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Question of the day

Tuesday, Oct 29, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As long ago as July (maybe earlier), rumors were circulating that Gov. Quinn was looking at Chicago Treasurer Stephanie Neely as a potential running mate. Then in August, word was that Quinn may have started looking elsewhere. Is he back to Neely? Maybe. Tribune

City Treasurer Stephanie Neely today acknowledged she’s talked to Gov. Pat Quinn about being his running mate next year but said she has not made a decision.

“I have spoken to Gov. Quinn” about the lieutenant governor opening, Neely said after first discounting such talk as “rumors.”

“I think public service is just honorable. I love the city of Chicago. I love the state of Illinois. So any way I can serve. I’m trying to be the best treasurer I can be, and if I ran for higher office, I’d try to be the best whatever I can be,” she said.

Neely, a former banker who lives in the North Kenwood neighborhood, has long been mentioned as a possible Quinn running mate. The Democratic governor is looking for a new teammate because current Lt. Gov. Sheila Simon opted to run for state comptroller.

Though Quinn faces no formidable challenge for renomination in the Democratic primary, selecting Neely, an African-American woman, could help the governor secure his connections with black voters in the general election. African-American voters in the Chicago area are key for Democrats to win statewide office and a female running mate also could help the ticket on social issues against a socially conservative Republican opponent.

* The Question: Would Stephanie Neely be a good running mate for Gov. Pat Quinn? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.


…Adding… Oops. Tyop. (Sigh.) Typo. “Np” = “No.” Sorry about that.


  1. - OneMan - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 12:58 pm:

    Virtually anyone who does not have male pattern baldness or has not have had issues with roids in the past would be an OK running mate at this point.

  2. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 1:00 pm:



    Sheila Simon”

  3. - Ghost - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 1:01 pm:

    I voted Np, No Problem.

  4. - 47th Ward - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 1:06 pm:

    Np = Nope?

    I voted yes. She’s a fresh face and I think enhances the governor’s appeal among African-American voters. Is the ticket too Chicago? Probably. But I don’t think that’s a huge negative this year.

  5. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 1:10 pm:

    Elected City-Wide in Chicago, then re-elected.

    She maintains a $7 billion portfolio and tracks the balances on all City accounts…that ain’t being a newly-elected trustee of a town with 61 precincts, and not run for re-election … and that aint being a former Mayor of a town of 8 precincts and handling monies even close to $7 Billion… that also ain’t being a put-up candidate for Lisa Madigan as your resume calling card.

    She serves as trustee on the City’s five public pension boards….that ain’t being on the conference committee to figure out Pension Reform with Squeezy slithering around the feet of the members, but on the board of 5 pension review panels …hmmmm.

    Very lastly ….African-American, female, business professional who carried over business expertise to political success and governmental experience …

    Yep, qualifies…Can Quinn pull it off?

    I have no idea.

  6. - phocion - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 1:12 pm:

    Do a quick google news search on Neely. She comes across as insufferably pompous with an entitled attitude. Yes, she’s got a demographic that appeals. But Quinn is going to walk away with the AA vote anyway. Her personality will put off “on the fence” voters.

  7. - Mongo - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 1:15 pm:

    In general, and with regard to demographics, I voted yes. But I gotta admit I have never heard of Ms. Neely. What’s with the trend towards newbies as LG?

  8. - Siriusly - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 1:16 pm:

    I don’t think she helps him with Chicago voters at all, because she’s mostly unknown. I do think having the City of Chicago Treasurer on your ticket does actually hurt you with some suburban voters.

    I voted not - not sure what she does to help him politically. But I also said the same thing about Sheila and he won with her. So don’t listen to me Pat - go with your gut.

  9. - Chavez-respecting Obamist - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 1:17 pm:

    I would think he’d want someone from downstate. That’s my only reason for voting np.

  10. - Brendan - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 1:20 pm:

    Neely running on a Quinn ticket works well for both of them.

    Quinn gets a gender/race balanced ticket that will help motivate his base in the African-American community.

    And Neely, who does not have to run for re-election this year, gets the opportunity to boosting her name recognition & fundraising network for future statewide runs if Quinn loses and/or a quasi-promotion if Quinn wins in November.

  11. - hisgirlfriday - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 1:21 pm:

    I don’t know anything about this woman individually but on paper this seems smart.

    With Frerichs and Simon the slate already has two Downstaters, so I don’t see her Chicagoness as an issue.

    Between this and the recent PR hire, it feels like Quinn really wants to ensure AA support in the fall, to combat the James Meeks minister faction that will try to punish him for supporting(signing?) ssm and push Rauner forward.

