Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Republican legislators want Rauner, AFSCME to restart talks
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Republican legislators want Rauner, AFSCME to restart talks

Friday, May 27, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Press release…

Late yesterday AFSCME Council 31 executive director Roberta Lynch received a letter also addressed to Governor Bruce Rauner from seven Republican state representatives (Avery Bourne, Adam Brown, Terri Bryant, CD Davidsmeyer, Norine Hammond, Don Moffitt and Sara Wojcicki Jimenez) urging both parties to resume negotiations for a new collective bargaining agreement for state employees.

In a response to the lawmakers sent this morning, AFSCME agrees with the legislators’ call for renewed negotiations, reiterating the union’s oft-stated willingness to return to the bargaining table ever since the Rauner Administration broke off talks on January 8.

In addition, Lynch points out that HB 580—the fair arbitration bill, which the legislators did not support—could actually serve to foster such a renewed bargaining process. If the governor refuses to heed the lawmakers’ call to return to the bargaining table, she calls on the seven legislators to commit to vote for a new motion to override the governor’s veto of the fair arbitration bill before the General Assembly’s scheduled adjournment on Tuesday.

Interesting retort to those seven by AFSCME.

* The letter sent by the legislators

Both letters are here.


  1. - Kippax Blue - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 12:45 pm:

    Judge Smails to the seven re: response, “Well, we’re waiting…”

  2. - PublicServant - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 12:47 pm:


  3. - Huh? - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 12:47 pm:

    Is this the start of a revolt by the Republican members of the GA?

  4. - Honeybear - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 12:49 pm:

    Loving Jesus, what is going on? Is this just to provide the slightest bit of cover for them? Why would these reps send a letter and not just vote Yes on 580 which literally forces Rauner back to the table. This must be just smoke then. For the record I’m sure AFSCME would love to come back to the table. WE WANT TO NEGOTIATE! WE WEREN’T DONE! Have Rauner remove the request for impasse declaration with the ILRB and return to the table. Interestingly enough one of my union sisters has been at most of the ILRB hearings and says the honestly AFSCME is DESTROYING the State negotiators. It was so obvious that we are not at impasse but that Rauner walked.

  5. - RNUG - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 12:49 pm:

    Seems a few people have learned the McCann lesson: vote your district and your district (and union) will support you.

    Or they just don’t want the issue as part of the fall campaign …

  6. - The Captain - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 12:50 pm:

    If the House Dems play offense this fall, and I expect that they will, Bourne, Bryant, Hammond and Wojcicki-Jimenez all look like districts that could be on the table and with the number of state employees (and the lessons from the McCann/Benton race) this looks like smart politics.

    I wonder if this letter came after the blessing of the Governor’s team, given how much they spent to carry Bourne and Wojcicki-Jimenez through the primary how could it not?

  7. - Rich Miller - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 12:51 pm:

    ===Is this the start of a revolt===


    Y’all have been hoping for a revolt for a year. Hasn’t happened. Probably need to stop looking so hard for evidence.

  8. - steward - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 12:51 pm:

    Union has been willing to talk the whole time. Technically the tolling agreement means we need to keep talking until/unless impasse. Cms keeps rebuffing invites to talk. That’s on them.

    Those 7 could have used their threatened votes on 580 to leverage the governor to rejoining the talks. But they didn’t. They send this out afterwards to try to cover their flank with labor.

  9. - Honeybear - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 12:51 pm:

    Also funny that Davidsmeyer would sign this given that he won’t even see or speak with any AFSCME constituents or officials. My local has tried several times to meet with him. No avail. What gives CD?

  10. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 12:54 pm:

    Dear AFSCME,

    Great retort. Don’t be fooled. They think they can vote against you, time after time, and then be your heroes.

    Until they decide to be part of the 71, it’s the Reps pretending.


    Vote. Accordingly.

    Dear Representatives,

    You have had choices. You made choices. Letters are not choices, letters try to excuse choices.

    If you want to help, remember your districts.


    Good luck, I’m rooting for you, but your choices… and responses… are puzzling. Letters and action that mirror each other are always better.

    Oswego Willy

  11. - Anonymous - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 12:54 pm:

    Labor’s not looking for a one night stand

  12. - Consideration - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 12:54 pm:

    Rauner did urge the rank-and-file to stand up to their leaders…

  13. - Almost the Weekend - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 12:54 pm:

    No allowance for those seven!

