Pat Boone backs candidate here
Thursday, Jul 10, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Daily Herald…
Legendary singer Pat Boone, famous for hit songs in the 1950s and 1960s, praised Republican Larry Kaifesh of Carpentersville for Congress Tuesday on behalf of a national organization for seniors.
“I’m still singing at concerts, but today I’m singing the praises of Larry Kaifesh,” Boone said in a statement from the group, the 60 Plus Association. “Seniors can depend on Larry Kaifesh.”
Kaifesh is running for Congress against Democratic U.S. Rep. Tammy Duckworth of Hoffman Estates in the 8th Congressional District.
The organization gave Kaifesh an award that it said is given to politicians with voting records that benefit seniors. Kaifesh, a U.S. Marine veteran, is making his first run for office.
* Did you know that Pat Boone covered “Crazy Train?” I kid you not…
- CirularFiringSquad - Thursday, Jul 10, 14 @ 2:35 pm:
Is Pat Boone still alive?
Bet we were not the only ones asking that ?
Speaking of the dead why is no one carrying the Durkie news conference live?
- 47th Ward - Thursday, Jul 10, 14 @ 2:37 pm:
You’re a cruel man Miller. There ought to be a warning against clicking on that link.
- VanillaMan - Thursday, Jul 10, 14 @ 2:38 pm:
My grandparents loved Pat Boone.
If they were alive, they would vote for a candidate he endorses!
- OneMan - Thursday, Jul 10, 14 @ 2:38 pm:
He did a whole album of metal and other stuff…
Also Enter Sandman…
Added Bonus Do Ho singing shock the monkey
- DuPage Rep - Thursday, Jul 10, 14 @ 2:39 pm:
I never knew Ozzy Osbourne wrote such meaningful lyrics.
- Linus - Thursday, Jul 10, 14 @ 2:44 pm:
I agree, 47th - and yet, there is that “PARENTAL ADVISORY” label that only begins to hint at the horrors awaiting listeners.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Jul 10, 14 @ 2:46 pm:
Catch Pat Boone in “Roger and Me” singing his Chevrolet song. Yikes.
Pat Boone is a demographic sweet spot endorser… in 1973.
But, at least he cares enough to participate, which is more than I can say for (insert name here).
- train111 - Thursday, Jul 10, 14 @ 2:49 pm:
Pat Boone is on the nutjob crazy train too, with his questioning Obama’s birth certificate, saying he’s a Marxist and all the other goofy trappings we’d expect to hear out of a Donald Trump. If Kaifesh has a prayer, he’d stay away from that kind of goofy endorsement.
- Grandson of Man - Thursday, Jul 10, 14 @ 2:52 pm:
“* Did you know that Pat Boone covered “Crazy Train?” I kid you not…”
I actually bought the album, for a novelty. My old lady hated it. She thought Boone desecrated classic songs. I didn’t care for Boone’s vocals, but I loved the swinging band behind him. I loved hearing those songs in a jazzy style.
Paul Anka did a very good jazzy version of a Nirvana tune.
I heard great bluegrass versions of Sabbath tunes. I love Black Sabbath very much, and well as the Ozzy solo albums with the late, great guitarist Randy Rhoads.
- Chicago Cynic - Thursday, Jul 10, 14 @ 3:08 pm:
Pat Boone is alive - well you learn something new everyday here on the CapFax blog.
- He makes Ryan Look Like a Saint - Thursday, Jul 10, 14 @ 3:09 pm:
The other day I heard Pat Boone cover “Stairway to Heaven”, I nearly shot my drink out of my nose!
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 10, 14 @ 3:13 pm:
Ah, Pat Boone. White Bucks, glass of milk, and a flask in his pocket. Actually, he and Allen Ludden were top competitors at the National Geometric Association convention. A toss up as to which was the “Worlds Most Perfect Square”
- D.P.Gumby - Thursday, Jul 10, 14 @ 3:15 pm:
Pat Boone first celebrity endorser ever “convicted” for consumer fraud by FTC for hawking an acne product and paid significant fine.
- Bring Back Boone's - Thursday, Jul 10, 14 @ 3:17 pm:
That’s one cover I didn’t see coming…
- The Prince - Thursday, Jul 10, 14 @ 3:19 pm:
Pat Boone also covered “Long Tall Sally” in the 50s.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Jul 10, 14 @ 3:26 pm:
Pat Boone is to rock what Shiela Simon is to campaigning
- Precinct Captain - Thursday, Jul 10, 14 @ 3:26 pm:
When I first heard Pat Boone did In A Metal Mood, I picked up a copy and I listened to the whole thing. I haven’t listened since.
- Springfieldish - Thursday, Jul 10, 14 @ 3:32 pm:
Good Lord! Boone is Richard Cheese without the sense of humor.
- Midstate Indy - Thursday, Jul 10, 14 @ 3:33 pm:
That crazy, crazy train is the swingingest thing I’ve heard since Lawrence Welk. Sweet tune, man, sweet tune.
- walker - Thursday, Jul 10, 14 @ 3:40 pm:
They give awards for prospective voting records as well? Cool.
- paddyrollingtone - Thursday, Jul 10, 14 @ 3:43 pm:
That’s quite an endorsement! Here’s the man in his own words:
What troubles me so deeply, and should trouble all thinking Americans, is that there is a real, unbroken line between the jihadist savagery in Mumbai and the hedonistic, irresponsible, blindly selfish goals and tactics of our homegrown sexual jihadists. Hate is hate, no matter where it erupts. And by its very nature, if it’s not held in check, it will escalate into acts vile, violent and destructive.
- A guy... - Thursday, Jul 10, 14 @ 3:45 pm:
- Pius - Thursday, Jul 10, 14 @ 9:03 pm:
I too have a copy of Mr. Boone’s attempt at Metal….but I (and my spouse) have never been able to listen to more than about 2.5 songs at a time!