Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » This just in… Lisa Madigan announces reelection bid
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This just in… Lisa Madigan announces reelection bid

Monday, Jul 15, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a press release…


Chicago – Lisa Madigan today announced her campaign for reelection as Illinois Attorney General. In seeking her fourth term, Madigan will build on an extraordinary record of accomplishment in protecting consumers, generating critical revenue for the state, safeguarding communities, and fighting for open and accountable government.

Since taking office in 2003, Madigan has established herself as a national leader in protecting consumers. Throughout the home foreclosure crisis that devastated the nation’s economy, Madigan has fought to hold lenders accountable for their financial misconduct and to provide assistance to struggling Illinois families and communities. Her efforts have resulted in over $2 billion in relief for homeowners in Illinois. Madigan also has consistently fought against unfair utility rates, obtaining over $1 billion in relief for electricity consumers.

In a time of fiscal crisis, Madigan’s office has generated over $9 billion for the state. Her work has included partnering with the Department of Revenue to lead a multi-year enforcement initiative that has collected over $82 million from gasoline station owners and operators who have evaded sales taxes.

Madigan has led statewide efforts to curb the manufacture, sale and use of methamphetamine, drafting new laws to address this deadly drug, training law enforcement and prosecutors, and prosecuting meth conspiracy cases. With the rise of synthetic drug use in recent years, Madigan put Illinois at the forefront of this fight by launching a successful initiative to get synthetic drugs out of retail stores and drafting a new law to crack down on sales of these drugs.

As part of her extensive work to protect women and children from sexual assault, Madigan drafted and negotiated a law requiring the testing of DNA evidence collected in sexual assault investigations, making Illinois the first state in the nation with this mandate. Madigan also has drafted laws to require lifetime supervision for the most dangerous sex offenders and to improve the state’s Sex Offender Registry. Additionally, Madigan leads the Illinois Internet Crimes Against Children Task Force and has undertaken a successful initiative to identify, track and apprehend the most prolific child pornography offenders.

As Attorney General, Madigan has created new tools to fight for government transparency and accountability. She created the first-ever Public Access Counselor in the office and worked with open government advocates to spearhead successful legislative efforts to strengthen the state’s sunshine laws. She also has taken criminal and civil actions against government misconduct and fraud, successfully prosecuting public officials and minority contracting fraud.

In her fourth term, Madigan will continue her successful record of advocacy on behalf of the people of Illinois.

Statement from Lisa Madigan on her decision to seek reelection as Attorney General:

“For the last several months, I have considered the best way to continue serving the people of Illinois. Deciding whether to seek reelection or to run for Governor has not been easy. I love my job as Attorney General and continue to be excited about the important work we are doing and what we can do for people and families in the years ahead. I considered running for Governor because of the need for effective management from that office and the frustration so many of us feel about the current lack of progress on critical issues facing Illinois.

Ultimately, however, there has always been another consideration that impacts my decision. I feel strongly that the state would not be well served by having a Governor and Speaker of the House from the same family and have never planned to run for Governor if that would be the case. With Speaker Madigan planning to continue in office, I will not run for Governor.

I have been honored to have so many people across Illinois voice their support for me as I considered this decision. I look forward to continuing to fight for everyone in Illinois as Attorney General.” [Emphasis added.]

Blaming it on the dad. Wow.

…Adding… From late last month

Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan doesn’t believe her father, Speaker of the House Michael Madigan, would have to step down if she makes a run for governor.

Madigan, after serving on a panel Thursday hosted by the influential Emily’s List at Willis Tower, was unequivocal when posed the question now being constantly raised. “He wouldn’t have to. He wouldn’t have to step down,” she retorted to a reporter, emphasizing the move would not be a requirement.

Something obviously changed.

…Adding more… AG Madigan’s people are strongly objecting to the use of the term “blamed.” I’m being told that there is no blame here, she’s just stating the facts as they are. The father won’t step down, so she’s not running.

…Adding even more…
The AG finally sent a quick e-mail to her campaign supporters at 7 o’clock tonight. It was basically just the press release.

…More… Bill Daley…

Daley: “Voters now have a clear choice between a proven leader who gets things done and a governor who can’t seem to get anything done.”


  1. - Whatever - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 4:56 pm:

    Now, what does Cross do!?!?

  2. - Fed up - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:01 pm:

    Hmm does SIU let Sheila Simon come back to work. I’m guessing her fund raising emails seem premature now.

  3. - Whatever - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:02 pm:

    FYI — Trib. is on the case LOL.,0,7859400.story

  4. - Wow - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:03 pm:

    But, you know, the speaker and mayor of Chicago being from the same family is not a problem. Lets talk in a year or so.

  5. - Pat C - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:03 pm:

    The Metra revelations over the weekend were just devastating. The ads would have written themselves….

  6. - Fed up - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:04 pm:

    Does Bill Daley commission his victory speech now

  7. - Wensicia - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:05 pm:

    ==and have never planned to run for Governor if that would be the case.==


  8. - Small Town Liberal - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:05 pm:

    Wait, you’re saying John Kass’s paranoia was unfounded? I’m shocked.

  9. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:05 pm:

    I was only 60% right …

    Daley v. Quinn …lesser of two evils in the Dem primary.

  10. - Team America - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:06 pm:

    Now what Uncle Pat needs is someone halfway credible to enter the race and splitthe anti-incumbent vote to set up the GOP for a chance at beating Quinn in the general. I wasn’t entirely ready to count Quinn out in a three-way race with Lisa in, but she would have creamed the GOP in 2014, Dad or no dad.

  11. - Blah - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:06 pm:

    Quinn beats Daley, Challenges Rauner, Makes Rauner look like Mitt Romney, Beats him. Starts second full term.

  12. - Raising Kane - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:07 pm:

    Not to overstate it but I think her chances of ever being Gov. Ar over now. Assuming someone besides Quinn is elected in 2014, she will have to wait two or three terms for another shot.

