Rauner oppo watch
Tuesday, Oct 21, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Click here, and here for your late afternoon reading pleasure.
…Adding… More just came over the transom. Wanna guess who owned this company, which hired Illinois Statehouse lobbyists to defeat a ban on its product?…
More than 50 countries have banned use of the chemical; In the U.S., the Environmental Protection Agency prohibits all agricultural uses of lindane. Oddly, it’s still OK to rub it into children’s hair.
Zorn nails it again
Tuesday, Oct 21, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* This is the kind of insanity that the people hyping the Great Ebola Scare of 2014 are causing…
School officials in Strong, Maine, have placed an elementary teacher on a 21-day paid leave of absence out of fears that the teacher was exposed to the Ebola virus during a recent trip to an educational seminar in Dallas, where a man recently died of the disease and two of the nurses who cared for him were infected.
So even though the seminar was held more than 9 miles from Texas Health Presbyterian Hospital where Thomas Eric Duncan was treated and died, and even though Ebola is transmitted only by direct contact with the bodily fluids of symptomatic patients, administrators in Maine acted “out of an abundance of caution” and sent the teacher home.
Even so… A quarantine of Texas… Hmm…
Nah. Wouldn’t work. Way too many of my favorite musicians and bands live there. Not to mention my brother and his family.
* Zorn continues with an Illinois angle…
In Illinois, Rock Island County has asked a family to quarantine itself because their 21-year-old daughter has just returned from Liberia, even though she is exhibiting no symptoms and has said she was not exposed to Ebola.
The combination of hysteria and ignorance is breathtaking.
How hard is Ebola to catch? Duncan’s fiancee and family members didn’t catch it from him even though he was actively symptomatic in their small apartment in Dallas. They and some three dozen other people who had been in contact with Duncan in the early days of his illness cleared the three-week waiting period Monday and are no longer considered at risk.
How easy is Ebola to control if there is a small outbreak? Well, impoverished, developing Nigeria saw 20 cases in recent months — including eight deaths — but on Monday the World Health Organization declared the nation Ebola-free.
I noticed Drudge is practically Ebola-free this afternoon. Since even that notorious drama queen has finally calmed down a little, maybe everybody else can, too.
And I’m looking at you, Bobby Schilling - the first and what I think may be the only Illinois candidate desperate enough to play the Ebola card.
* Some powerful trial lawyers have already forced one Illinois Supreme Court Justice to recuse himself from hearing the appeal of a $10.1 billion judgement against Philip Morris, but they haven’t been able to convince Justice Lloyd Karmeier to back away…
Karmeier said no, noting that Tillery and Co. “do not allege I harbor any actual bias for or against” either party. Instead, he said, they contend “various factors have combined to create ‘an objective and reasonable public perception’ that I am biased in favor of” Philip Morris because of the “unprecedented sums” spent in his 2004 election.Karmeier further noted that financial records reveal no donations to his 2004 campaign by Philip Morris, despite Tillery’s claim that it was “bankrolling” it. […]
“The notion that” Philip Morris financed “my run for office 10 years ago is just that, a notion,” he said.
Karmeier said he also “cannot help but notice” Tillery’s motion “bear(s) an unmistakable similarity to materials filed by the plaintiffs” in another big judgment case, involving State Farm Insurance.
“The only difference here is that the respondents here claim that those same contributions should be attributed to (Philip Morris) rather than State Farm,” he wrote.
* As I told subscribers the other day, a new group called Campaign for 2016 dropped well over a half million dollars to try and derail Karmeier’s retention bid…
* From a Karmeier campaign press release this afternoon…
It took less than a day for the shadow group known as “Campaign for 2016″ to emerge from the darkness, according to Retain Karmeier Campaign Manager Ron Deedrick.
“Now there is a public record of the political committee ‘Campaign for 2016,’ and it’s clear that a number of trial attorneys with deep pockets are working in concert to protect their investment in cases they are litigating,” Deedrick said. “A direct line can be drawn from those who seek to defeat the Justice and who have current cases before the courts, including the Illinois Supreme Court.
