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Wednesday, Jun 8, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Gov. Rauner was asked today about these quotes from just before the impasse started

Republican Gov. Bruce Rauner kicked off a campaign-style statewide tour Monday by indicating he’ll try to “leverage” the state’s money woes into securing a series of pro-business changes from a General Assembly controlled by Democrats likely to fiercely oppose them. […]

“Crisis creates opportunity. Crisis creates leverage to change … and we’ve got to use that leverage of the crisis to force structural change,” said Rauner […]

Pressed to explain, Rauner simply said: “Crisis. Crisis creates leverage.”

* The governor’s response

“I didn’t create this crisis. I did not create this crisis. This was created by Speaker Madigan’s supermajority. They created it in the past under taxing and spending bills. They’re creating it now. I’m trying to find a solution to the crisis.”

Kind of ignores those approp vetoes from last year and everything that has gone on since.

* I can’t help but be reminded me of this classic Blues Brothers quote

No, I didn’t. Honest… I ran out of gas. I… I had a flat tire. I didn’t have enough money for cab fare. My tux didn’t come back from the cleaners. An old friend came in from out of town. Someone stole my car. There was an earthquake. A terrible flood. Locusts! IT WASN’T MY FAULT, I SWEAR TO GOD!

Not to say that this is all Rauner’s fault. It ain’t. But it’s just ridiculous that he won’t own even a tiny bit of it in the face of that very direct, very clear April, 2015 quote.


Fed dollars bail out state program for pregnant women with HIV

Wednesday, Jun 8, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* It just boggles my mind that the state wasn’t funding this sort of thing…

Faced with uncertainty about the future of its ability to stay open and serve women in Illinois, the Pediatric AIDS Chicago Prevention Initiative (PACPI) has recently received payment for outstanding invoices for work performed under a contract with the state. This federal funding has been released through the Illinois Department of Public Health. In response, PACPI has withdrawn from the May 4 lawsuit by Pay Now Illinois against the State. This funding, for the period of July 2015 - June 2016, will support PACPI’s critical services for vulnerable women across Illinois who are living with HIV and who are pregnant or recently delivered.

PACPI was slated to receive state funding, but IDPH identified federal funds to fill the gap in the absence of a state budget. Without this infusion of funding, PACPI could have been forced to close its doors in October 2016.

“PACPI is incredibly grateful to the state for its advocacy and support in prioritizing this life-saving program. However, we remain committed in the fight with our partner agencies to repair the crumbling social service infrastructure and push for a responsible state budget that focuses on revenue,” says Anne Statton, Executive Director of PACPI. “We call upon the state’s leaders to put aside politics and agendas and resolve this fiscal impasse with a responsible budget that includes the necessary revenue to support critical services all Illinoisans need.”

Although PACPI will now be able to continue providing direct case management services to pregnant women living with HIV and their newborns, these women and their families may still need assistance with housing, child care, vocational training, counseling services — services provided by partner agencies that have not been paid by the state and whose viability is seriously threatened. Families simply cannot escape the cycle of poverty if they cannot access these critical social services.

“While the state’s action to release this federal funding is a positive step, it is a short-term solution,” said Statton. “Illinois leaders must continue to do their jobs.”

Because of the safety net and supportive services PACPI provides, there were zero reported transmissions of HIV among babies born in 2015 in all of Illinois.

Pregnant women with HIV. Think about that.



Question of the day

Wednesday, Jun 8, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* If you watched the coverage of Senate President Cullerton’s press conference, you know that Cullerton claimed Gov. Rauner’s highly negative press conference “distracted” working group members who were negotiating the budget while Rauner was talking to reporters…

…Adding… From Rep. Greg Harris’ Facebook page

Sigh. Sitting in budget negotiations with my House and Senate colleagues, both Republican and Democrat, trying to find good bipartisan solutions while the Governor holds a press conference down the hall trashing us.

