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Reader comments closed for the weekend

Friday, Sep 12, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gonna see these guys tonight at the Phases of the Moon Festival. I’ll post some stuff here over the weekend from the venue. I had planned on getting there Wednesday, but problems with my camper and the unreal busy work pace kept me in Springfield. Leaving momentarily, though. If you’re going, look me up

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Another network TV buy

Friday, Sep 12, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Davis ad responds to Callis ad

Friday, Sep 12, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Rodney Davis campaign…

.S. Rep. Rodney Davis’ (R-Ill.) campaign today released a new ad to point out the dishonest campaign being run by his opponent.

The ad, titled “Bull”, takes on some of the blatantly false claims made by Davis’ opponent in her latest ad.

“Negative ads are one thing, but ads that flat-out lie are another and are the calling card of a desperate campaign,” said Campaign Manager Tim Butler. “You’d think that our opponent’s campaign would be spending more time talking their own candidate, but so far they’ve shown no interest in discussing the issues facing our county, so lies and deceit are their only way forward.”

* The ad

* Script…

I’m Rodney Davis and I approve this message.

VO: Ann Callis is running a dishonest campaign.

Attacking Rodney Davis with claims that fact-checkers have called “smarmy.” (Washington Post, 5/5/14)

The truth.

Rodney Davis voted to ban first class air travel and to stop Members of Congress from receiving taxpayer-funded health care for life. (Roll Call Vote #177, 4/10/14)

Rodney Davis has never flown first class on the taxpayers’ dime.

So the next time you see an ad from Ann Callis, remember, it’s…

Clip from Callis ad: “..a load of bull.”

That’s a pretty good ad, except I kinda jumped a little when it claims Davis voted to “ban first class travel.” I rarely fly first class, but I don’t want it banned.


The Callis ad in question is here.


Question of the day

Friday, Sep 12, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Your one word summation of the Illinois governor’s race so far? One word only, please. And it has to be a real word. No profanity in any language.


*** UPDATED x1 - Appears to be successfully rehabilitated *** The downward spiral rages on

Friday, Sep 12, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Earlier today, when I posted the story about how Bruce Rauner’s campaign has a security guy with a troubled past, the commenter “Formerly Known As…” wrote this

If background checks have not yet been completed on every Quinn campaign staffers and vendors, they are about to.

Better buckle up as the downward spiral rages on.

* Well, buckle up, campers. From the Rauner campaign…


In June Of 1996, Kendall Moore And Another Man Beat Damenion Burnett To Death With A Baseball Bat. “A McDonough County judge refused Friday to reduce the bonds for two men charged with beating another man to death with a baseball bat last June. Darrell Mitchell, 22, of Robbins and Kendall Moore, 22, of Chicago are charged with first-degree murder for the death of Damenion Burnett, 21, of Chicago. Police reports state Burnett was beaten by two men, one armed with a baseball bat, about 1:15 a.m. June 15 in the 700 block of Linden Lane. He died in a Peoria hospital two days later. (A. Rahim Owens, “Judge Won’t Reduce Bond In Beating Case,” State Journal-Register, 1/4/97)

Moore And Burnett Got Into A Bar Fight In Macomb Illinois In The Late Hours Of June 14, 1996. “Damenion Burnett died as a result of blunt trauma to the head. Charges of first degree murder, armed violence, aggravated battery and mob action were brought against defendant and Darrell Mitchell, who were tried jointly. Testimony at trial centered around two fights in Macomb, Illinois, on the night of June 14 and early morning hours of June 15, 1996. The State’s evidence established that defendant, Mitchell, Steve Tinch and several college friends were having drinks at the Regulator Bar around midnight, June 14. Defendant and his companions belonged to a social fraternity known as the Omega Psi Phi fraternity (Q-dogs), which was affiliated with the Zeta Phi Beta sorority (Zetas). Members of both groups were in the bar, as well as other non-affiliated friends from the neighborhood. Eileen Tarjan and her boyfriend, Damenion Burnett, were not Zetas or Q-dogs but socialized with them. As the bar was closing, a Zeta accused Tarjan of burning her with a cigarette. The confrontation between the two women erupted into a fight which spilled out into the street. Defendant and Mitchell entered the melee, along with Burnett and his friends, Mike Hawkins and Delrico Nelson. The fight ended abruptly and the crowd dispersed when Hawkins fired two shots into the air from a nine-millimeter semi-automatic gun.” (People v. Moore, No. 4-97-0759, Opinion, 12/4/98)

