*** UPDATED x1 - Rauner response *** This just in… Illinois Supreme Court denies Rauner appeal
Friday, Aug 22, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller * 3:16 pm - The Illinois Supreme Court has just denied Bruce Rauner’s appeal of the appellate court’s ruling that his term limits amendment is unconstitutional. The Court also ruled that his motion to stay today’s ballot certification is moot. Basically, what the Supremes just said was, we already killed that term limits thing in 1994. Go away, kid, you bother me. The ruling… ![]() *** UPDATE *** Rauner response…
- Federalist - Friday, Aug 22, 14 @ 3:24 pm:
I believe in term limits and I am sorry for this to be struck down. I would like to see no more than 12 years of total elected office AND no lobbying for at least 10 years after leaving office.
- Anonymous - Friday, Aug 22, 14 @ 3:24 pm:
his mouth wrote a check he could not cash
- too obvious - Friday, Aug 22, 14 @ 3:26 pm:
Rauner was for ballot access before he worked against it in the Libertarian’s case.
Pretty awful week for Rauner. Loses on all fronts.
- lake county democrat - Friday, Aug 22, 14 @ 3:27 pm:
Except the Court isn’t just talking to “the kid” - it’s talking to everyone who signed his petition as well as voters who are interested in the issue. Out of respect for them I wish they had included a little bit of explanation, like “expedited appeal is an extraordinary measure, ballots need to be printed, and we see small likelihood of success.”
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Aug 22, 14 @ 3:30 pm:
===Except the Court isn’t just talking to “the kid” - it’s talking to everyone who signed his petition as well as voters who are interested in the issue.===
Then blame Bruce Rauner for duping everyone with language doomed from the start…
- Frenchie Mendoza - Friday, Aug 22, 14 @ 3:34 pm:
Then blame Bruce Rauner for duping everyone with language doomed from the start…
And remind the people who don’t vote to vote.
That’s the version of term limits that Rauner seems to have forgotten. Besides, I don’t want a rich guy telling me who to vote for — and then telling me when I’m no longer able to vote for them.
I’ll make the decisions, not Rauner. Thanks for playing.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Aug 22, 14 @ 3:50 pm:
===“Pat Quinn, Mike Madigan and the Springfield career politicians won today, and the people of Illinois lost. But the people will have the final say. A pro-term limits General Assembly pushed by a pro-term limits Governor can put this critical reform in place any day they want. Illinoisans should have that in mind when they vote this November.”===
Enter: Tom Hagen.
Democrats or Republicans, I’ll take you out…
Republicans…here is your Raunerite
- Wensicia - Friday, Aug 22, 14 @ 3:59 pm:
Since both Rauner and Quinn pushed for term limits, aren’t they both pro-term limits candidates?
- Anonymous - Friday, Aug 22, 14 @ 4:00 pm:
my hero on his iron horse has run into the castle wall on is way to say springfield
- Big Muddy - Friday, Aug 22, 14 @ 4:01 pm:
When is the next ILSC election again? While they followed the law I guarantee that this will be used against whomever is up next.
- Makandadawg - Friday, Aug 22, 14 @ 4:02 pm:
It is fine to campaign and push for issues and legislation but when you loose, move on. Respect the law, the general assembly and the courts. This is no way for a Governor to act.
- LincolnLounger - Friday, Aug 22, 14 @ 4:09 pm:
It is remarkable that the citizens of this state have virtually no means of imposing their beliefs for term limits. And don’t tell me they can elect a legislature that believes in them — that’s a little like an advisory referendum to raise the minimum wage. Cynical and ridiculous.
I suspect that the message of the fight continues by electing Rauner and his legislative allies still helps. Doubt it’s a game-changer as most of those believers already are with him, but it could help with turn-out.
- Roadiepig - Friday, Aug 22, 14 @ 4:09 pm:
“Pat Quinn, Mike Madigan and the Springfield career politicians won today, and the people of Illinois lost. But the people will have the final say. A pro-term limits General Assembly pushed by a pro-term limits Governor can put this critical reform in place any day they want. Illinoisans should have that in mind when they vote this November.”
New commercial idea for Gov. Quimby- get video of Quinn saying the above, then play that snippet of Rauner praising each and every one of them from the McCormick Place announcement from the earlier post on Cap Fax from today.
Flip meet flop. It all just depends where the money is to be made by Rauner…
- Roadiepig - Friday, Aug 22, 14 @ 4:11 pm:
New commercial idea for Gov. Quimby- get video of Rauner saying the above, then play that snippet of Rauner praising each and every one of them from the McCormick Place announcement from the earlier post on Cap Fax from today. .
Sorry - should always proof read…
- Demoralized - Friday, Aug 22, 14 @ 4:23 pm:
==It is remarkable that the citizens of this state have virtually no means of imposing their beliefs for term limits.==
You have a great way to impose your beliefs. They’re called elections. You can kick anybody out of office you want with those.
Term limits are simply a way for those who are unhappy they don’t get their way at the ballot box to force those they are unhappy with out of office.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Aug 22, 14 @ 4:26 pm:
===When is the next ILSC election again? While they followed the law I guarantee that this will be used against whomever is up next.===
So you want Justices who … Don’t…follow the rule of law and the Constitution?
- Yellow Dog Democrat - Friday, Aug 22, 14 @ 4:29 pm:
One quite obvious point:
But for Mike Madigan, reform of McCormick Place so highly praised by Mr Rauner would not have passed.
Mr Rauner made those remarks as an appointee of the ultimate career politician.
Mr Rauner was noticeably quiet earlier in 2010 when the business lobby was working to narrowly defeat the call for a Constitutional Convention…the surest way to impose term limits.
- Skeptic Cal - Friday, Aug 22, 14 @ 4:29 pm:
If people are upset with the Supreme Court decision, keep in mind that their elections are just as politically charged as the Gov. race. And they get 10 year terms where they then get retained without opponents. No one should expect the court to remain politically neutral. Mike Madigan helped plan a Constitution that allowed a few to have great power that could not be challenged by the voters.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Aug 22, 14 @ 4:32 pm:
And let my clarify;
Explaining over and over about a candidate running for ILSC and the term limits legality will be tiring.
Just so I am clear…
- Barry Aldridge - Friday, Aug 22, 14 @ 4:40 pm:
Term limits are a cute idea, but there’s no evidence they produce better legislators or better governments.
I agree with what others have said - term limits are for citizens too lazy to participate in the political process. If you really hate a politician and want to see her out of office, then go and work for their opponent, or run against her yourself. Just showing up on election day is the 2nd laziest thing a citizen can do (the laziest being not voting at all).
- zatoichi - Friday, Aug 22, 14 @ 4:49 pm:
PQ, MM and career pols won today. Translation - ‘I did get what I wanted’. Guess that pesky constitution thing requires serious real effort not just a statement from a wanna-be CEO.
- Anonymous - Friday, Aug 22, 14 @ 5:42 pm:
This just sealed the deal for Rauner’s election as Governor. He will bang this drum all the way to the election. Poll’s show that 75% of the people favor term limits, regardless of whether they eliminate problems in politics, or not. The endless chatter on here about Term Limits and a lack of “evidence they produce better legislators or better governments” is irrelevant. So Rauner will beat the drum all the way to election day. The man is brilliant, because he wins even when he loses the appeal. He da man. Regardless of what the naysayers argue.
- lovecraft - Friday, Aug 22, 14 @ 7:39 pm:
He da demagogue.