  13. - Amalia - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:08 pm:

    wow indeed.

  14. - Precinct Captain - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:08 pm:

    A lot of chairs being rearranged now. Cross, Raoul, Simon.

    I also feel like blaming it on the Speaker is appropriate if that ended up being the overriding reason why she did not run. That issue, no matter how legitimate or illegitimate, would have crowded out every single thing she did in a race for governor. It is unfortunate considering that I do not believe the Speaker would have treated her any different from any other governor, but the average voter or the median voter probably would not buy that.

  15. - mowatcher - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:08 pm:

    Is Pat Quinn the luckiest governor in Illinois history?

  16. - Blah - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:08 pm:

    == Does Bill Daley commission his victory speech now==

    Please explain to me what votes Bill Daley gets that PQ can’t?

  17. - Hey There - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:10 pm:

    Quinn wins the primary and prays for a right wing crazy out of the GOP primary. Those people who donated to Simon’s campaign assuming Lisa would run for Gov should be embarrassed. What will Sheila run for now and does anyone care or think she can win? And what about Tom Cross? I wonder how he’s feeling.

  18. - Johnny Q. Suburban - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:11 pm:

    Best of luck to Mark Kirk in ‘16. He’s gonna need it…

  19. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:12 pm:

    ===. Those people who donated to Simon’s campaign assuming Lisa would run for Gov should be embarrassed.===

    All eleven of them.

    I suppose Dillard’s big announcement just got pushed off the front page.

  20. - Anonymiss - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:12 pm:

    I definitely don’t understand her strategy of hanging this on her father, but more importantly, I don’t understand the logic. She says having a Governor and Speaker from the same family would be bad for Illinois. But having an AG and Speaker - who presides over the state legislature whose laws the AG enforces - from the same family is somehow fine?

  21. - walkinfool - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:14 pm:

    Quinn beats Daley.

    Then it’s up to the ILGOP to find a candidate who can lose to Quinn — something they’ve been good at.

    Hate to say it, but PQ’s attack on Legislator salaries might be the kicker for him.

  22. - Chicago Cynic - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:15 pm:

    What parent wouldn’t step aside for their kid. Wow.

  23. - Robert the Bruce - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:15 pm:

    ==What will Sheila run for now and does anyone care or think she can win?==
    Treasurer? Maybe she can ask Lisa Madigan for a large transfer from her warchest.

  24. - Robert the Bruce - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:16 pm:

    ==What parent wouldn’t step aside for their kid. Wow.==
    And how do the “Michael will do anything to help make his kid governor” believers explain this?

  25. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:17 pm:

    ===The Metra revelations over the weekend were just devastating.===

    Oh, please.

    But I’m sure the tinfoil hat types are gonna point to the summer scandal as a reason. The heat is gonna intensify on the father as a result. Interesting timing.

  26. - Capitol - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:17 pm:

    The Speaker has had a rough past ten days!

  27. - The Captain - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:18 pm:

    “I feel strongly that the state would not be well served by having a Governor and Speaker of the House from the same family and have never planned to run for Governor if that would be the case. With Speaker Madigan planning to continue in office, I will not run for Governor.”

    This statement gives me two thoughts:

    1) that doesn’t just close the door on 2014 but also possibly future elections too. That’s a tough statement to walk back and the Speaker doesn’t seem like the retiring type.

    2) this wasn’t the impression being given to donors in the past 6-12 months, many of whom ponied up quite a bit. I’ll bet there are some unhappy donors tonight.

  28. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:18 pm:

    ===And how do the “Michael will do anything to help make his kid governor” believers explain this? ===

    Good point. I’m sure they’ll find a way to do it, though.

  29. - UptownProgressive - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:20 pm:

    Rich - Actually 535 donations in the second quarter. And it is possible that some of us understood that Sheila is interested in a state wide run period. (Or that we simply respect her and would like her voice to continue to be heard in Illinois.)

  30. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:21 pm:

    “Simon Sez …What?

    LG Sheila Simon was telling all who would listen that she knew Lisa Madigan was running for Governor, and knew this because she was this/close to Lisa.

    To wit,

    Lisa chooses the route of Re-Election, making Sheila look a bit foolish.

    Upshot - Sheila doesn’t need to worry about learning about the AG office.

    Downshot - Down the ballot Sheila falls. Treasurer? state Rep?

    Buckshot - “All eleven of them” donors supporting Sheila could have saved a buck or two if they waited.

    Who will Sheila Simon’s new Whispers Buddy be? Tom Cross and his AG campaign staff?

    Stay tuned …”

  31. - Rahm'sMiddleFinger - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:24 pm:

    I just some fireworks shoot off the top of the JRTC. Some people who wrote big checks to Lisa will have some explaining to do.

  32. - Raising Kane - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:25 pm:

    Simon might be able to win that judge seat that Sneed talked about but I doubt she has a shot elsewhere. Her fundraising isn’t going to get better down-ballot.

  33. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:26 pm:

    “Yes this message is for Willy, this is Fox Bend Golf Course. I know we told you that you were next in line for Tom Cross’ Permenant Tee Times, but he just called and told us to not make them available… just a few minutes ago, actually … so give us a call, we still hope you come out to play golf here soon. Bye.”

  34. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:27 pm:

    ===Actually 535 donations in the second quarter===

    Totaling about nothing.

  35. - ILPundit - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:27 pm:

    Rich, I know you think METRA issue is no big deal, but the Chicago coverage of this one, minor issue related to the Speaker over the weekend was absolutely insane.

    It was a glimpse of what was to come. She was facing a race where two, well funded candidates and the Chicago media were going to focus on the singular issue of whether her Dad and her running two of the three branches of government was advisable. It was going to be ugly, and even more importantly, the race wasn’t going to be a “gimme”.

    Keep in mind, it was less than a week ago that she said she publicly stated that she wasn’t making a decision until August. If you really think the METRA stuff didn’t play a role here, then I think you may have a bit of a blind spot on this one.

