Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » AG Madigan all but confirms intent to file suit on employee pay
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AG Madigan all but confirms intent to file suit on employee pay

Wednesday, Apr 13, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* SJ-R

Gov. Bruce Rauner said Tuesday that Attorney General Lisa Madigan is planning legal action in the next couple of weeks to try and stop state employees from being paid and shut down the government.

“(Democrats) are going to try to use the latest Supreme Court rulings about appropriations trumping contracts to say state employees should not be paid more, even though they’re working,” Rauner said. “And by the way, the legislature makes sure they always get continuing appropriations; the legislature always gets paid. They don’t want the state employees paid.” […]

The attorney general’s office is reviewing the court’s decision, and any further action is still under review, Madigan spokeswoman Annie Thompson said Tuesday.

But Rauner, a Republican, said he knows what Madigan, a Democrat and the daughter of House Speaker Michael Madigan, plans to do.

“The attorney general is going to try and stop pay to the state workers to try to force a crisis and force the shutdown of government to try to force a tax hike,” Rauner said. “That’s going on right now.”

* Fox Chicago’s Mike Flannery followed up with the AG

Governor Bruce Rauner predicts Democrats will now move to force a total shutdown of Illinois state government, and Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madigan confirms that.

She may, indeed, ask the Illinois Supreme Court to stop state employee paychecks. […]

State workers are still being paid because a lower court judge Downstate ordered it last year. But the Illinois Supreme Court recently ruled that, without a budget appropriation, the state should not pay even those who have an ironclad contract. The attorney general appears to agree.

“Just the same way it happens at the federal level, when there’s no budget you face a shutdown. That’s what happens - or should happen - in every single state. That has not happened here,” Madigan said. “But for far too many people not having access to the services they need, not having a budget has been a complete disaster.”


  1. - Are Ya Kiddin' Me? - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 8:50 am:

    “Ironic” that Rauner is trying to criticize AG for doing her job, when he hasn’t done his job since being elected?

  2. - NIU Grad - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 8:51 am:

    Suddenly the progressive, Democratic thing to do is block employee pay and shut down government…Remember when the Democrats expressed outrage that Republicans in Congress forced a shut down to leverage their issues? What a time to be alive.

  3. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 8:53 am:

    Something has to change, doing what we are doing now isn’t working.

  4. - MSIX - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 8:54 am:

    The law is the law. It’s legal to pay state employees or it isn’t. For The Bruce to suggest this is all the Dems’ doing just further exemplifies his arrogance and single-minded death march to destruction of the public sector.

  5. - benniefly2 - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 8:55 am:

    “The attorney general is going to try and stop pay to the state workers to try to force a crisis and force the shutdown of government to try to force a tax hike”

    No. The AG is doing her job and enforcing the law. The AG did not veto appropriations for salaries last year. I miss the halcyon days when Illinois Governors submitted budgets and actually acknowledged that they were responsible for running the Executive Branch of the government.

    I regret voting for this guy each and every day. Fool me once, right?

  6. - Skeptic - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 8:58 am:

    Again with the “…daughter of the Speaker…” crap. It’s as if she has no mind of her own. Sheesh.

  7. - Delimma - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 8:58 am:

    Wait, so the state’s highest court issues a ruling that calls into question some state action, and the state’s lawyer is somehow a political hack for trying to follow that ruling? It would seem there is a simple solution, or several simple solutions to avoid the effect of the Court’s ruling.

    As an aside, I’m sick and tired of the governor claiming that democrats “want” higher taxes. No, it is your budget and you need higher taxes. Deflection gets old after a while.

  8. - SKI - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 8:59 am:

    It’s funny to think that Unions will be siding with Rauner for once. What a strange world indeed!

  9. - Delimma - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:01 am:

    If Democrats wanted higher taxes, they wouldn’t have been the ones to reduce the tax rates prior to the governor taking office. I seem to recall claims that the higher taxes were unnecessary. Still waiting on the materialization of that promise.

  10. - Dr X - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:03 am:

    Wouldn’t it be better for the Rauner controlled ILRB to issue their decision first and cause a strike than have the AG shut it down?

    But whatever - people won’t gather pitchforks and chase an AG. Eventually they’ll focus on the nexus. Cue Willie = governors own it.

  11. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:04 am:

    - NIU Grad -,

    I don’t think you have a clue what’s at play here…

    Rauner wants a shutdown, doesn’t want to own the shutdown, and governors refusing to sign Approps will always own a shutdown.

