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SDems leak K-12 funding plan

Tuesday, Jun 28, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

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* AP

Senate Democrats plan to put forward an education funding plan Tuesday that increases money for public schools this fall by $750 million.

The plan released to The Associated Press late Monday would pump $286 million more into Chicago Public Schools.

Both the Senate and House return to session in Springfield on Wednesday to try to put together a budget agreement to keep government operating past Thursday’s end of the fiscal year.

Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner wants the Legislature to act on a GOP school-funding plan that increases funding by $235 million. And he wants a second measure approved keeping government operating for half a year.

* According to the numbers I got from the Senate Democrats earlier today, Chicago would, indeed, receive a $286 million General State Aid increase, which would be a 30 percent boost from this fiscal year’s funding levels.

But Chicago would also get another $100 million or so via a state pension pickup, the SDems told me today.

Also, from what I was told, it’s a $760 million total increase - $60 million for the formula and $700 million for poverty grants.

…Adding… The governor’s folks think that it’s actually an $861 million increase because, they believe, that $100 million for the pension pickup isn’t included in the $760 million figure.

…Adding More… The governor’s office was correct. The Senate Democrats confirm that the $760 million is only GSA. So, it’s an $860+ million package.


  1. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 5:34 pm:

    I voted for $201-300 million in the Poll but had yet to formulate any reasonable rationale why.

    That said, $760 million…


  2. - Norseman - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 5:38 pm:

    Maybe I should have voted for 301-400 as the split difference compromise. Oh, silly me. This isn’t a Rauner compromise issue. Sen Dems better get ready to reconsider the vote you canned the Madigan budget.

  3. - Jackie - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 5:39 pm:

    In the immortal words of JBT, They’re spending like drunken sailors. Cullerton still smarting from his parents meeting…trying to buy some love.

  4. - cassandra - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 5:44 pm:

    And the school portion of the income tax increase will be…..? Much of this is appropriate now, pay later with “new revenues” I presume. New revenues to be garnered after the election, I presume too.

  5. - Gone - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 5:51 pm:

    Is this real, or this an Onion story?

  6. - Formerly Known As... - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 5:52 pm:

    This has to clear two hurdles out of the gate

    Is the extra spending paid for or from a =money tree=? If it is fully paid for, then the first hurdle is cleared.

    Voting accordingly after a district by district comparison is the second hurdle. If their local districts get more money, GA members can be expected to vote for this. If their local districts lose money, GA members can be expected to vote against this.

  7. - PublicServant - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 5:53 pm:

    Yep, new revenues are needed, as well as prudent cuts. When will governor Randian sit down with the collective to discuss that, I wonder?

  8. - Formerly Known As... - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 5:58 pm:

    =$760 million… Whoa.=

    That sums it up imho.

    If this is spending with =magic beans=, Rauner might as well round it up to a cool $1 Bill. And then ask the GA why they want to =cut= K-12 funding by $240 Mill lol. smh.

  9. - DuPage Dave - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 5:59 pm:

    I’m old enough to remember when spending more money on schools this year than last year was considered a good thing.

  10. - Independent Retired Lawyer Journalist - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 6:00 pm:

    It has seemed to me that if the Democrats abandon help for CPS and other fiscally-hurting school districts, Rauner signs on and there’s an agreement this week.
    If, on the other hand, the Dems are standing with CPS and the other hurtin’ districts, Rauner is going to have a tough time spinnin’ a failure-to-agree.
    Maybe he’ll act like a statesman/governor and do what Trump wouldn’t do in this situation…capitulate for the good of the state?

  11. - peon - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 6:04 pm:

    Hostage taking is contagious, but still wrong in my opinion. But I see no way the Governor gets K-12 open and no money to CPS. Although this increment seems excessive.

  12. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 6:07 pm:

    - FKA -

    With great respect as always.

    Why is Rauner a passenger?

    Can’t Rauner make any cuts as his?

    What is the Rauner role, and why is it different than the constitutionally described duties framed since 1970?


