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More on McKinney

Monday, Oct 20, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Jim Kirk, publisher and editor in chief of the Chicago Sun-Times, explains his version of the Dave McKinney back-story

It is not unusual for campaigns to vigorously argue against publication of a story, especially in the midst of a heated campaign like the current governor’s race.

What happened next, however, is unusual. Just hours before publication of the story, the campaign attempted to get the paper to stop publication by raising an alleged conflict involving a reporter on the story, Springfield Bureau Chief Dave McKinney, and his wife, Ann Liston, a partner in a firm that does consulting work for political clients.

As I told other media outlets over the weekend, the allegations leveled by the campaign were inaccurate and defamatory. We ran the story and continue to back it. And out of an abundance of caution, we did review the matter once again and are convinced Liston receives no financial benefit from any Illinois political campaign specifically because of the extraordinary steps she and McKinney have taken to establish business safeguards.

As I also told other media outlets, McKinney’s work in this campaign and in the more than two decades he has covered politics, including the stories he’s broken on the investigation involving Gov. Pat Quinn and the Neighborhood Recovery Initiative, are consistent with the tough reporting he has done on both campaigns. As I also said over the weekend, both McKinney and Liston are conscientious, ethical and among the best at their professions. The Rauner campaign team had no problem citing our investigations into Gov. Quinn when it suited their strategy. And I assure you the governor’s camp was none too pleased at our investigations of the controversial grant program.

* OK, the allegations leveled by Rauner’s people were “inaccurate and defamatory.” I completely agree. But why did Kirk admit this to Greg Hinz?

Sun-Times Editor-in-Chief Jim Kirk concedes that he did sideline Mr. McKinney for the better part of the week after receiving “inaccurate and spurious” charges against him from the Rauner campaign, but he notes that the reporter is back on the beat.

If the charges were so “spurious” and even “defamatory,” then why sideline his Statehouse reporter for five days, with three weeks to go until election day?

* Back to Greg

The Rauner campaign says “no one reached out to” Michael Ferro, who chairs the board of the Sun-Times’ parent company, Wrapports LLC, and who worked closely with Mr. Rauner when the latter owned 10 percent of the company. But no one who knows for sure is saying yet who pushed the idea of sidelining Mr. McKinney.

I think it’s most likely that Mr. Ferro did not know the details of the “firewall” agreement involving the McKinneys. When the firestorm burst, it’s quite possible that Mr. Kirk decided to throw his outraged boss a bone and spend a few days doublechecking to insure that the promised firewall indeed was in place.

But if I were Mr. McKinney, I’d be outraged, because his de facto suspension tarnished his professional reputation. Any political writer — me included — can understand that. And, pending Mr. Collins’ investigation, no one yet knows for sure who called whom and asked for what.

In that context, the paper’s decision, announced on a Friday evening, to suddenly get back in the endorsement business after a three-year absence is pertinent. In fact, just before midnight on Friday, the paper posted on its website an endorsement of Mr. Rauner that his campaign immediately touted far and wide:

[The link changed on Greg’s column, and it’s now fixed.]

* Robert Feder wrote about Chairman Ferro a while back

With all due respect to David B. Speer, most Chicagoans never heard of the late president and CEO of Illinois Tool Works Inc., who died November 17. So when the Sun-Times devoted the entire front page of last Monday’s edition to Speer’s passing (and all of Pages 2 and 3 to his obituary and career highlights), it must have struck many readers as odd. But there in the ninth paragraph of Neil Steinberg’s laudatory obit was the answer: Speer was “a mentor and a friend” of Michael Ferro, chairman of the Sun-Times’ parent company, Wrapports LLC. (In 2006 Speer bought a software company Ferro owned, Click Commerce, for $292 million.)

Sources said Ferro personally ordered the Page 1 splash, overriding the judgment of his editors. It was a flagrant abuse of his power as publisher and yet another example of Ferro’s ego undermining the credibility of the paper. Hiring wannabe columnist Jenny McCarthy was merely foolish. But dictating news coverage is shameful and disgusting.

* More recently from Feder

In recent weeks, sources said, Ferro has been exerting pressure on editors regarding coverage of Rauner, who held a 10 percent stake in Wrapports before he became a candidate for governor.

Rauner campaign complains about story and reporter, paper runs story anyway, apparently more complaints result, paper sidelines McKinney, Mckinney brought back on the job after five days, paper abandons years-old policy and endorses Rauner and nobody else.

