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Where the social service money goes may surprise you

Monday, May 23, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Greg Hinz

A new report (scroll down to read) I’ve obtained exclusively from the Illinois Partners for Human Services says agencies serving the disabled, elderly, poor and others collectively are responsible for $3.1 billion a year in direct spending and $1.4 billion in secondary spending. They employ 3.5 percent of the state’s workforce, roughly 169,000 people; and generate $597 million annually in state and local taxes. […]

What’s really fascinating, though, is that such spending, proportionally, tends to be concentrated not so much in Chicago and nearby suburbs, but in rural Downstate areas… Human service workers make up 2.9 percent of the workforce in Cook County but 4.3 percent in Gallatin County, 5.3 percent in Hardin County, 3.9 percent in Johnson County and 4.8 percent in Lawrence County, for instance.

And by Senate district, just five of the top 20 areas ranked by the economic impact of social service spending are located in Chicago, with six having Republicans serving as their senator. Among those is the district of Senate GOP Leader Christine Radogno of Lamont, ranked 13th, with $73 million of such spending a year and 3,311 employees.

The full report is here.

* Meanwhile, remember last week when we discussed the human service groups’ messaging campaign?

We are having far more success with our messaging about honoring contracts, and that paying people for the work they have done under legal contracts is just good business. I get media calls every single day now, from print, broadcast, radio, local, statewide, even national media.

The message that people should be paid for work done under legal contracts is a sticky message, and a non-controversial one. It is even a conservative one, if you think about it. And it resonates with people.

* Well, Crain’s ran an editorial over the weekend entitled “Can we trust a state that blows off its contracts?”

Earlier this month, 64 social service nonprofits and for-profit companies that do business with the state of Illinois filed an unprecedented lawsuit against Gov. Bruce Rauner and the chiefs of six state agencies. They’re demanding what is rightfully theirs: prompt payment of more than $100 million owed them for services rendered, under contract, to the state’s least fortunate citizens over the past 10 months. […]

It’s time for the state to pay up, either by ending the long-running stalemate or by a judge’s order. A contract is the foundation of business. If the state can’t be trusted to do what it has promised, we all will face scarier consequences down the road.

It’s working.


It’s just a bill

Monday, May 23, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I like automatic voter registration. The governor appears to be on board. So, work with the Board of Elections to fix any problems and get it done

A plan allowing automatic voter registration in Illinois is advancing through the Legislature despite concerns from the leading state election authority that would have to implement it.

Backers want Illinois to join Oregon, California and West Virginia in modernizing voter registration. They say it cleans up voter rolls and boosts civic participation.

However, the Illinois State Board of Elections says it’s opposed because officials don’t currently have a program to put it into place and it could cost millions of dollars. The proposal calls for an initial Sept. 1 deadline to update files. The whole plan would have to be in place by 2018.

* This is a very good story about the legislative process and pressure groups

What initially seemed like a feel-good animal rescue bill has sparked a fight between the University of Illinois and a lawmaker who says the state’s largest public university is deliberately withholding information about its animal research programs.

Under a measure nicknamed “the beagle bill,” Sen. Linda Holmes started out wanting to require universities to offer healthy cats and dogs to rescue organizations when they are no longer needed for testing. The Democrat from Aurora, who describes herself as a longtime animal lover and former Humane Society volunteer, argues that since research dogs and cats cost thousands of dollars, taxpayers should be given the chance to adopt the animals.

Beagles are the breed of dogs most commonly used for experiments, and the adoption effort is being pushed by the Beagle Freedom Project, a group that has successfully lobbied for similar legislation in Minnesota, Connecticut, Nevada and California. The idea is to prevent research animals from automatically being euthanized.

But the legislation has stalled after heated debate at a hearing where universities led by the U. of I. said they already have adoption polices in place. As such, several lawmakers questioned weather Holmes’ bill was a solution in search of a problem.

Go read the whole thing.

