Rauner, AFSCME reach new tolling agreement
Thursday, Sep 10, 2015 - Posted by Rich Miller * Maybe the governor has been sincere about negotiating in good faith. Extending the tolling agreement indefinitely and [re-committing] to submitting any disagreements over whether an impasse has been reached to the ILRB, even though Rauner now controls the ILRB, seems reasonable to me. Click the pic for a larger image… ![]()
- Reality Check - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 5:11 pm:
The same language was in the previous tolling agreement.
- AC - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 5:11 pm:
This was a promise Rauner made to legislators prior to the SB1229 override vote. Glad to see he’s keeping his word.
- Rich Miller - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 5:12 pm:
===The same language was in the previous tolling agreement. ===
Darnit. Gonna have to look that up now. I didn’t think it was.
- walker - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 5:12 pm:
Seems to have a highly competent and professional negotiating team. This is a good sign, but a lot can happen as the weeks go by.
- Norseman - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 5:12 pm:
=== Maybe the governor has been sincere about negotiating in good faith. ===
Let’s hope so.
- AC - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 5:13 pm:
The difference is the lack of a specific expiration date.
- Reality Check - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 5:25 pm:
AC is correct. The previous one was in effect til Sept 30 or impasse, whichever came later. This one removes the Sept 30 date. Everything else, including the ILRB language, is the same.
- SC - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 5:26 pm:
The indefinite extension language is the same, but the ILRB language is new. It isn’t a major change, however, since the declaration of impasse can already be disputed at the ILRB. This just clarifies that the terms and conditions will remain in effect until they make a decision on the issue.
- Ottawa Phil - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 5:27 pm:
Really, Rich? “Maybe the governor has been sincere”? Wow. You are showing yourself to be more than a wee bit biased. Because despite two previous tolling agreements and a signed agreement with the Teamsters you still say “maybe” he’s “sincere”? The objective facts of reasonable bargaining is in the public record versus what exactly? Second-hand AFSCME partisan-speak or rank political spin? C’mon man, quit being an anti-Rauner flaky.
- Anonymous - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 5:29 pm:
Some of the commenters here will still accuse Rauner of planning something nasty, even though he has demonstrated more good faith than AFSCME so far.
- Macbeth - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 5:31 pm:
Rauner gets a win if he manages this. A strike is not a win — for Rauner or AFSCME. But if he can actually reach an agreement — one that’s a compromise — that goes a long, long way toward establishing some good faith possibilities with Rauner.
- Stones - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 5:31 pm:
Agreed that this is positive news. I think though that the Governor will have a tough time prevailing on the step increase issue based on past practice. The fight here will be all about changes to the insurance package.
- Liberty - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 5:32 pm:
Did Rauner have any other choice but to extend this? Not doing so would play right into the hands of his critics.
Anonymous, gutting the insurance below private sector standards for state workers along with university workers and retirees is nasty.
- Macbeth - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 5:33 pm:
BTW — I suspect many pols see this contract as a litmus test. If Rauner and AFSCME pull it off — it means the start of a slow end to the budget showdown.
If they — and by “they” I mean Rauner — can’t pull it off. There is no budget. And no good faith on the part of Rauner. As much as SB1229 was a loss for AFSCME, this contract — wrapping this up — could potentially be a big, big loss for Rauner — now and for the foreseeable future.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 5:37 pm:
===…with the Teamsters you still say “maybe” he’s “sincere”?===
What was the Teamster deal? Same as AFSCME?
- Stones - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 5:41 pm:
It is my understanding that theTeamster deal is not possible with AFSCME. Teamster members were required to accept the Teamsters Insurance plan. AFSCME has no such plan.
- Poor slob - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 5:43 pm:
The Teamsters have a negotiated deal but I believe it has NOT been ratified by the Membership.(I may be mistaken, but it’s my latest info) So not a DONE deal……
- Ottawa Phil - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 5:50 pm:
Poor Slob– It’s a done deal; ratified by Teamster state employees.
Oswego Willy– Different jobs, circumstances & union leadership. Your point is pointless.
- Archiesmom - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 5:57 pm:
I admit a certain lack of trust, but how could this be bad? Let’s take a deep breath and trudge on.