I’ll have more on that endorsement a bit later today.


  1. - Chicago Cynic - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 10:45 am:

    These stories need to be read together to understand what’s really going on here. This is a great preview of the kind of big-footing Rauner would do if he’s elected. Think Rod on steroids with more strategery and no limits.

  2. - Del Clinkton - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 10:46 am:

    I agree with OW. Bruce is Rod, just in different packaging.

  3. - Tim Snopes - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 10:49 am:

    As famed columnist Mike Royko opined upon departing the Sun-Times for the Trib, “No self-respecting fish would want to be wrapped in a Murdoch paper.”

    The same can be said for a Wrapports paper. These people aren’t interested in what news reporters and columnists are interested in.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 10:49 am:

    Honesty, integrity, ethics, morals…

    When you lack those as Rauner does, and makes it about leveraging monies to hide who you are…

    ===auner campaign complains about story and reporter, paper runs story anyway, apparently more complaints result, paper sidelines McKinney, Mckinney brought back on the job after five days, paper abandons years-old policy and endorses Rauner and nobody else.===

    …a chain of events happens like that…

    …and if you question the hypocrisy, they will go after you too.

  5. - Amalia - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 10:50 am:

    I tested this story out with a national reporter who is not in the political business and not connected to anyone in Chicago. the reaction was swift and pointed: that stinks, it’s totally suspicious, do people realize what the Rauner campaign is doing….

  6. - Roland the Headless Thompson Gunner - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 10:53 am:

    “…another example of Ferro’s ego undermining the credibility of the paper” — words that seem equally applicable to the McKinney matter. PS., the idea that no one from the Rauner camp contacted Ferro is laughable.

  7. - Anonymous - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 10:54 am:

    The ethics part of this isn’t surprising, it was clear from the start that Rauner doesn’t concern himself with ethical behavior.

    The surprising part is the stupidity. The big brains over at Rauner central managed to make the story bigger and tarnish their newspaper endorsements at the same time.

    Rauner should have stuck with bidness.

  8. - truthteller - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 10:55 am:

    Del Clinkton- you’re correct. Didn’t Blago say I won’t raise taxes and I wlll spend more for education, too.
    Oh, how well the shoe fits.

  9. - Nonplussed - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 10:56 am:

    None of this would have happened if Roger Ebert were alive.

    I do not say this as a joke. Ebert exerted great influence during the strike a few years ago. He was the most powerful person at that paper for a long time, and used his powers for good.

  10. - Astor - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 10:58 am:

    It’s not the scandal that gets you, it’s the cover up of the scandal. Threatgate - especially if it’s tied to the Sun Times candidate endorsement policy - is a problem for both Rauner and the Sun Times.

  11. - Illinoise - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:00 am:

    Yikes. The worst part for the Rauner camp is that this completely plays into the image the Quinn campaign already painted of Rauner as a wealthy, out of touch bully. This was not opposition research, nor was it an old skeleton in Bruce Rauner’s closet. This is recent and was completely avoidable. Not only did Rauner allow Quinn to define him, but it appears he is doing his best to solidify that argument through clumsy, amateurish political stunts.

  12. - A guy... - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:03 am:

    Campaigns and PR flaks have been arguing with editors and raging forever. I know, like and respect Dave McKinney a great deal. He’s as ethical as they come. Editors probably seldom have to defend a guy like him. He’s not a columnist, he’s a reporter, and an excellent one. A few days away is for his defense too. The Sun Times can be a very frustrating place with any number of their voices, but like most papers, they attempt some kind of balance in reporting. They don’t always succeed. The battle behind the scenes in a newsroom is an all the time thing on political stories and more sensational news. You ought to see what law firms put to work in this arena.

  13. - Del Clinkton - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:04 am:

    The difference between Former Governor Blago and Bruce? Blago was a good politician and made his constituents feel like their voice was important,even if he didnt care.

    Bruce has not figured this out yet.

  14. - MrJM - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:05 am:

    Hinz: “My colleague Rich Miller has his own thoughts, which will publish later today. Check out his piece about how he was dismissed by the Sun-Times after penning a column critical of Mr. Rauner.”

