
-Dold (now squarely in jan’s district) lives closer to quigley’s district and roskam’s district and maybe even guttierez’s district than he does to the heart of the current 10th. There are also major cultural differences between him and the new district. That said, schneider is underwhelming and kirk’s old cos now runs the nrcc. Kirk could have done a lot more for dold last time.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Apr 11, 13 @ 11:07 am:
Um, are you supposed to pull over and read all that? Do you have to pay for parking?
It’s a billboard, for crying out loud. Big graphic, a few SHORT words, call to action with big 800-NUMBER or website.
That’s it.
- Formerly Known As... - Thursday, Apr 11, 13 @ 11:11 am:
Putting partisanship first?
Nothing like taking out a partisan attack ad on a guy just a few months into his first term.
That’s barely enough time to have a cup of coffee with the guy, much less work with him, if you’re on opposite sides of the aisle. The House hasn’t even taken 100 votes yet this year, and about half of those were procedural.
Never let details get in the way of the eternal campaign slogan, eh?
- Cincinnatus - Thursday, Apr 11, 13 @ 11:19 am:
I’ve always liked looking at billboards and trying to figure out if they are effective, this one ain’t. For others that like “fun with billboards” this site cracks me up:
- Doooode - Thursday, Apr 11, 13 @ 11:25 am:
Poor Shore…
Face pressed against the glass looking in as usual…
Nobody thought Dold would lose most of all Dold who swaggered into Election Day with the rest of his team.
Billboard campaigns are smart eh??
Ok then.
- LisleMike - Thursday, Apr 11, 13 @ 11:36 am:
Maybe I missed something along the way. “Radicalism” is not what I think of with extreme Repiblican ideas. Usually they go towards Reactionary (a return to the way things were or keeping them as things were) Radical is maybe misapplied? You political scientists out there: Am I off base?
- Amalia - Thursday, Apr 11, 13 @ 11:49 am:
what Wordslinger said.
also, what’s up with the colors of the Billboard?
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 11, 13 @ 11:52 am:
Maybe there is ANOTHER billboard, down the road, that explains THIS billboard….right?
I guess the small, SMALL print under that avalanche of words … is the disclaimer?
“Paid for by “Radical Optomitrists Touting Total Eyewear Needs” - R.O.T.T.E.N.
- Kasich Walker, Jr. - Thursday, Apr 11, 13 @ 11:52 am:
LisleMike –
You either give rebranding a chance or go with Ladybird.
(Youngsters: Ladybird was Lyndon Johnson’s wife. She supported a highway beautification program that included planting native grasses/wild flowers and restricting the use of billboards.)
- hisgirlfriday - Thursday, Apr 11, 13 @ 11:55 am:
Don Gerard? The guy with all the orders of protection stories? No thanks. Surely the Dems can find someone better.
- LisleMike - Thursday, Apr 11, 13 @ 11:58 am:
I was in HS when LBJ and his wife occupied the WH and remember the “Radical” idea of stopping billboards….that and LBJ picking up his beagle dog by it’s ears! Oswego Willy: you really put the “OW” in your puns!LOL
- Downstater - Thursday, Apr 11, 13 @ 11:59 am:
Somebody at the national committee level has to justify their existence/salary. Even it is bad.
- Chevy owner/Ford County - Thursday, Apr 11, 13 @ 12:02 pm:
You are correct…but the “political scientists” are not the target of these billborards (actually looking at that mess, I’m not sure who is) and, in general, the masses are not familiar with the term “reactionary”
- Ravenswood Right Winger - Thursday, Apr 11, 13 @ 12:07 pm:
hisgirlfriday: Did you see Gerard get into a brouhaha with a local musician? It’s in today’s News-Gazoo. Mike Freirichs could give Davis a run but it sounds like he’s looking at a statewide office.
Off topic: Chicago City Council just proclaimed April 15 as Harold Washington Day. Considering Harold had issues with the IRS for failing to file income tax returns, it’s ironic.
- shore - Thursday, Apr 11, 13 @ 12:12 pm:
they don’t spend a lot of $$$ on these, they get attention in the political press. that’s about it. They’re like the webvideos, the campaigns make it, everyone goes whoa! then you look and 100 people saw it and the campaigns spent a few shillings on some intern-maybe more in the case of that kid who did quinns work in 2010. I’ll let you dig up the stories from 2005,7,9,11 where national journal writes something to the effect of nrcc spent only $2,000 on those calls/ads/billboards.
I wasn’t part of the dold operation or any operation. If you know kenilworth (where dold is from) people, they have swagger in everything they do and how they live. He was quite humble in that race and for a guy who worked for dan burton and dan quayle he was awfully moderate.
- Esquire - Thursday, Apr 11, 13 @ 12:27 pm:
“Chicago City Council just proclaimed April 15 as Harold Washington Day. Considering Harold had issues with the IRS for failing to file income tax returns, it’s ironic.”
