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Today’s numbers

Wednesday, Jan 15, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* AP

The Illinois Secretary of State’s office says more than 1,200 immigrants living in the U.S. illegally have received Illinois driver’s licenses since December under a new state law. [The AP updated to correct the number.]

Immigrants can currently take license tests at 14 locations across the state. Secretary of States spokesman Dave Druker says 36 locations will offer license tests by the end of the month.

The licenses are valid for three years and may be used only for driving. They can’t be used as identification for activities like boarding a plane, voting or buying a firearm.

* Sun-Times

About one-quarter of the 23,000-plus concealed-carry applications received so far by the Illinois State Police have come from Cook County, the agency reported Wednesday. […]

So far, 5,305 applicants come from Cook County, but Bond said the agency did not have a tabulation available breaking down how many came from Chicago or the Cook County suburbs. Likewise, in other counties, no town-by-town breakdowns were available, she said.

Among Illinois’ 101 other counties, Will County had the second largest volume of concealed-carry applications with 1,759, followed by DuPage County with 1,589 and Lake with 1,164.

To round out the collar counties, McHenry County had 822 applications, while Kane County had 761 gun owners wanting permission to carry their weapons in public places.


United now “official airline” of Equality Illinois

Wednesday, Jan 15, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* from a press release…

Two major Illinois institutions today welcomed a unique partnership, as Equality Illinois announced that Chicago-based United Airlines is becoming the Exclusive Airline for the state’s oldest and largest advocacy organization for lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Illinoisans.

The partnership makes United the first choice for air travel by Equality Illinois.

“We are the first statewide LGBT equality group in the country to enter into such an Exclusive Airline arrangement,” said Bernard Cherkasov, CEO of Equality Illinois. “That we are able to do that with United, our own Illinois-based carrier that is also an industry leader in its LGBT workplace initiatives, is especially meaningful.”

“We’re proud to launch this great partnership with Equality Illinois – an organization committed to supporting the diversity that reflects United’s customers, employees and ‘Working Together’ culture,” said Nene Foxhall, the airline’s executive vice president of communications and government affairs.

United was the recipient of the 2013 Equality Illinois Business Leadership Award at the annual Equality Illinois Gala last February, a recognition given to companies that demonstrate remarkable vision, courage, and leadership in the effort to achieve full equality for LGBT individuals in Illinois.

“United was one of the earliest U.S. corporations to prohibit discrimination and harassment based on sexual orientation and, later, gender identity,” Cherkasov said when announcing the award last February. “The company has also continually earned a perfect score on the annual Corporate Equality Index.”

Cherkasov said that under the “Exclusive Airline” agreement, Equality Illinois staff, board members and key supporters will be turning to United for flights to business meetings, and United will be supporting the ongoing work of Equality Illinois to secure full LGBT equality.

I wonder if the anti gay marriage types could score a similar corporate deal. Probably not.


Caption contest!

Wednesday, Jan 15, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Senate Republicans

Here’s a photo of the first 70mph speed limit sign going up this week in Illinois Department of Transportation District 6, which covers west-central Illinois from Springfield to Quincy. Photo courtesy of the Illinois Dept. of Transportation.

The pic


Time for an attitude adjustment

Wednesday, Jan 15, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* An interesting little turn of events

Pharmacist Joseph Friedman has a dream to open his own medical marijuana dispensary in Illinois. […]

One problem: Pharmacists’ federal licenses prohibit them from dispensing the drug.

That’s why Friedman, of Lincolnshire, is leading a push in Illinois to have pharmacists run marijuana dispensaries and to reclassify the drug as a “Schedule II” substance for medical use.

After Friedman’s presentation Tuesday before the Illinois State Board of Pharmacy, other leading pharmacists expressed interest in the board getting involved as the rules for medical marijuana distribution are sorted out.

But not everybody is happy with this idea

Dan Linn, executive director of NORML Illinois, which works to legalize the drug, said some marijuana advocates fear that the big pharmaceutical industry will take over the potentially multibillion-dollar business, forcing out local growers and retailers.

