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Question of the day

Tuesday, Jul 16, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From Attorney General Lisa Madigan’s big announcement yesterday

Ultimately, however, there has always been another consideration that impacts my decision. I feel strongly that the state would not be well served by having a Governor and Speaker of the House from the same family and have never planned to run for Governor if that would be the case. With Speaker Madigan planning to continue in office, I will not run for Governor.

* Tribune editorial

The race for governor could go in any direction. As is, Democrats would choose between Gov. Pat Quinn and challenger William Daley. Republicans have a growing list of options.

For now, a new parlor game: Wouldn’t Illinois be better off if Madigan pere had deferred to Madigan fille?

* The Question: Should Speaker Madigan have agreed to step down to allow Lisa Madigan to run for governor? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.

panel management


  1. - Nosmo King - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 10:45 am:

    Yes. This reminds me of the old Jeff Foxworthy joke: “if you don’t think your family has a black sheep, you’re it”. Well, in this case, if you don’t think there is a hindrance to your daughter’s political career, you’re it.

  2. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 10:49 am:


    She didn’t think it was an issue a couple of weeks ago.

    They’re adults, they lead their own lives.

    I would think those who constantly cry “dynasty” and “nepostism” would be happy that there’s been no “family plan” to advance Lisa to the governor’s office.

  3. - In the know - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 10:50 am:

    I voted no. perhaps Speaker should stop down, but not simply to allow LM to exercise her ambitions. If he has something to contribute, then he should stay and let her decide accordingly. If not, then he should go regardless of her ambitions. Arguably, the state has greater stability by his steadfast decisiveness than by her fascillating decision making.

  4. - Tommydanger - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 10:51 am:

    I am a strong supporter of the AG and it made me uncomfortable to think that she would be governor and her father would remain speaker. I can only imagine how persons less committed to the AG would have felt.
    It is becoming distressingly clear that the speaker appears to care less about his family than he does about retaining all the power he has accumulated. A person as politically astute as he is could clearly see how remaining as speaker would inhibit his daughter’s successful run for governor.

  5. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 10:52 am:

    Yes. Absolutely. He’s been in office for 30 years. Time to step aside and give his daughter a chance to become governor.

  6. - Judgment Day - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 10:55 am:

    No. If the Speaker decided to step down, other rationales would be attached to his actions. Unlikely to be politically helpful to Lisa Madigan.

    Best bet is to wait. There’s going to be lots of other political options for Lisa, if she’s interested. No reason to grab for a poisoned chalice.

  7. - bored now - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 11:01 am:

    i voted yes, but i was only mildly more inclined towards yes than no. to me, both of them should have understood that there is a connection between the two (lisa running for governor and the speaker retiring from the political scene) and should have reached some kind of consensus as to the timing of her future run.

    the speaker is so powerful in illinois politics that he may believe that he could easily elect his daughter without his position being much of an obstacle. i seen people state that this argument was used against lisa in her first run for attorney general in this space — although i don’t remember it being much of a concern. but becoming governor is different. attorney generals don’t appoint people, don’t run the executive branch, don’t negotiate with the speaker and majority leader. i don’t have any trouble with lisa being attorney general and her father being speaker (although i *do* have a problem with the speaker being the head of the democratic party in illinois — because of the way that he uses that position).

    the speaker says that illinois would not be troubled by both rising to the top of their prospective branches, but my own discussions with democrats in cook and the collar counties indicated just the opposite. if the speaker thought he was in a strong position, i’d imagine that he would have commissioned a poll to prove his point after daley’s poll suggested how wrong he was. maybe he (or she) did.

    but this entire episode tells me that lisa is just as politically savvy as her father, even more so wrt this particular issue. i’ve always believed that politicians have a “right to run” when the opportunities avail themselves, but smart pols look for that path to victory that makes raising money and motivating volunteers and voters easy. it might have been lisa’s time, but the speaker obviously feels it is still his time. she was smart enough to realize how that effected her…

  8. - Will Caskey - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 11:01 am:

  9. - dupage dan - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 11:02 am:

    I said no. If MJM wants to remain as Speaker it’s his prerogative. I don’t have to like it but there it is. If LM wants to run for governor, she has every right to do so. I would not be happy with such an arrangment but would not likely vote for her even if her dad was not the speaker. Family/political “dynasties” can be problematic but the voters get to decide. It’s not like she is hiding that she is a Madigan. If you want to keep it “All in the Family” go right ahead. Since there appears to be a dearth of competent people in the world who want to do such jobs we should be glad a family wants to take on such onerous tasks, right?