Moore Followed Burnett To His Girlfriend’s Apartment And Beat Him With A Baseball Bat. “Hawkins’ gun was handed to Nelson as they drove away from the bar. Nelson next met Burnett at the apartment in Villa Westbrook where Tarjan and Burnett stayed. Defendant, Mitchell and Tinch went to Mitchell’s apartment in Villa Westbrook, one floor above Tarjan’s. Defendant took a baseball bat into Tarjan’s apartment and banged it on a stereo speaker. He was asked to leave, and he did. Burnett and Nelson started to fight with Tinch. Nelson retreated, and the confrontation between Tinch and Burnett moved outside, where Mitchell and defendant joined in. Tarjan testified that she saw defendant and another man fighting with Burnett. She said that Burnett was unarmed and was trying to stand while the two men beat him. She could not see if a weapon was used in the fight, but she saw Nelson fire a couple of shots into the air and the grass before she left the scene with a friend. On cross-examination, Tarjan admitted that she had lied to the police when she told them she neither saw nor heard any shooting outside her apartment. Nelson testified that he stood outside the apartment building and watched the fight. He said defendant went to his truck and returned with a bat to fight with Tinch and Mitchell against Burnett. He saw defendant club Burnett in the head. After Burnett fell, defendant struck again while Mitchell kicked and stomped on Burnett. Nelson yelled, “Stop!” and fired two shots into the ground and another into the air. Other witnesses heard between four and eight shots. Nelson said the fight was still in progress when he heard police sirens. He dropped the gun and ran from the scene.” (People v. Moore, No. 4-97-0759, Opinion, 12/4/98)

Burnett Was Declared Brain Dead A Day Later – He Suffered A Fractured Skull, Both Sides Of His Jaw Were Broken And His Liver Was Lacerated. “Burnett was declared brain dead on June 17, 1996. In addition to a fractured skull, both sides of his jaw were broken and his liver was lacerated.” (People v. Moore, No. 4-97-0759, Opinion, 12/4/98)

Kendall Moore, Of 835 Maple Rd, Flossmoor IL Appears On Taxpayers For Quinn’s Payroll. (Illinois Board of Elections, Accessed 9/12/14)

And away we go…

*** UPDATE *** The Quinn campaign sent over Moore’s bio from his WVON page

Kendall Moore’s career in TV and radio dates back to the 1980s when he was one of the youngest DJs to mix records at a major radio station. Moore developed and honed his on-air personality on 89.3 WIUS College Radio for Western Illinois University, Macomb, Illinois. Moore became popular due to his quick wit, mannish style and ability to recognize new talent; he was a force to reckon with on the college radio circuit.

Moore’s commitment to informing and helping people lead him to work of the City of Chicago’s Department of Health. During his time with DOH, Moore assisted in the development and implementation of a city-wide program which provided re-entry services to former and recently released inmates. Becoming aware and sensitive to the struggles of people reentering society, Moore became a national and international orator, speaking on the hardships that follow incarceration and what is needed to once again become a productive member of society.

This power and real conversation took Moore throughout the United States, including Emory University in Atlanta, Georgia; The National Minority AIDS Council located in Washington, D.C.; Centerforce in Oakland, California, a nonprofit organization with the mission of improving the lives and communities of incarcerated people; and Rikers Island Correctional Facility in Queens, New York. His international engagement repertoire includes many countries, but Moore spent considerable time in South Africa, speaking about real life, real crime and the realities of American life for criminals.

Moore’s broadcasting resume includes serving as a host on Chicago’s CAN TV, and remains a popular and in demand host and speaker. Moore’s goal is to be the voice of the next generation of WVON politicians, community activists, entrepreneurs and entertainers.

Looks like he’s rehabilitated himself and then some. I’ve asked the Rauner campaign what they plan to do about their own guy. I’ll let you know.


Town moving forward with plans to privatize fire department

Friday, Sep 12, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* North Riverside is filing suit to get out of its firefighters contract. From a press release…

Mayor Hubert Hermanek, Jr. of west suburban North Riverside, after yesterday announcing an impasse after six “good faith” negotiating sessions with Firefighters Union Local 2714, instructed the village’s attorneys to file suit today in Cook County Circuit Court asking that court to affirm North Riverside’s right to legally terminate the firefighters’ contract, which expired on April 30, 2014.

