Dillard claims Rahm-Rauner conspiracy
Thursday, Oct 24, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Sun-Times…
Mayor Rahm Emanuel is trying to help his friend Bruce Rauner win the crowded Republican primary for governor by endorsing incumbent Democrat Pat Quinn, Republican gubernatorial candidate Kirk Dillard charged Thursday.
Dillard offered that Machiavellian theory, one day after Emanuel endorsed Quinn for re-election, in spite of his rocky relationship with the governor and his close friendship with Rauner, the millionaire venture capitalist challenging Dillard for the GOP nomination.
“Rahm is very smart. He knows he helps Rauner in a Republican primary by strongly endorsing Quinn,” Dillard said Thursday.
As a loyal Democrat, Dillard said Emanuel is always going to pay lip service to the Democratic nominee.
But, he said, “I suspect he’s really rooting for Bruce Rauner. . . . Bruce Rauner is the man who made Rahm Emanuel rich right after he left the Clinton administration. Chicago Magazine just had a story with pictures of the two vacationing together. He’s a member of Rahm Emanuel’s inner circle. . . . That cozy relationship is problematic governmentally. It’s too close for comfort.”
I think that photo was of the two hugging each other at a Chicago event, but whatever.
World Series open thread
Thursday, Oct 24, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller
* There are probably enough Cardinals fans/Cub haters out there to justify this post. A cautionary note…
With [last night’s 8-1] win, the Red Sox have now taken nine World Series games in a row, last losing in Game 7 against the Mets in 1986. Boston started the streak by sweeping St. Louis in 2004 and continued it by routing the Colorado Rockies in 2007. The latest victory ties the Red Sox with the Cincinnati Reds for the longest active World Series winning streak, though the Reds haven’t been to the Fall Classic since 1990.
The Yankees are the only team in baseball to have enjoyed a longer winning streak in World Series games, doing so three times. The Bombers won 10 straight between 1937–1941; 12 straight between 1927–1932 and 14 straight between 1996–2000.
Question of the day
Thursday, Oct 24, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller
* What is the one thing you dislike most about Gov. Pat Quinn? Make sure to explain your answer.
Pollster pushes back against Oberweis
Thursday, Oct 24, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller
* State Sen. Jim Oberweis has been touting the results of a recent poll to bolster his contention that he could defeat Sen. Dick Durbin…
But the pollster whose company generated those numbers said it is not a typical head-to-head poll, so the numbers might not reflect, even at this stage, how a race would shape up […]
“That poll was designed to see which of two candidates did better against Durbin,” Gregg Durham, CEO of the polling firm, said Wednesday. “It wasn’t designed to say if he ran against Durbin, how well he would do.”
The Illinois Review website reported some of the poll numbers Sept. 25. The comparisons were how Oberweis and former U.S. Rep. JOE WALSH, R-McHenry, would each do against Durbin.
But Durham said that what he called the “curiosity poll” was informational, and respondents were told in recorded calls that the poll was testing two candidates against Durbin.
“Right there, it changes the parameters of the poll,” Durham said. “It then becomes, for lack of a better term, a beauty contest as opposed to a real head-to-head.
“Clearly, Senator Oberweis did slightly better than former Congressman Joe Walsh,” Durham added. “But in our opinion, he would have a very steep hill to climb to find success” against Durbin next year.
* Meanwhile…
Associated Press is reporting that at the Capitol Wednesday, State Senator Jim Oberweis (R-Sugar Grove) told a rally of traditional marriage supporters that he has launched an effort to run for U.S. Senate. However, Oberweis told Illinois Review that’s not exactly what he said or meant.
“I said that if we get enough petitions, I will run,” Oberweis told Illinois Review in an email response. He did not elaborate any further on whether he’s actively organized a petition drive, nor did he say when he’d make a formal announcement. Candidate petitions can be submitted to the Illinois State Board of Elections beginning November 19th.
He’s leaving the door open just a tiny crack, perhaps because the behind the scenes effort to keep him out of the race is gathering steam.
