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Tomorrow’s news today

Wednesday, Sep 17, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Pat Quinn took questions for over 15 minutes from reporters this afternoon. His comments ranged on issues from the NFL scandals, to the investigations into his own office, to Bruce Rauner’s various claims. You might wanna skip the first couple of minutes, but here’s the raw audio


Oddities and ends

Wednesday, Sep 17, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Democratic congressional candidate Ann Callis may have some residency issues because of papers she and/or her husband signed

The records show her signature appearing on a notarized 2008 mortgage agreement for one of the couple’s Arizona homes, as well as a 2006 deed transfer for property in Laguna Beach, Calif.

The latter includes a statement identifying Callis and Holloran as “residents of the County of St. Louis, State of Missouri.” A 2005 deed for a second home in Scottsdale, Ariz., also lists their address as in Kirkwood.

In 2004, records show Callis was added to the Forest Street deed. The document begins, “I, Ann Callis, of the County of St. Louis, State of Missouri …”


* Response

“These new attacks on my mom, my brother, and me are completely false, and it’s really shameful that Congressman Davis would try to say our family wasn’t living in Illinois while my mom was a judge,” [Callis’ daughter, Caroline Rongey] said.

“I was proud to grow up in Madison County and I have great memories of cheerleading for Troy’s Triad High School and watching my brother take Triad to the Class 5A playoffs as a starting quarterback. Congressman Davis needs to leave our family alone.”

* From the NRCC…

Ann Callis can’t seem to get anything right these days. While Callis is attacking Rodney Davis on lobbyists she is also planning to attend a fundraiser in DC tomorrow at the home of mega-lobbyist Tom Trotter.

A question for Ann Callis – why is it okay for her to raise money off of mega-lobbyists in DC all while attacking Rodney Davis?

We know Callis is busy trying to figure out how to untangle her web of lies over her residency but this seems worthy of a quick ask.

NRCC Statement: “Ann Callis should be explaining why over numerous years she signed notarized documents saying she lives in St. Louis, but instead she bailed from the 13th District to raise money with a mega-lobbyist in DC. We know Callis is trying to figure out if she is from Missouri or Illinois, but she should know better than to hob-knob in Washington with Pelosi’s lobbyist friends.” – Katie Prill NRCC Spokeswoman

* In other newsish-related stuff, the Callis campaign has responded to Congressman Rodney Davis’ latest ad (which was a response to Callis’ recent ad) with a YouTube video…

The campaign of former Chief Judge and Congressional challenger Ann Callis released the following video in response to Congressman Rodney Davis’ deceptive new ad. In the video, Jerseyville farmer Gene – who appeared in Callis’ “Trim the Fat” ad – calls out Congressman Davis for featuring him without permission to attack Callis.

* Video

* And in “news” from another district, for some reason Mike Bost thought it was a good idea to spend 15 minutes talking to a Rockford radio program about his infamous blow-up video. Rockford is at the opposite end of this very long state from Bost’s district

* Related…

* Schneider gets endorsement from IEA union that backed Dold in 2012


Durbin launches second positive ad

Wednesday, Sep 17, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* US Sen. Dick Durbin has a new TV ad. Rate it

The ad is not replacing the spot featuring the wife of a wounded veteran. It’ll run concurrently.

* Script…

Man I: Sixty-six thousand dollars.

Woman: A hundred thousand dollars.

Man II: Sixty thousand dollars in college debt.

Senator Durbin: The high cost of college is weighing down America’s middle class. That’s why I’m fighting for a law so college loans can be refinanced at today’s lower interest rates. It would erase thousands of dollars of debt for millions of American families. After all, if you can refinance a car loan and a home loan, why can’t you refinance a student loan?

I’m Dick Durbin, and I approve this message because Illinois’ middle class deserves a break.

* In other Durbin-related news, an atheist group rated Durbin an “A” for separation of church and state and his opponent Jim Oberweis was given an “F”…

The Secular Coalition for America today released its Congressional Voter Guides for several Congressional Districts of Illinois and the Illinois Senate race. The Guides are meant to help secular-minded Illinoisans make informed decisions on the candidates for the upcoming elections in November, based on secular issues.