  36. - Norseman - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:27 pm:

    ===And how do the “Michael will do anything to help make his kid governor” believers explain this? ===

    Tinfoil Hat Theory 1: He’s so PO’d at Cullerton, he changed his mind about leaving so Lisa could run.

    Tinfoil Hat Theory 2: He told her that Quinn’s wrapped up the nomination with his latest political ploy.

    Tinfoil Hat Theory 3: It’s reverse psychology. When PQ get’s complacent, she’ll change her mind and file.

    Tinfoil Hat Theory 4: MJM is concerned that Bruce Rauner is going to win so he’ll stay in the legislature to make Rauner look bad and then Lisa can run in another 4 years as the cure for Raunerism.

  37. - ILPundit - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:32 pm:

    Responding to the UPDATE:

    I think the big change can be dated back to the day Axelrod spoke at the City Club — which I believe was the same day Lisa said her Dad would not be an issue.

    You have the President of the United States’ top political strategist going on record saying its a problem, you have Bill Daley jumping in and aggressively making it an issue, you have the Speaker’s multiple failures on pensions and gay marriage at the end of session.

    All of the sudden, that little hill you thought you were going to climb begins to look like Mt. Everest.

    METRA and the over-the-top coverage over the weekend was probably the straw that broke the camels back.

  38. - Obama's Puppy - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:32 pm:

    Speaker Madigan continues to inflict damage on this state by not stepping aside. I can’t help to feel that this is like watching an athlete lose his skills and not knowing when to bow out. For those that say he is still at the top of his game just look at the mess this session and this party is in. Except for being able to get to 60 like no other his manager of these complex issues that face our state has been a disaster and left a huge opening for the GOP.

  39. - Chavez-respecting Obamist - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:32 pm:

    US Senator Lisa Madigan has a nice ring to it.

    And I agree with the people up there who said Quinn beats Daley then the crazy rightwing guy the GOP puts up.

  40. - kj - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:33 pm:

    4th of July with the Madigans must have been AWKWARD

  41. - Dry Blanket - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:34 pm:

    I think we all know that Simon will now run for Governor. Unlike the Madigan situation, there’s no conflict of interest between a father and a daughter both running for Governor, separated by 42 years. See, this family conflict stuff isn’t that tricky.

  42. - Wensicia - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:34 pm:

    I can imagine Quinn’s response, with a slight dig for Daley.

    “Even Lisa Madigan realizes political family dynasties are not the answer for Illinois.”

  43. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:37 pm:

    ===it was less than a week ago that she said she publicly stated that she wasn’t making a decision until August===

    I saw somebody report that gossip, but not that she’d actually said it. Maybe I’m wrong. Link?

    ===two, well funded candidates and the Chicago media were going to focus on the singular issue===

    I’m not convinced that it’s something that moves the final vote. Yes, it’s important to voters, but so are the other candidates, the issues of the moment, etc. The Republicans have found out time and time again that the MJM issue is a mirage. It would hurt her, no doubt. A killer? Not convinced.

    Either way, it’s over, at least for now.

  44. - ILPundit - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:37 pm:

    Daley could still be very dangerous for Quinn, but this is largely very good news for Quinn. Daley is completely untested as a candidate, and even with Rahm’s backing, its not clear that organization is ready to play outside of the city.

  45. - horse w/ no name - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:37 pm:

    -Some people who wrote big checks to Lisa will have some explaining to do.-

    Yeah, big time donors are shaking in their boots at the thought of Pat Quinn’s retribution. If only the Madigan’s had enough clout to protect their financial backers. Please.

  46. - VonKlutzenplatz - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:39 pm:

    We are not going to remove the smile from Rauner’s face for about a week.

    Daley and Rauner are the two big winners here. Daley was going to finish third in that race with Lisa in.

  47. - horse w/ no name - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:40 pm:

    The “how could he not step aside” stuff is funny. This family doesn’t operate like yours and mine. It’s a business first. A business with a great deal at stake.

  48. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:40 pm:

    ===but this is largely very good news for Quinn===


    I still don’t see Daley’s path to victory.

  49. - ILPundit - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:41 pm:

    Rich -

    The source on the August announcement was Illinois Observer.

  50. - Anon-x - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:42 pm:

    Speaker resigns from the pressure, AG jumps in before filing deadline.

  51. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:43 pm:

    Pat Quinn’s response:


  52. - VonKlutzenplatz - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:43 pm:

    Daley’s path is that he’s a Democrat not named Quinn.

    I don’t see much more to it.

    With Lisa in, he finishes third.

    Right now, Daley’s even money.

    If another Dem jumps in, he’s back down to third.

    Although I do have to give Daley credit. So far he’s performed better than I expected. He seems to be saying the right things and going the right places.

  53. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:43 pm:

    ===The source on the August announcement was Illinois Observer. ===

    Right. It wasn’t a Lisa quote by any means. It was just somebody saying something who turned out to be wrong.

  54. - MrJM - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:44 pm:

    For an alternative perspective, here’s some outta town stupid: “Office was hers for the taking.”

    – MrJM

  55. - Head Spinning - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:49 pm:

    This has to be seen as a huge victory for the Daley Machine. They pounced on Mike and Lisa with no mercy. WOW the Daley’s Beat the Madigans.

  56. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:49 pm:

    No snark, to the Post,

    This is a huge game-changer for so many;

    Quinn v. Daley is going to be a referendum on Machine/Establishment Democrats who are upset with Quinn, the downstate conservative Dems and those alienated by the lack of respect and acknowledgement of Pat Quinn, be it for facilites, services, or politics.The distain for Pat Quinn in the ranks of “Regular” Dems is at an all time high …

    Daley v. Quinn, the race is also about Populists, and bucking the statewide ideals. It’s the Chicagoans getting a chance to finally give a Daley a message. “No more business as usual”, the voters who despise the Daley name, giving Pat Quinn his own constituency that a 3 person race might not have let Quinn have. Do downstaters who can’t stand Quinn hold their nose and vote for a Daley? Will factions on the North, West, and South sides finally get to take a Daley out?

