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“Zig-zagging the state”

Thursday, Sep 25, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Terry James at WJBC

Republican Lt. Gubernatorial Candidate Evelyn Sanguinetti made a stop in Bloomington Thursday morning to talk an alleged secret program by Governor Pat Quinn to release prisoners early.

Sanguinetti says those criminals went on to commit more crime. WJBC News asked Sanguinetti what the Rauner administration would do about crime in Illinois if elected.

“For starters it’s not to have the secret program to put criminals out on the street and putting our families in jeopardy,” said Sanguinetti. “As a mother of three small children, I would have certainly liked to know and object.”

* Many thanks to Terry for the raw audio, which is simply priceless


Tomorrow’s news today

Thursday, Sep 25, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* OK, let’s try this again. The last video didn’t work properly and I had to take the post down.

Gov. Pat Quinn answered reporters’ questions today. He was repeatedly asked about Bruce Rauner’s Harold Washington TV ad, but did his best to turn it back on Rauner, calling it a “diversion” from Rauner’s nursing home scandal. He talked about other subjects as well. It’s definitely worth a listen


Today’s number: 29,228

Thursday, Sep 25, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Keep in mind that these TV advertising numbers compiled by The Center for Public Integrity go back all the way to January 1st and run through September 13th. But Rauner was bashing Quinn throughout the primary, so that’s why I didn’t take the time to break them out. These totals also don’t include local cable TV buys.

The two sides are pushing thousands of points this week on Chicago TV alone, so fresh numbers would be much higher

RAUNER: 11,900 “mixed ads” - $6.8 million - targeting Pat Quinn, supporting Bruce Rauner

RAUNER: 935 “negative ads” $944,500 - targeting Pat Quinn

RAUNER: 5,547 “positive ads” - $6.5 million - supporting Bruce Rauner

TOTAL RAUNER: 18,382 ads - $14.2 million

QUINN: 3,880 “negative ads” - $3.4 million - targeting Bruce Rauner

QUINN: 1,244 “positive ads” - $2.4 million - supporting Pat Quinn

IL FREEDOM PAC: 5,722 “negative ads” - $4.9 million - targeting Bruce Rauner

TOTAL QUINN/IFP: 10,846 ads - $10.7 million

GRAND TOTAL: 29,228 ads - $24.9 Million

Expect more. Lots and lots more.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s cable TV buys

Thursday, Sep 25, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Question of the day

Thursday, Sep 25, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a press release…

Today, Gov. Quinn reportedly told the Daily Herald editorial board that he “never promised that the income tax hike would be temporary.” But video of a 2011 press conference shows otherwise: Gov. Quinn referred to the tax hike as “temporary” no less than three times.

“Gov. Quinn is clearly trying to rewrite history. The facts and his own words portray a different story,” said Illinois Republican Party Chairman Tim Schneider. “If he’s willing to be this bold in twisting his own words, why would we trust anything he says?”

* The press release is based on this Tweet…

* Back to the press release…

* “I want to point out that the, I guess, one point of the income tax, one percent, is temporary for four years. It will fall to 3.75% at the end of that time.” - Gov. Pat Quinn post tax hike press conference, January 12, 2011 – Video from Rich Miller/Blueroomstream – quote at 12:25

* “Well, the concept here is this is a temporary income tax to deal with the immediate fiscal emergency our state faces; to pay the bills so we don’t have severe cutbacks in education, health care, public safety, important things that are absolutely vital to the lives of the citizens,” Quinn added. - CBS Chicago, January 12, 2011 - Quinn defends income tax hike

* “We have some temporary tax increases that are designed to pay our bills, get Illinois back on fiscal sound footing and make sure that our state has a strong economy.” —Gov. Pat Quinn post tax hike press conference, January 12, 2011 – Video from Rich Miller/Blueroomstream – quote at 4:00

That CBS2 quote is at about the 14:00 mark of the “Rich Miller/Blueroomstream” video. He again references the phase-out at about the 26:00 mark.

* But at about the 15:00 mark, Quinn was asked: “Four years from now, do you support making this five percent tax increase permanent?” His response

“We’ll deal with one day at a time, one week, one month, one year at a time.”

* The Question: Fair hit by the IRP or not? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.

survey service

[Oops. Had to change the answers. Sorry about that. Yes and No didn’t track with the question.]