‘Campaign for 2016’ scored a $300,000 donation on October 16 from Chicago-area attorney George Zelcs. Zelcs is an attorney with the law firm of Korien Tillery, LLC based in St. Louis. Media accounts show that Zelcs is a lead attorney tied into a multi-billion dollar case that is now before the Illinois Supreme Court. The same media accounts also show that the class-action lawsuit could net more than $10 billion for the plaintiffs.
“The timing of this attack is questionable as well. The Justice entered an order back on September 24 that rejected the Tillery group’s efforts to obtain his recusal from the case,” Deedrick said. “This is likely a personal political response to the Justice’s order.”
*** UPDATE *** Another $500K was reported by the Campaign for 2016 this afternoon. An attorney with the above-mentioned Korein Tillery, the Power Rogers & Smith firm and Clifford Law Offices all kicked in.
Lower ratings for ABC 7 debate
Tuesday, Oct 21, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Most of the people who saw last night’s debate watched the delayed Channel 7 broadcast at 10:30. Lewis Lazare has the numbers…
The Nielsen overnight ratings in the Chicago market showed the debate on Channel 7 winning the hour time slot that began at 10:30 p.m. — but only by the slimmest of margins. The debate notched a 4.2 average rating, while “The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon” was just behind with an average 4.1 rating. One rating point equals 35,000 households in the Chicago market.
Beating Fallon is nice, but that 4.2 is actually lower than CBS 2’s gubernatorial debate last week, which notched a 4.6.
A few folks did watch online, but we’re talking 147,000 households out of 4.8 million in all of Illinois, which works out to just 3.1 percent.
Again, media coverage and TV ads are how most people who care will find out about what happened last night.
Bloomberg to spend $1.9 million on Dold
Tuesday, Oct 21, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Crain’s…
Former New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg is spending big money to sway another congressional race in Illinois.
Independence USA, a Washington-based super PAC he controls, is buying $1.9 million in television ads supporting former GOP Rep. Robert Dold, who is in a close race to reclaim his seat from Rep. Brad Schneider, a Democrat, in the North Shore’s 10th congressional district.
That’s the largest outside spending by a wide margin in the race, which has drawn national attention and outside spending by several groups. The Bloomberg PAC’s spending is almost $1 million more than an independent expenditure by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce in May that also was intended to aid Mr. Dold.
Stand down… mostly
Tuesday, Oct 21, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* This Illinois Review story raised my eyebrows…
Admitting his confidence in Cook County ballot integrity is shaken, State Representative Candidate Jim Moynihan (R-56), was shocked today when he tried to cast a vote for himself and the voting machine cast it for his opponent instead.
“While early voting at the Schaumburg Public Library today, I tried to cast a vote for myself and instead it cast the vote for my opponent,” said Moynihan. “You could imagine my surprise as the same thing happened with a number of races when I tried to vote for a Republican and the machine registered a vote for a Democrat.”
While using a touch screen voting machine in Schaumburg, Moynihan voted for several races on the ballot, only to find that whenever he voted for a Republican candidate, the machine registered the vote for a Democrat in the same race. He notified the election judge at his polling place and demonstrated that it continued to cast a vote for the opposing candidate’s party. Moynihan was eventually allowed to vote for Republican candidates, including his own race. It is unknown if the machine in question (#008958) has been removed from service or is still in operation.
“Clearly, I am concerned that citizens will be unable to vote for the candidate of their choice, especially if they are in a hurry and do not double check their ballot,” added Moynihan. “I cannot say whether or not this was intentional, but Cook County voters deserve better and should not have their right to vote suppressed.”
So, I called the Cook County Clerk’s office. The machine Moynihan used never “cast” a vote, the office says. After you touch each candidate’s name, the machine asks you to confirm your choice. When you’re finished, you get a list, then a printed list and you’re then asked to confirm your vote.
The problem was that the screen calibration was off. It was recalibrated, then put back into use without further complaints.
Also, IR didn’t mention this part, but the Daily Herald did…
When he pointed it out to a judge, it was determined that the machine hadn’t been calibrated correctly, he said. He ultimately was able to vote for the candidates he chose by pressing the very bottom right hand corner of the screen. Pressing the center of each button resulted in the opposite candidate’s name registering.