  10. - MrGrassroots - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 11:03 am:

    AG Madigan never saw this as a problem, but as time inched closer to an announcement, it became obvious to all involved that this could end a promising political career. Right candidate, wrong office. She is a walk-in for any Senate seat opening.

  11. - Harry - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 11:04 am:

    I said “No,” but really don’t have much of an opinion, it’s for the 2 of them (MJM and Lisa) to deiscuss and decide.

    I suspect this will mostly just be a poll on whether or not you think MJM is good or bad as Speaker.

  12. - Nosmo King - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 11:05 am:

    Winners yesterday with Lisa’s announcement: Quinn, Daley, Mike Madigan, Bruce Rauner.

    Losers yesterday: HRO, which reported at end of the reporting period: a paltry $21,000. And Leader Cross, again showing the political instincts of Ray Wardingly.

  13. - State Sen. Clay Davis - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 11:06 am:

    I still wonder how much Bloomberg’s endorsement of Daley and $$$ threat is a factor here? He signed on with Daley 2 weeks ago and Quinn has been pounding the gun issue ever since.

  14. - A Casual Observer - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 11:10 am:

    This was Lisa’s “moment in time” but Mike just couldn’t bring himself to make the personal sacrifice for her. He loves the spotlight too much to fade into political obscurity. My grandfather used to tell me: “The secret to being successful in life is in knowing when it is time to dance off of the stage while the audience is still applauding.”

    Mike must plan on dying of a heart attack from old age while still on the stage.This was the “perfect moment” for him to step down and retire before his legacy becomes tarnished. He would be leaving while still on top and before the ship of state hits the fast approaching iceberg.

  15. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 11:12 am:

    –Losers yesterday: HRO, which reported at end of the reporting period: a paltry $21,000. And Leader Cross, again showing the political instincts of Ray Wardingly.–


  16. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 11:12 am:

    Hasn’t he already done enough for her career, like made it possible? Not sure he needs to end his own to do even more.

    Besides, I wonder if this doesn’t have more to do with the possibility of Durbin taking a cabinet spot and opening up the Senate seat…

  17. - MrGrassroots - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 11:15 am:

    Bloomberg’s endorsement of Bill Daley is tepid at best. Yes, he gave a small donation ($5300 I think). Like me giving a quarter. Trust me, Bloomberg will not lift another finger. It was a repayment of a political debt and nothing more.

  18. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 11:16 am:

    A Casual Observer,

    You have hit the nail precisely on the head.

  19. - Wensicia - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 11:16 am:

    No, and I don’t believe MJM would ever consider this. If she believes her family connections would be harmful to her campaign or distracting to her position as governor, she is right to pull back. She should not run for this office without the confidence she’ll be independent and more than able to withstand any talk or connection to her father.

  20. - low level - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 11:17 am:

    A question for the conspiracy folks out there:

    So first it was Madigan was doing too MUCH to help Lisa messing up pension reform so Quinn would look bad. Now it’s he’s doing too LITTLE for Lisa by not stepping aside?

    Can someone please tell me how that works??? I’m sorry, but for the life of me I can’t come up with any logic, even twisted, that would explain that.

  21. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 11:17 am:

    –Besides, I wonder if this doesn’t have more to do with the possibility of Durbin taking a cabinet spot and opening up the Senate seat…–

    Why in the world would Durbin do that?

    There’s been more intrigue attributed to the Madigans over the years than the Borgias.

  22. - Ruby - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 11:21 am:

    LIsa has many years ahead to run for Governor of Illinois. Why should she run against an incumbent governor from her own party who has very recently improved his chances for reelection?

