*** UPDATED x1 *** MJM on Rauner
Tuesday, Mar 25, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Speaker Madigan recently talked about how he came to know Bruce Rauner, and how he informed Rauner that quite a few House Republicans were on the other side of Rauner’s education reform push…
“We’ve met over the years, it’s not that we’ve had a recent meeting. We’ve known each other for several years. The first meeting we had was concerned with education. We met concerning a group called Stand For Children which he was involved with, he was involved in fundraising for Stand for Children. When I learned of his interest in education and Stand for Children, I asked for a meeting with him. We had a very lengthy discussion about education, education funding.”
Bruce Rauner, the GOP’s 2014 gubernatorial candidate is credited with bringing the state chapter of Stand for Children to Illinois in 2010. Right away the group became actively involved in Illinois political campaigns. During the 2010 election cycle, the bipartisan group - funded by donors including members of the Lester Crowne family, the Pritzkers and the Chicago Tribune owner Sam Zell - raised nearly $5 million, of which $110,000 went to Madigan-backed candidates. In 2011, the group gave $50,000 directly to the Illinois Democratic Party of Illinois, of which Madigan is chairman.
“I made an effort to explain that there were plenty of Republicans in the Illinois legislature that were interested in the positions of people in the Illinois Education Association, the Illinois Federation of Teachers. I gave him some documents showing that, so he was appreciative of the information,” Madigan said of his meeting with Rauner.
*** UPDATE *** I suppose this passes for informed comment at the Wall Street Journal…
The speaker knows which switches and levers to pull and has grown accustomed to running the machine, even with Republican governors nominally at the helm. No Democratic legislator gets elected without his blessing.
Our sources say that Mr. Madigan is petrified that Mr. Rauner will usurp him. Since Mr. Rauner isn’t beholden to the Democratic boss or labor unions, he wouldn’t be afraid to use his veto pen or as disposed to cut deals. We’re also told that Mr. Rauner knows where the skeletons are buried in Springfield. And unlike past Republican nominees, Mr. Rauner isn’t afraid to play hard ball. While Democrats may portray the businessman as Mitt Romney in training, Mr. Rauner has sharper political instincts more akin to Scott Brown.
“No Democratic legislator gets elected without his blessing”? Maybe somebody should talk to Will Guzzardi.
- Bill White - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 10:24 am:
This article remains a truly vital piece of the puzzle. IMHO
- the Patriot - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 10:30 am:
Sort of sums up the real problem with education in IL. Madigan only sees education as a political bargaining chip. The unions only see self preservation as the first priority, protecting members is two, and education is 3rd at best. Most of our education laws are intended to protect the unions and democrats with the kids somewhere down the line.
The problem is not the teacher’s collective bargaining rights, it is the unions fear losing power.
If think I am wrong, convince me what we are doing is working or show me any articulable plan to even attempt to change by the unions or democrats.
We know we are failing, but we have no intention to modify what we are doing. Welcome to Madigan’s IL.
- Walker - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 10:33 am:
Ah. So once again the party labels do not match up to the expected positions.
Some GOP’s for IEA, some Dems for school reforms and charters. MJM takes the lead on some conservative efforts. Cross on some liberal ones.
Why many out-of-staters, and followers of national party talking points, don’t get Illinois government.
- justsayin' - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 10:34 am:
So - just throwing this out - does Madigan want a Rauner victory so he can keep the unions at his beck and call?
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 10:35 am:
===“I made an effort to explain that there were plenty of Republicans in the Illinois legislature that were interested in the positions of people in the Illinois Education Association, the Illinois Federation of Teachers. I gave him some documents showing that, so he was appreciative of the information,” Madigan said of his meeting with Rauner.===
“I got what I wanted from you, Bruce. You keep pushing and thinking I will do all you want. Here is a list of possible lemmings on the GOP side. Go in peace, or just go. Thanks for the cash, we’re done here” …(?)