* Meanwhile, a member of the Quinn campaign sent me an e-mail last night with the subject line: “Rauner’s voter intimidation gets underway” and a link…
[Madison County Clerk Debbie Ming-Mendoza] said Phil Chapman of Highland inappropriately was taking people’s driver’s licenses to examine, inserting himself between the official election judges and chatting with the voters.
“He obviously did not know what his role as a poll watcher was. He was insinuating himself between the judges and talking to the voters,” Ming-Mendoza said.
She said he was also handling the official voting materials. She said she informed him several times he was only allowed to observe. He was not to handle anybody’s license or speak to voters.
“Every time I would leave, he would scoot his chair back up to the judge’s table. I had a couple of people come into my office and tell me they wanted to file a complaint,” Ming-Mendoza said. “I had to go back six times and tell him he needed to stop,” she said.
He eventually behaved himself and he apparently didn’t stop anyone from voting, so all’s well that ends well.
* But read further down…
[Madison County] Democratic Party Chairman Allan Napp said he and other party officials have been getting reports from across the state of people standing outside polling places giving false information. Some are being told they have to have a social security card in order to vote. Others are being told that if they don’t vote, they don’t have to pay their next water bill, Napp said.
That’s a pretty darned bold accusation. Anybody else hearing stuff like that?
* Meanwhile…
Tuesday afternoon, Republican candidate for Governor Bruce Rauner will be in Rockford to promote early voting. The irony is that voters in Winnebago County and Rockford won’t be able to do so.
A second error with the race for Winnebago County Forest Preserve Commissioner has forced the city and county to suspend early voting. Initially, absentee ballots had been sent out without the race at all. Officials with both the City of Rockford and Winnebago County elections office said they would mail new ballots out to those people who had already received absentee ballots with the race included.
However, officials tell ‘Eyewitness News’ the new ballots contain a new mistake. They instruct voters to vote for one candidate — rather than vote for two of the three candidates on the ballot. The race is for two seats on the Commission, not one.
As a result, early voting has been suspended until new, correct ballots can be printed.
* The IL GOP wants the problem fixed…
“The Illinois Republican Party expresses its strong concern over reports that early voting has been halted in Winnebago County, including in the City of Rockford. The people of Illinois have a right to vote and no one should be able to deny them that right. With early voting underway, we call on the Winnebago County and Rockford County election officials to immediately restore the people’s right to vote in a manner that ensures every legal vote is accurately counted. The Illinois Republican Party will closely monitor the situation in the hours ahead to ensure county and city officials restore the people’s right to vote.”
* And Schimpf wants action, darnit, right now…
Republican Attorney General Candidate Paul Schimpf issued the following statement in response to the problem State Representative Candidate Jim Moynihan had casting his vote in Cook County and the suspension of early voting in Rockford and Winnebago County:
“Nothing is more critical to the success of our democracy than the integrity of our elections. I call on Lisa Madigan to immediately open investigations into these voting irregularities.”
Funny that he didn’t mention the Madison County stuff.
BLS: A strong couple of months
Tuesday, Oct 21, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The Bureau of Labor Statistics had some mostly good news for Illinois today. Gov. Pat Quinn was all over it…
Governor Pat Quinn today issued a statement regarding the latest economic information released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The information made available today showed that last month Illinois led the Midwest – and was second in the nation – in job creation. It also found that Illinois has seen the nation’s largest drop in unemployment over the last year. In September, Illinois’ unemployment rate dropped for the seventh consecutive month, from 6.7 to 6.6 percent, the lowest level since June 2008 and down from 11.4 percent at the peak of the recession. In the last two months Illinois employers have created more than 40,000 jobs.
“Today’s news shows that the Illinois economy is making a comeback. We are making the tough decisions necessary to drive economic growth and the statistics released today show that Illinois is moving in the right direction.
“Illinois has seen the nation’s sharpest decline in unemployment over the last year, and our unemployment rate is at its lowest point in more than six years.
“Last month Illinois had the second best job growth in America. Illinois employers have added more than 300,000 jobs since the recovery began.
