Dillard’s “I” problem
Thursday, Dec 12, 2013 - Posted by Rich Miller
* A couple of weeks ago, a few people I know were at a Republican gubernatorial forum. They decided as a joke to make a bet on what word or phrase Sen. Kirk Dillard would use the most that evening.
One bet “Jim Edgar.” Another bet on “Destination economy.” A third bet that Dillard’s most-used word would be “I.”
The third guy won. Big.
* With that in mind, check out this new video posted by WHBF TV of the “education” segment during a GOP forum in the Quad Cities.
Dillard’s remarks…
“I have a 12 year old and a 10 year old and I focus every day and live and breathe issues of education. My father was a high school teacher, and I live the common core. My wife and I were very involved in a voluntary preschool in our community called Hinsdale. And so from early childhood education, which I’ve always supported, through, and I’m on my community college board’s foundation board where we work hand in glove with local manufacturers at the College of DuPage training our workers. I still stay incredibly active with Western Illinois Univeristy, Depaul University. Education is a lifelong thing, early childhood on through the community colleges on through our great universities like the University of Illinois. I have a written, best in class education program. Best in class education goes hand in glove with an ability to train our workforce. When I was a student at Western Illinois University I worried about competing for a job with somebody from Iowa. My kids, your kids, your grandkids and today’s workers are going to have to compete with kids from India and from other places in the world. So, I urge you again, not to bore you this morning, but go on, see my vision…”
Dillard does this all. the. time. Almost his entire campaign schtick appears to be about his qualifications, his experience, his whatever.
Voters do want to hear about a candidate’s life story, but they mostly want to hear what the candidates believe about them; their future, their state, their communities, their problems, their wants and needs.
Sen. Dillard, on the other hand, frames just about everything as being about Kirk Dillard. And that just aint’ gonna work.
Not to mention that none of what he said made any freaking sense. Sheesh.
…Adding… There’s been some furious push-back in comments, so I commented myself in reply…
(I)n reading some of these comments (was at a long lunch and didn’t monitor like I usually do) I’ve come to the conclusion that either I wasn’t clear enough or some of y’all are just obtuse.
Politicians can and do effectively use the word “I.” They can use it to identify with people, to state what they’ll do, to show that they mean business.
But look at how Dillard uses it. It’s just a bunch of half anecdotes that don’t add up to anything or even mean anything taken individually.
I don’t care that he works with the community college if he doesn’t use it to illustrate how that experience would help him lead Illinois, or informs him about Illinois’ many, many problems.
It’s a useless “I.” And if you can’t see that, well, “I” can’t help you.
* By the way, this was the question he was supposed to answer…
If the return on the investment of early childhood education is well-documented, what policies will your administration pursue to ensure that Illinois children are prepared to succeed in school and equipped to enter the workplace?
Instead, he rambled about himself.
- Formerly Known As... - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 11:54 am:
He also needs to find an $18 watch he can talk about…
- John A Logan - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 11:59 am:
At least he does not speak in the third person all the time, like Dan Rutherford, State Treasurer.
- Sir Reel - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 12:01 pm:
Not unusual for a politician.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 12:10 pm:
Some things are “campaign” problems, some are “issue” problems, and you can make a case about “message” problems…
This is a “Me/Myself/I” problem.
The only rung that is lower than the “I” problem is the “third person”, in this instance, for example “Kirk Dillard believes…” and that has yet to come out.
The problems I had above can be fixed by Staff, or organization, whatever, but the “Me/Myself/I” problem can only be fixed by Kirk Dillard.
Having this same spiel for 5 plus years, after announcing, running, losing, waiting, and running again, the “Me/Myself/I” stuff has been wearing thin. In reality, the Edgar, the Thompson, the resume is a product OF the “Me/Myself/I”. It is everything that makes Kirk Dillard, and taking away the “Me/Myself/I” might leave Dillard with empty palms stretched out, with, “well that’s really all that is left.”
The 2014 Dillard, ignores the 2010 Dillard, and doesn’t resemble the 1990s Dillard, so maybe all the “Me/Myself/I” is about convincing himself as much as convincing the audience ….”who” …he is. Framing a campaign on your strengths and deflecting your weaknesses is good campaigning, but making everything be the prism of “Me/Myself/I”, reeks of someone lacking the understanding of the task at hand leading the voters, and sadly, that is not the Kirk Dillard we think(?) we know, but it is the Kirk Dillard being given to us without asking for it.
Indeed, all that is left for this spiral to go faster is the third person seeping its way into the jargon. No one cares how you are doing, everyone cares how they personally will be doing under Governor Dillard.
Find that voice. Define yourself with the Prism of “Bruce Rauner” and a vision for Illinois tomorrow in that scope. “Me/Myself/I” does not a government make, as you know. Many, pulling together makes things move and “work”. Understand that voters like “we all can do this together” and are not impressed with, “I am … I was … I will.”
Leaders, never lead singularly, invite the voters to be the “we” a governor needs to bring everyone in together.