    If you want to look at this “simply”, and refuse to see the “obvious”, that’s on you, no matter if you think the AG is a progressive or not.

    To the Post,

    Great news for AFSCME. Timing couldn’t be better.

    If I were AFSCME…

    I be cataloging every Rauner quote on how he’s so “pro-state-employee” and how Rauner is “fightin’ for… ” all the employees and when a work stoppage by AFSCME begins…

    Marry the “we need to shut down the state” Rauner… with… the “I love state employees and we need to pay state employees!” Rauner… with… “Last and final, you strike, I win!” Rauner…

    … and sell that as the strinking overture to the public.

    Then, work stoppages without overtly visible rallies, pickets, anger, chanting…

    Now AFSCME can control the erratic Rauner mixed messaging all day.

    Rauner’s countering messaging and realities will be easy to point to… if done property.

  12. - veritas - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:04 am:

    The current lower court ruling has created an artificial mechanism to avoid a forced compromise. Good for LM.

  13. - PublicServant - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:08 am:

    For too long Bruce Rauner has been able to Shut Down just the parts of government that he’s vetoed. This has allowed him to starve the neediest people in the state, and mortgage the state’s future by destroying higher education though a lack of funding. All in pursuit of an agenda that doesn’t have the votes to pass. The Attorney General is following the law. Following the law won’t cause a government shutdown. The lack of a budget will. The ISSC will rule that without a state budget employees can’t be paid except by what is federally required for those who must stay on the job. They should set a date at least one month in the future as to the effective date of their ruling. In that time, the legislature should pass a budget, and send it to Rauner. If he vetoes it he owns the shutdown. If he holds it, he owns the shutdown. If he uses his line-item or reduction veto powers, he owns the cuts and the consequences of a government shutdown. As it should be.

  14. - Father Ted - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:09 am:

    I realize this is somewhere between the AG doing her job and trying to force a resolution to the budget impasse. However, even if it ultimately works, I feel terrible for the employees. Many probably can’t afford to go for very long without a paycheck. I’d hate to be in their shoes right now.

  15. - Sir Reel - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:11 am:

    Rauner really doesn’t want this. It doesn’t fit into his grand plan. Ya see, if the courts rule State employees can’t be paid, then the public will get upset when State government shuts down. If Rauner’s contract bargaining produces a walk out, then Rauner can blame the greedy State employees for the shut down.

    All so obvious and predictable. Rauner’s lame concern for State employees rings hollow.

  16. - AC - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:12 am:

    Budgets matter, laws have meaning, and as unpopular as it may be, the AG should be raising this issue to the Supreme Court, just as AFSCME should advocate for their members pay and challenge the AG. It sounds to me like everyone is doing their job.

  17. - Century Club - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:14 am:

    Is there anything to stop the GA from passing appropriations authority for payroll?

  18. - Cassiopeia - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:16 am:

    So do the guards at the prisons show up for work if they are not being paid? What about the cooks?

    I know they can’t strike but is there a provision that would cover this?

  19. - JoanP - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:25 am:

    @ Delimma: “If Democrats wanted higher taxes, they wouldn’t have been the ones to reduce the tax rates prior to the governor taking office. I seem to recall claims that the higher taxes were unnecessary.”

    Get your facts straight. The temporary tax increase was allowed to expire. Just as Rauner wanted.

  20. - Out Here In The Middle - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:27 am:

    I sympathize with state workers who might face tough decisions. I worry about those who are and will be without vital services. But if you can pay employees without a budget why can’t you pay vendors? And if you can pay bills without a budget what is the point of the budget and appropriations process?

  21. - BBG - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:28 am:

    A while back, we were told to show up for work even if we were not being paid. Why … I have no clue. I refuse to cross a picketline. I personally can’t afford to work without a paycheck either. My commuting costs are $225 a month. I know a lot of people are saying eventually we would paid, but we’re 10 months into the budget crisis, none of my medical or dental bills have been paid and I can’t afford to work without a paycheck. I feel the State will lose some very good employees.

  22. - Norseman - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:30 am:

    NIU Grad, from a fellow NIU grad, Rauner would still be to blame for the shut down. He’s the one who vetoed a budget and then refused to negotiate a budget. NIU is among a host of hostages suffering from an impasse enabled by the court ruling paying employees. With all apologies to my friends still employed, a real shut down would end this sorry state of affairs a lot quicker.

  23. - Honeybear - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:38 am:

    This is the nuclear option. Rauner forces us out on strike then Madigan makes sure ALL state workers don’t get paid. This is nuclear brinksmanship. Either way is ugly. Being a two state worker household this effects us entirely.

