Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Bill Daley forms campaign committee, says he’s “100 percent in” the race
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Bill Daley forms campaign committee, says he’s “100 percent in” the race

Tuesday, Jun 11, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a press release…

Bill Daley files for Governor.

Says “People of Illinois can’t wait” for Springfield to fix itself.

Former White House Chief of Staff to President Obama Bill Daley filed a D-1 form today with the Illinois State Board of Elections to run for Governor, declaring in a campaign video that Illinois can’t wait for politicians in Springfield to clean up the mess they created.

Citing last month’s disastrous legislative session as a motivating factor, Daley took aim at Governor Pat Quinn for failing to bring all sides together to get things done. “Our state needed a productive legislative session, but what happened? Pension reform failed again. Marriage equality dies at the last minute. Protecting our kids from illegal guns—another joke,” said Daley, who announced on his campaign website,

“We can no longer stand idly by while our pension debt bankrupts our schools and robs our children of a better future. From the stinging injustice of inequality to the painful toll of unemployment, the people of Illinois are paying a perilous price for political failure. We need solutions. We need action. We need leadership that gets things done. And the people of Illinois can’t wait,“ added Daley.

The “we can’t wait” refrain has its roots in Daley’s efforts to help President Obama break a similar logjam in Washington.

“When I was Chief of Staff to President Obama, the Republican Congress tried to grind the federal government to a halt. So we launched the ‘we can’t wait’ campaign. On issue after issue, President Obama took executive action when Congress failed to act. We need that same urgency in Illinois. We can’t wait for the legislature to get well on its own. We need a Governor that takes the field, takes command and gets things done. And for those that aspire to lead this state, now is the time to proclaim we can’t wait.”

Daley closed the video by issuing a call to voters help break the logjam in the state legislature. “If you agree with me that we can’t wait to fix the pension mess, join this campaign. If you agree with me that we can’t wait for marriage equality, join this campaign. If you agree that we can’t wait to take on the scourge of illegal guns, join this campaign. This will be a campaign of action and urgency because that’s the leadership the people of Illinois deserve. Join me and let’s get things done, “ said Daley.

* Campaign video. Rate it

* From the Tribune

A longtime banker and businessman, Daley headed the Amalgamated Bank of Chicago, served as president of SBC and later held top positions at JPMorgan Chase.

Daley said he plans to put together specific plans on top issues. But he’s already got some thoughts on what are expected to be two of the top issues of the 2014 campaign: taxes and pension reform.

On taxes, Daley said in an interview that at this point he would “absolutely not” support an extension of the 67 percent hike in the personal income tax rate jammed through a Democrat-led legislature and signed by Quinn in January 2011.

“Everybody got hit, the person who was hardly making anything or those of us who have been blessed,” Daley said. “And at some point, we’ve got to say, ‘Is this fair?’” […]

“I’m in, period,” said Daley, who noted he’s spent months considering a run for governor. “I’m totally committed, 100 percent in it.”

* Sun-Times

“He’s in, period,” Daley strategist Peter Giangreco told the Sun-Times on Tuesday. “He’s totally committed. He’s 100 percent in.”

Despite the “exploratory label” attached to the campaign for now, Daley has hired staff, has a website and a roll-out strategy in place.

For Tuesday and Wednesday, the Daley team will mainly let the video announcement speak for itself for seep into the Illinois political bloodstream; on Thursday Daley will be speaking to the media.

“The news from Springfield always seems to be bad,” Daley said in a video announcing his run in a campaign video that featured the slogan, “We can’t wait.”


  1. - Chi - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 7:31 am:

    I don’t think he’d run against the AG, which makes me think he knows something about her plans.

  2. - Quinn T. Sential - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 7:37 am:

    {”I’m in, period,” said Daley, who noted he’s spent months considering a run for governor. “I’m totally committed, 100 percent in it.”}

    He’s 100% in it until he is 100% out of it. The countdown clock on his departure is already ticking.

    It’s only a matter of time before he does the Hokey PPokey

  3. - CircularFiringSquad - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 7:40 am:

    100 per cent “in” with an exploratory committee
    can’t get much bolder than that!
    Now can we talk about lobbying the unions to save Wall Streeter Jamie Dimon’s butt after the $6 billion trading scandal?