The Voter Guide is part of the Secular Coalition’s “50 Secular Races to Watch” list which the Coalition is currently rolling out based on the U.S. House districts that received the worst grades on the Coalition’s 2013 Congressional Report Card. The Secular Coalition will also grade seven Senate races across the country.

The full rationale for the ratings is here.

* Other stuff…

* Durbin has cushy lead over Oberweis, Tribune poll finds

* Durbin’s views on issues as he faces re-election

* Study finds conservatives and liberals smell different


*** UPDATED x3 - Full Rauner response - Rauner issues statement - Quinn responds *** Question of the day

Wednesday, Sep 17, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* NBC 5’s Mary Ann Ahern asked Bruce Rauner today about the Ray Rice punchout video and the child abuse charges against Adrian Peterson

Ahern: You are part owner, a minority owner with the Pittsburgh Steelers. Have you spoken to your group about how the NFL has handled Ray Rice and Adrian Peterson? Are you onboard with what’s going on?

Rauner: “I have not spoken with the Steelers organization at all. Not in many months.

Ahern: Why would you not want to reach out and find out what…?

Rauner: “I am working here in Illinois to win an election and transform our government so it’s working for the people again. That’s 100 percent my focus.”

Reporter: So, would you also comment, though, could you comment on the situation?

The candidate moved on to another reporter instead of answering that last quesiton.

* The Question: Fair questions or not? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.


*** UPDATE 1 *** The Quinnsters were apparently ready for this one. From a press release…

Amidst the NFL controversy sweeping the nation about standing up against abuse of women and children, Lt. Governor Sheila Simon and State Senator Toi Hutchinson (D-Chicago Heights) today criticized Republican billionaire Bruce Rauner’s Tax Plan for the devastating impact the budget would have on at-risk families in Illinois, particularly those struggling with abuse and violence. While Rauner’s Tax Plan puts $1 million into his own pocket, it leaves an $8 billion hole in the state budget. Most of the burden of this massive funding deficit will fall on education - which would suffer an unprecedented cut of $4 billion - but crucial programs helping women, children and other victims of domestic abuse would also be significantly slashed by Rauner’s proposal.

Today Rauner, a part owner of Pittsburg Steelers, refused to stand up for battered women and children when asked directly about the NFL controversy sweeping the nation. Rauner become an owner of the team in 2009, shortly after an abuse scandal was brushed off by the team.

“Bruce Rauner needs to answer specifically for the radical reductions he proposes, which will harm some of the most vulnerable individuals in Illinois: the children and spouses who are victims of abuse,” Lt. Governor Simon said. “Time and again Rauner has failed to explain how exactly he would preserve critical programming with such unrealistic economic projections. Few specifics have been provided by his campaign at any rate.”

“A billionaire and self-proclaimed member of the .01 percent, Bruce Rauner has made much of his ability to invest and make money,” Senator Hutchinson said. “Investing in abuse prevention and intervention has been proven to provide long-term returns to the state of Illinois, but when it comes to domestic abuse and its victims, Rauner always seems willing to put politics ahead of people.”

Once implemented, Rauner’s Tax Plan would have a devastating impact on critical programs funded by the state.

And then it goes on and on like their usual press releases.

* But a Republican, on background, wants you to know this…

State Funding For Domestic Violence Shelters Has Been Cut 13.7% From FY2009 To FY2015 - Nearly $3 Million. (Appropriations Report - FY2009, Illinois Comptroller, p. 204; Enacted FY2015 Budget By Line Item, Governor’s Office of Management and Budget)

*** UPDATE 2 *** He shoulda just answered this one to begin with and scored some points…

*** UPDATE 2 *** The full response from the Rauner campaign did not come from Rauner himself…

“Bruce thinks what Ray Rice did is deplorable and the NFL has badly mishandled the situation. As a husband and father of four daughters, Bruce stands for women’s health and safety everyday. Sadly, Pat Quinn has done just the opposite and cut funding for domestic violence shelters by nearly 15 percent. That never should have happened, but Pat Quinn was too busy funneling millions into his own political slush fund that is now the subject of two federal grand jury investigations.” - Rauner spokesperson Lyndsey Walters


Black radio ad slams Rauner for failure to hire a single African-American at company

Wednesday, Sep 17, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Quinn campaign has a powerful new ad running exclusively on African-American radio stations. There’s no music, just a black woman expertly reading her script and a single audio quote of Bruce Rauner. It’s an absolute must-listen


* Script…

AFRICAN-AMERICAN WOMAN: Do you know how many professionals work at billionaire Republican Bruce Rauner’s investment firm?

