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The Boat Drink Caucus rides again!

Tuesday, Apr 14, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Boat Drink Caucus is playing a welcome back to Springfield gig tonight at the Butternut Hut. It’s their first date since the governor’s inauguration party. They’ll kick off at about 9 o’clock. Be there, people


Stop the satellite TV tax

Tuesday, Apr 14, 2015 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

The cable industry is asking lawmakers to place a NEW 5% tax on satellite TV service. The satellite tax is not about fairness, equity or parity – it’s a tax increase on the 1.3 million Illinois families and businesses who subscribe to satellite TV.

Satellite Tax Will Hurt Illinois Families and Small Businesses

    • Satellite TV subscribers will see their monthly bills go up 5%.
    • This tax will impact every bar, restaurant and hotel that subscribes to satellite TV service, which will translate into higher prices, decreased revenues, and fewer jobs.
    • Rural Illinois has no choice: In many parts of Illinois, cable refuses to provide TV service to rural communities. Satellite TV is their only option.

Satellite Tax Is Not About Parity or Fairness

    • Cable’s claim that this discriminatory tax is justified because satellite TV doesn’t pay local franchise fees could not be further from the truth. Cable pays those fees to local towns and cities in exchange for the right to bury cables in the public rights of way—a right that cable companies value in the tens of billions of dollars in their SEC filings.
    • Satellite companies don’t pay franchise fees for one simple reason: We use satellites—unlike cable, we don’t need to dig up streets and sidewalks to deliver our TV service.
    • Making satellite subscribers pay franchise fees—or, in this case, an equivalent amount in taxes—would be like taxing the air. It’s no different than making airline passengers pay a fee for laying railroad tracks. They don’t use; they shouldn’t have to pay for it.

Tell Your Lawmakers to Stop The Satellite TV Tax

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Question of the day

Tuesday, Apr 14, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller


A proposal in the Illinois House that would require all state vehicles to be manufactured in North America sounds patriotic, but some groups say it would hurt Illinois businesses.

The Department of Transportation and the Illinois’ Manufacturers Association are among those who oppose House Bill 3438. Randy Nehrt of the Illinois Chamber of Commerce says this could actually hurt Illinois businesses, especially those that supply parts to car manufacturers in Mexico.

“The bill actually has the real potential to harm Illinois businesses,” he said. “It also strains relationships with Illinois’ trading partner in Mexico.”

The proposal says Illinois would only be allowed to purchase or lease North American-made vehicles, but doesn’t include Mexico.

* Alton Telegraph

The idea behind the bill is nothing new — it has been brought up in various forms in the Illinois Legislature several times in the past. This time, it has been approved by the House Labor Committee and lawmakers will consider the proposal after returning next week from spring recess.

The immediate problem is that many of these fleet vehicles are chosen based on important specific criteria and performance. For example, the Caprice is a long-standing favorite of law enforcement agencies and is the only full-size police cruiser on the market. But it is substantially built in Australia by General Motors’ subsidiary Holden. It’s a similar situation with the workhorse Silverado, which would be off the market under the legislation.

* But

The bill is supported by labor, including the AFL-CIO, but opposed by the Illinois Manufacturers Association and the Illinois Chamber of Commerce. […]

Smiddy points to a General Motors police car made in Australia. Wouldn’t requiring North American final assembly give GM an incentive to build that police car in the U.S., Smiddy asks, noting Ford builds its own police car offering in Chicago.

Smiddy said he knows there’s no guarantee assembly jobs would necessarily land at UAW-represented plants in North America or newly opened ones in the U.S, but he thinks the state should add incentive for automakers to assemble in the U.S.

When domestic or foreign-owned makers open plants in the U.S. he said, American communities benefit.

“We’re trying to help out the American economy, not the Australian economy or Mexican economy,” Smiddy said.

* The Question: Should the state of Illinois be required to only purchase or lease North American-made vehicles? Take the poll and then explain your answer in comments, please.

survey software


Today’s must-read

Tuesday, Apr 14, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From an Associated Press story published 150 years ago today

President Lincoln and wife visited Ford’s Theatre this evening for the purpose of witnessing the performance of ‘The American Cousin.’ It was announced in the papers that Gen. Grant would also be present, but that gentleman took the late train of cars for New Jersey.