* A Decatur talk radio station posted a statement from Republican congressional candidate Erika Harold on its Facebook page this morning…
Members of the Republican establishment continue their attempts to make this primary a coronation. From day one, party leaders have angled to ensure that Congressman Rodney Davis is the only person on the Republican primary ballot. This is despite the fact that he received the nomination last time through an appointment by county chairmen and not by an election of primary voters.
Elections are not coronations. They are the Constitutionally protected right of voters to compare candidates’ ideas and qualifications. Unfortunately, party leaders have sought to deprive voters of this right. Party leaders have barred me from speaking at Republican Day at the state fair, denied my campaign access to the voter data contained in the Data Center/Voter Vault, and attempted to discourage people who wanted to support or contribute to my candidacy. Party leaders have sought to ensure that Congressman Davis does not have to compete against anyone else for votes in the primary. But votes must be earned; no one is entitled to a nomination.
I am calling upon the Republican leadership to end the political obstructionism and allow the voters of the 13th District to make their own choice regarding who would best represent their interests and defend the Constitution. The voters of the 13th District are more than capable of thinking for themselves. Voters routinely tell me that they are looking forward to hearing where each candidate stands on the key issues and comparing our leadership skills through the process of debates. I commit to giving them that opportunity and hope that Congressman Davis will do the same.
* The statement came after a former supporter urged her to drop out…
Earlier this week former Macon County Republican Chairman John Davis urged Harold to drop out of the 13th District race, saying that her campaign had proven to be “inexperienced.”
But Phil Bloomer, a spokesman for Harold, said she issued the statement Thursday “to clarify her position and her resolve” to stay in the race.
* You’ve probably read the stories about Sen. Dick Durbin’s Sunday Facebook post…
Many Republicans searching for something to say in defense of the disastrous shutdown strategy will say President Obama just doesn’t try hard enough to communicate with Republicans. But in a “negotiation” meeting with the president, one GOP House Leader told the president: “I cannot even stand to look at you.”
* Republicans have flatly denied it happened, and so did the White House…
White House press secretary Jay Carney insisted that Durbin’s story just wasn’t true. “I looked into this and spoke with somebody who was in that meeting, and it did not happen,” Carney said. And Boehner’s spokesman, Michael Steel, said, “The speaker certainly didn’t say that and does not recall anyone else doing so.”
* But Durbin’s spokesman said the Senator stands by his claim…
Max Gleischman, a spokesman for Durbin, the Senate’s second-ranking Democrat, said, “Durbin stands by his comments.”
Even so, Durbin has so far refused to name the alleged insulter.
* And he’s even doubled down in a campaign fundraising letter…
Please, click here to send my campaign $16 — one dollar for every day of the reckless and irresponsible Republican Shutdown — or whatever you can afford.
There was one incident — largely unreported — that I cannot get out of my mind.
As Republicans went around the table telling the president their complaints and demands during a “negotiation” meeting, it came to a member of the GOP House Leadership who said these words to President Obama:
“I am so disgusted. I cannot even stand to look at you.”
I share this story because many Republicans searching for something to say in defense of the disastrous shutdown strategy will often say that the president just doesn’t try hard enough to communicate with Republicans.
Let me ask you: What are the chances of an honest conversation with someone who has just said “I cannot even stand to look at you”? […]
Please, click here to send my campaign $16 — one dollar for every day of the reckless and irresponsible Republican Shutdown — or whatever you can afford.
One dollar for every day that our federal employees sat at home wondering when they could get back to work.
One dollar for every day the reputation of the United States as a world leader was weakened by the Republican threat to default on our debt for the first time in history.
I really think that if you’re gonna make a comment like that, you have an obligation to name names once everyone in the room has denied such a thing was ever said - especially if you’re gonna try to raise money on it.
*** UPDATE *** Hat tip to some commenters for this report by Lynn Sweet…
Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev.) told a gathering of Democratic senators that a GOP House leader said in a private meeting with President Barack Obama he could not stand to look at him–an exchange reported by Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) and denied by the White House.