Drops in the bucket hyped as important floods

Thursday, Sep 25, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My in-box has been bombarded the past two days by Sen. Dick Durbin’s DC office announcing tiny little grants as if they were major developments…


    “Today’s funding is an important investment in the Illinois public health system, in the health research done at our hospitals and universities, and in the primary care programs that keep our citizens healthy,” said Durbin. “These programs – whether they are providing valuable patient care or researching the causes of disease – will help Illinoisans lead long, healthy lives.”


    “This federal funding invests in resources to train new mental health providers who will care for young people struggling with behavioral or mental illnesses. It will also equip teachers and others with the tools they need to effectively identify and respond to mental health issues in youth, and fund school and community efforts to improve access mental health services,” Durbin said.


    “Today’s announcement is an investment in the safety of students in Illinois classrooms,” Durbin said. “Ensuring that our classrooms are safe, inclusive spaces will help prevent our youth from turning away from their studies and toward drugs and violence. We must also ensure that these efforts include reforms to better discipline our students without forcing them out of the classroom and into a courtroom.”


    “The funding announced today will enhance ongoing efforts in Chicago and throughout the state to provide services that support previously incarcerated young people and adults and help them reintegrate back into society through mentorship programs,” Durbin said. “It is critical that the federal government support these programs, which have helped many get back on their feet, find jobs, and become productive members of the community after incarceration.”

All of those were received within the past 25 hours.



*** UPDATED x1 *** Frerichs wants Cross to sever ties to ALEC

Thursday, Sep 25, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a press release…

Downstate Democrat Mike Frerichs, candidate for State Treasurer, is calling on his Republican opponent, 22-year incumbent Republican Tom Cross, to cut his ties with American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC) and renounce their agenda. This week Google, Facebook, and Yelp joined a long list of companies that have cut ties with ALEC. The national right-wing think tank is accused of undermining efforts to address climate change and spearheading anti-environmental legislation nationwide.

Frerichs, a Certified Public Finance Officer, notes that the Government Finance Officers Association (GFOA) called on all states to incorporate sustainability practices into their investment standards in 2012. GFOA represents 18,000 public finance experts across the U.S. and Canada. Frerichs has pledged to bolster efforts in the Treasurer’s office to improve sustainable agriculture if elected. Frerichs says the Ag Invest program, which partners with local banks to provide discounted loans, has been underutilized.

“Tom Cross and Bruce Rauner embrace a philosophy of maximizing profits at any cost that has been firmly rejected not just by public finance officers, but also by leading Illinois businesses like Caterpillar and John Deere,” says Zach Koutsky, Frerichs’ campaign manager. “Mike Frerichs has called for a renewed effort to invest in sustainable agriculture that would support farmers looking to purchase the latest green technology and grow our economy. Tom Cross says we should only be focused on maximizing interest rates.”

Frerichs was recently endorsed by the Illinois Sierra Club in his race against Cross, who has a history of anti-environmental votes in the legislature.

Cross is an Identified Leader of ALEC, a rightwing think tank that denies global warming

Cross is a leader within the American Legislative Exchange Council (ALEC), a rightwing corporate think tank, according to nonpartisan watchdogs at The Center for Media and Democracy (CMD). In 2011, Cross participated in an ALEC conference aimed at restricting the rights of women, racial minorities, gay Americans and older workers in all 50 states to sue for wrongful termination, workplace discrimination and sexual harassment.

    Cross Voted Against Legislation Sponsored By Obama To Protect Lake Michigan
    Tom Cross voted against a measure co-sponsored by state Sen. Barack Obama to block sludge treatment facilities from being built near Lake Michigan. Cross was one of only 20 No votes in the Illinois House against the bipartisan measure (SB 1003).

    Cross Voted Against Legislation to Warn Parents of Contaminated Drinking Water
    Cross led House Republican opposition to legislation notifying the public about contaminated drinking water. Cross voted No and was joined by nearly all of his GOP colleagues in opposing the measure. (HB 3264)

That first bill became law - 11 years ago. The second bill was never called in the Senate after passing the House three years ago.

*** UPDATE *** The Cross campaign flatly denies that he attended that 2011 ALEC conference. ADDING: They also point to this story which shows he was in his own district during the ALEC conference.

They also rightly point out that HB 3264 was sponsored by Rep. Naomi Jakobsson, who represents half of Sen. Frerichs’ district. Yet, Frerichs did not pick up the bill in the Senate as a co-sponsor. The bill status shows no Senate sponsors at all. So, if the legislation was that important, they say, why didn’t Frerichs pick it up?