The theatre was densely crowded, and everybody seemed delighted with the scene before them. During the third act and while there was a temporary pause for one of the actors to enter, a sharp report of a pistol was heard, which merely attracted attention, but suggested nothing serious until a man rushed to the front of the President’s box, waving a long dagger in his right hand, exclaiming, ‘Sic semper tyrannis,’ and immediately leaped from the box, which was in the second tier, to the stage beneath, and ran across to the opposite side, made his escape amid the bewilderment of the audience from the rear of the theatre, and mounted a horse and fled.

The groans of Mrs. Lincoln first disclosed the fact that the President had been shot, when all present rose to their feet rushing towards the stage, many exclaiming, ‘Hang him, hang him!’ The excitement was of the wildest possible description…

There was a rush towards the President’s box, when cries were heard — ‘Stand back and give him air!’ ‘Has anyone stimulants?’ On a hasty examination it was found that the President had been shot through the head above and back of the temporal bone, and that some of his brain was oozing out. He was removed to a private house opposite the theatre, and the Surgeon General of the Army and other surgeons were sent for to attend to his condition.

On an examination of the private box, blood was discovered on the back of the cushioned rocking chair on which the President had been sitting; also on the partition and on the floor. A common single-barrelled pocket pistol was found on the carpet.

A military guard was placed in front of the private residence to which the President had been conveyed. An immense crowd was in front of it, all deeply anxious to learn the condition of the President.

Go read the whole thing.


A new one on me

Tuesday, Apr 14, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller


The 73-year-old reserve sheriff’s deputy who fatally shot an unarmed man during an undercover operation earlier this month in Oklahoma was a close friend of the sheriff’s and a major donor to his agency and campaign.

Even before prosecutors announced Monday that Tulsa County Reserve Deputy Roberts Bates, a white insurance executive, was charged with second-degree manslaughter in the death of Eric Harris, who was black, those details raised questions about whether Bates had been paying to play cop.

Tulsa County Sheriff’s Maj. Shannon Clark told the Tulsa World newspaper that there are “lots of wealthy people” among the agency’s 130 reserve deputies.

“Many of them make donations of items,” he told the newspaper. “That’s not unusual at all.”

While the sheriff’s office did not have an itemized list of Bates’ contributions, the insurance executive had donated multiple vehicles, firearms and stun guns to the agency, according to The Tulsa World report.

* How is this germane to Illinois? Well, read on

While it’s difficult to nail down just how prevalent it is for big money donors to serve as reserve officers with local law enforcement agencies, there is some anecdotal evidence. […]

Howard Buffett, the son and heir apparent of Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett, is a volunteer sheriff’s deputy in no less than three counties: two in central Illinois and another in Arizona.

* From the Wall St. Journal

Howard Buffett’s cellphone rang one recent afternoon to the tune of a Rolling Stones hit. “Start me up,” he answered. The sheriff of Macon County, Ill., was on the line.

Hours later, the eldest son of investor Warren Buffett was patrolling the streets here in his hometown in a bulletproof vest with a Glock 22 .40-caliber pistol strapped to his hip, fulfilling his duties as an auxiliary deputy sheriff. Already this year, he has logged more than 225 hours as an unpaid volunteer deputy in two counties in central Illinois and one in Arizona.

“People say, ‘Oh, Howard Buffett, the billionaire’s son.’ But he’s just one of us,” says Macon County sheriff Tom Schneider, a friend. “He’s got a youthful enthusiasm…He’s the first one digging the ditch.” […]

“I’m mellowing, but still kind of wild,” he says. “Why else are we going out with the sheriff for the afternoon, putting on a bulletproof vest and a gun? People ask, ‘Why are you doing that?’ But for me, it’s a whole new learning experience.”

Umm. OK.

The Cook ‘County Sheriff’s office used to have all sorts of political hacks and others on its auxiliary force before the Sheriff cracked down. I didn’t realize it was so widespread.