North Riverside, with a population of 6,672 in 2,827 households, derives most of its revenue from sales tax, thanks in large part to North Riverside Park Mall. However, the village is facing a proposed fiscal year 2014-2015 operating budget deficit of $1.9 million, with $1.8 million of this deficit being a direct result of the Village’s growing annual public pension obligation. All of this and more is evidence that supports the Village’s inability to sustain salary and benefits of over $200,000 per fireman and $230,000 per Lt. anymore.

Contracting firefighter services from Paramedic Services of Illinois (PSI), which has provided paramedic services to North Riverside for the past 28 years, would save the village more than $700,000 annually and vastly reduce the adverse impact of future pension obligations imposed by the state. All PSI paramedics are certified as firefighters, as well.

* From a September 10th press release…

The Village has presented multiple compromise proposals to the union, including a progressive privatization plan based on an 11-year contract, during which 10 of our 14 current firefighters would reach retirement age and 25+ years of service. As they retired or with any attrition, firefighters would be replaced with firefighters/paramedics from PSI-the private company that has provided paramedic services to North Riverside for 28 years. As a result, by the end of this 11-year contract, Village fire and emergency protection services would be almost fully privatized, maintaining safe and reliable service, while achieving the cost-savings the Village must have to remain solvent.

The union rejected this innovative proposal, which would have reduced our future public pension obligations over time and stabilized North Riverside’s finances, while allowing nearly 90 percent of our current firefighters to eventually retire with their full, earned public pensions.

* The village’s attorney also sent along this link

San Bernardino can cancel a union contract with its firefighters, a federal judge said in a preliminary ruling that may make it easier for the insolvent California city to cut debt and exit bankruptcy.

U.S. Bankruptcy Judge Meredith Jury in Riverside, California, said today that she will give the firefighters’ lawyer a chance to question a key city witness before making her final ruling.

“It is very unlikely they are going to convince me” that the contract is not a burden on the city’s recovery, Jury said while making her initial ruling.

* Meanwhile

Voters in Hinsdale Township High School District 86 will have the chance in November to weigh in on an advisory ballot question related to teacher pensions.

The board voted 4-3 Monday to place the following question on the Nov. 4 ballot: “Shall the Board of Education of Hinsdale Township High School District 86 continue to offer eligible teachers the opportunity to earn six percent (6 percent) salary increases in each of four (4) school years prior to retirement?”



DCFS changes policy on “unsafe sleep deaths”

Friday, Sep 12, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As the Tribune reports today on the front page, this change of policy “will likely lead to a drop in reported maltreatment fatalities”

Hoping to better investigate such deaths [which occur when a parent falls asleep with a child or other unsafe sleeping conditions] statewide, DCFS in recent years began counting unsafe sleep deaths as neglect in cases where investigators could prove the adult caregiver was aware of the potential danger. Amid criticism over the increased child death tallies and disagreement on whether sleep-related deaths constitute neglect, DCFS now will investigate such cases only if suspicious circumstances are found. Those include physical injuries to the child, the caregivers’ admitted alcohol or drug use, a lack of supervision or prior agency involvement. […]

Child welfare officials in Indiana say they investigate all sudden and unexplained deaths. But Michigan, similar to Illinois’ new stance, does not count such sleep-related deaths as negligence unless a secondary factor becomes evident.

In a recent report on unsafe sleep fatalities, Illinois DCFS Inspector General Denise Kane said it is “ill-advised” to indicate that a parent is responsible for child neglect until lawmakers officially recognize it as negligent or medical experts agree on how unsafe the practice of co-sleeping with a baby really is. […]

The ACLU’s Wolf and child advocates such as SIDS of Illinois agree with Kane, especially in light of repeated state budget cuts when DCFS has limited resources.

“Yes, it’s negligence, but I don’t think that’s what the public thinks abuse is all about,” Wolf said. “We ought to reserve the category of abuse and neglect for the really horrible things that endanger kids.”

A Tribune review of several infant deaths involving co-sleeping in 2013 and 2014 highlighted the troubling conditions that sometimes exist in those homes. Records reviewed by the newspaper revealed instances where more than one child over time had died in the same family after being left in an unsafe sleep condition. In those cases, DCFS officials say, the agency still would investigate even under the new policy.

