Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x3 - Complicated - E-Mail suggests it’s true - DOC claims Dillard gun allegation false *** Two Dillard press releases
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*** UPDATED x3 - Complicated - E-Mail suggests it’s true - DOC claims Dillard gun allegation false *** Two Dillard press releases

Friday, Jan 17, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release number one…

Republican candidate for Governor Kirk Dillard today joined fellow State Senator Dave Syverson (R-Rockford) in announcing legislation that would require state Constitutional Officers and state lawmakers to carry the same standard health insurance benefits that citizens are now required to carry under Obamacare.

“Far too often, legislators pass laws effecting everyone else, but then exempt themselves,” Dillard said. “Most citizens believe that their elected officials should play by the same rules as they are required to. This has never been more evident than when you talk to people about Obamacare.”

Obamacare exempts certain classes of people from its requirements, in effect creating separate classes of insurance coverage. “Governor Quinn and the Democrat legislature created the Illinois Health Insurance exchange,” Dillard said. “If they truly believe this is the best health plan for the citizens of Illinois, then they should be willing to be covered under the same health plan.”

Syverson agreed, and stated, “if this is the law of the land, then we should not be above that law”. Syverson further noted that not enough has been said about the limits of the ObamaCare plans. “While proponents of Obamacare have focused on getting people covered, many of those who are signing up are just now discovering how limited their coverage truly is.”

The Affordable Care Act defines four new types of health insurance plans for individuals and families that are ranked from the most expensive out-of-pocket costs for consumers to the least expensive: Bronze, Silver, Gold, and Platinum. All of these plans offer the same minimum level of benefits.

The “Benchmark” plan — the plan subsidies are based on — is the Silver Plan. This plan is touted as the best coverage available for Illinois citizens. It is the benefits of the “Silver” plan that this legislation would require elected officials to carry.

Under ObamaCare, the “Benchmark” Silver plan, individuals will have a $3,000 deductible per person. This plan will also require co-pays to see a physician, to use the emergency room, to be admitted into a hospital, and to have surgery. It would also require prescription drug co-pays of $50 per month and per drug if it’s a preferred brand name. The non-preferred co-pay is $100 a month per drug.

In addition, the insured individual under the Silver plan is required to pay 20% of all costs until the insured person reaches the annual out-of-pocket limit of $6,350 for an individual or $12,700 for a family. These costs do not include the premiums, which are an addition to these costs.

“While some elected officials feel that having out of pocket limits this high would hurt them financially, it’s no worse than what the people they represent would be affected by,” Dillard emphasized. He concluded by saying, “We also believe all of our Congressional Representatives who passed this law should be required to have the same benefit package as they are requiring their citizens to carry. This is about fairness, leading by example, and showing the public that their elected officials are not above the laws they pass.”

* Press release number two…

Republican candidate for Governor Kirk Dillard today said the fact that a former gang member hired by the Illinois Department of Corrections had been issued a handgun flies in the face of the Quinn administration’s claim that he had no administrative role. Xadrian McCraven was fired only after a Sun-Times investigation became public.

“So much for the Governor’s claim that McCraven never had any management or security duties,” Dillard said. “Then why on earth was he given a gun?”

Dillard last week called on Governor Pat Quinn to fire Illinois Department of Corrections Director Salvador Godinez, after the Sun Times disclosed that IDOC hired McCraven, a former gang member with a lengthy criminal record. Department of Corrections documents obtained by the Sun Times through the Freedom of Information Act show that McCraven turned in his weapon upon being fired from his post.

“It’s really a sign of Pat Quinn’s total mismanagement that law-abiding citizens are having a hard time getting their concealed carry permits, but the Department of Corrections issued a Glock pistol to a former gang member they hired,” Dillard said. “Pretty much sums up what’s wrong with Springfield these days.”

Dillard has called on the Governor’s Inspector General to investigate the circumstances under which McCraven was hired and whether any political influence was exerted to secure his employment.

Dillard noted that McCraven’s 24 arrests and documented gang connections make it unlikely IDOC followed its own internal procedures in conducting a complete criminal background check.

In addition, Dillard has filed a resolution calling for Auditor General Bill Holland to determine whether IDOC hiring procedures were followed.


*** UPDATE *** A Department of Corrections spokesman says the Dillard press release is untrue. McCraven was not issued a firearm by DOC, the spokesman said. He wasn’t authorized to have one by the state agency, either.

Ready, fire aim?