Standing Up For Jobs

Tuesday, Apr 14, 2015 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

The following is excerpted from a Chicago Sun-Times op-ed by Sean McGarvey, president of the North America’s Building Trades Unions:

“There are many times when a state legislature must act to preserve existing industry, maintain solid-middle class jobs, and avoid negative long-term economic consequences. Illinois is at such a decision point about the future of its best-in-the-nation nuclear energy fleet, which directly and indirectly employs 28,000 people.”

“…half of Illinois’ nuclear plants are in danger of closing prematurely. That would mean losing premier employers that pay real middle-class wages, treat their work forces well, pay taxes on time… “

“The recently introduced Illinois Low Carbon Portfolio Standard (LCPS) … would help to preserve these plants, as well as one of Illinois’ leading industries that drives middle-class jobs and economic growth for the state.”

“The LCPS is market-based and will keep family-sustaining wages here in Illinois.”

“At the community level, the presence of a nuclear plant in a town means generation not just of electricity, but of jobs, business in the local restaurants, support for the police force, the fire department, the little league baseball teams – the list goes on.”

If Illinois’ nuclear power fleet is shuttered, it will not just affect economics, or plant employees, or communities around the plants, or even shareholders of a company – it affects Illinois’ future opportunities for generations to come.”

“It is hugely important that Illinois’ legislators and voters alike understand the deep and broad-ranging value of nuclear energy, as well as the long-term economic ramifications of nuclear plant closures while considering the LCPS.”

Read more here.

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Blaming the state

Tuesday, Apr 14, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Pontiac Daily Leader

With warm weather fast approaching, pool season is on the horizon. However, Chenoa sees a major source of summer income in doubt, with its pool liner in a state of disrepair and the time window to fix it closing. The Chenoa City Council talked at length Monday night about how best to go about fixing the pool.

Parks, Public Health, and Safety Commission Gary Dreher intimated his distress with the pool situation, noting how numerous calls out to third parties were rebuffed or otherwise unanswered. […]

A manager of the pool, Stephanie Smithson, expressed doubt that another patching job would tide the pool over this year as it had in years past. Dreher subsequently pushed blame on to Gov. Bruce Rauner’s budget cuts.

“This whole thing with the governor not wanting to give communities money for projects such as this, for getting any money through a grant, has really thrown a monkey wrench into things — not only here in Chenoa, but all through out the state,” Dreher said.

* According to the comptroller’s website, Chenoa, population 1,788, was sitting on $558,172 in general cash reserves at the end of last fiscal year, up almost $28K from the prior year. It had another $317,040 in “special revenue” reserves, up about $3500 from the previous year.

Also, last fiscal year Chenoa received $173,942 from state income tax revenue sharing, $186,009 from its share of the state sales tax, another $31,176 from the state’s personal property replacement tax and $40,396 from its share of the state video gaming tax. It also has a TIF district.


*** LIVE *** Session coverage

Tuesday, Apr 14, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Follow along with ScribbleLive

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Keven’s Story: Employer Denied Veteran’s Work Injury

Tuesday, Apr 14, 2015 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

My name is Keven Owens. I am a former Marine who never even had a splinter while serving our country. I worked for a central Illinois- based moving company for over 3 years before I was injured on the job.

I was moving a full sized refrigerator out of a house when the front wheels rolled off the front porch. I ran around to stop the refrigerator from falling, but I could not stop it. The refrigerator fell on my head then landed on top of me.

Afterwards, I had a splitting headache and my neck was throbbing too. The company sent me to their doctor who diagnosed me with a sprained neck and told me to take it easy for awhile.

After about 4 months with no relief from my pain, I decided to get a second opinion. The second doctor ordered an MRI of my neck and it revealed that I had fractured my neck. I had surgery to put 2 titanium plates in my neck. Today, I still suffer from neck pain.

Unfortunately, the company fought my workers’ compensation claim. It took 6 long years for my case to be resolved. While this dragged out, I had bills to pay and two children to support. Financially, it was a very difficult time.

I played by the rules, served my country and worked hard every day. It wasn’t until I was injured on the job that I discovered that the deck was stacked against me. A fair workers’ compensation system is necessary in Illinois to help those hurt on the job, like myself.

For more about Keven, click here.