Oh, please. The more “mainstream” this becomes, the better off everybody is gonna be. I, for one, would love to see Walgreens dispensing med-mar. And if Big Pharma wants to put its massive research facilities to use on this, why stop them? They’ve come up with some incredible medical advances over the years, and they should most definitely be included. This ain’t just a hippie thing any longer.

* Other business news…

* Illinois to see job growth with the help of Magic Johnson: Former NBA superstar Magic Johnson, the new controlling shareholder of Iowa-based EquiTrust, said the company would have 200 workers in downtown Chicago by the end of this year, and planned eventually to have 1,000 here. “You can’t do that in Iowa. If you’re gonna be the kind of insurance company that wants to draw the talent, you gotta look at a state that has 1,200 insurance companies, 28,000 people, a depth of professional capacity and skills that only a city like Chicago has,” Mayor Rahm Emanuel commented.

* Magic Johnson scores Iowa insurer for Illinois: Gov. Terry Branstad vigorously defended Iowa Insurance Commissioner Nick Gerhart on Tuesday when he learned that the EquiTrust move wasn’t just a paper relocation, as was initially believed. “We have a great insurance commissioner and we just had two insurance companies redomicile to Iowa,” Branstad said. Iowa is home to more than 200 insurance companies.

* Quinn seeks statewide petcoke restrictions: KCBX said it has spent $30 million upgrading its storage terminal on Burley Avenue between 108th and 111th streets, including $10 million for new dust-suppression equipment. The company is willing to enclose its petcoke piles but opposes some other requirements Quinn and Emanuel propose, including a provision in city regulations that would force storage terminals to suspend operations when wind speed exceeds 15 mph.

* Durbin and Kirk ask FEMA to fix formulas and level field for disaster aid


Let’s be careful out there

Wednesday, Jan 15, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I received a text message over the weekend from Oswego Willy…

Out & about and look who I have in front of me? lol

That would be Rep. Tom Cross’ car…

As most of you know, Willy wasn’t exactly Cross’ biggest fan back when Cross was the House GOP Leader. In those days, Tom might’ve thought that OW was stalking him, but Willy seems to be supportive of the guy’s statewide bid. However, he did add this…

Tom was on the phone, no hands-free. Just struck me as funny.

Funny and, um, currently illegal.

Then again, OW may have been texting and driving.


Today’s must read

Wednesday, Jan 15, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Back in December, the Sun-Times ran a long piece online by Timothy Meegan entitled “Selecting charters in Chicago a rigged game.” Meegan wrote about how Neighborhood Advisory Councils (NACs) were set up to allow communities to review proposals for new charter schools

[Neighborhood Advisory Councils] are being facilitated by members of Stand for Children, a pro charter school organization. The NW Side NAC is being facilitated by Juan Jose Gonzalez, Stand for Children’s Chicago Director, a fact he refused to reveal in public when asked at a NAC meeting. His wife facilitates the SW Side NAC. This is a glaring conflict of interest.

Mr. Gonzalez even offered one of our NAC members a job at Stand for Children, which is wholly inappropriate.

Everything done on the NAC was paid for by New Schools for Chicago, a venture philanthropy organization dedicated to charter proliferation. Their board includes CEO Barbara Byrd Bennett, Board of Education members Deborah Quazzo and President David Vitale, and Noble investor and gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner.

Why? Because charter schools become investment opportunities and tax shelters for the super wealthy. Intrinsic is funded by the Walton foundation, the Broad Foundation, New Schools for Chicago [which has received six-figure funding from the Rauner Family Foundation], and NextGen. Noble investors include Commerce Secretary Penny Pritzker and Bruce Rauner.

New Schools for Chicago spared no expense. They catered all meals, paid for materials and meeting space. They also brought in pro charter “experts” from all over the country to guide us in the process. New Schools hired an organizer named Chris Butler to canvass for the community meetings. On December 7 I asked Mr. Butler how many people were canvassing and for how long, and what specifically they were doing, i.e. passing out flyers, door knocking, etc.