“It is clear that Illinois’ economy is growing stronger every day, and we have more work to do. Let’s keep our shoulder to the wheel.”
* 40,000 new jobs in two months is, indeed, some good news. The Illinois Policy Institute chose to focus on a problematic sector in its response…
Today, complete data showing Illinois’ unemployment levels were released by the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics. The September report shows mixed results, with Illinois gaining 19,300 net jobs but losing 2,800 manufacturing jobs. This expands on data released last week by the Illinois Department of Employment Security showing the state’s jobless rate dropping to 6.6 percent. The state’s net payroll job growth is one of the best monthly increases in the state over the past decade. However, Illinois still ranks worst in the Midwest for manufacturing job losses.
The nonpartisan Illinois Policy Institute’s Director of Jobs and Growth, Michael Lucci, issued the following statement on today’s jobless data:
“Illinois had a strong month for job growth in September. Gaining more than 19,000 payroll jobs in the state is a positive sign for Illinoisans who have been struggling to find work. However, Illinois has been incredibly slow in terms of putting people back to work compared to other states in the country since the end of the recession. At the current pace of growth, it will still take Illinois seven more years to recover the losses from the Great Recession.”
Below are some highlights from today’s jobs report:
Illinois payroll jobs growth of 19,300 is the sixth-best monthly jobs increase for the state in the past decade.
Despite the state’s workforce growing slightly by 5,800 in September, Illinois’ workforce participation rate is still at a 35-year low.
Illinois has 130,900 fewer jobs since recession losses began in January 2008. This is the second-worst recovery in the country.
Illinois has 99,000 fewer manufacturing jobs since January 2008, the worst record of any state in the Midwest.
If you look at the month of September dating back to 2004, you’ll see Illinois had 5.979 million non-farm jobs in 2007 - the peak. We’re at 5.863 million today - 116,000 fewer. Our September low point was 5.6 million jobs in 2009, so we’re 263,000 above that horrible nadir. At this current rate of growth, I’m not sure it’s gonna take us 7 more years to recover those lost jobs, as the Policy Institute claims.
Also, the participation rate is not entirely a red herring, but it mostly is. Conservatives are touting the economies of nearby states which have lower participation rates. From a recent Tribune editorial…
The [July, 2014) numbers show the Illinois labor participation rate of 64.7 percent running ahead of the rates in Michigan (60.4), Ohio (62.8), Indiana (63.3) and Missouri (64.2). Illinois trails Iowa (70.1) and Wisconsin (67.8).
I do agree that the manufacturing sector losses need to be addressed, however.
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Rate Sheila Simon’s new TV ad
Tuesday, Oct 21, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* OK, let’s try this again, shall we? Rate it…
…Adding… Welp, it’s been taken off her YouTube account. It was there yesterday, I swear. I’ll try to get another copy.
…Adding More… While I find another copy, you can watch her debate last night with Comptroller Judy Baar Topinka…
* From the House Republicans…
A date has been set for State Representative Raymond Poe (R-Springfield) to undergo an adult stem cell transplant that will replace his bone marrow and hopes to cure a blood disease. Last May Poe was diagnosed with Myelodysplastic syndromes (MDS) and has been receiving blood transfusions to offset his low production of red blood cells. Poe will undergo the transplant procedure at the University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center in Houston.
“I received word late last week that the hospital in Houston is ready to begin the transplant process at the end of this month,” said Poe. “In my absence, I want to reassure my constituents that my office will remain open and available to assist should the need arise. My staff of twelve plus years will continue to take care of all day-to-day operations and constituent services.”
Poe says he expects the hospital stay for the transplant to last approximately three weeks, followed by an extended recovery period. During his absence, Poe’s colleagues, State Representatives Rich Brauer, C.D. Davidsmeyer, Bill Mitchell and Wayne Rosenthal have all agreed to watch over his legislative district.
“We all wish Raymond well during his transplant procedure and pray for his successful recovery in Texas,” said State Rep. Rich Brauer (R-Petersburg). “Since we share district office space, my staff and I are in place to lend a hand to the needs of his district and constituents.”