I … am done.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 12:11 pm:
If you believe that behavior is “not unusual” then you do not follow politics closely. It’s very unusual in a winning campaign.
- Cal Skinner - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 12:12 pm:
John Logan beat me to it.
I was not going to reference anyone, just that much more telling is when politicians start to refer to themselves in the third person.
Much preferable is referring to oneself in the first person.
- A guy... - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 12:13 pm:
Not to mention the ever present “I live in the real world”. If you have to say that, you probably don’t. He does try to frame the world from his point of view as an everyday guy sending his kids to public schools in…Hinsdale. They’re only public for the public lucky and wealthy enough to live there. People can’t get next to him because the live experiences he shares constantly are 10 steps up from theirs. There’s just nothing spontaneous about him which makes him seem very distant. It’s a shame too. Up close, he’s a nice guy. More than a foot away, people read him as being pompous. And the “I” business just re-enforces it. Good observation.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 12:19 pm:
“Not to mention the ever present ‘I live in the real world’. If you have to say that, you probably don’t. He does try to frame the world from his point of view as an everyday guy sending his kids to public schools…Payton Prep, while having the Family live in Winnetka. They’re only public for the public lucky and wealthy enough to “Clout” their kid there. People can’t get next to him because the live experiences he shares constantly are 10 steps up from theirs. There’s just nothing spontaneous about him which makes him seem very distant. It’s a shame too. Up close, he’s a nice guy. More than a foot away, people read him as being pompous, even with the $18 Watch.”
There, Better.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 12:23 pm:
Yeah, the remarks were really all over the place. Got to tighten that up so that it communicates a vision for education, not just a bunch of education related sound bites strung together randomly.
- ASDF - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 12:26 pm:
At least the constituents will get to know the person. I believe they are better than empty promises.
- Soccermom - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 12:28 pm:
This, my friend, is why it’s worthwhile to invest in a speechwriter. Otherwise, you ramble…
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 12:34 pm:
What’s. With. The. Words/Phrases. Then. Periods. ?.
- Downstater - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 12:43 pm:
Dillard’s campaign is going nowhere, “I” believe.
- Juvenal - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 12:44 pm:
Rich hit the nail on the head. It is unusual behavior for a WINNING campaign.
Rauner’s strategy sometimes works. Making the campaign about THEM. Pick a bogeyman: career politicians, labor unions, welfare queens and run with it.
But a THEM campaign rarely beats a strong WE campaign in a General Election.
General Elections are usually decided by voters in the middle. They are in the middle because they largely arent strongly affiliated with any of the Us or Them groups. But human beings have an intense need to feel a part of something bigger than themselves. That desire has intensified as traditional social institutions from family and church to PTAs and fraternal organizations have declined.
A WE campaign invites them in, and Democrats Big Tent attitude creates a distinct advantage over The Republican brand in this regard.
It is why Dillard, Brady and Rauner will never be Governor.
- Michelle Flaherty - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 12:47 pm:
It’s like someone stole all his punctuation and gave it to the petition passers at Best Buy.
- Neil - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 12:48 pm:
Not that anyone cares but does anyone know what this best in class education plan actually does? I have checked his site and have found more on his fairytale destination economy. If he has a plan why hasn’t he introduced recently it or worked towards it during his time working with that one Governor that he never seems to mention.
- GOPgal - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 12:49 pm:
Not to defend Dillard, because he is a self-centered goof. And not very honest about much of anything.
But Rauner’s not much better. Come on, we have to hear what kind of watch he wears, and if I hear one more time how his ancestors were cheesehead farmers, I’ll scream.
- Golden Eagle - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 12:49 pm:
Yes, get rid of the “I”. Think that every time I say I, a sledge hammer wielded by everyman Bruce Rauner will come out of no where and whack your noggin.
Kirk has to talk about about EXPERIENCE. EXPERIENCE as an insider!EXPERIENCE in all three branches of Government. Working with, watching and learning from two successful Governor’s, being a Judge on Court of Claims and a Legislator. Then, translate how this EXPERIENCE will turn the state around for you, your children with lower taxes, better education, jobs, etc. The voter wants to know what’s in it for me and mine.
- Norseman - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 12:51 pm:
The 3 of us have some advice for Dillard. I would have the campaign staff develop theme speeches for Dillard to lay out what he will do to improve the State of Illinois. ME thinks Dillard needs to burn up the phone lines raising cash to pay for ads to share his message. MYSELF believes that Dillard needs to come out swinging at Raunerbo.
Unfortunately, WE think it’s too late for Dillard to recover.
- A guy... - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 1:02 pm:
OW, you flatter me. lol.
- PhoenixRising - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 1:15 pm:
Wow, what a dribbling mess of a statement.
“Gotta get my boxer shorts at K-mart”
“97X, bam! The future of rock ‘n’ roll. 97X, bam! The future of rock ‘n’ roll.”
Oh Raymond…
- Downstate Illinois - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 1:26 pm:
“Sen. Dillard, on the other hand, frames just about everything as being about Kirk Dillard. And that just aint’ gonna work. Not to mention that none of what he said made any freaking sense. Sheesh.”