- Almost the Weekend - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 5:58 pm:
People need to calm down. These comments about Rauner not negotiating on good faith sound exactly like McCarthyisms.
If anything it has been AFSCME who has done more harm to the negotiations than Rauner. Deciding two days before the end of session to pass the arbitration bill through the legislator. Then try to override the veto.
I’d like to see AFSCME negotiate into October before another hyper partisan press release comes out declaring Rauner is impossible to work with even and some analogy of him related to the devil. His administration has negotiated with teamsters’ in good faith.
Also elections have consequences. AFSCME forgets that.
- Tone - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 6:00 pm:
The unions are not being reasonable. The state is broke and they expect the world. Rauner is unfortunately the state’s last hope of survival.
- AC - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 6:01 pm:
==If anything it has been AFSCME who has done more harm to the negotiations than Rauner. Deciding two days before the end of session to pass the arbitration bill through the legislator. Then try to override the veto.==
AFSCME is another branch of government? Please tell me more.
- ihpsdm - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 6:07 pm:
I’m so relieved to read this. I thought the failure to override SB 1229 was going to be the end of the negotiations.
- Stones - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 6:07 pm:
“Rauner is unfortunately the state”s last hope of survival”
A little dramatic don’t you think?
- Huh? - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 6:13 pm:
OP - news to me about the Teamsters contract being a done deal
. I am Teamsters 916 member and have yet to see the contract.
- The Dude Abides - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 6:14 pm:
There are several on here who do not know of which they speak. Some of Rauner’s demands have been unreasonable by any standard. I have information from someone who is actually at the bargaining table. There are others on here who are stewards and are aware of what actually is going on and they know who the reasonable party is. That said I agree that both sides need to suspend the rhetoric and concentrate on negotiating. Elections do have consequences but you can’t expect AFSCME to give away everything they’ve worked hard for overnight.
- sal-says - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 6:16 pm:
== * Maybe the governor has been sincere about negotiating in good faith. ==
From the guy who has worked for 8 months to destroy AFSCME & all Unions when he can? And came out with the most outrageous contract demands?
Sorry. Just another bad joke today.
- Truthteller - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 6:17 pm:
If you think Rauner is negotiating in good faith over the budget, then you probably think he is negotiating in food faith with AFSCME.
If you think his approach to negotiating with the legislature is “my way or the highway “, then you probably think that is his approach to AFSCME, and if you think that, you are correct.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 6:18 pm:
===Oswego Willy– Different jobs, circumstances & union leadership. Your point is pointless.===
How is my point, “pointless”, it’s your point, lol
You said the Teamsters deal is proof, well is it the same deal? If not, your point to say the Teamsters deal is important, really makes your point… pointless.
- Tone - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 6:18 pm:
Illinois is LOSING people, that means less taxpayers. That means less money. That means unions are going to have to give. A lot.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 6:20 pm:
- Tone -,
States can’t go “BK”, thought you and I went over this, lol.
===The unions are not being reasonable. The state is broke and they expect the world. Rauner is unfortunately the state’s last hope of survival.===
Breathe in through the nose, exhale out the mouth. You need a paper bag?
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 6:22 pm:
- Tone -
What’s your reasonable deal?
You’re so invested, “survival” and all…
So, what’s the offer, before we go “BK”, lol
- The_Equalizer - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 6:23 pm:
Go get ‘em, Governor Katrina! You’re our state’s only hope, Obi-Bruce!
- Triple fat - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 6:29 pm:
How many Republicans need to retire to prove just what kind of faith Governor Rauner uses in any kind of negotiation or leadership? Just askin!
- Lincoln Lad - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 6:31 pm:
Seems reasonable to me too Rich.
- Boat captain - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 6:43 pm:
Huh: I a a former teamster member and I have a copy of the contract. The teamsters from southern il have not voted or ratified yet.
- Norseman - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 6:58 pm:
Archiesmom, because of Rauner’s record the mantra needs to be verify and then trust.
- Truthteller - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 6:59 pm:
But what happens if AFSCME doesn’t want an appointment to a state commission for either its leader or a member of the leader’S family? Is AFSCME being unreasonable if it wants something for its members instead?