* This can’t happen without a “non-budget” agreement

When state budget negotiators put together a framework for a balanced spending plan, they included a list of things that could generate $5.4 billion in revenue.

An income tax increase was on the list, as was extending the sales tax to some state services, ending some corporate tax breaks and taxing sugary drinks.

Oh, and you might as well throw in gambling expansion for good measure.

During an appearance on WGN radio’s Sunday Spin program, one of those budget negotiators, Sen. Donne Trotter, D-Chicago, talked about the various revenue options.

“Also on the table is that old standby of looking at the possibility to expand gaming here in the state of Illinois,” Trotter said.

* And speaking of a non-budget deal

Greg Baise, president of the Illinois Manufacturers’ Association, said business leaders are willing to back a tax increase but not without a commitment to changing workers’ compensation laws and holding the line on property taxes, another item on Rauner’s agenda.

But Sean Stott, director of government relations for the Midwest region for the Laborers’ International Union, said Rauner is pushing workers’ compensation changes that rank-and-file lawmakers took off the table months ago.

“They are categorically anti-middle class, and they’re just a giveaway to big business,” Stott said.

Negotiators are not talking about stuff that lawmakers “took off the table months ago.” The playing field has changed. It’s time for the working groups to tell everybody what they’re up to.


Audit: IL Lottery violated State Finance Act

Monday, May 23, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Like I wrote earlier, the Rauner administration has done all sorts of things to keep government functioning, including, apparently, prepaying dues before the new fiscal year began

Eleven months ago, just as the state budget impasse was about to take hold, the Illinois Lottery violated state finance law by prepaying $20 million to take part in future multi-state lottery games, according to an Auditor General’s report.

Lottery officials made the prepayment because they were worried that a budget stalemate could prevent the state from participating in the Multi-State Lottery Association’s future Powerball and Mega Millions games, according to the audit.

The state’s Lottery Department disputes the audit’s findings and says no laws were broken.

The audit found that the Illinois Lottery made two $10 million payments on June 30, 2015 — the day before the budget fiasco began that has caused many state and not-for-profit agencies to lay off workers and deny services to thousands of families. Specifically, the payments failed to comply with a state finance law which says that appropriated money can be spent only in the year for which it was appropriated, according to the audit.

The full report is here.


Question of the day

Monday, May 23, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* SJ-R

Newly released census figures show a slight drop in the Springfield-area population the last three years, a trend that is reflected in most other similar-sized Illinois cities.

Estimates for 2015 released this week put the local population at 211,156. The figure is down by less than 1 percent from a 2012 peak of 212,019 and still above the 2010 figure of 210,170. The estimate covers the Springfield metro area of Sangamon and Menard counties. […]

President and CEO Chris Hembrough of The Greater Springfield Chamber of Commerce said the numbers highlight the importance of focusing on retention and expansion of existing companies, while also trying to bring jobs in from outside the area. He added that housing initiatives intended to attract younger workers — especially in the health-care field — are an important component.

A variety of local demographic studies have identified “urban living” among the preferences for young workers.

“We’re continuing to facilitate housing developments in downtown Springfield and other urban offerings,” said Hembrough, “because we know that has the potential to help keep millennials here.”

* The Question: Aside from generics like “creating jobs” (not denigrating that, just saying we all agree), what should Springfield do to keep and/or attract young people? No snark, please. Thanks


Butler implies that both Rauner and AFSCME not being “truthful”

Monday, May 23, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Rep. Tim Butler (R-Springfield) was interviewed by WUIS

He also said he told the Governor that his administration made the wrong decision to go to the Illinois Labor Relations Board and ask for contract talks with AFSCME to be declared at an impasse. A ruling is expected in coming weeks. Some believe it might lead to a union strike.

“I believe if both sides get truthful about their negotiations, they can figure it out,” he said, also pointing out he doesn’t favor an arbitrator being brought in. The union has sought that as a way to resolve the situation.