51 people.

Do you want to guess how many of those employees are African-American?



Not a single African-American.

Why do you suppose that is?

Well, when ABC News asked Rauner he said he couldn’t find anyone…

    RAUNER: “We weren’t finding the folks that, that uh, you know, that weren’t there.”

Really, Bruce Rauner?

You couldn’t find anyone?

You couldn’t find a single qualified African-American to work for and represent your firm?

And now you’re running TV ads claiming how close you are to our community?


Well, we know how to judge our true friends, and those who aren’t.

Zero employees out of 51.

So, Bruce Rauner, if you’re listening, did you really think no one would ever find out?

PAT QUINN: Taxpayers for Quinn paid for this message because there’s so much at stake.

Again, this is playing on black radio. Judge it in context.


Today’s chart

Wednesday, Sep 17, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Two points

Keep in mind that the Tribune’s recent poll is included here, which is definitely making things look tighter than they may be.


*** UPDATED x1 - Quinn responds *** Rauner unveils ethics reform plan

Wednesday, Sep 17, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Click here to read Bruce Rauner’s new ethics plan. Some of it is much-needed, some of it is obvious overkill or rehash.

* Hiring…

* Fire all IDOT employs who got an “illegal” job

* Launch an online portal that includes info on all non-civil service workers

* Request a federal hiring monitor to oversee IDOT

* Revolving door…

* A firm, one-year lobbying ban for all senior executive officials and legislators

I’d go even further and bar any of those folks from negotiating private sector jobs while in office.

…Adding… Gov. Quinn has a bill in the hopper to address part of this. From the LRB synopsis…

Provides that (in addition to current restrictions on chiefs of staff, deputy chiefs of staff, and deputy governors) a chief of staff, deputy chief of staff, or deputy governor serving in the Office of the Governor is prohibited from lobbying or consulting in any fashion before or with the executive or legislative branch of State government for a period of one year immediately after termination of State employment.

* Ban government contract lobsters…

* Any government entity receiving state funds would be barred from hiring an outside lobbyist

* No outside income for legislative leaders (he’s already proposed that one)

* Conflicts of interest…

* Expand powers of Legislative Ethics Commission powers to include fines and censure. Legislators whould be prohibited from voting on matters where there are conflicts of interest

It’s not clear if that means farmers couldn’t vote on a generic farm bill, or whether it would mean farmers couldn’t vote on a farm bill that mainly impacted them. Devils are always in the details.

* Recall…

* Recall expanded beyond governor to all constitutional officers and legislators

* No pensions for felons

* Multiple expulsions…

* Amend Constitution to allow for multiple expulsions for the same offense (addresses Rep. Derrick Smith case, when he was expelled and then re-elected and couldn’t be expelled again)

That is definitely needed.

* Term limits

* Slush funds…

* More transparency and accountability for state grants

Much of that was already addressed this spring.

*** UPDATE *** From the Quinn campaign…

Quinn for Illinois Communications Director Brooke Anderson issued the below statement regarding Bruce Rauner’s desperate attempt to hide his own proven record of profiting from pay-to-play, fraud and corruption:

“Bruce Rauner has zero credibility when it comes to ethics - he has profited from fraud, abuse and mismanagement of his own businesses and taxpayer dollars throughout his career.

“For example, the U.S. Attorney had this to say about one of Mr. Rauner’s companies: ‘APS Healthcare took Medicaid’s money for itself and left some of our most vulnerable citizens without the aid they deserved.’

“Unlike Governor Quinn who takes responsibility and fixes problems whenever they arise, Bruce Rauner takes no responsibility but always takes the profits.