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 10:37 am:
$160,000 to Madigan candidates and the Illinois Democratic Party.
Man, I wish my meetings turned out like that.
- VanillaMan - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 10:40 am:
It just has to gall the old man that his milk cow decided it was time to drink his own milk and choose where the milk went instead of letting him give it to the fat cows who refused to be milked.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 10:53 am:
===We’re also told that Mr. Rauner knows where the skeletons are buried in Springfield.===
Tom Hagen makes a great Consigliere. Tom Hagen being a governor, at Fredo’s Brothel, not a good Executive Branch, Co-Equal partner…
- Johnny Q. Suburban - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 10:57 am:
Hm. The Economist had an article yesterday about Rauner-Madigan as well.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 10:59 am:
===Mr. Rauner isn’t afraid to play hard ball…===
Two points;
The General Assembly a Gov. Rauner will face will be solidly Democratically controlled, Co-Equal, and hard ball against Co-Equal leads to shutdowns, Blago stunts, and gridlock.
That Pesky Constitution….===..,he wouldn’t be afraid to use his veto pen or as disposed to cut deals…=== and playing hard ball while cutting deals in in complete contrast of not being able to be bought, or playing hard ball. Actually, it’s in complete contrast, and might not be constitutional the manner a Gov. Rauner sees his governing style.
Glad to see the Wall Street Journal got the talking points from the Rauner Crew…verbatim. lol.
- PublicServant - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 11:00 am:
The WSJ editorializes just like Rauner’s say-nothing soundbites:
Rauner - Not beholden to MM or Unions, not afraid to veto, not afraid to play hard ball, knows where the skeletons are buried.
The ability to babel for an entire paragraph of soundbites with no there there is getting old. Maybe they’d like to flesh out a couple of things like what those skeletons might be, when the veto pen will be used, what playing hard ball means, etc.
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 11:05 am:
I wonder whether Will Guzzardi will get a bill passed without Madigan’s blessing.
- RNUG - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 11:07 am:
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 10:59 am:
IF the Dems can muster enough votes to override any veto, they can pass anything they agree on … and will be a bit more than co-equal to the Gov. The one thing the Dems won’t be able to control is the method of implementation of any bill.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 11:14 am:
- RNUG -,
I didn’t want to go “there”.
I thought about that right after both MJM and Cullerton taking their Veto- Proofed Chambers to Quinn in 2012…
Since 2012, Quinn tried to take the salaries away from the GA. Imagine a Gov. Rauner with a Veto-Proofed GA… Democratic.
Enter “Raunerite Caucus”…
It’s like watching a slo-mo car crash…
With ya - RNUG -, just didn’t want to go “there”…yet.
- cicero - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 11:14 am:
== show me any plans for change by the Democrats ==
Let’s start with SB 1, Madigan’s pension bill, which was strongly opposed by the unions. Most Dems voted for it, while most Republicans were opposed.
- Eugene - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 11:18 am:
Somebody should tell Mike Smiddy also that you can’t get elected without the Speaker’s help. Plus, Democrats are beholden to the unions? Obviously the WSJ editors don’t pay attention to the news, which I would think would be a problem in their line of work.
- Timmeh - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 11:21 am:
If Rauner knows where the skeletons are buried in Springfield and he knows that half the General Assembly is corrupt, why hasn’t he told the FBI?
- wordslinger - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 11:25 am:
–Obviously the WSJ editors don’t pay attention to the news, which I would think would be a problem in their line of work.–
Where the editorial writers at the WSJ get their information has been one of journalism’s great mysteries for decades. They clearly don’t read the WSJ news pages.
- Hey There - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 11:27 am:
“No Democratic legislator gets elected without his blessing”?
What about Mike Smiddy?
- Downstater - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 11:29 am:
Rauner wins in November and brings along newly elected Republican legislators to Springfield. Rauner has the cash to make that happen. Democrats no longer have veto proof majorities. Rauner appoints people to run the agencies and has great control of how money gets allocated and watched. Rauner is a bright guy.