  14. - Macomb Resident - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 12:56 pm:

    Norinne Hammond- do you realize who lives in your district? Lots of people directly and indirectly impacted by the AFSCME agreement. You are accomplishing nothing of any substance.

    And now I shall call your district office… again… and my household will be voting for John Curtis in November.

  15. - SinkingShip - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 12:56 pm:

    Why do people here think that 580 would have sent them back to the bargaining table? That’s not what arbitration is. These Reps are making a political move so they can say they tried to kickstart something positive, nothing more. Too little, too late, too transparent. They’ll fall in line with the gov when the time comes.

  16. - Formerly Known As... - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 12:58 pm:

    ==Democrats on the collective bargaining working group proposed a way to work around the governor’s previous demand that health care be taken out of collective bargaining rights.==

    Rauner should bring those Democrats in on the negotiations.

    If he comes to an agreement with AFSCME, have the Democrats and Republicans share in the credit for this success. Build that trust.

    And neutralize Madigan.

    Make it apparent that not only is Madigan the one obstructing compromise and hurting this state, but that he will no longer be able to do so without leading his caucus past the cliff’s edge to their demise.

  17. - Omega Man - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 12:58 pm:

    I’m afraid that “Rauner’s response to this will be to “punish” any Republicans that fail to stick with his narrative. All legislators should see that as call to action to start to run this state without hm!

  18. - anon - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 1:00 pm:


  19. - Honeybear - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 1:00 pm:

    No Quarter.

  20. - Anon221 - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 1:00 pm:

    “The Magnaimous Seven” /s

    Brown is done. He is not running for re-election.

    You all voted. And probably some of you have speeches that can be referenced for the fall campaign- possibly not in your favor. So, honest attempt at reconciliation, or just more if the same campaign cover???

  21. - Magic carpet ride - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 1:04 pm:

    Out front this looks positive. It is just so hard to trust this administration. What is going on behind the scenes. GA autonomous now. Proceed with caution.

  22. - yardsign - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 1:04 pm:

    The 7 are trying to run for cover, but they may have just stepped in something there. Nice response from AFSCME. I now see a good reason to run that override motion again. I didn’t think that way until I saw this letter.

  23. - Formerly Known As... - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 1:05 pm:

    ==arbitration bill==

    They support negotiatons and a negotiated compromise. Not a one-sided result for either side, as arbitration would likely result in. That is an important point Ms Lynch appears to misunderstand.

    Just like those House GOP calls yesterday, sometimes =pressure= does not help move the ball forward if applied at the wrong time.

  24. - Beaner - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 1:05 pm:

    The letter is patently insulting. It falsely implicates AFSCME in Governor Rauner’s unprovoked decision to walk away from the negotiating table and ask the Labor Board to declare an impasse. You only have to ask the Governor to resume the talks.

  25. - Liberty - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 1:08 pm:


  26. - Anonymous - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 1:09 pm:

    Dear Republicans, Actions speak louder than words.

  27. - Reality Check - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 1:09 pm:


    Arbitration is not one-sided. The panel is mutually chosen by the parties and goes issue by issue. (E.g. they could rule for one party on wages and the other on health care, for example.)

    Also, the fact is that, per testimony on the floor this week, 48 percent of decisions in the last 10 years have favored the employer, 43 percent have favored the union, and 9 percent were split. Pretty damn even.

  28. - Honeybear - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 1:14 pm:

    Not a one-sided result for either side, as arbitration would likely result in

    You don’t understand interest arbitration. They do it in sections not whole. It’s not one plan or the other. That being said they are large sections so I believe it would be all the financial payraise stuff, one side or the other. All the health insurance stuff, one side or the other. All the rights and outsourcing stuff, one side or the other. Thus it really really forces both sides to the middle. THAT IS IF THE NEGOTIATIONS AT THE TABLE BREAK DOWN! Thus arbitration is ONLY after we possibly get stuck again.

  29. - Anonymous - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 1:15 pm:


  30. - RNUG - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 1:16 pm:

    == what is going on? Is this just to provide the slightest bit of cover for them? ==

    Most likely some post mortem CYA …

  31. - no budget=no logo - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 1:16 pm:

    the letterhead itself reflects the state of our budget (can’t afford to use a logo?)…


  32. - Stuck on the 3rd Floor - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 1:18 pm:

    You could set their chairs ablaze and none of them would stand up to Rauner. No doubt this required his approval as a shield tactic for November.