It sounds like we need more public awareness of this problem.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Network TV ad buys

Friday, Sep 12, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

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*** UPDATED x1 - Great bio, but dumped *** Rauner campaign employed embattled security firm

Friday, Sep 12, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* There’s more to this Northwest Herald story than first meets the eye

The criminal record of the former campaign manager for McHenry County Sheriff candidate Bill Prim casts a pall on what he would do if elected, Prim’s challenger alleged Thursday.

Independent candidate Jim Harrison released police, court and witness records from two fights at two Iowa bars in one night in 2001 involving one-time campaign manager Matt McNamara. He grabbed one man by the throat in the first fight and punched two women in the second, dragging a third by the hair, according to documents Harrison mailed to Chicago-area media. […]

In the first, McNamara grabbed a patron by the throat, slammed him against a wall and threatened his life. Witness reports state McNamara was not provoked, appeared intoxicated and thanked people for separating them because he would have “killed that kid.”

McNamara and his companion went to another bar and got into another fight with a male patron, according to reports. Witness reports stated that McNamara punched two women in the face, and grabbed a third by her hair and dragged her through the parking lot.

The story goes on to say “McNamara, who lives in Huntley, is president of Liberty Elite Services, which specializes in executive protection.”

* The Quinn campaign notes this little nugget…

According to the State Board of Elections, the Rauner campaign has paid Matt McNamara’s Liberty Elite Services $2,400 ($1,200 Q1, $1,200 Q2) for “Security Consulting.”


…Adding… The Quinn campaign also sent over this photo of what they claim is McNamara doing security for Rauner at an event the day before the March primary. “He has personally staffed Rauner all over Illinois,” they say…

…Adding More… That photo was a screen cap from this apparent tracker video

*** UPDATE *** Statement from Rauner Spokesperson Mike Schrimpf…

Bruce met Matt McNamara on the campaign trail and learned that he had provided security for a number of high-profile individuals, including a presidential candidate in 2012 which involved clearance from multiple federal law enforcement agencies, and he had also worked for a number of local law enforcement agencies over the last two decades. While Liberty Elite Services has been used in the past, they will not be used for future events.


That’s a pretty impressive bio.


Finally, some good news

Friday, Sep 12, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Greg Hinz reports on a new study by United Van Lines

According to the latest study of the four-month period of May through August, not only did considerably more people move to the Chicago area than away, but Chicago was the most popular locale for moves in the nation, trailed by Washington, Atlanta, Boston, Los Angeles, Dallas, Phoenix and New York.

Chicago ranked sixth on the move-out list but the spread was wide, with 65.2 percent of those involved in any Chicago move coming in rather than leaving. That’s almost the exact opposite of the split a year ago, when 63 percent were moving out of the Chicago area. […]

[Michael Stoll, an economist and chair of the Department of Public Policy at the University of California at Los Angeles, who speaks about the study for United] underlined that two other cities whose industry breakdown resembles Chicago’s — Boston and New York — also had a relatively strong showing in the latest study. That suggests that sectors such as finance, professional businesses and technology, in which Chicago has a strong or growing presence, suddenly are doing well.

So does the fact that the move-ins included disproportionately high numbers of millennials, aged 25 to 35, and people with an annual income of at least $150,000 a year.

Greg reports this is the highest move-in rate since 2006.

* Look, we all know that this state and Chicago still have major problems. But it burns me to no end when people claim we’re in a “death spiral,” as if we’re all just trapped, helpless victims who have no initiative to turn things around. And it also greatly bothers me that some folks take such great joy in pointing out this or that negative report. I still run them, but I don’t have to revel in our troubles.

During the 1980s when so many of my friends and family fled south, I stayed here. I’d lived in another state and in Europe, but I wanted to make my stand in my home state. The only time I’ve ever regretted my decision has been during the winter (particularly in the winter of 1993, when I was flat broke and freezing). But while it’s nice to visit (especially during cold spells), you couldn’t pay me enough to live in the south. I prefer it here.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Thursday cable TV buys

Friday, Sep 12, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

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A couple of reasonable ideas

Friday, Sep 12, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This sounds like a pretty reasonable idea from Sheila Simon

Simon said that like her opponent she sees value in consolidation of the comptroller and treasurer’s offices. However, she said, there’s no reason to wait to start saving money, and advocates for combining some functions of the two offices.