*** UPDATE 2 *** An e-mail from DOC’s chief of staff sure seems to indicate that Dillard’s claim is true…

*** UPDATE 2 *** According to DOC, the e-mail refers to a five-week inter-agency detail in 2011. He was issued a gun and a badge at that time. But then a background check was done and the detail was terminated. The second job was a “non-sensitive” job. CMS apparently told DOC that they had an employee who needed to be placed due to a grievance process win and asked if they had a spot and he was given one that didn’t include a gun or a badge and where he had no access to confidential or classified info, etc.. He didn’t have a gun during that six-month period.

Sorry for the initial confusion.


  1. - just sayin' - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 12:29 pm:

    On Kirk Dillard’s tax return he itemized a ~$20k deduction for health insurance, presumably because he doesn’t get insurance from the ILGA.

    So, already state insurance isn’t good enough for him. You lead by example BEFORE you run for office, you don’t develop up mid-way during your campaign.

  2. - wordslinger - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 12:30 pm:

    It’s nice of you to post the press releases, Rich.

    But putting out a piece of paper does his campaign no good. They will get no other play, at all, I bet.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 12:33 pm:

    Spam boxes all over Illinois are learning so much from Kirk Dillard.

    Unless you can put some “points” behind some of this, the Million a week speant by Rauner makes releases more like confetti to be used at Rauner’s victory party come March.

    Use what you got I guess(?)

  4. - too obvious - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 12:33 pm:

    Anyone notice how Dillard took off his LARD lapel sticker about half way through yesterday morning’s ABC7/Daily Herald debate?

    Pretty funny. Can’t believe he’s still using that horrible design, which even he bailed on yesterday.

  5. - Empty Chair - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 12:40 pm:

    No better way to get the issues you care about in the spotlight than by issuing two simultaneous press releases in the late morning on a Friday.

  6. - veritas - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 12:41 pm:

    Excuse me: What has Rauner said he would do besides lower the minimum wage, raise it and lower it again; hammer & shake up Springfield and advocate term limits?? Oh he did energize the unions against the Illinois GOP at a time when they were disaffected with Quinn. Way to go - Bruce. Drag the ticket down with you.

  7. - Hans Sanity - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 12:43 pm:

    — You lead by example BEFORE you run for office, you don’t develop up mid-way during your campaign –

    Dillard & Tracy may have never supported full legalization of cannabis, either, but if they went out to Denver & Seattle and came back home convinced that it was time to take the market away from criminals and turn it over to law abiding and tax paying businesses regulated by the state, the timing of their announcement wouldn’t bother me at all.

    They could get members of Law Enforcement Against Prohibition (LEAP) to deflect flack at the press conference.

  8. - Richard - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 12:44 pm:

    Dillard calls for Godinez to be fired. Godinez held several high-ranking spots in DOC during the Edgar Administration. Man, who was responsible for making decisions on appointments to top administrative jobs back then? Probably Edgar’s chief of staff, right? Who held that job?

  9. - Demoralized - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 12:46 pm:

    ==law-abiding citizens are having a hard time getting their concealed carry permits==

    I wasn’t aware of this. They just started processing the applications.

  10. - Whatever - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 12:52 pm:

    Agree with “Empty” — stepping on your own story with two release, on a Friday afternoon no less? Who’s running that campaign?!?! As Rich would say, “Geez”!

  11. - anon - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 12:54 pm:

    I dont understand Dillard’s point on health care. While there may be deductibles and co-pays as part of the silver plan, these costs are far better than what one without any insurance would have to pay for health care related costs. This is pure populism to suggest that legislators should have the same coverage as those who will be covered under the ACA. Legislators would fall in the category of “if you already have coverage that meets or exceeds minimum requirements, you get to keep it.” Forcing members onto the silver plan would be simply for political gain, and would not be reflective in any way of the pros/cons of the ACA. I guess its OK for a press pop, but its silly and demonstrates a complete misunderstanding of the law.

  12. - "friend of a friend" - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 1:01 pm:

    Dillard must be really desperate at this point, Rauner’s so called gaffe’s are boosting his numbers and anyone barely knows ol’ Kirk is still alive. McCraven is old news now. My question is why doesn’t he ask Godinez or the Governor for the administrative review paperwork?! Lol

  13. - Just Me - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 1:02 pm:

    I am conflicted on the health insurance issue. Obamacare is intended for people who don’t work for large employers that have health benefits, as employees of the State they dont need and aren’t intended for Obamacare. On the other hand, as an advocate that works on Obamacare issues, I like that the people I’m lobbying have to use the system themselves which guarantees they won’t just turn a blind eye to problems.

  14. - Chicago Gun Owner - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 1:03 pm:

    Criminals hired by the state of Illinois? What else is new, it’s almost a prerequisite.