“Mr. Rauner may have been able to take the money and run in the private sector but he can’t hide from his own business record of pay-to-play, corruption, fraud and hiring swindlers.

“Bruce Rauner can’t be trusted.”

Below is a recap of the Governor’s record of reform.

    Governor Quinn’s Record of Reform

    Enacted a strong new ethics code that forbids the promise of state jobs and contracts or political favors in exchange for campaign contributions and increases scrutiny of officials, state workers and lobbyists.
    Signed legislation that imposes a first-ever contribution limits on candidates, political parties and political action committees and created a Campaign Finance Reform Task Force, which will study the impact of contribution limits and make recommendations following the 2012 & 2014 elections. Mr. Rauner promptly took advantage of a loophole to smash the limits and benefit himself, so he and his fellow billionaires could try and take over Illinois.
    Fought for an enacted a law that allows the power to recall a Governor who is not working in the public’s interest.
    Established he Illinois Reform Commission to examine and present solutions against corruption and taxpayer abuse, including in state hiring.
    Issued Administrative Order to strengthen hiring controls and ensure compliance with all Rutan rules.
    Fought for and signed law to strengthen the OEIG authority as a hiring watchdog by allowing the OEIG to self-initiate investigations, requiring publication of state employee wrongdoing including wrongdoing related to hiring, and empowering the Inspector General with new authority to review hiring of all agencies to ensure compliance with Rutan and all applicable employment law.
    Fought for a signed Grant Accountability and Transparency Act, which is landmark legislation that overhauls the state’s grant oversight and accountability process, while providing the strongest grant oversight in the nation.
    Vetoed legislation that would have reduced government transparency by limiting the ability of citizens to seek public records under the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA).
    Signed legislation creating a permanent public access counselor within the Attorney General’s Office to oversee enforcement of the FOIA and strengthening fines for noncompliance.
    Launched the Illinois Transparency and Accountability Portal to provide Illinoisans with access to state government spending information.
    Launched the Illinois Sunshine Portal, a new one-stop shop where the public can view many public records and documents online.
    Launched, a searchable clearinghouse of information from state agencies that will help inform residents about the operation of state government and encourage the creative use of state information, including the development of applications for mobile devices that can be built around the data.
    Signed legislation that creates a position of a state actuary to oversee the five state-funded pension systems to help increase transparency of the systems.
    Issued an executive order that encourages state agencies and local governments across Illinois to increase the amount of raw data they share with each other, businesses, academic institutions and the general public.
    Signed legislation to strengthen the Illinois Open Meetings Act by ensuring that a copy of the meeting notice and agenda is available to the public for the entire 48 hours preceding the meeting.
    Signed legislation that strengthens ethics provisions in certain Illinois county governments to help establish ethical guidelines and simplifies the removal process for individuals who violate those guidelines.

It would’ve been nice if the Quinn campaign found one or two good ideas to praise, but this being the nastiest campaign in modern state history, I suppose that’s too much to ask.


Today’s number: 30 percent less likely

Wednesday, Sep 17, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Yes, there are very real problems with the Chicago Tribune’s latest poll. But as I told subscribers today, there’s good news for Gov. Pat Quinn beyond his alleged 11-point lead

For his part, Rauner has stepped up his efforts to try to tarnish Quinn’s positive reputation on ethics. The Quinn administration faces a federal grand jury probe into an anti-violence grant program he launched shortly before the 2010 election, and a state inspector general’s report concluded illegal patronage hiring was done at the governor’s Illinois Department of Transportation.

Asked about the impact of those controversies, 56 percent said it makes no difference in their likelihood of voting for Quinn, while 30 percent said it would make them less likely to cast a ballot for the governor.

I don’t have the xtabs, but to put that into perspective, 30 percent would equal all the Republicans and about a quarter of the independents. It’s a “meh” issue out there.



Bigfooted by the Trib

Wednesday, Sep 17, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Chicago Tribune reported yesterday shortly after noon about that new federal grand jury subpoena of Gov. Pat Quinn’s anti-violence program.