* The Question: Are you at all confident that legislators and the governor can work out any sort of budget deal, temporary or permanent, partial or full, this year? Explain.


Today’s quotable

Wednesday, Jun 8, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Heh

To state Rep. Reginald “Reggie” Phillips (R-District 110), House Bill 580 “was a disastrous bill.”

The bill was a second attempt to steer contract negotiations between the state and the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) to binding arbitration – a move Republicans said sought to strip Gov. Bruce Rauner of his authority to negotiate on behalf of voters who elected him. […]

“I’ve sat on the Labor and Commerce Board and said, ‘Hey, what is in your bill. How much are you actually asking for?’” Phillips said. “When you say the governor is not reasonable, what are you asking for? Give us an outline.’”

Instead, a union official who came to the floor instructed Phillips to read about the bill on Capitol Fax, which didn’t sit well with Phillips.

“I said, ‘I don’t want to read it on Capitol Fax. Sir, don’t you know what you are asking for? Can’t you send a letter to all of us Republicans so we can see (why) the governor is unreasonable?’ He said, ‘I’ll get it to you representative.’ Never sent me a thing,” Phillips said. “So what does that tell you? He knew what they were asking for was unreasonable.”


Another hostage on the ropes

Wednesday, Jun 8, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller


Helping Hands says the lack of a state budget could force them to shut down their shelter and release about 50 homeless people onto the streets of Springfield.

State money made up a quarter of the organization’s budget last year, and the organization says they are struggling to make ends meet without it. […]

Helping Hands says there is a bill on the governor’s desk that would provide some funding to many social service agencies including theirs. They say if that passes it would be a huge help, but still wouldn’t cover all of the state’s debt.

Gov. Rauner told reporters today that he doesn’t like that stopgap bill because it failed to include money for critical state operations.


*** LIVE COVERAGE *** Senate President Cullerton press conference

Wednesday, Jun 8, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Cullerton’s 2 pm Chicago press conference can be watched by clicking here. Follow along with ScribbleLive


Yeah, but it probably goes both ways

Wednesday, Jun 8, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

Mayor Rahm Emanuel thinks Gov. Bruce Rauner is obsessed with House Speaker Michael Madigan, and he suggested that his Republican sparring partner in Springfield read America’s greatest tale on the dangers of obsession to focus himself instead on dealing with Illinois’ many serious problems.

Appearing on “Chicago Tonight” on WTTW-Ch. 11 on Tuesday evening, Emanuel said Rauner should tackle “Moby Dick” at the beach this year. The mayor cast the veteran politician Madigan as the mythic white whale, with Rauner as Ahab and the residents of Illinois playing the crew of the Pequod being dragged into life-threatening danger as their captain pursues the beast with no thought of their safety.

“My recommendation to the governor for his summer reading list is Herman Melville’s ‘Moby Dick,’ because Capt. Ahab in his obsession to get Moby Dick takes the Pequod over, and it doesn’t really end well,” Emanuel told reporter Paris Schutz. “And there’s an analogy there for him, and I would suggest that he step back from the personal insults.”

Asked why he thinks Rauner is obsessed with Madigan, Emanuel demurred. “I think you should ask the governor that question, because it’s his obsession,” Emanuel said. “But I can observe what it’s doing to the state.”


Madigan responds to Rauner press conference

Wednesday, Jun 8, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From Speaker Madigan’s office…

Rauner Chooses Office Supplies over Life-Saving Services in Temporary Budget
House Democrats committed to compromise, but question Rauner’s refusal to fund vital needs

While Governor Rauner continues his campaign-style tour, laden with personal attacks against those with whom he says he wants to work cooperatively, we remain committed to finding a solution to the state budget crisis, including a temporary budget to ensure schools open on time.

There are very real concerns within our caucus about the governor’s proposal that need to be answered. By not funding many critical programs and services, the governor is putting office supplies ahead of cancer prevention. He refuses to fund grants for college students in financial need, which would kick many students out of school. In his plan, the governor refuses to fund life-saving breast cancer screenings for women and programs for domestic violence and sexual assault victims. The governor’s plan fails to fund programs that provide care to frail elderly residents.

