Your daily “right to work” roundup
Tuesday, Apr 28, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller
* The IFT continues to aggregate “right to work zone” resolution votes. From yesterday…
Jefferson County - (38,827) - no vote
Lexington (McLean) - (2,060) - tabled
Lindenhust (Lake) - (14,462) - tabled
In addition, Morton Grove passed a resolution last night which omitted the more blatant anti-union stuff. Click here to read it, starting on page 35.
* That Jefferson County non-action was interesting…
An effort to bring an employee empowerment zone to Jefferson County didn’t get off the ground.
Hundreds of union workers showed up to protest the proposal Monday evening. County Chair Bob White says Governor Rauner is calling for the zones across the state, which would give communities more local control over union contracts.
White called for a motion to vote on the proposal twice, but no other board members would make the motion.
The meeting had to be held in the county building’s lobby to accommodate the huge crowd…
So far, I haven’t heard anything from the governor’s office. I’ll let you know.
* Next up, Chicago…
Chicago aldermen and union representatives will get to voice their opposition to Gov. Bruce Rauner’s proposed right-to-work zones Tuesday at a hearing on a symbolic measure that’s the latest bit of political posturing on the issue.
* Some other mayors are not too keen on the governor’s “Turnaround Agenda”…
The mayors further complained about Rauner’s statewide tour asking local towns to sign onto his Turnaround Agenda, arguing he has failed to provide details on what exactly it is and what it would do. Tully said in his experience, the details from the governor’s Turnaround have “evolved,” leaving him at a loss over what he’s asking his community to sign on to.
Hanover Park Mayor Rodney Craig said he was equally at a loss for details.
“Up to date, it’s like a shuffling of the deck. We don’t see the cards, and basically we’re asked to respond to a number of platitudes,” said Craig. “If they can’t put it in clear writing, give me the clear facts and legislation then we’re going to struggle with that. . . . We’re happy to work with him, [but] we’re struggling with the facts that don’t exist.”
* Upcoming votes…
Village of Mahomet (Champaign County)
Tuesday, April 28 at 6:00 p.m.
503 E. Main Street, Mahomet
Kane County Board
Tuesday, April 28 at 4:00 p.m.
719 S. Batavia Ave, Geneva
Cook County Board
Wednesday, April 29
* Related…
* Let’s kill all the unions: Unions have been gradually losing public support as they have lost membership. From the 1930s through the 1960s, about two-thirds of Americans approved of labor unions in Gallup polls. That proportion has fallen to barely over half in 2014. Since the 1960s, the proportion of workers in unions has fallen from one quarter to one tenth.
* Foster Speaks Out Against Right-To-Work Zones On House Floor: These zones are a gimmick to pit communities against each other, to deprive workers of their rights, and to weaken unions.
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 28, 15 @ 11:15 am:
“Hi ck-
I miss your updates. Get some wins. I’m know, you guys are tryin’
- Illini97 - Tuesday, Apr 28, 15 @ 11:22 am:
In my mind, I like to imagine the Jefferson County Board Chairman as Rodney Dangerfield when asking for a motion on the Turnaround Agenda?
None? Boy, I can’t get no respect around here.
- walker - Tuesday, Apr 28, 15 @ 11:24 am:
===”…basically we’re asked to respond to a number of platitudes,” said Craig. . . . “We’re happy to work with him, [but] we’re struggling with the facts that don’t exist.”===
This has been the case for communities, the press, and for legislators dealing with Rauner, right up to now. Hopefully we are moving off this spot this week.
- The Equalizer - Tuesday, Apr 28, 15 @ 11:26 am:
I was at the Jefferson County meeting. Bob White came across as someone wanting to follow the Rainer agenda, but no one else would follow. He gave a small speech that seemed to come across as petulant. It was an interesting sight.
- Wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 28, 15 @ 11:30 am:
The governor’s office is busy putting together a photo montage of all the buses bringing in those outside agitators to Jefferson County.
- OneMan - Tuesday, Apr 28, 15 @ 11:30 am:
So is Bill Foster thinking that Durbin isn’t going to run again? Not sure why all of a sudden he is upping his visibility if he isn’t running for something higher…
Perhaps governor?
- Team Sleep - Tuesday, Apr 28, 15 @ 11:35 am:
Jefferson County’s role in all of this is interesting. USW has attempted to unionize Continental Tire - which I believe is southern Illinois’s largest private, non-hospital employer - multiple times. The attempts have always failed but have usually been close. Management from Germany has even called in the NLRB and mediators to ensure there were/are no shenanigans with the votes. That just adds an interesting wrinkle to a county that is fairly split at the city (Mt. Vernon) and county level.
I also wonder if Mr. White is positioning himself for some of Governor Rauner’s cash. He fared poorly in his race against Rep. Bryant, but what if Senator Luechtefeld retires? He is in the 58th Senate District and clearly has ambition above-and-beyond his current role as county board chairman.