    Daley v. Quinn might be about who can get their opponents critics more angry and get that anger to lead to turnout. The Democratic Primary might be more about payback, then about forward thinking. Who can look at the Unions in the Democratic primary and say that they are the candidate to protect the Unions from the GOP.

    Great theatre.

    As for My Party.

    Bad news for all.

    The four of them, possibly, might tear each other up, hoping to get Quinn, who has proven to be more than formitable. The four might tear each other up, hoping to get Daley, who is unproven as a candidate, but not in star-power, and not in name ID in the city of Chicago, where the Democratic Regulars would welcome back someone not Quinn, and work the streets hard to get him to Springfield.

    All the while …the four might tear each other up, fighting to measure drapes, that never need to be hung.

    And in Oswego, Tom Cross might find his Caucus looking at his office … measuring drapes in the Leader’s Office … but maybe Tom will be too busy covering his ears, fro the rining of a bell , that can’t be unrung …”AG, AG, AG”…

    Game-changer, the shifting of plates in the Executives, in the Legislature … in the state.

    Quickly, name Lisa Madigan’s last two opponents in the General Election for AG …

    Strike that … name Lisa Madigan’s last THREE opponents in the General Election for AG …

    Any …takers?

  57. - From the 'Dale to HP - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:50 pm:

    ===I still don’t see Daley’s path to victory.===

    It’s like everyone forgot that he was Obama’s Chief of Staff. Not saying that Daley will win, but he’s got great name recognition against an unpopular incumbent. Much of Hynes’ weak points in ‘08 Daley has somewhat more covered.

    Also Daley’s started to position himself as an adult vs Quinn’s childish antics.

  58. - ILPundit - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:50 pm:

    Another thing that strikes me a weird — the timing of her announcement, and the reason/tone she gave, does nothing but pour gas on the fire with respect to the Chicago media treatment of the Speaker.

    Why didn’t she wait until the current round of stories died down a bit. Mad at Dad?

  59. - Not Suprised - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:51 pm:

    Quinn wins again. It will be a long, tough, slog, but 2014 looks a lot like 2010, except with improving economic conditions and the likely lack of national tea party intensity in 2014.

    Quinn may be Gov for a long time. Perhaps now the Dems can see that writing on the wall and actually start working together.

  60. - ILPundit - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:51 pm:

    @Rich Re: Illinois Observer == fair point

  61. - Joe Bidenopolous - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:54 pm:

    Thinking Rahm might want to play nice with some folks over the next year…

  62. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:56 pm:

    ===It’s like everyone forgot that he was Obama’s Chief of Staff===

    Nobody did.

    We also didn’t forget Daley’s other jobs. This is a Democratic primary. Remember that.

  63. - The Captain - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:57 pm:

    Is Tom Cross still running for AG?

  64. - Farker - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 5:59 pm:

    Is it too late to pray for Kwame for Gov. ?

    Any credible Dem that isn’t named Daley or Quinn would do please.

  65. - Publius - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:00 pm:

    According to a friend of mine who is close to the Cross campaign for AG, he is still running.

    Time to grab your popcorn because the floodgates have been opened. Now we’ll see who else will decide to run for Gov or other offices other than AG now that Lisa has made her decision.

  66. - Lt Guv - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:00 pm:


    “Strike that … name Lisa Madigan’s last THREE opponents in the General Election for AG …

    Any …takers?”

    How about Scott Lee Cohen, Mark Fairchild & Janice Hart?

  67. - Jake From Elwood - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:02 pm:

    Hmm–Initial reaction: Quinn will escape and get four more years.

  68. - Farker - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:02 pm:

    Tom doesn’t want to get beat that badly. Surely he stays on as leader right?

  69. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:03 pm:

    Sneedless to say, Willy is en fuego and on point today.

    AA is not surprised, but the timing, tone, tenor are mind-blowing.

  70. - VonKlutzenplatz - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:03 pm:

    The line about Gov. and Speaker not being from the same party was a mistake. There is no upside to it, and a talented opponent could toss that back at her for her own race.

    Definitely an unforced error.

    Luckily for her, there is no politically talented opponent who seems ready to take her on.

  71. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:05 pm:

    ===Surely he stays on as leader right?===

    Cross might have played himself into a pickle of losing the Leader’s role by overplaying a hand where the “draw” card (Lisa’s Decision) had not been seen on the table.

    Lots of moving parts to stop.

  72. - kingfish - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:06 pm:

    Makes sense. It would have been difficult for her to have to keep answering the same question over and over at every campaign event about Speaker @ Gov being from same family. I never could figure out how either could get around that.

    Besides, this is probably the worst time to be Governor since 1982 if not further. Extremely difficult choices to be made.

  73. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:06 pm:

    Willy-Steve Kim, Stewart Umholtz, and ?

  74. - Publius - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:08 pm:

    So now I see a downstate dem joining the race like the rumors suggest. I’m thinking Sen Frerichs

  75. - Cindy Lou - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:09 pm:

    I’m disappointed, as Lisa Madigan would have got my vote. Daley? No, thanks. Quinn? Isn’t anyone else going run (please!)

  76. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:10 pm:

    ===Willy-Steve Kim, Stewart Umholtz, and ?===

    And the poor soul who gets the “assignment” THIS time …

    Or, if you take me truly as “already ran” …

    Joe “Congratulations, now you are a prosecutor” Birkett

    - AA - Follow up with Rauner, and now with Dillard, this might be a game-changer for us too!

  77. - Farker - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:13 pm:

    ===Cross might have played himself into a pickle of losing the Leader’s role by overplaying a hand where the “draw” card (Lisa’s Decision) had not been seen on the table.===

    Frankly I’m surprised he’s held onto it this long. The HGOP could use a change.

  78. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:18 pm:

    - AA - thanks for the kind words.

    To the Post,

    Does this also change the dynamic of the LG candidates that Quinn or Daley might choose?