  4. - Trixie - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 7:50 am:

    I just don’t buy that he is in for the long haul or that he has inside information on Lisa’s intentions. I still think she gets in, Daley thereafter does terrible in the polling, and then he backs out making it a head-to-head between Lisa and Quinn. I would love to see some good polling on Quinn v. Daley (especially with downstate Democrats) after the Daley candidacy percolates for a couple of weeks.

  5. - suburban viewpoint - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 8:01 am:

    Have met him roughly 15 times, and he still can’t remember my name. Used to take it personal - now I view it as a game: how many intros does it take for him to remember…anyway, I’m probably not alone in his lack of interest in them, and if he can’t be bothered by little stuff like that, hard to see him succeeding…

  6. - Nieva - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 8:07 am:

    Just what we need another Chicago Democrat to fix things.

  7. - Rahm's Middle Finger - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 8:07 am:

    I was interested to see what type of team he can put together considering Quinn and Lisa will swallow up talent. But Giangreco is the real deal. It will be interesting to see if he hires AKPD, who had insight into the Quinn campaign. Most interesting will be if Rahm gets behind him. If Rahm invests resources and time, he’s a real candidate immediately.

    The reality is though he has an impressive resume, a lot of his “highlights” won’t play well in a Democratic primary…. NAFTA, time at JP Morgan, corporate CEO. All potential hits. Layer that on top of the parking meter outrage and it makes for a lot of fertile ground for attacks.

  8. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 8:08 am:

    Now, let’s see when Lisa decides to make her move, and the dominoes falling from there.

    I hope that my Karma Meter is met with good rollouts for Bill and Lisa because I can’t go through a whole summer with this Fog about me for the Opposite party.

    Attention Rauner campaign;

    Bill Daley may be a worse candidate than Bruce, but there is one thing Bill Daley won’t do, is have a mediocre rollout. Been involved in too many campaigns to have the Dopey rollout Bruce Rauner has had.

    Will be interesting to watch from the other side of the “field”

  9. - Dan Bureaucrat - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 8:09 am:

    So he would have an executive order to fix the pension squeeze? And to mandate marriage equality?

    Maybe we should let the chief executive grant the power to bestow same sex marriages — the way he does clemencies.

  10. - c - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 8:11 am:

    wonder if we will get to see more runways tore up in the middle of the night if we get another daley elected!

  11. - Empty Chair - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 8:12 am:

    What’s up with his eyes?

  12. - Joe M - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 8:17 am:

    ==On pension reform, Daley favors a proposal that would require workers to pay more toward their retirement, scale back the automatic annual 3 percent compounded increase in retiree checks and raise the retirement age.== - from Tribune article

    Sounds like another “police state overriding the Constitution and contract law” fan.

  13. - OneMan - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 8:28 am:

    If he is 100% in it, then why is he just forming an exploratory committee?

  14. - ProblemChild21 - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 8:32 am:

    After the recent tempests rocking DC, he’s willing to quote President Obama?

  15. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 8:35 am:

    Where is this El-Ah-Noy that he speaks of?

    I’m surprised, and still not sure if he is 100%, but this is certainly farther than he’s gone before.

    To the video, he’s running against Springfield and wrapping himself in Obama. Specific issues mentioned are guns, gay marriage and pensions. Those first two are certainly for a Dem primary. Not sure about the third.

    I though it was interesting that he whacked Republicans in Congress. I thought the reason Obama brought him in was to make nice with those guys.

    His closer graphic is “Bill Daley: Democrat for Illinois.” You don’t see too many candidates tout their party ID any more.

    The Daleys have been a cult of personality for so long I guess they have to remind people that they claim to be Democrats, lol.

    I give the video a B–. Long speeches to the camera aren’t a family strength. He was staring off-center at the script most of the time. Probably should avoid lines like “the perilous price of political failure.” Doesn’t exactly roll off the tongue.

  16. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 8:37 am:

    I guess Rauner’s contributors are going to have to double up. Don’t Daley and he basically appeal to the same money base?

  17. - MrJM - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 8:38 am:

    Bill Daley obviously hopes to parlay his many triumphs as Obama’s White House chief-of-staff and Al Gore’s 2000 campaign chairman…

    – MrJM

  18. - Bill White - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 8:40 am:

    === If he is 100% in it, then why is he just forming an exploratory committee? ===

    He is 100% committed to exploring whether or not to actually run.

  19. - Bill White - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 8:42 am:

    === We need solutions. We need action. We need leadership that gets things done. ===

    If he can persuade Speaker Madigan to call SB2404 for a vote, Bill Daley will get my vote.