That would simply take an intergovernmental agreement, she said. She likened it to how she currently shares certain functions with the governor’s office in her role as lieutenant governor.

“There’s no reason why the treasurer and the comptroller can’t do the same,” she said.

She may very well be right. Perhaps we should ask the two treasurer candidates how they feel about bypassing the constitutional issue by using intergovernmental agreements. As long as Speaker Madigan is running the House, consolidation ain’t gonna happen.

* And I’m pretty sure she’s right about this

On the area of government consolidation, Simon acknowledged that Illinois is flush with local government entities but said consolidation is sometimes, but not always, the answer. She said intergovernmental agreements to share resources are also an effective way to save money.

Without a doubt, some consolidation can save taxpayers some money, but the services will still need to be provided.

* Meanwhile, this is behind a subscriber firewall, but nobody else has covered it so I thought you might wanna know. From the Illinois Observer

Comptroller Judy Baar Topinka handed a no-bid contract to a former Republican Party chairman this year.

Topinka’s office paid Patrick Brady and his new lobbyist firm, Next Generation Public Affairs, $40,000 from March to June 2014 to liaison with Illinois law enforcement agencies, according to documents secured through a Freedom of Information Act request by Lt. Governor Sheila Simon’s comptroller campaign.

Brady is to form “strategic partnerships with municipal, county and state law enforcement agencies,” the contract states.

“Steering a huge no-bid contract to a Republican lobbyist who helped you get elected is exactly the type of back-scratching politics that Illinois cannot afford,” said Dave Mellet, Simon’s campaign manager.

Huge? Not so much. And I don’t think Brady played much of a role in JBT’s last election, but a hit is a hit.


*** UPDATED x1 - Schilling response *** Bustos launches new ad highlighting constituent service

Friday, Sep 12, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Cheri Bustos campaign…

New TV Ad Features Local WWII Veteran Bustos Helped Cut Through Government Red Tape

Granddaughter of World War II Veteran: “We turned to Cheri Bustos. Once Cheri got involved, things were done like that.”

Today, Cheri Bustos for Congress launched “Pension,” the campaign’s second television ad. The ad highlights the story of World War II veteran William Thomas of Fenton, Ill. and his granddaughter, Kate Delaney, a Navy veteran also from Fenton, who turned to Cheri for help when the VA erroneously declared William deceased, which put his pension at risk. Within a month of turning to Cheri for help, William had his pension and peace of mind back.

* The ad

* Script…

Kate VO: It makes me proud to think about my family’s service.

I served in the Navy.

William VO: And I served during World War Two.

Kate Sync: One day, grandpa told me he got a letter from the VA. They thought he had died, and he wouldn’t be receiving his pension.

William Sync: Well, I was kind of flabbergasted. I didn’t even go to my own funeral.

Kate Sync: So we turned to Cheri Bustos. Once Cheri got involved, things were done [snaps] like that. Within a month, he had his pension back. Cheri Bustos cares about veterans.

Bustos VO: I’m Cheri Bustos and I approve this message.

It’s a pretty darned good ad. But it just made me think of Bobby Schilling’s demand that Bustos keep her promise of giving up ten percent of her congressional salary by donating the money to a veterans’ group.

*** UPDATE *** From the Schilling campaign…

“Cheri Bustos voted to cut veterans benefits by $6 billion by voting for the Ryan-Murray budget in 2013. Six. Billion. Dollars. She can run commercials wrapping herself in the American flag all she wants, but veterans haven’t forgotten her heartless vote that cut benefits to veterans and their families by $6 billion.”

Going off on Paul Ryan? Interesting.


Vampire capitalism or unlocking value?

Friday, Sep 12, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From avowed Bruce Rauner foe Doug Ibendahl

Cherrydale Farms is a Pennsylvania-based company which survived the Great Depression and two World Wars. But it couldn’t survive Bruce Rauner.

Less than five years after Rauner and his investment group took control of Cherrydale Farms, the century old family business was in bankruptcy.

Cherrydale Farms was founded in 1907 by Esther Cherry who began selling hand-made candies and other items to her neighbors. In the 1930’s the company discovered a new distribution channel for its candies and related products when it began working directly with schools and charity groups and offered its services as a fundraising vehicle. The family’s decision helped the company weather the Depression and the fundraising specialty soon became the core of Cherrydale’s business model.