The Huffington Post’s Jen Bendery and Ryan Grim confirmed this exchange with two Democratic senators at the meeting and two Senate Democratic aides. I confirmed this with one Democratic aide who told me about Reid’s remarks at a meeting with the Democratic senators last Tuesday. […]
The GOP lawmaker in question is Rep. Pete Sessions (R-Texas). His office is denying that he made the comment.
So, this makes it easy for Durbin. Just explain where you first heard it and say who it was about.
*** UPDATE 2 *** More damage control…
The White House is taking back Thursday a slam leveled at Sen. Dick Durbin (D-Ill.) by Press Secretary Jay Carney over an alleged insult to President Barack Obama by a GOP House leader.
A White House official told me “While the quote attributed to a Republican lawmaker in the House GOP meeting with the President is not accurate, there was a miscommunication when the White House read out that meeting to Senate Democrats, and we regret the misunderstanding.”
So, it was the White House’s fault?
*** UPDATE 3 *** Durbin has posted something new on Facebook…
I appreciate this clarification from the White House that explains recent conflicting reports on the GOP quote. It is important now to move beyond the unfortunate events of the last few weeks and work together constructively so that we’re not faced with another shutdown showdown or debt-ceiling debacle.
* As expected, there was some over the top rhetoric during the Illinois Family Institute’s anti gay marriage rally yesterday…
“Our religious freedoms are under attack here. Our faith is under attack here. Where we go to church on Saturday or Sunday is under attack here,” shouted the Rev. Lance Davis, pastor of New Zion Covenant Church in Dolton, bring many in the crowd to their feet. “And we need to stand up and defend our rights, defend not only our rights, but our own family. And I tell you, God will move on our behalf.” […]
Davis said he thinks he has “60-percent” of the 20-member House black voting bloc in his corner against the bill and said anyone who votes for same-sex marriage can expect a political challenge either in a primary or general election.
“Frankly, we have been meeting behind the scenes and making sure those who are for Senate Bill 10 are those who are on our radar as relates to replacing because they do not speak for the constituency and the majority of our people,” Davis said.
* More…
“Once homosexual marriage becomes the law of the land here in Illinois, the state and public school system takes over the moral teaching of our children…this by forcing acceptance of this dangerous, disease-filled, deviant and dead-end lifestyle as a good choice for our kids,” said Christian activist Jim Finnegan, president of Illinois Choose Life.
* Gay marriage proponents estimated Tuesday’s rally size at about 5,000, while the Secretary of State Police estimated the number at 3,000. Illinois Review estimated Wednesday’s anti gay marriage crowd size at 4-5,000, above the SoS Police’s estimate of 2500. IR is casting some doubt on the SoS numbers…
Questions are being raised over how many each side of the marriage debate had in attendance at the Capitol between Tuesday and Wednesday’s rallies.
Other than some photographs, no real evidence was provided.
* Bruce Rauner skipped the event…
“There was no compelling reason for him to be in Springfield,” Rauner spokesman Mike Schrimpf told the Chicago Sun-Times.
* From Sen. Kirk Dillard’s prepared remarks…
I want thank David Smith and the Illinois Institute for bringing us together today and a special thank you to the African American clergy who are protecting our religious liberties under heavy pressure to the contrary. You are the backbone of our state and I am so proud to fight this battle with you.
Ever since “The Campaign” came out, “backbone” quotes should probably be avoided by all candidates.
* And we’ll close with a pic of a somewhat outdated sign…
Something just doesn’t seem right here
Thursday, Oct 24, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Insurance giant Health Alliance claims it seriously under bid all of its competitors to provide Medicare Advantage for thousands of Downstate public employee retirees…
Health Alliance said it learned Tuesday that the four winning bids to provide Medicare Advantage coverage for retirees ranged from 24 percent to 120 percent higher than its own bid.
