*** UPDATED x1 *** Dillard flier: Rauner “Not a Republican”
Wednesday, Jan 15, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller * This is a partial image of a flier handed out at last night’s Republican gubernatorial forum in Will County by Sen. Kirk Dillard’s supporters… ![]() Too bad he doesn’t have any money to mail that thing. But, as some commenters note below, he would first need to fix the “Rham” typo. Sheesh. * Rauner wasn’t there to see it, though…
*** UPDATE *** Dillard has first-hand knowledge of being labeled as “not a Republican.” Remember this 2010 ad?…
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 8:52 am:
Is it even “4-color”? Yikes!
- Jimmy CrackCorn - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 8:54 am:
==Too bad he doesn’t have any money to mail that thing.==
Or buy a software with spell-check.(see: Rham)
- Samurai - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 8:55 am:
Good piece. Mailing would be effective. Gotta wonder whether the committed Rauner supporters even care though. Many of the otherwise conservative tea partiers and base have bought in head first to the term limits and ousting career politicians mantra. Doesn’t seem as though the messenger matters as much as much as the message for these folks.
- Samurai - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 8:59 am:
Yea, that misspelling of Rham screws the whole darn thing up.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 9:01 am:
Missed opportunity last night …
To the “3”,
Realize that you missed an opportunity. I am going to give you a really good way to capitalize on the “missing Rauner” and keep the narrative going, but you “3” have to realize its only as good as the “3” of you make it;
Get a White t-shirt, and in just plain block capital letters, “Bears Blue”, two lines, top line “Payton”, right below, “Prep”.
Only one shirt is needed, but if you each get one, make sure they all look the same; White shirt, two lines, “Bears Blue”, “Payton” Prep”
Since place like the League of Women’s voters, or any hosts may not let that shirt hang all debate, forum, whatever, what needs to be done right before the event;
Tweet a picture, of that shirt on the chair, on a podium, hanging down from the table …
Picture of shirt ….The Tweet – same every time … Every. Time.
“Bruce Rauner, ‘no-show at ‘X’…”
Hashtags … #WheresBruce #Raunering #TWILL
Yes! Now you have your supporters retweet, and use the hashtags, especially “#Raunering”
Raunering is an empty chair, for example, but to Rauner, you need to then have “Payton Prep” there; a sheet of paper will do perfect, with 2 lines …
“Payton” and “Prep” right below it…
Unions can participate in #Raunering, by having their supporters be at a Bulls game, with an empty seat … sign in Empty seat, tweet …
“Invited buddy to see” Bruce Rauner’s team”, no show #Raunering”#TWILL
Feed the idea of missing, of clouting, and of making Bruce Rauner accountable, and mocking him missing things.
If Rauner misses 15 events, then 15 tweets, a narrative, forms well before the 15 events, and that tweet will be fun to wait for, and the “3” can control and continue the narrative.
#Raunering – Teacher Unions, State and City Unions, they should all be retweeting #Raunering, creating their own #Raunering moments …
A register at McDonalds … “No worker to work for $1 less at McDonalds today, so employees are #Raunering … take a napkin and print clearly, “Payton” “Prep” #TWILL. A picture a day … the shirt … #Raunering #TWILL
That t-shirt, those hand-made signs, those pictures, the Tweeting, the hastags #TWILL #Raunering…everywhere, like the gnome who vacations all over the country.
That is the idea…No show Rauner, but the shirt shows up, and up, and up.
You have no Ads, no money, gotta get Narrative moving someway! Gotta do something.
First #Raunering idea?
Get that “Payton Prep” sign next to a stack of bologna and just tweet the picture with the hashtags #Raunering #TWILL
#Raunering…food for thought.
- wordslinger - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 9:01 am:
Rauner seems to think he was going to get a pass from his GOP opponents. I don’t know where he got that idea.
He can’t rely on TV spots and duck his opponents and the media forever. It smacks of fear and weakness. They both will turn up the heat until he shows he can take it.
- CircularFiringSquad - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 9:02 am:
Maybe CaptFax can post a downloadable version. We can all be part of the D-lard campaign.
- Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 9:03 am:
Willy, and when was the last time you saw a “Dymo Labelmaker” in use? #garagesale
- Joan P. - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 9:04 am:
The misspelling (”Rham”) is the work of Chicago Magazine, not Dillard’s people.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 9:12 am:
- AA -,
The Dallas Cowboys, for pure nostalgia admitted by them, use the 1970s style labels for their helmets; blue strips.
If Dillard wants to be the 1990s, - AA -, that was telling, wasn’t it?
As a constant mid-speller, I enjoy them them in hit pieces. Really, no one can take 5 min to check the Spelling of your target?
- too obvious - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 9:23 am:
Dillard, Rutherford and Brady.
Obvious the only winner there is the Springfield belly.
- I'm Strapped - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 9:30 am:
Yeah, I don’t see his ‘association’ with Rahm very helpful in many places outside of Chicago.
Sorree Bruce!
- Upon Further Review - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 9:34 am:
Rauner had to be stupid to think that his Democratic connections were not going to be an issue. This is a tried and true tactic in every GOP primary.
- Mouthy - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 9:36 am:
Should have got a Clint Eastwood stand in for the empty chair..