  23. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 11:21 am:

    I didn’t vote because I think there’s a lot more to this story then we’re being told. All of the posters who claim MJM hasn’t done anything illegal sound a lot like similar postings years ago about former pols who are now or have recently been guests of the U.S. Prison system. Does this Metra thing raise to that level? I don’t know. Did she throw him under the bus? Maybe.

  24. - Chavez-respecting Obamist - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 11:23 am:

    I never really thought she was running. I think she’s going for Mark Kirk’s seat in ‘16.

  25. - homunculus - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 11:25 am:

    No, It would have been beautiful political theatre, but the reality is about brute party pragmatism and self-survival.

  26. - siriusly - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 11:29 am:

    If you’re correct Chavez, then she took the integrity mantle yesterday. I think the message was positive for her.

  27. - Illinoisan - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 11:29 am:

    Yes. That said, she would have won with or without her father as Speaker. Recent polls highlighting the potential conflict of interest still had her in the lead over Quinn (who was basically reelected yesterday as a result).

  28. - Amalia - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 11:33 am:

    would have helped to lessen the blow of the Metra stuff if he decided not to run again.

    also, a Casual Observer: very amusing.

  29. - Mokenavince - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 11:35 am:

    Yes . In fact her being AG and him as Speaker and head of the Dems. is a bad idea. It just proves Mike is for Mike and to hell with anyone else.

    The State truly would be in much better shape if he just left.

  30. - Susiejones - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 11:35 am:

    I voted No. I am not a fan of Mr. Madigan, though I like Ms. Madigan and think she has been an outstanding AG. Sure would like to see the speaker retire, but to retire only so his daughter is comfortable enough to run for Governor just doesn’t sit well with me. she has shown her independence as AG, perhaps that is where she needs to be. that said, 4 terms (she will win a 4th term)is plenty long enough for any elected office, so maybe she and her father can both retire in 2018!

  31. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 11:36 am:

    Stick to the question, please.

  32. - Commonsense in Illinois - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 11:37 am:

    I voted No. The State of Illinois is not a sole proprietorship nor a family owned business, although some would argue otherwise. Speaker Madigan will retire when he’s good and ready and not until. That his daughter is a formidable politician and has earned respect across Illinois and nationally speaks volumes about her own integrity as well as her upbringing. Was this Lisa Madigan’s “time” as some have suggested…not in the least. At her age she has plenty of time, and remaining AG is not a detriment to future opportunities in any way.

  33. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 11:39 am:

    ===I think she’s going for Mark Kirk’s seat in ‘16. ===

    Well, if she is she can’t use that $5 million for the race.

  34. - sm73 - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 11:39 am:

    No. Speaker Madigan should have stepped down because he’s a corrupt political boss who is too smart to be forced out of office.

  35. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 11:40 am:

    Don’t have a yes or no answer, only because it would seem that from a strategic perspective, Chavez’ and siriusly’s speculation could be a good driver for aligning all the planets.

  36. - A guy... - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 11:41 am:

    No. Every candidate has mitigating circumstances of some kind to consider helpful or not helpful to their chances of winning. If she became Gov, it’s very possible she would become a surrogate punching bag for people wanting to take aim at him. She’s right about one family being in those particular positions. Both seem to like the jobs they currently have and both are shoe-ins for re-election in them. No one has to leave anything. It’s up to the voters who come and go. Assign blame where you want to at the ballot box. Enact term limits and this wouldn’t happen. There are plenty of solutions beyond “he should leave and legacy the governorship to her” Just think of how stupid that sounds. And is.

  37. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 11:51 am:

    She’s not going for Mark Kirk’s seat. That’s silly talk. If Kirk is healthy enough for re-election, he’ll be a shoo-in.

  38. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 11:51 am:

    Yes. He can focus his energy on IL Dem Chair role, along with making a buck or two. She is ready. Who knows what happens in 4 years.

  39. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 11:53 am:

    The subject press statement could be a kick-off to a stealthy, long-term *demonstrated* “integrity”-based campaign (following up further on seriusly’s comment), that if planned and executed properly, would avoid otherwise necessary “name calling” when it’s formally announced–with “name calling” in this instance being a sure loser.

