Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » *** UPDATED x17 - LIVE COVERAGE *** Superintendents rip Rauner over funding, divisiveness
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*** UPDATED x17 - LIVE COVERAGE *** Superintendents rip Rauner over funding, divisiveness

Monday, Jun 6, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Part of a letter sent to Gov. Bruce Rauner by 14 Downstate and suburban school superintendents plus Forrest Claypool, the CEO of CPS

The [state’s school funding] formula is broken. Yet despite collective agreement on this from across the state, including your own acknowledgement of that fact, you continue to push a proposal that puts more money into this worst-in-the-nation K-12 funding system in the same way.

We are profoundly disappointed in the decision to play politics with the state education budget and pit school districts against each other in an unnecessary competition for insufficient resources. We expect the Governor of the entire state to rise above political games to put all of our children’s futures before politics. However, instead of suggesting reforms that reflect the economic diversity of Illinois, your proposal continues to put a greater burden on the districts supporting our most vulnerable students. In the face of the many recent proposals to improve our state’s inequitable approach to education funding, you put forward one that maintains the failed status quo of Illinois’ outdated funding formula.

Click here for the full letter. Signatories…

* Meanwhile

Gov. Bruce Rauner plans to hold a news conference Monday in Ottawa as part of his effort to persuade the General Assembly to enact a short-term funding package for schools, a local official says.

Mayor Robert Eschbach confirmed Saturday night that the governor’s office requested space for Rauner to hold the news conference at 1:45 p.m. Monday at Ottawa City Hall. Area school superintendents are expected to attend.

Eschbach said the governor’s office made the request about 3 p.m. Friday.

This would be Rauner’s first public visit to La Salle County since taking office in January 2015.

Gee whiz. He’s visiting a politically targeted House district. What a coinkydink.

…Adding… There could be a demonstration

Illinois Valley Building Trades and Construction Council asked its members to attend in the following post on Facebook Sunday: “The Governor will be in Ottawa Illinois to talk about school funding. Construction workers and all working people need to attend this rally. Don’t forget he wants Illinois to be a right to work state and lower the prevailing wage to non union standards. If you are lucky enough to be working, send your better half or your mother or father if they are busy send gramma. This goes for AFSCME workers, Teacher Unions, Industrial Unions. It’s time to stand up for yourself. I will be there, hope to see you.”

But it looks like from reading the actual post that there isn’t much online interest.

*** UPDATE 1 *** Quite a few people attended after all…

*** UPDATE 2 *** This pic from inside looks like it could possibly be a hostile crowd. A local radio station is promising live coverage of the governor’s press conference. Click here.

*** UPDATE 3 *** Word from the locals is the governor may be moving the event to another venue.

I’m told the protesters are now moving to the courthouse.

*** UPDATE 4 *** I’m told protesters completely surrounded the city hall before the venue was moved a block away to the court house.

*** UPDATE 5 *** Like I said, the protesters have moved to the courthouse…

*** UPDATE 6 *** Live radio coverage has begun. Click here.

*** UPDATE 7 *** Courthouse was reportedly closed to the public. No protesters allowed inside.

*** UPDATE 8 *** Rauner apologized for having to move venue, but said he wanted to have a “constructive” discussion. Says he’ll take questions from the audience.

*** UPDATE 9 *** The governor called out appointed Rep. Skoog for voting with Speaker Madigan. “We need the people of Illinois who don’t live in Chicago, who live in the rest of the state” to stand up to Madigan and the city.

*** UPDATE 10 *** He just said, with a straight face, that Attorney General Lisa Madigan was trying to stop “hard workin’ state employees” from getting paid in order to force a tax hike.

*** UPDATE 11 *** First audience question is hostile. Person supports graduated income tax. Asks governor to be a “strong advocate for collective bargaining.” Rauner says it’s “false, baloney spin” that he wants to strip collective bargaining rights. “I am not anti-union, I am not anti-collective bargaining.” Says Madigan has cut school funding for years. “I’ve made a ton of money and I’m proud of it,” the governor said. Said he’s given “tens of millions of dollars” to public schools.

*** UPDATE 12 *** The governor said Streator was getting a lot more money under his K-12 spending plan. Turns out, it’s just $6,119.

*** UPDATE 13 *** Rauner raged against the “Corruption and cronyism and self-dealing to benefit a machine.” He’s in high dudgeon.

