More anti-Rauner mail from Teamsters, Shearer
Thursday, Mar 13, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Illinois Review has been posting mail sent by anti Bruce Rauner organizations. Check out the Teamsters’ mailer by clicking here.
* And Steve Shearer’s union-funded Fund for Progress and Jobs sent a pro-life mailer attacking Rauner to GOP households…

* Shearer recently changed his PAC’s name, dropping the word “Republican” from the beginning. That may be because of a cease and desist letter he received from the Illinois Republican Party a few weeks ago…
As you know, the State Party is vested with the authority to authorize an organization’s use of the word “Republican” in Illinois, and we take the use of the name seriously. In fact, on January 18, 2014, the Illinois Republican State Central Committee voted unanimously to authorize a review of the Committee’s use of the name “Republican,” and to resort to all legal means to protect the interests of the Illinois Republican Party.
Dissembling under a “Republican” cloak with our misappropriated trademarks is a deception consistent with the politics of dishonesty and dissembling which that has brought our great state to its current crossroads.
Accordingly, we insist that the Committee cease and desist using the word “Republican” in the name of the Committee. This can be easily accomplished by filing an appropriate amendment with the Illinois State Board of Elections. Further, we insist that the Committee cease and desist using the elephant mark on any future communications.
Further, we demand that you remedy the damage the Committee has caused by sending a mailing to the recipients of your recent pamphlet forthrightly disclosing your funding sources and your partners in your “shock and awe” effort. The Committee’s failure to comply with this request will force the State Party to consider all legal remedies.
I asked Shearer via e-mail last night if he intended to comply with that second demand. I’ll let you know if he responds.
* Meanwhile…
The committee launched by former U.S. Rep. Aaron Schock’s ex-chief of staff lives for another day in its effort to keep ads rotating on air in favor of state Sen. Kirk Dillard.
Steve Shearer, who chairs the Fund for Progress and Jobs committee, tells the Chicago Sun-Times that the Chicago Federation of Labor on Wednesday wired over a donation that will keep his efforts afloat at least for another day. Shearer did not immediately disclose the size of the contribution, however, the money will be enough as of now to keep his efforts to boost Dillard active through Friday. (The Chicago Federation of Labor later said that $50,000 went to Shearer for use in anti-Rauner efforts and not to endorse any candidate in the primary.)
Shearer’s PAC hasn’t filed an A-1 in about a week.
- Nonplussed - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 1:24 pm:
Pro-lifers sure know how to swaddle!
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 1:25 pm:
I said weeks ago that every day this race wasn’t about abortion was a day Dillard wasted. He’s wasted plenty since them.
What was the point of working so hard to get all of the pro-lifers on your side (Jill Stanek excepted) if you weren’t planning on deploying them? Sure, you risk alienating a lot of women in the general election, but you aren’t going to make it to the general unless you expose Rauner as a baby-killing, free contraceptives, anti abstinence-only education, pro-Emily’s list candidate.
At least Shearer gets it. Too bad it’s a month too late.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 1:32 pm:
With respect to…
The Teamsters, Mr. Shearer;
Until I hear 8,000 Polling Places are going to be covered and running “Pluses” all Election Day, this is almost all “too little, too late” to see as impactful.
We are 5 days out; The “Message” saturation part was months ago. Y’all missed the memo.
- Norseman - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 1:33 pm:
Shearer should tell Dorgan to stick his 2nd demand in his ear.
- Norseman - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 1:35 pm:
Alas, everyone’s point about timing is so right.
- wordslinger - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 1:35 pm:
–Too bad it’s a month too late.–
All the anti-Rauner efforts have been months late, whether from the other candidates or the unions.
Geez, were these guys not paying attention to his fundraising and media buys? You need repetition in media, and lots of it, to compete with a guy like that.
They should have been ready to come out blasting after New Year’s if they were serious about slowing him down. (Except, the Other 3 apparently spent the last three years running for governor without locking down any real money; I don’t understand that at all).
They’ve all been out-hustled. No sympathy here.