But the Sun-Times had filed a Freedom of Information Act request “seeking ‘any state or federal subpoenas’ received by the governor’s office dating back to Aug. 1.” Instead of releasing it to everybody at once, the governor’s office chose to give the Tribune the scoop. The CS-T understandably ain’t pleased and found a Springfield attorney who was more than happy to pile on

Quinn’s administration released a copy of the two-page grand jury subpoena Tuesday to the Chicago Tribune. When a Sun-Times reporter called to complain about the selective release, the administration finally provided a copy to the Sun-Times, even though the newspaper’s subpoena request had been in the administration’s open-records pipeline for nearly two weeks.

One of the state’s preeminent experts on the Illinois Freedom of Information Act said those justifications by the administration don’t hold muster, particularly given the gravity of a federal subpoena.

“We’re talking about two pieces of paper. It’s not a complicated subject. They know the rules about release of federal subpoenas, and they’re playing games with you,” Springfield attorney Donald Craven said.

“Then, they further play games when they pick and choose who they release records to. For Mr. Openness and Transparency,” Craven said in a barb at the governor himself, “it stinks.”

Actually, my colleague David Ormsby scooped both papers in his subscriber-only edition early Tuesday morning, but, whatever, I feel the CS-T’s pain here.

The Tribune has a pretty darned big foot. It can hurt sometimes.

* And the Illinois Republican Party relished jumping into the fray today…

Quinn’s Not The First Governor To Play Games With Subpoenas

Experts say Quinn’s handling of media requests for subpoenas “stinks” — because it smells like Rod Blagojevich

After Being Hit With Three Subpoenas In Late 2005 By Federal Investigators Looking Into Illegal Hiring Practices, The Blagojevich Administration Stopped Releasing Subpoenas It Had Received. ” Last fall, the Tribune reported that federal investigators had begun issuing subpoenas to Children and Family Services, Corrections and Transportation–as well as the governor’s office–in response to allegations of wrongdoing in state hiring. Those subpoenas sought documents on hiring that dated to March 2002, the month Blagojevich won the Democratic primary for governor. After acknowledging those original federal subpoenas, the Blagojevich administration adopted a new policy in which it has refused to say whether any additional subpoenas have been received.” (John Chase and Matt O’Connor, “State memo hints at broad jobs probe,” Chicago Tribune, 6/29/06)

In 2007, The Better Government Association Sued The Blagojevich Administration To Force The Subpoenas’ Release. “The Better Government Association plans to sue Gov. Blagojevich’s office today to force it to release copies of all subpoenas that corruption-busting federal investigators have sent it. Told of the planned lawsuit Wednesday, a Blagojevich aide didn’t stray from the administration’s long-standing opinion that the subpoenas can’t be made public.” (Chris Fusco, “Watchdog Puts Heat On Gov’s Office: Suit To Seek Copies Of Feds’ Subpoenas,” Chicago Sun-Times, 1/4/07)

In 2008, A State Judge Ruled The Blagojevich Must Release The Subpoenas. “The Blagojevich administration must release the subpoenas it has gotten from federal prosecutors who are investigating possible corruption, a judge has ruled. The U.S. attorney in Chicago is looking into possible misconduct in the way Gov. Rod Blagojevich awards state jobs and contracts. He has issued subpoenas requiring the administration to turn over various documents. Blagojevich has refused to show the subpoenas to reporters and government watchdog groups, so the Better Government Association sued. Sangamon County Judge Patrick Kelley ruled Wednesday that the subpoenas must be released to the public.” (”Judge Rules Blagojevich Must Release Federal Subpoenas,” The Associated Press, 1/9/08)


*** UPDATED x1 - Bustos responds *** Schilling ad attacks Bustos over budget cuts

Wednesday, Sep 17, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Congresswoman Cheri Bustos voted for the Paul Ryan, Patty Murray budget plan last year and is now under fire from her GOP opponent for voting to cut spending. From a press release…

The Bobby Schilling for Congress campaign has released their second commercial of the 2014 campaign cycle. The commercial features veterans who are disappointed with Congresswoman Cheri Bustos (D-East Moline) for her heartless vote to cut veterans benefits by $6 billion last year.

