Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x1 *** After six years, McCann still hasn’t produced military discharge papers
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*** UPDATED x1 *** After six years, McCann still hasn’t produced military discharge papers

Wednesday, Mar 9, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Here’s Republican state Senate candidate Sam McCann in the July 11, 2010 edition of the State Journal-Register

“I didn’t say I was a veteran. I said I was a member of the Marine Corps. … If the Marine Corps doesn’t call that being a member of it, I apologize for making a misstatement. But I signed a contract, took an oath of office.” […]

McCann also said earlier that he wasn’t sure technically what type of discharge he received, but said he has called it “honorable” because he knows it was not dishonorable.

Late in the week, McCann said he no longer has the discharge paper he got when his dream of being a Marine lifer was quashed, but he’s asked the military for another copy. He said he’s waiting for it to arrive.

* September 26, 2010 edition of the SJ-R

McCann previously promised to try to get a copy of his exact discharge papers, but said this week he has not received them.

He’s clearly touchy about the subject.

“Why is it that the president doesn’t have to display his birth certificate?” McCann said when asked about his discharge papers. The comment echoed the claims of “birthers” who think, despite overwhelming evidence, that President BARACK OBAMA isn’t a U.S. citizen.

When I asked McCann if he believes the president isn’t a citizen, he responded, “No, I didn’t say that.”

* October 14, 2010 edition of the SJ-R

His campaign literature also said he received an honorable discharge, although McCann later said he wasn’t sure what type of discharge he received. He hasn’t yet secured a document to illuminate that point.

* Today’s SJ-R

Aaron DeGroot, Benton’s spokesman, said he sent an information request to the National Personnel Records Center, asking about a “William Samuel McCann.”

“We have been unsuccessful in identifying a military service record for the above-named individual,” said the Jan. 19 response from an archives technician. “This does not mean the subject did not have military service, only that we are unable to identify a record based on the limited information you have provided.” […]

Neither McCann nor his campaign consultant, Glenn Hodas, responded to messages Tuesday about the military records issue. […]

McCann, DeGroot said, “has had six years to produce documentation to prove his version of events, and he has not done so.”

All emphasis added.

*** UPDATE *** Bernie has added a statement in an update. Here’s the relevant part

“I was never a veteran, so there are no discharge papers.”

And, yet, he said he had them and lost them and said repeatedly that he was trying to get them for months in 2010.


Good candidates get in front of this stuff. Not so good candidates allow themselves to be run over by this stuff.


  1. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:06 am:

    –“Why is it that the president doesn’t have to display his birth certificate?” McCann said when asked about his discharge papers.–

    Probably a good, irrelevant distraction for a GOP primary.

  2. - said so - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:10 am:

    I would like to know who bryce benton really is other than that he is Rauner’s candidate in the race. I suppose asking that question is a little too hard for the springfield journal register and bernie schoenburg.

  3. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:15 am:

    Sometimes you can’t outrun your own created fallacies.

    Election Day has come about 20 days too late.

  4. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:15 am:

    He doesn’t keep mileage records. He doesn’t have any personal records to back up his claim of being a marine. Either this guy is the biggest fraud, or he’s incompetently terrible at record keeping. Either way, it makes for a terrible representative.

  5. - RNUG - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:17 am:

    I support Sam but he should have found whatever paperwork there is years ago. Shame he doesn’t have SOMETHING showing he at least enlisted; it would make a good closing ad about his opponent(s) lying …

  6. - 35/Shields - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:20 am:

    His was likely an entry level separation with a re-enlistment code consistent with the injury he suffered prior to attending boot camp (i.e., physical disability). An ELS is typically honorable but does not do a whole lot for the enlistee unless s/he suffered the injury while in a duty status (inapplicable here).

  7. - Mouthy - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:20 am:

    He did display his birth certificate just to shut Trump up. So why doesn’t he display his discharge papers. Gosh, maybe they just don’t exist and he’s neck deep in his lie.

    I think claiming a military career that is non existent is one step above claiming fake valor medals have been awarded to you. Doesn’t get you out of the sewer though…

  8. - Nieva - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:23 am:

    I never served and it sounds like this guy didn’t either. Show us the papers or resign now.