  24. - BBG - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:38 am:

    === With all apologies to my friends still employed, a real shut down would end this sorry state of affairs a lot quicker. ===

    I totally agree. When the budget crisis starts to be noticed by EVERYONE, there will be action.

  25. - Jimmy H - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:41 am:

    - benniefly2 - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 8:55 am:
    Benniefly2, it is exactly as you say. Excellent comment!

  26. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:47 am:

    My employer told us to show up to work regardless of payment when the threat first appeared last summer. Now, with the benefit of hindsight showing us that this thing can drag on much longer than anticipated, I hope they don’t make that same demand. If I don’t have to report to work then I can at least get a temp job to have some money coming in while waiting for the impasse to end. But if I have to report to a job where I’m not paid, my hands are tied.

  27. - RNUG - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:49 am:

    It’s the perfect storm. Rauner gets to achieve his goals of shutting down State government and striking a crippling blow to the unions while being able to place the entire blame on the Democrats. Bet several of those $10,000+ bottles of wine get popped when that happens.

  28. - ChicagoVinny - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:52 am:

    I’m torn. Rauner has shown he just doesn’t care about the victims of his quixotic push for his radical agenda - to add more potential victims may backfire. On the other hand, ten months in with no resolution in sight, maybe it is time for nuclear options. He’s backed down before when push came to shove.

  29. - PublicServant - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 10:04 am:

    Honeybear, Look for Credit Unions to float some short term no (or low) interest loans until you’re made whole by the forced budget agreement.

  30. - Johnnie F. - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 10:13 am:

    The budget stranglehold the Governor has caused through his inaction has been so damaging to state operations. The result has been certain critical functions continuing in violation of very clear federal regulations. No one will speak out for fear of not having a secure union contract (protection) and for fear making your own department look bad….which will make your department a prime candidate privatization. I believe the Governor’s main objective state departments is forced dysfunction…then privatization.

  31. - Earnest - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 10:16 am:

    I like the approach by the AG. It fits with my desired “leave no one behind” budget approach. If there’s not enough pressure to meet an agreement on the budget, House Republicans won’t make things happen. Given Rauner’s “I don’t have to spend it” speech I don’t think anything can really happen unless Madigan can work with Republicans he can consider trustworthy.

    Don’t get me wrong–I don’t want state employees to go a day without paychecks. I didn’t and don’t want that for human service providers, state vendors and higher education either.

  32. - J.F. - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 10:16 am:

    The budget stranglehold the Governor has caused through his inaction has been so damaging to state operations. The result has been certain critical functions continuing in violation of very clear federal regulations. No one will speak out for fear of not having a secure union contract (protection) and for fear making your own department look bad….which will make your department a prime candidate privatization. I believe the Governor’s main objective state departments is forced dysfunction…then privatization.

  33. - steward - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 10:16 am:

    “My employer told us to show up to work regardless of payment when the threat first appeared last summer.”

    Oh I dare them to put that in writing…

    But seriously I would show up for work. Every day. Walk up to that locked door in front of tv cameras. Let them get a shot of you tugging on that door. Then turn and say, “My name is ____ and I am a ____ for the Depaetment of ____. Today I would work on ____ serving ____ but I can’t because the governor refuses to sign a budget unless it busts unions. I just want to work and serve the public.”

    Hat tip to OW for framing the concept the above idea comes from.

  34. - ANONIME - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 10:17 am:

    There are state workers thinking of retiring this year. Look for them to go ahead and do it as soon as there is a decision about no pay for state workers. Then where will the state be without these people when they start work back up again. there will be a loss of institutional knowledge that won’t ever get replaced. Who in the world would want to take a job with the State of Illinois right now.

  35. - Honeybear - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 10:19 am:

    Thanks for the tip PublicServant but already tried to get them to offer it. No go. I even approached the local ones as a union official a while back. They aren’t interested. Nope a lot of folks are going to get a pretty hard credit ding.

  36. - Thoughts Matter - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 10:24 am:

    As a worker that doesn’t work in law enforcement or corrections, I would be be in the not being paid group. The question is, why not me? Why should I get paid when we aren’t paying anyone else? The answer - I shouldn’t be getting paid. If my state agency closes down, it will get noticed in a heartbeat. It’s the only option left to force a budget. Do I want to deal with collection agencies for as long as it takes to get my pay caught up? No, but why not me?