  12. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 1:31 pm:

    ILDems should like the move…

    You completed slate could look like this, and with no Primary Opposition;

    Richard Durbin - 2nd most powerful US Senator, might draw Oberweis to hammer and help all ILDems

    Pat Quinn - Incumbent Governor, populists

    Stephanie Neely - African-American twice elected City-Wide, encourages AA participation in top race, no straglers, even marginalizes Rauner with Sen. Meeks if need be.

    Lisa Madigan - Female, elected numerous times statewide, versus unknown.

    Jesse White - Unopposed.

    Mike Frerichs - downstate legislator, with war chest waiting for diminished funds for Tom Cross.

    Sheila Simon - female, downstate sitting Lt. Governor, carried family name against arguably the most popular Republican in Illinois. Might be outside looking in at the end against the Incumbent Comptroller, but after ditching Pat Quinn, and trying to manuver through Lisa and her own decision, it is what it is.

    3 Downstaters
    3 Women
    4 statewide incumbents
    2 African-Americans

    No …Primaries.

    Stephanie Neely fits in pretty good on “the ball club”.

    Scares me this lineup…but that is why we have elections.

  13. - Alonso - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 1:32 pm:

    A Lt. Gov. nobody knows would be a perfect choice for a Gov. nobody likes.

  14. - Montrose - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 1:34 pm:

    In the spirit of “do no harm,” I think she is a fine choice. No one is voting for Quinn because of his LG choice. I don’t think he won votes because Shelia was on the ticket. Her profile is strong and as long as she stays on message, I think she is good.

  15. - Sunshine - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 1:39 pm:

    Question to me is: Why in the world would she want the do nothing job as Lt. Governor….unless it a stepping platform to Governor?

  16. - otoh - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 1:44 pm:

    ==insufferably pompous with an entitled attitude==

    Could be true as the light of day, but she’ll be on a short script, and no one will ever get to know her.

  17. - Formerly Known As... - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 1:48 pm:

    NP = Nope.

    She completely negates a large line of attacks by Quinn against the Republicans.

    It’s kind of difficult to attack your opponent for coming across as an elitist, or labeling them as a “bankster”, part of the 1%, etc. when that is who you recruit and clear the decks for as your running mate.

    Plus, she was appointed to her first position by Daley without ever holding prior office. Not the best optics right now in Illinois.

    Quinn has spent his entire career portraying himself as a defender of the “little guy” against greedy businessmen, bankers, etc. He’d be lost without being able to rely on that narrative during the biggest election of his life.

    Personally, I like Neely a lot. But not for Quinn’s purposes in this role.

  18. - James - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 1:58 pm:

    Voted no. PQ would be better served by a natural campaigner, as opposed to a quiet banker. Neely’s electoral wins were both uncontested. She was handpicked by Daley to maintain his rainbow ticket, replacing Judy Rice, an AA female who resigned to become…a banker.

  19. - anon - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 2:25 pm:

    Hard to imagine a better choice for Lt. Guv than Kwame Raoul

  20. - Just Observing - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 2:30 pm:

    === Elected City-Wide in Chicago, then re-elected. ===

    If memory serves, she was appointed, and then elected. But I could be wrong.

  21. - Just Observing - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 2:30 pm:

    I only met her once and found her to be a bit arrogant… but I do not know if that is a fair assessment of her or not.

  22. - Norseman - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 2:34 pm:

    I liked NP. Because I’m not familiar with her, I have no position. [No, I didn’t vote]

  23. - A guy... - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 2:48 pm:

    He only needs to look within the 4 Counties he’ll win to pick someone. In that case, pick the biggest one; Cook. She’s a perfect choice for him. It shows he’s not taking the AA vote for granted. Oh, by the way, she’s smart. Doesn’t matter if “it plays in Peoria”. It will play in Chicago, Cook County and suburban St. Louis. There’s proof out there that’s all you need.

  24. - walkinfool - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 2:51 pm:


    Voted yes, but a lot depends on just how her banking background is portrayed. It would make a difference for my vote.

    Fair or not, it was going to hurt Bill Daley if he ran.

  25. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 2:53 pm:

    - Just Observing -

    Appointed 2006, Ran in February 2007 Election, won, …ran for re-election in 2011 … won.

    Appointed, elected, and re-elected.

  26. - Whalewatcher - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 3:06 pm:

    …hey what about Iris Martinez? She is waiting to be asked…

  27. - RNUG - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 3:09 pm:

    A guy… @ 2:48 pm:

    But is Quinn guarenteed enough votes in suburban St. Louis without Sheila?

  28. - Alonso - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 3:13 pm:

    It is interesting reading how people who are not from Chicago seem to think that Neely has some voter base.

    She’s doesn’t.
    She literally has never had a contested election.