  9. - RNUG - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:23 am:

    Speaking of the local races, I saw an ironic combination of campaign signs in a near west Springfield yard: Sam McCann and Sara Wojcicki Jimenez.

  10. - Omega Man - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:25 am:

    Attacking McCann is just helping Rauner. Don’t help Rauner.

  11. - why? - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:25 am:

    AFSCME might be better off slating a Democrat vs Benton in a presidential year general than backing this liar.

  12. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:26 am:

    RNUG probably because the local party is backing mccann and SWJ.

  13. - Retired Lawyer - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:26 am:

    –“Why is it that the president doesn’t have to display his birth certificate?” McCann said when asked about his discharge papers.–

    President Obama’s birth certificate is available on the web, just Google it. McCann’s statements and actions should be disqualifying but probably won’t be. We can only hope.

  14. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:26 am:

    I grew up and was good friends with three brothers whose dad is a Marine. He enlisted at 18 and has remained in the reserves ever since. He served in the Gulf War. He is steamed about this. I know it’s one guy, but how many combat and enlisted vets and current personnel are GOP voters in the 50th Senate District? Quite a few - including the Jersey County GOP Chairman. This is going to be a huge issue. And bringing up Benton’s record isn’t a panacea. He hasn’t made any ridiculous claims like joining the Marines when he didn’t even sign the paperwork.

  15. - Team Warwick - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:27 am:

    Dumb issue. He signed up for the Delayed Entry program and participated in that program until he broke his back in a construction accident, then he couldnt complete the commitment to go thru boot camp because of his back injury. I believe him. Im sure he has family members that vouch it all happened and he has mefixal revords that prove his injury. So what? He leatned somwthing from participating in the program. Good for him. Then they tried to Trump it into a stolen valor thingy. How’s that stolen
    valor thingy workin’ for ya? Bout as as good as any tempest in a Tea Party pot.

  16. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:27 am:

    RNUG - that’s because the county party is backing McCann and Jimenez. That’s an odd combo, but that’s the long-and-short of it.

  17. - cdog - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:27 am:

    Seems like we just ran around this bush?

    McCann was Delayed Enlistment Program. Somebody needs to call a recruiters office and ask what documents are executed for this type of contract termination.

    McCann exaggerated years ago.
    Rauner exaggerates nearly every day.

  18. - Anon - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:28 am:

    Brutal mailer on this topic hit yesterday. Game over. McCann’s finished.

  19. - Not Alan Keyes - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:28 am:

    Absolutely lying about a military career to make an impact in your election is false advertising. If he were a product he would have been pulled from the shelf

  20. - Westward - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:28 am:

    Nothing more touchy than invoking personal military service for the purpose of making a self-indulging positive impression. It’s like someone who does a random act of kindness and then boasts about it. By the way, those two and their ads are like two children arguing about their place in a school line. Childish.

  21. - 35/Shields - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:31 am:

    Correction to my above post, I just looked up the Marine Corps Order on entry level separations and saw that the discharge is uncharacterized.

  22. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:31 am:

    If he didn’t complete training, is it even considered a “discharge” by the military for records purposes?

  23. - Not Alan Keyes - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:32 am:

    Hey teamwarwick, he claims he learned courage from the marines. Even if what he is saying is true, courage is not learned by signing paperwork, otherwise we should have every young man sign paperwork and then not go to bootcamp. Maybe that is where trump learned his courage.

    Lastly, there is paperwork for an entry level separation. I had one, then later had a 20 year career in the military. But that first attempt I got a discharge for not shipping

  24. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:34 am:

    –Absolutely lying about a military career to make an impact in your election is false advertising. If he were a product he would have been pulled from the shelf–

    I think Sen. Kirk would disagree.

  25. - Fusion - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:36 am:

    If you like Bruce Rauner, you’ll love Bryce Benton. I don’t care if we find out that Sam McCann appeared in Hulk Hogan’s sex tape, we need to send a message to Rauner and vote for McCann.