    Kinda snark, but asking, can Sheila try to cozy up and run with Bill Daley? A Daley/Simon ticket?

  79. - wordslinger - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:19 pm:

    You’re all playing checkers; it’s part of the three-dimensional chess match to get Lisa elected governor — in 2018. Every action by MJM for the last 12 years was designed to get us here.

    Her protestations aside, she sure did throw the old man under the bus. How sharper than a serpent’s tooth….

    I bet some folks would like to cancel those checks they’ve been writing to Lisa. Kind of greedy to be piling up that warchest when you’re looking at another slam-dunk race.

    Great day for Quinn.

    Bad day for Cross.

    That D LARD guy’s message got stepped on big time.

  80. - MrJM - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:20 pm:

    Speaker Madigan and Governor Quinn are now more or less likely to play nice together?

    – MrJM

  81. - Bobby Dillon - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:20 pm:

    Look for SS to run for Comp and lose to JBT. Not to be heard from again.

  82. - Raising Kane - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:22 pm:

    On the flip side, it’s a good time to ask Kwamie for a loan.

  83. - 6-4-3 - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:28 pm:

    Are they objecting to the use of the word blame, or STRENUOUSLY objecting to its use?

  84. - Norseman - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:29 pm:

    I’m crying crocodile tears for Tom.

  85. - Lincoln Lad - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:29 pm:

    Looks like her heart wasn’t in it, and perhaps the press lets up a little on Dad… Don’t personally agree - but he might… Send Chuck Goudie to his house!

  86. - David Ormsby - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:31 pm:

    The Illinois Observer report on Madigan’s announcement said “by August” not “in August” because the Cook Dems slating is Aug 15-16. It did not preclude a July decision.

  87. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:32 pm:

    My foursome for Leader Cross’ HRO Golf Outing;

    Steve Kim, Stewart Umholtz, the 2014 AG GOP Nominee and Oswego Willy.

    (looking for directions to Medinah Country Club on the Web …)

  88. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:35 pm:

    Strenuously. Vociferously. Etc.

  89. - A Casual Observer - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:35 pm:

    When the Will County Executive (Democrat) publicly threw a political fundraiser for Pat Quinn last month saying that he was not actually endorsing Quinn or anyone else— that told every Democrat in Will County that “Lisa had decided that she was not going to run”. The Will County Executive would never have thrown a public fundraiser for Pat Quinn (who he likes and supports) unless Mike Madigan had given him his permission and told him that it was alright to do so. No big surprise that Lisa decided to sit tight. Neither Lisa or Mike wanted her to take over at the wheel of the H.M.S. Titanic. Let Captain Quinn be the one to hit the upcoming iceberg. Then, Lisa will still be around in one piece to command the next ship sent out from the pier by The White Star Line. It is a smart political stragy.

  90. - Keyrock - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:35 pm:

    Very nice King Lear reference. Lends class to this place.

  91. - MrJM - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:39 pm:

    To be fair, I’ll bet Michael Madigan is the reason many Illinois Democrats don’t run for governor.

    – MrJM

  92. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:39 pm:

    ===Are they objecting to the use of the word blame, or STRENUOUSLY objecting to its use?===

    “It’s the difference between a Paper Announcement and a Public announcement….”

    “Lisa may have made a mistake, let’s not re-live it!”

  93. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:41 pm:

    True, MrJM. True.

  94. - wordslinger - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:42 pm:

    –This has to be seen as a huge victory for the Daley Machine.–

    Where would you find that? I’m sure Bill Daley will get some support from old-school ward types, but who can deliver anymore?

    Who can craft the better negative TV spots and raise the money to get them on the air will be the big deal. And there’s plenty of negative material on both of them.

    Plus, even for the oldest-of-old-school pols, there’s a risk in supporting Daley. He holds no office. Quinn has The Big Chair.

    Rich Daley sure found out when he ran against Byrne about the power of incumbency.

  95. - Livin' The Life - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:43 pm:

    My take as a Southern IL politically active Democrat. Dems down here either skip the primary or they hold their nose and vote for Quinn. No way they will vote for a Daley especially one who comes to Belleville wearing White Sox gear. Clueless. At least Quinn is seemingly a populist and running against the legislature is good politics even if he will probably end up regretting it from a political perspective.
    Lisa’s “I blame dad” approach is interesting.Simon will be beaten.

  96. - Robert Lincoln - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:45 pm:

    I’m sorry, but without Lisa for Gov. this all just got real boring. Four more years of Quinn, Madigan, and Topinka. Who cares who runs for Lt. Gov.

  97. - wordslinger - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:45 pm:

    Does Lisa have something against Dillard? He made it pretty clear that his official announcement was coming today.

    Those angry howls coming from the ancestral Decatur estate are not foxhounds.

    The guy will be lucky to get a mention on the 10 O’clock news.

  98. - wordslinger - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:49 pm:

    –To be fair, I’ll bet Michael Madigan is the reason many Illinois Democrats don’t run for governor.–

    LOL. He and Blago got along swell, didn’t they?

  99. - Livin' The Life - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:49 pm:

    Postscript: Should we count among those who are sorely disappointed by Lisa’s announcement the Illinois AFL-CIO, AFSCME, and IFT? What about 13th CD candidate Ann Callis? I would think she would have liked Lisa heading the ticket in next year’s GE.

  100. - Wensicia - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:55 pm:

    ==To be fair, I’ll bet Michael Madigan is the reason many Illinois Democrats don’t run for governor.==

    Do you believe he’s that all powerful, to the point his own daughter can’t take him on?

  101. - anon - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:55 pm:

    Toi 4 Gov?

  102. - Steve - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 6:56 pm:

    Speaking of Bill Daley’s “other jobs”

  103. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 7:02 pm:

    Quinn is the “Leader in the Clubhouse” with Lisa out.