The governor wants to fund many operations of state government, including the state’s vehicle fleet and office supplies instead of providing life-saving services for Illinoisans. We, and the people of Illinois that we serve, have very serious concerns with the governor refusing to fund these programs in his proposal. We are committed to negotiating with the governor to fund these programs within the temporary budget, but many questions remain.


…Adding… Senate President Cullerton is having a press conference today at 2. I’ll probably have a live coverage post, but click here for a live video stream.


CPS begs to differ on “Rauner’s bridge to nowhere”

Wednesday, Jun 8, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The CPS spokesperson saw my earlier post on Gov. Rauner and Chicago school funding and sent this…


Attached is a chart showing how every district in Illinois fares under the various proposals. You’ll see that CPS is not at the top of the list - in fact, we’re #52. And the only reason we rank so high is because we receive so much less than our fair share of funding under the existing system.

Governor Rauner’s bridge to nowhere leaves these districts high and dry, while both the House and Senate passed bills giving the students in greatest need an additional $700 million in funding.

And to your point about CPS needing to be part of the solution, CPS has significant skin in the game – in just the past few months alone. In January, CPS laid off or closed more than 400 administrative positions. CPS made unprecedented mid-year cuts to schools that will save the district $85 million this year and $125 million next year. All employees have been furloughed this school year, saving the district another $30 million. And those are just off the top of my head.


As mentioned above, the attachment (click here) shows that CPS ranks 52nd out of 922 school districts with the House Democrats’ funding bill. That’s still in the upper quadrant, but other schools clearly fare better.


Trump becomes issue in Bost’s district as race may be heating up

Wednesday, Jun 8, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* As we noted yesterday, Democratic U.S. House candidate CJ Baricevic called on GOP Congressman Mike Bost to denounce Donald Trump. He got his answer

“Maybe I should ask my opponent if he wants to support a socialist or a person who wants to close every coal mine in Illinois,” Bost said, referring to Democratic presidential candidates Bernie Sanders and Hillary Clinton.

“If my opponent wants to play guilt by association, then he should take responsibility for Hillary Clinton’s promise to put Southern Illinois coal miners out of work,” Bost added.

* Baricevic shot back via press release today…

“Racism is not a policy issue. This is unbelievable that a sitting Congressman equates racism with differences in energy policy. While I disagree with Hillary Clinton’s position on coal and strongly support Illinois’ coal mining industry- these differences are to be discussed. There can be no discussion with regards to racism. The people of this district deserve better from their Congressman; Bost is truly lost.”

* You’d think Baricevic would lay off the Trump card because it’s a Downstate district with lots of rural turf. However, his campaign has some recent polling

Voters prefer Clinton over Trump by 47%-43% and prefer a Democrat over a Republican in Congress 47%-41%. 52% of voters have negative feelings towards GOP leaders in Congress; while Republican Governor Bruce Rauner has a 70% negative job rating. […]

For almost seventy years, the district has voted Democrat at the presidential and congressional level. In presidential years, the district has had a strong Democratic registration advantage. In 2012–when Democratic Congressman Bill Enyart beat Republican Jason Plummer by 52%- 43%–100,000 more voters were cast than in 2014. In 2014, with Republicans sweeping nationwide, including the Illinois governor candidate winning the district by 20 points, Bost won election to Congress beating Democratic Congressman Bill Enyart.

With a hotly contested U.S. Senate race, and with major races to protect Democratic majorities in the Illinois House and Senate, the 12th CD will be a battleground district in 2016. […]

[Congressman Bost has] voted for bad trade legislation, including fast-track authority for the Trans Pacific Partnership; voted to give tax breaks for companies that ship jobs overseas; voted against increasing college tuition assistance for middle- class families; opposes the Affordable Care Act; supports turning Medicare into a voucher system; has repeatedly voted against collective bargaining, and has opposed raising the minimum wage and equal pay legislation.