  33. - One of Three Puppets - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 1:20 pm:

    Another motion has been filed by Rep. Welch. Unless the Governor gives a commitment to the seven on the letter and actually acts to reignite negotiations before the close of House business today, call the override motion again. Stand up and be counted.

  34. - Get really - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 1:27 pm:

    Those who signed the letter that were here ALL VOTED AGAINST the unconstitutional pension reform that the Speaker sponsored and Governor Quinn signed.

    This pales in comparison. Memories are short. Grow up.

  35. - AC - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 1:28 pm:

    I strongly believe this effort by Republican legislators was blessed by Rauner in a futile attempt to shield them from angry constituents. If Rauner takes AFSCME up in their (continued) offer to resume negotiations, I’ll be amazed, dumfounded and may even require medical attention.

  36. - Omega Man - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 1:29 pm:

    Regarding the “contract” that Governor Rauner is trying to force on AFSCME, Merit Comp and Retirees need to know that their health insurance benefits will be based on what is written in the AFSCME contract.

    If AFSCME loses this fight and the Governor is able to imposes his terrible new “contract” on us, a new “Benefit Choice” period will be quickly scheduled for all State Employees and Retirees.

    All will be offered what amounts to Obamacare “bronze” level coverage for the premium that they are paying now. For retirees with 20 or more years of service, the state will continue to pay the (now much lower) premium. Other retirees will continue to pay a prorated premium, based on the number of years that they have worked.

    Active employees who want the same coverage that they have now (”platinum”) will see their premiums double. Retirees will have to pay the same hefty premium to get this level of coverage.

    Intermediate levels of coverage (”silver” and “gold”) will also be offered for slightly lower premiums.

    If anyone was still wondering, this is where the Governor will get his “Billions in savings for Illinois taxpayers” - right out of all of our pockets!

    Under a “bronze” plan, copay’s and deductibles (currently up to $1,500 per year) will increase to $6,000 per year or more.

    Retirees who are concerned about this should contact their local AFSCME retiree chapter for ideas on how they can support AFSCME in this fight.

  37. - RNUG - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 1:29 pm:

    == Those who signed the letter that were here ALL VOTED AGAINST the unconstitutional pension reform that the Speaker sponsored and Governor Quinn signed. ==

    Not quite. Sara wasn’t in the House then.

  38. - Macbeth - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 1:34 pm:

    Apparently, Rauner’s caucus doesn’t understand that Rauner *wants* a strike. That’s what’s he’s wanted since the campaign.

    Do no GOP reps understand this?

    The strike is Rauner’s moment. A contract settlement is not.

  39. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 1:36 pm:

    Yep - Honeybear -

    No Quarter.

  40. - RNUG - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 1:37 pm:

    == a new “Benefit Choice” period will be quickly scheduled for all State Employees and Retirees. ==

    Actually, a letter to the non-Medicare retirees said you were going to be stuck with whatever you choose for FY17 and you are agreeing in advance to an unspecified level of premium and having those premium increases, if not agreed to in the AFSCME contract before July 1, taken retroactively from your pension check. Doesn’t sound like a second benefit choice period will be offered, at least to retirees.

  41. - Skeptic - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 1:39 pm:

    I live in Jimenez’s district. I know it’s early & anecdotal but I have seen her opponents sign in great number of yards.

  42. - Truthteller - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 1:40 pm:

    Rich, you’re correct. Letter was written with the governor’S office blessing if not the office itself.
    Revolt won’t come til November when these folks face the constituents to whom they turned their backs

  43. - A Jack - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 1:41 pm:

    It is very simple. Without the arbitration bill, the Governor will not negotiate with AFSCME while he hopes his turn-around agenda will get passed. So we have a virtual stalemate here. No budget, no contract, no reforms.

    My advice to the seven is motion to recall with amendments that the ILGOP could live with such as
    No sunset
    An upper limit on any pay raises, maybe tied to inflation
    Perhaps some time limit for negotiations to continue and even a cooling off period before arbitration is an option
    Some provision for the rising cost of healthcare

    Otherwise, you won’t see any kind of budget this year and the continued destruction of the state you were elected to represent.