* More on how the process was “fixed”

The process was rigged from the start. The NW side [Neighborhood Advisory Council] examined two high school proposals for the Belmont-Cragin area, Intrinsic and Noble. Intrinsic currently does not have location in mind for its proposed charter; Noble wants to locate its charter across the street from Prosser Career Academy.

Immediately upon joining the NW Side NAC, we had to sign a confidentiality agreement. Conversations have been limited by a very narrow criteria, allowing for almost no qualitative analysis of the proposals. Many members were uncomfortable and voiced their concerns about being limited to the CPS rubric. For example, our decisions were limited to whether non- negotiables, such as Noble’s infamous disciplinary fines, were present in the proposal, not whether they were desirable for a school in our community.

Rules seem to be made up as they go along. Our NAC was overseen by CPS officials from the Office of New Schools and Intergovernmental Affairs. After the NAC decided by majority vote to hold a community meeting at Prosser and had made arrangements with Prosser’s principal, CPS’ John Scott and Emily Metz overruled our decision, claiming the need for a more “neutral” space.

Emphasis added. Go read the whole thing.


Full steam ahead

Wednesday, Jan 15, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* If people believe that the last week of negative stories about Bruce Rauner has dampened the candidate’s enthusiasm, they prolly have another think coming

Embattled Republican gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner appeared energized and combative at a Republican candidates forum in Oak Lawn on Monday night.

“You know what, there’s an old saying in politics: ‘If you want a friend in politics get a dog.’ You know what, I got a couple of terrific bird dogs, and I’m ready to rumble,” Rauner said. “We’re good to go. This is going to be a very, very fun race.”

Most rich guys hate this sort of crud, but he obviously loves this stuff. More

[Rauner] said the campaign for governor is going to be “rough and tumble,” adding that, “the Democrats are going to have a ton of money and they’re going to come and bomb us every day.

“You know what, we are going to bomb them right back. Quinn has the worst record of any governor in America, and we’re going to make sure every voter in this state knows it every week,” Rauner said. “We’re going to get him out of office, I promise you that.”

He told the audience that the “government union bosses are coming after us right now. We’re the worst-run state in America for one really powerful reason. The special interest groups that make their money from government and own Springfield.”

* And he was energized and unapologetic on Roe Conn’s show this week…

* Related…

* Zorn: Why Rauner is unrepentant as questions grow louder in high-school admissions controversy


Rutherford first to file campaign finance report

Wednesday, Jan 15, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Treasurer Dan Rutherford’s gubernatorial campaign filed its D-2 yesterday. Rutherford reported raising $392,583.25 in the quarter and had $1,369,468.52 cash on hand.

* Sun-Times

Since Rutherford was the first gubernatorial candidate to file ahead of a Wednesday deadline to file quarterly campaign-disclosure reports, it was too early to tell how his warchest stacked up against other funds in the four-way Republican primary, including that belonging to wealthy private equity investor Bruce Rauner.

Rauner has pumped $2.24 million of his own funds into his campaign as of early January.

“We have a large number of contributors, unlike Rauner, who has large contributions,” Rutherford spokesperson Brian Sterling said. “We get letters every day from people who support Dan. What he’s doing is certainly more on the grassroots level, so if you look from that perspective, we’re doing good.”

The highest individual contribution among the $392,583 that rolled in to Rutherford’s campaign during the three-month period came from the T-N-T Truck and Trailer Service, a Lincoln-based roadside assistance business, which gave $20,500. One of the company’s bus operators, Paul Smith, also contributed $10,000.

* Rauner, by the way, filed an A-1 the other day which included this disclosure

So, his statewide “Shake Up Express” tour bus was a loaner from a multi-millionaire real estate developer. That fits.

* And speaking of Rauner’s bus tour

Farren’s, at 308 N. Randolph St., was listed on Rauner’s campaign itinerary as the last of seven Champaign stops Friday.

But no one had checked with Farren’s owner Carolyn Farren. She stopped Rauner from coming into the crowded restaurant.