    ===Rich Daley sure found out when he ran against Byrne about the power of incumbency.===

    This race “spooked” me as a 3 way race with Lisa in, now its an old fashioned “who is more disliked, and who holds the better chance, ’straight-up’ One on One”, and that is Quinn… today.

  104. - down home in Shumway - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 7:04 pm:

    The conflict. Yeah, that’s it. The conflict. The Metra story and pension issue have nothing to do with it.

    She’s only been Attorney General for 3 terms, and he the de facto governor of Illinois for more than a decade, so I can understand why the concept of a possible conflict might’ve just dawned on them within the past couple of months.

    A conflict is bad because it might be unethical. And we wouldn’t want to appear unethical.

  105. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 7:10 pm:

    ===To be fair, I’ll bet Michael Madigan is the reason many Illinois Democrats don’t run for governor.===

    So much is said there … by saying so little …

    Very well put.

  106. - Loop Lady - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 7:21 pm:

    Many on the blog predicted this including myself…

    Are the dynasties dying out? God, I hope so…

    This race is Quinn’s to lose at this point…let’s see how this

    shakes out…

  107. - Stones - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 7:22 pm:

    Sorry but I have to question Lisa’s integrity by calling out her Dad like that. Even if it’s true you just don’t throw your family under the bus. She should have just went with the generic “personal reasons” excuse.

    Really surprised by today’s revelations.

  108. - Snucka - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 7:31 pm:

    Great day for Quinn. The thought of Kwame for Governor also crossed my mind, since he’s had designs on statewide office and clearly has some fundraising potential. If its Daley/Quinn, I have to favor the Governor. He’s run a lot of statewide campaigns and he’s the incumbent. Gonna be real hard for Daley to beat that, if he even officially announces his candidacy.

  109. - RNUG - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 7:41 pm:

    Hmmm … how does this change the pension reform dynamics? Will it give MJM a freer hand in allowing tax increases as part of any so-called reform? Or, since Lisa won’t be inheriting the current mess, does it give several more years (I’m ignoring the bond rating houses at the moment) to punt things down the road before it really has to be properly dealt with?

  110. - Rich Miller - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 7:42 pm:

    ===According to a friend of mine who is close to the Cross campaign for AG, he is still running. ===

    Your friend doesn’t know what the heck s/he’s talking about.

  111. - Chicago Cynic - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 7:55 pm:

    You bet Rich. Nobody serious is running for AG now other than Lisa and a sacrificial lamb to be named later. And yes, I expect Kwame to take a serious look, though it was be a table setting race only.

  112. - kingfish - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 7:55 pm:

    They can emphatically, categorically, even metaphysically deny it all they want. The fact is that it was stupid.

    WHY bring father up at all? Why not just run the announcement with the numerous accomplishments?

  113. - IrishPirate - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 7:56 pm:

    I see Rich Miller deleted my earlier comment…shaking fist in air………Hogan………

    Anyway, I suspect somewhere in some hidden sub sub basement of the governor’s mansion there is a secret room where Pat Quinn is holding a leprechaun hostage.

    The pot o gold………another term.

  114. - J. Nolan - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 8:07 pm:

    I think most underestimate the unpopularity of Quinn. Sure if its close at the end then ill give his ground operation the advantage but i can easily see Daley opening up a 5-10% lead by know…competant. Either way, the GOP guy with actual money to go along with the best poll numbers and respected political skills, Rutherford will win now that LM is gone.

  115. - Silly Me... - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 8:07 pm:

    Lisa may not blame her Dad…. But we do.

    Seriously, Mike, it’s her time… Your time is up.
    It’s just so pathetic on a lot of levels…but No matter what people say… Even his own family… He will never “get it”.

  116. - snucka - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 8:08 pm:

    I’m not surprised that the Cross AG campaign won’t publicly say that there is no longer a Cross AG campaign, since Lisa just announced a few hours ago.

    That said, there is no longer a Cross AG campaign.

  117. - 6-4-3 - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 8:14 pm:

    Strenuous AND vociferous? Heh. Too funny.

    Really, as smart as Lisa’s people are, I can’t believe they didn’t realize that language would be perceived as blame. Now, protesting at your characterization of it, Rich, is just daffy.

  118. - wordslinger - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 8:18 pm:

    –Daley: “Voters now have a clear choice between a proven leader who gets things done and a governor who can’t seem to get anything done.”–

    Who’s the first guy he’s talking about?

    He sure didn’t get it done in Florida in 2000. Of course, if he had gotten it done in Tennessee, he wouldn’t have needed Florida.

    Some Democratic primary voters might believe there were some consequences to blowing that election.

    Not too many can take credit for leading a presidential campaign that won the popular vote, but lost the election. Short list.

  119. - Checkers - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 8:25 pm:

    Daley is the Man. Not just anyone can beat the Madigans. Let this be a lesson in the art of political chess. Lisa will be a great AG for life.

  120. - wordslinger - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 8:25 pm:

    From the Trib’s home page:

    –Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan announced that she’ll seek a fourth term as the state’s chief legal officer and not run for governor, citing the ongoing conflict-of-interest questions involving her father, House Speaker Michael Madigan. –

    I think the Tribbies are going to receive something strenuously from the Madigan camp, lol.

  121. - just sayin' - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 8:26 pm:

    1. Who announces their re-election bid by press release? She obviously is avoiding the press.

    2. Now that she is only running for re-election she will have more time to investigate Metra.

  122. - Get Over It - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 8:44 pm:

    This is just bizarre. Its 2013 with a contested primary for gov in a blue state with no minorities and no women in the running among the Democrats. Just two old white guys! How crazy is that?

  123. - Illinoisan - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 8:45 pm:

    Extremely disappointed. Luckily, I decided to hold off on making any contributions prior to an official announcement. Lisa would be the one to beat in the 2016 US Senate race against Kirk - can’t tie father-daughter relations to that post!

  124. - Independent - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 8:46 pm:

    Daley gets the wealthy North Side neighborhoods, the bungalow belt, and well-heeled suburbanites. I don’t think he expands beyond that and Quinn wins fairly easily.