  37. - Ms. SHEESH - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 10:24 am:

    Bennyfly2 Totally right on! and Yes, I tried to warn other close friends (who are Democrats, btw)….I’m sure they feel fooled as well. I can still hear them say “Anybody but _______”
    Now we pray for a miracle.

  38. - Anotheretiree - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 10:33 am:

    It may be inevitable that the State shuts down. If the law requires pay to be stopped then so be it. We need to go through a shutdown after all of this gamesmanship from Rauner.Now if the City of Springfield would just shut off the power to state buildings at the same time…..Just remembered my drivers Lic renews in July..better do it early…

  39. - Cubs in '16 - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 10:34 am:

    I look for an emergency, republican-crafted bill that would appropriate the money to pay State employees. I am one and would much rather be sent home due to the AG’s actions than be forced to strike. (IF a work stoppage HAS to happen)

  40. - RNUG - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 10:35 am:

    == already tried to get them to offer it. No go. I even approached the local ones as a union official a while back. They aren’t interested. ==

    -Honeybear-, that may change when it actually happens and the local economy tanks the rest of the way because of no pay.

    Years ago during something similar, initially only one credit union offered short term low interest loans (to just their members) but it wasn’t long before the big banks jumped in because they saw customers moving to the credit union. You only have to crack one bank …

  41. - RNUG - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 10:38 am:

    == We need to go through a shutdown after all of this gamesmanship from Rauner. ==

    Reminds me … I did it last year and now I need to check and see what license plates need to be renewed before October or November …

  42. - Allen D - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 10:44 am:

    — steward - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 10:16 am: —
    Mine would be a little different;

    “My name is ____ and I am a ____ for the Department of ____. Today I would work on ____ serving ____ but I can’t because the General Assembly refuses to negotiate fairly in the best interest of the State and our Taxpayers. I just want to work and serve the public.”

  43. - steward - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 11:11 am:


    In your world did Rauner even veto? Or if he did, did he do it under duress? With a gun to his head and tears flowing down his cheeks and dripping on the paper? Did he do it by accident? Slipped and accidentally vetoed? Why in your mind is Rauner such a powerless victim?

  44. - Me too - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 11:14 am:

    I’d say shut er down, but he just doesn’t care. He’ll try to wait everyone out. If he doesn’t get what he wants, he’ll hold his breath till we all turn blue.

    Try it anyway. I say this as someone who would not get paid. I think if the labor board rules in his favor, or looks like it is going to, the best option is to shut down. It is much cleaner than a strike, and in the end it will do more to force the guv’s hand. I do worry though. He’s hardheaded that one.

  45. - downstate commissioner - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 11:17 am:

    If the state workers can’t be paid, and they don’t show up for work who is going to show the legislators how to push the voting buttons?
    Bet they still continue to issue tickets for expired license plates even if there is no state employee there to sell you the stickers…
    Bet the gun control people are celebrating: no one to renew or issue FOID cards or issue CCW permits… Oh, wait-constitutional right, so will have to be done. Whew, waiting on mine. Of course, operating cars isn’t a constitutional right…
    Without Dept. of Ed employees to tell them what to do, how will teachers prepare for the beginning of school…Happy days, kids, your summer vacation this year will be extended, but of course you will miss all of next summer’s…
    Are Higher Ed professors employees of the state? Oops- No U of I football or basketball (I actally could care less, but to some people it would almost be the end of the world.)
    Geez, I could go on and on….

  46. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 11:34 am:

    My name is ____ and I am a ____ for the Department of ____. Today I would work on ____ serving ____ but I can’t because the Governor insists that the General Assembly pass his disasterous turn around agenda before anything else and refuses to negotiate on anything remotely in the best interest of the State. I just want to work and serve the public.”

    Fixed it for you.

  47. - SIU Grad - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 11:39 am:

    When the threat of no paychecks loomed last summer, I contacted Credit Union 1. Their program was a no interest loan that would cover 1/2 of your gross pay a total of 2 times. So, I would get 1/2 a paycheck one month. Being a two state employee household, that won’t do much to pay all the bills. I agree that something needs to happen, I just hate that I will be financially penalized in order to get both sides to get their act together.

  48. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 12:01 pm:

    Allen D:

    I’ve never seen someone comment so much rooting for things that are against their financial self interest.

  49. - W. N. Bilbo - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 12:08 pm:

    All I know is that after watching Rauner for a year+ that if he’s against it then I’m for it.