By 1986 the company had annual sales of $15 million and a new candy making plant was opened in Pennsburg, Pennsylvania. Annual sales would eventually approach $100 million.

Then in 1994 the Cherry family sold a majority stake in their company to Rauner’s private equity firm, then known as Golder, Thoma, Cressey, Rauner, Inc. – now simply GTCR, LLC.

As part of the take-over, Rauner put himself on the Board of Directors of Cherrydale Farms.

Catastrophe followed.

* From the Lehigh Valley Morning Call

Cherrydale was a successful business, with sales growing from $4 million to $100 million, until 1994. That’s when it sold a majority stake in the business to an investment group made up of Golder, Thoma, Cressey, Rauner Inc. of Chicago and Jackson National Life Insurance Co.

Then in March of this year — just five years later — Cherrydale filed for bankruptcy protection. […]

Cherry, who grew up working in the Cherrydale plant but cut ties to the company in 1997, declined to say specifically what went wrong.

“It’s something that never, ever, should have happened,” said Cherry, who called rescuing Cherrydale the “biggest emotional issue of my life.”

“It was just disastrous,” he said. “There will be no mistake again of that nature; I can guarantee that.”

Despite continuing strong sales, Cherrydale was $50 million to $100 million in debt, according to bankruptcy filings on March 15. “Different people operate companies in different ways,” Cherry said. “This company was very close to liquidation.”

Asked about the previous managers at the company, he said, “They will not be with the company, clearly. There’s no question about it. The old management team is back.”

* I asked a friend of mine who’s in the finance biz for his opinion. Here’s his e-mail…

At first blush, it looks like GTCR acquired the majority stake through a leveraged buyout: a little private equity and a lot of debt structured in such a way that Cherrydale’s cash flow and assets collateralized the debt. Pretty common in private equity. That’s how Zell got the Trib: put up a little money, have the target assume most of the risk (in the Trib’s case, the employees ESOP).

Some LBOs are also straight bustouts. Targets are usually in some trouble. Say GTCR got control of the company putting up a little cash and borrowing more based on the company’s assets: They run up lines of credit, stiff vendors, sell assets, all the while paying themselves sweet salaries and consulting fees and the investors — also themselves — dividends.

When it all falls apart, they file bankruptcy and walk away.

It’s what Mitt called “unlocking value” in a company, lol, and what Newt and Rick Perry called “vampire capitalism.”



RI sheriff resigns after “attempted cyberstalking”

Friday, Sep 12, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a press release…

Attorney General Lisa Madigan announced that Rock Island County Sheriff Jeffrey Boyd resigned and pled guilty [yesterday] to attempted official misconduct based on attempted cyberstalking.

Boyd, 48, of Rock Island, pled guilty before Judge Jeffrey O’Connor earlier today to one count of attempted official misconduct based on attempted cyberstalking. As part of his guilty plea, Boyd resigned and has withdrawn his re-election candidacy in the November election. He has also forfeited the pension he earned during his term as Rock Island County Sheriff.

Madigan alleged Boyd used his position as sheriff to intimidate and threaten a woman he met at a Rock Island gym. Boyd pursued the woman, who is an undocumented immigrant from Mexico, over repeated text messages. After the victim asked Boyd to stop and leave her alone, Boyd continued to pursue the woman, attempting to use his position in public office and as a law enforcement officer to intimidate and harass the victim. In June, Madigan said Boyd went further, leveling a threat against the victim in an anonymous text message, putting the victim in fear for her safety.

“Mr. Boyd was elected by the people of Rock Island County to serve as its top law enforcement officer, but unfortunately he attempted to use his position to intimidate and stalk his victim,” Madigan said. “My office sought his resignation and criminal conviction to ensure he can no longer abuse the power that the people of Rock Island County entrusted in him.”

Under today’s agreed sentence, Boyd is forbidden from contacting the victim.

Madigan’s Public Integrity Bureau prosecuted the case based on a referral from the Illinois State Police, which investigated the case.


* The sheriff will actually resign today, and he doesn’t seem all that contrite

“But I still believe in my heart of hearts I have not committed a crime,” he said during a news conference Thursday in front of the Rock Island County Justice Center, which he has overseen as sheriff since 2010. As part of his plea, he also must forfeit the pension he has earned in his four years as sheriff. […]

“There’s no public information to support any threats (were made),” he said. “I challenge that. It’s not accurate.”