“Raymond Poe has been a great friend and resource for me over the last couple of years,” said State Rep. C.D. Davidsmeyer (R-Jacksonville). “I am happy to help him and his constituents in any way, as we wait for his healthy return.”
“Raymond’s a true friend whose first loyalties are to the people of his district,” said State Rep. Bill Mitchell (R-Forsyth). “There’s not a more dedicated representative than Raymond Poe. We are working to ensure that his constituents’ needs are met while Raymond is away for treatment.”
“I wish Raymond all the best as he seeks treatment,” said State Rep. Wayne Rosenthal (R-Morrisonville). “I have the utmost respect and admiration for him and know that he will be back to serving his district before we know it. In the meantime, I will be at the ready to step in and assist in any capacity should the need arise.”
Good luck, Ray! Hang in there!
* From the Rauner campaign…
Bruce Rauner today launched a new Chicago-area TV ad touting his sweep of newspaper endorsements over incumbent Gov. Pat Quinn.
Rauner has been endorsed by the Chicago Tribune, Chicago Sun-Times, Daily Herald, Shaw Media Newspapers, Crain’s Chicago Business, the Peoria Journal Star, the Champaign News-Gazette and the Belleville News-Democrat. In the 30-second spot, titled “Endorsed,” Illinois voters learn why independent news sources agree Bruce Rauner is the clear choice to lead our state back to prosperity:
“The power to revive Illinois” – Chicago Tribune
“Bruce Rauner gives Illinois hope” – Northwest Herald
“Rauner will build consensus that considers all interests” – Daily Herald
“A renewed sense of optimism” – Crain’s Chicago Business
“Get Illinois roaring again for the sake of us all.” – Chicago Sun-Times
The ad…
* For the second time in a week, Bruce Rauner used Stephanie Neely’s name in a debate. Sun-Times…
Both men also used the debate to try to win over the African-American vote.
Rauner repeatedly hit Quinn on his choice for lieutenant governor, saying Quinn passed up on City Treasurer Stephanie Neely, who is black. He also hit Quinn for what he saw as the effect his policies have had on the African-American community.
ABC 7…
Rauner criticized the governor for not choosing City Treasurer Stephanie Neely as Quinn’s running mate and promised to hire Neely in a Rauner administration.
“Stephanie Neely, I know her. She’s talented, she’s a super star, I wish she was a Republican, she’s not,” Rauner said.
* NBC 5’s Mary Ann Ahern asked Neely about Rauner’s repeated debate shout-outs…
Neely had been considered as Governor Pat Quinn’s running mate, but he choose Paul Vallas instead.
“I was honored when Gov. Quinn spoke to me,” she said in an interview with NBC Chicago’s Mary Ann Ahern. “He decided to go a different way and that is his choice and I’m not sour on him or politics because of it.”
GOP candidate Bruce Rauner mentioned Neely’s name to her surprise at last week’s debate focusing on African American issues.
“I was sitting there in the audience and I was like, ‘What?’” she said.
* More from Ahern’s Twitter feed…
*** UPDATE 1 *** With a big hat tip to a commenter…
*** UPDATE 2 *** From Fran Spielman’s story…
On Tuesday, Neely said she was “amused” by Rauner’s comment, but not at all interested in joining a Rauner administration. She called herself a “card-carrying Democrat” who is supporting Quinn.
“I’m not sure what he’s trying to do with that, but I’m not gonna be drawn into that kind of craziness. I actually find it somewhat comical. I have a job. I’ve already accepted a job,” she said.
“We need to be debating what’s best for the state of Illinois — not trying to use me as some kind of go-to to make somebody else look bad. The state has some serious problems. We need to be debating that. I’m not part of that conversation.”
If Rauner was attempting to use Neely to siphon African-American votes from Quinn, it won’t work, the retiring treasurer said.
“The voting public in Chicago and Illinois is very smart. They’re not gonna be manipulated by things like that. They’re gonna look at the real issues and decide who’s the best governor,” she said.
* Mark Brown chatted with Libertarian gubernatorial candidate Chad Grimm about Local 150’s pledge to help his campaign…
“I thought it was genuine, and I don’t see it as being a problem,” Grimm told me late Monday on his way to a meeting where he was hoping to learn more about the extent of the union’s help.