  44. - Formerly Known As... - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 1:43 pm:

    @Honeybear - you said it much better and clearly. Final offer interest arbitration requires the arbitrator to adopt the final offer of one of the parties in its entirety, though they have the freedom to find in favor of one party on some issues and for the other party on the remaining issues.

    I am concerned about those =large sections= resulting in one-sided results on raises, health care, outsourcing and more. A negotiated agreement is preferable in all those circumstances imho.

    iirc, review City of Chicago and Fraternal Order of Police Lodge No 7. The members were unhappy with the totality of that, and would have been better off negotiating their own results issue-by-issue or even accepting the city’s offer. Just imho, negotiations are better for all.

  45. - Reality Check - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 1:50 pm:

    FKA: imho, negotiations are better for all

    Except Rauner won’t negotiate.


  46. - kimocat - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 1:50 pm:

    RNUG — when did you receive such a letter from CMS? And how can they get away with this?

  47. - Earnest - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 1:54 pm:

    This letter is as phony as the budget the House Democrats passed–just for show and campaigning. If they’d sent it at a time when Rauner was looking at vetoing the arbitration bill it would have been more convincing.

    It’s a pity because these seven House Republicans have more power to make the state better (their vision of it, at least) than a small group of representatives or senators have ever and perhaps will ever have again. And whatever came their way, it would be worth it for so many.

  48. - Get Really - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 1:58 pm:

    The comment clearly reads those “that were here”.

  49. - RNUG - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 1:58 pm:

    == RNUG — when did you receive such a letter from CMS? And how can they get away with this? ==

    Received it about a month ago. It was in the 8 page Message to Plan Members/ FY2017 State Benefit Choice Options. If you received one, read the fine print in the shaded gray box on the bottom of page 5.

    And they can try to get away with it until someone sues them over it. This may not happen because there is only a relstively small group of under 65 members and no large pot of money for lawyers to try to get a contingency fee from.

  50. - Annonin' - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 1:59 pm:

    Anyone ask why Butler is left off? Is he already seen as a one term rental?

  51. - Omega Man - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 2:01 pm:


    I just wanted all Retirees to know what their leadership is now saying will be happening if AFSCME loses this battle.

    I would expect the Retirees to band together once again and take the State to court. They might win this battle and they might not.

    If lots of Retirees started calling their representatives in favor of a compromise with AFSCME, it would be great help to us and to them.

  52. - The Equalizer - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 2:01 pm:

    Yep, a CYA letter, no doubt.

  53. - Grandson of Man - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 2:01 pm:

    If Republicans wanted the best possible solution, they would have voted for the override. The fate of the contract could have been taken out of Rauner’s and AFSCME’s hands and resolved by someone independent.

    I definitely believe the sides should go back to the table and try to bang out a contract that will help taxpayers and government, and won’t be too hard on state workers.

  54. - Anonymous - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 2:04 pm:

    - Get Really -

    Apologies. The nuns would give me a fail in reading comprehension.

  55. - Skeptic - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 2:04 pm:

    Skeptic @ 1:39 is not me. Please choose another nickname.

  56. - Honeybear - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 2:04 pm:

    FKA–yes I’m concerned as well and would much much much prefer to be pounding it out at the table. Really I think Rauner may be starting to realize that his bluff about wanting to negotiate is being called. I can only hope

  57. - Norseman - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 2:05 pm:

    Folks aren’t gullible enough to accept this. Vote accordingly.

  58. - Pelonski - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 2:09 pm:

    Rauner doesn’t want to go to arbitration because he knows he is in a bad position due to the deals he’s already signed. To impose what he wants, he will somehow need to convince an arbitrator that a pay freeze and increase in healthcare cost is necessary due to the State’s financial condition after reaching agreements with 17 unions where those terms apparently weren’t needed. That’s a tough argument.

  59. - Nick Name - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 2:12 pm:

    Dear Reps. Bourne and Jimenez,

    Are you feeling the cold winds of November yet?

  60. - One of Three Puppets - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 2:12 pm:

    The seven better get proof of some action because another vote is coming sooner rather than later.

  61. - anon - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 2:12 pm:

    Those seven Republicans could have assured that talks resumed if they had the courage of their convictions and voted to override the veto of the mandatory arbitration bill. Since they voted no or present, the override failed. Consequently, there is no pressure on the administration to resume negoations.

