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*** UPDATED x1 *** Rate the Frerichs intro video

Wednesday, Jan 22, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I’m not sure why he’s doing it now, but after months of actively campaigning for office Sen. Michael Frerichs is “officially” kicking off his state treasurer campaign today with stops in Chicago, Rock Island, Peoria and Champaign…

“Over the past year I’ve visited almost every county in Illinois and have talked to thousands of business owners, farmers, students, and regular citizens who told me that they want a qualified, ethical, and proven reformer to be our next Treasurer. As a former County Auditor and current Certified Public Finance Officer, I offer my record of fighting waste and corruption in state government to the voters of this state and ask that they join me as we work to take back the Treasurer’s office for middle class families,” Frerichs said.

“The Treasurer’s office works on issues that are bedrocks to a thriving economy and stable middle class: college savings, infrastructure investment, support for small businesses, low-interest loans to our farmers, and directing how to invest the state’s $16 billion in pension funds. I pledge to bring accountability, transparency and competency to Illinois’ finances, and to put state investments to work to help build out the middle class,” Frerichs continued.

* Tom Cross welcomed him to the race…

llinois State Representative and candidate for Illinois State Treasurer Tom Cross today released the following statement in response to Democrat State Senator Mike Frerichs’ announcing his campaign for Treasurer.

“The tax and spend policies of Senator Mike Frerichs have made the situation in Illinois go from bad to worse. The unbalanced budgets, reckless spending and record-setting tax increases that Frerichs has been a part of have left our state struggling to meet our most important priorities, including funding our children’s education and ensuring the safety of our communities. The simple truth is Mike Frerichs cannot be part of the solution because he is a big part of the problem. It’s time for a turnaround and that begins with real reforms that honestly balance our budget and crack down on fraud and corruption. I’m ready to get to work for the people of Illinois and fix the failed Frerichs policies.”

* Rate Frerichs’ intro video

*** UPDATE *** Sun-Times

If you’re a campaign tracker for the opposition, don’t try to get into a Mike Frerichs press conference.

The Democrat was announcing his candidacy for State Treasurer this morning in Chicago when a campaign worker for the Tom Cross for Treasurer team showed up. (Cross is running in the Republican primary for the office).

The red-faced, snow-laden worker pamphleted from the sidewalk after he was kicked out.


  1. - Bill White - Wednesday, Jan 22, 14 @ 11:32 am:

    Tom Cross doesn’t know what office he is running for.

  2. - 10th ward - Wednesday, Jan 22, 14 @ 11:41 am:

    I like it and I like Mike. Decent guy who obviously has his sights set on higher office than Treasurer which should make other Dems nervous..Kwame, Lisa, Tom, Jack–all will be watching to see how he does. Video’s tune is folky but not too bad. Cross is in for a fight and IMO Mike will win

  3. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 22, 14 @ 11:43 am:

    Mike Frerichs is looking to be taken seriously, while being ridiculous and “joining” the race “now”

    I guess hiding all those campaign workers on the payroll is tiring.

    Mike Frerichs might need a booster seat to join the Big Kids table?

    To “Rate it”,

    Little long, Frerichs’ monotone voice not the best, but understand why he did it.

    “B+, B”

    Next time, shorter, woman’s voice to soften it, more smiling, less monotone “doom”

  4. - Empty Chair - Wednesday, Jan 22, 14 @ 11:46 am:

    A-/B+ This is quite a strong video. Establishing shots, lots of biographical information. Emphasis on downstate, where he can take a decent chunk off Cross’s natural GOP monopoly. The education tidbits are going to play well for the North Shore elites, I think it’s a great way to set the tone for his campaign.

    Per Willy’s “joining” the race now, I don’t understand what’s so odd about candidates having official “announcement” tours long after they’ve made it clear that they’re running for a certain office. This is a regular practice, indeed the sign of a mature campaign IMO.

  5. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 22, 14 @ 11:56 am:

    - Empty Chair -,

    With respect, you can’t run a campaign touting how you get the endorsements as Frerichs does, including the state Dem Party endorsement, and clearing the field as the lone candidate for months, then re-boot as though all those Dopey tweets, and posts meant nothing, and all the very heavy posturing and accepting of being a candidate was “nothing” until now.

    Reeks of a “all flash, limited substance” attorney to seem relevent, weekly.

    Just disingenuous to all those watching and even helping him to say, basically, “now” it counts.

  6. - Curious - Wednesday, Jan 22, 14 @ 11:57 am:

    Agree with “Empty Chair” that this is standard campaign practice and see nothing wrong with touring the state with “kick-off” events. It’s hard enough for down-ballot races to get media coverage as it is (which is regretful). I give it an A-. A little long for an intro, but strong visuals and message. IMO Cross seems worried.

