Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 - Wrong dates *** IEA pushing early voting
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*** UPDATED x1 - Wrong dates *** IEA pushing early voting

Monday, Aug 25, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* IEA President Cinda Klickna recently did a robocall to her members telling them they are about to receive mailers about the union’s recommended candidates. “To protect our students, our schools and our pensions we must stop Bruce Rauner,” Klickna says, adding an encouragement to vote absentee…

* Today, a mailer touting early voting was received by IEA members. Click the pics for larger images…

*** UPDATE *** A county clerk pal of mine texts to say that the IEA got some of its dates wrong…

The IEA flier has some incorrect dates. 8/4 - absentee voting begins. 8/4 is first day for absentee ballot requests, not first day for voting. There’s going to be so much confusion this election. Absentee voting doesn’t begin until 9/25. Ballots aren’t ready yet in most jurisdictions, so there’s no way voting can being 8/4.

Also, Early Voting ends this election on Sunday, November 2, not November 1, as the flier states.



  1. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 25, 14 @ 1:31 pm:

    And so the Teachers begin the push for Quinn…

    If the Primary taught anything, it’s that they saw the Rauner weaknesses in GOTV, and the Unions will begin to push their constituency to vote, and finally harvesting those voters for Quinn by Election Day.

  2. - Western Ave. Doug - Monday, Aug 25, 14 @ 1:35 pm:

    Remember to vote on November 5th Willy! That’s my GOTV effort.

  3. - Louis G Atsaves - Monday, Aug 25, 14 @ 1:36 pm:

    “Merit pay scheme”?

  4. - Anonymoiis - Monday, Aug 25, 14 @ 1:40 pm:

    “I’m not sure I fully support this strategy.

    Ann Callis”

  5. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 25, 14 @ 1:44 pm:

    @FakeSheilaSimon - as a member of the IEA, I applaud the early voting mailer. After not endorsing me, like most unions haven’t, any voting reminder makes me sad. #HalfEmptyHalfDopey

  6. - Formerly Known As... - Monday, Aug 25, 14 @ 2:02 pm:

    “Protecting” pensions may not be the strongest motivation to vote for someone who is actively trying to cut pensions as Governor.

    None of the above in 2014, please.

  7. - Almost the Weekend - Monday, Aug 25, 14 @ 2:05 pm:

    Anonymoiss at 140 PM and OW at 144 PM

    Looks like this mailer will have coattails with all Democrats running, at least in regards to federal and statewide. From my observation Rauner is representing the Republican ticket. And Pat Quinn is representing the Democratic ticket. 8 months ago if you showed an IEA member the Quinn side of this mailer, I think there would have been a mass rebellion. Mutual enemies make strange companions

  8. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Aug 25, 14 @ 2:19 pm:

    ===The IEA flier has some incorrect dates. 8/4 - absentee voting begins. 8/4 is first day for absentee ballot requests, not first day for voting. There’s going to be so much confusion this election. Absentee voting doesn’t begin until 9/25. Ballots aren’t ready yet in most jurisdictions, so there’s no way voting can being 8/4.

    Also, Early Voting ends this election on Sunday, November 2, not November 1, as the flier states.===

    Other than those things…

    Nothing like not making 1 of 2 more calls to confirm hard dates.

    These are the mistakes that make people’s hair gray or fall out…or both.

  9. - Arizona Bob - Monday, Aug 25, 14 @ 2:28 pm:

    Don’t be surprised if a lot of suburban IEA and rural IFT members go for Rauner, as well as many IEA and IFT retirees. At this point, those retirees are mostly looking for security rather than a “pot-o-gold” as they did when they were teaching. After Quinn and Madigan put out that likely unconstitutional pension “fix” bill that really didn’t solve the problem, it’s become clear that Quinn can’t be trusted to competently resolve the issue. Many think Rauner has the smarts to get a solution done, though it will likely burden those to come in education rather than those near retirement.

    I look for the CTU, on the other hand, to come out big for Quinn. They don’t know the meaning of the word “quit” in dempolitics. Of course, considering the ACT test score of the average CPS teacher is only 19, it’s safe to say there’s a LOT of words of which they don’t know the meaning!LOL

  10. - Anonymous - Monday, Aug 25, 14 @ 2:30 pm:

    ….to protect our pensions……would involve voting for none of the above.