I don’t know Rich, it worked for his buddy Barack.
- Soccermom - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 1:28 pm:
I disagree with Rich. There is nothing wrong with saying “I” — depending one what comes next.
Martin Luther King Jr. said “I” 18 times in the “I Have a Dream” speech. But he wasn’t talking about himself - -the things he did, the things he liked, the things he had accomplished. He was talking about his vision for our nation. And for every time he said “I”, he said “we” twice.
Dillard does not have an “I” problem. He has a vision problem.
- Anon - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 1:29 pm:
It sure does not help that his body projects William Howard Taft. Looks so very dated, so out of it and old school (but not in a good way).
- Chavez-respecting Obamist - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 1:37 pm:
I read the transcript three times trying to figure out just what he point was. Then I read Rich’s last line. I should have saved myself the trouble–it’s a ramble worthy of Pat Quinn.
- Everytomdickandharry - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 1:40 pm:
I was with Dillard last night in Quincy for two events. At both events Dillard did an exceptional job and concluded with both “we” and “together we”. One clip about education does not do justice for how Dillard delivers his talking points. His experience is second to none and the “we” in his rhetoric is evident in every speech he gives.
- Robert the Bruce - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 1:45 pm:
Dillard: Hey, I used the word “you” - I put it right there in the sentence I wrote - matter of fact, I put it in twice- “I urge you again, not to bore you…”
- Classico - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 1:47 pm:
In case Dilbert hasn’t noticed, voters are not keen about “experience” right now. They think the people in charge need to go.
Every time he speaks, he therefore is shooting himself in the foot.
If you were designing a campaign to come in last place, it would look just like Dillard’s.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 1:49 pm:
- Everytomdickandharry -,
If you think, and the Campaign thinks its working, then it must be working. The “bubble” of a campaign that may disagree with what those say outside the “bubble” only risk losing if they are wrong. Sometimes criticism is a really good thing. Criticism taken personally, when given honestly, rarely is taken fully.
“As I say, it’s no skin off my nose. But one of these days this Illinois voter might be calling another candidade ‘Governor’.”
- Soccermom - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 1:52 pm:
Everytom — look, we know you love your guy. We all love our guys, and it makes us angry when other people criticize them. We get it.
But there are some smart people making smart comments here. And getting defensive is not going to help anything.
Senator Dillard had a chance to score some points in the Quad Cities at that forum. And instead of coming in prepared and polished, he blew it. And there are no do-overs in a campaign.
In a four-way race, it doesn’t take many votes to make the difference. (If you don’t understand that, talk to the Senator.) You can’t afford to give up a single vote. And I can’t imagine his ramblings persuading anybody in the audience to vote for Dillard in the primary.
To say things like “the ‘we’ in his rhetoric is evident in every speech he gives” — that’s just provably untrue, as shown above.
You serve your guy best by helping him win, not by defending rambling, useless remarks in a public forum.
- truth hurts sometimes - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 1:55 pm:
“I can no more disown him than I can disown the black community. I can no more disown him than I can my white grandmother — a woman who helped raise me, a woman who sacrificed again and again for me, a woman who loves me as much as she loves anything in this world, but a woman who once confessed her fear of black men who passed by her on the street, and who on more than one occasion has uttered racial or ethnic stereotypes that made me cringe. These people are a part of me. And they are a part of America, this country that I love.”
B. Obama
“A More Perfect Union Speech”
March, 2008
ELEVEN “I’s, my, or me.” In one paragraph.
Wow, and he won the Presidency TWICE.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 1:59 pm:
- truth hurts sometimes -,
Defend Dillard all you want, take us to task, teach us a lesson…
Using Barak Obama to defend Kirk Dillard…. might …not be the best teaching aide.
Food for thought.
- PoolGuy - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 2:01 pm:
Dillard for saying “I” too much, thanks Obama
- Soccermom - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 2:12 pm:
In the meantime, here’s my favorite guy, sharing his vision:
Finally, businessman Bruce Rauner made his statement clear if he is elected governor.
“I want to run this state like a business,” said Rauner.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 2:15 pm:
–“I want to run this state like a business,” said Rauner.
Make money off of it?
- Soccermom - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 2:17 pm:
I think he’s planning a merger with Wisconsin. But does he realize that means one CEO would have to go?
- Norseman - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 2:17 pm:
=== Finally, businessman Bruce Rauner made his statement clear if he is elected governor.
“I want to run this state like a business,” said Rauner.
It means that he wants to minimize employee costs and other overhead expenses to ensure that the fat cats maximize their personal wealth.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 2:19 pm:
===“I want to run this state like a business,” said Rauner.
Cut “margins”? Rauner’s “defined” …”margins”
- Veritas - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 2:22 pm:
So you are saying voters should reject Rauner because he has no political history and will not disclose his positions on key issues?? Hypocrisy is slamming Dillard for voting against the pension deal and letting Rauner off the hook - like the Trib did & for criticizing Dillard, whose positions are well known and articlulated, while giving Rauner another pass - he who remains a mystery!!