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Frerichs wants to boost state tech investments

Tuesday, Apr 14, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Illinois Radio Network

The state has $12 billion to $15 billion to invest at any moment, and since 2005, the law has allowed 1 percent of that to be invested in Illinois-based high-tech companies. In 2011, the limit became 3 percent, but the actual amount has never exceeded 1 percent.

State Treasurer Mike Frerichs says now he’s going to try. “We’ve reached out to the Illinois Venture Capital Association, we’ve reached out to people who serve on advisory boards, and they’re very interested in working with us and we are working on RFP (request for proposals) right now to make sure we’re making those investments here in Illinois that not only get us a good rate of return, but also help grow our tech and biomed sector in this state,” he said.

He says venture capital investors from the coasts often urge startup companies here to move, whereas the state of Illinois would urge them to stay.

The amount of state funds currently invested in the Technology Development Account is $53 million.

That current amount is less than a half a percent. We’d be looking at $450 million if he went to 3 percent of $15 billion.



Dogs and cats living together!

Tuesday, Apr 14, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller


Current state law prohibits people with felony records from working in a school, or volunteering, or even driving a truck that makes deliveries to a school. But a measure pending before the Illinois House of Representatives could change that.

* This is an interesting bill for a couple of reasons. First

Floyd Stafford could benefit from Cassidy’s legislation.

“I got a felony for a non-violent drug offense,” he says. “So basically, I purchased some drugs, and you know, I got arrested for that.”

In 2006, he got caught buying cocaine, less than a gram, and served four months in jail. Stafford says the drug treatment he received while incarcerated changed his life. Since his release, he says he has stayed clean and sober; he is currently enrolled in graduate school at the University of Chicago, where he’s set to finish in June with a master’s degree in social work.

“If you’re looking at my resume, I’d put that up — and I say this in all humility — I would line that up with any other prospective applicant, and I think I would come out favorably,” Stafford says.

That seems perfectly reasonable.

* But there’s another reason. The lead sponsor is Rep. Kelly Cassidy, one of the most liberal members of the Illinois General Assembly. The bill, however, is also backed by the Illinois Policy Institute

“To have someone with that background, who’s maybe made a mistake and turned their life around, holds a lot of credibility with students who may be on the wrong track,” [Illinois Policy Institute criminal justice policy analyst Bryant Jackson-Green] says, “so it would be helpful, especially in a social worker position.” […]

“The sort of bills we support are things that encourage redemption, second chances. I mean, yes, someone might have made a mistake when they were 18, 19 and gotten in trouble,” Jackson-Green says. “But that doesn’t mean they should be barred for the rest of their life from having an employment opportunity with the school.”

* Ah, but that’s not all. Check out this press release…

Breen Sponsors ACLU Bill to Restrict Government Tracking of Citizens
Bill Would Restrict Use of Automatic License Plate Readers By Government

This morning, Rep. Peter Breen (R-Lombard) presented the “Freedom from Automatic License Plate Reader Surveillance Act” to the House Judiciary-Civil Committee, which advanced the measure to the House floor by a unanimous vote of 11-0. The measure is an initiative of the ACLU of Illinois and was vigorously opposed by law enforcement agencies. The Act would limit government use of automatic license plate readers, require that license plate data not be retained for more than 30 days, and prohibit the practice of government agencies selling license plate data to private companies.

“Right now, government agencies have deployed license plate readers across Illinois to track the movements of private citizens,” said Breen. “Illinoisans may not realize that, right now, their movements may be tracked without their permission and with no limitation on that tracking. These devices raise grave privacy issues, and I’m glad to work with the ACLU of Illinois to keep the government from infringing the rights of our residents.“

License plate readers are able to read thousands of license plates per hour, tracking the location and owner of all cars that pass by a particular plate reader. These plate readers can be used to identify cars connected to criminal activity or missing persons. However, government agencies can also easily aggregate data from plate readers deployed across a geographic area to keep track of the location and movement of private citizens. While many other states have enacted regulations on license plate readers, the collection and use of plate reader data are totally unregulated in Illinois today.