    I shiver with antici…

    – MrJM

  15. - circularfiringsquad - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:08 am:

    Holy ThreatMaster Mitt, Batman
    Let’s pause and wonder what Mitt does to his critics if the unlikely event he reverses his plummenting campaign and wins … We give Mitt the Illinois State Police and Dept of Revenue? Why do images of Nixon keep popping up?
    In the meantime let’s start asking to see some canceled checks to ensure Mitt actually “sold” his chunk of the paper.
    Guessing the Sun TImes thought they could pressure the reporter until someone dropped Pat Collins on their heads. So then they did the next best thing and popped out the poorest of all the very poor endorsements that looks past his flip flop on tax hikes, min. wage etc.
    Good news Dan PRoft confirm on -air this a.m. that his polls show Mitt is underperforming GOP candidates in his own polling.
    Can’t wait for more and then the debate tonite

  16. - 47th Ward - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:09 am:

    This really isn’t surprising. This is what rich and powerful people do. They want something, they go after it. If you don’t give it to them, they take it. Same as it ever was.

    From Rauner’s perspective, why wouldn’t he use his influence on the Sun-Times? It’s just like using his influence on Arne Duncan. That’s how business works in Chicago. It’s who you know.

    I feel bad for McKinney, but this is SOP in Rauner’s world. It’s his nature. He can’t change, mostly because he sees no reason to change. McKinney’s reputation is just collateral damage.

  17. - phocion - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:11 am:

    I agree with Illinoise. I would only add that it’s unclear whether this story will get much traction with the average voter. The past several years have not been kind to the public esteem of the journalist profession. Lead by a massive drop in favorability among women, journalism’s ratings are down across all age groups and ideological leanings. Maybe voters will think this is either inside baseball stuff, or that the reporter got what was coming to him.

  18. - Carter Masterson - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:14 am:

    How do we know Ann Liston derived no benefit from the pile of $ her partner is making on this race? Because she says so?

    How do we know what Rauner complained about was false? Because the ST says so?

    We have lots of folks on these boards jumping to conclusions based on conjecture.

  19. - haverford - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:14 am:

    The fact that Rauner’s camp is still trying to argue the point about Liston is how you know they went to Ferro.

    They’re still so mad about Dave’s story that they don’t realize how much damage this is doing them - stepping on their endorsement, painting Rauner as a bully again, etc. The smart political move over the weekend is just to say, “We didn’t like McKinney’s story, but we never contacted the publisher.” Try to let it die for lack of oxygen.

    But no - they’re STILL trying to win the argument with anyone who will listen! Which means when they didn’t get through to Kirk, they had to keep going up.

    This is just so stupid. They appear incapable of learning damage control - just attack, attack, attack. They have now raised the ire of every political reporter in the state. Great strategy, team!

  20. - Snucka - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:14 am:

    This is the flip side of Rauner’s argument that he “can’t be bought” and “owes nobody any favors”. The latter is obviously false, but it’s a perception that he has tried to build.

    Because his campaign is so heavily reliant upon his own wealth, he feels that he doesn’t have to answer to ANYONE. That feeling clearly pervades his campaign, and one can only imagine what the tone of a Rauner administration would be.

  21. - Steve - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:15 am:

    For more on the story click on this link from the Washington Free Beacon.

  22. - 2 Cents... - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:16 am:

    PLEASE - QUINN folks put together a closing ad with points behind it that highlights Rauner’s lack of character and label him as the “Corrupter”. There is more than enough background to do so!

  23. - Western Camel - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:16 am:

    ~~”Because we backed Rauner, the governor’s campaign tried to make a connection to his former investment in Wrapports, LLC, the company that owns the Sun-Times. In our endorsement editorial on Sunday, we were clear with readers that Rauner was at one time an investor in Wrapports. Those former ties mean nothing when it comes to the Sun-Times’ ability and determination to report on him and his campaign fairly and accurately.” [Source: Jim Kirk, 10/20/14 Chicago Sun Times) ~~

    Notice how carefully Kirk parses his words. He claims Rauner has zero influence on Sun-Times *reporting* (he’s desperately trying to plug the journalistic firewall), but Kirk subtlely forgets to mention (he certainly doesn’t deny) that Rauner has substantial influence via Mr. Ferro on the paper’s endorsements. Sometimes it’s what you don’t say that is most telling.

  24. - Wordslinger - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:18 am:

    Back in the day, Rokyo and Roger Simon quit rather than work for Murdoch. Carol Marin and Ron Magers quit rather than share a newscast with Jerry Springer.

    Nowadays, if you jump, there’s likely no landing spot.

  25. - John A Logan - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:19 am:

    Bruce Rauner should lose this election on this issue alone. It’s a campaign Bruce. Newspapers write what they write and you deal with it. It goes to show how insecure this Rauner campaign is. If there is no fire, then let them print the story and then dispel the smoke. This is just a terrible choice the voters of Illinois have for governor. Quinn is not capable of moving us forward or providing balanced government, but Rauner is just such a heavy handed bully that even I can’t handle it, and I can handle about anything that would put some common sense back in the governors mansion.

  26. - Downstate GOP Faithless - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:19 am:

    This is a reprehensible act by the Rauner people…I am not shocked though. I never try and wish ill on anyone, but if Rauner comes up short I hope this type of issue follows his staff for a long time. They were equally as wrong in this and while not always easy to do someone inside needed to stop this before it happened. No matter what he does in the rest of his career this will always help define DM the journalist. Between this act, the inappropriate stuff Rutherford did this year (between his firing of whistleblowers and his alleged forcing of political work on government staff), and the fact high ranking party operatives made an effort to undercut other Republicans post primary, it is a bad time to be a member of the party I self-identify with.

  27. - walker - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:20 am:

    A Guy: ==”A few days away is for his defense too.”==

    Pull McKinney off his own story weeks before election day, for his own good?

    Respectfully, you might want to rethink that thought, and check for Rauner-colored glasses.

  28. - Norseman - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:23 am:

    Now if you write a negative story, he’ll bury you.

    Watch your back Rich.

  29. - Anonymous - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:23 am:

    - I know, like and respect Dave McKinney -

    PQ’s mom, now Dave McKinney. Is there anyone you aren’t besties with?

  30. - Willie Stark - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:30 am:

    We’re living in a new gilded age, why shouldn’t we have the yellow press to go along with it? Ferro, Bezos, Murdoch, whatever unknown oligarch Kristen McQueary, Bruce Dold and the Tribbies are auditioning for once TPUB starts selling assets.

  31. - Wordslinger - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:32 am:

    A Guy, tell us more. You obviously have the inside story.

    McKinney was shelved for “his own defense, too.”

    Defense of what? And why did he hire a lawyer?

    You must have some great insight to make a statement like that.

  32. - Johnnie F. - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:35 am:

    Rauner can’t be bought because he’s already sold his soul. Actions like this reinforce that notion.

  33. - Belle - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:38 am:

    Such a bad taste in my mouth.
    Quinn campaign will need to put this together in an easy to understand, 30 sec commercial so voters get the story. Use those people who did the graphic-anti-Dold commercial that works so well.

  34. - wndycty - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:40 am:

    ” it’s unclear whether this story will get much traction with the average voter.”

    I agree, however the press corps is going to hound him about this and it may become very difficult for him to get the coverage he desires. Media availabilities are going to suck for him.

  35. - steve schnorf - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:42 am:

    Guy, we’re getting to the n_t-cutting time. OK. The McKinney story is very ugly. The endorsement story is very ugly. But we can at least make the argument that it’s campaign stuff. Too bad campaigns have come to this, too bad, but everyone does it. Blah, blah, blah.

    But the thing with Rich and the Sun-Times is bullying like I suspect a lot of people have felt from Rauner, and he should be embarrassed by it, if he is capable of feeling embarrassed. I guess it’s fortunate that Rich doesn’t have a spouse for Bruce to threaten.

    And the Mautino story is the straw that could break the camel’s back. It isn’t campaign, it’s governing. And it stinks to high heaven. Guy, have we just seen a really clear-cut example of how Bruce Rauner would use his money to govern? Because it’s totally out of bounds. Not only is Mautino a class guy, he’s a fine State Representative. And if Bruce Rauner just said to him (and us) I can make anyone who doesn’t go with me so miserable so easily so quickly that everyone better think twice before they even dream of crossing me, that’s totally offensive and unacceptable, to me at least.

    We better hear real quickly and real straightforwardly (no weasel words) from the Rauner campaign that Bruce had nothing to do with it, neither did the campaign, Bruce knew and knows nothing about it, thinks it was deplorable if it was done by someone thinking they were helping him, and would never throw his money around like that to terrorize a legislator or any other government official.

    This is the sort of thing that could make me vote for Quinn, something I had never dreamed of doing. Before now, I would have held my nose, done my party duty. and voted for Rauner. At worst I would have set it out. But this is beyond the pale.