  13. - Lester Holt's Mustache - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 6:15 pm:

    ==Maybe he’ll act like a statesman/governor and do what Trump wouldn’t do in this situation…==

    I wouldn’t put money on that. More likely that the governor vetoes it, then travels the state once more with the “woe-is-me, Madigan-controlled-collectivists, I-have-no-choice” act. I can only cringe and wait to watch Jiminez, Bourne and Butler try to justify voting against a $22 million hike in district 186 funding…

  14. - Huh? - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 6:21 pm:

    1.4% gets out the veto pen in 3, 2, 1

  15. - unspun - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 6:22 pm:

    This is an approp bill that outlines the spending priorities of the sendem caucus. Cullerton pledged to do this early last Spring as his number 1 priority. We shouldn’t be surprised. This provides a ceiling of available expenditures; if the governor’s priorities are different, he can cut as he chooses. He will, in turn, be responsible for his cuts and choices. Or, he can veto the whole bill, and be responsible for that outcome. At some point his “give me this and exactly this” posture, coupled with his near daily personal attacks against each Dem leader will reap what he has sown. Maybe this will be part of that reckoning. We’ll see.

  16. - Huh? - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 6:28 pm:

    I hope that this gets packaged with the rest of the budget as an omnibus bill. Force 1.4% to veto the education funding.

  17. - Formerly Known As... - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 6:34 pm:

    Oswego Willy - likewise, my friend.

    I’m with you on the passenger part in regards to both Rauner and Madigan. Handing the governor a budget and expecting him to just make cuts is not the answer. Expecting the GA to do all the work is not the answer either. That is because of the underlying need for mutual agreement imho. Neither Rauner nor Madigan are willing to wear the jacket alone for cuts or a tax increase, nor should they have to. The only way out is a mutually agreed deal, preferably a combination of revenue, cuts and reforms negotiated by the Gov and leadership and then announced together. No one is willing to move first or move alone, so they have to move together or this continues.

    The comment itself was about the general approach to budgeting. If the GA wants to spend =magic beans=, why stop at $760 Mill? Let’s make it a Bill! Schools can always use extra $!

  18. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 6:38 pm:

    ===The only way out is a mutually agreed deal, preferably a combination of revenue, cuts and reforms negotiated by the Gov and leadership and then announced together.===

    Spot on, bud, spot on.

  19. - Formerly Known As... - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 6:39 pm:

    Oswego Willy - we forgot something that answers the question even better.

    Rauner offered to take ownership of the budget and the cuts if the GA didn’t want to compromise on a combination of cuts, revenues and reform. The GA said No.

    He =was= willing to take the credit and blame for the entire budget. He offered to make all the cuts necessary this year if he was also given temporary freedom to manage state money, or as he said =the flexibility to reallocate resources and make reductions to state spending as necessary=, should the GA not pass a balanced budget. They said No to a balanced budget and also said No to SB 2789 =the Unbalanced Budget Response Act=. That seems a bit like tying both his hands behind his back imho.

  20. - Formerly Known As... - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 6:43 pm:

    Oswego Willy - thanks. And fwiw, that second comment is not meant to say Rauner’s hands are clean. There are no angels here.

    He may have even been bluffing, but in fairness I forgot that he had put that offer on the table. Really though, I just think this whole thing is sad.

  21. - Anonymous - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 6:44 pm:

    Well hopefully this is “talk” otherwise Rauner will veto and cause a catastrophic implosion. It’s unfortunate but it’s reality. Not much else to state.

  22. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 6:45 pm:

    - FKA -,

    After Quinn, no Governor is going to get the freedom of what amounts to a lump sum budget.

    No governor.

    Quinn blew that for all the governors yet to come.

    Rauner knew that, and to offer that “opportunity” is no different than saying “I’ll let you vote for cuts and a tax increase too and reduce Labor as a throw in”

    Who is going to agree to that?

    No one, bud.

  23. - anon - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 6:46 pm:

    We’re already spending more than we have and they’re going to add $760M to the load with no mention of how to pay for it? wow. I just don’t get it.