  20. - "Edge" - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 8:44 am:

    Well, what is the alternative to not extending teh 5% state income tax? The State isn’t paying its bills now, what the heck will happen with his budget not having that extra income tax in it? Plus I have a feeling he understands how bad Quinn is and there is no way he would stay in the race and allow Quinn any chance of being the Dem nominee.

  21. - hisgirlfriday - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 8:48 am:

    I still have this gut feeling he’s a stalking horse for somebody until he goes all the way with an announcement.

    In the meantime,

  22. - Publius - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 8:48 am:

    When Sargent Shriver, Kennedy’s brother-in-law was thinking of running for governor, old man Daley wasn’t for him. “Why not?” Somebody asked, “He’s got a great reputation.” Daley replied “Unfurtunately, it’s only national.”

  23. - The Lowly LA - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 8:48 am:

    As far as rating the ad, it is way too slow, too wordy. Of the 2:30, over 2 minutes of it are just his interview shot. Only two clips of non-static video, and they were at the beginning. I was tuned out halfway through.

    If this does turn into a three-way race, could the downstate democrat vote become the deciding factor?

  24. - OneMan - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 8:49 am:

    Well if Lisa gets in and the three of them split the Chicago vote, then ironically downstate may decide the whole thing…

    I expect Pat Quinn to rediscover the state south of I-80 and visit south of Springfield every time a creek overflows.

  25. - hisgirlfriday - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 8:49 am:

    will be interesting to see if anyone tries to make something out of giangrecos blago ties like the gop did in the alexi campaign or that ship has sailed.

  26. - Amalia - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 8:54 am:

    video emphasizes that Springfield is a mess and that there’s no waiting to decide to do something about it. designed to flush Lisa out or paint her as part of the problem. depressing problems, but fairly upbeat and compelling ad.

  27. - Union Man - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 8:55 am:

    If he gets in, Springfield could buy the parking meter’s from Chicago!

  28. - WilliamO - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 8:55 am:

    Well, working for the President might help him but I thought he was brought in to improve relations with Congress and left early because he didn’t. Are Illinois legislators more easily herded?

    And wasn’t strategist Giangreco a big player in the Blagojevich campaign before he quit and went back home or something. Sigh. Plus ca change.

  29. - Way South of I-80 - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 8:57 am:

    If we are rating the video I would say it is “average” and “boring”. I will vote Democrat - but believe that Rauner’s video was better and more appealing to voters.

  30. - OurMagician - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 9:01 am:

    Looks like the same person that did Pat Quinn’s ad in 2010 did this one too.

  31. - Cassiopeia - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 9:05 am:

    In the race for talent Quinn won’t have any good ones. He will use his crackerjack bunch from the Guv’s office which should be amusing.

  32. - Skirmisher - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 9:05 am:

    Every time a new contender appears from either party I get more convinced that I need to start looking at real estate in someplace like Terre Haute. I think either a Daley or a Madigan in the governor’s mansion would send southern Illinois up in arms.

  33. - Robert the Bruce - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 9:12 am:

    ==If he is 100% in it, then why is he just forming an exploratory committee?==

    I see three possibilities:
    1) Everybody forms exploratory committees first so that they can get their paperwork in order.
    2) Everybody forms exploratory committees first so that they can get an extra chance at media attention.
    3) Avid cap fax lurker Bill Daley decided to allow 63% of cap fax voters to argue they technically weren’t wrong last week:

  34. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 9:16 am:

    ===would send southern Illinois up in arms.===

    LOL. Up in arms? You think they’d revolt? C’mon. Who would pay for all their state goodies then?

  35. - Keyrock - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 9:18 am:

    Ha! Ha! Ha!

    Bruce Rauner has to be happy. If he gets to run against another Combine millionaire, and one who has the disadvantage of the Daley name, he might have a shot. Hard to see what Daley thinks is his path to victory. (And Bill is supposed to be the shrewd brother.)

  36. - The Captain - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 9:19 am:

    Why are people so confused about the exploratory committee? This is standard stuff, you do a formal announcement later and you get two free press pops. Introduction to Campaigns 101.

  37. - Esquire - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 9:21 am:

    I know that Daley is trolling for support among likely primary voters, but SSM is hardly the most critical priority issue facing Illinois. “The scourge of illegal guns” is a nicely crafted straddle.