- CrazyHorse - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 7:02 pm:
==The unions are not being reasonable. The state is broke and they expect the world.==
Expecting the world? I’d think they’d stand on their heads if they were simply offered a pay freeze and going to a 40 hour workweek but I can’t speak for them. They’d likely have a deal if that was offered. If they’re really hoping for that 11.5% I’d look up to the sky and hope to see the flying pigs.
- qualified somebody nobody sent - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 7:09 pm:
Tone “State broke”. How do you figure? Back log of bills was cut in half since “temp” income tax increase took effect. Now since it expired, the back log will double by the end of the year. See any correlation there? Do the words “State budget has structural revenue deficit” mean anything to you? State bills are, in fact, overdue, pension obligations must be paid, The State must pay for public education to provide relief to property tax payers, lottery winners deserve their winnings, etc. How can we possibly pay for this? Illinois pols have to face the fact that this is the 21st Century and a 20th Century tax policy just isn’t going to make it. Gov. Raunger should make that case instead of his Union bashing BS. Get the revenue needed to pay the State responsibilities and stop accounting procedures utilized to “balance” the budget. My message to all State pols is to do the job you were elected to do…..pass a budget and then PAY FOR IT for a change.
- Bulldog58 - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 7:12 pm:
This is good news. If Rauner and AFSCME can come together and BOTH sides bargain in good faith and a mutual deal can be reached then maybe there is hope that Rauner and the GA leadership can get together and work out a budget.
-Illinois is LOSING people, that means less taxpayers. That means less money. That means unions are going to have to give. A lot. -
So the unions are the sole responsible party for less tax revenue? For people leaving the state? That’s the best you’ve got? You must have been reading the content over at capitolfax.org
- Sarcastic - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 7:18 pm:
I told some co-workers after the first extension that Rauner would extend the tolling agreement until the next election if he could. Hmm… May haps be.
One wonders if those that are not in a union would gladly accept a pay cut/freeze and drastic insurance premium hike and decrease in benefits if their own employer were trying to do to them what Rauner is trying to do to the union. Somehow I think if the shoe were on the other person they might feel different.
- Blue State - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 7:22 pm:
Lots of chatter but few specifics. When will State employees get to know what is really happening with the contract negotiations? Hopefully before an impasse is declared. So frustrating!
- Enviro - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 7:28 pm:
Sincerity and good faith?
We remember the “Good Friday Massacre” all too well.
- AC - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 7:29 pm:
Blue State - if you’re in a union show up at the next meeting!
- Theo's Houseboy - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 7:38 pm:
This is just a clarification of what was already in the previous tolling agreement. Presented by management as a “we already can continue until impasse, but this will clarify for everyone.”
Rauner is focused on attempting to get members turned against their union. The economic proposals are slowly moving to the middle, but they’re hell bent on being able to layoff anyone, anytime and privatize any and all state services. Not deducting dues and abolishing fair share fit right in there as well. His goal from the beginning has been to try to end up with a contract that saves just enough money for him to save face. His bigger goals are the longterm destruction of the Union.
Rauner will eventually move to a deal that has changes in healthcare that are fairly reasonable and a pay freeze with “merit bonuses.” If that, plus removing all the rights I mentioned are his final offer, he’s in a no-lose situation. If workers strike to save their rights (as they should) he can claim they’re being greedy and want more money. If they accept it, he can lay off anyone making over $60K and privatize the entire government.
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 7:45 pm:
===If they accept it, he can lay off anyone making over $60K and privatize the entire government.===
Really, how so?
- Wordslinger - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 7:50 pm:
– Rauner unfortunately is the state’s last hope for survival.–
Wow, that’s a heavy load. I hope we make it through the Cubs/Pirates playoff game at least.
Why, in your mind, is it unfortunate that it’s Rauner?
- Old and Tired - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 7:52 pm:
So, let me get this straight. Rauner and AFSCME sign a new rolling agreement, which is pretty standard for CB negotiations, and this is supposed to be evidence of “movement”? Don’t get me wrong, I’m trying to be optimistic- but what evidence other than a rolling agreement-which still allows for impasse- do we have of moderation from the governor? Is he backing off the worst-in-the-nation healthcare cuts? Off of privatization rules?