  24. - blue dog dem - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 6:57 pm:

    When most are happy about an increase in K-12 spending, I am not. I didn’t see any halt to property tax increases, so the madness continues. As predicted, the dems and repubs will take the easy way out and tax the working poor and middle classes. What happened to the consolidation idea. Elimination of the regional offices. Elimination of drivers ed. Pay to play. Year round classes. These aren’t popular ideas, but somebody show me some initiative.

  25. - Lucky Pierre - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 7:08 pm:

    No Cuts, no new revenues and no reforms. And while we are at it how about 800 + million in new spending?

  26. - Echo The Bunnyman - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 7:12 pm:

    If this is the plan, I am fine with schools not opening in the Fall. Either The Gov becomes part of the solution by going for tax increases and the drunken sailors cut back the spending we don’t have… Go all the way. Let’s see how low we really can go before people pay attention. Because it’s summer, when it’s end of August and the kids are still home, something will have to change. If the compromise costs our grandchildren even more down the road, why capitulate without draconian cuts and serious revenue…. Only way out.

  27. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 7:33 pm:

    ===If this is the plan, I am fine with schools not opening in the Fall.===


    If Rauner was he wouldn’t have had his presser today.

    If Rauner can get anything that gets schools open without a Veto, that’s a win.

    ===If the compromise costs our grandchildren…====

    The hyperbole is strong with this one.

    Just about anything passed right now is going to cost billions for a very long time due to the Rauner damage, and of course you realize that, right?

  28. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 7:34 pm:

    ===No Cuts, no new revenues and no reforms. And while we are at it how about 800 + million in new spending?===

    Rauner can also sign that stopgap on his desk…

    You know that too…

  29. - Oswego Willy - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 7:35 pm:

    - FKA -

    We’re all good, no worries on my end.

  30. - wordslinger - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 7:38 pm:

    –Rauner offered to take ownership of the budget and the cuts if the GA didn’t want to compromise on a combination of cuts, revenues and reform.–

    I offered to spend the summer on the Riviera with Jennifer Lawrence, on her dime.

    She didn’t go for it.

    I was shocked.

    What an obstructionist.

  31. - Arthur Andersen - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 7:46 pm:

    word, you’re just a bit too collectivist for her taste, I’m guessing.

  32. - wordslinger - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 7:57 pm:

    AA, I’ve collected too many Budweisers around the belt, if nothing else.

    The point is, an “offer” that you know is ridiculous is just bad-faith spin. It ain’t governing.

    Geez, there’s just no getting through to people who don’t want to know.

    We’ve heard from Edgar, and I think he’s been as candid and direct as he’s willing to go. He hasn’t hid his light under a bushel.

    I’d love to hear Big Jim really let it rip on what it means to be a Republican and the governor of Illinois. That cat could tear the paint off the walls.

    But, seriously, Jennifer, the “offer” still stands.

  33. - DuPage Bard - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 8:48 pm:

    So the GA passes K-12 funding to the Governor. No GOP votes.
    Does the Governor sign it? Last year he did and touted Education funding as his greatest accomplishment with No GOP votes. Does he do the same this year?

  34. - Juice - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 9:18 pm:

    FKA, the unbalanced budget response act specifically permitted the Governor to take a pension holiday.

    When he wants to make cuts that don’t involve kicking the can down the road, he’ll have my attention. Until then it’s simply no Democrat and no Republican being honest about what actually needs to be done.

  35. - Norseman - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 9:20 pm:

    DuPage Bard, I doubt the House can pass the bill without GOP votes. I also suspect Durkin will make this a caucus vote to discourage crossovers by GOP members whose districts benefit.

  36. - JS Mill - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 9:23 pm:

    I do not want to look a gift horse in the mouth here by the description Rich shared there are several shortcomings to the proposal.

    1. Most of the money goes to the poverty grant. Some won’t see that as a problem but so called “poor” schools are not necessarily in the worst shape. Many middle of the road schools are on the brink precisely because of the way the “poverty grant” has pushed money out of the GSA and into schools like Cicero 99 making them a cash wealthy district. So, many districts will lose out due to this plan.

    2. Does not fund MCAT’s. For some districts the MCAT’s make up the biggest share of state funding. Transportation being one of the keys. this is another way downstate and rural districts have been starved.