- Timmeh - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 2:25 pm:
==“A More Perfect Union Speech”==
You missed this line, which makes I, me, and my mean more than I, me, and my:
“These people are a part of me. And they are a part of America, this country that I love.”
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 2:26 pm:
“Hey, you just hit the oldest trees here in Raunerois!”
“Don’t you mean Illinois?”
“Raunerois! Don’t you think I know what state I live in?”
- Empty Suit - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 2:26 pm:
Just be thankful he doesn’t stutter.. “I I I I I I I I I I I”
- naperville soccer mom - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 2:32 pm:
Dillard talks about his experience.
Rauner talks about his checkbook.
- John Boch - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 2:35 pm:
The “I” issue doesn’t seem to have held another Illinois politician back. One by the name of Barack H. Obama.
But yes, I agree. Too much “I” from Kirk. What is the old saying, “there’s no ‘I’ in ‘team’”?
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 2:38 pm:
=== One by the name of Barack H. Obama.===
Oh, please. Did you pay attention to the 08 campaign at all?
- Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 2:42 pm:
Dillard has jumped the shark.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 2:45 pm:
===ELEVEN “I’s, my, or me.” In one paragraph.===
Yeah. The topic of the speech was his relationship to his own minister.
Dillard said “I” more than that in a paragraph about educational issues.
Don’t be such a doofus. The question wasn’t about Dillard. He made it about himself in a goofy, rambling way. In Obama’s case, the question was actually about him.
Again, don’t be so dense.
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 2:50 pm:
Maybe he’s trying to put the I back in D-Lard.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 2:53 pm:
Also, in reading some of these comments (was at a long lunch and didn’t monitor like I usually do) I’ve come to the conclusion that either I wasn’t clear enough or some of y’all are just obtuse.
Politicians can and do effectively use the word “I.” They can use it to identify with people, to state what they’ll do, to show that they mean business.
But look at how Dillard uses it. It’s just a bunch of half anecdotes that don’t add up to anything or even mean anything taken individually.
I don’t care that he works with the community college if he doesn’t use it to illustrate how that experience would help him lead Illinois, or informs him about Illinois’ many, many problems.
It’s a useless “I.” And if you can’t see that, well, “I” can’t help you.
- Norseman - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 2:55 pm:
Homerun 47!
- anon - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 2:57 pm:
I have no idea what is wrong here. For me, I don’t see Dillard as too self focused. I read the passage twice, and in my view it’s normal talk. I think you’re just mean, Rich. That’s my opinion.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 3:02 pm:
- Rich Miller -,
Bringing the Sledgehammer!
To the Post,
Obama’s “Hope and Change” could not be any more inclusive, just as the ramblings of Dillard could not be more self identifying.
How Dillard sees himslef fitting into his own campaign vision, does not help the voters see themselves in the vision Dillard is trying to convey.
“Hope and Change” brought Obama and all his supporters on the same badwangon, all toghether, “everyone.
Dillard shoiwing us that he is the type that understands and fits into his own policies brings no one “aboard”.
- 47th Ward -, that is too much, nicely done.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 3:02 pm:
===and in my view it’s normal talk===
I really hope that’s snark.
- anon - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 3:05 pm:
- anon - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 3:06 pm:
trying to get more “I’s” per sentence than the D-man
- Michelle Flaherty - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 3:08 pm:
It’s his trademark “community called Hinsdale” speech.
What’s not to like?
- truth hurts sometimes - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 3:23 pm:
But I also knew this. I knew that the size of our challenges had outgrown the smallness of our politics. I believed that Democrats and Republicans and Americans of every political stripe were hungry for new ideas, new leadership, and a new kind of politics – one that favors common sense over ideology; one that focuses on those values and ideals we hold in common as Americans.
Most of all, I believed in your ability to make change happen. I knew that the American people were a decent, generous people who are willing to work hard and sacrifice for future generations. And I was convinced that when we come together, our voices are more powerful than the most entrenched lobbyists, or the most vicious political attacks, or the full force of a status quo in Washington that wants to keep things just the way they are.
B. Obama
October 2008
Two paragraphs, six “I’s”.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 3:24 pm:
ths, you truly are amazingly obtuse. Congratulations.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 3:29 pm:
- truth hurts sometimes -,
You keep telling yourself we’re wrong. “Bubbles” are fun.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 3:33 pm:
I just checked the IP logs. “Truth Hurts Sometimes” is most definitely a Dillard guy.
So, “ths,” cutting an ad for the President and buying a ticket to his inauguration isn’t enough, now you gotta defend your candidate by pointing to the prez’s speeches? Hilariously ironic.
This ain’t the Battle of Mons Algidus, dude. Take it easy.
- facts are stubborn things - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 3:34 pm:
He is the one running for Gov. and trying to tell voters why he (I) am better then the next guy. Who else he is suppose to talk about in terms of what he stands for, beleives in, worries about, cares about, has done, will do etc. I guess e could substitute the word I for when elected your Gov. or something like that. What this state needs is a competent person who can manage and place people in positions that know their job instead of the utter mess Blogo and Quinn have made of our agencies. Edgar put competent people into positions of authority and things actualy ran fairly well.