The polling and Baricevic’s fairly impressive first quarter fundraising have reportedly impressed the DCCC, which tried and failed to find a candidate to run against Baricevic during the primary.

* I’ve seen the entire Garin Hart Yang poll and it appears legit. They threw some very, very tough shots at their own candidate (including the issues that scared off the DCCC - mainly his criminal defense law practice) and still switched the results from the initial 50-37 Bost lead in the initial trial heat (without leaners of 2 points each) to Baricevic leading 48-40 after all the push questions. The poll was taken May 20-22 of 400 likely voters.

Don’t get me wrong here. I’m not saying that Baricevic is gonna win this. He has a long way to go and will need to raise a giant pile of money to get on St. Louis TV. Bost is also one heck of a campaigner, he’s been a responsive congressman and is always underestimated.

But the national and state trends may not be Bost’s good friends like they were two years ago. So, it’s worth keeping an eye on.


*** LIVE COVERAGE *** Gov. Rauner press conference

Wednesday, Jun 8, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The governor’s noon availability can be viewed here and here. Follow along with ScribbleLive


BlackRock rages against Illinois

Wednesday, Jun 8, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* So far, anyway, they’re just spitting into the wind

“We as municipal market participants should really be penalizing in some way, by almost not giving them any access to the market,” Peter Hayes, who oversees $119 billion as head of munis at BlackRock, said in New York on Wednesday. “Think about it — they’re a state without a budget, they refuse to pass a budget, they have the lowest funded ratio on their pension of any state, and yet they’re going to come to market and borrow money.” […]

“You wonder if maybe a market that continues to trade at lower yields has not made things as urgent,” said Sean Carney, BlackRock’s head of municipal strategy. “If you don’t have a budget, how do you come to the market and issue bonds?”

OK, good points, but the much hoped-for “bond vigilantes” never materialized, even after Detroit’s bankruptcy, the Bloomberg News article rightly notes.

* Also, this

With tax-exempt interest rates near five-decade lows, that yield on Illinois bonds due in a decade is just 3.42 percent. When Illinois issued 10-year general obligations in May 2012, with credit ratings two steps higher than its current rank, the debt priced to yield 3.62 percent.


Edgar: “It’s obvious what we’ve done the last year hasn’t worked”

Wednesday, Jun 8, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Jim Edgar via the Sun-Times

Former Gov. Jim Edgar — one of the state’s most popular Republican governors — said Tuesday that Illinois is in its worst shape in 50 years, and warned that Gov. Bruce Rauner must tone down his “rhetoric” and abandon his “Turnaround Agenda” to get a complete budget done. […]

Edgar said budgets were accomplished in the ‘90s, despite many hardships, “because we compromised.” He called negotiations with Madigan during his tenure as governor during a budget impasse tense, but civil in the end because “we both tried to watch our rhetoric.” […]

“You can’t get things done if you’re not willing to meet your adversary halfway, and again we’ve gotten away from that,” Edgar said, noting the state must try something different.

“It’s obvious what we’ve done the last year hasn’t worked,” Edgar said.

* Tribune

“It’s critical that in public arenas that we treat our adversaries with civility because one of the things I also learned (in politics is that) today’s adversary is tomorrow’s ally because issues change. But if you just call somebody stupid or a crook, it’s going to be a little harder the next day for you to meet them as allies,” he said. […]

While Edgar opposes a short-term budget deal for the state, he said he saw one good sign in that Rauner had dropped his requirement that lawmakers approve the governor’s turnaround agenda as part of a stopgap spending deal.

“The good thing the governor said was he was going to set aside his turnaround agenda. Now I think the next good thing he ought to do is just set aside the turnaround agenda until they get a real budget bill,” Edgar said.

Rauner “kind of took the first step. I hope he’ll take another step, and I hope the Democrats will meet him halfway and maybe even figure out some things they can give to him,” Edgar said.