- Anonymous - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 7:53 pm:
Seems pretty good for everyone except those who were due for a raise. Seems like they may just keep this going for a long time.
- AC - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 7:54 pm:
OW - AFSCME and Rauner are far apart on contract language, particularly contacting, layoff, recall and seniority rights. Agreeing to a contract with such weak language would in fact allow Rauner to privatize any union job he wanted to.
- Old and Tired - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 7:56 pm:
Also, what evidence do any of the commenters have of “bad faith bargaining” on the part of AFSCME? Bad faith is a legal determination, not a rhetorical quip. What are your facts for this? The 11% wage increase over four years? That’s less than inflation, and is something bargained consistently in previous contracts. Where’s your evidence?
- Oswego Willy - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 7:58 pm:
- AC -,
If that is the case, that is a prime “elections have consequences” example.
- foster brooks - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 8:00 pm:
Poor Slob– It’s a done deal; ratified by Teamster state employees
no it hasnt
- Theo's Houseboy - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 8:11 pm:
OW- AC covered it. When people say he’s being unreasonable, that’s really the worst of it. Being able to privatize anything without restriction, lay off any employee for any reason without bumping, having the ability to suspend the contract if the governor declares an emergency, etc etc.
- #stateworker - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 8:19 pm:
=Seems like they may just keep this going for a long time=
Exactly. Wages and step increases were frozen July 1st and will continue to be until a new contract is agreed to. Considering there are still state employees who are owed back-pay from the last contract go round, that took more than 18 months to settle, the Gov can drag this out to save some $$ in salaries and AFSCME gets the status quo on Health Insurance.
- Almost the Weekend - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 8:27 pm:
AC @ 6:01
If Exelon pulled the same stunt AFSCME did to receive a state buyout for their nuclear plants I have a feeling you would be outraged.
- burbanite - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 8:49 pm:
Unions are made up of its members. Its members are tax paying workers seeking good wages and benefits and they find strength in numbers to negotiate those things. So when you say Unions have to pay, its not the union its the members that pay. If you strip those tax paying members of their union and their benefits whose to say they won’t flee the state and take all their tax dollars with them? And for these reasons an analogy of Exelon to AFSCME is illusory.
- AC - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 9:07 pm:
Burbanite, well said.
- Fed up with Rauner - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 9:22 pm:
If Rauner is proposing not only a pay freeze but also a promotion freeze, he has no idea how many state departments work. The senior employees get more pay to do more complicated work which needs years of experience to accomplish. We have already lost a lot of senior employees and if the department cannot promote people, then necessary work will not get done. if it is the govenor’s wish that I have no chance of promotion over the next four years and I’m stuck at the bottom of the pay scale doing entry level work, I’m outta here. On top of that, the only the most desperate of people will try to get a job with the state in an improving economy, and most of them won’t pass drug and/or background checks. So Bruce, if you or your aides are reading this, get a clue. In the long run what you are dictating will make state services far worse than better.
- Slimexwatch - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 9:31 pm:
They will bargain freeze wages, health plans, overtime etc. But rauner wants no bargaining power anymore (which ends the union) and wants highway govt contracts. Wth does that have to,do with teacher pension? Come on you guys, we all know what he is trying to,do. It isnt for the,people of illinois.
- Honeybear - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 9:40 pm:
Prayers of thanksgiving, prayers of thanksgiving. I really didn’t see this coming. Nice pivot Rauner, nice pivot. I see the strategy though, I think. Things are not going to get better with the budget. A strike would have destroyed the state, and I mean actual collapse. He’s going to need state employees to pull us out of this dive. Besides the Friedrich vs CTA decision is due out in December which has a good chance of destroying fair share. Why not wait it out and till after December when AFSMCE’s position will be MUCH weaker. I have to hand it too him. It’s a good pivot. Plus he just bolstered every Republican sheist#r state worker who’s been a grumbling jerk for the past few months. There’s a whole part of my building I’m going to avoid tomorrow. God I won’t hear the end of it.