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 3:37 pm:
I’ve been wondering where he’s been lately. How do you say “sock puppet” in Latin?
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 3:38 pm:
“We were with Obama, before we were Duped by Obama, then we ‘excuse’ through Obama!”
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 3:40 pm:
===I’ve been wondering where he’s been lately.===
Baby, if you’ve ever wondered,
Wondered whatever became of me…
- Steve - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 3:42 pm:
Kirk doesn’t have much to run on… He’s Kirk Dillard Chief of Staff of Mr. Moderate Governor many years ago. There’s not a whole lot of difference between his political views and Pat Quinn. The whole dime store version of the Democrat party isn’t a winner. Dillard can say I,I, I all he wants because this is going to the last campaign he runs.
- Samurai - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 3:42 pm:
- Classico - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 1:47 pm:
==In case Dilbert hasn’t noticed, voters are not keen about “experience” right now===
And where do you you get this information Classo?
I guess the voters want an outsider to run the state like an investment banker.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 3:44 pm:
Maybe he’s been hanging out in Paul Brown Stadium.
- A guy... - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 3:44 pm:
facts are stubborn, He’s the guy who uses “I” to say he balanced the state budget and left a billion dollar surplus. Even Jim Edgar might have shook a little hearing that since he was actually the Governor and “I” wasn’t. If you question Kirk’s positions on anything you get the Dillard manifesto- 4 pages single-spaced outlining his accomplishments, honors, newspaper endorsements, and a note from his parents.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 3:45 pm:
“As God is my witness, I thought that Obama argument would fly.”
- Soccermom - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 3:47 pm:
“I’ve come to the conclusion that either I wasn’t clear enough or some of y’all are just obtuse.”
Could be both.
- Timmeh - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 3:47 pm:
==Who else he is suppose to talk about in terms of what he stands for, beleives in, worries about, cares about, has done, will do etc.==
He could talk about his positions. He could answer the question. He didn’t do either. He said he loved education in a general sense and talked about he and his wife doing things.
== I still stay incredibly active with Western Illinois Univeristy, Depaul University.==
I don’t think I ever saw anything about him coming to Western during my 4 years there, which would have including 2009 and early 2010 (the last Governor’s race. For someone active there, he isn’t talking to students about politics and political life? The current head of the Political Science department at WIU reaches out quite a bit for guest speakers. Both John Sullivan and Norine Hammond visited and talked to a few classes; along with a lobbyist whose name I do not recall.
- Soccermom - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 3:49 pm:
btw rich — Battle of Mons Algidus? Well played, sir, well played. I may nominate you for the Golden Horseshoe for best commenter…
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 3:49 pm:
Lemons into Lemonade?
- In the Middle - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 3:50 pm:
Too funny… and some of the comments are even better.
I like Sen. Dillard and hope he can laugh about it as well.
- Soccermom - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 3:50 pm:
And the WKRP reference? Dude, you must have had some Wheaties during that long lunch…
- Pensioner - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 3:51 pm:
More interested in “me”.
- Big Muddy - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 3:52 pm:
Only Rich can work in a WKRP reference. Pure genius that one.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 3:52 pm:
===And where do you you get this information Classo?===
Ever heard of the tea party?
“It’s a, it’s a helicopter, and it’s coming this way. It’s flying something behind it, I can’t quite make it out, it’s a large banner and it says, uh, Happy… Thanks… Giving… From W… K…”
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 3:55 pm:
“Les? Les, are you there? Thanks for that on the spot report, Les. For those of you who’ve just tuned in, the Capitol Fax Blog has just been bombed by a sock puppet. Film at eleven.”
- A guy... - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 3:56 pm:
Yeah, Wheaties, that’s what was for lunch.
- A guy... - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 3:57 pm:
It’s hard to know if you should go away more or never leave your keyboard. Very confusing.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 3:57 pm:
I would Bench this pesron if I were Dillard, since he is not smelling like a Rose right now. I Foster no ill-will, campaigns try all the time. the Conception that this might work is a bit troubling, and although it is not a move of Caesar, I wouldn’t down a 5th of Capt. Morgan either. Great leaders like Geronimo might have tried to sneak something like this by Rich, but who knows if even that would work. Only a Senior, a typical Jose could make it work, but i doubt that too…
What is this, 1975?
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 3:58 pm:
“I really don’t know how to describe it. It’s like the sock puppets mounted a counter-attack. It was almost as if they were… organized.”
- Steve - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 4:00 pm:
For Dillard supporters out there. Big Kirk can’t get away with whatever Barack Obama does. Obama is unique , a once in a lifetime guy. Obama has a committed base of people who don’t care about Obama’s failings. Kirk Dillard doesn’t have a committed base of anything… that’s why he has to remind people of his background. Soon Kirk Dillard will be a relic of the past.