Lang and Boyd also disputed Madigan’s characterization of the plea being based on attempted cyberstalking. County records also include cyberstalking as part of the charge, but Boyd said the record needs to be corrected. He also bristled at the suggestion that his case is similar to that of former State’s Attorney Jeff Terronez, who resigned in a 2011 scandal involving a minor.

“We’re here over Jeff Boyd’s legal problems,” he said, his wife, Ann Boyd, standing at his side. She is employed as director of advertising sales for the Quad-City Times.

* As noted in the story, the local state’s attorney resigned a few years ago after a sex scandal involving a minor. Both the former state’s attorney and the sheriff are Democrats.

I’m not attempting to make light of this crime by dragging politics into the story, but there are three important campaigns going on right now which include all or part of Rock Island County: Congresswoman Cheri Bustos, state Sen. Mike Jacobs and state Rep. Mike Smiddy. All three incumbents are Democrats. This latest scandal won’t be good for the local party at all. And if any of those races end up being close, this stunning resignation, coming so soon after another one, could be a factor there.


Dodging and weaving and proclaiming his innocence

Friday, Sep 12, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I asked the Rauner campaign if it had a transcript of the Tribune debate and if they would please pull out the back and forth over the IDOT hiring scandal. Check it out…

MODERATOR:…we are going to get budget questions but i want to talk about IDOT which we’re both going back and forth on. the outgoing Secretary says that a lot of the requests for staff assistants, the vast majority came from the governor’s office, is she telling the truth?

QUINN: The answer is recommendations were made but she was expected to follow the rules, and she told the inspector general the she did not know the Rutan rules, she said that and she is no longer working there

RAUNER: But you knew ‘em or you wouldn’t have recommended them, ’cause you knew the rules and you recommended ‘em.

QUINN: Anybody who is recommended from our office for a Rutan exempt position, the director is expected to follow the rules. If they don’t follow the rules, they have to be held accountable, i have a new director there. Now, after the inspector general who I appointed who is independent, and I gave him the jurisdiction over all this hiring issue, he made recommendations to our office, we’ve carried out every single one and gone beyond that. we’ve set up a merit board at the Department of Transportation, we’ve told all directors in all departments - they must review all exempt positions.

MODERATOR: This is all reactive to the inspector general’s report, so this has been going on. It took the inspector general and a whistle blower to bring this to your attention, why didn’t you know what was going on and how many of those recommendations came specifically from you and do you really expect your own secretary to not obey her boss?

QUINN: No, i expect her to follow the rules that I set down from the very beginning of this administration regarding hiring, and also the law. A matter of fact, I gave the inspector general authority to make sure that was carried out, and when that wasn’t carried out there was accountability. That is why the Secretary is no longer working there. I have a new Secretary who understands the rules, she’s going through reform she has an outstanding record of reform.

MODERATOR: The old secretary says she was taking orders from the governor’s office, who in your office was giving the orders?

QUINN: She wasn’t taking orders. If there were recommendations for positions, she was expected to understand there are exempt position and non exempt positions. You cannot put people from anywhere into non exempt positions, they’ve got to go through the proper personnel.

MODERATOR: Who was making the recommendations from your office?

QUINN: I don’t, they’re probably people on my staff that recommended folks

MODERATOR: I’d think that’s the first thing you’d want to know…

QUINN: Well the people on my staff said…

MODERATOR: whoever it was would be gone.

QUINN: Well the people who were involved in this are no longer working for the state, if that’s what you’re asking.

MODERATOR: Who are they? Who in your office was…

QUINN: You have the chief of staff, you have other people who are, deputy chief of staff and people like that

MODERATOR: They were the ones passing recommendations to IDOT, Mr. Lavin, who else?