Breen’s bill would limit the government to six types of uses for automatic readers: electronic toll collection; traffic enforcement; parking enforcement; access to secured areas; criminal investigations; and for identifying vehicles connected to violations of law or missing persons.

The bill would also allow the government to retain data for more than 30 days in limited specified circumstances, relating to active criminal investigations or legal cases. The bill additionally would require law enforcement agencies to develop and post online their automatic license plate reader use policies, along with developing audit procedures and proper training on the use of readers.

Wait a second.

Peter Breen and the ACLU fighting shoulder to shoulder against law enforcement? You mean the Thomas Moore Society’s Peter Breen who recently testified in favor of the disastrous Indiana Religious Freedom Act?

Yep. That Peter Breen.

* Back to the press release…

The bill has broad bipartisan support, including chief cosponsors, Reps. Ann Williams (D-Chicago), Elaine Nekritz (D-Northbrook), Keith Wheeler (R-Oswego), and Ron Sandack (R-Downers Grove).

Go check out the sponsorship list. It’s kinda hilarious. Jeanne Ives and Will Guzzardi are co-sponsors, as are Mary Flowers and Mark Batinick.

Ever think that would happen?

Me neither.


We have a winner!

Tuesday, Apr 14, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Perhaps the most idiotic newspaper editorial of the entire year

But a recent report illustrates, one again, that Illinois does not have a revenue problem.

The report by the Pew Charitable Trusts looked at the revenue situation for every state, compared to the period before the Great Recession. Illinois was second in the nation to North Dakota in having the highest increase in state revenue growth since the recession hit.

North Dakota’s growth has been fueled by an oil boom that has brought billions of dollars to that state. Illinois’ growth was fueled by a 2011 income tax increase that hampered job growth.

Despite the massive increase in state revenues, Illinois’ budget situation didn’t significantly improve. More money in the state coffers has not resulted in a significant reduction of the state’s day-to-day debt.

It has not resulted in fiscal strength. In fact, the General Assembly had to approve several fund transfers to allow the state to make it through the current fiscal year.

In simple terms, the additional taxes paid by Illinois residents were not used to improve the state’s financial situation.

Where to begin.

Most of the 2011 TEMPORARY INCOME TAX HIKE revenues went to make pension payments that the state had skipped or skimped on for years.

The day-to-day debt was significantly reduced until THE TEMPORARY INCOME TAX HIKE MOSTLY EXPIRED, and now it’s on the upswing.

The fund transfers were necessary this fiscal year because THE TEMPORARY INCOME TAX HIKE MOSTLY EXPIRED.

The state’s fiscal condition was definitely improving, the required pension payments were being made, Medicaid was reformed, other significant budget cuts were made and then THE TEMPORARY INCOME TAX HIKE MOSTLY EXPIRED.

* And then they admit it

Of course, the 2011 tax increase has expired and that is the cause of the current budget issues. But many other states, including those surrounding Illinois, are flourishing with decreases or much smaller increases in revenue since the Great Recession.

Illinoisans received the largest income tax cut in state history when THE TEMPORARY INCOME TAX HIKE MOSTLY EXPIRED. We are the only state in the country to have recently reduced income taxes by so much. And yet, pension obligations are still on the rise, as are costs for Medicaid, education, public safety, etc. So, we most certainly do have a revenue problem here because our revenues are obviously not meeting basic spending necessities.

This is not an absolution of the Democrats’ horrible FY 15 budget. That thing was as irresponsible as it gets. The Democrats most definitely should’ve done a much better job of preparing for the possible expiration.

But the reason Gov. Rauner and the legislative leaders used fund transfers to patch most of the 15 hole instead of making massive cuts is because THE TEMPORARY INCOME TAX HIKE MOSTLY EXPIRED and the state needed to find a temporary, one-time revenue fix until the FY 16 budget could be addressed.


*** UPDATED x1 *** Unions try to keep up with Rauner’s local push

Tuesday, Apr 14, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Illinois AFL-CIO’s Facebook page since yesterday


*** UPDATE *** From the governor’s office…

Hi, Rich –

Round Lake Beach and the Village of Winnebago also passed the resolution.

Attached is Round Lake Beach. I’ll send you Winnebago when it comes through.