  125. - Truth teller - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 8:48 pm:

    As far as Lisa not running, I think that writing’s been on the wall for quite awhile now, but only one of the Madigans could decipher the language.

    As Rich pointed out several weeks ago, I don’t think the old man wanted his daughter to run in the first place as a father/daughter team running the state would bring too much heat. But he left the decision up to her as any supporting father would.

    Yes, Lisa’s image took a bit of a hit with this late announcement, but the reports in this blog of Lisa’s demise are more than premature; they are ludicrous.

    She’s still quite young as far as politics go, and basically has her pick of what the next step will be — whether it’s at the federal (U.S. Senate), state (a 2018 gubernatorial run), or local (replacing Rahm before his 2016 prez run?) level.

  126. - Anon III - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 8:54 pm:

    To me, it defies chance that two mayors of Chicago and a Governor of Illinois should all come out of one bungalow in Bridgeport.

    I am also reminded of Sam Rayburn’s famous remark to Lyndon Johnson about the advisors to President Kennedy, “They may be just as intelligent as you say. But I’d feel a helluva lot better if just one of them had ever run for sheriff.”

  127. - more of the same - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 9:00 pm:

    Reports saying that Cross didn’t even speak at his own event tonight in Chicago - interesting.

  128. - Michelle Flaherty - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 9:04 pm:

    Seems like a great opportunity to pass an open primary law.

  129. - stratten - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 9:24 pm:

    make no mistake..this is a huge victory for Quinn..he has solidified support among the black democratic base in the south side and south suburbs, and very few downstate dems are going to vote for a Daley..

  130. - Anonymous - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 9:36 pm:

    All I can say is HA!

  131. - Norseman - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 9:43 pm:

    I agree with Michelle.

  132. - ZC - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 9:47 pm:

    Is Quinn such the prohibitive favorite among Dems, if January rolls around and his general election numbers look awful, and/if Daley looks competitive? RJD was always reasonably popular among IL suburban Republicans.

    There’s a long way to poll this thing yet.

  133. - NW Illinois Democrat - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 10:06 pm:

    Once Bill Daley gets talking about jobs and economic development — the kind he’s known for under the Clinton-Gore administration — he’ll connect with downstaters. Push Obama-Clinton and his record with those Presidents and he can make a push statewide.

  134. - Truth teller - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 10:12 pm:

    ZC: Yes, Daley would have a chance in Michelle F’s open primary idea thanks to his conservative leanings. But Daley winning a Dem primary with his big business ties and, worst of all, his support of NAFTA? Now throw in his brother’s problems near the end of reign, and BD’s nomination comes down to three words: Ain’t gonna happen.

  135. - wordslinger - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 10:14 pm:

    –Once Bill Daley gets talking about jobs and economic development — the kind he’s known for under the Clinton-Gore administration — he’ll connect with downstaters–

    NAFTA pretty popular among Downstate Dems?

  136. - Frank - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 10:49 pm:

    Quinn v Daley…boy, a couple of old names and a couple of candidates with more political liabilities than assets. I don’t sense that either one will resonate much with your average dem primary voter. The door is wide open for a fresh face…just not sure who fits the bill.

  137. - dr. reason a. goodwin - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 11:02 pm:

    While Dillard may not be happy about the timing of Lisa’s announcement, I sure think he’s happy about the end result. There will not be much enthusiasm downstate to vote for Daley OR Quinn in the general. IF the GOP can be pragmatic for once and nominate a moderate, it could be their year.

  138. - Truth teller - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 11:13 pm:

    Dr: Alas, your “pragmatic” GOP will not be realized this time around Unless at least one — or, preferably, two — of the moderates drops out, then Brady has a cakewalk to the GOP nomination as the only conservative standard-bearer in the race. Do you see any of the three dropping out? I don’t either!

  139. - NW Illinois Democrat - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 11:19 pm:

    You can’t deny that the Daley-Clinton record of 22 million new jobs is worth something in a campaign.

  140. - J. Nolan - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 11:25 pm:

    @Truth teller - Rutherford, not Brady polls best with conservatives and tea partiers surprisingly.

  141. - Truth teller - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 11:25 pm:

    Well, NW, if you switched around the names to “Clinton-Daley” then I agree, Daley wins the Dem primary (as Bill’s running mate)!

  142. - Truth teller - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 11:28 pm:

    J. Nolan: Polling means nothing right now. Rutherford’s bone fides will not hold up under the cold light of the day.

  143. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 11:33 pm:

    - Truth Teller -

    The truth … Brady can’t beat Quinn, today, and Brady can’t beat Daley, today.

    The dynamics of today show that Brady is not the answer in his campaign against either. The idea of 2014 being the GOP year to get back the Mansion must be under the guise of a canpaign that has answers to Quinn’s failures, or answers to Daley’s placing of blame on everyone.

    Thatis what is missing in the four GOP candidates right now; a response to the blame shift, while allowing the voters to see the ILGOP and the GOP Nominee as alternatives.

    Neither is in focus, thus allowing either Quinn or Daley enough light to take out the GOP Nominee.

    This is why allowing ALL the candidates to run is great for My Party, and allowing Rauner to take the brunt of the criticism is the best tactic to keep from brusing the others. Rauner is blaming everyone and is going to spend millions, so if Rauner is going to lay waste to all politics, use that fulcrum to exploit the differences in the Primary and in the General, all the while insulating the possible GOP Nominee fro a bitter bloddy Primary while making Rauner’s attacks on the whole political system seem feeble and weak and petty.

    But today, Dillard’s Announcement Day, Lisa’s Bombshell Day… today … Quinn is in the driver’s seat, and if we don’t see that, Democrat or Republican … then we might be missing the whole meaning of today as well.

  144. - Truth teller - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 11:40 pm:

    Agree, OW, Quinn is in the driver’s seat. But
    Rauner’s quixotic run will still takes votes away from the other moderates in the race. Brady still owns the base, has the name recognition, and has a statewide infrastruture to call upon from his last run.