  38. - funny guy - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 9:23 am:

    Wasn’t Bill Daley working for JP Morgan when JP did the parking meter deal? If not, did he go to work for them right after? Just asking…

  39. - Small Town Taxpayer - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 9:24 am:

    If, as appears to be very possible, there are three Chicago Democrats in the race for Governor it looks like a page from the Republican play book to me. The three spend lots of money in the primary and say all kinds of bad things about each other. In the general election the party is fractured and independent voters are turned off by the fight. The result is that the primary ‘winner’ is, in the end, the looser.

    They must all be hoping that someone will drop out or that the Republicans did not learn from the primary ‘win’ by Senator Bill Brady. Another long fight to find the ‘true conservative’ Republican is what the Democrats might be looking for.

  40. - Robo - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 9:25 am:

    He and/or his handlers must see something to make a definitive commitment. Better hope it pans out.

  41. - P. - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 9:28 am:

    Gigantic head in like a fish eye lens, googly eyes reading a teleprompter and a background fuzzier than the eye chart to an octogenarian it’s actually distracting instead of looking clean. t the Secretary of State’s Office … Great look to kick off the campaign.

  42. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 9:28 am:

    Between Daley and Rauner, the question will be where is Dillard going to get his money from?

    No snark, both Daley and Rauner cover a great deal of ground in the business community, and will that make Dillard the 3rd choice in assisting in rasing the money.

    If Daley stays in, then June 30th D-2s between Rauner, Daley and Dillard might be very telling where business leaders may fall, at least financially early on, and how MUCH support is “given”.

  43. - votecounter - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 9:32 am:

    Whats with the open collars? Rauner and Daley is it a rich guy thing? The speech is one of those that are better on paper; Action and urgency? not words that go with Daley’s style.
    Isn’t anyone going to He’s running against Democrat super majorities in both chambers! Second highest unemployment rate Democrats in charge for over a decade, “By now we expect Springfield to fail, we’ve gotten used to it.” Democrat majorities for a decade a Democrat Governor too. Again it’s hilarious who put us here? Who spent us into oblivion? what Party?

  44. - votecounter - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 9:34 am:

    It was supposed to say Isn’t any going to point out. My phone likes to cut lines out after send

  45. - hisgirlfriday - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 9:37 am:

    @funnyguy - Morgan Stanleys company got the parking meter contract not JP Morgan.

    But there is probably some fun stuff with Daley and SBC to get into like what role did Daley have at SBC in the security link sale from sbc to bruce rauner facilitated by rahm emanuel?

  46. - Mokenavince - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 9:45 am:

    Daley runs into phone booth and out pops SuperGov,
    I really like the idea. Maybe he can get Mike and John of there duffs.
    By 2016 we may have a pension deal. We need so much help its not funny.
    Pensions, bond ratings, unemployment, workers comp, Madigan has run this State into the ground.

  47. - HenryVK - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 9:48 am:

    Here’s the question about Bill Daley — does he stand for anything significantly different than Quinn?

    Does he have any record of effectively twisting arms to get a deal done? Other than maybe NAFTA, what has been his big accomplishment?

    I’m just not seeing anything that he brings to the table.

  48. - Arthur Andersen - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 9:49 am:

    Willy called this last week. Any insight on the Lotto numbers, bro?

  49. - Keyrock - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 9:57 am:

    “Here’s the question about Bill Daley — does he stand for anything significantly different than Quinn?”

    Yes. Bill Daley has the best seats in Sox Park. Pat Quinn’s been up in the nosebleeds.

  50. - Not Rollo Tomasi - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 9:59 am:

    Bill Daley’s Achilles Heel is being a member of the Daley Crime Family. He can’t go too hard on the pension issue without someone going after his brother for under funding Chicago’s pensions. He is also the uncle of Robert Vanecko who got a large loan from the Police pension Fund by overstating the amount of his seed money. Robert Vanecko - Bill’s Brother-in-law - who collects a police pension although he never was a police officer. He’s a Dr.

    Uncle to R.J. Vanecko who is under investigation for murder by a federal grand jury and is being investigated by former US Attorney Dan Webb. Uncle to Matt Vanecko promoter of Lollapalooza . Matt never paid amusement taxes while Uncle Richard was mayor. And Bill is uncle to Patrick Daley who is also inder investigation for business dealings with Cardinal LLC.

    Being brother of John and Richard has it’s own set of problems……..