Round Lake Beach: Pop. 28,175
Village of Winnebago: Pop. 3,101


Nekritz and Biss: No Rauner pension reform vote without impact study

Tuesday, Apr 14, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Rauner did several TV interviews yesterday. Pension reform was a hot topic

“The good news is it would save us over two billion dollars per year right from the beginning. So a current worker would get two pension payments when they retire. They would get the benefit they’ve accrued through tier one, and they also get a benefit they’ve accrued into the future through tier two and that’s fair and affordable and I have explained that to many government employees and teachers and they get that, they can support that,” said Governor Rauner.

* More

Public employee pensions are the biggest single cost item threatening to break the State of Illinois and its taxpayers. But the State Supreme Court has indicated it may rule against a 2013 pension reform bill designed to save a lot of money. If that happens, Gov. Rauner said a statewide referendum would be needed to deal with the issue.

“A constitutional referendum, so we’ll change the language so we’re not in court for years. We’ll make it clear in the constitution what we can and can’t change. And I’m recommending to do something different than in the past. I want to protect existing pensions,” Rauner said.

* But

Two Illinois lawmakers instrumental in crafting pension overhaul legislation in 2013 are calling for an analysis of Gov. Bruce Rauner’s proposal to reform the state’s underfunded pension system.

Democrats Rep. Elaine Nekritz and Sen. Daniel Biss say they plan to file a resolution asking to put the Republican governor’s plan under “rigorous scrutiny.”

Rauner has suggested moving workers to a less-generous pension plan than lawmakers approved in 2010 for new hires. Workers hired before 2011 could choose to move to a 401(k)-style plan. He says the plan could save more than $2 million a year, but the lawmakers say the plan presents “real questions.”

* From a press release…

Two leading pension experts in the Illinois Legislature are calling for an analysis of Gov. Bruce Rauner’s proposal to move employees into a less-generous pension plan to fully determine its impact on the state and those receiving pensions.

State Rep. Elaine Nekritz and state Sen. Daniel Biss announced they are sponsoring a new resolution asking to put the governor’s pension plan under more rigorous scrutiny. Gov. Rauner has called for ending the current Tier 1 pension plan and moving all employees into Tier 2 to attempt to reduce the state’s massive unfunded pension liability.

Lawmakers created Tier 2 for all new state hires in 2011 to help save an estimated $64 billion in pension obligations. But the austere plan could fall out of compliance with a federal government mandate to provide a benefit that is at least comparable to Social Security.

In the resolution, Nekritz and Biss warn Tier 2’s deficiencies could create “severe unforeseen consequences for taxpayers in the state of Illinois.” They warn it would be irresponsible both to pursue Rauner’s plan without a federal decision that Tier 2 complies with federal law, and for the state of Illinois to “enact such a drastic proposal without studying the financial impact it would have on taxpayers and working families.”

The legislators urge the Teachers Retirement System and State Universities Retirement System to ask for a federal ruling on Tier 2 compliance and provide a detailed analysis of how Rauner’s Tier 2 shift plan would affect employees now in Tier 1 before legislators consider his plan.

“Every time we have considered pension reform proposals in Springfield, we have relied on detailed analysis from the retirement systems on how the changes would affect their retirees to guide our decisions,” said Nekritz, D-Northbrook. “The governor’s plan should be no different. With the very real questions out there about Tier 2’s viability, we must take these steps to prevent decisions that could make our pension problem much worse.”

“We need to make decisions on pension reform based on core principles of mathematics, law, and basic fairness,” said Biss, D-Evanston. “It is unjust to these employees and dangerous for the state to do anything less. We will work with our colleagues to take the proper thoughtful and careful approach to the governor’s Tier 2 plan and ensure we are moving down the right path.”

The resolution is here.


With friends like these…

Tuesday, Apr 14, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Charles Thomas

From unions to business reforms, Gov. Bruce Rauner is re-affirming his promise to do what needs to be done to shake up Springfield and fix the state’s budget mess. […]

“It’s all about taking power away from the special interests in Springfield and empowering local voters,” Rauner says. “Voters should decide what gets collectively bargained inside their governments.”

