* From a press release…
Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White announced today that the Temporary Visitor Driver’s License (TVDL) for undocumented (non-visa status) individuals will be available — by appointment only – during a pilot program beginning in early December at four select Driver Services facilities, with a full rollout schedule in January. Joining Secretary White at the press conference were state legislators.
Beginning November 12, TVDL applicants may schedule an appointment by calling 855-236-1155 or visiting www.cyberdriveillinois.com. Advance appointments are required at all designated facilities; walk-ins will not be served.
In December, the first phase of the rollout begins at four locations that will serve scheduled appointments. As of December 3, the TVDL locations are Chicago West, 5301 W. Lexington Ave. and Springfield, 2701 S. Dirksen Pkwy. Starting on December 10 locations at Chicago North, 5401 N. Elston Ave. and Bloomington, 1510 W. Market St. will be open. In January 2014, the second phase of the TVDL rollout will be available for scheduled appointments at 21 additional designated facilities statewide. For a complete list of locations, visit www.cyberdriveillinois.com.
* There are differences between the look of a drivers’ license and a TVDL. The TVDL has a different colored border and clearly marked “”Not valid for identification.” Also, the TVDL is not valid if the holder has no auto insurance.

* Applicants also must follow certain guidelines, including…
• Scheduling an appointment with the Secretary of State Driver Services facility online at www.cyberdriveillinois.com or by calling 855-236-1155;
• Presenting various documents providing:
o valid passport from the applicant’s native country or a Consular Identification Card from an approved country.
o proof of name,
o written signature,
o date of birth,
o current address and
o 12 months of consecutive residency in Illinois,
• Purchase auto insurance upon receiving TVDL.
A photo of the applicant will be taken and then processed through the state’s facial recognition database. After the documents have been verified for authenticity, applicants will receive their TVDL through U.S. mail at a later date.
- Steve - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 12:48 pm:
It’s so politically correct to break federal immigration law. What’s more interesting is: those photo ID’s , in the future, could be used as evidence in a lawsuit. Just a reminder. Also, if Illinois issues those ID’s that constitutes mail and wire fraud in enabling federal immigration law to be violated.
- RNUG - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 12:49 pm:
Taken literally, this is a non-ID ID.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 12:54 pm:
“A photo of the applicant will be taken and then processed through the state’s facial recognition database”
I envision a room full of 13th ward guys pulling down $85k a year passing photos around a conference table.
“Nah, I tink ol’ hazel eyes her is good. Anybody disagree? Issue it.”
- hisgirlfriday - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 12:54 pm:
Does any GOP candidate for governor oppose this program? If not good for the Illinois GOP.
- Ghost - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 12:55 pm:
This sounds like something from George Orwell… when they show up for the appointment they are moved from the waiting room to the back of a van for deportation….
I do like that the undocumented work force seeking to get these needs documentation….
- hisgirlfriday - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 12:55 pm:
BTW, 5′11″ 110 lbs, Jesse White? Really?
- Ghost - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 1:00 pm:
=== if Illinois issues those ID’s that constitutes mail and wire fraud in enabling federal immigration law to be violated. ====
do you by chance have any facts or legal cites for this emotional appeal? I have read the various immigration statutes a few times and I didn’t see anything which prohibits this item or the underlying requirement to allow folks to obtain auto insurance.
under Federal immigration law everytime one of these ID’s is issued an angel gets its wings, so we got that going for us….
- Phenomynous - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 1:19 pm:
1. Those are some tall women.
2. Nice to see that those with temporary licenses will have the option to be organ donors.
- Chavez-respecting Obamist - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 1:20 pm:
They are going to drive, valid ID/insurance or not. This way they have to buy insurance.
- RNUG - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 1:29 pm:
Chavez-respecting Obamist @ 1:20 pm:
No, they are supposed to buy insurance. From what I know, the State’s enforcement of mandatory car insurance hasn’t been that consistent.
- RonOglesby - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 1:29 pm:
Whatever your stance on immigration policy (if it should be more open or not) I am not sure its a good idea to continue to passively, much less actively encourage more illegal immigration. This just encourages it.
- Mike - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 1:36 pm:
Good to see Jesse White’s name will still be on the state issued ID.
- govt work - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 1:44 pm:
it took a year to come up with that?
- Reader - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 1:49 pm:
@Chavez-respecting Obamist,
Do you realize those two statements are totally contradictory? How will they “have to” if they are going to drive regardless?
- Demoralized - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 1:51 pm:
==I am not sure its a good idea to continue to passively, much less actively encourage more illegal immigration==
I hardly think a driver’s license encourages illegal immigration. I don’t think people are coming to this country because they can get a license.