  51. - Keyrock - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 10:02 am:

    “Here’s the question about Bill Daley — does he stand for anything significantly different than Quinn?”

    Yes, he stands for a full refrigerator.

    Yes, he stands for a good night sleep, and not working night and day.

    Willy, can you please take it from here?

  52. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 10:07 am:

    Daley’s tenure at SBC might be remembered not-to-fondly among Illinoisans. I’m sure Quinn and Lisa remember it:

    –His biggest victory, not surprisingly, came in Illinois, where, according to Crain’s Chicago Business, Daley was SBC’s “chief lobbyist” on a bill that would let the company “start charging its rivals nearly twice as much” for using its network. (Daley has long maintained that he’s never been a lobbyist.) The measure was opposed by Democratic politicians locally (including the Democratic lieutenant governor and attorney general) and nationally: John Conyers labeled the bill “a national embarrassment. The Democratic Party is supposed to stand for consumers.” Yet SBC’s Daley-led lobbying, which included $200,000 in contributions to then-governor Rod Blagojevich’s campaign and inauguration committees, led to Blagojevich signing the bill into law just four days after it was first introduced in the state legislature. Crain’s called the speed “unheard of for non-emergency legislation. … Illinois consumers and small businesses will again be at the mercy of a local phone service monopoly.”–

  53. - Langhorne - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 10:10 am:

    Acc to trib, daley is willing to consider a CA for a graduated inc tax. Hooray. Non starter thats 40 or so years too late. Shoulda been at con con. Tell me your cosponsors.

    Remember what edgar did to netsch over the tax swap? This could be worse. “Bill wants to raise your taxes as high as new yawk or caleefornia.” Its a great idea for a grad school seminar, but CANT PASS. Cant get on the ballot, cant pass if it did.

  54. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 10:13 am:

    ==Democrat majorities for a decade a Democrat Governor too. Again it’s hilarious who put us here? Who spent us into oblivion? what Party? ==

    You are either being naïve or purposely disingenuous. The answer to your question is that both parties played a role in getting us where we are today. You seem to conveniently forget the 20+ years of Republican Governors prior to the period you speak of. Those Governor’s were more than happy to spend money. And the Republican caucus in both the House and the Senate were also right there with their hand in the till. It used to be that all 4 caucuses and the Governor sat down at the end of session to craft a final budget. I remember vividly under George Ryan the question was never where we could cut money - it was how much could we add to the budget. You may choose to put blinders on but the problems Illinois has date back far more than 10 years. Facts are funny things and they get in the way of what some want to believe sometimes. It doesn’t make it true though. Grow up for once and recognize what has really happened in this state.

  55. - Keyrock - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 10:16 am:

    The investigative reporters are going to have fun going through the old files. So are the oppo. researchers.

  56. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 10:23 am:

    - AA -,

    Only “part 1″ is done, so I can only give ya 3 numbers for the Lotto until Daley does his rollout…

    - Keyrock -,

    I am not ready to “rollout” my Bill Daley Platform, but you gave an outstanding start that will be difficult to match.

  57. - AFSCME Steward - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 10:25 am:

    Because is is 100% committed to his exploratory committee.

    “If he is 100% in it, then why is he just forming an exploratory committee?”

  58. - walkinfool - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 10:28 am:

    Excellent script for a short campaign message, though it might cover a bit too many points for an initial announcement. “We can’t wait” tag line is good.

    His delivery was just ok. Warm milk personality. He doesn’t pull off either the anger or the excitement expressed in the script.

    Then again, Dillard, and Rauner aren’t very dynamic speakers either.

  59. - Left Leaner - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 10:31 am:

    Setting odds at 5:1 that he actually runs.

  60. - Keyrock - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 10:32 am:

    “Here’s the question about Bill Daley — does he stand for anything significantly different than Quinn?”

    Yes, Bill Daley went to St. Ignatius.
    Pat Quinn went to Fenwick.

  61. - Wensicia - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 10:47 am:

    Daley’s timing is good. The failure of Madigan and the GA to pass pension reform. The probable failure of Quinn’s special session, a pretty good time to score hits off both names. Except, I’m trying to recall anything successful in Daley’s background?