The governor also has not budged on his demand for pro-business reforms before signing any bill to raise the Illinois minimum wage or taxes to help resolve the state’s budget deficit. […]

Rauner, after 91 days in office, claims to have good relations with Speaker Michael Madigan and Senate President John Cullerton:

“We’ve become friends,” says Rauner. “I like them very much.”

* Flannery

“Our recommended Turnaround Agenda is already in bill form. It’s ready to go,” Rauner said. […]

However, Springfield’s most powerful legislator said the governor won’t give him the specific details either.

“Those bills haven’t been filed. So, you don’t know — I’m not being nasty. But nobody knows what he’s talking about until we see the bills as filed,” said Mike Madigan.

FOX 32: He says he’s already drafted the language.

“But they haven’t been given to us and they haven’t been filed,” Madigan added,


A spokesperson for House Speaker Madigan says, “I wouldn’t characterize the speaker as being on board with this plan. … I’ve seen no specifics, no legislation. When there are actual details, we will see what happens.”


Hospitals warn of closures

Tuesday, Apr 14, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller


The Illinois Catholic Health Association has issued a statement about the $1.5 billion cuts to Medicaid, mental health and other social programs that Governor Rauner proposed. Its 44 Catholic hospitals, 22 nursing facilities, and 26 other Catholic-sponsored services like hospice, assisted living, and senior housing, help out more than 9 million Illinoisans each year. The group points out that its hospitals provided in-patient care to more than 2 million Medicare and 1.3 million Medicaid beneficiaries in 2014.

Here is the rest of the Association’s statement:

    “Just estimating for our Catholic hospitals alone, the aggregate Medicaid cuts would total over $200 million. To sustain this shortfall, over 3,000 jobs would be put at risk and the economic activity associated with these lost jobs would be a negative $480 million.

    Because our faith and commitment are strong and constant, the state of Catholic health care and Catholic social service ministries in Illinois is strong and will remain strong. However, without the assistance and support of the state of Illinois, many of our neediest citizens, mostly children and the elderly, will bear the brunt of these draconian budget cuts.

    Therefore, the ICHA Board of Directors strongly believes that Governor Rauner and the Illinois General Assembly have the economic, budgetary and moral obligation to pass a budget that provides for strong, equitable health care and social services for its citizens who are most vulnerable and in need.”

* Kurt Erickson

Gov. Bruce Rauner’s plan to slash Medicaid spending could trigger a loss of more than 3,000 jobs at the state’s 44 Catholic-run hospitals and significant cuts to programs serving the poor and elderly, according to a joint statement issued by the hospitals Monday. […]

Patrick Cacchione, executive director of the Illinois Catholic Health Association, said the group issued its statement Monday in order to remind members of the legislature to consider the problems that Rauner’s budget may cause. […]

“This affects real lives. It’s not just an academic exercise on balancing a budget,” Cacchione said.


The ICHA says to sustain the shortfall, 3,000 jobs would be risk and the economic impact of that would be a loss of $480 million.
The group says the neediest citizens will bear the brunt of these cuts.

According to a spokesperson, Gov. Rauner is not interested in extending the program beyond the end of 2017.

* Sun-Times

More than 40 percent of the state’s hospitals are operating in the red and still dealing with cuts from the state’s passage of a Medicaid reform bill in 2012, said Maryjane Wurth, president and CEO of the Illinois Hospital Association. […]

State Sen. Kwame Raoul, D-Chicago, said La Rabida Children’s Hospital in his district would likely have to close if negotiations over Rauner’s 2016 budget don’t improve hospital funding.

“That’s literally the circumstances, not a false alarm,” Raoul said. ”They’ve got a population who otherwise wouldn’t be served.”

Dr. John Jay Shannon, CEO of the Cook County Health and Hospitals System, said county hospitals would be indirectly affected by the budget.

“We’re going to see it through things like the jail and through things like the [emergency department], where we’ll start to see more people coming to us because they no longer are able to get those services that were in their community,” Shannon said.


“America’s Worst Human”?