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 11:30 am:
=== While Democrats may portray the businessman as Mitt Romney in training, Mr. Rauner has sharper political instincts more akin to Scott Brown. ===
That’s FORMER Senator Brown?
Look, we already know that Rauner has been telling folks privately that he can “work” with Madigan.
This fantasy that conservatives keep feeding themselves that Rauner is somehow going to deliver the GOP from the wilderness is absurd.
Didn’t they get the Pivot Memo?
And it ain’t just Madigan anymore. While he’s outflanking you, John Cullerton is marching straight at the castle doors with a battering ram.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 11:37 am:
===Rauner wins in November and brings along newly elected Republican legislators to Springfield.===
And they are?
Looking at the GA races in November, not seeing a huge wave, today.
Further, that “Raunerite PAC” is about supporting Raunerite candidates, not GOP Candidates. Please learn.
===Rauner appoints people to run the agencies and has great control of how money gets allocated and watched…===
Stu…. Levine?
That Rauner is so smart, he can’t even remember who his company hires.
===Rauner has the cash to make that happen. Democrats no longer have veto proof majorities.===
Rauner can’t be bought, but will buy and sell legislators… Bribes???
Wishing away a Veto-Proof majorities isn’t getting it done, “.01%” persona notwithstanding.
Drinking Kool-Aid is fun. When you want to join us in reality, “we” will be here…
- Been There - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 11:40 am:
===Our sources say that Mr. Madigan is petrified that Mr. Rauner will usurp him.====
Petrified has a couple of definitions. Being to terrified to move is one. Changed into a stony substance is another. If they are referring to the second definition then maybe. The first? not a chance.
- Chicago Cynic - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 11:41 am:
Can always count on the WSJ editorial page for reasoned analysis.
- Bill White - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 11:45 am:
The underlying educational reality is that charter schools and vouchers work for a small handful of privileged children while the vast majority of children get left behind.
At the same time, connected insiders make a great deal of money at taxpayer expense.
Stand for Children (or Stand ON Children to use the Diane Ravitch phrase) is simply another group looking to slurp at the taxpayer funded gravy boat.
- David Ormsby - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 11:51 am:
–Our sources say that Mr. Madigan…–
Could you imagine any Illinois news outlet, which is not looking to be laughed out of the press room, claim that they have “sources” who know what the Speaker is actually thinking?
- ZC - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 11:54 am:
“Hardball.” “Won’t play ball.” “Shake up Springfield.” “Get tough.” “Knows where the skeletons are buried.”
Does anyone have a clue what Rauner would actually -do- in Springfield as governor, beyond these vague, vaguely testosterone-infused platitudes?
- write - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 11:55 am:
I was just curious who wrote the WSJ piece. She’s overly qualified…
Allysia Finley is an assistant editor of OpinionJournal.com and producer of the editorial page’s Opinion Journal Live online video show. She also writes editorials and contributes to the Journal’s e-mailed newsletter, Political Diary.
Ms. Finley joined The Wall Street Journal in 2009 after graduating from Stanford University with a bachelor’s degree in American Studies. During college, she edited the opinions section for The Stanford Review and wrote columns for The Orange County Register.
- George H. - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 12:00 pm:
Add Kelly Burke to the list of Dems who recently won without Madigan’s blessing..
But the WSJ is correct about one thing, Rauner does know where some of the bodies are buried…he was involved in one of the burials. Stu Levine.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 12:02 pm:
Well, if she is from Stanford, came from the Orange County Register, and has a solid 5 years out in the real world, she HAS to understand Illinois politics, with those hand fed talking points to boot.
Look, there are ridiculously talented reporters and columnists. What passes off as Talking Points, wrapped around an Agenda Slant, from a writer with sparse external-looking knowledge of Illinois of her politics… that specific instance deserves a good mocking.
Did sourced tell her MJM has been know to prefer Apples at times?