It is doubly ironic that Harold Washington ever forget to file his income tax returns since April 15th was his birthday.
- RNUG Fan - Thursday, Apr 11, 13 @ 1:05 pm:
The democrats are determined to commit off year suicide again so this race isn’t going to happen.
He raised close to Illinois gov numbers. tells you about the enthusiasm for those candidates
- jake - Thursday, Apr 11, 13 @ 1:20 pm:
So the DCCC is still screwing up in the 13th. It is hard for them to learn anything because they only listen to each other. Probably there will not be a professional politician candidate on the DEM side. That being said, Davis should be vulnerable to somebody. It is a swing district, most suitable for a moderate, and so far he is taking his stand way on the right. But there needs to be a likable articulate candidate to exploit that, and the DCCC needs to have learned something so as not to screw up the campaign as they did the last time.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 11, 13 @ 1:22 pm:
- LisleMike -,
I thank you …
- Formerly Known As... - Thursday, Apr 11, 13 @ 1:50 pm:
I think we can all agree the only rational option is David Gill running for a 5th time.
- Under Influenced - Thursday, Apr 11, 13 @ 1:51 pm:
“Probably there will not be a professional politician candidate on the DEM side.”
Unless Manar decides to run.
- Cincinnatus - Thursday, Apr 11, 13 @ 2:13 pm:
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 11, 13 @ 11:52 am:
“Maybe there is ANOTHER billboard, down the road, that explains THIS billboard….right?”
Like this?
- wordslinger - Thursday, Apr 11, 13 @ 2:19 pm:
Cincy, one of the many joys of riding back roads in a safe car with a full tank of gas (not the norm during most of this farm boy’s life) is running across a witty, Burma-shave-inspired message.
There’s some effort there. Not only do you have to come up with a worthy message, you have to make and paint some signs and dig some holes out on the road. Great fun.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 11, 13 @ 2:24 pm:
- Cincinnatus -,
Good stuff!
I also enjoy the sides of the barns with Ads. some are for local places, attractions, etc., and then you get some, for an event, that happened almost a year ago, and no one changed it.
Good way to pass the time, for sure.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Apr 11, 13 @ 2:42 pm:
I’m a sucker for the old red wooden barns I roamed in my youth. No nostalgia for the Butler buildings.
I’ll stop for every wooden barn, every lead-guzzling Detroit muscle car at the front of the farm with a for-sale sign, every historical marker, every drive-in burger joint and every produce stand.
My wife and kids haven’t killed me, yet, only because they lack ambition.
- Cincinnatus - Thursday, Apr 11, 13 @ 2:57 pm:
I remember a trip the family made in the early ’60’s - Route 66 all the way to California. Burma Shave signs peppered the landscape. Also came away with the impression that Death Valley ain’t fun in a car without A/C. At least the car was white…
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 11, 13 @ 3:11 pm:
I enjoy going the back roads through Kendall and LaSalle counties. There are still a few true red barns, and when you make that drive for the last 10 minutes of daylight/dusk on a clear day/night/dusk … it doesn’t get much better out there ejoying that moment.
- LisleMike - Thursday, Apr 11, 13 @ 3:27 pm:
Covered Bridge Festival in Indiana (just across the state line at Danville) is worth the drive in the fall, also. Nothing more calming!
- Downstate - Thursday, Apr 11, 13 @ 3:36 pm:
Here in our part of the state, billboards are used by a host of locally owned retail operations (dining, winery, and retail stores) to drive interstate customers to their operations. It’s amazing the effectiveness of the advertising.
Those travelers can’t be reached with a newspaper, radio or TV advertising.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Apr 11, 13 @ 3:36 pm:
I’ve wandered all over the Midwest backroad, and much of the country, too.
My dance card has a spot for Richmond to Charleston to Savannah, west to Atlanta, north to Vicksburg and up the river to Cairo.
See what Uncle Billy and the Blue Boys saw.
- Me two - Thursday, Apr 11, 13 @ 3:52 pm:
So I traveled from Niagra Falls, NY to Detroit Michigan across te lower part of Ontario Canada. No billboards allowed.
Traveled for 239 miles and never found a unique place to eat or sleep for the night, because they couldn’t advertise, and the “greenspace” didnt allow the places to build too close to the exits.
It was like driving across Kansas, but not as glitzy.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Apr 11, 13 @ 3:55 pm:
The farms, the barns, the roads, the downtowns… all are something people should see when exploring our state.
Sometimes, exploring off the direct routes of the Interstates, you find gems you never would have thought existed. I have been rarely disappointed, and when I was, the story is usually even better.
It’s like a good restaurant in a “neighborhood” in the City, but not as well known by others.
Finding those unique places make the trip and destination even more worthwhile.
- tubist - Friday, Apr 19, 13 @ 11:13 am:
What a load of crap. “Senator, I know Rodney Davis, and you are no Rodney Davis.”: