Reader comments closed for the weekend
Friday, Oct 24, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* If you’re going to the Lutheran Social Services of Illinois event tomorrow, I’ll see you there. If you still haven’t bought a ticket, click here. If you contributed and can’t go, thank you very much. If you can’t go and haven’t contributed, please click here.
* And since I know many readers will continue working on their respective campaigns hours after I shut down comments here tonight, how about we give those folks something to pep them up a bit? Mountain will play us out…
She moved better on wine
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* I received this text last night. I’m getting tons of texts these days, so for whatever reason I didn’t see it until this afternoon…
Just got a text from someone who saw a new Quinn ad on cbs 2 here in Chgo
Said it had a survivor of a nursing home victim talking to camera
I’ve been asking for the ad for the past couple of hours. Anybody seen it?
Hopefully, this post will break it loose from the Quinn campaign.
*** UPDATE *** It’s out. It’s OK. Don’t think it’s a killer punch, though…
I’ll leave comments opened for a while so you can digest this one.
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* The Illinois Chamber’s president sent his members an urgent e-mail today about a poll he’d commissioned…
The poll, completed just last night, shows Rauner receiving 44.9% support to 41.1% for Quinn and 6.4% for Libertarian candidate Grimm. The 3.8% margin is outside of the poll’s 3.36% margin of error.
* The minimum wage referendum result is no surprise, but the millionaire’s tax kinda is…
Please don’t overlook two referendums on the ballot that are intended to show support for proposals that would cause even greater harm to small businesses. One asks voters whether the minimum wage in Illinois should be raised to $10/hour.
Our poll shows that when voters are not educated on this issue - Illinois already has the highest minimum wage in the Midwest - a majority of voters support its surface appeal.
The second referendum asks if voters support a so-called “millionaires’ tax” which would increase income taxes on small business owners and entrepreneurs. Fortunately, it looks as if more voters recognize the negative impact of raising taxes on jobs creators. A majority opposing the tax in our poll.
* Other results…
US Senate: Durbin (D) 48.9%; Oberweis (R) 38.2%; Hansen (L) 5.7%
Attorney General Madigan (D) 50.6%; Schimpf (R) 32.9%; Koyl (L) 5.0%
Treasurer Cross (R) 36.8%; Frerichs (D) 32.9%; Shopek (L) 5.4%
Still lots of undecideds in that treasurer’s race.
* Methodology…
The survey was conducted over three nights from 10/21-10/23 by polling firm Cygnal. It includes 853 respondents for a margin of error of +/- 3.36%. 22% of respondents were contacted on cell phones.
Last call for tickets!
Friday, Oct 24, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* I know some of you can’t make it to the Lutheran Social Services of Illinois’ 33rd Annual Amicus Certus celebration tomorrow night because you’re working campaigns, or it’s out in Arlington Heights, or whatever.
But, hey, how many times is an upstanding institution like LSSI gonna honor me for being a “true friend”? You should go.
Plus, how many times are you gonna see me in a tuxedo? By the way, check out the swank hall…
* So buy a ticket. If you don’t want to use the online form, just contact Ed Newton at 847-635-4656 or You can be a sponsor as well by clicking here.
And if you legitimately can’t make it, click here and donate.
* The folks at LSSI have done a great job with the event and with ticket sales. I just figured I’d try to help out at the end by giving it one little extra push. So click here and get going!
[The following is a paid advertisement]
Based on a recent poll of registered voters in Illinois, there is overwhelming support for increasing the use of renewable energy and energy efficiency in Illinois:
- 95% of voters support energy efficiency
- More than 80% of voters support development of wind and solar energy
Nearly 100,000 workers in Illinois are employed in clean energy jobs. They are manufacturing wind and solar equipment; they are building and operating clean energy projects; and they are installing and upgrading energy efficiency systems that cut energy use and reduce electricity bills for Illinois families and businesses. That’s why:
• More than 65% of Illinoisans believe renewable energy and energy efficiency will create jobs in Illinois.
• More than 68% believe renewable energy and energy efficiency stabilize or reduce energy costs.
Voters prioritize a clean energy future.
- 84% of voters want to move towards cleaner sources of energy.
- 92% of voters support diverse energy sources rather than relying on just a few.
The message from Illinoisans is clear: Legislators should prioritize voter-supported renewable energy and energy efficiency and support policies that maximize job creation in Illinois’ clean energy economy.
The survey was completed by a bipartisan research team of Fairbank, Maslin, Maullin, Metz & Associates (FM3) and Public Opinion Strategies. More info on this poll is available at
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* From the Chicago Newspaper Guild…
Members of the Chicago Sun-Times newsroom have questions for Sun-Times CEO Timothy Knight and its parent company Wrapports board chairman Michael Ferro following the resignation of Chicago Sun-Times political reporter Dave McKinney. McKinney wrote for the Chicago Sun-Times for almost two decades. He co-authored a recent piece about litigation involving a former LeapSource business executive,who alleged that Illinois government candidate Bruce Rauner threatened her, her family and her future job prospects. The story ran with the backing and support of Sun-Times editors, McKinney wrote in his open resignation letter. However, McKinney said after the Rauner campaign pressured his superiors, he was yanked from his beat, placed on leave for a week and then was not allowed back to his political beat. Rauner is reported to be a former investor in Sun-Times Media. This situation raises ethical questions about what happens when politicians and investors interfere with news content.
* The petition…
Mr. Michael Ferro and Mr. Timothy Knight:
We are deeply troubled by the situation leading up to Dave McKinney’s resignation. It raises incredible questions about whether Sun-Times reporters risk retaliation from management after writing stories unfavorable to a politician or our company’s investors.
We have basic concerns about whether we will be able to do our jobs moving forward without interference.
We want to know: did a politician or someone tied to that politician lodge a complaint with Mr. Ferro over a story? If there was indeed a breach in the firewall that is supposed to exist between owners and the newsroom, how do we know that will not reoccur? Would you or Mr. Knight address the newsroom to answers these questions and others?
Chicago Sun-Times Newsroom and supporters
Get over there.
Any bets on how many BGA execs will be signing?’
Hat tip: Ahern.
Same song, different century
Friday, Oct 24, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* I couldn’t embed it, so click the pic for a brief video of then Illinois Treasurer Pat Quinn campaigning at Eli’s Cheesecake Factory for then Arkansas Gov. Bill Clinton in 1992. Quinn could’ve given that same speech today, right down to the “Make the will of the people the law of the land” line. Today’s speech might be longer, however, since he’s now governor. You can skip the first 45 seconds or so if you want…
Question of the day
Friday, Oct 24, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Illinois Review…
Republican U.S. Senate candidate Jim Oberweis was interviewed today on Watchdog Radio with Ben Yount. When asked about his position on gay marriage, Oberweis said: “times change” and “attitudes change”. […]
…Oberweis is personally against gay marriage. A campaign spokesman told IR that Oberweis’ quote about times changing “refers to the ability of social conservatives to be able to stop the momentum toward government allowing it
* Tribune…
Democratic U.S. Sen. Dick Durbin enters the final days of his campaign for a fourth term holding a substantial advantage over Republican challenger Jim Oberweis, a new Chicago Tribune poll shows.
The survey found Oberweis, a first-term state senator from the far western suburbs, making headway in his home base of the collar counties. But Oberweis is running into a political dynamic that’s been one of Durbin’s strengths over the years — a dual base of support. Not only is Durbin racking up big numbers in heavily Democratic Chicago, but he’s from Springfield and is holding his own downstate.
The math adds up to 50 percent for Durbin and 36 percent for Oberweis. Libertarian candidate Sharon Hansen had 6 percent, while another 7 percent of voters were undecided or supported someone else.
Oberweis is up for reelection in the Illinois Senate in two years.
* The Question: Do you think he’ll run for state Senate again in two years, run for something else or retire? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please. Those of you who choose “something else” should also state your predictions of what that “something else” might be.
survey tools
Quinn finally wins a newspaper endorsement!
Friday, Oct 24, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* I’m not sure, however, that touting support from Illinois State University’s student newspaper is gonna look all that convincing in a TV ad…
The Vidette Editorial Board chooses to endorse Pat Quinn for the position of governor of Illinois in the 2014 General Election.
Such crisp enthusiasm!
But, hey, at least the guv finally broke his losing streak… kinda.
* Meanwhile, Bruce Rauner finally chatted with the SJ-R’s editorial board today…
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* Progress Illinois has some oppo on another business relationship between Bruce Rauner and Sun-Times parent company Chairman Mike Ferro…
Ferro and Rauner have a long-standing relationship, having worked on a number of deals together, including purchasing the parent company of Sun-Times Media, Wrapports LLC. Prior to running for governor, Rauner sold his share of the company to Ferro for $5 million.
But what many do not know is that Rauner also invested millions into Merge Healthcare, for which Ferro’s company, Merrick Ventures, paid $20 million for a controlling stake in 2008.
Merge Healthcare was close to going under when Ferro jumped in to save the health records and imaging software firm. By 2010, Rauner owned 900,000 shares of Merge Healthcare. Other notable Chicago-area billionaires who bought into the struggling company, once stewarded by Ferro as chairman, include J.B. Pritzker and Matt Hulszizer.
Rauner has since divested from Merge Healthcare. But the business relationship is still a notable one considering the multi-millionaire once plunged millions of dollars into a struggling company owned by Ferro. And considering many question whether the Sun-Times’ recent decision to endorse Rauner, after the newspaper stayed out of the endorsement game for three years, has to do with the GOP candidate’s former ties to the newspaper and Ferro, one can only logically extend that train of thought to the Merge Healthcare deal.
Gov. Pat Quinn’s camp, along with numerous community groups and organizations in the state, have repeatedly requested that Rauner release his full tax returns and schedules from previous years as a means to ensure that the GOP candidate is clear of business relationships that could be a conflict of interest if he were to take office as governor. […]
Those cries for transparency could be validated and strengthened by the Sun-Times’ McKinney debacle, as Rauner’s ties to Ferro are at the very least questionable when looking at how the endorsement and the veteran reporter’s treatment at the newspaper has played out.
* Related…
* Few legal options for ex-Sun-Times reporter
Bost’s “anger,” Cook’s ratings, Foster’s ad
Friday, Oct 24, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Politico has a big profile of Mike Bost today…
He’s preoccupied by the scrutiny into what’s become known simply as “the dog story” — the resurfacing of which, he insists, is the work of Democrats trying to damage him. As he pulled into his driveway on Sunday afternoon, after showing a POLITICO reporter around his neighborhood, his Labradoodle, Betty, darted in front of his car.
“What if I killed a second dog in front of a reporter?” he joked darkly as Betty scampered up the steps to his house.
During a parade in Mt. Vernon on Saturday, nearly a dozen people told Bost they’d seen the ads about his temper. But most of them seemed unconcerned. “I see you on TV,” one man said to laughter from the candidate. “Don’t you be getting mad at me!”
Another voter said the ads made her want to vote for Bost. “About time someone got mad,” she said.
* Let’s move along to Charlie Cook…
IL-10: Brad Schneider (D) - Chicago north suburbs: Lake Shore
Toss Up. Schneider unseated Dold by just a point in 2012 with the help of President Obama’s 58 percent showing in this district, but some voters still think Dold is the incumbent. Unlike in 2012, Schneider has outraised Dold. But this year, Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn may not carry the 10th CD. Most polls continue to show the race tied or within the margin of error. It’s a total coin flip once again.
IL-12: Bill Enyart (D) - Southwest border: East St. Louis, Carbondale
Toss Up. Even though Enyart won by nine points in 2012, both parties now consider him the most vulnerable Democratic incumbent in the state. GOP state Rep. Mike Bost has simply outworked Enyart so far, and Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn is about to get clobbered in Downstate Illinois. Enyart benefited from a late surge in 2012, and Democrats have tried to pull out all the stops here once again.
In September, as expected, Democrats launched ads using infamous footage of a Bost temper tantrum on the floor of the Illinois State House. Some GOP operatives believe Bost’s outrage at the legislative leadership is actually shared by most voters in the 12th CD, so Bost tried to spin it to his advantage. Republicans believe Bost is still leading the incumbent, but it’s anyone’s guess.
IL-17: Cheri Bustos (D) - West: Rock Island, parts of Peoria and Rockford
Lean Democratic. Democrats are much more confident about Bustos’s reelection prospects than those of several others in the state. This is a Democratic-leaning seat by design, and Bustos is an energetic campaigner who has styled herself as a Blue Dog. However, Democratic Gov. Pat Quinn is badly behind in this district, and Bustos got some bad press for failing to forgo her congressional pay during the shutdown as promised.
Meanwhile, former GOP Rep. Bobby Schilling is back for the rematch with a new campaign team that includes experienced hands rather than his son, who managed the 2012 race. Republicans aren’t expressing as much enthusiasm for this race as they did a month ago, and a new We Ask America survey showed Bustos leading 55 percent to 39 percent. It’s not one of the GOP’s better opportunities at the moment.
* Lynn Sweet…
Rep. Bill Foster D-Ill., a physicist, is running his first television spot in his race against state Rep. Darlene Senger, an upbeat piece starting Friday that portrays him as a little boy fixing an old TV set — with dials — and as a young scientist studying proton decay.
The two Naperville residents are battling for the 11th Congressional District seat, turf that includes portions of the western suburbs, including large chunks of Aurora, Joliet and Naperville.
The ad goes on to show the adult Foster who says his priorities in Congress are raising the minimum wage and changing the law so student can refinance student loan debt.
* The ad...
Kind of a weird segue to the minimum wage, but whatevs.
[The following is a paid advertisement.]
“Exelon Corp. is urging state utility regulators to press for changes in power markets that would boost revenue at the company’s Illinois nuclear power fleet by about $580 million.” [Crain’s Chicago Business, September 24, 2014]
Exelon wants a $580 million rate hike!! $580 million…for what??? Even if ratepayers bail out Exelon’s plants with $580 million every year, they won’t even guarantee to keep the plants open.
Illinois’ businesses and citizens are still struggling and the last thing we need is a massive rate increase to bail out Exelon nuclear plants built during the Nixon administration and already paid for several times by ratepayers.
Even ComEd, Exelon’s own sister company, doesn’t agree with subsidized generation at above-market prices:
“ComEd has long believed that competitive markets will work in the best interests of our customers…so we are concerned about the negative impact on our customers from a requirement that would force utilities to buy subsidized generation at above-market prices.” [Crain’s Chicago Business, November 20, 2013]
Yet now Exelon is demanding an annual 580 million dollar bailout from ratepayers—industrial, commercial and residential—because they don’t want to face the risks of the market they championed when it helped Exelon. So much for the “best interests of our customers.”
Just Say No To Exelon’s $580 Million Rate Hike!!
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*** UPDATED x1 *** Rauner pumping dollars
Friday, Oct 24, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Natasha Korecki…
In two days, Republican candidate for governor Bruce Rauner plowed another $3 million of his personal fortune into his candidacy for governor, bringing the venture capitalist’s total investment in his own campaign to more than $23 million.
So far in October, Rauner has steadily added $1.5 million every week, and now it appears to be ramping up. He’s put $9 million into his own campaign since Oct. 3, state finance records show.
That’s ever closer to onetime U.S. Senate candidate Blair Hull who spent a record $26 million on his failed candidacy. Hull, however, spent all of that money in the primary alone.
*** UPDATE *** Kent Redfield crunched the numbers for the governor’s race to date. Click here to see his full report, as of 11 this morning.
But the most relevant piece is this…
Rauner pushing IDOT back into the news stream
Friday, Oct 24, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The IDOT revelations were mostly drowned out earlier this week by other campaign news and (in the Chicago area) by reports on that apparent mass murderer in Northwest Indiana. So, the Bruce Rauner campaign is trying to get the topic back into play, and they are succeeding…
Republican governor candidate Bruce Rauner on Thursday said voters have a “duty” to oust Gov. Pat Quinn, pointing to a federal judge’s ruling that the court should oversee hiring at the Illinois Department of Transportation after allegations that patronage hiring at the agency increased under the Democratic governor.
Rauner maintained Quinn has failed to clean up state government after the impeachment and removal of ex-Gov. Rod Blagojevich, and indicated he’s open to the idea of compensating applicants who may have been unfairly passed up for jobs in favor of workers with political connections.
“I think that should be looked into,” Rauner said during a campaign stop in Bloomington as he continues to tour Illinois to promote early voting. “But what we’ve gotta do is change.”
“We’ve had six years now of Pat Quinn’s failure,” Rauner told reporters.
“We have a duty as voters to end that, hold him accountable, get him out of office,” he said.
* Sun-Times…
One day after a federal judge was appointed to monitor hiring at the Illinois Department of Transportation, two state Republican senators raised questions about whether those fired are working in other state positions, and insinuated there may be “corruption” in other state departments. […]
“We have no idea what it’s going to cost, but rack that up with the salaries lost, opportunities, and the court costs, and we’re finally zeroing in on the cost of corruption in this state,” state Senate Republican Leader Christine Radogno said. […]
“We know who made those [hires], who indicated these people should be hired. We want to know, are they still doing it? And what about other agencies? We know about IDOT, but state government is a big place. There’s a lot of people who may want to be ‘taken care of’ in the last three months. We want to be darn sure these people are not being seeded through state government who do not belong there. And that is not covered under this particular monitor,” Radogno said. […]
[Quinn administration spokesman Grant Klinzman said] “Leader Radogno has never spoken with the Governor’s Office about this matter and it doesn’t appear that she even reviewed the OEIG [Office of the Executive Inspector General] report because if she had, she would have been informed that the Governor has already ordered a review of Rutan-exempt positions at all state agencies,”
Klinzman said Radogno can file a complaint on the OEIG website should she want a further investigation of other departments.
* AP…
Gov. Pat Quinn says he’ll comply with a court-ordered monitor to review hiring at his administration’s Department of Transportation. […]
Quinn says he made reforms afterward, adding Thursday that the court-appointed monitor should work with the OEIG. […]
Republican Bruce Rauner claims it shows Quinn can’t be trusted to clean up government, which Quinn’s campaign rejects.
Gov. Quinn runs new TV ad featuring FLOTUS
Friday, Oct 24, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Rate it…
* Script…
“I know Pat Quinn.
“His push for the minimum wage is essential.
“If you think women should get equal pay for equal work,
“If you want our kids to have quality pre-school, have a chance to go to college -
“If we want a governor who shares our values, then we need Pat Quinn as Governor of Illinois.
“Remember, you can vote early, starting on October the 20th.
“So let’s just get this done and vote for Pat Quinn.”
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No, your eyes didn’t deceive you
Friday, Oct 24, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* We had a massive site crash last night. Yesterday’s posts have disappeared. The crash appeared to be related to the outage from earlier in the week.
And, no, Bruce Rauner did not buy my hosting company.
At least, I don’t think so.
Carry on.
Good morning!
Friday, Oct 24, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Before the B-52’s were a national sensation, they were a regional band in Georgia. Yes, that New Wave, openly gay-themed crazy-good band was from Georgia - in the 1970’s, man. That couldn’t have been easy. Heck, it wouldn’t be easy now.
But here they are, before they signed their first recording contract, in an Atlanta night club in 1978 performing a song that would earn them musical immortality. This takes almost a minute to get going, so be patient and celebrate..
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