  40. - lake county democrat - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 12:00 pm:

    THe question is unclear - for the state of Illinois’s benefit anything Mike Madigan does to diminish his power is a yes vote. From Madigan, Inc. perspective, the response is closer to “you can’t be serious.”

  41. - orzo - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 12:01 pm:

    I’d estimate at one the number of fathers who would hold onto a 30 year and counting career, with more money than they can ever spend, instead of allowing their daughter to immediately become the favorite in a race for Governor of one of the largest, most important states in the country.

  42. - I don't want to live in Teabagistan - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 12:02 pm:

    You either die a hero or you live long enough to see yourself become the villain. –Harvey Dent

  43. - LisleMike - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 12:08 pm:

    The Madigans always know what they are doing. Nice as it might be to believe one way or the other on LM’s motives, they know what they want and how to get it.

  44. - second street - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 12:11 pm:

    I agree with orzo at 12:01, how selfish does a parent have to be to stand in the way of his child’s reasonable and attainable goals?

  45. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 12:19 pm:

    =they know what they want and how to get it.=

    And one of their admirable strengths seems to be great ambition (without feeing the need for ongoing, tacky gestures to prove OR deny it)–from an average voter’s perspective.

  46. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 12:32 pm:

    Interesting comment, orzo and second. Could be perceived as making great assumptions as to what their personal goals truly are AND contributing to either weaving the perception or proving (depending on which side of teh fence you’re on) that Dad actually has no interest in promoting his daughter’s career and she has no interest in accepting Dad’s help.

    See how that works? Pretty powerful stuff that’s hard to beat whichever way you approach it.

  47. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 12:34 pm:

    I voted no. They both know he has to retire before she can move up. He isn’t ready to step down. That’s that. He obviously feels there is more he’d like to accomplish.

    He’ll leave when he’s good and ready and not a minute sooner.

  48. - Rod - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 12:39 pm:

    I voted No. I am guessing that Lisa Madigan never formally asked her father to step aside when she began to explore running for Governor. Maybe she finally did over the weekend after the Metra story broke. I have to assume the Speaker never told his daughter going into this he would give up his position if she won the Governor’s office.

  49. - Big Muddy - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 12:43 pm:

    As a father this is a total facepalm moment for me. The Speaker has been around how long? His daughter wants to run for Gov. And all he can do is think of himself? Keep that tight grip on power at all costs even at the peril of your daughters advancement? Keep it classy there Mr. Speaker, keep it classy…

  50. - Formerly Known As... - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 12:46 pm:

    Unequivocally, yes.

    Anyone following Illinois politics and media realizes that his presence as Speaker and Party Chairman will hinder her campaign and cause grief that can be easily avoided.

    His recusal from those positions would make her campaign easier. His remaining in those positions would make her campaign more difficult.

    Thus, he should be willing to do what is necessary to make her campaign easier rather than harder.

    The fact he is not is revealing.

  51. - Formerly Known As... - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 12:47 pm:

    @Nosmo King

    A Ray Wardingley reference? You just made my day.

  52. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 1:02 pm:

    @Formerly Known As

    I aim to please.

  53. - PublicServant - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 1:04 pm:

    No, Mike knows a Madigan in the house has a greater impact than a Madigan in the governorship. Besides US Senator Lisa is probably already house-hunting in DC.

  54. - Ghost - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 1:04 pm:

    [insert any reason here] Mike Madigan steps down as speaker….

    You probably get a positive result because so many want madigan to step down regardless of the reason :)

  55. - CircularFiringSquad - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 1:04 pm:

    Voted “No”. A simple reading of the AG statement shows every accomplishment happened in partnership with the GA ( all those passed bills, etc; over and over).

    One concludes a strong partnership with the legislature seems like something any governor should want.


  56. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 1:06 pm:

    I voted yes. What more does he want to accomplish? and he has most decidedly hindered his daughter’s chance at becoming governor. Obviously we dont know the full truth, but on the service it appears he chose his career over hers.