*** UPDATED x2 *** Former GTCR partner warned Rauner of nursing home company’s possible bankruptcy

Thursday, Sep 25, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Tribune continues its coverage of the federal bankruptcy trial of a nursing home chain once partly owned by Bruce Rauner’s GTCR

[Edgar Jannotta], who was both a partner at GTCR and a director of Trans Healthcare, also testified about communications concerning Trans Healthcare he had in 2004 and 2005 with other GTCR partners on an investment committee that included Rauner, now the Republican candidate for Illinois governor. Rauner is not a defendant in the Florida lawsuit, though GTCR and Jannotta are defendants. Rauner and Jannotta have both retired from the equity firm.

In those exchanges, Jannotta warned the investment committee that Trans Healthcare’s finances were so shaky it might have to file for bankruptcy protection. Instead, Trans Healthcare was sold in a pair of complicated transactions that plaintiffs’ attorneys say cleaved off the chain’s liabilities into a new firm that effectively had no assets. […]

In his testimony, Jannotta acknowledged that the sale of Trans Healthcare that GTCR took part in did not contemplate any eventual damage award payments to the estates of nursing home residents. He said that was because new companies created in the transaction were to handle any claims. GTCR was not involved with those new companies, which bore variations of the name Fundamental.

“Part of the consideration of the sale was … the Fundamental entities were taking responsibility for those liabilities,” Jannotta testified in the deposition.

* Meanwhile, Kurt Erickson has a piece today about how at least a dozen former Rauner companies have declared bankruptcy. One example

Another company owned by GTCR, Graceway Pharmaceuticals, also butted heads with federal regulators over one of its key products— a medicine designed to treat skin cancer.

The company was unsuccessful in keeping its patent on Aldara, allowing cheaper generic versions to hit the market. Although cancer patients had access to less expensive options, that meant the company’s revenue plummeted from $320 million to $52 million.

“The loss of exclusivity with respect to Aldara, and the resulting decrease in net sales, is the primary factor that has led” to the bankruptcy, noted Gregory C. Jones, Graceway’s executive vice president of strategic development.

As the company was heading into bankruptcy in 2010, GTCR took $9 million in cash out of the company. The company later was forced to pay more than $6 million of that money back.

Kinda blatant, no?

*** UPDATE 1 *** The Rauner campaign disputes the story…

Rich -

Unsurprisingly, the facts on Graceway are not as presented by the Freedom PAC folks. The $9 million distribution was a TAX distribution, which was required under Graceway’s Limited Liability Company Agreement. The investment into Graceway was structured in a way that had taxable earnings flow through the holding company. The tax distributions are then remitted to state and federal governments. Notably, Graceway did not make any discretionary distributions in 2010.

Simply put, the tax distributions would have gone directly into the U.S. treasury.

    The $9 Million Distribution From Graceway In 2010 Was A Tax Distribution, To Pay Income Taxes On The Company’s Earnings. “The 2010 tax distribution totaling $9,127,166.00 was made on March 18, 2010. The Debtors made no further distributions to the Members following this distribution.” (“DEBTORS’ MOTION FOR AN ORDER AUTHORIZING THE DEBTORS TO ENTER INTO A SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT WITH GTCR,” In re: GRACEWAY PHARMACEUTICALS, LLC, United States Bankruptcy Court For The District Of Delaware, Case No. 11-13036 (PJW), 2/14/12, p.4)

    · Graceway Did Not Make Any Discretionary Distributions In 2010. (“DEBTORS’ MOTION FOR AN ORDER AUTHORIZING THE DEBTORS TO ENTER INTO A SETTLEMENT AGREEMENT WITH GTCR,” In re: GRACEWAY PHARMACEUTICALS, LLC, United States Bankruptcy Court For The District Of Delaware, Case No. 11-13036 (PJW), 2/14/12, p.4)

*** UPDATE 2 *** Illinois Freedom PAC…


The Rauner campaign’s statement was highly misleading. The fact that it was a tax distribution does not change a thing. It just means that GTCR obtained $9 million from an insolvent company to pay their own tax liabilities on their investment in Graceway before creditors could state their claims to the money. This is why a judge ordered them to pay back $6 million of the money they took from the company, including $4.5 million to first lien creditors. It was still a greedy and heartless maneuver because Graceway was cutting jobs and slashing benefits.