  15. - Big Muddy - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 1:12 pm:

    Of all the issues in the state of Illinois to hammer on he goes with GA healthcare… on a Friday… with another release to cloud even THAT message up. Wha??? I want to ask who the monkeys are running his campaign but I don’t want to insult any actual monkeys with the comparison.

  16. - Political Neophyte - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 1:20 pm:

    I’m a strong proponent of Obamacare, I am in favor of all lawmakers joining the healthcare exchanges, so this seems to be a non-issue to me. I would imagine the GOP will not be happy with it.

  17. - VictorNorth - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 1:23 pm:

    So has Dillard purchased Obamacare then? There’s nothing stopping him from “doing the right thing”. He can choose to sign up for Obamacare today and lead by example. The article doesn’t mention what type of health insurance Dillard is currently signed up for.

  18. - cod - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 1:28 pm:

    Press release #1 is deceptive and incorrect.

    The ACA provides for a minimum level of health insurance that all providers must offer, represented by the bronze plan. The law provides no limit to the maximum benefits one could purchase or could provide to employees, if they wished to pay premiums. Those premiums are set by private insurance companies plus a supplement for the “Cadillac” policies that CEO’s typically get.

    It would be illegal for a broker to tell people they cannot buy a policy no higher than the slightly upgraded silver plan.

    What many workers are discovering is that their old employer sponsored policies did not meet even the minimum required coverage, particularly in the limits to catastrophic health problems. ACA has fixed that, thankfully.

    This press release is completely misleading. It reflects badly on the integrity of the candidate. If he had a brokers license, it would be revoked.

  19. - Chris - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 1:35 pm:

    “on a Friday”

    …*before a holiday weekend*. Also known as: when you release bad news.

    So, these are both things that Dillard *must* publicize, but *really* wants no one to notice?

  20. - illinifan - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 1:42 pm:

    Ugh!!! grand standing at its worst. His facts on the silver plan are wrong…the costs vary based on what you decide to purchase (there is no flat amount) You can get a plan with a $1500 deductible and 20% co-pay for Rx (this assumes age 63 and live in Will County). Costs also vary by rating area or county a person lives in. These costs can also be reduced if eligible for cost sharing reductions.

    I know a person who purchased a silver plan with a $150 deductible, no co-pay for office visit and $5 copay for generic scripts (I wish my state insurance was that good and the premium the person paid was $35 a month). The best part all of the mans doctors were covered by the plan he selected. The variation in costs is determined by age, where you live, and how much income you have and then what you want to select.

  21. - MrJM - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 1:54 pm:

    “Ready, fire aim?”

    Or “Ready, fire, take pistol out of pants“?

    – MrJM

  22. - Whatever - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 1:55 pm:

    * shakes head in disbelief

  23. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 1:56 pm:

    A little less fake twitter…

    A little more staff fact-checking.

    If ya have the time to make all these fake twitters, do yourselves a favor; check facts on your releases.


  24. - Hans Sanity - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 1:57 pm:

    Dillard made a point.

    The “Affordable Care Act” is a misnomer.

  25. - Big Muddy - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 2:01 pm:

    You just can’t make this stuff up! All the DLard campaign is missing is yakity-sax playing in the background.

  26. - 47th Ward - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 2:02 pm:

    ===The “Affordable Care Act” is a misnomer.===

    Yes, the old system was soooo much better. Maybe Dillard will take us back to the good old days before socialism took over.

  27. - Hans Sanity - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 2:08 pm:

    — Yes, the old system was soooo much better —

    With the “ACA” this admin did what they could & took credit for more.

  28. - MrJM - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 2:13 pm:

    “With the ‘ACA’ this admin did what they could & took credit for more.”

    And now Obama ain’t never gonna get reelected again!

    – MrJM

  29. - dave - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 2:15 pm:

    ***Governor Quinn and the Democrat legislature created the Illinois Health Insurance exchange,” Dillard said. “If they truly believe this is the best health plan for the citizens of Illinois, then they should be willing to be covered under the same health plan.”***

    This is blatantly false. The IL GA has not created the IL Health Insurance Exchange. In fact, legislation has passed the Senate to create such an exchange, and saw no movement in the House. Because of this, IL is one of a small handful of states that has a partnership exchange with the Feds.

    But it is an outright lie to claim that the Democrat(ic) legislature has created any health insurance exchange.

    I guess this is just more “Ready. Shoot. Aim” stuff from Dillard.

  30. - Anonymous - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 2:29 pm:

    — And now Obama ain’t never gonna get reelected again! –

    He could run for the Senate and follow through on his 2004 campaign.

  31. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 2:32 pm:

    “I love email”

    Still stands, less fake twitters.