Budget impasse apparently taking toll on higher ed enrollment

Monday, May 23, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* AP

High school seniors’ unease over the lack of state funding for Illinois universities is contributing to a drop in applications at a number of campuses, and the problem appears to primarily affect schools facing the some of the toughest financial struggles.

A review of admissions data by The Associated Press found that applications for the 2016-2017 fall semester are down for at least four of the state’s 12 public university campuses — all of them smaller schools that don’t have as much money coming in from things like research grants and tuition and have smaller endowments.

Eastern Illinois, Western Illinois, University of Illinois-Springfield and Southern Illinois University-Edwardsville all say they had fewer applicants this year. Southern Illinois University’s Carbondale campus was among those that declined to provide numbers, but Chancellor Brad Colwell told university trustees this month to expect a drop in fall enrollment. […]

Western Michigan University, a Kalamazoo school which has two full-time recruiters focused on Chicago students, expects to enroll the largest freshman class from Illinois in recent history.

At Murray State University in southwest Kentucky, officials report that applications from some Illinois border counties are up as much as 40 percent.

Meanwhile, the governor has said he’s not too worried because universities have “other funding sources that are very, very significant.”

This is some seriously wrong-headed thinking.


Today’s number: 50 percent

Monday, May 23, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

The number of people shot in Chicago is running 50 percent above this time last year as the city braces for the summer, traditionally its most violent period.

So far this year, at least 1,382 people have been shot in Chicago and at least 244 of them have died of their wounds. Last year at this time, 904 people had been shot, 157 of them fatally.

May already has seen summerlike gun violence. More people have been killed so far this month than in all of May 2015.

The toll from this past weekend was five dead and 40 wounded. Two weeks earlier, over the Mother’s Day weekend, eight people were killed and 42 were wounded in Chicago, the city’s most violent since the end of September, according to a Tribune analysis.


Fantasy Sports: Game of Skill

Monday, May 23, 2016 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

With all the issues that are currently plaguing this state, I find it absurd that this is even a question whether or not the people of Illinois should have the right to participate in daily fantasy sports. To ban fantasy sports, while sponsoring a lottery that until recently wouldn’t even pay its winners, is beyond hypocritical. Rep. Michael Zalewski was on a local radio station and discussed the current legislation that is available to be put in place. The state telling me whether or not I can spend $3 on a fantasy sports entry is extremely frustrating. Instead, something the state does encourage is the lottery, which requires zero skill and has an astronomically lesser chance of winning, but is a major source of income for the state.

- Gregg Cooper, Chicago

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*** LIVE *** Session Coverage

Monday, May 23, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* You can watch or listen to Gov. Bruce Rauner’s noon press conference by clicking here or here. The House convenes at 2 today and the Senate convenes at 3. Follow everything with the amazing ScribbleLive


Poll finds huge support for gun dealer licensing

Monday, May 23, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From late last month

Former Congresswoman Gabrielle Giffords joined Illinois leaders Thursday to launch the Illinois Gun Violence Prevention Coalition to urge the state’s leaders to curb the flow of illegal guns into the state.

The Gun Dealer Licensing Act would give authorities the tools to encourage better business practices among federally licensed gun dealers and hold corrupt dealers accountable.

From 2009 to 2013, 40 percent of the guns used in crimes in Chicago came from gun dealers within Illinois. But the group says legal loopholes and a lack of enforcement resources allow illegal guns to be more readily available.

* Sen. Don Harmon

“Gun store employees often have access to huge inventories of guns and it’s just common sense to make sure the dealers and employees are just as responsible as the buyers.”

* From the Illinois State Rifle Association


This bill is nothing more than a backdoor effort to eliminate private firearm ownership in Illinois. If passed, HB1016 would heap tons of regulations, red tape, and restrictions on firearm retailers. Most gun shops would go out of business immediately. Those who survived the first cut would have to hire extra staff and raise prices drastically just to remain in compliance with the new law. New gun shops would be barred from opening, thanks to complicated licensing requirements. It would be just a matter of a few short months before there would be no gun shops in Illinois.