It’s telling that the Rauner camp did not deny that GTCR

    · Acted to protect its own profits over the interests of cancer patients,

    · Cut 130 jobs

    · Slashed employees’ health care and retirement benefits, and

    · Took $9 million from a failing company, most of it which it was forced to repay.

[ *** End Of Updates *** ]

* The full oppo report by the union-backed Illinois Freedom PAC


GTCR founded Graceway Pharmaceuticals in 2006, committing $200 million to develop the company. In 2010, Graceway’s sales started to plummet, and the company laid off 40% of its workforce and cut benefits including vision care and 401k matching for its remaining employees. The same month that these moves were announced, GTCR gave itself a $9.1 million distribution from the company. Shortly after, Graceway began defaulting on its debts and went into bankruptcy. During the bankruptcy proceedings, GTCR was ordered to pay back $6 million of the 2010 distribution it received from Graceway, because the company was already insolvent when the payment was made.


GTCR Founded Graceway Pharmaceuticals In 2006. “Founded in 2006 by King Pharmaceuticals Inc. chief executive Jefferson J. Gregory and private equity firm GTCR Golder Rauner LLC, Graceway focuses on acquiring branded prescription products and licensing products. The company specializes in dermatology, respiratory and women’s health products. [Daily Deal, 9/29/11]

2006: GTCR Said It Would Commit $200 Million To Develop Graceway. “In 2006 the firm said it would commit up to $200 million to develop Graceway. GTCR did not respond to a call for comment.” [Daily Deal, 9/29/11]

July 2011: GTCR Remained The Sole Sponsor Of Graceway Pharmaceuticals. “Graceway brought in Lazard as of at least April to help look at its options. GTCR remains the sole sponsor of the business.” [Daily Deal, 7/12/11]

December 2011: Graceway Pharmaceuticals Sold To Medicis Pharmaceutical Group For $455 Million. “Graceway will fund its plan with the proceeds from the $455 million sale of its assets to Medicis Pharmaceutical Corp., which closed Dec. [The Deal Pipeline, 4/12/12]


March 2010: Graceway Laid Off 130 Of Its 323 Employees. “In federal court filings Tuesday, Graceway revealed that it will lay off 130 of its 323 employees, and that it is ‘taking drastic steps to avoid bankruptcy.’” [Bristol Herald Courier, 3/25/10]

March 2010: Graceway “Lopped Off 60% Of Its Payroll; Cancelled Matching Contributions To Its 401K Program; And Eliminated Subsidies For Vision Coverage And Dependent Life Insurance.” “Bellamy confirmed Tuesday that Graceway was dismissing about 40 percent of its employees, but refused to provide any further details about how many people and what positions were affected. Those details were spelled out in court filings later Tuesday: Graceway has lopped off 60 percent of its payroll; cancelled matching contributions to its 401k program; and eliminated subsidies for vision coverage and dependent life insurance.” [Bristol Herald Courier, 3/25/10]

March 2010: Graceway Senior VP Of Human Resources: “Graceway’s Entire Workforce Is Distracted, Unsettled And In Poor Spirits.” “In a declaration supporting Graceway’s bid for an injunction against Nycomed, a senior executive painted a grim picture of the workplace environment. “Graceway’s entire workforce is distracted, unsettled, and in poor spirits,” according to the declaration by John William Musick, senior vice president for human resources. “Their work performance and productivity has suffered dramatically. Rather than devoting their time to researching and developing new products or marketing and selling existing products, they are worrying about keeping their jobs and beginning to look for new jobs.” [Bristol Herald Courier, 3/25/10]

Graceway Pharmaceuticals Laid Off 40% Of Its Workforce. “In May 2010, Graceway laid off 40% of its workforce.” [Daily Deal, 9/29/11]


March 2010: Graceway Made A $9.1 Million Distribution To GTCR “When The Company Was Already Insolvent.” “In March 2010, Graceway Holdings made a $9.1 million distribution that the debtors say was made when the company was already insolvent, according to the motion. Graceway said that because of this, the funds could be subject to potential avoidance or recovery actions under the Bankruptcy Code. GTCR disputed this, according to the motion.” [Law360, 2/14/12]