    If we have just seen the true essence of Bruce Rauner in these and other developments of the past week, it is ugly beyond belief. I would have said that not too much was left that could soil us politically and governmentally here in Illinois, but this could and would. Say it ain’t so!

  36. - Biker - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:44 am:

    “I’ll have more on that endorsement a bit later today.” -Rich Miller

  37. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:44 am:

    === Editors probably seldom have to defend a guy like him.===

    Unless the editor is being strong-armed…


    ===A few days away is for his defense too.===

    Well, now we know you favor intimidation which is based on a lack of ethics. Good on you.

  38. - steve schnorf - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:45 am:

    don’t know how that got posted twice, but the 2nd version is the edited one. thanx

  39. - Robert the Bruce - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:48 am:

    5 days does seem like a long time to take someone off his beat / finish an investigation. The only things that take that long involve higher-ups…

  40. - Jay Cutler - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:48 am:

    For those asking, rightfully, where is the Better Government Association, the self-proclaimed protector of watchdog journalism ?

    What is the BGA doing to stand by this Sun Times reporter and challenge the Sun Times for its failure to protect investigative reporting and watchdog journalism ?

    The answer: the BGA gave its annual award to Sun Times CEO Michael Ferro last Tuesday.

    And Michael Ferro returned the favor - he was the main sponsor of the luncheon.

    And at the luncheon, Andy Shaw praised “the Sun Times, which is recognized for its commitment to investigative reporting and watchdog journalism.”

    Rich guys like their toys and playthings. Wine clubs, newspapers - and the BGA.

  41. - Obamas Puppy - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:50 am:

    It is pretty clear what happened here, it is clearly more important than a Sun Times endorsement lets see if this gets some legs.

  42. - Astor - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:52 am:

    Michael Ferro doesn’t seem to care that he and Jim Kirk are giving voters the impression that Rauner and the Sun Times are joined at the hip. The Sun Times subscribers (mainly blue collar and likely Quinn voters) will be steamed if nothing is done to reverse this perception. I suspect the other Sun Times investors are very concerned about these recent developments. This is a real business opportunity for a new publication to supplant the Sun Times in Chicago.

  43. - Tim Snopes - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:53 am:

    Substitute the word him for her in the following dialogue, and one can imagine the heat McKinney must’ve been feeling:

    “I will bury her,” Rauner allegedly said to Gilman.

    There’s more. Rauner also allegedly told Gilman that he would make Kirk “radioactive.”

    “She will never get another job anywhere, ever. I will bankrupt her with legal fees,” Rauner said. “I don’t know if she has a family or not, but if she does, she better think twice about this.”

  44. - circularfiringsquad - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:54 am:

    We always enjoy whenever Mitt says he “can’t be bought” because Mitt is always the buyer…Stu Levine, Rendell, etc.
    Still waiting for Mr. Shrimp to send over a copy of Mitt’s check from the “sale” of his Sun Times

  45. - circularfiringsquad - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 12:01 pm:

    Hey while we are waiting for the check to be released how about a timeline….
    1. when whoever found the deadly damaging depositions.
    2. when they began walking the depos around
    3 when McKinney bit on the depos
    4. when he called Mitt to deny everything
    5. When Mitt and Mr. Shrimp started their threats
    6. When story ran
    7. when Dave got his “holiday”
    8. When Pat Collins showed up
    9. When Fero decided the readers needed to be told to vote for Mitt …or else

    That will be a fun contest

  46. - Larry the Cable Guy - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 12:04 pm:

    Quinn Folks:
    You got one shot to wrap it up in a theme that shows the Rauner who buys people on the inside, including the GOP legislators. And clubs people he opposed until they are bloody.
    One shot.
    (Hint: Use cable)

  47. - Paddyrollingstone - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 12:07 pm:

    Michael Ferro doesn’t seem to care that he and Jim Kirk are giving voters the impression that Rauner and the Sun Times are joined at the hip. The Sun Times subscribers (mainly blue collar and likely Quinn voters) will be steamed if nothing is done to reverse this perception. I suspect the other Sun Times investors are very concerned about these recent developments. This is a real business opportunity for a new publication to supplant the Sun Times in Chicago.