*** UPDATE 14 *** Rauner: “There is no right to work anywhere in our agenda. Zero. Zero.”

*** UPDATE 15 *** “The Democrats are in the super majority, so I’m not going to push anything that won’t pass.”

*** UPDATE 16 *** Ouch…

*** UPDATE 17 *** Ouch… One more…


  1. - LizPhairTax - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 9:06 am:

    if you hate something, don’t you do it too…

  2. - AC - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 9:07 am:

    But..but campaigning is more fun than governing. /s

  3. - Cubs in '16 - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 9:09 am:

    I really like the message in the letter that “We expect better from our Governor.” Publicly stated–that’s good.

  4. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 9:10 am:

    ===We expect the Governor of the entire state to rise above political games to put all of our children’s futures before politics.===

    1) Governors own their choices, decisions, and tacts. No one believes a governor is reactionary to other actors in state government. Never been that way, no one believes it’s that way now.

    2) To the locations/Targeted Seats…

    The worst case scenario for Bruce Rauber is after all the “Fire Madigan, 3.0″ and the ridiculous Rauner Press Shot ineptness, except for winning days and not narratives, the worst case is if Labor, including teachers and all of Labor, along with Democrats and Social Servive Groups, advocates, and Cliebts make November 2016 a referendum on Rauner and Raunerites. It’s up to all THREE to work together to “Vote Accordingly”…

    … then these “coincidental visits” backfire and put squarely in focus “Pat Quinn failed… ” as Rauner and Raunerites are failing today.

    It’s June. Lots of work to do before August 1st.

  5. - Ducky LaMoore - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 9:12 am:

    What’s the governor’s approval rating nowadays? 35%? Please governor, go to every district and keep a talkin’.

  6. - Anon221 - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 9:15 am:

    And Off He Goes… again.

  7. - LizPhairTax - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 9:18 am:

    Whoa man. Is it possible that every Pearl Jam song was written about this guy?

  8. - Anon221 - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 9:27 am:

    Maybe Pearl Jam was P-R-E-S-C-I-E-N-T;)

  9. - Moe Berg - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 9:30 am:

    First of all, the school funding formula can be broken and we can have too many school districts in the state. Both things are true. Consolidating districts and eliminating redundant units of administration should be something partisans of all stripes should get behind.

    Second, Rauner has the money - meaning campaign funds - and he thinks that’s all that matters. That’s why he’ll win in the end he believes as that’s all he knows about politics or life. I would neither underestimate nor overestimate money’s effect. It matters, it’s not everything when your trajectory is higher unfavorables.

  10. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 9:31 am:

    To the Update…

    Dear… Illinois Valley Building Trades and Construction Council and Members,

    You understand. You understand the stakes, and aren’t fooled by the “games”. This. All day… this.


    Oswego Willy

  11. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 9:37 am:

    The UIUC demonstration when Rauner was “chased out” before he even gave the award by the protesters making clear their displeasure… That’s about as good as it gets.

    No quarter.

    While I applaud and recognize when the trades understand what’s at play, keep in mind, those willing to do the heavy lift of protesting, the heaviest lift is following thorough these 8-10 weeks to prepare “Vote Accordingly” as something that is greater than protesting Rauner visits. With great respect, make sure the follow through isn’t lost.

    That’s “no quarter”. But the three groups need to be in the same page to stave off the millions Rauner will spend.

  12. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 9:48 am:

    ===But it looks like from reading the actual post that there isn’t much online interest.===

    Don’t produce a “Tillman Event”… Make your “protester” available to the Press and take it from there.

  13. - illini - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 9:55 am:

    To Willys point - “The UIUC demonstration when Rauner was “chased out” before he even gave the award by the protesters making clear their displeasure… That’s about as good as it gets.”

    I guess they should have applauded his presence and thanked him for giving them 30% of what they were expecting and only being a year or more late!

  14. - Union Leader - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 10:09 am:

    So sick of people saying public servants, ie: government employees are overpaid and deserve less. We teach your children, we protect you from the criminals, we fix your roads and bridges, we put out your fires and save lives. How much is your life worth?

    Glad I read this column early today, I am going to Ottawa to stand with my union brothers and sisters and protest the poor excuse for a Governor.

  15. - Huh? - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 10:12 am:

    I have 1 comment and a question -

    I hope that Mayor Eschbach has somebody on hand to sweep up all the dropped “g”s.

    Is it standard protocol for 1.4% to announce a visit with less than 1 business day to prepare? It seems pretty rude for him to just drop in and expect a captive audience.