In December of 2013, Cheri Bustos voted to cut veterans benefits by $6 billion by voting for the Ryan-Murray budget. Shortly afterwards, Cheri Bustos said that her vote to cut veterans benefits was “right for America.” Veterans across the Illinois 17th District were outraged by this heartless vote.

In addition to voting to cut benefits to veterans and their families in her own district, Congresswoman Bustos failed to lead when veterans needed her most during the VA crisis. While veterans were dying on wait-lists at VA hospitals, Cheri Bustos said and did nothing until Bobby Schilling stepped up.

Bobby Schilling opposed the Ryan-Murray budget. In an op-ed he wrote in January, Schilling said “we should be cutting our debts, not our vets.”

Schilling also led first to solve the VA crisis. Schilling introduced the Enhanced Veterans Health Care Experience Act back in 2011, a bill that would fix the VA wait-listing issue by allowing veterans to use their own doctors in their own hometowns. Schilling’s bill was included as a provision in this summer’s VA reform legislation that passed the House unanimously 426-0 and has now been signed into law.

There is a clear contrast between Cheri Bustos’ disappointing record on veterans issues and Bobby Schilling’s aggressive advocacy for veterans in his district.

It is very hypocritical for Cheri Bustos to run a TV commercial about what her staff did for one veteran while she voted to hurt tens of thousands of veterans. This new ad shines light on Cheri Bustos’ failure to stand up for veterans.

Jon Schweppe, communications director at Bobby Schilling for Congress, released the following statement:

    “Cheri Bustos spent more than a year voting against veterans and ignoring their concerns, and now she’s trying to flip the script in an election year. If Cheri Bustos wants to work on her image with veterans—which she clearly does, judging by her first two commercials—maybe she should just follow through on her promise to give up 10 percent of her pay and donate the $34,800 to a veterans charity. That would be the right thing to do.”

* Schilling’s new ad

* Script…

Bobby Schilling (Colona): I’m Bobby Schilling, and I approve this message.

Councilman Eric Turner (Peoria): We’ve risked our lives.

Brian Munos (Silvis): We’ve put it all on the line.

Ken Moffett (Moline): And how did Congresswoman Cheri Bustos repay us?

Munos: Bustos voted to cut veteran benefits by six billion dollars.

Ron Tady (East Moline): Six billion dollars!

Moffett: That’s billion with a B.

Munos: After promising she never would.

Moffett: How could you cut our benefits, Cheri?

Turner: How could you?

Munos: How could you?

Tady: How could you? Shame on you.

Moffett: Shame on you.

Turner: Shame on you, Congresswoman Bustos.

* The bipartisan lesson here is that budget cuts never play well in general election campaigns. That’s why Bruce Rauner vows to increase state spending on education, infrastructure and IDNR even though he also pledges to cut taxes. Bustos tried to position herself in Congress as a fiscally conservative Democrat. So, she gets this hit.

However, the hard reality of governing is that when you demand cuts (as Schilling has and does), then stuff like this happens.

*** UPDATE *** From the Bustos campaign…

Today, Colin Milligan, the Communications Director for Cheri Bustos for Congress, released the following statement on ex-Congressman Bobby Schilling’s new desperate and dishonest negative ad:

“Ex-Congressman Schilling wasted little time going negative. In an apparent act of desperation, Schilling has responded to Cheri Bustos’ strong support from Illinois veterans by airing a dishonest attack ad in the hopes of confusing voters about her record. Veterans are such a priority to Cheri that she not only led an effort to protect military retiree benefits, but has combat veterans on her staff. And voters have already seen first-hand that when veterans speak up, Cheri Bustos listens.

“Once again, ex-Congressman Schilling is trying to distract voters from his anti-middle class record by pointing to cuts that never happened, but voters know the truth.”


Protected: *** UPDATED x1 *** SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition: Crosstabs, TV ads, cable TV buys and an events list

Wednesday, Sep 17, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Quinn moves to second negative track

Wednesday, Sep 17, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* After months of portraying Bruce Rauner as an out of touch rich guy, the Quinn campaign is now turning to how Rauner made his money. From a press release…

An FBI criminal probe that led to a $13 million settlement for Medicaid fraud by a company owned and controlled by GTCRauner is featured in a new ad released Wednesday by the Quinn for Illinois campaign.