Edgar, who served as Illinois’ governor during the 1990’s, predicted programs will have to be cut and taxes will have to be raised, painful votes for both parties, he noted. He said he wishes he could say he sees a “light at the end of the tunnel.” But doesn’t.

“I’m afraid we’re going to end-up with a makeshift — what they call a temporary budget. And we still aren’t going to solve a lot of the problems out there,” Edgar said. “And it’s just going to dig the hole deeper.”

* WLS AM...

“The essence of democracy is compromise. Particularly in a state like Illinois, with the diversity this state represents. You have to be willing not only to listen to the other point of view but you’re gonna have to find common ground.”

* And the Raunerites at the Illinois Policy Institute chimed in…

Oh, please.

The ramp was a bipartisan, politically do-able plan. It wasn’t the optimal solution. But it was made far worse by efforts to get around the ramp by skipping and skimping on payments and by borrowing to make the payments.

Instead of addressing what Edgar actually said, they issued their usual ankle-biting attack. Why? Because Edgar, even to this day, is far more popular than Rauner. So they attempt to undermine him.

* But Edgar is absolutely right that the actions of the past year haven’t worked. Anybody with half a brain can see that.

And, by the way, everybody in power shares blame in this, from the governor down to the most recently appointed state legislators. Everybody.


Good for the goose…

Wednesday, Jun 8, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Tribune

Emanuel, who is famously protective of his family’s privacy, also took exception during the interview to [WTTW’s Paris Schutz] mentioning that the mayor was headed to Soldier Field on Tuesday night to see a soccer game between the U.S. and Costa Rica with his daughter “and from what I understand your daughter’s boyfriend.”

“My daughter’s friend,” Emanuel responded. “OK, Paris. That is now the last interview we will do. That’s the last interview we’ll do.”

OK, that’s fine. Family ought to be off limits. Yet he still hasn’t actually apologized for dragging the governor’s spouse into the political debate. She’s obviously not a complete bystander here, but that was still inappropriate.


*** UPDATED x1 - Hillman: It isn’t fixed *** Rauner wasn’t wrong

Wednesday, Jun 8, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

[UPDATE: CPS has responded to this post. Click here to read it.]

* From yesterday’s coverage of Gov. Rauner’s Bloomington press conference

Asked about the suburban and Downstate superintendents who yesterday criticized the governor for wanting to put “more money into this worst-in-the-nation K-12 funding system in the same way,” Rauner said, “The vast bulk of the money that they’re advocating for goes to Chicago, not to school districts around the state.”

When asked, specifically, why superintendents in Peoria and other districts are pushing a different funding plan, Rauner said, “Because they get a little bit more. Chicago gets a lot more, unfairly more. Peoria gets a little bit more.”

* From CPS’ spokesperson…


For those of you who have asked for our insight into the Republican education measure that Governor Rauner’s administration pushed today, here you go:
Below, please find a statement from CPS CEO Forrest Claypool addressing the Republicans’ bill.

Attached, please find a chart showing how the school districts that Governor Rauner has visited since May 31 would fare under HB6583.

Statement (Claypool)

    “The ongoing display of disdain by this governor toward the poorest students in Illinois is baffling. The Senate and House have both put forward funding proposals that would help students living in poverty across Illinois and increase funding for all districts in the state. Unfortunately, Gov. Rauner seems content to allow Illinois to remain last in the country for education funding by doubling down on a broken funding formula that punishes the poorest students. His budget would even force Chicago schools to make draconian and deeply harmful cuts of 26 percent on average in the fall. Districts throughout the state – including districts on the governor’s recent whistlestop tour – would get significantly less under his plan than under the House proposal, so it’s no wonder that it’s facing so much opposition.”

* Here’s the attached chart. Click the pic for a much larger image

As you can see, CPS would get $821 more per student with the House Democratic plan. That’s more than any other district on this chart, and it’s much more than most.