The proposal is here. I’m told an amendment is coming that would allow employees who have FOID cards to be exempted from the background checks.

Also, requirements to videotape the premises have applied to pawn shops for years.

* And the idea appears to be very popular among voters. From a We Ask America poll commissioned by proponents taken May 19th of 1,052 registered voters with a 3.02% margin of error

There is currently a proposal in the state legislature to require firearms dealers to adopt certain business practices that will help prevent dangerous people from buying guns…like criminals, gang members, and domestic abusers. We’d like to know whether you agree, or disagree with each of the follow measures contained in that proposal.

Let’s start with requiring all firearms dealers to adopt basic store security measures.

    Agree 90.10%
    Disagree 6.37%
    Not sure 3.52%

How do you feel about requiring all employees of firearms dealers to get criminal background checks?

    Agree 93.24%
    Disagree 5.33%
    Not sure 1.43%

How do feel about requiring all employees of firearms dealers to receive training on how to spot a person who may be purchasing a gun for someone who cannot legally buy one themselves?

    Agree 84.68%
    Disagree 10.94%
    Not sure 4.38%

Do you agree that all gun dealers should be licensed by the state?

    Agree 85.54%
    Disagree 9.80%
    Not sure 4.66%

Would you be more likely or less likely to vote for a candidate who supports these measures?

    More likely 79.35%
    Less likely 8.37%
    No difference 12.27%

79 percent is a number that can move voters. This is gonna be difficult to defend against. Although the “more likely to vote for” number is lower (66 percent) among Downstate voters, according to the crosstabs. But even 72 percent of self-identified gun owners and 73 percent of R3 voters said they would be more likely to vote for a candidate who supports those measures. That’s also enough to move voters.


It’s all one thing

Monday, May 23, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Illinois Republican Party has a new mailer targeting Rep. Mike Smiddy. Here’s one side of it

Notice that the quotes are from a publication called “Rock Island Today”?

What’s that, you may ask?

Well, it’s one of those newspapers sponsored by Dan Proft’s Liberty Principles PAC.

* So, Gov. Rauner’s Turnaround Illinois PAC sends Liberty Principles PAC $2.3 million. Proft, in turn, uses some of that money to start up a bunch of newspapers around the state in targeted legislative districts. Rauner’s state party recently received $5 million from Rauner and then sent $2 million of that to the House Republicans, which have targeted Smiddy. Then the state party closes the loop by using the Proft paper to provide some local flavor to a story that was first aired by a Springfield TV station.

There’s nothing illegal about this, it’s just that it’s interesting to me that the ILGOP is becoming so hermetically sealed.


Bourne signs on to Manar plan

Monday, May 23, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From a recent Illinois Republican Party press release about Sen. Andy Manar’s education funding reform bill…

Sen. Manar’s plan does in fact link Chicago to downstate - at downstate Illinois’ expense. 56% of downstate schools would lose money under Manar’s plan in order to fund a $352 million bailout of CPS.

Replacing a broken funding formula with another broken funding formula is not reform, it is simply bad public policy. […]

Downstate taxpayers should not be forced to bailout Chicago, and Downstate school children deserve more than to be used as political pawns. It’s time for a clean, fully-funded education bill to be voted on in both chambers.

* That’s the same state party which has contributed over a quarter million dollars to Rep. Avery Bourne’s campaign. Bernie has more

Well, as of last week, Bourne is now a chief co-sponsor of Manar’s bill.

“School funding reform has been one of my priorities since my first day in office,” said Bourne, who was appointed to her 95th House District seat in February.

“Bipartisanship is desperately needed right now,” she added via email. “School funding reform should be a good place to start. We have the most inequitable way of funding schools in the nation. Also, as a state, we contribute the least to our schools. In downstate districts, like mine, our students are suffering the consequences of our outdated formula.”

