* Sen. Kirk Dillard has offered up several explanations for why he voted against a pension reform bill last year after voting for a very similar bill just months earlier.
But he has now offered up another reason via a quote used by the Illinois Education Association in its first mailer to members on Dillard’s behalf…
The full mailer is here.
* From earlier this week…
Gubernatorial candidate Bill Brady lashed out at competitor Kirk Dillard, accusing him of allowing politics to guide his “no” vote last December on a landmark — but controversial — pension bill.
Dillard responded by saying essentially that Brady was envious.
“It’s sour grapes on the part of Mr. Brady, I have a long, long history in interest in public education,” Dillard responded Tuesday. “The IEA support is much much more than my pension vote.” […]
“He sold out on pension reform,” Brady told the Sun-Times.” There’s no question. His campaign wasn’t going anywhere. His Lt. Gov. (Jil Tracy of Quincy) voted for it. He’s used every excuse in the book. He was trying to throw life support to make a political decision which amongst Republican primary voters is really hurting him when you talk to them.”
- OneMan - Friday, Feb 21, 14 @ 10:23 am:
I can see this getting teachers to cross over in the primary, but don’t see it helping at all with the True Believers…
- Carl Nyberg - Friday, Feb 21, 14 @ 10:25 am:
Bill Brady has a simple message.
I am the “Conservative” Republican in this race.
Rauner has given a ton of money to Emanuel, Daley and other Democrats.
Dillard cut a video for Obama and is now hoping Democrats in the teachers union are going to save his candidacy.
Dan Rutherford is having problems that will keep him from getting the nomination.
Bill Brady is the only option for Republicans who value “Conservative” values.
Rauner is rich, but being rich doesn’t mean he’s Right.
- Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 21, 14 @ 10:25 am:
OneMan, lots of teachers are regular Republican primary voters.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Feb 21, 14 @ 10:26 am:
The picture on the flier… of Kirk Dillard.
I miss that Kirk Dillard. The picture of “THAT” picture in the flier is the best example why Dillard is in trouble.
Keep plugging Hodas and Crew, and - Cincinnatus -and Dillard, keep at the education, but if you take 1 step back and look… that old picture … Man, ya know?
- DuPage Rep - Friday, Feb 21, 14 @ 10:26 am:
D Lard better lock himself up in his law library and figure out another reason why he voted against a crucial bill authored in part by his LG pick.
- YO - Friday, Feb 21, 14 @ 10:26 am:
So, Brady felt that politics guided Dillard’s NO vote on pensions? Did politics NOT guide ANY of their votes? Surely, their conscience and ability to interpret the constitution and contracts did NOT guide anything!
- For Whatever It's Worth - Friday, Feb 21, 14 @ 10:27 am:
Didn’t “politics” guide each and every vote on the pension theft, or was it morality?
- train111 - Friday, Feb 21, 14 @ 10:30 am:
My wife the ‘labor thug’ (see other thread) in the evil techers union got this and asked me who Dillard was.
Somehow I’m thinking most people aren’t tuned in and that turnout on 3/18 is going to be dismal.
- Cincinnatus - Friday, Feb 21, 14 @ 10:30 am:
To the POINT,
Should or should not educators (and other union employees) be brought into the resolution of the pension problem? Did SB1?
- OneMan - Friday, Feb 21, 14 @ 10:31 am:
Rich point taken, but do the additional teachers he picks up cover the folks he is going to lose from the ‘unions are evil’ wing?
- Rich Miller - Friday, Feb 21, 14 @ 10:32 am:
Cinci, the IEA was opposed to the bill. So, Dillard had his input.
- downstate hack - Friday, Feb 21, 14 @ 10:36 am:
Dillard remains the only hope to defeat Quinn, but republican primary voters will not realize this and will ensure another term for an amazing inept governor.
- OneMan - Friday, Feb 21, 14 @ 10:37 am:
the thing it is is says input, does input mean agreement?
So is he saying I couldn’t vote for a pension bill the IEA didn’t agree with or just couldn’t vote for one they didn’t have a say in?
- Walker - Friday, Feb 21, 14 @ 10:47 am:
Just when Dillard is stating to rebound, he gets IEA making him look bad.
IEA’s arguments and ideas were fully considered by the pension committees in finally creating SB1. They were just seen as ultimately unsupportable. Is that “input” in Dillard’s eyes?
In IEA’s eyes, no matter how seriously their input was actually considered, unless the final bill agrees with it, there was no “input.”
IEA are the most extreme of all unions in this regard. They also are the most misleading to their own members, (matched perhaps only by ISRA), about what is actually in a bill.