  7. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Jan 22, 14 @ 11:58 am:

    Attorney = attempt

    Stupid phone

  8. - Lakewood Balmoral - Wednesday, Jan 22, 14 @ 12:03 pm:

    Frerichs is an engaging guy in person and that just doesn’t come across here. He sounds boring and at times he seems like he is having trouble reading cue cards as opposed to telling people his story. I’m sure he’ll turn it around for the real commercials but this one just fails to hit the mark.

  9. - Carl Nyberg - Wednesday, Jan 22, 14 @ 12:12 pm:

    I’ve met Frerichs a couple times and liked him. My parents lived in Gifford when I was born, so Frerichs has a pretty good chance of getting my vote.

    But how is cutting health benefits for retired legislators a progressive reform?

    It seems like it forces former legislators to either get new gov’t jobs or become lobbyists so they can pay their health care bills.

  10. - Ghost - Wednesday, Jan 22, 14 @ 12:14 pm:

    it would be interesting if we had a Treasurer actually run on what the office accctualy does.

    perhaps discuss describing how investments of Illinois funds could be controlled or improved to increase rates of return and help dig out some of our financial shortfalls.

    crazy right to actually talk about the office and not things the office has no control or influence over.

  11. - Lord Stanley's Cup - Wednesday, Jan 22, 14 @ 12:34 pm:

    I like the ad. It’s strong in the “sound/off” category and the hits on pay cuts and free health care are solid given the environment.

  12. - Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Jan 22, 14 @ 12:48 pm:

    Seeing as how I was 28 seconds into the video before it suddenly cut to fuzz and showed the following message:

    “This video is currently unavailable”

    I would give it a D.

    And that’s only because I know something was there before they pulled it down. Weird.

  13. - Formerly Known As... - Wednesday, Jan 22, 14 @ 12:52 pm:

    This has now happened 3 times. After refreshing the youtube page the 3rd time, it made it to the 40 second mark.

    Not sure if the problem is on youtube’s end, my ISP, or the campaign uploading another version. So far, it’s decent but wanting in certain areas. Look forward to seeing the whole thing.

  14. - Drallid - Wednesday, Jan 22, 14 @ 1:31 pm:


  15. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Jan 22, 14 @ 1:47 pm:

    –The unbalanced budgets, reckless spending and record-setting tax increases that Frerichs has been a part of have left our state struggling to meet our most important priorities, including funding our children’s education and ensuring the safety of our communities.–

    Wrap that one around your brain a couple of times.

    So all the spending and new taxes has made funding things more difficult?

    Cross has always struck me as someone who is just weary of the whole thing. He goes through the motion and tries to hit the right notes, but there’s no energy or enthusiasm in it.

    If you don’t like your line of work, you should probably move on.

  16. - Arthur Andersen - Wednesday, Jan 22, 14 @ 1:54 pm:

    Meh. “Mike Frerichs is a nice guy who came from humble beginnings and has a cute daughter.” Check.
    But what does all the stuff about college have to do with being Treasurer? Granted, it was the intro ad-but there was zip squat nada about the purpose of the campaign. He might as well have been running for President of the U of I.
    Grade: D

  17. - Boone's is Back - Wednesday, Jan 22, 14 @ 2:14 pm:

    I like the Ad and think its a nice soft personal intro. It’s good for building up name ID, he hits on issues that people care about, and I think the U of I angle will help him out statewide. I give it an A-.

  18. - Metraman - Wednesday, Jan 22, 14 @ 2:51 pm:

    C- Boring and generic. Nothing innovative. Nothing new. Nothing that keeps me interested in a candidate that will use the Treasurer’s office once again for a stepping stone. At the press conference today, Frerichs couldn’t give one previous example of a former Treasurer he’d like to emulate. There is a reason for that. God forbid he actually praise JBT. That move might have actually earned him some respect throughout the state.

  19. - Curious - Wednesday, Jan 22, 14 @ 3:34 pm:

    How do you know what happened at the press conference, Metraman? Were you there? I’m sure the Cap Fax audience would love a play-by-play.

  20. - walker - Wednesday, Jan 22, 14 @ 3:54 pm:

    B+ as an introduction to the guy.

    Not much of an ask for any vote, though.

    One of the few things the Treasurer actually does do, is provide methods for financing college tuition, so the link to higher education might make a little sense.

  21. - walker - Wednesday, Jan 22, 14 @ 3:56 pm:

    Cross’ comment seemed to reflect badly on his own experience.

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