Tuesday, Apr 14, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sam Stein pulls a Sen. Mark Kirk quote from a Peoria newspaper interview

“I want to make sure we have elected people constantly looking at helping the African-American community,” Kirk said. “With this state and all of its resources, we could sponsor a whole new class of potential innovators like George Washington Carver and eventually have a class of African-American billionaires. That would really adjust income differentials and make the diversity and outcome of the state much better so that the black community is not the one we drive faster through.” [emphasis added.]

The notion that people hit the gas when driving through black neighborhoods is a common racial stereotype about urbanization and criminal behavior among African-Americans. The fact that an elected senator from a state with a sizable black population would make such a comment was deemed unfortunate by at least one African-American leader in Illinois.

“I think what he was trying to say is, he was trying to relate that to crime. But boy, it was a poor choice of phraseology,” said George Mitchell, president of the NAACP’s Illinois State Conference. […]

Mitchell did offer a more charitable interpretation of Kirk’s comment — that people drive faster through black communities because they don’t want to see poverty (as opposed to being frightened of crime). But even that interpretation rests on dicey theories about race and wealth. As Mitchell went on to note, Chicago has a number of upper-middle class black neighborhoods, for example. He took umbrage, moreover, with the idea that simply putting a few rich people in poorer neighborhoods would solve poverty in those communities.

The quote “won” the daily somewhat tongue in cheek “America’s Worst Humans” award on the national Eschaton blog.

* We have to decide what we’re going to talk about here. Was it yet another impolitic remark by a politician known for making such statements? Was his argument at all sound, or did he say something false?

Let’s go with the latter argument first, starting with the racial element.

* When I was a kid, my mom would always make us roll up the windows and lock the doors when we drove through the black part of Kankakee. And she was about as liberal as they came back then. I can certainly see Kirk’s angle, as much as I absolutely hate to admit it.

And I was once even kicked out of a black neighborhood by the Chicago police.

Three or four summers ago, I took my brother to Lee’s Unleaded, my favorite South Side blues bar at 74th and South Chicago Ave. One of the waitresses invited us to an after-party. It was a beautiful night, so we put the top down on my convertible and headed over. We got to the address (which was near several recent shooting incidents during that long, hot summer) and saw dozens and dozens of people gleefully partying in an abandoned lot and in a building which also looked abandoned.

We were immediately pulled over by two Chicago cops. They took both of our driver’s licenses and asked what in the holy heck we were doing there. We said we were going to the party. “Oh, no you’re not,” one of the officers said. They ran our licenses, gave them back to us and ordered us out of the neighborhood.

My brother, who lives in California, was a bit taken aback by the command, but I explained that if something bad did happen to us then those cops would be held responsible. Or they thought we were drug dealers. Either way, I told my brother, when a Chicago cop says “Leave,” it’s usually a good idea to vamoose, so we split.

When I told the story to an African-American friend of mine (who first introduced me to that bar), he said I was insane to go to that party in that neighborhood.

* And before anyone freaks out here and I get lumped in with Kirk as American’s Worst Human or something, I’m most definitely not saying that all or even most black neighborhoods are bad, or that all white neighborhoods are good, or that all white people hit the gas when they drive through a black middle class area, or even a poor area, whether that be black, white, Latino, whatever.

I’m just saying that it does happen and all the liberal uproar in the world ain’t gonna change that. It’s nothing at all to be proud of, or to trumpet or to argue favorably on its behalf. But, it does sometimes happen, maybe even more than sometimes.

* Whether Kirk should’ve held his tongue is really what this is about. And the “we drive faster through” stuff is troubling to me. “We” most definitely denotes an “other.”

“We” ought to be a whole lot more positive and inclusive, especially if “we” are a United States Senator. Talking about race in this country is never easy, and it’s made a whole lot more difficult by statements like Kirk’s.

* Also, too, George Mitchell is absolutely right that creating a couple of black billionaires isn’t going to solve the very real problems in Chicago’s poor neighborhoods. It’s just another goofy pie in the sky 0.1 percenter trickle-down argument and is amazingly out of touch with reality. I ain’t against billionaires, I’m just against setting all governmental policy - jobs, crime, drugs, education - around catering to the super-wealthy. What Kirk proposed isn’t a policy agenda, it’s a Randian fantasy.


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Tuesday, Apr 14, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller

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