  57. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 1:19 pm:

    Hindered chance of becoming governor and beyond.

  58. - Spliff - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 1:39 pm:

    Yes. But only for personal reasons. I want hell to freeze over so I can ice skate when I die.

  59. - Dan Bureaucrat - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 1:56 pm:

    She couldn’t decide for many reasons but the reason she gave is not the real reason.

    She chose that message because it made her look the most noble.

    She decided not to run because it was messier than she wanted. There was no Madigan tug of war.

  60. - Fred's Mustache - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 1:59 pm:

    So when it was believed that Lisa was running, everything that MJM did was to pave the way for Lisa to become governor. There were cries of nepotism and political dynasties.

    Now that shes not running, MJM is a mean spirited father who selfishly wants to keep power at the expense of his poor daughter.

    All this talk is nonsense. MJM and Lisa are both their own person. MJM and Lisa have their own careers. Both had important decisions to make about their careers. I firmly believe that Lisa would be the next governor if she chose to run… but she made the decision not to run.

    I suspect that many of those that voted “yes” did so because of their dislike for the Speaker more than anything else.

  61. - Century Club - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 2:08 pm:


    But he should have said he was going to, and subject his caucus to months of jockeying for his position during the time when they should be recruiting candidates and raising money.

    That’s how it’s done, right?

  62. - wizard - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 2:09 pm:

    simply because i want him gone not matter how it is done. unfortunately, i do not get to vote against him.

  63. - Formerly Known As... - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 2:29 pm:

    === Now that shes not running, MJM is a mean spirited father who selfishly wants to keep power at the expense of his poor daughter. ===

    Only if you base that conclusion upon the public statement made in her press release.

  64. - Fred's Mustache - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 2:58 pm:

    === Now that shes not running, MJM is a mean spirited father who selfishly wants to keep power at the expense of his poor daughter. ===

    ====== Only if you base that conclusion upon the public statement made in her press release. ======

    No, it is based on blog comments above. I don’t believe it to be true.

  65. - Phenomynous - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 3:05 pm:


    We need the Speaker’s Leadership to pass meaningful pension reform. I can’t tell if the snark was on or off in that comment.

  66. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 3:41 pm:

    Voted a reluctant “No” but not for the apparent reasons.

    I voted “No” because this is not a “family business” like so many try to saddle Lisa with when talking about her, her future, or her today.

    While the “Madigan Rules” stipulate that no harm be done to Lisa, by deed or word, in the politics of Springfield, that does not mean by any stretch that MJM is obliged to defer to Lisa in regards to the length of his own career.

    There can be a point to be made that MJM is thinking legacy, or unfinished business with pensions, or the anything a tinfoil hat can muster into a thought.

    All of it could be true, none of it could be accurate. The reality is that Speaker Madigan is not ready to leave the stage.

    Now, I could have typed “clear” the stage, but that is not accurate, I do not think. This is more about the work at hand and the work for tomorrow, than it is about benchmarks, and mile posts and legacies. This might be a “blue collar” decision. Leaving the stage before the work is done is something that might seem to others like leaving Illinois “hanging”, in a limbo at a critical point that Speaker Madigan feels he can not do and he can change this limbo to make it successful.

    I have no clue if I am even on the right track, but I have to believe MJM is about seeing things through, because Speaker Madigan has made a career on seeing things through he wants accomplished.

    All that said, the shift to Lisa begins …

    Maybe that release, with the harsh words and the naked and bold statement about a family not occupying the Governor’s offce and the Speaker’s office is really about a reality Lisa was not going to allow herself to face. Maybe Lisa had hoped “Dad” would move on, sensing a politcal opportunity for Lisa.

    There was no conspiracy, no forcing bad press and images upon MJM himself, the Attorney General, or even a father and a daughter.

    This is about MJM making a decision in his career, period. That decision, is the domino for Lisa, not the Attorney General.

    Politcs ain’t bean bag. Agendas are what they are; plans to see something through that you want to accomplish.