  32. - Swing Vote - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 2:33 pm:


  33. - Barney Fife - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 2:43 pm:

    My, Oh My. Idoc caught in a scandal and now caught lying to taxpayers and voters. Mr. Quinn, Godinez web is gonna cost you the election. As for your Idoc spokesmans future credibility? Well. Hmmm.

  34. - Smoggie - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 2:46 pm:

    Can Sen. Dillard point to a single person who believes that insurance obtained through the healthcare exchanges is the best plan for everybody?

    Does he have even the slightest understanding of the Act?

    It is like saying “Illinois mandates 20/40 insurance. As such, all elected officials must carry 20/40 coverage.”

    Is Dillard pandering to the far right, or is he clueless?

    Senator, those people on the far right? They will never forgive you for the whole “endorse Barack” thing. Those voters are gone.

    He’s like the drunk guy at 2:00 a.m. texting his ex-girlfriend.

    Kirk, no matter what you say, she’s gone.
    Now get some sleep.

  35. - Mason born - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 2:51 pm:

    We issued him a gun but he wasn’t security. That’s clear as mud.

  36. - "friend of a friend" - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 2:59 pm:

    The IDOC thing is silly at best. Dillard is never gonna move Quinnster with that. IDOC will keep spinning the press and everyone else that asks their “communications guy”. Lol. If the DilLARD campaign wanted some “facts” maybe they should talk to…McCraven? Just thinkin’ out loud man.

  37. - Big Rob - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 3:02 pm:

    Is Quinn doing anything about this Director? If he doesn’t this needs investigated by someone besides the State of Illinois. It’s obvious Godinez tried doing a okie dokie regardless of safety and got caught again. Rich if you would keep us posted on this. This is a big deal how many people like this is working in public safety jobs. There is rules and laws on this.

  38. - Barney Fife - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 3:07 pm:

    Can you say, “Hands in the Cookie Jar?” At this point “No Comment” would be more appropriate! And to think spokesman make Six Figures. Whoopsie.

  39. - Think - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 3:08 pm:

    What’s the big deal about a criminal carrying a gun and badge? The Illinois Attorney General, the Cook County States Attorney’s Office, the Cook County Correctionnal Officer, the Secretary of State Police Investigators, and a dozen other State Of Illinois Agencies have entire police forces have been exercising police powers illegally for two decades. Check out HB 3661 then ask your Top Law Enforcement Officer about that!!

  40. - PaulWantsACracker - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 3:11 pm:

    Maybe I am missing something, but it seems like the real item would be issuing the guy a gun pre-background check, right?

    “He was issued a gun and a badge at that time. But then a background check was done and the detail was terminated.”

  41. - Oswego Willy - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 3:16 pm:

    ===Can Sen. Dillard point to a single person who believes that insurance obtained through the healthcare exchanges is the best plan for everybody?==

    President Obama. You said “a single person”

    Talking in extremes is hard, lol.

    I know you are new here - Smoggie -

  42. - OneMan - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 3:31 pm:

    PaulWantsACracker –
    Spot on dude… Seems to me that you would not want to give a guy a gun and a badge until you had run at least a basic check on him.. Even if he came from another state agency

  43. - Mason born - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 3:39 pm:

    The question i want to know is if he was never issued a Gun what did he turn in?? Is there a IDOC Glock paperweight that was collected?

    –asked if they had a spot and he was given one that didn’t include a gun or a badge and where he had no access to confidential or classified info, etc.. He didn’t have a gun during that six-month period.–

  44. - Smoggie - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 3:58 pm:

    I really don’t think that’s true.
    The analogy to the 20/40 auto policies really does hold true.

    The idea is that if you sell a policy, it needs to have some minimum coverages.
    But they are just minimums.

    The policies you get through the exchanges are not the best. But they will provide the minimum coverages that should be included in any health care policy.

    I know you see a lot of grays, and so do I.
    But I think on this one, there really is not much grey. I don’t think the President views insurance on the exchanges as superior to coverage you can get elsewhere, nor does anybody else that I’m aware of.

    Again, it goes to the nature of the exchanges as sort of a last resort for people who cannot get coverage elsewhere.

  45. - Anyone Remember - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 3:58 pm:


    HB 3661 deals with physicians.

  46. - NO Training - Friday, Jan 17, 14 @ 5:23 pm:

    If he was issued a Glock, he should have had a FOID card. If he was issued a Glcok he would have had to had the basic 40 hour basic firearm training. Unless the IDOC did not follow the rules and law. NO Law enforcement person in the state of IL should have been allowed to carry a firearm without a background check, Basic firearms training and academy training. Maybe under the FOIA they could get his academy training information and find out who issued the firearm. If he was not allowed to possess a firearm, by law. It looks like somebody in IDOC may have committed a crime

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