- Soccermom - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 4:03 pm:
THS, or KRP, or whatever it is that you’re calling yourself this afternoon —
Dude. Take a walk. Out in the bracing air. Clear your head.
Your guy screwed up. He did. He rambled. He dithered. Babbled, even. And it made you upset. Some of us on this blog may know EXACTLY how you feel.
So you can go pronoun-hunting on the google, or you can go into the Senator’s office, close the door, and tell him that he needs to up his game.
Being defensive won’t help. Taking potshots at Rich on his own blog won’t help.
What helps is to do what you do best - give wise counsel on how to communicate with the public, and don’t accept anything less than smart, cogent, focused remarks.
And so what if Barack Obama stands at the podium and sings “I-I-I-I, I am the Frito Bandito!”? In the immortal words of Lloyd Bentsen: “Senator, I knew Barack Obama. Senator, you’re no Barack Obama.”
Less blog. More call time. Verbum sapienti satis est.
- Soccermom - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 4:08 pm:
And yeah, I am clearly trying to butter up Rich in hopes of winning a Golden Horseshoe - -but this is awesome.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 4:09 pm:
“The Capitol Fax Blog - the Venus Fly Trap for the Unsuspecting Trolling”
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 4:09 pm:
Well, SM, you do have Wordslinger’s support.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 4:15 pm:
===Verbum sapienti satis est.===
Going OLD school Latin, I need to revisit my thinking to include your versatility!
- Soccermom - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 4:17 pm:
I love the part where Loni Anderson cracks up at the end.
- Wordslinger - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 4:34 pm:
Geez, Cinci, what did you do that for? What was to be gained by the subterfuge? Now you just look silly.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 4:39 pm:
This was the best “Dramedy” here in quite some time.
We are honestly trying to help you see what is being seen, but taking it too personally will not have you see anything.
Well played all, including Rich and the bread crumbs.
- Let's Get Real - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 4:42 pm:
Mr. Dillard is simply relating his life experiences in the context of the discussion of why he would be the best choice for Governor. If the only thing we can complain about at this stage of the game is appropriateness of word choice in this instance, we need to move on. I, for one, want to know what “he” has done and what “he” intends to do. I want to know about “his” background and the effect that certain things have had on “his” family. Give the voter more credit than you did in the article. What in the world does the use of “I” or “we” in this instance have to do with the kind of leader he will be? This strikes me as simply an effort to really search for something to complain of. Political correctness to a disgusting degree. Focus on electing a candidate that can pull the votes needed to win the general election…Kirk Dillard!
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 4:49 pm:
===Political correctness to a disgusting degree.===
You mean before or after the Rotunda bit on that “disgusting” part?
- Jaded - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 4:56 pm:
I know this post is about Dillard, but I wonder why they cut the video before Rauner spoke, or did I just miss it?
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 5:12 pm:
I haven’t read any of the comments yet, but I like what Kirk Dillard has to say and is willing to tell us about himself–even though it’s not always gramatically correct and the sentences separately don’t say much.
From that paragraph I was able to figure out that he has a family, he has served his community beyond the service he’s done in office, and is concerned about his children’s future.
It’s sincere and important for me to know.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 5:15 pm:
And with regard to answering the “real question.” While he didn’t answer it, he *certainly* understands what the issues are.
And that is something that others will NEVER admit to.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 5:15 pm:
Wipro anyone?
- Soccermom - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 5:22 pm:
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 5:23 pm:
=A WE campaign invites them in,…=
Sorry, but…up next we’re going to hear about how using “and” sends a more meaningful and kinder message than using the word “but.”
- Chavez-respecting Obamist - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 5:24 pm:
“a candidate that can pull the votes needed to win the general election”
I don’t believe that for one second. He’s spent way too much time trying to out-Brady Brady, for one thing.
- Wordslinger - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 5:27 pm:
“Political correctness to a disgusting degree.”
Where do you see anything like that in the discussion?
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 5:28 pm:
=Using Barak Obama to defend Kirk Dillard…. might …not be the best teaching aide.=
OK. We could always talk about Mayor Daley’s speeches and responses to the media. A little unusual at time, but highly effective.
- Chicago Cynic - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 5:30 pm:
Wow - I get stuck working and look at all the fun I missed. Love the KRP references!
BTW, this answer struck me as a guy whose brain went on break when it was time to answer the question. Given that the question was about early childhood, there are all kinds of rich veins to draw from. Dillard just blew this really badly.
I’m really impressed with how badly he’s performing this year. Of course just ask Mitt Romney what happens when you contort yourself into a pretzel trying to turn a moderate into a “severe conservative.” You tend to lose your footing and ability to communicate who you are. Clearly that’s happened here.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 5:33 pm:
Sorry. You’re absolutey right. I should not have left out Syntel, Accenture Mumbaid and all the others.
We’ve been losing our jobs to these companies for years now–and that’s not something that’s not “politically correct” to discuss with the unemployment rate as high as it is during an election because it insults your “sensibilities?”
- Soccermom - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 5:35 pm:
“If the return on the investment of early childhood education is well-documented, what policies will your administration pursue to ensure that Illinois children are prepared to succeed in school and equipped to enter the workplace?”