* Meanwhile, let’s get back to our discussion of Gale Elementary in Rogers Park. Remember the photo I posted yesterday of the peeling hallway ceiling? CPS sent this e-mail in response…

Rich: like I mentioned last night, CPS is well aware that we have significant maintenance issues in our schools: we have 660 schools and more than $3 billion in deferred maintenance, including at Gale (where we have spent $1.6 million in the past five years).

But the photo that’s up is another case of an issue that is not current. That issue was remedied. Here is the current photo.


* The pic…

*** UPDATE ***  From Kyle Hillman…

When I spoke to the principal yesterday to confirm she told me it hasn’t been remediated (sealed). I should have asked has it been touched. Regardless, it isn’t fixed - neither are the hundreds of other places throughout the school. But we are getting quite a lot of attention to fix those now.


Here we go again…

Wednesday, Jun 8, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The governor’s public schedule was sent out last night as usual. There were no listed opportunities for reporters to ask questions. But this just arrived…

Daily Public Schedule: Wednesday, June 8, 2016

What: Governor Holds Media Availability on Canceled Session
Where: State Capitol - Governor’s Office
Date: Wednesday, June 8, 2016
Time: 12:00 p.m.​

I’ll probably do a live coverage post.

In the meantime, your guesses for what he’ll say? I’m kinda doubting right now that it’s about calling a special session. His people didn’t seem all that open to the idea yesterday. We’ll see.

…Adding… Press releases like these have been landing in my in-box all morning…

Dave Severin Calls on John Bradley to Return to Springfield and Do His Job – Pass a Balanced Budget

Yesterday, Mike Madigan announced that the House will not meet today as scheduled. Dave Severin, candidate for State Representative in the 117th House District, issued the following statement:

“Every day that Illinois goes without a balanced budget and pro-growth reforms, the future looks less and less bright for the families of southern Illinois. It is infuriating that less than a week after Democrats failed to pass a balanced budget, Mike Madigan would cancel tomorrow’s planned session. I ask John Bradley, on behalf of suffering southern Illinoisans, to pick up the phone, call his boss, Mike Madigan, and demand that legislators come back to Springfield and finally end this crisis.”


Jason Kasiar Calls on Brandon Phelps to Return to Springfield and Do His Job – Pass a Balanced Budget

Yesterday, Mike Madigan announced that the House will not meet today as scheduled. Jason Kasiar, candidate for State Representative in the 118th House District, issued the following statement:

“Mike Madigan canceling session tomorrow gives a new meaning to the title “part-time legislators.” Politicians in Springfield have one constitutionally-mandated job – pass a balanced budget. They’ve failed to pass a balanced budget for over a decade, but over the past two years, they failed to pass any budget whatsoever. That’s disgraceful. Brandon Phelps should give his boss, Mike Madigan, a call and demand that legislators return to Springfield. Illinois can wait no longer – we need a balanced budget.”


Mike Babcock Calls on Dan Beiser to Return to Springfield and Do His Job – Pass a Balanced Budget

Yesterday, Mike Madigan announced that the House will not meet today as scheduled. Mike Babcock, candidate for State Representative in the 111th House District, issued the following statement:

“It’s a shame that Mike Madigan decided to cancel session tomorrow. Illinois hasn’t had a balanced budget for years, our unpaid bill backlog is exploding, as is our unfunded pension liability, and Mike Madigan thought it was ok for legislators to stay in their districts? We expect the politicians in Springfield to act as we do – live within their means. I’m calling upon Dan Beiser to stand up to his boss, Mike Madigan, and demand that legislators return to Springfield and finally pass a balanced budget. It’s now or never for Illinois.”

Keep in mind those releases were written as if they were being sent yesterday, but I didn’t get them until this morning.