  16. - Federalist - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 10:30 am:

    Good for them.
    Public universities have been ripped far worse.

    But you will never find the university Presidents
    doing anything except making the most mild statements about the budgets impact.

    I have my own ideas as to why they are so obsequious but I would be interested in other opinions as to this matter.

  17. - Anon - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 10:40 am:

    I wonder if “Union man Jerry Long” will be there protesting his sugar daddy.

  18. - Belle - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 10:52 am:

    He spends way more time doing Press Conferences than he does solving problems. I guess he wants us to think he is going something?

  19. - Rod - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 11:12 am:

    Given the fact that by last count there were 863 regular public districts: 375 elementary school districts, 100 high school districts, and 388 unit school districts in our State a letter being sent to the Governor by 15 school districts likely does not impress him. Moreover if the letter represents the large unit school districts, then why isn’t Elgin School District U-46 serves more than 40,000 students from 11 communities across Kane, Cook, and DuPage counties the second largest school district in Illinois a signatory or the organization which represents large unit school districts the Large Unit District Association (LUDA) a signatory either?

    I suspect the answer is the endorsers of this letter are largely supporters of SB 231 (as amended now four times), the bill that refuses to die. The sponsor has been working on this concept for approximately three years. Ultimately the idea of achieving educational equity by removing state funding for regular, special, and English language learners education from districts deemed based on a formula to be wealthy and transferring those funds in mass to low wealth districts is highly problematic to say the least. Initial numbers released by the ISBE in May showed that Senate Bill 231 would have led to losses in downstate and suburban districts totaling upward of $345 million.

    Even with this transfer, additional funding is required for this bill coming in at around $600 million a year to achieve a phase out hold harmless provision for the “wealthy” districts and pension funding for CPS. Currently it’s unclear even where that $600 million would come from. Most school districts probably share the concerns of the superintendents who signed on to the letter, but at this point in time most school districts are more concerned with keeping the doors open rather than issues of equity.

    To be honest either the educational part of SB 2048 as amended by the House or the so called Rauner k-12 education bill HB 6583 provide simpler solutions than SB 231 or the evidence based phase in component of HB 3190. The solution to the impasse will clearly will not be finding a grand solution for the whole of our state right now.

  20. - Illinois Bob - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 11:51 am:

    Wow. All of 15 Supers signed a letter stating that their funding is “inadequate” and they want other communities to cough up more cash so that they can afford to increase wages and keep the work load low by having low class sizes. No demands for better outcomes from those from whom the money will come, please.

  21. - Honeybear - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 12:07 pm:

    Don’t feed it.

  22. - illini - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 12:20 pm:

    Listen to Honeybear.

  23. - Ghost - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 12:50 pm:

    on a side not the whole small class v big class is a red herring. Some kids can learn well in a large lecture type environment with little hands in assistance. others can not. when we push kids through school poorly educated we create socio economic problems and do nothing to improve out society.

    We need a system that teaches all kids, in the manner they are able to learn, and does not pass in kids who have not absorbed the material. sending somone to second grade when they havent picked up first grade builds a cascading failure as each years build in the last.

    the fight over cutting school budgets and making education cheap is the primary impedes to push kids on to the nect grade when they havent learned the one they are in

  24. - Honeybear - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 12:50 pm:

    Granite City lost their band program this year.

  25. - Huh? - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 12:59 pm:

    If the Ottawa a school districts were to lose their music programs, it would be a disaster. The OTHS music program just won it’s 20th in a row State wide music competition. When Ottawa shows up, the question is “Who is in second place?” because they win by such large margins.

    The elementary and middle school music programs feeds into the high school program.

    BTW - There are more championship banners in the gym for music than for sports.

  26. - JS Mill - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 1:37 pm:

    =redundant units of administration=

    While you may think there is big money there, their isn’t.

    Again, not to say smart consolidation would not be beneficial because it would. But don’t hold your breath for impactful fiscal savings.

    Those supts signing the letter are mostly part of the “Funding the Future” group, which includes U 46. Very surprising that their supt did not sign on. This is a foolish vulture group who have no qualms with taking for others because they have been “wronged”.

    Schools need better funding, we just do not need to victimize one another to make it happen.

  27. - Illinois Bob - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 1:41 pm:

    Granite City has about $2,000 per student less than state average in resources but still spends above average in teacher and administrative salaries. Instructional costs are within $800 per student of state average. Class sizes are about at state average, yet only 19% of the students “pass” the PARCC test and only 79% of the students graduate.