    Most people could not tell you the name of the Treasurer. If they heard her name, they could not identify her as Treasurer.

    She has no political organization of her own.

    She’s just a name on a ballot that people check off because she’s the only one.

  29. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 3:23 pm:

    - Alonso -,

    I never said she had a base, I made the point that the election process, Stephanie Neely has done it twice.

    In the city of Chicago, she is the highest ranking African-American in city government. that is a fact, due to the position of the Office itself, and her race. I know I never said she was a jugernaut, I Posted she ran and won twice, albeit uncontested, but, guess what, contested, uncontested, you win, you get sworn-in just the same.

    Neely, if asked and accepts to run for LG, will magically become visable in the AA community, and all over the state. The “Jason Plummer - hide the LG” games lead to losing.

    Pat Quinn needs AA engaged in the race in November, and Stephanie Neely, with a year to be out there for Pat Quinn, while being and touting the Office of City Treasurer and her experience in that office, the mere idea of BEING the citywide elected treasurer gives Neely cache.

    Neely is on 5 pension boards, the office handles $7 Billion in city funds.

    Can’t pretend that doesn’t happen.

  30. - Belle - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 3:38 pm:

    Yes. She’s fine but not great. Obviously an African American or Latino professional woman from downstate would be preferred. He only has to win, not hit it out of the park.

  31. - Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 4:15 pm:

    I voted no. Superficially she’ll be fine, but she has a horrific reputation as an entitled prima dona. If there is any concern about what happens after the election, he’ll make another pick unless he wants to replicate the relationship he had with Rod.

  32. - mcb - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 4:15 pm:

    No. Because she only shores up votes he already has. Not sure who would bring more downstate votes, i.e. Springfield, Peoria, CU. What about Jakobsson?

  33. - Amalia - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 4:41 pm:

    in my experience, she is smart, interested in serving the public well, and happy to be in elected office so that might come off as arrogant to some who consider chutzpah by a woman to be a problem. not for me. she shores up his base in a couple of ways.

  34. - Rollo Tomasi - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 4:47 pm:

    YES! Because it would get her out of Chicago. But she has to answer several question then:

    While on WBBM’s At Issue program she brags about steering City Pension Funds (Fire, Police , Municipal Workers) to woman and minority brokerage houses not the firms that have the best investment return ranking.

    Why are her and Daley’s pension fund highly funded and uses different investment firms from the other funds.

    Why while running unopposed in the last election did she take campaign money from the same investment houses she directs city pension monies to?

    Why does she have a police body guards who drive her to the Gym, work, grocery store, home, and pick up her dry cleaning?

  35. - Excessively Rabid - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 5:01 pm:

    Yes, if she changes her name from Neely to Squeezy.

  36. - Sox fan - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 5:43 pm:

    I second Naomi Jakobssen. If the question is smart, experienced, downstate woman, then she’s the only answer.

  37. - Formerly Known As... - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 5:48 pm:

    @Rollo Tomasi

    I was unaware of those issues.

    Yeah, those might present a few problems. More than a few.

  38. - Six Degrees of Separation - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 7:04 pm:

    I could be talked out of being a slight plus if I heard more stories like Rollo’s, and she became a Scott Lee Cohen-like distraction.

  39. - Just The Way It Is One - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 7:23 pm:

    She’d be alright, probably’d be somewhat of a “safe” choice so long as she’s been THOROUGHly vetted, and, of course would help with the African-American and women’s vote.

    Yet, particularly looking ahead to the General Election and the need for broader appeal beyond COOK County, my gut still tells me that I still think he could do MUCH better…!

  40. - My 2 cents. - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 7:39 pm:

    I voted no. I think that PQ has the AA vote secured by virtue of the AA community always voting overwhelmingly democratic. The Latino community has shown that they need to be courted and a Latina like Sen Martinez could be that person to shore up the Latino support for the democrats.

  41. - JAFTC - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 8:53 pm:

    ===- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 29, 13 @ 1:00 pm:



    Sheila Simon”===

    Best. Comment. Ever.

  42. - Citizen Carl - Wednesday, Oct 30, 13 @ 12:50 pm:

    Quinn’s problem is not with progressives or minority voters. He needs to improve his standing with suburban collar county voters. If it wasn’t for Scott lee Cohen he would have lost last election as he was destroyed in the burbs. Local Democrats have dominated Will county for the past few elections holding nearly every county wide office so they must be doing something right. He could pick county exec. Larry Walsh sr, court clerk Pam McGuire or young upstart auditor Duffy Blackburn. Besides the suburban appealing will county had a lot of farm land so there is a downstate appeal too. Seems like the slam dunk choice to me.

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