She said Manar’s Senate Bill 231 is not perfect, but “if our goal is to give every student across Illinois the same opportunity for a quality education, then this is a good place to start.”

Turns out, Bourne’s district, which is half of Manar’s Senate district, does pretty well with the Manar plan. Her schools win. She is facing a contested election. The bill’s main sponsor co-represents the people of her district. Her Democratic opponent supports the bill. And becoming a hyphenated co-sponsor means she shows some independence from a governor who ain’t exactly popular in her district. It’s a complete no-brainer.

And it’s a sign of the divisive times that this is even a little newsworthy.


Supremes to Blagojevich: Nope

Monday, May 23, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* He’s locked up for 14 years and the Supremes just threw away the key

The U.S. Supreme Court won’t reconsider its decision to reject former Illinois Gov. Rod Blagojevich’s appeal of his corruption convictions.

The justices on Monday denied without comment a long-shot petition urging the court to take another look at the case.


A picture is worth a thousand words

Monday, May 23, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Yep, there’s a guy who’s interested in negotiating a fair deal with AFSCME…


Today’s quotable

Monday, May 23, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Finke

“I guarantee you the people of this state are not willing to pay more money for the same lousy government they’ve had for the last several years.” Senate Republican Leader Christine Radogno on the idea of passing a tax increase to balance the budget without also passing some of Rauner’s reforms.


HDems looking at another school funding avenue

Monday, May 23, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

The governor contends that while the state doesn’t bring in enough money to cover all of its expenses, “the first place that money should go, right off the top, is to our schools.”

* As subscribers have known for a while now, Democrats may be gearing up to hold Rauner to those words

“I am hopeful that at the end of the day, this assembly will agree to spend more money on the districts that hurt the most without so upending the world that districts that are still trying to do a job find it more difficult for them to get it done,” [House Majority Leader Barbara Flynn Currie said].

That could take the form of lump sum payments to boost poorer school districts without hitting the budgets of more well-to-do schools. While figures are still being worked out, the plan may call for adding as much as $500 million to poverty grants that are distributed based on the number of low-income students. […]

Pumping more money into poor school districts would be hard for some lawmakers to resist, and it could force Cullerton and those in the Senate to take what they can get now or put all schools at risk. While Cullerton has suggested he’ll hold up a school funding bill unless the formula is changed, there’s little in the Senate president’s history to indicate he’ll make good on that kind of threat.


Two speeches, two messages

Monday, May 23, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* I don’t necessarily see this as completely contradictory. One was a campaign speech at a political convention, the other was a governing-style speech at a different sort of event

A day after a partisan pep talk in which he told Republicans they must pick off Speaker Michael Madigan’s Democrats in the November election, Gov. Bruce Rauner on Sunday suggested the opposition party should help him reach a grand compromise on a state budget.

Rauner’s call came as lawmakers prepared to return to Springfield for the final days of the regular session, which is scheduled to end May 31. By calling a rare Sunday news conference to make his case, the governor was trying to set the tone for the week, casting himself as willing to compromise and sending the ball into Democrats’ court.

“This is not about partisan politics,” Rauner said at a steel plant in Bedford Park. “This is about coming together to get to compromises to reform our economic climate, grow jobs, grow family incomes, get more value for taxpayers. Right now, we’ve got nine days left. I’m excited, I’m optimistic that we can come together with the General Assembly and get bipartisan reforms done.”

That was a different tone than Rauner struck a day earlier at the Illinois GOP convention in Peoria. There, Rauner called on Republican supporters to help “bring in the resources and put together the biggest ground game that’s ever been done in legislative races in Illinois history,” in order to “pick up seats against (Democratic House Speaker) Mike Madigan’s Democrats and the Chicago Democratic machine.”

Look, it’s not like a grand bargain would cancel the entire campaign. It would just cancel a whole lot of impasse-related blame game advertising. The GOP finally has the money to mount a whole lot of races. They’re not giving that up even if by some miracle everybody holds hands this week and sings Kumbaya. And neither will the other side. I mean, heck, SEIU has been running ads for months against House Republicans.