    I’ve been buying the Sun Times at my train station for 20 years. I will not do it anymore. As Gordon Lightfoot sais, “At seven PM a main hatchway caved in, He said, “Fellas, it’s been good to know ya”

  48. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 12:15 pm:

    ===And the Mautino story is the straw that could break the camel’s back. It isn’t campaign, it’s governing. And it stinks to high heaven. Guy, have we just seen a really clear-cut example of how Bruce Rauner would use his money to govern? Because it’s totally out of bounds. Not only is Mautino a class guy, he’s a fine State Representative. And if Bruce Rauner just said to him (and us) I can make anyone who doesn’t go with me so miserable so easily so quickly that everyone better think twice before they even dream of crossing me, that’s totally offensive and unacceptable, to me at least.===

    It’s not going to be about the governing principle of “we” with Rauner.

    It’s retaliation, it’s personal from Jump Street, and you better fall in line.

    It’s Blago, if Blago had unlimited money.

    It is.

  49. - Larry the Cable Guy - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 12:16 pm:

    Ming the Merciless.

    Rainer the Ruthless.

    Larry the Cable Guy.

    Which two of these three people have something in common? No hints.

  50. - hisgirlfriday - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 12:33 pm:

    Does Patrick Collins still sit on the BGA board?

    And donate a portion of the profits of his book on corruption to support the BGA?

  51. - Peoria Guy - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 12:48 pm:

    Just about every newspaper endorsement for Rauner is the same—-to paraphrase—”boy, this Rauner guy is sure suspect, but he has to be better than Quinn. Nobody could be worse”

  52. - Anonymiss - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 12:56 pm:

    >>This is the sort of thing that could make me vote for Quinn, something I had never dreamed of doing

    I’d imagine plenty of folks might share Steve’s sentiment. The question is, what does the Quinn campaign do to broaden the reach of this story about a rich bully? Right now, it’s hacks and flacks who are outraged. But general voters? I’d guess that most barely realize the Sun-Times stopped endorsing, let alone came out of hibernation to endorse Rauner while silencing a reporter who unveiled a negative story about their investor/candidate.

  53. - Anon - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 1:45 pm:

    when did rauner become c. montgomery burns?

  54. - Redux - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 2:59 pm:

    If BR wins, it’s going to make the buyers’ remorse after Blago and Rham look like nothing. I think we might just bottom out.

  55. - A guy... - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 3:22 pm:

    ===walker - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:20 am:

    A Guy: ==”A few days away is for his defense too.”==

    Pull McKinney off his own story weeks before election day, for his own good?

    Respectfully, you might want to rethink that thought, and check for Rauner-colored glasses.===

    Walk, we’ll know soon enough. Dave McKinney is top notch. His reputation is fully intact. He’s been there a long time. If you think this is the first time an editor whacked a story or trimmed something, you’ve got another thing coming. It happens in newsrooms every day. There are vested interests on both sides speed dialing them every day. It may be too much to give him a few days elsewhere. We’ll find out. It’s not unheard of. Any perceived conflict is going to be looked at for everyone’s interest. McKinney will be fine. I’d remind Slinger…He survived Murdoch and a hell of a lot more than that. He’s a pro.

  56. - A guy... - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 3:25 pm:

    === Wordslinger - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 11:32 am:

    A Guy, tell us more. You obviously have the inside story.

    McKinney was shelved for “his own defense, too.”

    Defense of what? And why did he hire a lawyer?

    You must have some great insight to make a statement like that.====

    Maybe more than you on this smartie pants. Of course you never know what I’m talking about (nor do I according to you). I’m share what I know when I know it though just in case.

  57. - A guy... - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 3:32 pm:

    Schorf, I’d only say keep the powder dry for a little longer. It’s interesting to me and a silver lining positive here to see the “printed word” being protected so vigorously. That’s a good thing.

    Kirk, I believe, was being pretty honest and straight forward about his role in all of this.

  58. - steve schnorf - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 3:38 pm:

    Guy, we are hearing nothing from the Rauner campaign on the Mautino assault. Is there a reason? BTW, I consider this one of the most toxic things I’ve ever heard about a candidate, far worse than the attacks on McKinney or Rich, or the endorsement thing.

  59. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 3:39 pm:

    ===Maybe more than you on this smartie pants.===

    I thought you were just a lowly precinct worker?

    Maybe you could speak for Kirk and…

    ===Kirk, I believe, was being pretty honest and straight forward about his role in all of this.===

    Based on what?