  26. - Patty T - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:37 am:

    If he wins, I predict the Republicans will rally behind him, get him elected & then dig up more skeletons or find another job for him he can’t pass up & get a Rauner approved replacement. A good Democratic opponent has a good shot against him right now as well.

  27. - Huh? - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:40 am:

    McCann isn’t the only one having difficulty coming up with discharge papers.

    Jerry Long, Republican candidate for the 76th House District can’t find his either and refuses to produce them.

  28. - Sammy1952 - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:42 am:

    This is a “no brainer.” It’s called a DD 214. You are given a copy when you leave the military. It has all your pertinent military information, e.g., awards and decoration, military classes that you attended, TYPE OF DISCHARGE, etc. I’ve been out for over 30 years. I lost my DD 214 but needed a copy to buy additional retirement time. I went to the Dept. of Defense website and applied for my DD 214. Within two weeks I had it. Simple!

  29. - Bobby G. - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:42 am:

    I am a Marine. Claiming to be a “member of the Marine Corps” because you signed a contract is deceitful and dishonorable. Period.

  30. - 360 Degree TurnAround - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:42 am:


  31. - Secret Square - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:43 am:

    After reading this, I am grateful to live in the 96th House District, whose Republican primary race (Decatur business woman Cindy Deadrick Wolfe vs. Springfield minister Gary Pierce) is so far below the radar it’s practically invisible. I haven’t been able to find any evidence of either candidate being a Raunerite and can find nothing about either of them at the SBEL website. What gives there? Did the GOP party sachems assume that whoever wins is doomed to lose to Sue Scherer (the incumbent Democrat) in November anyway and decide to turn their attention elsewhere?

  32. - Huh? - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:44 am:

    McCann isn’t the only one having difficulty finding discharge papers.

    Jerry Long, Republican candidate for the 76th House District can’t find his papers either. Furthermore, he refuses to apply for a duplicate copy.

  33. - Westward - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:44 am:

    Fusion is correct. There’s no Benton without Rauner. That’s a fact. Not judging either one, just don’t let that fact of politics escape the conversation.

  34. - RNUG - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:46 am:

    Mail today had 3 new and different ads from McCann attacking Benton.

    No local support: troubling / McCann endorsed by those you trust

    Benton’s local donors? / 99% outside the district

    Not quite who he said he was

    The latter one takes a pretty good swipe at Benton’s claim to fight terrorism, using his words from an SJR interview about how he processes travel vouchers and purchasing paperwork, and he will vote for a tax increase.

    McCann is still running hard.

  35. - Mason born - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:47 am:

    It is sad that the only Republican with the courage to vote for his constituents over the Governors checkbook is such a horid candidate.

    If this happened ad McCann said it did there is no shame in it but and it’s a big but he needs paperwork now. He needed paperwork 6 yrs ago.

    Rauners will win this round and be emboldened with a new bought and paid for voting key. Oh well who needs seperation of powers or a budget for that matter.

  36. - Trolling Troll - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:55 am:

    360 rant +1

    Benton camp must be mistaken. First you can’t call and talk to anyone at the national military archives in stl. You have to write them and any response takes at least 6 months. Second, if the separated member is living they will only respond to that person. They will not send it to anyone else. And C, if he was in the delayed entry program he would have taken the oath before his deployment date. More BS from the Rauner clan.

  37. - Secret Square - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:57 am:

    FWIW, veterans who served prior to 1964 may have some difficulty finding their records because the National Personnel Records Center in St. Louis suffered a disastrous fire in 1973 that destroyed or damaged millions of old paper files. It affected mainly Army and Air Force records from 1918 through 1963. So there are some older (age 70 and above) veterans who have had trouble tracking down their records. That said, McCann and, probably, Long are too young to have been affected.

  38. - AC - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:57 am:

    ==I saw an ironic combination of campaign signs in a near west Springfield yard: Sam McCann and Sara Wojcicki Jimenez.==

    There’s more than one of those in the near west side.

    To the post, the central issue for McCann supporters is that he isn’t a wholly owned subsidiary of Rauner, so for them I’m not sure how much this matters, it’s old news now.