- Bill White - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 12:04 pm:
- ZC - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 11:54 am:
“Hardball.” “Won’t play ball.” “Shake up Springfield.” “Get tough.” “Knows where the skeletons are buried.”
Does anyone have a clue what Rauner would actually -do- in Springfield as governor, beyond these vague, vaguely testosterone-infused platitudes?
My theory regarding the underlying narrative is this:
Back in 2011 Bruce Rauner went to Springfield with Stand for Children and came away thinking he had purchased some politicians.
However in true “Jesse Unruh fashion” those politicians Rauner thought he bought refused to stay purchased.
Bruce Rauner was annoyed by that and wants to go back to Springfield to foreclose on his prior investment.
- Just Observing - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 12:08 pm:
=== I wonder whether Will Guzzardi will get a bill passed without Madigan’s blessing. ===
Guzzardi’s not the first person to beat out a Madigan-backed candidate. They all quickly fall into line and vote for Madigan for Speaker.
- Agricola - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 12:12 pm:
==Rauner wins in November and brings along newly elected Republican legislators to Springfield==
Interesting, please identify the specific races in which you think that these members will be elected.
- Downstater - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 12:13 pm:
=Looking at the GA races in November, not seeing a huge wave, today.
Further, that “Raunerite PAC” is about supporting Raunerite candidates, not GOP Candidates. Please learn.
===Rauner appoints people to run the agencies and has great control of how money gets allocated and watched…===
Stu…. Levine?
That Rauner is so smart, he can’t even remember who his company hires.
===Rauner has the cash to make that happen. Democrats no longer have veto proof majorities.===
Rauner can’t be bought, but will buy and sell legislators… Bribes???=
Oswego Willy your obviously not as smart as Rauner. You opposed Rauner. He won. You gave advice and lectured the other 3 and they lost. not good.
I not talking about the Republicans taking over the senate and house, but just a few more seats to take away the veto proof majorities. It’s early in the campaign. Rauner’s campaign may be looking at Republicans to help financially. Of Course, you may have the inside dope on what is going on in their meetings.
And Stu Levine. I don’t think he is available, but I am sure Rauner, along with the smart folks running his campaign, will be able to find some good people to run the agencies.
- Agricola - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 12:19 pm:
==I not talking about the Republicans taking over the senate and house, but just a few more seats to take away the veto proof majorities. It’s early in the campaign. Rauner’s campaign may be looking at Republicans to help financially.==
It doesn’t have to be a change of party for both chambers, I’m just interested in where you see the potential for change in the G.A.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 12:23 pm:
===Oswego Willy your obviously not as smart as Rauner. You opposed Rauner. He won. You gave advice and lectured the other 3 and they lost. not good.===
How does that factor in to how smart I am. Unlike you, I guess, I never expect anyone to take any advice I give. Further, I was not part if any of the 3 campaigns. Why make it about me?
===“We’re gonna raise a PAC, we’re gonna raise a fund dedicated to the state Legislature, members of both parties who take the tough votes. We’ve gotta protect the members who take tough votes.===
Please learn. It’s not Republican, it’s Raunerites Rauner is going to support.
You are falling for the “fake” Rauner and his Crew wants the lemmings to buy; GOP Comeback.
Nope. Rauner buying his own Caucus, to match his Hivernor ’s Mansion.
I may not be smart, but I can read remarks.
- Retired Educator - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 12:23 pm:
I’m a retired educator and yes my pension maybe might get get dinged. But you know what, I’m tired of Quinn, Madigan and Cullerton. I’m tired of Springfield doing nothing! No all but some of my retired friends and I are going with Rauner come November. May get worse, may not!! Tired of voting for those already hate public employees.
- VanillaMan - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 12:40 pm:
Our sources say that Mr. Madigan is petrified that Mr. Rauner will usurp him.
If Michael J. Madigan gets petrified - how would we know?
- Chicago guy - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 1:02 pm:
MJM will make Rauner look like fool.
