Tornado relief update
Tuesday, Nov 26, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller * Folks contributed well over a thousand dollars to our tornado relief effort for Washington IL-area victims since yesterday morning. That brings our total to date to $8,814. Many, many thanks to folks like Secretary of State Jesse White, Jeff Glass, Jim Morphew, Bob Yadgir, Claude Walker, Pat McGuire, George Korda, Ryan McLaughlin, Chris Dudley, Vince DiFiore and lots more for your recent donations. * That generosity deserves an Oscar the Puppy pic… Click here to keep it going. Thanks.
- walkinfool - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 11:36 am:
- No Longer A Lurker - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 11:46 am:
Rich, thanks for providing the donation link. My daughter lives in Dunlap and teaches 1st grade in Morton. She spent this past weekend walking in a farm field with a number of volunteers removing debris.
- Jeff Trigg - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 1:03 pm:
Thank you for doing this Rich, and everyone else who’s helped.
- A guy... - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 2:53 pm:
If the money keeps rolling in, Oscar is going to have to expand his franchise with a companion. That’s a lotta pressure for one puppy.
- Pot calling kettle - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 3:26 pm:
National weather service page describing the tornado.
The GoogleMap is clickable and includes descriptions of damage and shows the width of the track. You may need to turn off the track to click on the little triangles for more data.
- Just The Way It Is One - Tuesday, Nov 26, 13 @ 7:10 pm:
Oscar, the “Thanksgiving Pup,” should be proud he’s behind (along with his owner, of course) a cause which has raised such a nice “chunk of change,” as they say, so that many Illinoisans in dire need now will be mighty grateful for it come Thursday…Happy Thanksgiving, indeed!!