  39. - Expletivedeleted - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:58 am:

    Ok, so I didn’t chime in on this ladt time but here it is again… This is BS. MEPS keeped terrible enough records. Been there, done that. I have a letter in a file somewhere that says “We were unable to locate proof of your completion of Initial Entry Training…” Along with it I have a letter saying that the archives couldn’t find my medical records. I do however have copies of both my DD-214 and my Honorable Discharge… in my own files. Who knows if DoD could find them. They’ve been a bit busy over the last 25 years keeping track of some slightly more important records. In addition to you know actually doing things like waging wars across the globe. So some recruiting station didn’t submit the proper paperwork for an initial-entry drop. Or it got lost. Or a recruiter with a bad retention percentage never forwarded the initial paperwork because he wanted to see which of his candidates actually made it to processing. I don’t see where, aside from one poorly-worded flier he’s been inconsistent at all. Not like the politicians claiming to have “served in combat” or “ducking sniper fire.” I say give the man credit for signing hids name on the line and let it be. I don’t think he’s asked for anything else.

  40. - RNUG - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:59 am:

    == that’s because the county party is backing McCann and Jimenez. That’s an odd combo, but that’s the long-and-short of it. ==

    -Team Sleep-

    I realize that but I think an informed voter wouldn’t have both signs. Politics truly does make for strange bedfellows.

  41. - Team Warwick - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:59 am:

    So ….i learned about courage from a grandmother. Prove now that i didnt (as i claim) so i dont have to run for Governor next time and wait for the mailed brochure.

  42. - Dr X - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 11:01 am:

    Hmmm….no Republicans cared a whit about this when he was runnin against DeMuzio, all of a sudden they are patriots. But you’ll find these papers when Kent Gray pays his income tax.

  43. - DuPage - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 11:03 am:

    How long ago was this? I remember a big fire down in St. Louis that destroyed the records of millions of veterans, no duplicate copies, nothing. That was a long time ago.

  44. - Robert the Bruce - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 11:04 am:

    @McCann, here’s a link for you:

    Alternatively, a reporter could FOIA whether he was ever in the military here:

  45. - Mason born - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 11:06 am:

    It is sad that the only Republican with the courage to vote for his constituents over the governors checkbook.

    If thid happened as McCann said it did there is no shame in it but and it’s a big but he needs paperwork now. He needed paperwork 6 yrs ago.

    Rauners will win this round and be emboldened with a new bought and paid for voting key. Any republican who remotely pertained the idea of representing his district will be scared into line and this fiasco will continue. No budget till ‘19 yeah.

  46. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 11:06 am:

    Troll - not entirely true. OPM has determined that certain info can be released via FOIA without the consent of the other party:

    DuPage - the fire was in 1973:

  47. - so... - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 11:07 am:

    ==How long ago was this? I remember a big fire down in St. Louis that destroyed the records of millions of veterans, no duplicate copies, nothing. That was a long time ago.==

    The NPRC fire was in 1973. McCann claims he signed up for the Marines in 1989.

  48. - RNUG - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 11:07 am:

    == How long ago was this? I remember a big fire down in St. Louis that destroyed the records of millions of veterans, no duplicate copies, nothing. That was a long time ago. ==

    July 12, 1973

  49. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 11:08 am:

    Dr. X - there were a lot of establishment types who were unhappy with McCann in 2009 and 2010. I hearken back to Rich’s reports - which others have told me were true - that Tom Cross and his team dissuaded McCann from running from Hannig. It took guts for McCann to run against Deanna Demuzio, but the Senate GOP did little-to-nothing to help McCann until he had support and decent poll numbers. Jim Watson mostly sat on his hands during the race.

  50. - obvious... - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 11:12 am:

    Dr. X, nice, ACCURATE, dig at Kent…bravo…

  51. - Mason born - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 11:15 am:


    Should have said the only candidate with the courage to vote for his constituents over the governors checkbook is such a horid candidate.

    As a side note I was on recruiters assistance back in 96 (Marines fresh from boot camp spend time helping recruiter). I helped with the delayed entry kids my Sgt tried to make it strenous and similar to training.