  11. - Anonymoiis - Monday, Aug 25, 14 @ 2:30 pm:

    ==Looks like this mailer will have coattails with all Democrats running, at least in regards to federal and statewide. ==

    The IEA endorsed Rodney Davis, so if it is as stated and lists all candidates they’ve endorsed, it won’t be all Democrats listed.

  12. - Grandson of Man - Monday, Aug 25, 14 @ 2:40 pm:

    “Mutual enemies make strange companions”

    I agree. As others have said very eloquently, it’s a choice between two people, not necessarily two ideals. If we just live in a world of ideals, as important as it is, we stand to be disappointed a lot.

    Quinn reformed the pensions in ways that were very displeasing to many public union members. However, here we still are, with our collective bargaining and defined pensions intact, and currently under contract.

    A few of the union leaders with whom I spoke fear Rauner because they see him as potentially much worse than Quinn. He threatened to shut down the government and terminate contracts. He may want to weaken or strip collective bargaining, refuse to negotiate over contracts, force workers into 401(k) type pensions, try to reclassify employees as non-bargaining-unit members, etc.

    Then again, as one or more of you said, he may do nothing like this. He may just want to be governor and not try to attack unions in the manner of his threats and rhetoric.

    Either way, public union leaders and many members don’t trust Rauner, not after he demonized them and government employees.

  13. - Formerly Known As... - Monday, Aug 25, 14 @ 2:58 pm:

    Vote to protect your pension by voting for the guy cutting pensions.

    And then make sure to vote on the dates we give you.

    Are we sure they aren’t secretly in the bag for Rauner?

  14. - Alex - Monday, Aug 25, 14 @ 3:18 pm:

    I believe that Aug 4th was the earliest day to request an absentee ballot, so not technically wrong.

  15. - Frankie L - Monday, Aug 25, 14 @ 3:23 pm:

    Did Frerichs give them the dates?

  16. - olddog - Monday, Aug 25, 14 @ 3:44 pm:

    === Of course, considering the ACT test score of the average CPS teacher is only 19, it’s safe to say there’s a LOT of words of which they don’t know the meaning!LOL ===

    All due respect, Bob, but I’m not laughing. What scares me about guys like you — and Rauner — is the absolute, utter contempt you have for people like me.

  17. - Wally - Monday, Aug 25, 14 @ 3:48 pm:

    Great job with a few dates teachers union. Wonder what kind of a grade a student would have received with “facts” like that????

  18. - wordslinger - Monday, Aug 25, 14 @ 4:01 pm:

    Geez. get the dates right. Kind of the whole point of the piece, isn’t it?

  19. - Cheryl44 - Monday, Aug 25, 14 @ 4:51 pm:

    Thank you olddog. You’re a much more polite than I am.

    I have to wonder why someone who lives in Arizona even bothers with IL politics.

  20. - dupage dan - Monday, Aug 25, 14 @ 7:23 pm:

    My mother would get the red pen out when the teachers sent a note home to the parents. I was real popular in school especially since I had 2 older siblings who blazed the trail for me.

    I’m surprised this doesn’t disturb more folks. “so not technically wrong”. Yeah, I tried that with a teacher once. Go ahead, ask me how well THAT went.

    Quinn tries to gut the pensions of these teachers and they are all in with him. Quinn knew that. How hard will it be for folks to assume that he knew the pension reduction scheme wouldn’t work but it allowed him to look like a reformer. “Hey, I did my best but that pesky Constitution got in the way”. Those darn Judges - what can you do?

  21. - Arizona Bob - Tuesday, Aug 26, 14 @ 6:55 am:

    =All due respect, Bob, but I’m not laughing. What scares me about guys like you — and Rauner — is the absolute, utter contempt you have for people like me.=

    And exactly what kind of peron are you, olddog?

    If you’re the kind of person that cheated the children by giving them less educational service, and achievement, than they deserve at salaries and benefits greater than double your market value, then you do not have my respect.