    3. I know CPS is desperate, they need money to simply stay alive. If the number is $760 million, CPS likely gets nearly $400 million (more if it is $860). Sorry, but you cannot give 50% or more to CPS with about 20% of the student population.

    How about funding MCAT’s and GSA at 100% and then the remained goes to the Poverty Grant. Add in CPS pension pick up.

    That would be far more equitable and still get needed resources to CPS.

  37. - justacitizen - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 10:12 pm:

    ===I wouldn’t put money on that. More likely that the governor vetoes it, then travels the state once more with the “woe-is-me, Madigan-controlled-collectivists, I-have-no-choice” act. I can only cringe and wait to watch Jiminez, Bourne and Butler try to justify voting against a $22 million hike in district 186 funding…===

    I think most IL taxpayers would accept a funding level equal to or slightly less than the previous knowing the state they live in.

  38. - Elementary - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 10:59 pm:

    Most of the 750 Million will no doubtedly come from health insurance reductions for State employees. That seems to be Rauner’s pet peeve.

  39. - DuPage Bard - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 11:25 pm:

    This just doesn’t bode well for our State.

  40. - Huh? - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 4:59 am:

    “This just doesn’t bode well for our State.”

    This has been true since 1.4% was elected and sworn into office.

  41. - Earnest - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 7:59 am:

    >Voting accordingly after a district by district comparison is the second hurdle. If their local districts get more money, GA members can be expected to vote for this. If their local districts lose money, GA members can be expected to vote against this.

    Seeing legislators vote their districts instead of as directed would be the most hopeful thing in state government I’ve seen in a very long time.

  42. - illinois bob - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 8:45 am:

    I’m always fascinated by what is actually being “bought” for students with these “poverty grants”. From what I’ve seen in the data, apparently nothing. I couldn’t find anyplace where a separate “bucket” is created for these funds to benefit the students. Class sizes in CPS certainly don’t show basis there for allocation of these funds. After school tutoring programs for low income kids? Those are open to all, and based upon test scores you don’t have to be low income to need to supplement a CPS education. Special summer programs for low income kids?

    Spending $700 million on low income kids should be enough to accomplish wondrous things.

    Too bad they just throw it into the general fund to create a more expensive education, not a better one.

  43. - HangingOn - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 10:16 am:

    ==I’m always fascinated by what is actually being “bought” for students with these “poverty grants”==

    I really can’t say for sure, but I know when my child and I were in the poverty group I didn’t have to pay for her books, most if not of her field trip fees were covered, and extra school supplies we couldn’t afford were given to her. Sad when you have to decide between groceries and school supplies. I’m sure there are more things academically that I didn’t see.

  44. - Federalist - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 12:44 pm:

    And I assume that it addresses the issue of redistributing money to those districts that have low expenditures per student (factoring in the property tax rate).

    Yea, I am being snarky which I generally try to avoid. I expect more the SOS out of the DEMS bill.

  45. - Federalist - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 12:45 pm:

    - Elementary - Monday, Jun 27, 16 @ 10:59 pm:

    Most of the 750 Million will no doubtedly come from health insurance reductions for State employees. That seems to be Rauner’s pet peeve.

    You got that right!

  46. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 12:47 pm:

    ===Most of the 750 Million will no doubtedly come from health insurance reductions for State employees. That seems to be Rauner’s pet peeve.===

    If you’ll recall, the Democratic budget plan passed last year cut health insurance funding by exactly that amount.

    Again, some of you people simply amaze me with the scope of your myopia.

  47. - Demoralized - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 2:37 pm:

    ==with the scope of your myopia==

    When something is going to significantly affect one’s finances negatively you tend to get a bit myopic.


    To the post -

    Just pass the darn thing and move on. I’ve said this before - just because you have an appropriation doesn’t mean you have to spend it. If these games are going to continue then sign the approp bills and then manage the budget.

  48. - Federalist - Tuesday, Jun 28, 16 @ 5:42 pm:


    You are right!

    I forget how both parties really hate public employees. Should have known after both sides passed unconstitutional bills on pensions and health insurance.

    Thanks for the reminder.

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