  52. - allknowingmasterofracoondom - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 11:17 am:

    = I say give the man credit for signing hids name on the line and let it be. I don’t think he’s asked for anything else.=

    Ridiculous statement, you have obviously never served in the armed forces. Credit for signing his name? If that were the case I would be able to run for commander of the universe for all the times I signed my name to something. If McCann was the Rauner candidate, all of you on this “non partisan” blog would be tearing him up.

  53. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 11:21 am:

    To the Update,


    It took sux years for that simple statement?

    “I did it, I was wrong, I am sorry”

    It took six years to eat it, to own it, to move on from it?

    … and this man is the stop-gap for Labor?

    He’s 6 days out from Election Day and now we all hear this?


  54. - so... - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 11:26 am:

    ==“I was never a veteran, so there are no discharge papers.”==

    More dissembling from the Senator. He would have received an uncharacterized entry level separation discharge. See page 4-46 (page 252 on the pdf) -

  55. - Robert the Bruce - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 11:27 am:

    ==If McCann was the Rauner candidate, all of you on this “non partisan” blog would be tearing him up.==
    You see what you want to see. There’s 53 comments on this thread - how many are defending McCann here? Even some of his supporters are saying he should’ve produced the military paperwork.

  56. - Norseman - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 11:28 am:

    === If McCann was the Rauner candidate, all of you on this “non partisan” blog would be tearing him up. ===

    Another Raunerite victim heard from. So this victim throws out a slam about the blog while commenting on a post discussing negatives about the Rauner target. Ugh.

  57. - Liberty - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 11:28 am:

    Old issue- if you didn’t hear about this in 2010 it doesn’t matter- Rauner is the new issue and it is not all about the unions, it is about insurance.

  58. - Norseman - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 11:29 am:

    Hat tip to Robert the Bruce.

  59. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 11:30 am:

    ==If McCann was the Rauner candidate, all of you on this “non partisan” blog would be tearing him up.==

    Another victim heard from.

    What, exactly, are you a victim of?

  60. - Trolling Troll - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 11:37 am:

    Team Sleep-
    I’m waiting on someone’s from my request in 2014. Ha!! It’s moot point now. I wonder why you back Benton. I’ve never heard him speak on the airwaves. I don’t know his views. I assume, maybe incorrectly, that he will do whatever the boss tells him. Maybe he should speak so we can all make an informed choice.

  61. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 11:40 am:

    (Tip of the cap to - Robert the Bruce -)

  62. - Big foot - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 11:57 am:

    I am a U.S. Navy Vet . Could I produce my Honorable Discharge. The answer is no, however I could produce my DD 214 . The DD 214 is more valuable then the Discharge . 1951 to 1954.

  63. - Anotherretiree - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 12:00 pm:

    I recall the Delayed enlistment program was a form you signed. Your huge file started when you got to St Louis and the fun began. I imagine there wouldn’t be much of a record if you were never sworn in. I’m all for Sam but this was a another unforced error. Lots of military people over Jacksonvilleway. Like me..

  64. - Expletivedeleted - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 12:14 pm:

    @Allknowing. Take a breath and re-read my post… in its entirety. My letters from the archives reside in a folder WITH MY DD-214 and HONORABLE DISCHARGE. So yes, I served. Did you? Maybe if you had you wouldn’t equate enlisting with “everytime time [you] signed something.” What I said was simply that he should be given credit in accordance with what he actually did. He signed up, he took an oath, he started his training at the unit level. Maybe that doesn’t buy much credit with you. That’s your problem.

  65. - Mason born - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 12:17 pm:


    How is that any different than the rose colored glasses used to elect Rauner? Just different folks wearing them. Rauner lied to you and you chose to believe what made you feel good so you could vote out Quinn.

    This is the same McCann is a terrible candidate and this whole mess highlights why in most cycles he would lose handily. Except he is the only politician in his party that had the stones to stand up to our megalomaniac in chief.

    As a Marine this story ticks me off that said if the choice was mine I’d vote McCann this cycle and replace him the next.