    Speaker Madigan should not have to step aside if his agenda, how long or short it is or remains, is not complete, no matter the landscape. As is the agenda for an Attorney General, whose agenda is in part dictated by family in her criteria, but dictated TO, not forced to comply WITH, the agenda Lisa had set for herself.

    July 15th 2013 is going to be a day remembered for many things, but especially remembered for the term “agenda”, and how agendas, and how factors, dictate those agendas, leading to decisions that change more than just a father and a daughter, or politics and legacy. The vote is a reluctant “No”, because agendas sometime are not always warm and fuzzy.

  67. - is he fredo or michael? - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 3:48 pm:

    I think its a phony ?, my guess is if she wanted him to step down so she could run for governor he would have. I agree that her statement indicates otherwise, but I didn’t see any indication that she wanted him to step down.

  68. - wordslinger - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 4:56 pm:

    –I’d estimate at one the number of fathers who would hold onto a 30 year and counting career, with more money than they can ever spend, instead of allowing their daughter to immediately become the favorite in a race for Governor of one of the largest, most important states in the country.–

    Are you John Kass’ bizarro twin?

    On the one hand, some would say, for the last 12 years, everything MJM has done is to “anoint” Lisa governor, (forget about those pesky elections).

    On the other, some would say that an elected official going about his business is somehow holding his daughter back.

    You ever been in a family business? Did the old man ever bow out just to make it easy for the kid? That’s bad business.

    And she’s not a kid — she’s pushing 50. She has $5 million in the bank, with plenty more where that came from. She was the prohibitive favorite, for crying out loud. She threw the old man under the bus.

    Two weeks ago she said her old man was not a problem. Now he’s holding her back?

    The arrogance is embarrassing.

    This is a person who the president of the United States brought into the Oval Office and asked to run for Senate to keep their party in power and further their common agenda. They used to sit next together; they were pals.

    She said “no,”for selfish reasons, to the president of the United States, in very dark times, when she was needed.

    You think she cares what the old man does?

    Lisa Madigan does what she wants for her own reasons. Case closed.

    Keep those checks coming.

    But enough with her “future.” It is what it is, and it’s boring beyond belief.

  69. - fake county chairman - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 6:50 pm:

    To many dems at the top all of ill woes would rest on her shoulders BAD politics.Lisa money chest equals power.Southern dems smoke and mirrors tactic just eye wash phelps wants voted back in .

  70. - Just The Way It Is One - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 8:01 pm:

    It’s difficult to say this, but I say “no.” put yourself in MJM’s shoes for a moment if you will–over the Decades you’ve accumulated this AWEsome amount of Power as House Speaker in the 5th Most Populous State in the Most Powerful NATION on the Planet Earth. Ok, Lisa, I agree I will resign and retain NONE of this AWEsome Power I have accumulated.

    Now, fast forward 8 months, OR 16 months from now…and Lisa LOSES in her bid for Governor!!! Then he would have NOTHing–at least when it comes to his currently immense Power. The possibility of her defeat in such a race against the sitting Governor, or GOP Nominee were hardly implausible!!

    Would it have been GRACIOUS for MJM to step aside, merely to offer Lisa a BETter shot at the Top Job in Illinois? Sure. But given all of that Power which MJM basically resolved to himself that he cannot live without yet, would it be worth the risk to agree to such a thing for Lisa (yes, I know–even for his own DAUGHter)? No way.

  71. - Just The Way It Is One - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 8:04 pm:

    That should have read: “Put yourself….” Tsk, tsk…my 5th Grade English Teacher would have taken off some major points for not starting a sentence with a CAPITAL letter!

  72. - Sunshine - Tuesday, Jul 16, 13 @ 10:19 pm:

    Speaker Madigan’s power has completely consumed him. It just wasn’t going to happen for him to step down. He feels we need him and is doing it for us….yeah, right! He needs to get over himself and start doing what’s good for this state for a change. Not expecting that to happen as he loves the game too much and will do everything to win for him, not for us.

    Lisa on the other hand used this opportunity to raise campaign funds so she could not only keep her own job, but perhaps help other Democrats. As a mother of a young family I don’t think she wanted the burdensome responsibility of Governor. I think she made the right choice.

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