  62. - votecounter - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 11:11 am:

    It was Daley that brought Parties into this! And 10 years in power it’s time to stop saying they did it too. You guys have the power to pass anything you want! The GOP can’t stop you. Same as Obama when Daley was Chief of Staff Obama and the Democrats could pass whatever they wanted they had the votes just like now they have the votes. Why try to get Super Majorities if you don’t use them? So yes I do remember and I am not fond of Edgar Thompson or Ryan but we were not second to last in unemployment or the bonds were not one above junk or the taxes were not as high and burdensome as now. As Daley said we getting used to Springfield not working!

  63. - windshouter - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 11:20 am:

    Its pretty unambitious for a governor candidate to promise ahead of time that he won’t be able to work with the legislature and will have to issue executive orders to work around them. Isn’t that an endorsement of a different legislature. I assume guns are a dead issue now, but marriage equality and pension reform aren’t dead yet, but would die quickly if Mr. Quinn issue executive orders to nibble around the edges. Quinn’s failures as governor have little to do with not issuing executive orders.

  64. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 11:49 am:

    ==And 10 years in power it’s time to stop saying they did it too==

    And it’s time to stop being so hyper-partisan and realize that this problem didn’t happen in just 10 years. And stop referring to me as “you guys.” I’m not anybody’s “guy.” I just happen to be able to, you know, be a little objective unlike you.

    And what would you have suggested happen to taxes? There was really no choice except to raise them. You couldn’t simply cut your way out of this mess.

    I have little patience for people who are so blinded by partisanship that they can’t make a rational argument about anything. The only retort you are apparently capable of making is to blame the Democrats. That might boost your ego but it doesn’t do anything but show your stripes and your inability to be objective whatsoever.

  65. - Rahm's Middle Finger - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 1:02 pm:

    I really don’t see a path to victory. Only chance is you get one on one with Quinn. Get Rahm’s support. By some miracle pick up African American and Hispanic support Then outraise and and outspend him.

    I just don’t see where the votes are coming from.

  66. - Rahm's Middle Finger - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 2:18 pm:

    So Jack Franks is running statwide. What a joke.

  67. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 2:21 pm:

    –Get Rahm’s support.–

    Rahm’s guy is already in the race. Bill Daley didn’t make Rahm rich. I think the Daleys got more out of Emanuel’s fundraising than he ever got out of them.

    But I don’t think Emanuel’s support moves anyone to the polls, anyway.

  68. - Endangered Moderate Species - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 2:52 pm:

    The narrative is too lengthy.

    It is confusing that he is 100% in for an Exploratory Committee.

    His lazy left eye is very distracting in those extreme close-up shots.

  69. - reformer - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 2:58 pm:

    So Daley is “absolutely against” extending the temporary income tax hike. Then he and other candidates who agree with him have a responsibility to spell out how they will cut another $6 billion from the budget, while simultaneously
    * balancing it,
    * paying off the backlog of bills, and
    * improving the state’s credit rating!
    It can only be done with smoke and mirrors.

  70. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 3:25 pm:

    Shifty eyes, squeaky voice, really annoying. And Good God, what makes him think we’re yearning for another Daley? That said, I’d give the video a solid C. Better message than Rauner’s launch, but not much.

  71. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 5:28 pm:

    –So Daley is “absolutely against” extending the temporary income tax hike–

    Reformer, that’s where we know he’s full of stuff. Like anyone else who says that.

    What disrespect those who peddle that show to people. We’re all stupid? We have to take off our shoes to count to 20, our pants to count to 21?

    Both he and Rauner will say anything to get elected. They have utter contempt for the people.

  72. - A Springfield legislator - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 7:43 pm:

    He’s out

  73. - Just The Way It Is One - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 7:55 pm:

    The “Democrats of Illinois” can’t wait to put him in his place, too–the loser’s column (just as he turned out to be as the President’s chief of staff–runnin’ away when it got too hot in the kitchen for him and internal criticism against him was mounting)…!

  74. - Louis Howe - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 8:32 pm:

    Obviously, Bill Daley is not a TV personality. An honest consultant wouldn’t have let him deliver a 2 ½ minute soap box rant to open his campaign. He needed a professional introduction with a very narrow focus and perhaps a short tagline by Daley.
    It’s another ego trip campaign without a good beginning… D-

  75. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jun 11, 13 @ 10:03 pm:

    Louis, hard to argue with you.

    In fact, given the history, it’s hard to believe that Daley isn’t just working some angle.

    HisGirlFriday could be right (as she is often), and he’s just a stalking horse pounding on Quinn for Lisa.

    Or, I might add, Rauner (I imagine Bill is tighter with the Rauner crowd than the Madigans).

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