After the meeting, Grimm reported he now expects the union’s additional support to come in the form of an independent expenditure campaign that it will control. Grimm said he’s good with that, too.
Rich Miller from CapitolFax reported this week that Local 150 would be spending “six-figures” on behalf of Grimm in a last-second push that most expect will work to the detriment of Rauner. Miller reported the money will be spent on direct mail and robocalls.
Although the Operating Engineers have traditionally supported both Democrats and Republicans in recognition of the mixed leanings of its members, the union has been campaigning determinedly against Rauner for the past year because of his anti-union rhetoric and policies.
* In other news, Illinois isn’t the only state with a minimum wage hike ballot initiative, reports the AP…
In Alaska, Senate candidate Dan Sullivan opposed a federal minimum wage hike during the GOP primary campaign then came out for the state minimum wage measure in his general election race against Democratic Sen. Mark Begich.
Democratic Sen. Mark Pryor and his Republican opponent, Tom Cotton, have both endorsed the state-level ballot measure in Arkansas, but Cotton had previously said the issue should be left for voters to decide.
Democratic officials in Nebraska hope the wage issue makes a difference in the close race between Democrat Brad Ashford and Republican incumbent Lee Terry in an Omaha-based congressional district.
In South Dakota, where Democratic U.S. Sen. Tim Johnson’s retirement created an open seat, Democrat Rick Weiland helped carry signed petitions to the Secretary of State’s office to get the minimum wage issue on the ballot. His GOP opponent, former Gov. Mike Rounds, opposes it.
* Meanwhile, remember this self-made video from the 2010 campaign?…
Well, “Matt the Welder” is back with another self-made ad that he’s posted to Facebook. Click here to see it.
…Adding… I don’t know why I didn’t put this relevant debate snippet in the post. From ABC 7…
Rauner acknowledged his support for “right to work,” or opportunity zones, as he now calls them. And the candidates renewed their now-familiar disagreement on raising the minimum wage.
“We’re going to raise the minimum wage this year, we’re going to get it done,” Quinn said.
“He’s a phony on the minimum wage. He’s playing political football to make it a political issue in the campaign,” countered Rauner.
A bevy of new congressional TV ads
Tuesday, Oct 21, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The DCCC has an updated version of its “truck ad” on the air in the 10th Congressional District…
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is launching its latest ad in Illinois’ 10th Congressional District, showing how Bob Dold is just another run-of-the-mill Republican who the Tea Party can rely on – since he has already voted to restrict women’s healthcare choices, limit access to birth control and defund Planned Parenthood, which reduces access to affordable health care for women like cancer screenings. The ad starts today.
The ad…
The script…
[Narrator] Still not sure about the twenty fourteen Bob Dold?
More than just a run-of-the-mill Republican.
We’re talking lockstep, yes-man, tea-party-can-rely-on-me Republican.
With ten party-line votes against women powering his agenda…
Bob Dold would restrict women’s healthcare choices…
And limit access to birth control.
Bob Dold comes standard with votes that let insurance companies charge women more than men.
And would defund Planned Parenthood, driving away affordable healthcare like cancer screenings.
The twenty fourteen Bob Dold. Way out of the mainstream.
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is responsible for the content of this advertising.
* Moving right along, the DCCC has a new ad in the 12th as well…
The Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee is launching a new television ad in Illinois’ 12th Congressional District highlighting how Meltdown Mike Bost’s reckless priorities represent everything the people of Illinois hate about Washington. From raising taxes to borrowing millions and underfunding the pension system, it’s clear that Meltdown Mike Bost would be part of the problem in Washington – not on the side of the middle class.
Over twenty years in Springfield, Mike Bost could have helped the middle class.
Instead, Bost became part of the problem.
Voting for Governor Ryan’s reckless budgets.
Raising taxes, borrowing millions, and underfunding the pension system.
Bost even voted for a golf course and skating rink – in suburban Chicago.
Mike Bost would make Washington worse.