- Arsenal - Tuesday, Apr 28, 15 @ 11:37 am:
“So is Bill Foster thinking that Durbin isn’t going to run again? Not sure why all of a sudden he is upping his visibility if he isn’t running for something higher…”
Probably just as simple as it helps him to demonstrate to unions that he’s got their back. Durbin’s seat is too far away. Though I personally think he’d make an intriguing Gubernatorial candidate…
- Norseman - Tuesday, Apr 28, 15 @ 11:38 am:
=== White called for a motion to vote on the proposal twice, but no other board members would make the motion. ===
Little Birdie Reporting Service: Little Birdie reporting from the Rauner Resolution War Room. This morning’s work session started with Mike Schrimpf yelling at the Superstar Staffers that the Jefferson County non-vote was an embarrassment and that they should have done a better job supporting Chairman Bob White. Schrimpf said, “Chairman Bob was humiliated and is now mad at us for not at least convincing someone to second his motion.” He continued, “if we don’t start doing better, his excellency will demote some of us to ordinary staffer status.”
- Juvenal - Tuesday, Apr 28, 15 @ 11:47 am:
=== From the 1930s through the 1960s, about two-thirds of Americans approved of labor unions in Gallup polls. That proportion has fallen to barely over half in 2014. ===
That’s much higher than job approval for a bunch of folks, including the governor.
And the press.
Take it away, Willy….
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 28, 15 @ 11:52 am:
- Norseman -, it’s comments like that, that make losing the race for governor hurt most. The fun we would’ve had.
- Juvenal -,
How about that the Unions policing above the current Governor and GA, not understanding that galvanizing Unions, uniting them at a higher, motivated rate may very well cripple Rauner’s Agenda beyond dopey non-binding resolution losses seen here, when only a 100% batting average would make the difference.
When you are losing munis at a higher rate than Union polling numbers, what exactly are you proving?
- Anonymous - Tuesday, Apr 28, 15 @ 11:53 am:
Rauner has mistaken voters’ disdain for Quinn as support for his program. He has no mandate for his program. If he keeps going down this road, he’ll be as despised as his predecessors.
- ClumsyTuna - Tuesday, Apr 28, 15 @ 11:54 am:
Bob White has been politically spanked more times than the worst behaving child you can imagine. His delusions of grandure are awe inspiring. This southern Illinois rebuke of RTW, is less about Rauner and more about the locals smacking him down once again. Would the resolution have passed, had it been called for a vote, probably not - but White’s speechifying and attitude makes it even more unpopular.
- Juvenal - Tuesday, Apr 28, 15 @ 12:01 pm:
What amazes me is not the lack of support from the municipalities, which was completely predictable, but the complete lack of support for the “Turn Around Agenda” from the business community.
You’d think the CEOs of every major employer would be out there right now banging the drum for Rauner.
Instead, major business leaders are distancing themselves from him.
- Norseman - Tuesday, Apr 28, 15 @ 12:14 pm:
Willy, I’m smiling just imagining it.
- prairiestatedem - Tuesday, Apr 28, 15 @ 12:17 pm:
Congrats to Jefferson County Sheriff Travis Allen in helping to lead the opposition to Rauner’s tone deaf attempt to lower the standards of living for working families with right to work. Sheriff Allen (who incidentally is the youngest sheriff in the state) stood up for his people and helped to send a message loud and clear to the Rauner administration and its “agend”.
- Norseman - Tuesday, Apr 28, 15 @ 12:19 pm:
=== You’d think the CEOs of every major employer would be out there right now banging the drum for Rauner. ===
I suspect the big time CEOs that care are comfortable signing the checks. The smaller and local CEO’s either don’t want to rock the boat or see the resolution for what it is - A BIG WASTE OF TIME.
- steve - Tuesday, Apr 28, 15 @ 12:21 pm:
Morton Grove had all the key words in it- prevailing wage and certain labor laws costing Illinois billions. What was it missing?
- GA Watcher - Tuesday, Apr 28, 15 @ 12:24 pm:
Morton Grove hardly looks at all like the Governor’s sample resolution.
- Wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 28, 15 @ 12:25 pm:
What were the expectations of this effort going in?
Was there a belief that there would a great deal of local support, or was it an effort to identify those who should be added to the enemies list?
- Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Apr 28, 15 @ 12:27 pm:
- Juvenal -, I defer to - Norseman - who captures the “why” as well as you can.
I’d only add, humbly, Rauner gave $100 million in EDGE to big business, and they are silent. There’s your working example of it.
- G'Kar - Tuesday, Apr 28, 15 @ 1:37 pm:
Here is a link to a WEEK report on the Turnaround Agenda in Lexington:
- Huh? - Tuesday, Apr 28, 15 @ 1:53 pm:
One of the things that ruiner stresses in his race to the bottom agenda is local control of contracts. Did anyone else notice what came immediately after the Morton Grove resolution? It was approval of a labor union contract between the city and automobile mechanics local 701.
Maybe I am being naive, but it looks to me like the municipality has local control over the contract.
- Hedley Lamarr - Tuesday, Apr 28, 15 @ 2:37 pm:
==…we are struggling with facts that don’t exist==
And this is a SR mayor!
- zonz - Tuesday, Apr 28, 15 @ 3:30 pm:
=============== - Wordslinger - Tuesday, Apr 28, 15 @ 12:25 pm:
What were the expectations of this effort going in? ===============
The following thought bubble explains this:
“Right now local gov’ts fear the union thugs; we gotta make ‘em fear us instead: Once we budget to cut half their LGDF $$$ (Local Government Distributive Fund), they’ll be shaking like leaves as they rush to vote support BRU-CREW’s Turnaround Agenda.”