- too obvious - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 2:00 pm:
IL GOP Chair Jack Dorgan pretending to be gatekeeper on use of the word “Republican.” Pretty rich.
And what about making Rauner atone for all the damage done by the hundreds of thousands of dollars he’s given to liberal Democrats over the years? Or what about the “damage” Rauner did when he pulled a D ballot in 2006?
It’s all beyond silly in any case. “Republican” and “Democrat” cannot be trademarked. It is simply false as a matter of law that the the State Party is “vested with the authority to authorize an organization’s use of the word ‘Republican’ in Illinois.” Completely false. And even the RNC’s legal department has weighed in on this and would totally disagree with the IL GOP. No one owns the word “Republican.” This was settled long, long ago.
- lake county democrat - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 2:06 pm:
You mean Rauner is going to have to play down the opposition of Karen Lewis AND the Teamsters? He might as well fold the tent now.
- Wumpus - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 2:07 pm:
Will the “republicans, wink wink ™” get behind Rauner assuming he will win?
- A guy... - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 2:10 pm:
Dillard has burnt his bridge with much of the Pro Life community. Bill Brady thanks Mr. Shearer for his ad.
- Walker - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 2:28 pm:
The demand to disclose by mail all funders and supporters, would never be followed by the IL or national GOP. They invented the hidden funder, fake charity, superPAC game. Then when reviewed for this potential tax fraud by the IRS, they claim unfair targeting. Who’s he kidding?
- Demoralized - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 2:39 pm:
Was anybody that votes solely on the abortion issue going to vote for Rauner anyway?
- fed up - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 2:46 pm:
Unfortunatley, abortion is the one issue I agree with Rauner on. The Gop needs to move on from the abortion BS. Its an issue thats already been decided.
- Precinct Captain - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 3:30 pm:
==Geez, were these guys not paying attention to his fundraising and media buys? You need repetition in media, and lots of it, to compete with a guy like that.==
The ILGOP isn’t the best and brightest, as many know. However, the other 3 candidates may not have expected Rauner to work as hard hoovering up every megadonor possible. Still, they should have been hammering Rauner on this every chance possible in debates and interviews.
- Wensicia - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 3:38 pm:
Just goes to show you, ideology doesn’t mean anything without money behind it.
- Upon Further Review - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 3:41 pm:
Hard to see Dorgan of “Team Rosemont” leading the party. EEEGAD!
- Rachel - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 4:35 pm:
Dorgan–the man who gave Blagojevich $500 in 2002 and nothing to Jim Ryan. This, after working for the IL House GOP as a top aid. Dorgan has zero principles and is the LAST Republican in the state to lecture anyone. First, this is a primary and though many gave the race to Rauner long ago, it ain’t over. The IL GOP is STILL in debt and has a lot more to worry about than covering for Rauner in the primary.
Rauner STILL has a 64% of Republicans not buying his phony message.
- allknowingmasterofracoondom - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 5:04 pm:
Shearer should start looking for a job outside of this state. Rauner going to win it all.
- Just The Way It Is One - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 9:04 pm:
He might as well get used to this…’cuz the out-and-out and UNrelenting POUNDing this guy is going/about to be subjected to on a daily basis starting in earnest March 19th–the day AFter he gets what he BOUGHT–and a Beat-Down unPRECedented in its’ persistent, ruthless nature and scope for the next 7 1/2 months, prefacing/until the Crumbling Process of his candidacy inevitably takes place by the REAL Election in November marking his agonizing Defeat, and hasty (finally!) departure from the Public Eye throughout our Vast and Beloved Home State once and for all, from the heretofore uninvited limelight…is really only about to begin!!!
- Upon Further Review - Thursday, Mar 13, 14 @ 9:38 pm:
I am surprised that in terms of mailings to date, I have received only “two” Rauner pieces. The majority of mailers that I have received are anti-Rauner and pro-Dillard. Nothing from Brady or Rutherford.
I would be interested to learn if Rutherford has suspended campaign spending despite his refusal to withdraw? Is he saving his money for something in the future?