- dupage dan - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 9:39 am:
Isn’t it a reality that you have to snuggle up a bit to the opposition in this state no matter what party you are in? Thompson and Ryan did it and found success. I know there is a fine line and I am not saying Rauner hasn’t leapt over it but the knee jerk partisanship that is sweeping the state, and the nation, isn’t working well for either side, is it? Rauner trying to look like a tea party candidate while having those democrat contacts is gonna look odd if the 3 can push it to the forefront of the campaign.
- Juice - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 9:48 am:
60% of likely GOP primary voters believe it is spelled ‘Rham’, so I think it’s fine.
- walker - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 9:56 am:
“Not a Republican”: a great message for the “big tent” party.
- Jimmy CrackCorn - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 10:03 am:
==The misspelling (”Rham”) is the work of Chicago Magazine, not Dillard’s people.==
- Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 10:21 am:
Great idea, Willy. “Payton Prep” could be like Where’s Waldo? or “Flat Stanley.”
- Chi - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 10:31 am:
To the “3″:
At least one of you is going to have to withdraw from the race.
- Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 10:35 am:
- AA -,
It costs nothing, it shines a light, it had the sign/shirt in the picture for the Narrative, and easy to continue.
Good catch on the Flat Stanley, was my 1st thought, but sad afraid others might miss that. Everyone knows about the gnomes. Nice work.
Will anyone decide to pick up on this really cheap, possible Internet viral way to advance this narrative?
Don’t. Know.
- AA -, all we can do is lead them to the water, right?
- A guy... - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 10:36 am:
Chi….make that 2.
- Right Field - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 10:54 am:
So, the guy who makes a campaign ad for Barack Obama is deciding who is a Republican. PRICELESS.
- too obvious - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 11:12 am:
I’m surprised Dillard didn’t mention Rauner’s ad for Obama…oh wait….
- DuPage Rep - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 11:23 am:
Betcha Jil Tracy is having buyer’s remorse for signing on to this flop of a campaign. The bozos in the Dillard HQ can’t do anything right. All the Dot Food money in the world is not going to save D-Lard. A week of pounding Rauner, and Rauner pulls further ahead. Keep following Mr Willy’s advice, and Rauner will be above 50% in no time.
- Chavez-respecting Obamist - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 11:48 am:
Actually,hanging out with Rahm does Rauner very little good *in* Chicago, as we hate Rahm. I’ll vote Republican for mayor next time if someone will run against him.
- Upon Further Review - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 11:59 am:
Chicago no longer has partisan mayoral elections, so if a “Republican candidate” files for the mayoralty the party affiliation will not be listed on the ballot.
- Samurai - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 12:06 pm:
Obama Ad. Didn’t hear an endorsement for Obama in the ad. Granted, Dillard has to drag this one around for eternity. But, the ad was during the Iowa primary and came after Obama sponsored Illinois ethics legislation with Dillard. Dillard was on John McCain’s campaign in Illinois.
I am still amazed by the right wing nuts that back Rauner while hammering Dillard for the ad.
- Arizona Bob - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 12:39 pm:
At least Rauner doesn’t have to sell out his core values to fund his campaign. I understand that Rutherford and Dillard are kissing some serious tail with the public employee unions to get a few bucks. Politics and policy support amongst politicians is all about giving and returning favors. Favoring the unions over the taxpayers pretty much kills any hope of serious and subtantive pension reform, or business or taxpayer tax relief. I really don’t see much difference between Quinn, Rutherford and Dillard except both Dillard and Rutherford would be much more “flexible” to giving Madigan what he wants! People owe Rauner favors from his past actions. If elected, he can call in those chits and get some serious progress in those things devastating our state.
Rauner is willing to cash out his favors for political support of his solutions, and Dillard and Rutherford are TAKING favors that will compromise them as Governor. I know which I’D prefer leading the state!
- Samurai - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 1:09 pm:
And what are his core values?
- West Side the Best Side - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 1:30 pm:
Second City Cop - a CPD blog (not sanctioned by CPD of course) slightly to the right of Attila the Hun - and its commentors seem to share the “Not a Republican” thought. Rauner’s take on unions and pensions don’t exactly resonate either. Posts on Rauner are becoming a regular occurance.
- Mason born - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 1:37 pm:
So i should vote for Rauner to clean up the mess. I am supposed to do this because his long career of donating and funding the current system allows him to call in favors from the current system so he can fix it. Huhm that is a unique perspective.
–People owe Rauner favors from his past actions. If elected, he can call in those chits and get some serious progress in those things devastating our state.–
- Living in Machiaville - Wednesday, Jan 15, 14 @ 2:03 pm:
This has evloved to Rauner playing whack-a-mole with the “3″. Dillard, firmly in third place, has taken up the role of chief mole. He’s a gamer though. Bill and Dan are choosing the less abusive path for now.
- Johnny Justice - Thursday, Jan 16, 14 @ 12:57 am:
Smart move by Rauner not to show up at the debate. His best chance of winning to use the very successful strategy that Madigan uses for some of his candidates. Never talk to the press or in public forums. Use only paid media so you have total control of the message, and eliminate any possibility of making a dumb statement