Dems botch Bost hit
Wednesday, Jul 31, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller * The DCCC sent out a press release yesterday morning with this subject line…
* From the e-mail…
Actually, there wasn’t much to the stories. Just cute headlines. No serious botching there. * What was really botched, however, was the “greatest hits” video that was distributed by southern Illinois Democrats and pushed by the DCCC which ostensibly bashed the Republican legislator who has tossed his hat in the ring for Congress. I told you about the video on Monday. What you may not know is that since then, it was removed from YouTube due to an alleged copyright violation… ![]() Oops. * Advanced Digital Media runs, which broadcasts legislative debate over the Internet. From Tony Yuscius at Advanced Digital Media…
- too obvious - Wednesday, Jul 31, 13 @ 9:28 am:
That’s a shame. Bost’s greatest hissy fits are a must watch.
- RonOglesby - Wednesday, Jul 31, 13 @ 9:32 am:
They were saved by the bell on that one. I liked the video
- wndycty - Wednesday, Jul 31, 13 @ 9:35 am:
I knew I should have downloaded a copy.
- Just Me - Wednesday, Jul 31, 13 @ 9:36 am:
If u get a CD from the clerk it says right on it that it is subject to copyright and may not be used for commercial purposes.
- promises promises - Wednesday, Jul 31, 13 @ 9:52 am:
Commercial purposes arguably doesn’t include political ads. I’m guessing that you’d have a tough time keeping that out of a political campaign
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Jul 31, 13 @ 10:05 am:
The Washington Kiddie Corps of both parties rarely impress.
- Under Influenced - Wednesday, Jul 31, 13 @ 10:07 am:
Video was poorly done anyway.
- estubborn - Wednesday, Jul 31, 13 @ 10:13 am:
====Video was poorly done anyway.
The video’s purpose was to introduce Bost to voters not familiar with his.. umm reputation. It did a perfect job of giving non-political junkies an idea of what Bost’s role is in the GA.
- SIUPROF - Wednesday, Jul 31, 13 @ 10:13 am:
Bost has been a terrible state representative and would be a terrible congressman. His combativeness follows him into his office. If you go talk to him about an issue that his party has taken a position that is not in the best interests of the district, he simply will not listen. Instead he raises his voice and spouts the party line. His number one priority has always been to have access to party money to beat back any opponent. A good number of constituents are glad he is giving up the state house seat to run for Congress. Hopefully Enyart beats him and his political career ends.
- mythoughtis - Wednesday, Jul 31, 13 @ 10:14 am:
Bost was interviewed on CNN’s New Day this morning about the passion he shows. The video was shown.
- J. Nolan - Wednesday, Jul 31, 13 @ 10:20 am:
I like Bost but good lord…I spent 30 minutes looking for the mans website and when i got there.. it looked like I could have made it myself. People should learn to run campaigns.
- RonOglesby - Wednesday, Jul 31, 13 @ 10:20 am:
His number one priority has always been to have access to party money to beat back any opponent.
sounds like a lot of politicians.
- Anonymous - Wednesday, Jul 31, 13 @ 10:23 am:
you have our vote and our support Rep Mike Bost!!
- too obvious - Wednesday, Jul 31, 13 @ 10:28 am:
If voters there want that unstable hothead representing them in D.C. then I’ll agree they should have their own state. Illinois’ capacity for embarrassment does have some bounds.
- Under Influenced - Wednesday, Jul 31, 13 @ 12:46 pm:
===The video’s purpose was to introduce Bost to voters not familiar with his.. umm reputation. It did a perfect job of giving non-political junkies an idea of what Bost’s role is in the GA.===
That video was made by political junkies for political junkies. The website that hosted the video was a contribution page….not too many “average voters” visit those sites.
Besides, you don’t think Bost’s temper tantrums play well in his district?….I’ll wager my CC debt that they do.
- leonard - Wednesday, Jul 31, 13 @ 1:32 pm:
Any unstable hothead may be better than many of the bozos now in office.Might at least provide entertainment,rather than disgust. [Or along with disgust]
- Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Jul 31, 13 @ 4:03 pm:
I saw “Behind the Grandstanding” and initially assumed that was the Bost thread.
My mistake.
- Steve - Wednesday, Jul 31, 13 @ 4:22 pm:
We need someone like Mike Bost and his passion in congress. Lord knows Illinois and the nation are going in the toilet while Chicago democrats are in charge. Nuff said.
- Precinct Captain - Wednesday, Jul 31, 13 @ 6:01 pm:
==We need someone like Mike Bost and his passion in congress. Lord knows Illinois and the nation are going in the toilet while Chicago democrats are in charge. Nuff said.==
I didn’t know John Boehner, Harry Reid, and SCOTUS were Chicago Democrats. That’s two branches that aren’t Chicago Democrats. I also didn’t know all problems in America were created instantly on January 20, 2009.
- Precinct Captain - Wednesday, Jul 31, 13 @ 7:10 pm:
The video is still on Vimeo.
- SoIL618 - Thursday, Aug 8, 13 @ 12:50 pm:
What a great video of Mike Bost throwing temper tantrums that would embarrass a third grader! Can’t wait for General Enyart to win re-election in 2014!