And in the interest of confession (even though I don’t come from a confessional tradition, meaning this is even harder for me) Conservative Capfax posters I ask your forgiveness for my apocalyptic rhetoric regarding Gov. Rauners negotiating aims. This WAS a “good faith” gesture. You were right in some of your arguments. Forgive me.
- Johnnie F. - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 9:47 pm:
Too many pivots can equal full circle, so there is no reason to trust him anymore today than yesterday.
- jls - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 10:02 pm:
Honey Bear. We’re still on the journey. We’ve have yet to reach the destination.
- Joe M - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 10:20 pm:
About a week or so ago it was being reported that there were about 4-5 separate contracts negotiated with 4-5 different Teamster locals - and at that time, only one had been ratified by the members.
- Joe M - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 10:23 pm:
Shame on me, I should have used a Capitol Fax news link, instead of a pjstar news link to point out about several Teamster groups reaching tentative contracts - but only one group had ratified with a vote from members.
- DonaldTrump - Thursday, Sep 10, 15 @ 11:52 pm:
AFSCME Leadership looks out for AFSCME leadership. The dues will keep coming. Rank and file loses. Here come the layoffs.
- Zillow - Friday, Sep 11, 15 @ 5:55 am:
AFSMCE is tolling themselves right out of existence. The longer they wait the easier the new apparatus can take over.
- Thomas stell - Friday, Sep 11, 15 @ 6:15 am:
Don’t give rauner credit for any union negotiation. Rauner bought his governorship for one reason, bankrupt il for his rich cronies so they can profit and then he will leave just like he managed his corporations. Watch the money trail when this unfolds
- Jadedhack - Friday, Sep 11, 15 @ 7:05 am:
This isn’t a win. It’s spin. And the Teamster contract is definitely not a win. If that’s the template for AFSCME then I shudder to think how this will turn out for me. 18 years, I’ve worked for the state, hired under a particular set of agreed benefits. How is it fair or legal to change this on me? Rauner doesn’t live in the same universe as all of us and if you think he’s now being fair somehow, you’ve moved to his corner of the universe.
- A Jack - Friday, Sep 11, 15 @ 7:09 am:
Just delaying, nothing new. Trench warfare. No one can move without some new catalyst.
- Demoralized - Friday, Sep 11, 15 @ 7:48 am:
A win for AFSCME would be as close to the status quo as possible. I’d consider it a win if wages ended up frozen and healthcare stayed mostly the same.
- Tone - Friday, Sep 11, 15 @ 7:53 am:
The more I read public union member comments, the more I realize how completely out of touch they are with the real world.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 11, 15 @ 7:58 am:
- Tone -,
Which one are those?
- Bored Chairman - Friday, Sep 11, 15 @ 8:08 am:
This makes AFSCME much less credible in the General Assembly. Not to mention with their own members and the news media.
Winners. House Republicans who voted for the override.
Losers. Suburban Democrats who went out on a limb for AFSCME and Madigan.
- Demoralized - Friday, Sep 11, 15 @ 8:08 am:
Do you have anything constructive to add to the conversation or are you simply going to continue trolling with one liners. If you’ve got a specific beef then lay it out. What exactly is your specific problem with the union other than your obvious hate for it. Otherwise go away.
- Blue State - Friday, Sep 11, 15 @ 8:14 am:
Maybe the parties can get some sort of ruling on what Negotiate In Good Faith means. The Courts don’t seem busy enough these days. /s
- steve schnorf - Friday, Sep 11, 15 @ 8:15 am:
Rich, the comments on this particular post, with a few exceptions, almost emulate the quality of comments on most MSM comments sites. Bunch of new posters lately?
- pool boy - Friday, Sep 11, 15 @ 8:43 am:
I think someone hit the nail on the head earlier. This is more about contract language than money and health care or afscme would have been offered the teamster deal.
- Ahoy! - Friday, Sep 11, 15 @ 8:46 am:
The whole binding arbitration was never about making sure there was not a lock out or strike, it was about trying to give AFSME a better deal than they will get from the governor.
- Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Sep 11, 15 @ 8:51 am:
“=== Maybe the governor has been sincere about negotiating in good faith. ===”
Uh, some of us have been saying this for a long time.
- the old man - Friday, Sep 11, 15 @ 9:01 am:
Makes those who voted no on SB1229 and those who passed or did not vote look good. SB1229 was NOT needed.
- Arsenal - Friday, Sep 11, 15 @ 9:03 am:
== I realize how completely out of touch they are with the real world.==
What is “the real world”?
Someone has been able to negotiate a good deal for themselves. Someone else wasn’t. No one has been able to explain to me why the first person should be treated just like the second.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 11, 15 @ 9:05 am:
- Louis G Atsaves -,
I’m sure the governor also doesn’t want the Illinois National Guard, in fatigues, running state government like a 3rd World country.
At least I hope, because “ck”… she seemed to keep that out there as an option…
- That Guy - Friday, Sep 11, 15 @ 9:05 am:
It’s pretty clear who the adult in the room is.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 11, 15 @ 9:06 am:
===It’s pretty clear who the adult in the room is.===
You can finish a thought, no one is stopping you…
- Joe M - Friday, Sep 11, 15 @ 9:10 am:
When Rauner drops his demand that state and state university employees pay double the percent of their health ins premiums - and also drops his demand that they be put in 60/40 insurance plans - then I’ll be convinced that he is bargaining in good faith. But what he is currently proposing would raise state and state university employees out of pocket health care cost by 500%
- That Guy - Friday, Sep 11, 15 @ 9:17 am:
It’s pretty clear (to everyone but the most hardcore of trolls) who the adult in the room is.
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 11, 15 @ 9:22 am:
- That Guy -,
You can’t spell… or… you don’t know who the adult is… and are fishing for someone to tell you…
- Original Rambler - Friday, Sep 11, 15 @ 9:22 am:
Not that this is relevant to the post, but if you go to Illinois.gov and hover your cursor over the red image of the state with the blue arrow encircling it, a box pops up that says “Tornaround Illinois.” Just some amusement for a Friday!
- Tone - Friday, Sep 11, 15 @ 9:22 am:
“When Rauner drops his demand that state and state university employees pay double the percent of their health ins premiums - and also drops his demand that they be put in 60/40 insurance plans - then I’ll be convinced that he is bargaining in good faith. But what he is currently proposing would raise state and state university employees out of pocket health care cost by 500%”
Welcome to the world where most of us live. And you folks wonder why taxpayers are fed up….
- Louis G. Atsaves - Friday, Sep 11, 15 @ 9:30 am:
“===Illinois National Guard, in fatigues, running state government like a 3rd World country.===”
Third World? As in I get my driver license renewed through a military man in full dress garb? LOL! Let’s kindly take off that tin foil hat, shall we?
Each administration of the executive branch in Illinois has made contingency plans in the event of a strike. That includes Democratic Governors. As far as I can tell, investigating the use of the national guard was part of those multiple contingency plans, as were bringing back retirees.
I know you despise Rauner, but really now! Take a deep breath and settle down. And take off that tin foil hat!
- Oswego Willy - Friday, Sep 11, 15 @ 9:36 am:
Oh - Louis G Atsaves -,
I didn’t say the governor would… “ck” made a point of it when asked.
If you’d like, I’ll show you where.
Lemme guess, if the governor, the commander-in-chief of the Illinois National Guard used those reservists in fatigues, it’s Madigan’s fault? lol.
No tin foil hat when “ck” made the point. She does work for the governor, right?
- HangingOn - Friday, Sep 11, 15 @ 9:59 am:
I know you are convinced that nobody in the whole of Illinois has it as good as state employees, but if that were true we wouldn’t keep losing people to the private sector because they can get better pay, better benefits, and less of a workload. Yes, there are some positions that do fairly well compared to the private sector. But for a lot of the positions in my Agency, with the amount of education and degrees required to get and hold the position, what they get from the state is less that what they would be payed in the private sector. (I believe the last one who left was going to get 30k more a year with half the workload.) They make a *choice* to work for the state for less.
Luckily sanity isn’t a prerequisite to work here or I don’t think we’d have anybody to respond to the emergencies. We barely do now.