“I have the good fortune to live in Hinsdale, a community with excellent public schools. Most of the young children in Hinsdale come to school ready to learn, because their families have the wherewithal to invest time and resources into their children’s educations from their first weeks and months of life.
“However, that’s not the case in many Illinois communities, where parents may be struggling just to provide their children with the basic essentials of life. So I think it is vitally important to invest in early childhood education, so that every single Illinois youngster comes to school ready to learn.
“Now, we have a real budget crisis here in Illinois, even after the latest pension reforms. So we can’t just throw money at early childhood programs and hope they work. Instead, as Governor, I will identify the school systems that are doing the very best job at providing early childhood education that is both effective and efficient, and I will make sure those programs are replicated statewide.
“I know that there will be real political pushback, on both sides of the aisle, when we start zeroing out programs that may have powerful political patrons. But I am not willing to go on wasting money on programs that we don’t need and shorting early childhood programs - because there is no other program in government that provides the kind of lifelong return on investment that early childhood education does.”
That’s how I’d answer it. But that’s just me.
And I don’t think anybody would be counting the programs in that statement.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 5:35 pm:
Sorry for all the typos, but I hope you got the message. The emphasis was on the practical v. insulting your tender little sensibilities.
- Juvenal - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 5:35 pm:
Look, feel free to disagree with me.
If Republicans think that elections are about who has the longest resume, keep on running them that way.
But for those of you who think Obama’s campaign was about “I”, three words:
“Yes WE can!”
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 5:38 pm:
And just to help get into perspective a bit further. ALL of those who got our jobs overseas and took our jobs here (thanks to the all the visas) are not citizens and cannot vote.
Many of those who originated from India and are now citizens and those who were born here and are of Indian heritage…see the problem, too!
Imagine that.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 5:40 pm:
Mmmhmmm. And did you ever imagine, Juvenal, that Rauner might get his bum kicked in the Primary because he’s running his campaign like a Democrat?
- Soccermom - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 5:40 pm:
oops — make that “the pronouns in that statement.”
And my sensibilities are doing just fine, thanks for asking.
- Soccermom - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 5:42 pm:
And when it comes to bum-kicking…
The biggest share of Republican primary voters- 36%- is undecided about who they want as their candidate for Governor next year. Bruce Rauner leads with 24% to 17% for Bill Brady, 14% for Dan Rutherford, and 10% for Kirk Dillard. Brady has the lead 21/18 with the ‘very conservative’ voters who helped him secure the nomination in 2010. But among moderate Republicans- less of an endangered species in Illinois than other places- Rauner leads Brady 33/14, giving him most of his overall lead in the primary.
- Juvenal - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 5:44 pm:
On closer inspection, I owe Senator Dillard an apology.
In the last sentence, he seemed to be suggesting that if I want to know what his vision is for early childhood education.
It probably would have been better if he had just articulated his vision for early childhood education.
I strongly suspect that the reason he didn’t is that he doesn’t actually HAVE a vision for early childhood education.
And whatever we might see if we actually visited his website is the vision of some campaign consultant, probably based on some poll-tested platitudes.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 5:45 pm:
Well, as we all know the polls settle it then because I want to make sure that I vote for the perceived winner–and make my decision thanks to the polls in DECEMBER.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 5:48 pm:
they took ar jubs
- Juvenal - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 5:51 pm:
Strike that. I just visited DillardTracy.com, and apparently Education isnt one of Dillard’s “Issues”, atleast
not on his mobile site.
Even He who Watches the Watchmen gets it wrong every once in awhile.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 6:00 pm:
Wow. I admire your obvious skills when it comes to quality assurance Juvenal. Maybe you could put them to use within the IT sector.
If you move to India or denounce yourself as a citizen and ask for and get a visa.
- Timmeh - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 6:07 pm:
Anonymous: You are as bad as Dillard. You have posted 12 times and I still have no idea what your point is.
- Soccermom - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 6:12 pm:
Aw, I know I shouldn’t, but I’m bored and cranky today:
“From that paragraph I was able to figure out that he has a family, he has served his community beyond the service he’s done in office, and is concerned about his children’s future.”
Hey, Nonny, Nonny — you could say the same thing about me. Does that mean I can count on your vote?
“Governor Soccermom” — kinda has a ring to it.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 6:19 pm:
Sure! Jump right in - Soccermom -, thanks.
The Cycle the OW/Bill ticket thinks it has the Cspitol Fax vote all wrapped up, you decide to just jump in?
One interesting Post. I told you - Soccermom - I wouldn’t want to go against you, and now this?!
- Soccermom - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 6:23 pm:
OW, I could not legally offer you any inducement to withdraw your candidacy. That is a decision that you must make based on your own assessment of your chances and your own conscience.
However, I think it comes as no surprise to anyone here that I value your counsel most highly, and that you would be an exceptional addition to any Soccermom Administration. If you did choose to serve our great state as an appointed official rather than as an elected one, I would certainly welcome your contribution.