It is what it is.


Fantasy Sports Is Internet Gaming

Monday, May 23, 2016 - Posted by Advertising Department

[The following is a paid advertisement.]

The daily fantasy sports gambling industry is pressuring officials to pass a bailout that actually costs taxpayers. According to COGFA these Internet gaming giants would each pay just $900,000 in state taxes, but they could afford $500 million in television ads last year.

Taxpayers may actually have to subsidize regulating online sports wagering. The Illinois Gaming Board doesn’t know how much it will cost to oversee this new form of online gaming.

The state is facing an unprecedented budget crisis, but two out-of-state companies, which the Attorney General said broke law, want you to give them valuable Internet gaming licenses.

Everyone but paid fantasy sports operators agree, it’s gambling:

Proponents are telling elected officials a fantasy, but the budget crisis is real. Don’t make it worse and pass a fantasy sports bailout that actually costs the state money.

Click here to read the COGFA revenue estimate.

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More crazy talk in Springfield

Monday, May 23, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* My weekly syndicated newspaper column

It has looked to me for a very long time that House Speaker Michael Madigan has been waiting for an existential state crisis to force Gov. Bruce Rauner to back completely away from his anti-union, pro-business Turnaround Agenda so that they can pass a “clean” state budget.

As you surely know by now, the governor won’t agree to a budget deal until he gets things like changes to workers’ compensation insurance laws and reductions of collective bargaining rights for government union members.

Whether that crisis comes after the Illinois Supreme Court rules that state workers cannot be paid without an appropriation, or whether it’s when schools and/or universities don’t open on time, or if Republicans threaten to break ranks on overrides of the governor’s appropriations vetoes (particularly on higher education funding), or a local mayor shuts off the water or sewer access to an important state facility, like a prison, I don’t know. Nobody does.

The Supreme Court ruled earlier this year that state employees could not receive back pay without a formal legislative appropriation. That ruling would appear to apply to the current situation where employees are being paid by court order because Rauner vetoed their salaries out of the budget last year (along with about everything else). The Court usually goes on break from June through August, so that potential crisis might be months away.

Most schools and universities won’t truly feel the pinch until late July or August. And because Team Rauner has excelled at preventing Republicans from breaking ranks on overrides, any appropriations bill will likely be closely examined for a veto’s potential to wreak any havoc.

I think almost everyone, including Madigan, has been surprised at how long Rauner’s administration has been able to keep state facilities open without an official budget. They can’t pay for electricity, or water or other services because, again, Rauner vetoed those appropriations last year.

The administration is performing these minor miracles at least partly because they suspect that Madigan is trying to wait them out. They don’t want a crisis to force their hands on economic reforms. A tax hike without significant reforms would be an utter political disaster for this governor—which both he and Madigan understand.

Without compromises, we’re heading for more months without a budget, so we could very well see whether something big will crash before the election.

And along those lines, I’ve been hearing people say that the two sides will just have to fight it out in the November elections before this impasse can be resolved.

But that’s crazy talk.

First, what are the social service providers supposed to do without a real budget until then? “Collapse,” is your answer. What will happen then? Widespread, utter misery.

Second, if there’s no budget agreement then this will be, by far, the most brutal campaign season in memory. And as one Statehouse type pointed out to me the other day, win or lose, members in both parties will return to November’s post-election veto session carrying the 60 or so harshly negative mailers sent against them and a very bad attitude. It’ll take quite a while before everybody calms down.

Third, Speaker Madigan is currently three votes shy of a reliable veto-proof supermajority because three House Democrats can’t be counted on to vote for taxes or spending. He got rid of one of those guys in the primary when Rep. Ken Dunkin (D-Chicago) went down hard.