- Grandson of Man - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 1:18 pm:
“We’re also told that Mr. Rauner knows where the skeletons are buried”
You don’t dig up ours and we won’t dig up yours.
“Didn’t they get the Pivot Memo?”
It will be interesting to see how long Rauner stays pivoted, and how much. I hope he stays pivoted all the way, and do the tough bi-partisan manager persona, the third Rauner. He is loaded with cash and may have some independence to not be beholden.
Do it, Bruce. Be your own person. Forget the Kochs and IPI, and every other special interest, corporate and union.
- Old and in the Way - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 1:30 pm:
Retired Educator
Maybe your pension gets ‘dinged’? Sir, you have already been robbed at least once! Whether you realize it or not you have already lost hundreds of thousands of dollars! Oh, and speaking of hating state workers you need to read up on your boy Raunner! You are not worthy ,as far as he is concerned, of ANY pension! You vote for the .09% percenter and you deserve what you get, more accurately what you won’t get…..the pension you worked for!
- MOON - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 1:41 pm:
Great line.
Everytime I spoke with Madigan I felt I was talking to an Indian.
Many times his responses were UGH…..Uh uh
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 1:53 pm:
Retired educator. . . your pension might get dinged? According to Rauner’s recent comments, he would like to freeze it permanently. His sledgehammer is aimed directly at your pension and he would like to do more that “ding” it.
Many of us will lose nearly a third of our earnings if the recent legislation is upheld. A vote for Rauner for a public employee or retiree is, in essence, saying, “Thank you, sir, may I have another?”
- Jeanne Dough - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 1:54 pm:
Anonymous @ 1:53 was me.
- Anon - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 1:55 pm:
If the GOP is going to pick up seats, where are they? Won’t be in the Senate, so must be in the House? Which ones? None in Chicago, so must be in the ‘burbs or downstate. Talk is cheap.
- Retired Blue Collar Republican - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 1:59 pm:
“I’m a retired educator and yes my pension maybe might get get dinged. But you know what, I’m tired of Quinn, Madigan and Cullerton. I’m tired of Springfield doing nothing! No all but some of my retired friends and I are going with Rauner come November. May get worse, may not!! Tired of voting for those already hate public employees.”
I’m a retired blue collar Republican. I’m tired of how my party is attacking the working class and stripping unions all over the place. I’m tired that my party is being taken over by greedy billionaires. I’m going to vote for Quinn this election, to show that I stand up for the little guy and gal. My friends and family are going to do the same.
- Don't Reply - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 2:37 pm:
Aspen and Stand are elite groups that contain right and left, why do you still buy this false paradigm, there is only commoners and elites. Madigan and Rauner have all the same friends and ideas, you just haven’t figured this out or seek to keep the divide and conquer going. Diana and Quinn, Bruce and Rahm, hellooooooo the elites are all together. They play pretend. Why do you think IL is so controlled?
- flea - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 3:46 pm:
Whoever wrote the WSJ drivel ought to look up the word “petrified”. I expect Speaker Madigan is not……
- Rod - Tuesday, Mar 25, 14 @ 3:49 pm:
Yes the statement by WSJ claiming it was told ” that Mr. Rauner knows where the skeletons are buried in Springfield. And unlike past Republican nominees, Mr. Rauner isn’t afraid to play hard ball,” is very problematic. I have to assume Rauner’s staff made this type of comment, Rauner has also come very close to saying this publicly.
For a politician to say they will use buried skeletons to further his politician agenda is incredibly dangerous, and Mr. Rauner is now a politician. Some times it is better not to know the sorted histories of those you may be forced as part of the political process to make deals with. It is called plausible denial and can protect ones political reputation. If Rauner is going to exploit the skeletons of his own party in Springfield then he will have few friends indeed. If he thinks he can out only Democrat skeletons in Springfield the media will give him a chilly reception. This approach of outing politicians in order to get your way is the stuff of the “House of Cards” not every day deal making in Springfield.