But, on behalf of the 13 million men, women and children who make their homes here in the Land of Lincoln, I would ask you to spend less time on the blogs once you’re on the State payroll.
- walkinfool - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 6:25 pm:
Soccermom: Girl on Fire!
(A little WS praise, and you’re off to the races.)
- Soccermom - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 6:27 pm:
WS praise, and a sudden change in Soccermom’s employment status… Sigh….
- Budget Watcher - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 6:28 pm:
I have to chuckle. A post about a politician with egocentric tendencies…what’s next…a discussion about politicians’ occasional lack of veracity.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 6:29 pm:
=Hey, Nonny, Nonny — you could say the same thing about me.=
It’s a start.
What? Am I now “discriminating” against those who are single?
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 6:32 pm:
=If you move to India or denounce yourself as a citizen and ask for and get a visa. =
Or Canada if you’re into health insurance systems. Can’t forget Canada today (though they, too, use an offshore model–as we all know.)
- OLD BRASS - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 6:33 pm:
It must be contagious, his running mate touted “as a conference committee member” 5 times in 1 minute and 18 seconds on the radio the other day after the vote.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 6:33 pm:
As it is well documented my admiration of you - Soccermom -, having publicly asked you to join as a full partner in AWillyWord Con$ulting and even nominating you for the Wordslinger Golden Horseshoe, I can not say enough good things about you, and I still hold you in very high regard.
I have said often, “let them all run” so it would not be out of character for me to continue this race, even with such a worthy opponent as you in the race too.
I look forward to this very tough challenge. Service to our great state will be offered to you as well in an OW/Bill Administration, because Illinois needs more outstanding people helping her be all she can be.
See you on the Trail. Maybe see you on the State Tour as we both criss-cross the Land of Lincoln, and I will bring the Cannoli.
- Michelle Flaherty - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 6:48 pm:
If, as Sen. Dillard so eloquently states, education is a “lifelong thing”, I wonder what he’s studying now.
- DuPage Dave - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 6:51 pm:
Kirk Dillard reminds me of the hapless salesman Gil from The Simpsons. “I only had two payments left on that hot plate.” “I only lost by 193 votes last time.” Same guy.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 6:55 pm:
=a discussion about politicians’ occasional lack of veracity.=
lol And we all know who the daring little trendsetters are when it comes to that subject.
- Arthur Andersen - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 7:33 pm:
Mom, I not only second Willy’s offer to join the Con$ulting Firm, but would sweeten the pot a bit by suggesting we could go with MomAWillyWord Con$ulting if that would close the deal.
And, since Willy/Bill haven’t offered me a gig yet (ahem) AA is all in if you take the big plunge.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 8:32 pm:
Oh, - AA -,
When you decided not to run for LG and actually thought - Bill - was a good move, I asked you to take over the “personal” business, and kept you in the “dark” on the Politcal.
You are the “Tom Hagen” of the Campaign.
You and - wordslinger - making dough through Rauner … remember?
“You broke my heart” - lol j/k
- Think About It - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 8:49 pm:
And what….Rauner isn’t all about the “I” word.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 8:59 pm:
Rauner was the “Royal We”, he has gotten better, but that “We” was telling.
- Nobody nobody sent - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 11:40 pm:
No one wins on resume.
- Michelle Flaherty - Friday, Dec 13, 13 @ 7:11 am:
Going back to the original bet, the “Jim Edgar” selection is a rookie mistake. Yes, Kirk Dillard uses “Jim Edgar” as often as a Best Buy petition passer uses apostrophes, but bear in mind how Kirk Dillard uses Jim Edgar.
“When I worked from Jim Edgar and Jim Thompson, I …”
Every “Jim Edgar” carries two I’s.
It’s a very easy equation:
(I) = (”Jim Edgar”) X 2
- Cincinnatus - Friday, Dec 13, 13 @ 8:30 am:
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Dec 12, 13 @ 3:37 pm:
I’ve been wondering where he’s been lately. How do you say “sock puppet” in Latin?
I have never once changed my handle on CapFax, so certainly you don’t mean me, right?
- Roadiepig - Friday, Dec 13, 13 @ 8:52 am:
- Cincinnatus - Friday, Dec 13, 13 @ 8:30 am:
That seems to be the consensus Cincinnatus- I think the Reds and WKRP jokes that posters were making give that impression. The IP address doesn’t lie, so could someone else had access to the computer you usually post from? Anyway… made for an interesting thread to those of us with no dog in this specific fight
- Classico - Friday, Dec 13, 13 @ 9:00 am:
Where do I get this information?
From every poll in America that says voters hate the political class of both parties.
- Bill White - Friday, Dec 13, 13 @ 9:22 am:
Wheaties? I think not
- Powell - Friday, Dec 13, 13 @ 9:40 am:
couldn’t agree more. it’s all about studying the tape, understanding the speech rhythms and predicting the narcissism.
- steve schnorf - Friday, Dec 13, 13 @ 2:45 pm:
I far prefer “I” to the royal “We” so many politicians use