  50. - Langhorne - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 12:17 pm:

    –”The attorney general is going to try and stop pay to the state workers to try to force a crisis and force the shutdown of government to try to force a tax hike,” Rauner said. “That’s going on right now.”–

    The gov is never responsible. Never. It s always someone elses fault: madigan, democrats, overpaid state workers, feather bedding universities, unions, etc etc. add “the speakers daughter” to the list. She wants to force a crisis and tax increase. Its maddening.

  51. - Allen D - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 12:21 pm:

    — Demoralized - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 12:01 pm:—
    I am a Taxpayer as is my Wife and Children too, I think it is everyone’s responsibility to look out for the taxpayer of their state, especially if you are a state employee as I am.

  52. - Kurt in Springfield - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 12:27 pm:


    Our intranet actually tells us that as long as we show up for work “as directed” we will get paid. It goes on to say depending on court rulings, payments may be delayed. That sure sounds like we will be expected to show up for work even if we are not being paid.

  53. - Bleh - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 12:28 pm:

    This is not just state employees but any group of workers with a contract to the state, like child care providers.
    Will DHS ask them to work if the Supreme Court were to agree that without approps. no one gets paid?

  54. - Flynn's Mom - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 12:44 pm:

    OW, this is screaming for a special episode of Dad’s Home State

  55. - steward - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 12:51 pm:


    What’s on that intranet is a tad fluffy. It’s different to order you explicitly to come to work when they know full well you will not be paid. Puts them in a bit of a legal bind with regards to liability. And that I believe they will not do. But regardless, I personally would still come to work. And would urge others.

  56. - wordslinger - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 12:51 pm:

    Don’t do it. You can’t beat Rauner at this game. He’ll always take it a step further.

    Look, I’m as sick as anyone about the willful suffering that the governor of Illinois is inflicting on the people.

    But I won’t go down in the gutter with him and employ his immoral tactics.

    I won’t support gangster tactics that take bread off the table of people doing their jobs in good faith.

    Unlike the governor.

    Let’s follow the better angels of our nature and find another way. This too, shall pass.

  57. - Tone - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 1:05 pm:

    Great, that should save a LOT of money. Can we do this for at least one year?

  58. - atsuishin - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 1:26 pm:

    The high court will probably order a shut down. The speaker will be forced to show his true colors and pass an enormous tax increase to support an obviously unsustainable level of government spending (without a single GOP vote). The pace of residents leaving Illinois will speed up. What is the end game? Does Illinois just become the West Virginia of the 21st century?

  59. - Oswego Willy - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 1:27 pm:

    - Flynn’s Mom -,

    The writers are scrambling, the character “Bruce” keeps the film crew hopping, switching his lines even quicker than usual…

  60. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 1:40 pm:

    ==I am a Taxpayer as is my Wife and Children too, I think it is everyone’s responsibility to look out for the taxpayer of their state, especially if you are a state employee as I am.==

    I think it’s my responsibility to look out for the financial well being of my family, but hey, that’s just me. You act as if state employees should feel privileged just to have a job serving and that compensation should just be an afterthought.

  61. - Mama - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 1:53 pm:

    Rich, which will come first the chicken or the egg [chicken (state shut down) or Egg (Union Strike)]?

  62. - Allen D - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 1:55 pm:

    — Demoralized - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 1:40 pm:You act as if state employees should feel privileged just to have a job serving and that compensation should just be an afterthought.—

    I do feel privileged to have a job serving the people of my state, the state where I was born and grew up in, and where I came back to after military service… I do feel honored to serve again. Compensation is and should not be an afterthought, however, it should be fair to the taxpayers of the state as well and “not as an entitlement from them for servicing them, that is the wrong type of thinking.”

  63. - Mama - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 2:03 pm:

    Rich, will retirees get their pensions if the state shuts down? There would be no one to process the retirees’ payments. Right?

  64. - Rich Miller - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 2:05 pm:

    With regard to prisons, pension checks, police, etc., that’ll all have to be sorted out by the courts - probably the federal courts - if AG Madigan wins.

  65. - Demoralized - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 2:07 pm:

    == it should be fair to the taxpayers of the state==

    So what’s fair? Again, you constantly rant about pay and benefits for state employees and call for fairness. I say again, feel free to donate some of your salary back and decline those benefits if you feel your compensation and benefits are unfair to the taxpayer.

    You talk the good game. A little action on your convictions would get you respect.

  66. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 2:17 pm:


    You mentioned October and November

    When do you think a shutdown will happen?

    How long do you think that it will last?