    Increase high school class sizes from under 21 to 22 and you can afford to keep the music program.

    Pay 5% lower than state average for teachers and administrators and you afford the music program.

    Actually, classes like band a chorus are less expensive than most other academic classes because their class size is typically 50-60 instead of 20, so it’s more expensive to CUT music than to keep it.

    Add the math value of music and cutting music makes neither economic or academic sense.

  28. - Demoralized - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 1:42 pm:

    ==by having low class sizes==

    Wow. Just when I thought your “ideas” couldn’t get any more ridiculous. Now you’re against small class sizes. Absolutely unbelievable.

  29. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 1:46 pm:

    To the Update…

    Love me the Trades.

    It wasn’t too long ago the Trades supported some Republicans, especially when they needed help most.

    I’ll never forget that.

    Well done today.


  30. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 1:48 pm:

    - Demoralized -

    1) Great stuff today… everywhere. The victimhood is mind-blowing.

    2) Trolls, man. Trolls. Nothing should suprise.

  31. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 1:56 pm:

    ===*** UPDATE 3 *** Word from the locals is the governor may be moving the event to another venue.===

    Gov’s Press Shop…

    Is that taking the slings… or the arrows?

  32. - Augie - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 1:57 pm:

    I am here very good turnout. Far from hostile!! They are vocal though. Appears Rauner is playing cat and mouse.

  33. - Honeybear - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 2:00 pm:

    But it looks like from reading the actual post that there isn’t much online interest.

    That’s part of the problem and advantage of online. My feeds were buzzing with people going. I’ve made a lot more friends lately with Trades leaders. I could see it but unless you’re plugged in to certain circles you wouldn’t. No, we’re starting to get the hang of direct action coordination. It’s a hard thing to coordinate the differing Locals of Labor. Not to mention having only 24 hour notice. What is developing nicely are kind of “Rapid Reaction Units” made up of newly retired folk and people who can get off work quickly. These are getting more efficient as we learn the skill set.

  34. - Cubs in '16 - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 2:07 pm:

    ===Word from the locals is the governor may be moving the event to another venue.

    I’m told the protesters are now moving to the courthouse.===

    You can run Gov, but you can’t hide. *Cue Benny Hill theme*

  35. - Huh? - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 2:14 pm:

    Easier to control who gets into the court house because of the metal detector. Can also block off one-way street on the east side of the court house if the crowd gets too big.

  36. - Augie - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 2:16 pm:

    He is here!! Changed venues last minute!!! Many area superintendents upset not going. Claim they feel he used them as a prop for a show. Say there was no reason to change venues crowd was not hostile.

  37. - Honeybear - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 2:24 pm:

    If the Ottawa a school districts were to lose their music programs, it would be a disaster

    Just FYI, the budget that the Governor did submit when he began ZEROED OUT funding for the arts in schools. ZEROED IT OUT!

  38. - Anon221 - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 2:28 pm:

    any alternate audio links??? Radio station isn’t streaming.

  39. - Anon221 - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 2:34 pm:

    Based on the 10x update-

    It sounds like a Mystery Science Theater 3000 type play-by-play is needed to keep his loops and flippys straight.

  40. - Cubs in '16 - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 2:36 pm:

    *** UPDATE 10 *** He just said, with a straight face, that Attorney General Lisa Madigan was trying to stop “hard workin’ state employees” from getting paid in order to force a tax hike.


  41. - Cubs in '16 - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 2:39 pm:

    “False, baloney spin”? Sounds like someone is getting flustered.

  42. - Thoughts Matter - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 2:41 pm:

    Personally, I think if State employees were not being paid- and could not work while we weren’t being paid - that we’d have a budget AND AFSCME would have a contract in about a week.

    I don’t see him being concerned about the hard working state employees medical bills.

  43. - Anon - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 2:42 pm:

    ===“false, baloney spin”===

    This reminds me of a time I was sitting with the assistant VP of such and such for a huge telecom company and one of the very lowest level employees asked for a specific account feature to come back, and the Harvard Business educated guy goes “The market demands unlimited!” to which the high school educated employee responds “You do understand markets can demand more than one thing?”

    It just shows a real lack of respect for the questioner.

  44. - Norseman - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 2:48 pm:

    === Rauner says it’s “false, baloney spin” that he wants to strip collective bargaining rights. “I am not anti-union, I am not anti-collective bargaining.” ===

    Yea, Rauner’s all for collective bargaining on causual Fridays and holiday parties. Just no negotiation on salary and benefits.