  145. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 11:46 pm:

    ===…and has a statewide infrastruture to call upon from his last run.===

    That, um, General Election GOTV is noting to write home about, and while Brady may or may not have that infastructure in place, 2014 is not 2010, and the dymanics and the idea of basing a run on 2010 numbers for Brady or Dillard is pure Folly.

    The first candidate that runs from their 2010 playbook, be it Brady or Dillard, will lose.

    And that … is the Truth.

  146. - J. Nolan - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 11:50 pm:

    What evidence do you have that Brady “owns” the base? The least money of all four running and i know its early but the polls dony support what your saying. The most important poll to date had Brady leading in Cook and the collars by a bit and had Rutherford leading in Suburban cook and downstate. I believe the GOP base is down state. Its counter intuitive but thats what it shows.

  147. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jul 15, 13 @ 11:51 pm:

    This Primary, and the dynamics of this specific Primary, make basing any assumtion of 2010, be it favorable to a candidate, or unfavoriable to a strategy, is just pure Folly, and will lead to a loss that will be so obvious in hindsight, but so oblivious to the campaign in real time as they try to get past the Primary.

    Rauner and Rutherford change the dynamics in the monetary window, the geographic window, the campaign structures, the narrative, the dialog in the Party …

    Nothing is the same. making it aabout building on 2010 in this specific follow up campaign will lead to disaster.

  148. - Truth teller - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 12:10 am:

    I didn’t mean to imply that 2014 will be a repeat of 2010. Obviously, every election cycle is different. Yes, Brady’s GOTV operation was in the general was pretty dismal compared to Quinn, but what GOP operation isn’t when compared to the Dems?

    Brady’s operation out-performed the GOP field in the last cycle. Yes, Rutherford may still some of his downstate operatives, but I highly doubt it’ll be enough to overcome Brady’s conservative message and name recognition.

  149. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 12:16 am:

    - Truth teller -,

    That is why I am in favor of them all running. No one needs to drop out, feel compelled to not run. If a candidate thinks they can win with the challenges out there in 2014, go for it.

    Bill Brady just better understand very very quickly, that whatever “base” he thinks he has, or claims to have from his message and name ID is going to be challenged by a new set of variables this time, and Bill Brady is not sneaking up on anyone this time around. Just those factors alone offset Brady’s Primary operations that got him past everyone last time.

    Run them all. If ya lose, you better back the winner of the Primary. That is all I would hope after all this, come March.

  150. - Responsa - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 12:41 am:

    I’m surprised by the reason she publicly gave, but I am not surprised in the slightest that she has decided not to seek the governorship. I predicted it. I don’t think she wants to be senator and live in DC or commute from there, either. For a long time I’ve felt that people project a lot of political ambition onto her that may not be there deep in her soul. She’s listening to her intuition. Good call, Lisa!

    I’m not convinced Quinn is a shoe-in for re-election either. His unpopularity out here in the wilds of Illinois should not be underestimated, I think. I question whether the citizens of Illinois will want to give him another chance to try to get the state’s finances on track after he’s failed so miserably. Almost irregardless of who runs against him I think people in both parties will want a change of some sort.

  151. - lake county democrat - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 5:47 am:

    Listen to @wordslinger, who if he/she isn’t a part of the Madigan machine might as well be - Lisa does what Mike wants, not vice-versa. But I don’t buy that this was some grand 2018 plan - if the landscape had stayed the same she’d have run, but it hadn’t.

  152. - Bill White - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 6:28 am:

    As I recall, Bill Daley seems to think SB1 is the “only” option for pension reform. How will that play in a Dem primary?

  153. - Anon - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 7:18 am:

    I really wish that the media would not stop with Metra. The Speaker has his hands in every cookie jar, and its all there to be uncovered. I think the focus should turn next to the RTA. Any story there?

  154. - Juvenal - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 8:32 am:

    i dont think Lisa made this decision. I think the polling made this decision for her just like it did four years ago.

    I can understand her frustration. Even sympathize.

    But lashing out at Quinn publicly when you were so utterly silent about Rod rings a bit hollow.

  155. - Try-4-truth - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 8:51 am:

    Juvenal - are you serious, the Madigan family (both Lisa and Mike) are the one’s that stood up to Blago. She was not “utterly silent”. That was a weird statement.

  156. - David P. Graf - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 8:56 am:

    One thing that the press release never bothered to mention was how she’s been MIA when it comes to dealing with corruption at any level of government in Illinois. She thinks that it would be a conflict of interest to be governor while her Dad was leading the house. Uhhh…how does the same not apply to her being Attorney General???

  157. - David P. Graf - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 8:56 am:

    One thing that the press release never bothered to mention was how she’s been MIA when it comes to dealing with corruption at any level of government in Illinois. She thinks that it would be a conflict of interest to be governor while her Dad was leading the house. Uhhh…how does the same not apply to her being Attorney General???

  158. - David P. Graf - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 8:59 am:

    One other good thing to come out of this is that we don’t have to worry about the possibility of Sheila Simon becoming Attorney General. I wondered if she would refund the contributions she asked for from people like me when she was “thinking” about running for the AG position. After a second, I realized that she wouldn’t do that. That kind of act is far too classy for someone as opportunistic as Simon who stabbed Quinn in the back after he resurrected her politically.

  159. - No Sense - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 3:32 pm:

    LISA, LISA, Michael Madigan time to let go after 30 plus year’s. Lisa you deserve your moment to shine and try to achieve a dream. Michael you need to retire.

  160. - Quiet Sage - Friday, Jul 26, 13 @ 1:16 pm:

    I remember long ago reading that Speaker Madigan was heavily affected by Michael Howlett’s experience in 1997, when he won the Democratic primary for Governor but the party was so weakened by its internal strife that Jim Thompson easily became Governor. I believe that the Speaker advised Lisa Madigan not to run for Governor at this time for this reason.

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