That means Madigan has to net at the very least two more pickups to impose his will on Gov. Rauner by overriding his vetoes. Madigan does have a shot at picking up some seats because of the presidential turnout dynamics and Donald Trump which will favor Democrats, but his district maps might already be stretched to their partisan limits. And the Republicans have a shot at picking up some seats in areas where Trump could do well.

So, putting this off until after November may just mean an even worse status quo, with fiscal carnage, a destruction of the social services safety net and massively hardened feelings.

And, even if Madigan picks up lots of seats, does anybody really think he’ll try to run a purely Democratic tax hike and then override the governor’s veto? That would be political disaster for his members.

So the election could essentially mean that Madigan will simply override spending vetoes and the debt will continue to accumulate.

That’s no solution.


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition

Monday, May 23, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

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Rauner: “No way Hillary Clinton is getting elected”

Monday, May 23, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Nothing unites a party quite like an opponent. So, the governor just did Hillary Clinton a favor as she attempts to repair the nasty rift in her party

Two months after Donald Trump surprised many observers by handily winning the Illinois Republican primary, the Illinois Republican Party enthusiastically embraced him as their candidate.

Meeting at its annual convention here, a long line of Republican party officials and office-holders pledged to get behind presumptive GOP nominee Trump.

Even Gov. Bruce Rauner, who had said he would not endorse Trump and will not attend the Republican National Convention in Cleveland in July, tacitly urged the nearly 1,000 state delegates to support Trump.

“Now is the time to come together, now is the time to unite, up and down the ticket,” Rauner told the convention. “What we can’t do is let Hillary Clinton get in the White House. No way Hillary Clinton is getting elected.”

Rauner never mentioned Trump’s name, but he was an exception among most of the elected officials and party officers who spoke Saturday.

That goes both ways, of course. Rauner didn’t stumble here. He is obviously attempting to unify his own party by holding up Clinton as the other side’s standard-bearer who must be stopped.


Standoff over stopgap

Monday, May 23, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Sun-Times

Gov. Bruce Rauner on Sunday dodged the question of whether he will sign a bill on his desk that provides $700 million in emergency funding for groups that provide social services to the state’s most vulnerable residents.

“These short-term fixes aren’t really where we should focus our time,” he said, characterizing the legislation as a “short-term Band-Aid.” […]

Steve Brown, spokesman for House Speaker Michael Madigan, said Sunday that Rauner signed a similarly structured higher education funding bill in recent weeks, so logic would point toward Rauner also signing off on social service funding.

“We’ve attempted to work with the governor since he was sworn in in a professional and cooperative way,” Brown said. “His current plan is moving money from regular families to the 1 percenters.”

* But, as we discussed last week, there’s more to it than that

Legislation passed earlier this month with bipartisan votes to get homeless, autism and elderly support organizations about half their usual state financing, meaning social services whose funding has been caught in the nearly 11 month political impasse may be on the way to getting some money.

Except, Gov. Bruce Rauner’s office continues to say the bill (SB2083) is rife with technical issues that his budget manager says will prevent money from flowing to some of the very agencies the measure is intended to help. The administration has indicated that will keep the governor from signing it into law.

“The claim that there’s drafting problems with the bill is pure nonsense from the governor’s communications team,” House Speaker Michael Madigan in an interview with NPR Illinois last week. “Why does he continue to insist that these agencies that provide for the vulnerable in our society and haven’t been or the services that they provide for the state. Why doesn’t he deal with that?”

Madigan also said of the $700 million funding bill: “There’s a bill on the governor’s desk where his communications department complains about drafting errors which are non-existent. The governor ought to focus on that bill because that would provide some money for social service agencies all over Illinois who have provided services on the promise from the Rauner administration that they’d get some money. And they haven’t gotten any money. And it’s been 11 months. That’s what the governor ought to be focused on.”


Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)

Monday, May 23, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* If you won't listen to me, Sen. Durbin, then listen to this expert and look at what got us here
* Please, don't do stuff like this (Updated)
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