    Kudos to labor. Keep it up. Rauner is out to destroy you.

  45. - Huh? - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 2:53 pm:

    “… so I’m not going to push anything that won’t pass.”

    Code for not pushing any legislation that does anybody any good.

  46. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 2:53 pm:

    Dear Labor…

    Rauber is trying to fool you.

    Glad you learned not to trust Bruce Rauner on labor issues.

    Remember the poison pills.

    This is NOT a joke. Rauner will try, and is trying to destroy you.


    To the “sign”

    The sign is right. Exactly right.

    Don’t vote for Raunerites.

  47. - Trolling Troll - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 2:55 pm:

    False balony spin- the meat in the word salad.

  48. - Cubs in '16 - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 2:55 pm:

    *** UPDATE 15 *** “The Democrats are in the super majority, so I’m not going to push anything that won’t pass.”

    There are no words. This feels like an 18 mo. episode of Punk’d.

  49. - Anon221 - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 2:59 pm:

    Rauner- “The Democrats are in the super majority, so I’m not going to push anything that won’t pass.”

    Constipation is a terrible thing. /s

  50. - Federalist - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 3:12 pm:

    Since there is talk about school funding let’s consider this.

    According to 2013-14 data from the ISBE Chicago SD 99 spent $15,120 per student . The state average is $12,521.

    The school district I went to, Lewistown CUSD 9,7 spends $8,496 per student.

    So when there is talk of equalized funding I am certain that this district would just love it. However, I would caution them to hold their breath because this is a downstate rural district and nobody in the political establishment really cares about them.

  51. - Anon221 - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 3:14 pm:

    #Rauner took one question from the media, then darts.

    I’d say the day didn’t quite go they way the SuperStars and Rauner planned.

  52. - anon - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 3:14 pm:

    === *** UPDATE 15 *** “The Democrats are in the super majority, so I’m not going to push anything that won’t pass.”===

    Like term limits?

  53. - Earnest - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 3:15 pm:

    Whoops…he accidentally got asked a real question there, and a follow-up.

  54. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 3:19 pm:

    Wow, Rauner is incredibly inept at answering questions.

    Who knew?

  55. - Illinois Bob - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 3:20 pm:


    it really doesn’t make much sense to include “arts” as a separate line item. They’re a necessary part of a decent education, and should be considered no differently than math, science or English. Actually, often “arts” classes can be far more cost effective than “regular” classes if you have competent administration. Band has 50-60 students per class compared to 18-20 for “regular” classes. when you drop band or chorus, you need to triple the instructional labor staffing cost for the alternative. Not smart, but typical Illinois school administration thinking.

  56. - Anon221 - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 3:23 pm:

    OW- the string in his back broke from being pulled too often for the soundbyte rhetotic he spews;)

  57. - Illinois bob - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 3:25 pm:


    =Wow. Just when I thought your “ideas” couldn’t get any more ridiculous. Now you’re against small class sizes. Absolutely unbelievable.=

    Your ignorance about education is astounding, Dem. If you’d actually taught at middle school or higher (as I have), you’d realize that an extra student or two in “regular” classes has virtually no effect on student outcomes.

    It helps for K-3, but once you get a little further along individual time with students is minimal and you’re teaching to a “group” in those 45 minute classes. You give individual help during study halls and before and after school.

  58. - Anon - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 3:28 pm:

    ===*** UPDATE 15 *** “The Democrats are in the super majority, so I’m not going to push anything that won’t pass.”===

    Maybe he just has no idea what’s going on?

  59. - Honeybear - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 3:35 pm:

    Not smart, but typical Illinois school administration thinking.

    This was not coming from schools but Rauners proposed budget. It zeroes out all money for k-12 arts programs as well as foreign language and AP courses. ZEROED OUT ENTIRELY. I entirely agree with you about the arts. They are a necessary part of education. But not for your Beloved. Rauner wants Arts, Foreign Language and AP classes gone in public education. GONE.

  60. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 3:37 pm:

    Do not feed trolls…

    - Anon221 -

    I think Rauner needs to realize quite quick that people won’t be fooled, unions won’t be fooled either.

  61. - Dandy Edward - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 3:37 pm:

    Does anyone realize that the Democrats and the unions got us into this mess ? I would also include Edgar, Ryan and Thompson. Now we are left with digging out of this mess.