  62. - Trolling Troll - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 2:13 pm:


    That CMS letter went out to all state employees. Retroactive increases will be prorated and taken out of pay each pay period until the difference is made up. It was snuck into the CMS benefit choice pamphlet.

  63. - Macbeth - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 2:15 pm:


    What matters is votes, not letters.

  64. - Trolling Troll - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 2:16 pm:

    The CMS blurb also said that by not changing your coverage you accept these conditions.

  65. - Whatever - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 2:16 pm:

    Sinkingship ==Why do people here think that 580 would have sent them back to the bargaining table?==

    Because arbitration picks the most reasonable proposal from the two sides. Both sides therefore have an incentive to go back and make sure that, if they can’t agree, their last offer on each item is at least arguably better than the other side’s. And, since the governor is the one who walked away and the one who seems to be panic-stricken over the possibility of arbitration, he would almost certainly want to come back to the table. The union would have to come back, too, or its refusal to come back would likely hurt it on any issue where it wasn’t clear which side was more reasonable.

  66. - RNUG - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 2:18 pm:

    - Trolling Troll -,

    Thanks. I thought the same letter went to everyone except the Medicare Advantage (retiree & dependents over 65) group but I hadn’t bothered to confirm it. I did check that other under 65 retirees got it.

  67. - Sue - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 2:18 pm:

    The Union has shown little if any willingness to compromise consistent with what the state finances require. Issue the ILRB decision and get on with implementing the final offer AFCSME will not strike. As suggested in today’s WSJ editorial- our public sector is the highest paid in the country- time to impose done balance

  68. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 2:22 pm:

    Either the Rally May 18th meant something…

    … or it doesn’t.

    Vote Accordingly.

    Vote accordingly… or don’t waste anyone’s time with meaningless rallies.


  69. - A Jack - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 2:24 pm:

    Yes, I read the same CMS fine print. I doubt it is legal to retroactively raise rates like that.

  70. - Trolling Troll - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 2:29 pm:

    You must believe everything Fox “news” tells you. The problem is that the .001% refuse to pay their fare share in proportion to the amount of the state’s wealth the trickles (floods) to them.
    Of course these are the same types of people who would deny a newborn a birth certificate just because they don’t have a father.

  71. - Anonymous - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 2:36 pm:

    Bourne & Jiminez voted agains HB580 which would have ended this. Vote accordingly in November. They are running for cover now yo try to save done face. Neither voted w their constituents.

  72. - Robert the 1st - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 2:37 pm:

    =The problem is that the .001% refuse to pay their fare share=
    Enough with the 1% garbage already. When AFSCME lobbied for the IL income tax hike, they raised it on everyone.

  73. - RNUG - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 2:38 pm:

    - A Jack -

    CMS has a track record of bulldozing changes and only retreating when forced to by a court. They WILL retroactively take the money regardless of the legality unless stopped.

  74. - Demoralized - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 2:42 pm:

    ==They WILL retroactively take the money ==

    I’ve always said that will be the case. It will be just like the Fair Share fiasco. They’ll take the money and then make someone force them to give it back.

  75. - Politix - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 2:43 pm:

    The inauthenticity is grating.

  76. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 2:54 pm:

    Dear All Labor,

    The letter above will change some words here abc their to try and fool all of you at some point or another.

    The only thing that should matter right now is “How many have been ‘Green’ when it mattered?”.

  77. - fka Lester Holt's Mustache - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 2:54 pm:

    Most of you folks must not live in sangamon county. Everyone on this list is going to get re-elected, because that’s what sangamon county voters do - they vote R in every race. There are a ton of Thompson, Edgar, and Ryan patronage retirees here, and they are not going to change their party line votes just to show solidarity with current employees by voting for a D candidate. Heck, it wouldn’t surprise me if Trump carried sangamon county. Better shot of picking off Raunerites in college areas than Springfield.

  78. - anonlurker - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 2:58 pm:

    RNUG - I’m one of those under 65 and don’t have a choice on coverage. So I missed that letter. Alarming but I’m not surprised. I’ve been putting aside each month for such a contingency (lawsuit). That said, hope it doesn’t come to that…I need the money for the collection agencies calling me as the State is so far in arrears in paying their portion of the insurance!