    What do you base all this on? lol

  60. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 3:43 pm:

    === I consider this one of the most toxic things I’ve ever heard about a candidate, far worse.===

    - steve schnorf -,

    Remember this?

    ===“We’re gonna raise a PAC, we’re gonna raise a fund dedicated to the state Legislature, members of both parties who take the tough votes. We’ve gotta protect the members who take tough votes.

    “Right now, Madigan controls the Legislature from his little pot of cash. It isn’t that much money. And he runs the whole state government out of that pot.

    “We need a pro-business, pro-growth, pro-limited government, pro-tax reduction PAC down there in Springfield working with the Legislature for those who take tough votes.”===

    Rauner is showing exactly how he said…he would govern.

  61. - Wordslinger - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 3:45 pm:

    A Guy, dont hide your light under a bushel.

    You said McKinney was shelved “for his own defense, too.”

    Defense from what? You brought it up. You must mean something by it, right?

    Maybe you could help McKinney out with your inside knowledge, save him some money. Because he felt the need to lawyer up due to his bosses actions.

    Explain to him how they were just looking out for him.

  62. - Demoralized - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 4:05 pm:

    == If you think this is the first time an editor whacked a story or trimmed something, you’ve got another thing coming.==

    You are clearly clueless on this one. Do you not get what happened or are you being purposefully daft? I can’t tell.

    You disappoint when you can’t be honest enough to admit that this was just wrong and that Rauner’s people were wrong.

    Character is important A guy. I know you have some. Show us.

  63. - A guy... - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 4:11 pm:

    === steve schnorf - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 3:38 pm:

    Guy, we are hearing nothing from the Rauner campaign on the Mautino assault. Is there a reason? BTW, I consider this one of the most toxic things I’ve ever heard about a candidate, far worse than the attacks on McKinney or Rich, or the endorsement thing.====

    Only just now reading about Mautino. I guess I’ll read a response when you do. Don’t know him at all. But I do like the manner in which he worked on the Audit Commission.

  64. - A guy... - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 4:16 pm:

    ===Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 3:39 pm:

    ===Maybe more than you on this smartie pants.===

    I thought you were just a lowly precinct worker?===

    Not “lowly”. I’m a precinct captain who works hard and I’m very proud of that. I do that when I’m not at work. In fact, it’s just about my only hobby.

    Work is something else. I’m not lowly there either. It gives me the opportunity to know a lot of media folks, including Dave McKinney. And just about everyone he worked with at the Bright One for the past two decades. No stranger to the Tribbies, the Crainies, the Shaws, or a lot of other ink stained pros. I could tell you I knew Royko through a close relative too, but that would make your head explode. If it helps you, I can tell you that I’ve avoided Kass, despite knowing him too.

  65. - Anonymous - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 4:18 pm:

    - Don’t know him at all. -

    A first!

  66. - A guy... - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 4:23 pm:

    Slinger, I’m going to get serious with you for a post here. I don’t know the specifics of what is going on with Dave and the Times. I’m not going to engage in a hypothetical to make any point with you. Doing so only would prove to start a stupid rumor. The story could have an element that he’d be best served by having a good attorney. Do you know that the paper didn’t provide one, or that they did? I think I’ll lead the light under the bushel for now. I’m thinking back to another instance I recall where I was actually involved that wasn’t what all the conjecture was. We’ll see where this goes. I’ll trust Dave to tell a story when he can. Maybe afterwards I’ll remind you of the story I have some more intimate and direct knowledge of. Until then, the crazy speculation here isn’t helping anyone. And I mean anyone.

  67. - A guy... - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 4:23 pm:

    === Anonymous - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 4:18 pm:

    - Don’t know him at all. -

    A first!====

    Can we agree to keep you anonymous and make it 2?

  68. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 4:34 pm:

    === I’m not going to engage in a hypothetical to make any point with you. Doing so only would prove to start a stupid rumor.===


    ===Kirk, I believe, was being pretty honest and straight forward about his role in all of this.===

    Sounds like speculation.


  69. - walker - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 4:46 pm:

    What Mautino assault? (Is it for subscribers only?)

    That’s cutting close to the bone.

  70. - Yellow Dog Democrat - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 5:20 pm:

    Walker: Subscribe.

  71. - Rich Miller - Monday, Oct 20, 14 @ 5:25 pm:

    ===“I’ll have more on that endorsement a bit later today.” -Rich Miller

    Yeah. Ran out of time. Tomorrow.

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