* Same district, different party…
“Sending Bill Enyart back to Congress means more government spending paid for by Southern Illinois taxpayers. It’s time to shake up Washington and send Mike Bost to Congress. He’s a true leader focused on making things better for Southern Illinois families.” – Katie Prill, NRCC Spokeswoman
ANNCR: With Bill Enyart in Washington, nothing will change.
Enyart. Pelosi. Obama. They just run up more debt.
17 Trillion and growing.
Enyart supported Obamacare, $2 Trillion in new spending.
With big spenders like Bill Enyart, the middle class pays the price.
It’s time for a shakeup.
Mike Bost will work for balanced budgets.
Fewer burdens on the middle class.
Change Washington. Mike Bost.
* And over in Congressman Rodney Davis’ district comes this from his Democratic opponent…
Former Chief Judge and Congressional challenger Ann Callis today released a new television ad, “You.” In the ad, Callis speaks from the heart directly to voters about the choice they have in this election between a true public servant and a political insider who will do anything to protect his job. Callis slams Congressman Rodney Davis for his desperate attempts to distract voters by continuing misleading attacks on Callis’ family and judicial career.
(CALLIS): As a mom and a judge, in between putting bad guys in jail, I raised good ones. I want the best for them, and for you. That’s why I’ve focused on more jobs for Illinois and ending perks for politicians. But Rodney Davis is a politician who wants to protect his job, so he lied about my career and attacked my family. I’m Ann Callis. I approve this message because I think you deserve better. That’s the difference between us, and the choice in this election.
* From Davis…
No Labels, a national organization dedicated to a new politics of problem solving, has awarded its “Problem Solver Seal of Approval” to Illinois Republican Rodney Davis for his support of the group’s year-long effort to create a National Strategic Agenda, a roadmap for the country based on goals shared by both parties.
“In just his first term in Congress, Representative Davis has shown a firm commitment to problem solving,” said Bill Galston, a co-founder of No Labels. “It is this kind of leadership, coupled with the creation of a National Strategic Agenda, that is going to help us solve some of the big issues we’re facing as a country.”
No Labels is calling for America’s leaders to support a new governing process to build a National Strategic Agenda centered on four goals.
Quinn tax hike dodge count: 4
Tuesday, Oct 21, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Sun-Times debate coverage…
Rauner repeatedly criticized Quinn for raising the income tax in Illinois and warned that even if Quinn were defeated he would raise taxes.
Quinn was grilled on whether he would indeed try again to reinstate the income tax hike even if he wasn’t reelected on Nov. 4.
Quinn said he’s been open about his plan, a budget that he pushed in March that included a $500 property tax rebate but ultimately was unsuccessful.
“The worst tax is the property tax, it’s not based on ability to pay,” Quinn said.
* The Rauner campaign has a highlight video…
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Today’s number: 165
Tuesday, Oct 21, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* From the Tribune’s coverage of last night’s gubernatorial debate…
But Rauner, who has run his campaign based on his business success, stumbled when asked to name a business investment that led to increased jobs in Illinois. Rauner did not list a single company, pointing the audience to the website of his former GTCR investment firm, saying it lists “hundreds of companies for everybody to see.”
* ABC 7 reported that Rauner did, however, provide a name after the debate ended…
During his post-debate news conference, Rauner was able to mention one of his many companies that had created jobs. He mentioned Actient, a North Shore healthcare company financed at one point by Rauner’s firm, GTCR.
However, he was not able to provide any details about how many jobs that firm had created when it was owned by GTCR.
* From an April 29, 2013 Dow Jones report about GTCR’s sale of Actient…
Actient has 165 employees, including 100 sales representatives
A grand good morning to you all!
Tuesday, Oct 21, 2014 - Posted by Rich Miller
* Sometimes, you can just get too deep into the weeds of these crazy campaigns - the meaningless minutiae, the intrinsically harmful weirdness, the outlandish character assassination, the moment by instantaneous moment hyper-partisan negativity. When you feel that happening, you gotta step back, man; take a deep, cleansing breath, blow out all the irony and ask yourself: “Ain’t life grand?” Turn it up for Widespread Panic…
The sun came out the other day
Through those dusty clouds
And in my mind I was a child
And it felt good!
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