- Chicago Cynic - Friday, Feb 21, 14 @ 10:47 am:
Wow - his opponents couldn’t have asked for a better flyer for a Republican Primary. They should hope this get printed in large quantity and mailed throughout the state. Can’t see how this flyer will help Dillard. Obviously he’s hoping they put real cash in the race, but if their cash is tied to anything like this, it’s more than a bit unhelpful.
- Downstate - Friday, Feb 21, 14 @ 10:53 am:
I agree - the photo does a disservice.
Not to be picky, but French cuffs aren’t that popular in Central Illinois - looks a little like “House of Cards”
Also - does this mean the IEA will be supporting Dillard in the General election?
- Reformed Public Servant - Friday, Feb 21, 14 @ 10:56 am:
The Arizona Supreme Court decision from this week is ANOTHER SOLID REASON for Dillard’s vote. This IL bill is unconstitutional.
- A guy... - Friday, Feb 21, 14 @ 10:56 am:
Kirk Dillard: “It’s sour grapes on the part of Mr. Brady, I have a long, long history in interest in public education,” Dillard responded Tuesday. “The IEA support is much much more than my pension vote.” […]
**he adds “I also have a long, long history of earning no interest on my money since I’ve spent it months and years before it comes in”. Did I mention Jim Edgar didn’t let me manage his campaign finances. He’s been out of office for decades and still has campaign money. HMMMM.
- Anon - Friday, Feb 21, 14 @ 10:59 am:
Dillard voted against SB2404 which did have union input. He voted for the original SB1 and SB35 which didn’t have union input…
- wordslinger - Friday, Feb 21, 14 @ 11:01 am:
That’s been an interesting dynamic in the Rauner campaign.
Obviously, there are a lot of politically engaged GOP voters who are members of public employee unions and have pension concerns.
Can you just launch a full-frontal attack on them in a GOP primary and succeed? So far, it’s looking good.
- CicrcularFiringSquad - Friday, Feb 21, 14 @ 11:06 am:
1. IEA usually thought of a big suburban GOP union
2. we think teachers had union way before ‘83…D-lard and Big Jim were giving away the store to the overworked state work force
- Upon Further Review - Friday, Feb 21, 14 @ 11:07 am:
IEA has supported Kirk Dillard in the past. He was endorsed by IEA in 2010 also. Dillard’s father was a school teacher.
- YO - Friday, Feb 21, 14 @ 11:09 am:
Firstly, the “pension problem” exists because of a revenue problem. If the cash had been there from fair taxation for services provided, there would have been no raiding of the pension funds. Reference IMRF If you don’t believe that. But more than that, I really want to know why there is not one word of mention of the AZ court ruling in the Chicago Tribune?
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Feb 21, 14 @ 11:15 am:
Lots of teachers and their spouses are Republican primary voters. Particularly in the collar counties and downstate Illinois. Particularly in the IEA.
The Brady and Rauner rants remind me of Bob Dole, circa 1996, “Where is the outrage!?!”
Well, fellas, look at the poll numbers. Voters like teachers a heckuva lot more than politicians.
Just ask Rahm.
- Wumpus - Friday, Feb 21, 14 @ 11:20 am:
I see this as Kirk Blowhard is not a partisan hack. He is someone who can work across the aisle to get stuff done. We see how well running hard R’s works. At least Blowhard has a record.
- A guy... - Friday, Feb 21, 14 @ 11:29 am:
There are a lot of IEA and Retired members in the suburbs. I haven’t heard anyone opine that they might not be in lockstep with the IEA union leadership and see a failing pension system as a serious threat. They aren’t all with their union on this.
- too obvious - Friday, Feb 21, 14 @ 11:43 am:
Dillard flipped and sold-out on pension reform in exchange for union money.
- RNUG - Friday, Feb 21, 14 @ 11:52 am:
“…why there is not one word of mention of the AZ court ruling in the Chicago Tribune? ”
Denial runs deep; they’re still in shock that you can’t run government like a business and just steal the pensions …
- Downstater - Friday, Feb 21, 14 @ 1:28 pm:
I have not heard one retired teacher union member of current teacher say they support the pension reforms passed. Voting on general Republican principles changes, when you own ox is being gored.
- fed up - Friday, Feb 21, 14 @ 1:37 pm:
Downstater, which Republican principle are you claiming is driving Pension theft.
- VanillaMan - Friday, Feb 21, 14 @ 2:31 pm:
I just don’t think this matters at all. Brady supporters aren’t going to jump ship over this endorsement. Different demographics.