- Earl Shumaker - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 1:51 pm:
Steve, thanks for articulating so well my thoughts. It seems to me that any politician from the governor to those in the Illinois General Assembly who voted for this legislation are abetting and aiding criminals. If this be the case maybe we should make some citizen’s arrests!
But apparently, this governor and our elected officials have no qualms when it comes to trashing the rule of law and the Illinois Constitution. Prime example: passing so-called Illinois Pension Reform which would slash retiree’s legally owed COLAs
- Demoralized - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 1:52 pm:
==Also, if Illinois issues those ID’s that constitutes mail and wire fraud in enabling federal immigration law to be violated.==
That’s nice hyperbole but not in the least bit true.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 1:53 pm:
–I am not sure its a good idea to continue to passively, much less actively encourage more illegal immigration. This just encourages it. –
So you pull up roots in Mexico, hump for 2,500 miles to Chicago to get one of these things? I doubt it.
Net migration from Mexico to the United States is zero, and it has nothing to do with licenses.
- otoh - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 2:02 pm:
==Nice to see that those with temporary licenses will have the option to be organ donors.==
How about mandatory organ donors? Giving back to the community, as it were. I see a new industry for Illinois.
- RonOglesby - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 2:05 pm:
So you pull up roots in Mexico, hump for 2,500 miles to Chicago to get one of these things? I doubt it.
I am not for encouraging/making it easier for any illegal activity.
if we dont really believe the activity should be illegal we should change the law. not ignore it or skirt it. This puts us in a bad position.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 2:12 pm:
–This puts us in a bad position.–
Along with 44 other states, apparently.
Hmmmm, was there an issue recently where some argued that Illinois should join the great majority of states……
- Demoralized - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 2:14 pm:
==If this be the case maybe we should make some citizen’s arrests!==
We’ve got our own Gomer Pyle here in Illinois.
- Justa Joe - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 2:16 pm:
Encourages illegal immigration? no, probably not. But it adds legitimacy to what is illegal. If you are going to do stuff like this, it needs to be part of a program of paying fines & taxes and otherwise becoming part of a process to be here legally. Otherwise it’s just politicians pandering for votes. Oh wait, that’s what politicians do.
- Small Town Liberal - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 2:17 pm:
- if we dont really believe the activity should be illegal we should change the law. not ignore it or skirt it. -
We don’t have the authority to change federal immigration law, and this isn’t ignoring or skirting anything.
All we can do is pass common sense laws to deal with the immigrants that are here, and one of those common sense laws is making sure those that are driving are trained and carry the proper insurance.
I’d love to see your explanation of how “this puts us in a bad position.”
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 2:17 pm:
===abetting and aiding criminals.===
Immigration violations are civil offenses.
- Formerly Known As... - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 2:24 pm:
More plausible concerns than the snarky one in my prior post:
A. === Purchase auto insurance upon receiving TVDL ===
What is the mechanism for following up and ensuring purchase of insurance after the TVDL has been received by the applicant?
How is the SoS going to make sure people follow this rule after they mail the license?
B. === A photo of the applicant will be taken and then processed through the state’s facial recognition database ===
Why run the photo only through the state database rather than a multi-state federal database? It doesn’t do us much good to check only Illinois.
“You cleared our photo database in Illinois? Fantastic. Here’s your license!
What do you mean you robbed 10 banks and are wanted under an alias in Iowa?”
- Demoralized - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 2:32 pm:
==not ignore it or skirt it==
I don’t think this does either. A state has the authority to license people to drive cars. It isn’t an ID.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 2:34 pm:
–Otherwise it’s just politicians pandering for votes.–
Lot of voters among non-citizens? Sure.
Or, I know this sounds crazy, it could be an effort to get folks who are driving illegally without insurance for work, to pass a driver’s test and get insurance.
- RonOglesby - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 2:55 pm:
Hmmmm, was there an issue recently where some argued that Illinois should join the great majority of states……
yes by changing a law. Whatever. people can disagree. I believe in a broader immigration policy. But I also believe that people that come here legally jumping through hoops, waiting, etc Should be honored by enforcing our laws and not making it easier for those that have skirted our laws.
This from an immigrant’s grandson.
- Small Town Liberal - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 3:05 pm:
- This from an immigrant’s grandson. -
I got news for you, Ron, unless your ancestors were driven from their lands by white folks starting in the early 1600s, we’re all an immigrant’s grandchild.
Personally, I feel that my family will be safer if more people driving in Illinois have passed a driving test. I guess that’s not as important to you as the honor of unspecified people you’re compelled to speak for.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 3:11 pm:
===This from an immigrant’s grandson. ===
Many folks back then just walked off the boat and signed up for citizenship and to vote.
- Freeze up - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 3:17 pm:
“Pilot Program”.