…Adding… One more…

Lindsay Parkhurst Calls on Kate Cloonen to Return to Springfield and Do Her Job – Pass a Balanced Budget

Yesterday, Mike Madigan announced that the House will not meet today as scheduled. Lindsay Parkhurst, candidate for State Representative in the 79th House District, issued the following statement:

“Just when you think politicians in Springfield could not work any less, they somehow manage to do so. Illinois hasn’t had a balanced budget for years, social service organizations are being shuttered, and schools are at risk of not opening on time. It’s despicable that legislators aren’t working around the clock to pass a balanced budget.

“Mike Madigan canceling session is shameful and symbolic of the stranglehold he has on state government. I ask Kate Cloonen to take a break from Candy Crush and give her boss, Mike Madigan, a call. It is imperative that all legislators return to Springfield and end this crisis once and for all. We need to put Illinois first and stop playing politics with our future.”



Union leader says “We are better than that”

Wednesday, Jun 8, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From the Illinois Valley Building Trades Council’s Facebook page

On Monday, many union members gathered at City Hall in Ottawa to convey their extreme discontentment with Governor Rauner’s Turn-Around Agenda. To remain silent or to let his visit pass without response would be a false communication of acceptance of his agenda.

Union members, like most Illinoisans, want a budget. What we cannot accept is a budget compromise that takes away workers’ right to bargain collectively, be paid a decent wage, or work in a safe environment. These rights were gained from real struggles throughout history, often at great sacrifice. These sacrifices have created many of the rights and working conditions that all workers, regardless of union membership, enjoy. We cannot remain silent as these working conditions and rights are eroded through political agendas.

On Monday, it was our intention to communicate to Governor Rauner that we cannot and will not accept compromise or a political agenda that will in essence result in a steady regression back to the working conditions of the sweatshops and coal mines.

That being said, the profanity-laced personal insults that were directed at the Governor and State Senator Sue Rezin as they left the courthouse were unfortunate and unnecessary. We are better than that. I understand the frustration with this Governor’s political and economic philosophies, but there is a better, more effective means of communicating that frustration. We, as Americans, have enjoyed and celebrated our Constitutional right to free speech throughout history. It is exactly this right that has enabled all citizens the opportunity to be heard, resulting in social and political change. However, this right to free speech does not suggest that personal insults are an effective means of communicating that dissatisfaction.

It is my hope that all Illinoisans can agree to address political agendas or actions while remaining focused on the issues at hand, instead of allowing frustrations to prevail, resulting in personal attacks, which will surely result in only further unruliness and the prevention of an equitable solution.

Steven Conrad
President, Illinois Valley Building Trades Council

Agreed. Some of the commenters here yesterday who registered support of that disgusting behavior were just flat-out wrong. It was uncalled for and there’s no excusing it away. Conrad was right to speak out.

* I asked Mike Phillips if anybody knew who that guy was in the lime green shirt who appeared to be the most loudly obscene and even physical at the protest…

No. I am a member of the local labor council (AFL-CIO). We do not know if he is a member of one of our locals. However, because we (labor council & building trades council) organized the rally it was important to make a statement regarding the unfortunate and unnecessary actions of some of those present.

The press coverage by the local paper did include important statements from some of those present. It is our hope that those statements will get some traction. The Republicans would prefer the focus be on the few who were rude.


Pro-life critique rebutted

Wednesday, Jun 8, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* From National Right to Life News

Abortion is a serious issue. For those of us in the pro-life camp, the thought of promoting abortion—in any form—would be a violation of conscience.

Unfortunately, the Illinois legislature has passed a bill—SB 1564—that would force all medical facilities and physicians in the state who conscientiously object to involvement in abortions to adopt policies that provide women who ask for abortions with a list of providers “they reasonably believe may offer” them. In other words, the government is trying to compel the speech of pro-life providers—in the form of abortion referrals.

What the Illinois government fails to realize (or care about since we’ve brought it to their attention before) is that referring someone for an abortion goes against everything that pro-life doctors and pregnancy care centers believe about the sanctity of human life.