“I introduced myself. He introduced himself and I said, ‘I’m sorry but you’re not going to be allowed to come in and campaign here. I had no advance knowledge of this event. It wasn’t cleared with me,’” Farren recalled. “I said, ‘It’s not because you’re a Republican or a Democrat. It has nothing to do with a political party. I just said that our restaurant is not a place for political campaigning.’ He was nice.”


Question of the day

Wednesday, Jan 15, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* AP

All four Republican candidates for Illinois governor said fixing the state’s economic woes would be among their top priorities if they win — an issue they’ll be trying to distinguish themselves on in a state that’s home to one of the nation’s highest unemployment rates and a multibillion-dollar backlog of overdue bills.

In response to a campaign questionnaire from The Associated Press, the four contenders — state Sens. Bill Brady and Kirk Dillard, state Treasurer Dan Rutherford and Winnetka businessman Bruce Rauner — cited the need to cut spending, lower taxes, get people back to work by creating a more business-friendly climate — and “all of the above.” While offering only a few specifics, the four will no doubt be pressed on the issue in a series of upcoming debates leading up to the March 18 primary.

“Jobs. Jobs. And Jobs,” wrote Rutherford, of Chenoa, a former vice president for ServiceMaster Co., in response to an AP question asking for each candidate’s top three priorities if elected. “Illinois government finances are dire and our state is universally considered unfriendly to business. Building an environment that job creators are seeking and putting people back to work will help solve a lot of Illinois’ financial and social ailments.”

* I usually don’t ask our questions this early in the day, but I want y’all to put some thought into this one. I think we ought to send the gubernatorial candidates our own questionnaire. But I don’t think we ought to ask generic questions like the one above.

What I’m looking for here are questions that aren’t often asked, but that will likely be answered, so “gotcha” questions are out of the equation. Don’t bother.

* Here’s one I came up with to get the ball rolling…

What approximate percentage of blame do you believe that longtime Illinois House Speaker Michael Madigan deserves for this state’s current fiscal and economic conditions?

That could be fun.

A few more possibles…

Do you support any additional restrictions above and beyond the current Illinois concealed carry law, and/or do you favor rolling back any of the current state restrictions? Please list your proposals.

Now that gay marriage is the law of the land, do you support any further legislation to clarify, restrict or expand the new law, or do you favor total repeal? Please list your proposals, if any.

Would you favor any further pension reforms for the state, above and beyond those which have already been signed into law? Please list your proposals.

* The Question: Your questions for the gubernatorial candidates? And remember, no “gotcha” stuff and no snark. Take it seriously, please. Thanks.

…Adding… I know I asked you to take this seriously, but that doesn’t mean you can’t have any fun with your questions. Most answers so far have been super-serious. You can feel free try to lighten it up a little and add some snap without snark. Thanks.


*** UPDATED x1 *** Dillard flier: Rauner “Not a Republican”

Wednesday, Jan 15, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This is a partial image of a flier handed out at last night’s Republican gubernatorial forum in Will County by Sen. Kirk Dillard’s supporters…

Too bad he doesn’t have any money to mail that thing. But, as some commenters note below, he would first need to fix the “Rham” typo. Sheesh.

* Rauner wasn’t there to see it, though

Tuesday was the first of several forums planned in advance of the GOP primary for Illinois governor.

Three of the candidates, state Sen. Bill Brady, state Treasurer Dan Rutherford and state Sen. Kirk Dillard attended the Will County Tea Party forum in Plainfield, but the front-runner — Bruce Rauner — was a no-show.

An empty chair was placed on stage for Rauner, who asked that a surrogate read an opening statement for him, a request that was denied.

*** UPDATE *** Dillard has first-hand knowledge of being labeled as “not a Republican.” Remember this 2010 ad?


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition and a roundup

Wednesday, Jan 15, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Wednesday, Jan 15, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* Reader comments closed for the weekend
* Misguided Insurance Regulation Proposals Could Increase Premiums For The Majority Of Illinoisans
* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* IEMA, DoIT directors depart
* Sen. Durbin's dangerous idea could worsen the problem he wants to solve
* Stop Credit Card Chaos In Illinois
* It’s just a bill
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* Isabel’s morning briefing
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