  79. - Slippin' Jimmy - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 3:02 pm:

    OW= +++

  80. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 3:04 pm:

    fka Lester Holt’s Mustache -

    Yeah… McCann ….

    … Yeah.

  81. - fka Lester Holt's Mustache - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 3:09 pm:

    OW, with respect, McCann is a republican. Don’t get me wrong, I’m sure bucking the gov helped overcome his ….. financial issues, but don’t fool yourself. If he had a D behind us name, he’d never have been there to begin with. The only candidate that I’d even give half a chance is Mathis, simply because he knows he needs a solid ground game

  82. - DuPage - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 3:10 pm:

    Are these changes also going to apply to TRS and SURS retirees?

  83. - One of Three Puppets - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 3:16 pm:

    Dupage-not to TRS Trip beneficiaries or to SURS community college folks. Yes to SURS University retirees.

    Lester-I agree.

  84. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 3:18 pm:

    - fka Lester Holt’s Mustache -

    With respect,

    Being “Red” consistently, the writing a letter like this makes me believe having a “R” after your band this year might mean…


    Otherwise, …why write the phony letter at all?

    With respect, as alway.

  85. - Janeway 63 - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 3:18 pm:

    I have asked Rep. Wojcicki-Jimenez twice to vote either in favor of HB580 or to override the governor’s veto. She has shown me where she stands and it is not with me or her district. I will not be voting for her, no matter how many CYA letters she sends out. It is insulting that these reps think we voters will buy this tactic.

  86. - Norseman - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 3:19 pm:

    === There are a ton of Thompson, Edgar, and Ryan patronage retirees here, and they are not going to change their party line votes just to show solidarity with current employees by voting for a D candidate. ===

    The Rauner candidates may get re-elected but there are a lot of GOP and former GOP retirees who are doing exactly that. We take great pride in our work for the state. State workers are not the enemy. Because of our experience, we see the damage being done by Rauner and the frat boys to the state. That’s why I’ll be voting for D’s, with the exception to McCann.

  87. - kimocat - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 3:23 pm:

    Hey Lester — I worked for all three of those GOP Governors and thought they were pretty god guys — even Ryan. So did a number of my close friends, some of whom campaigned for them as well. Well guess what? We are all retired now and not one of us will vote for a Republican again. Not ever.

  88. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 3:27 pm:

    Rauner is not a Republican.

    Rauner is a Raunerite … “who”… usurped… the ILGOP.


  89. - fka Lester Holt's Mustache - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 3:28 pm:

    OW - Good point on the letter, and you may be right. I’m still skeptical though because I think at some point it just becomes a force of habit after voting a straight ticket over and over again. Probably the same for D voters in Chicago elections. I moved here in 1995, and in that time no matter how liberal or pro-state worker the D candidates are they just cannot win anywhere outside of Springfield.

  90. - Trolling Troll - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 3:33 pm:

    Robert the 1st

    You are right. I agree that we should have a graduated tax. I do disagree about the 1% part though. I will never forget this article:

  91. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 3:34 pm:

    ===I’m still skeptical though because I think at some point it just becomes a force of habit after voting a straight ticket over and over again.===

    That’s where “Vote Accordingly” coujd make all the difference.

    It did for McCann. It didn’t help Dunkin.

    With respect, and thanks for some good back and forth. I also appreciate your comments here often, btw.

  92. - Norseman - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 3:46 pm:

    kimocat, don’t forget there is one good GOP guy out there - Sam McCann.

  93. - fka Lester Holt's Mustache - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 3:46 pm:

    OW - thank you and same to you! I learn more about politics from folks like you, Rich, RNUG, FKA and yes, sometimes even -a guy-, than I do anywhere else.

  94. - Anon221 - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 3:49 pm:

    Plan to Vote Accordingly every time you hear Rauner repeat his mantra of , “Change is hard. Change takes time.”

    It does not have to be inevitable that Republicans always get the seats in certain areas. Several commenters in this thread have said as much.

  95. - A guy - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 4:05 pm:

    fka, Lester,

    I too enjoy perusing your posts. OW is capable of leniency. I suspect he won’t unfriend you for your courageous inclusion. lol. Have a great weekend!

  96. - Oswego Willy - Friday, May 27, 16 @ 4:34 pm:

    (Tips cap to - fka Lester Holt’s Mustache -)

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