    If you gave your best every day and were an effective teacher, and understood that when you demand more compenstion the children and community deserved more contact hours and smarter practices to educate the students, I have the UTMOST respect for you!

    If you thought about the kids first, and didn’t DEMAND resources be taken from them and the taxpayers to serve your greed, and were silling to abandon them by striking for this greed (like CTU), you don’t have my respect.

    If you were responsible enough to know its dishonorable to strike, or threaten to strike, when you know it would hurt the kids and that the money simply wasn’t there for above cost of living raises, then you are truly a professional educator and have my respect.

    You tell me, olddog and Cheryl44, are you an educator I can respect or not?

  22. - Arizona Bob - Tuesday, Aug 26, 14 @ 7:01 am:

    Actually, the IEA is apparently following the way they teach math….being “about” right is good enough for an “A”!

    IEA, bringing you mediocre education for the price of excellence!

  23. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Aug 26, 14 @ 7:10 am:

    Bob, all I can say is that we are all better off you aren’t a teacher anymore. You utter disdain for the education system is amazing to me. I know you fancy yourself an expert in everything, but generally experts in everything are really experts in nothing.

    Also, Bob, I saw on another post that you ran for the GA. There’s a reason you lost. Just sayin. . .

  24. - Arizona Bob - Tuesday, Aug 26, 14 @ 8:04 am:

    =Bob, all I can say is that we are all better off you aren’t a teacher anymore. You utter disdain for the education system is amazing to me. I know you fancy yourself an expert in everything, but generally experts in everything are really experts in nothing.

    Also, Bob, I saw on another post that you ran for the GA. There’s a reason you lost. Just sayin. . .=

    Actually, Demoralized, I was in education because of my respect and sense of value for education, and the fact that public eduation was doing such a lousy job of it. I subsitute taught at over 12 high schools, and believe me, it was and eye opener to see what the poor quality delivered by highly paid public “educators”.

    I taught math and science full time, and by student and peer evaluation, as well as ACT scores from a racially and economically diverse student base, I was doing a far better than average job for the kids at about half the salary of public education.

    The fact that you’re glad that high achieving STEM educators are out of education because they question bad practices, cheating the kids, and gouging the taxpayers pretty much tells why the unionized public education system fails so badly. People like you are pulling the strings…

  25. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Aug 26, 14 @ 8:16 am:

    Bob, I get it. You think all teachers are bad and that their salaries should be cut. If that’s your solution then by all means continue to push it. None of the teachers I know are living high on the hog. I can tell you that downstate there are mostly good teachers who don’t make a lot of money. If you have an issue where you lived then maybe it should be dealt with but quit painting all teachers as money grubbing morons who don’t know anything because it’s insulting to the profession. Your arrogance is amazing.

    And, no, I’m not a teacher so don’t think this is in any way self serving.

  26. - DuPage Grandma - Tuesday, Aug 26, 14 @ 8:26 am:

    OW, In defense of the flyer,over half of the early voting polling sites are closed on Sunday, at least in DuPage County. So for those planning to vote at some sites, the effective dates of early voting ends Nov 1st. They flyer could have clearer by stating that the process of early voting started 8/4. file:///C:/Users/owner/Downloads/EVSites%20for%20%20%20%203%2018%2014%20%20(2).pdf

  27. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Aug 26, 14 @ 8:31 am:

    - DuPage Grandma -,

    If you spend the time and cash to make a point, make it.

    If you have to explain your point, after making the point, what’s the point? See my point?

  28. - JS Mill - Tuesday, Aug 26, 14 @ 8:47 am:

    =The fact that you’re glad that high achieving STEM educators are out of education because they question bad practices, cheating the kids, and gouging the taxpayers pretty much tells why the unionized public education system fails so badly=

    Do you have evidence beyond “your word” that any of what you state here is true? Evaluations? Assessment data? Subbing at “over 12 high schools” might indicate that you could not get a steady job in education and may just have an axe to grind. Cliched statements about failing schools is great political pandering to the unknowing. American schools, when equalized for poverty, are doing as well or better than other nations in the industrialized world. One need look deeper into the data to really understand what is happening rather than parrot tired old claims by those with a desire for allowing corporations to take over the educational system.

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