Graceway Owed Over $430 Million In First-Lien Debt And Defaulted On The Debt In 2010. “Further injuring the drug company was the large amount of first-lien, second-lien and mezzanine debt issued on May 3, 2007. As of Wednesday, Graceway owed $430.7 million to first-lien lenders led by Bank of America NA, $330 million to second-lien lenders and $81.4 million to mezzanine lenders. Graceway also owes about $30 million to unsecured trade creditors. The first-lien notes include a $650 million term loan due May 3, 2012, as well as a $30 million revolver, $10 million swing line loan and up to $10 million in letters of credit. Graceway defaulted on the first-lien debt in 2010 but cured the default through an Oct. 15, 2010, agreement.” [Daily Deal, 9/29/11]

Standard & Poors Downgraded Graceway’s Credit Rating To SD From B- After Graceway Defaulted On Second Lien Debt On August 31, 2010. “In September 2010, Standard & Poor’s rating service lowered Graceway’s corporate credit rating to SD from B- after the business failed to make an Aug. 31, 2010, interest payment on the second-lien term loan.” [Daily Deal, 9/29/11]


September 2011: Graceway Filed For Bankruptcy. “Graceway filed the bankruptcy proceedings Sept. 29 in U.S. Bankruptcy Court in Wilmington, Del. In the bankruptcy court documents, Graceway listed an estimated $1 billion in debt and some $500 million in assets.” [Bristol Herald Courier, 10/19/11]

In Its Bankruptcy Petition, Graceway Listed Assets Of $100-$500 Million And Debt Of Between $500 Million To One Billion Dollars. “In its petition, Graceway listed assets of $100 million to $500 million and liabilities of $500 million to $1 billion. It wasn’t clear how much GTCR has invested in the company to date.” [Daily Deal, 9/29/11]


GTCR Was Ordered To Pay $6 Million To Graceway’s Debtors Because Of Allegations GTCR Recouped $9.1 Million In Distributions From Graceway In 2010. “The new disclosure statement and plan outline a settlement with Graceway equity sponsor GTCR Golder Rauner LLC. Under the settlement, filed Feb. 14, the Chicago private equity firm would pay $4.5 million to the first-lien lenders and $1.5 million to the debtor’s estate. The settlement stems from allegations that members of GTCR had recouped about $9.1 million from distributions from Graceway in 2010.” [The Deal Pipeline, 4/12/12]


Fact checking the fact checkers

Thursday, Sep 25, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The AP ran a “Fact Check” of Bruce Rauner’s “early release” TV ad (which you can watch by clicking here). But I’ve got some quibbles with some of the “facts” presented

RAUNER’S CLAIM: “What happened after Quinn freed them is unthinkable. Sexual assault of a minor, violent domestic abuse and more senseless murders.”

FACTS: The AP found several cases of freed inmates later charged with domestic abuse. At least one is serving a life sentence for a Peoria County murder after early release.

That’s not entirely accurate. Edjuan Payne wasn’t released under the now-infamous 2009 MGT-Push program, he was released in 2010 by the Illinois Prisoner Review Board.

* From a 2010 Peoria Journal Star story

Payne was found to have consumed alcohol - a parole violation - during a check Jan. 17 [2010] and was taken back to prison, Elman said. Under department guidelines, his violation after early release meant he had to serve the rest of his sentence, which would have kept him behind bars until July 22.

Another state body, however, intervened. The Illinois Prisoner Review Board, which has the authority to alter inmates’ sentences by awarding credit for good time and conduct hearings on alleged parole violations, allowed Payne’s early release once again.

The board granted parole to Payne on March 29. On Friday, 47 days later, he made his first court appearance in Peoria County on a second round of murder allegations.

* And, yes, Payne’s parole agent did recommend that he only serve two months for the violation, but he actually served longer than that 2-month recommendation before the Prisoner Review Board set him free, as the AP itself reported at the time

But records reviewed by The Associated Press show Corrections recommended Payne serve only two months for his parole infractions.

Payne was locked up longer than that before the PRB set him free.

Corrections spokeswoman Sharyn Elman said Monday that Payne’s parole agent suggested the two-month term and it was not an official agency recommendation, although it was signed by her supervisor.

* And in either case, the Department of Corrections’ MGT-Push program was halted in December of 2009 by Gov. Quinn, months before Payne’s release, as the AP reports today

QUINN RESPONSE: In a fundraising email to supporters, Quinn campaign manager Lou Bertuca responded that “Gov. Quinn didn’t authorize a single early release. In fact, the very day he found out about the program, he shut it down.”