  62. - Building Trades - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 3:38 pm:

    Best protest sign I saw today… Governor, turn around and take your agenda with you. Stay classy!

  63. - Honeybear - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 3:38 pm:

    Hey Trades…….YOU GOT SOME!!!!!

  64. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 3:42 pm:

    Vote Accordingly.

    The governor “misleads” labor openly like today, and Labor, Democrats, and Social Services…

    … you want more Raunerites in the GA?

    That’s fun.

    Vote Accordingly. Tell your friends too.

  65. - Stumpy's bunker - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 3:44 pm:

    “…superintendents not going. Claim they feel he used them as props for a show.”

    They probably saw that “Zombie Apocalypse” photo of the GA GOPies standing with Rauner on that capitol staircase, and thought better of it.

  66. - fdrdemocrat - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 3:47 pm:

    Impressed so many folks know about Ottawa High
    School band - goes back to Ray Makeever.

    As for championships in sports, Bill Novak, Gil
    Love, Dean Riley and Gary Vancil come to mind.

  67. - Anonymous - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 3:55 pm:

    My daughters were in the OTHS choirs and bands. Been to many concerts.

  68. - illini - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 4:06 pm:

    Yet another example, like what happened at UIUC 2 months ago. The Governors appearances are very short when he loses control of his “message” and has to defend his obtuse and disingenuous statements.

  69. - Keyrock - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 4:41 pm:

    I always thought courthouses were open to the public. Something about the First Amendment.

  70. - Illinois Bob - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 4:46 pm:


    =This was not coming from schools but Rauners proposed budget. It zeroes out all money for k-12 arts programs as well as foreign language and AP courses. ZEROED OUT ENTIRELY. I entirely agree with you about the arts. They are a necessary part of education. But not for your Beloved. Rauner wants Arts, Foreign Language and AP classes gone in public education. GONE.=

    He’s not MY Beloved. I didn’t vote for him, contribute to him or support his campaign.

    What you’re missing is that just because you take a line item and separate funding off a line item budget that’s part of a much larger spending program doesn’t mean you’re “de-funding” the item. It just means that you’re allowing local schools to spend their grant money on it….or not. When you increase school spending from the state, it’s better not to limit the locals as to how it’s spent. If the community doesn’t like the way their district is spending uncommitted state aid, they can elect a new board.

  71. - Demoralized - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 5:05 pm:

    ==Your ignorance about education is astounding==

    Because only Bob is an expert on education, right? I know it’s a blow to your arrogant ego but others just might know a thing or two about education as well.

  72. - wordslinger - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 5:30 pm:

    –Whoa man. Is it possible that every Pearl Jam song was written about this guy? –

    Comment of the year, to date.

    In similar circumstances, Big Jim would have sent Skilbeck for a couple of cases of beer and answered every protesters’ and reporters’ questions until there were no more.

    That dude didn’t rattle.

    I suspect Gov. Rauner’s meltdown under pressure is causing some of his GOP GA lemmings to recalibrate the extent of their blind faith.

    For a GOP governor to take a beating like that in Ottawa, and then freak about it, is reason enough for pause.

  73. - Illinois bob - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 5:47 pm:


    I’m not saying that I’m the only one on this blog who knows something about education or has taught and studied school budgets, Dem. There are many here who do. I’m just saying that you aren’t one of them….

  74. - Anonymous - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 5:59 pm:

    IB, were you teaching in the schools, running campaigns on the South Side, building nuclear power plants and presiding over engineering companies all at the same time?

  75. - Rabid - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 6:28 pm:

    Right to work, does my greenhorn govenor follow the united states supreme court rulings? Your riding a lame horse govenor

  76. - G'Kar - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 6:57 pm:

    I would love to hear Jerry Long’s reaction to today.

  77. - Huh? - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 8:19 pm:

    “For a GOP governor to take a beating like that in Ottawa, and then freak about it, is reason enough for pause.”

    Come to a union town, what do you expect? To be welcomed with open arms when you are opposed to everything unions stand for?

  78. - DuPage Dave - Monday, Jun 6, 16 @ 8:48 pm:

    Rauner the Runner…. a new nickname for the Gov.

    Especially since Monty B. Rauner never caught on….

  79. - Illinois Bob - Tuesday, Jun 7, 16 @ 7:41 am:


    =IB, were you teaching in the schools, running campaigns on the South Side, building nuclear power plants and presiding over engineering companies all at the same time?=

    Of course not. I got this life experience over 40 years of professional life. There are only 24 hours in a day….LOL

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