* We’re talking pretty big money here…
“I think if you’re looking at something in the magnitude of some $50 million in savings — they said they didn’t know but that was one estimate put out by Health Alliance — $50 million is a lot to leave out there.” [said Sen. Mike Frerichs]
* So, why was the company disqualified? State experience requirements…
Health Alliance spokeswoman Jane Hayes said the contract selections are puzzling, “because we’re often seen as too expensive.”
“Of course, they probably didn’t even look at the pricing, because we were thrown out on a technicality that the (state) chief procurement officer could have waived,” Hayes said.
The technical requirement Health Alliance didn’t meet pertained to experience administering large-member Medicare Advantage contracts.
The state required insurance vendors seeking the Medicare Advantage contracts to show they have at least five years’ experience administering Medicare Advantage plans — plus at least three years’ experience administering Medicare Advantage plans for at least one employer with a minimum 1,000 participants enrolled. Bidders also needed to show they had at least one year’s experience administering a Medicare Advantage plan for a government employer with at least 500 participants.
* The Quinn administration’s decision to disqualify the company, which has provided retiree health insurance for decades, isn’t sitting well with retirees and Downstate legislators…
Rep. Chad Hays, R-Catlin, said that made no sense since Health Alliance already provides regular health insurance to thousands of state workers.
“We are talking about Health Alliance like it’s some mom and pop shop that just got into health care,” Hays said.
Bonneville said Health Alliance asked for a waiver of the requirement, but it was not granted. Frerichs said it may be time to review the state’s procurement laws that establish rules for the state soliciting contracts.
“I really think our procurement policy needs to have a thorough review,” he said. “What I heard is we became slaves to following policy rather than seeking the greatest savings for the state. Clearly, we don’t want any back-room, insider dealings. Our number one goal should be providing the best services at the least cost for the most people.”
* More…
State Sen. Chapin Rose, R-Mahomet, another member of COGFA, said he believed the requirements were a ruse to keep Health Alliance from winning the contract.
“There’s no doubt in my mind they deliberately went out of their way to make sure that Health Alliance could not bid this contract,” Rose said. “Why would you write a requirement knowing that these guys can’t qualify? Then twice they asked to have it waived, and Matt Brown said no.”
State Rep. Chad Hays, R-Catlin, said, “I have people openly asking me, does this reek of a vendetta?”
But Janice Bonneville, deputy director of benefits for CMS, said the requirements were developed “after consultation with Segal Consultants of Chicago” which said the requirements were “lower than what they’ve seen in other states who are bidding these same kinds of products.”
The state tried to dump Health Alliance during the Blagojevich era and that decision wound up being probed by the feds.
Emanuel says he’s backing Quinn
Thursday, Oct 24, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Some regular commenters here have somewhat snarkily suggested that a Rahm Emanuel endorsement for Gov. Pat Quinn would get Bruce Rauner off the hook for his close ties to hizzoner. I dunno about that, but either way, Emanuel told Crain’s editorial board that he is fully backing Quinn and “vigorously” disagrees with his old chum on policy and philosophy…
Mr. Emanuel left no wiggle room in his endorsement of Mr. Quinn, with whom he’s quarreled over casino gambling, tax policy, pension reform and other matters.
Mr. Quinn “will win” the Democratic primary, Mr. Emanuel said, indirectly referencing the recent decision by former U.S. Commerce Secretary Bill Daley to pull out of the the contest.
“Pat Quinn is going to be the (Democratic) nominee. I’ll support him.”
The mayor and Mr. Rauner are longtime business and school-reform compadres, and Mr. Emanuel described Mr. Rauner as “a friend.”
“But we vigorously disagree on policy,” Mr. Emanuel said, particularly government philosophy.
“He thinks government is the problem,” Mr. Emanuel said. “I wouldn’t be talking about (revamping) education and other things if I didn’t think government was the solution. . . .While (Mr. Rauner) may be a friend, we disagree. I’m going to support Gov. Quinn for re-election.”
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