FACTS: It’s true that Quinn suspended early release within hours of the AP’s report, and permanently terminated it at the end of that month. But two days after the article, Quinn said he had known about the program and claimed it had been well-publicized, but wouldn’t say why he was halting it. The next day, he said then-Corrections Director Michael Randle had not followed specific instructions to bar violent offenders from early release.

When he formally ended the good-time program Dec. 30, 2009, Quinn said he hadn’t known about the program until reading the AP account.

Yes, Quinn said he knew about the program, but he insisted that the program he’d authorized was only for non-violent offenders. Director Randle, Quinn said, had disobeyed his orders and was eventually forced out. And he hadn’t known about the program until reading the AP account actually translates into Quinn’s claim that he didn’t know about violent offenders being released, not about the program itself. A bit of twisting there.


A “magical” caption contest!

Thursday, Sep 25, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Palos Heights/Palos Park Regional Journal

Palos Heights retired famed magician Ron Urban and his son Renaud meet GOP governor hopeful Bruce Rauner

* The pic…

So, is this magician’s powers part of Bruce Rauner’s secret plan to increase spending, cut taxes and balance the budget? Maybe so. Or maybe Mr. Urban will make the nursing home scandal magically disappear. Or… ?


Bustos says she “made a mistake,” won’t give up pay

Thursday, Sep 25, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Democratic Congresswoman Cheri Bustos met with the Quad-City Times editorial board and was asked about her 2012 promise to give up 10 percent of her congressional salary. She didn’t come off very well

Rep. Cheri Bustos, D-Ill., said Wednesday that she made a mistake two years ago by saying she’d cut her own pay if elected, but added that she is trustworthy and, in the end, what’s really important is getting results. […]

“It was a vigorous back and forth, and I said something I shouldn’t have said,” Bustos said. “You don’t make decisions like that without talking to your husband about it or anything else.”

Bustos said she did not intend to follow through on the matter, because “my pledge to the residents and the citizens of this district” was that she’d support legislation to cut lawmaker pay. “I did support that legislation,” she said. […]

“I work very hard. My word is good, and I have taken very, very seriously my reputation, my family’s reputation. I made a mistake. I’m sitting her telling you I made a mistake. I should not have said that,” Bustos said.

* Schilling campaign response…

Jon Schweppe, communications director at Bobby Schilling for Congress, said that Bustos should follow through on her promise, not apologize for getting caught breaking it.

“Congresswoman Bustos is wrong,” Schweppe said. “Her word isn’t good. She didn’t make a mistake—she made a promise. She made a promise and she broke it. If she wants to make good, she should give back the money. Period.

“And to say her word is good after everything she has ‘misspoken’ about—the shutdown pay, the investment in a Chinese company that ships American jobs overseas, the veterans cuts, the slanderous statements about Bobby Schilling’s employer—is almost laughable but mostly just sad at this point.”

* The Schilling campaign also has a new TV ad which addresses the matter

* Script…

Narrator: “Congresswoman Cheri Bustos refuses to be accountable for her promises and her votes. Bustos promised she’d cut her own pay by 10 percent, now she claims she ‘misspoke.’

Bustos cast a vote on House Joint Resolution 59 on December 12, 2013, a vote to cut veterans benefits by six billion.

After public outcry, Bustos voted to restore the cuts… will she now claim she ‘mis-voted?’ The facts don’t lie.”


Your morning assignment: Watch Pat Quinn at the SJ-R

Thursday, Sep 25, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The SJ-R’s editorial board interview of Gov. Pat Quinn was posted yesterday and only has 18 views as I write this. It does take awhile sometimes for YouTube’s counts to catch up to actual view counts, but let’s run that way up today because I’m sure there must be something of interest. Let us know what you find, if anything, in comments


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition: Crosstabs, mail

Thursday, Sep 25, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Thursday, Sep 25, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Wakey, wakey!

Thursday, Sep 25, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* This’ll blow the cobwebs outta your brain


* Isabel’s afternoon roundup
* Robert Crimo III pleads guilty to Highland Park parade shooting
* Question of the day
* Tribune editorial board: 'Nevermind'
* Judge tosses bribery convictions in ComEd Four case, prosecutors indicate a new trial may not be necessary
* Fair hit?
* When RETAIL Succeeds, Illinois Succeeds
* It’s just a bill
* State finally making major progress on funding 'four core services'
* Intoxicating Hemp: No safety? No thanks!
* Isabel’s morning briefing
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition
* SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today's edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
* Selected press releases (Live updates)
* Yesterday's stories

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