APS Healthcare agreed to the settlement after the criminal investigation concluded that the GTCRauner-controlled firm had engaged in defrauding the government for services that were never provided and denied needed care to the most vulnerable.

The settlement on behalf of the Georgia Medicaid program was made in 2011, while Rauner was still chairman of GTCRauner.

The U.S. Attorney overseeing the investigation said that Rauner’s firm not only defrauded taxpayers, but “took Medicaid’s money for itself and left some of our most vulnerable citizens without the aid they deserve.”

GTCRauner sold APS to another company in 2012, which called the firm a $222.3 million lemon as part of a lawsuit in which the Medicaid fraud features prominently. Rauner has refused to take responsibility for business failures like APS, instead choosing to only take the profits.

* The ad

* Script…

NARRATOR: Bruce Rauner’s healthcare company APS was caught by the FBI defrauding taxpayers and cheating patients.

Rauner’s company had to pay a $13 million settlement.

The U.S. Attorney said Rauner’s company “took Medicaid’s money for itself and left some of our most vulnerable citizens without the aid they deserve.”

Did Bruce Rauner really think no one would find out?



Rate Bruce Rauner’s new TV ad: “100 years of failure”

Wednesday, Sep 17, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This ad was recorded by a friend off his TV at my request this morning because the Rauner campaign has yet to release its own version.

It’s pretty hard-hitting, but one of the first times I’ve seen the lesser-known Senate President John Cullerton used in a negative hit. They probably needed his 25 years in office to push the total to an even 100

…Adding… The Rauner campaign has a press conference scheduled for 10 o’clock this morning to “make a major policy announcement.” The ad will likely be released after that. The campaign has set up the ad with a press release, however…

Across Illinois, They’re Talking About Pat Quinn’s Corruption

Grand jury subpoenas. Illegal patronage hiring schemes. Secret insider deals. We’ve seen this move before; we know how it ends.

Federal grand jury subpoenas…

    A new subpoena seeking records about Gov. Pat Quinn’s botched 2010 anti-violence program has been issued, this time from a federal grand jury based in Chicago.

    The request marks the first subpoena issued by Chicago-based federal authorities in the probe into Quinn’s $54.5 million Neighborhood Recovery Initiative. Numerous prior subpoenas had come from federal authorities in Springfield.

    The federal grand jury in Springfield has subpoenaed emails from the governor’s former chief of staff, Jack Lavin, and several others heavily involved in implementing the program.

Illegal patronage hiring schemes…

    Sanguinetti says it’s wrong that the governor’s administration is allowing a little more than 100 of those people to keep their jobs at IDOT. The Rauner campaign says the hirings are wrong considering Quinn says he’s working to clean up state government.

    “We should get rid of all these illegal hires and going forward, we should do the right thing, the fair thing, which is hiring people based upon merit,” Sanguinetti said.

    Sanguinetti says one of those keeping their job is a woman married to a Peoria labor official who has contributed to the Democratic Party.

Secret insider deals…

    Republican governor candidate Bruce Rauner said Tuesday he wouldn’t have signed legislation creating Illinois’ medical marijuana pilot program because it includes a secret process for deciding who may grow and sell the drug.

    Rauner said it’s “another hallmark” of a culture of corruption under Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn. He said the public should know who’s applying for a limited number of state permits, and whether the permits are given to “insiders” with political clout.
    “Millions of dollars in business licenses are up for grabs, and Pat Quinn wants to keep taxpayers in the dark,” Rauner said.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Wednesday, Sep 17, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Report: Underutilized CPS schools driving up costs
* AG Raoul lays out extensive defense of state immigration laws
* Intoxicating Hemp: No safety? No thanks!
* USDOJ wants to join challenge to Illinois law that requires nonprofits to disclose demographics of boards and officers
* It’s just a bill
* As Chicago continues to look the other way, Decatur city council bans sweepstakes machines
* Illinois Hospitals Are Achieving Nursing Excellence Through ANCC Magnet Program
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