Do any of these programs ever go away? Just askin’.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 3:19 pm:
Freeze up, a pilot program is actually a good idea here. Roll it out a bit and see if it works. Sebelius should’ve done something like that.
- countyline - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 3:41 pm:
too funny, you guys actually think these people are going to buy insurance after getting these non-ID’s ? All this does is add an air of legitimacy to their otherwise illegal activity of sneaking across the border while millions follow the law and get in line. This is pandering for votes in what democrats know is bound to be a close election year - period. You can bet these ID’s will be used as ID during voter registration drives as well, regardless of what it says on the ID.
- Rich Miller - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 3:48 pm:
===This is pandering for votes in what democrats know===
Um, actually, the bill was backed by both GOP legislative leaders.
- govt work - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 4:04 pm:
These people can already buy a car (ask a car dealer if they demand proof of anything when faced with a potential sale of an overpriced used car), get a job (look out your window), pay taxes (I know you don’t believe it, but ask the IRS), & buy car insurance (see Yale Car insurance on every corner in an immigrant community, hint hint, they don’t say “no car insurance for you” either),… there’s an entire predatory business group selling these people these things, this just allows them to drive their insured cars legally. And you’re against this because? All of us Americans won the birth lottery when we were born here, I try to have some empathy for those who weren’t.
- Freezeup - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 4:11 pm:
Rich, if it is as pragmatic as the name makes it sound, I like it.
- Demoralized - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 4:29 pm:
==not making it easier for those that have skirted our laws==
This does absolutely no such thing. Giving somebody a drivers license is a completely separate issue from immigration law. We simply want to license people that are driving on our roads. That’s it.
And, in case you weren’t aware, state’s CAN’T enact immigration laws. I think the Supreme Court has made that perfectly clear. As long as these people are here and there is no national solution we have to work with what we have. These people are driving. We want to make sure they have licenses and know what they are doing.
- Leroy - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 4:43 pm:
Are there any qualifications for this license? Any tests like written or road?
Or is it like a free version of “Licenses for Bribes”?
- Illiniforlife - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 4:50 pm:
The listed criteria doesn’t include passing a driver’s test or vision test. Is this an oversight? Proof of insurance should be required before non-ID ID is processed. Isn’t proof of insurance required when you register a vehicle?
- Small Town Liberal - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 5:02 pm:
Illini & county, from the full requirements:
•Applicants required to pass the vision, written
and road exams.
•TVDL only valid if driver has current
liability insurance.
Why would they bother to get the license if they didn’t plan on making it valid by having insurance?
But county, don’t let facts get in the way of your paranoid delusions.
- reformer - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 5:16 pm:
The facial recognition system finds the same face under different identities. That means any immigrant who already has a state DL or ID under another identity will be detected once they get the new DL. They will face criminal charges for having fraudulent cards.
As far as insurance, to keep a valid DL, the immigrant must provide prompt proof of insurance.
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 5:25 pm:
–Are there any qualifications for this license? Any tests like written or road? –
Of course. Sheesh.
Seriously, you think a bi-partisan group of legislators, the governor, the secretary of state, and the auto insurance industry all backed passing out licenses to untested drivers?
- Formerly Known As... - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 5:56 pm:
=== Proof of insurance should be required before non-ID ID is processed. ===
I find the lack of details regarding how the SoS will follow-up to be more concerning.
What is the mechanism by which the office will follow up and ensure purchase of insurance after the license is mailed? Details would have been logical to share, assuming they actually have some procedure in place.
- Fed up - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 6:39 pm:
I wonder if pat Quinn Jessie whites ” temporary ” is the same for visitors as it is for tax increases.
- Alegra - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 7:34 pm:
==Many folks back then just walked off the boat and signed up for citizenship and to vote==
The citiznship process was quite long, involved process back in the good old daya also: there are many county and state archives to verify this. I used Cook County for my ancestors: http://www.cookcountyclerkofcourt.org/NR/
Spouse’s grandfather was USA born, farmed 3 years in Canada before returning to USA after wife’s death, and completed Naturalization process to again become a USA citizen. Many genealogical websites provide info for this research.
This is not to comment on the TVDL, rather provide real info concerning every 19th century (male) immigrant who I have researched. Often the wife was listed in the Naturalization papers of the husband. I do not know about immigrants during the 1700’s though.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 11:29 pm:
“This from an immigrant’s grandson.”
My grandfather was an illegal at one point. Now he is a citizen. He passed what he called his “gringo” exam twenty years ago. What’s your point? Everyone has a story. Get a grip on reality and quit viewing everything as black and white. Life isn’t so simple.
- Soccertease - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 11:39 pm:
Will the number of TVDL licenses issued be available to the public? I can’t imagine the numbers will be substantial and worth all the time/effort put into this.