    For the sake of our state Rauner has to learn humility. An independent Repub delegation is the only way that happens.

  66. - LincolnLounger - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 12:27 pm:

    No matter how much the locals and labor are peeved at Rauner, a vote for Kent Gray would be an abomination. Between the tax matters, unpaid child support, hounding creditors, etc., that race is an easy choice.

  67. - Team Sleep - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 12:40 pm:

    LL - and while I like Kent, he would be a way more conservative choice than Rep. Jimenez.

    Troll - to be honest - and for the sake of honesty and openness - Bryce is a friend, and we’re also close in age. I like seeing younger people involved in politics. And yes - I consider early-to-mid 30s still pretty young in this field. We don’t agree on everything, and that’s okay. It should be okay. I’ve been involved in politics long enough to know that there are very few people with whom I agree on everything.

    I got to know Congressman Schock quite well when he was a State Rep, and I continued that friendship when he was in his first couple terms as Congressman. I don’t want to say that it broke my heart when he had to resign - after all, he’s a grown man and can make his own decisions - but it was a blow to “youth” in politics.

  68. - Jack Kemp - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 12:50 pm:

    Um, 360, the SJR Editorial Board interviewed Benton for over an hour two weeks ago. The video is on YouTube and the SJR website.

  69. - proustatetrooper - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 1:36 pm:

    I signed on the line for the DEP. It was nothing more than a Letter of Intent to show upon the agreed date and my request for the MOS of my choosing. Sixty days later I was put on a bus for Chicago, put up in a fleabag hotel and then transported to the AFEES location where I was given a physical and then sworn in. As anotherretiree stated you are not in the game until you get sworn in. If you don’t show up for th

  70. - proustatetrooper - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 1:38 pm:

    …..the swearing in they don’t even want you. I also believe if you don’t complete basic training from there you are given an “other than honorable” discharge.

  71. - 360 Degree TurnAround - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 1:40 pm:

    Hey, thanks Jack Kemp. I don’t spend too much time on their web site. I have now heard his voice.

  72. - proustatetrooper - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 1:40 pm:

    Sorry. It’s “proudstatetrooper” here. IPad seems not to want to work today. Salute!

  73. - Honeybear - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 1:42 pm:

    proustatetrooper- not an other than honorable discharge but an Administrative Discharge.

  74. - Small Town Girl - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 1:53 pm:

    Anyone who knows a marine or a marine family knows that there is nothing they are more passionate about than the United States Marine Corps. As a very proud mother of a Marine, do I find this kind of misrepresentation distasteful? You bet I do. But if I could vote in this race, Sam would still have mine. Voting to give the Governor more power is unthinkable to me.

  75. - Union Man - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 3:02 pm:

    I’m a Veteran. This is old old news. Why not bring up where McCann stood on Watergate? It’s as relevant to me.
    Better to have someone vote their conscience than be a proxy for someone with money. It doesn’t make his opponent a better option.

  76. - PENSIONS ARE OFF LIMITS - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 6:17 pm:

    He could get caught concealing an abortion clinic manned by Gitmo escapees in his basement. He’s still got my vote.

  77. - Jorge - Wednesday, Mar 9, 16 @ 10:03 pm:

    “Troll - to be honest - and for the sake of honesty and openness - Bryce is a friend, and we’re also close in age. I like seeing younger people involved in politics. And yes - I consider early-to-mid 30s still pretty young in this field. We don’t agree on everything, and that’s okay. It should be okay. I’ve been involved in politics long enough to know that there are very few people with whom I agree on everything.”

    Team Sleep…thanks for being an open and honest homer. Just to let you know. Demuzio brought this up and it did not work so well. Sam isn’t perfect, but he’s anti-Rauner which is good enough for his district.

  78. - CharlieKratos - Thursday, Mar 10, 16 @ 8:44 am:

    Guh. Fine. I’ll run as a Democrat in November against whoever wins the primary. I’m an Air Force vet with a pretty boring past. I’m not much to look at, but I own suits and have a pretty family.

    Now… How does one get this ball rolling? :)

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