* I’ve seen this argument against the bill in other places. So, I decided to reach out to the Senate sponsor, Daniel Biss. I asked him if I was a solidly pro-life doctor would I then be legally obligated to give out information on where to find an abortion provider. His e-mailed response…

The choices you’d have are:

    1. Make a referral;
    2. Transfer the patient; or
    3. Give info about places that you’d “reasonably believe may offer” the practice.

This language was negotiated with the Catholic Conference. The idea is that you don’t have to do research about who’s willing to provide an abortion and you’re not committing to the patient that a given provider would. You just have to give a list of providers — and note the “may” in that line. (So for instance you could hand out a sheet from the Yellow Pages — but one thing you couldn’t do is deliberately research a list of places that WOULDN’T perform an abortion and hand that out.)

Additionally, you could work with your employer to make sure that someone else gives the list.

The policy question on the opposite side here is about what rights the patient has — the bill protects the patient’s right to complete information about medical ramifications of legally available services, together with a smidge of information about where one might go to get them.



8 crucial points to remember about the impasse

Wednesday, Jun 8, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* Voices for Illinois Children…

The legislative session is over, and Illinois is about to enter its second year without a budget. Where does all of this leave the state?

Voices for Illinois Children’s Fiscal Policy Center offers eight takeaways to put matters in perspective and lead the way to a solution that gets Illinois back to making the public investments needed for the state to flourish.

    1) Illinois is Dismantling the Foundations of a Prosperous, Compassionate State. As the Fiscal Policy Center has chronicled, the lack of a fully-funded state budget is causing our higher education system to fall apart, service providers to shut down, and our safety net to collapse.

    2) Public Safety is Jeopardized. At a time when Illinois needs a coordinated, public health-centered approach to violence that plagues many communities, we are going in the opposite direction, cutting mental health and substance abuse treatment, after-school opportunities for youth, and programs like Redeploy that rehabilitate youth in their communities.

    3) Lack of Resources Drives This Crisis. The real problem is Illinois doesn’t have the money it takes to meet public needs. After last year’s 25-percent tax cut, Illinois needs more than $7 billion in new revenue a year to return to the level of services of the 2015 fiscal year — the last year with a full budget.

    4) Delay In Raising Revenue Means More Debt. Illinois is racking up debt even with deep cuts in spending, because the state must still pay for a variety of things mandated under state and federal law. Every day lawmakers and Governor Rauner fail to agree on raising critically needed revenue, Illinois’ finances worsen.

    5) Debt = Less Investment in Future. Increasing the state’s backlog of unpaid bills not only means unfair payment delays to people providing goods and services. It also restricts what Illinois can do in the future. Debt must be repaid using future revenue, taking resources away from schools, transportation, public safety, and other building blocks of broad prosperity.

    6) Without More Revenue, Increases to Public School Funding Crowds Out Other Investments. Without new revenue, the large proposed increases to public school funding mean that Illinois will further increase its debt and be forced to cut a range of services for children and families that support children’s healthy growth and development. We cannot continue to pit education against human services — children and families need both to succeed.

    7) Short-Term “Emergency” Budget is Not a Solution. At best, a six-month emergency budget to get elected officials past the November elections only slows the deterioration of our higher education system and our social safety net. Much of any emergency six-month budget would likely just fill existing holes and would not sustain critical services into next fiscal year.

    8) Governor Rauner Has Bill on His Desk that is Part of His Desired Six-Month Budget. The legislature passed by large bipartisan majorities Senate Bill 2038 to provide urgently needed funds to service providers owed $700 million by the state. The money sits in state accounts, unable to be spent until Governor Rauner signs the legislation he received nearly three weeks ago. More than 220 organizations, including Voices, have urged him to sign this bill.

To avoid further damage to our state, lawmakers and Governor Rauner must come together to enact a fully funded budget that raises billions of dollars in new revenue to support critical services and public investment in Illinois’ future. Anything else falls far short of strengthening our state.


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Wednesday, Jun 8, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

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