  67. - Allen D - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 2:26 pm:

    — Demoralized - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 2:07 pm:—

    I digress, you do not know me nor my story, but know this there are many programs I could take advantage of from the state, and it would help me and my family I am sure a fair amount, but choose not to because I see that we make enough, and enough is all we need. My children are cared for, my utilities are paid, I have a roof over our heads… we have our own health care that we pay for and not the states, that is our choice, and use it rather than free health care that is available from the VA so others with greater need can have it.

    Sir I do more with my life than talk a good game, I walk the walk, and if you came up to me today and needed the shirt off my back, I would gladly give it to you because that is the kind of man I am.

  68. - Allen D - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 2:29 pm:

    sorry Rich and everyone if that was a little strong but so many people call me out for my opinions that I had to give a little of myself today.

    if you delete it I understand.

  69. - Nick Name - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 2:40 pm:

    “Suddenly the progressive, Democratic thing to do is block employee pay and shut down government…”

    No, Rauner blocked employee pay and attempted to shut down the government last year when he vetoed each and every spending bill, save one. The only thing keeping state government on life support — and Rauner from having to own it — are possibly unconstitutional court orders to pay state employees.

  70. - Dewey - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 3:03 pm:

    Hopefully it happens during the State Fair so I have somewhere to go.

  71. - Allen D - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 3:11 pm:

    Good one Dewey

  72. - tired of politics - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 4:14 pm:

    As a state employee I’ll take the financial hit to move the budget forward.

  73. - RNUG - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 4:53 pm:

    == RNUG

    You mentioned October and November

    When do you think a shutdown will happen?

    How long do you think that it will last?


    Short answer is I don’t think there will be any kind budget resolution until sometime around then. Hey, I picked October last year; maybe I was just off a year ;-) .

    I’m not even going to guess about when a shutdown might happen other than to say probably after July 1. And Rich;s point above is valid; the courts will have to sort out who gets paid.

  74. - HeartBroken - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 4:59 pm:

    - Father Ted - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:09 am: Many probably can’t afford to go for very long without a paycheck. I’d hate to be in their shoes right now. -

    How do you feel about the elderly confined to their homes that no longer get assistance or meals? Or the traumatized child that can no longer get counseling? Or the mentally ill that can no longer get their medication?

    What about being in their shoes?

  75. - WIUOblivion - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 5:12 pm:

    Well, there will soon be an additional 110 WIU employees who won’t have to worry about being directed to work — more layoffs announced this afternoon.

  76. - Norseman - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 5:23 pm:

    WIUOblivion, remember Representative Norine K. Hammond’s vote on SB 2046 and vote accordingly.

  77. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 7:09 pm:

    “- HeartBroken - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 4:59 pm:”

    So you don’t care about people being paid for the work that they do?

  78. - bull47-59 - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 8:00 pm:

    why doesn’t the ag or somebody go after rauner for buying legislative votes? this seems as corrupt as it gets! if you don’t vote my way, I will spend millions of dollars to replace and get someone to vote my way. is this what politics has come to? is this what Illinois has come to? I tell every new hire I see to go to college and get out of Illinois!

  79. - Property of IDOC - Wednesday, Apr 13, 16 @ 9:27 pm:

    Unemployment if we are forced out???
    I think it is better than a strike. Does anyone know if the request for us to report is legal? I believe labor law says we are to be paid, if we report. An IOU won’t cut it either, when Roberta said most DOC employees are waiting on 2500$, I’m still out over 20,000+$ in backpay, so no, I’d rather not hear”the checks in the mail”.

  80. - Formerly Known As... - Thursday, Apr 14, 16 @ 3:18 am:

    A. Choosing to sue would be a strategic mistake. Trying to force the stoppage of paychecks to state employees right now results in Democratic ownership of the forced shutdown. Much of the good will recently restored between labor and the Democratic Party would also be undermined.

    B. In 2007, the AG favored an Agreed Order allowing payments to all State employees at their regular rates of pay above FLSA minimums. In 2016, when offered literally identical language, the AG fought against an Agreed Order and filed suit in Cook County to prevent state employees from being paid. The First Appellate District overruled the Cook County judge and ordered that state employees be paid their full wages (just as the AG had previously agreed to in 2007). The ISC then rejected the AG’s request for additional consideration. This would be the second time the AG has tried forcing stoppage of payment to state workers during the impasse.

  81. - Sad - Thursday, Apr 14, 16 @ 8:15 am:

    No pay–or minimum wage–is going to hurt a lot of families

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