QUINN: Sean O’Shea was one of the deputy chiefs of staff, yes

RAUNER: These are holdovers from the Blagovich administration, Pat Quinn got his start in politics doing patronage for Dan Walker who went to jail, he’s part of this system, it’s everywhere in state government and he’s part of it



*** UPDATED x1 - Video *** Despite sharp disagreements, NFIB backs Rauner

Friday, Sep 12, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The NFIB vigorously opposes Rauner’s service tax proposal and it “adamantly, adamantly” opposes an increase in the minimum wage, which Rauner also used to believe, but says he no longer does. Even so, the NFIB really had no other place to go in this race…

The National Federation of Independent Business, the nation’s and Illinois’ leading small-business association, has endorsed Bruce Rauner for governor. NFIB announced the endorsement at a Rauner campaign event at FlagSource, an NFIB member business in Batavia.

“Bruce Rauner is clearly the best choice for small business,” said Kim Clarke Maisch, state director of NFIB/Illinois. “Bruce Rauner comes from the business community. He understands that government mandates and high taxes make it even harder for small, family businesses to grow and create jobs.

“We need a governor who sees the big picture, who understands what it takes to keep people working and to make Illinois competitive again and build a strong economy,” she said. “We need Bruce Rauner.”

Before endorsing, NFIB carefully vetted both candidates for governor, their positions on key issues and performed a statewide poll of the NFIB/Illinois membership. The endorsement comes from the NFIB/Illinois SAFE (Save America’s Free Enterprise) Trust, the political action committee for NFIB/Illinois’ membership.

Today’s endorsement puts the considerable grassroots support of the state’s small businesses behind the governor’s campaign. Small business owners and their employees vote in high numbers and are known for recruiting friends, family members and acquaintances to vote.

NFIB will encourage its 11,000 dues-paying members in Illinois to help turn out the influential small business voting bloc on Election Day.


*** UPDATE *** Here’s the Rauner campaign video of the endorsement

* From an accompanying press release…

Illinois gubernatorial candidate Bruce Rauner today called on Governor Pat Quinn to quit stalling investigations into his administration and release all documents related to both NRI and illegal patronage hiring.

“Pat Quinn continues breaking promises and refuses to come clean with the people of Illinois,” Rauner said at the NFIB endorsement press conference in Batavia. “After promising the people he would fully cooperate with the investigations, we learned just yesterday that he’s refusing to disclose emails to the Legislative Audit Commission regarding NRI.”

Yesterday, the Chicago Sun-Times reported that Governor Quinn is refusing to disclose emails regarding NRI, prompting the co-chair of the Legislative Audit Commission to request Attorney General Lisa Madigan to enforce the subpoenas.
“That’s not the sign of someone fully cooperating,” Rauner said. “What is this governor hiding and who is he protecting?”


Kirk raising money on “rumors” of Michelle Obama candidacy

Friday, Sep 12, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This Sun-Times story is attracting some national attention

Sen. Mark Kirk, R-Ill., is invoking first lady Michelle Obama as a possible 2016 opponent in a recent fundraising appeal, citing the “press and rumor mills” as his source — even though she has shown no interest in running for elected office.

It’s even doubtful President Barack Obama and the first family will immediately return to Chicago after leaving the White House, since youngest daughter Sasha will still be in high school here in January 2017, when a new president is sworn in.

Kirk’s fundraising ploy comes as the notion of Michelle Obama running for a Senate seat from Illinois surfaces occasionally — as it did in June — triggering Michelle Obama, the president White House Senior Adviser and friend Valerie Jarrett to shoot it down in interviews during the summer.

But in the world of political fundraising, denials about running for office don’t count for much because folks deny interest in running all the time and then they go and do it. Kirk’s letter uses the fundraising rule that it’s more effective to ask for money if there is someone big going after you.


“I’m not one to believe rumors or engage in political gossip,” Kirk says in the letter, “but when it comes to defending the Illinois Senate seat that I’m honored to hold, I take all potential threats seriously.”

Kirk asked for donors to contribute anywhere from $25 to $1,000.


It’s probably a smart move as far as fundraising goes. It made me chuckle, anyway.


While the “rumor mill” has been active for some time, Obama has explicitly said she has no plans for elected office.

Asked by ABC’s Robin Roberts whether her next move will be political, Obama said, “No, it will not be political,” and went on to say her next role will be “mission-based” and “service-focused.”

White House senior adviser Valerie Jarrett, a close friend of the Obamas, flat out rejected the suggestion that Obama would ever run for political office.

“No. I’m absolutely 100 percent positive that will never happen,” Jarrett said on NBC’s “Meet the Press” in June.

Other outlets ran stories as well, but I think you get the drift.


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Friday, Sep 12, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

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