Uncle Mike
Tuesday, Aug 30, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller * From my syndicated newspaper column in October of 1998…
My Uncle Mike died last night, his daughter and his wife were both at his side. He was such a great guy. Very funny, very gentle, very sweet. * He was one of those people who had a joke for every occasion. I asked him once if he had volunteered for the Army. “Volunteered? I still have splinters under my fingernails from when they dragged me off!” Heh. When he was a kid, his mom gave him a diary. He read it to me once, speaking in the voice of a child. It went something like, “Today, I played cowboy.” Turn the page. “Today, I played cowboy.” Turn the page. “Today, I played cowboy.” Turn the page, “Today, I played fireman.” You had to be there. * Mike learned to fly an airplane when I was young and I flew with him several times and even went through the study guides with him while he worked to get a commercial license. He taught me about clouds, aerodynamics, you name it. It was so easy to learn things from him because he was such a patient, kind man. We were sitting at his kitchen bar table studying together one night and he started telling jokes and I literally fell off my chair laughing. I don’t remember a single one of those jokes, but I’ll never forget that long fall off that high bar stool. No blood, no foul. I got up laughing. He bought a motorcycle back in the day and would take me for rides. We were pulled over by the cops near my grandma’s house in Ashkum once because I wasn’t wearing sunglasses. He bought me a pair and later that day a bug or something hit my glasses and they cracked. Thank goodness for the cop. I don’t think I ever did tell my mom that story. * Mike wasn’t somebody who worried too much about his career. He tried numerous occupations, never settling on one. He never really had much money and he never seemed to care all that much. He had a house, a great wife and lived in the town where he was born and raised, always surrounded by good friends and a strong family. He did, indeed, live in bliss. Remington, Indiana was kind of a paradise to me when I was a kid. I lived on a farm in Iroquois County at the time, so our closest neighbor kids were over a mile away. Mike’s nieces and nephews lived near his house and they and their pals were all around my age, so we became fast friends. I don’t remember any of them ever once causing any trouble. They were such good kids, but so much fun to hang out with, always laughing and smiling. And then I’d go back to Mike and Jean’s house and listen to show tunes. My Aunt Jean, my mom’s sister, was a big fan of show tunes. I think I memorized the entire “The Unsinkable Molly Brown” album at one point. It was a home away from home. An oasis of calm and constant mirth. * I was nine when my cousin Tracy was born. She was the first girl on my mom’s side of the family, so she was always special. Tracy got her sense of humor and much of her sweetness from her dad and she shared a story yesterday about her childhood…
* My mom called from Mike’s hospital room a couple of days ago and put me on speaker so I could talk to him. She warned me that he probably wouldn’t respond. But he perked up when he heard my voice and we managed a conversation. I told him I loved him. It was the last thing I said to him before he passed. Today, Mom sent me a photo of a framed copy of my 1998 column that was hanging on Uncle Mike’s bedroom wall. That’s when I started writing this post. And that’s when I also decided that I’m going to take the rest of the day off. * Here’s a photo taken by my brother Devin of Uncle Mike and Aunt Jean… ![]()
Today’s number: 4,600
Tuesday, Aug 30, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller * Greg Baise of the Illinois Manufacturers Association spoke to the City Club today. Here’s an excerpt of his prepared remarks…
* His close…
Whether you agree with him on everything or not, he’s an old Statehouse hand and knows whereof he speaks, so go read the whole thing.
Baked into the cake
Tuesday, Aug 30, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller * Whatever you think of the rest of the column, Jim Dey’s conclusion is spot on…
Same with the $400,000 copper doors. Same with, well, pretty much everything. You do what you want and then win the campaigns in the trenches. But, again, it would be a bit more honest if columnists and editorial writers even occasionally pointed out that Rauner actually managed to win a whole lot of districts that are represented by Democratic legislators. He beat Pat Quinn in Rep. Dan Beiser’s district 55-38, for instance. That’s probably why the Democrats are playing the Ken Dunkin card in August. * Related…
Dunkin becomes issue in Metro East race
Tuesday, Aug 30, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller * It appears this Democratic mailer on behalf of Rep. Dan Beiser (D-Alton) is referencing the support given by Dan Proft’s Illinois Opportunity Project to Rep. Ken Dunkin (D-Chicago) in the spring primary… ![]() Man, oh man. And it’s not even Labor Day. Whew. Also, sorry for the picture quality issue, but I figured you’d like to see this anyway. * Meanwhile, the anti-Dunkin t-shirts from the spring primary are being repurposed in at least one southern Illinois House race… ![]()
More Rauner TV
Tuesday, Aug 30, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller * Gov. Bruce Rauner made the rounds of Chicago TV stations early this morning. A WGN anchor asked him: “But the world of business is a dictatorship. You’re in government now. Looking back on your year and a half, is there a political tactic you would have changed to accomplish more of your agenda?” Rauner’s response… Short answer: No. * Over on Channel 7, the governor was pressed hard by Judy Hsu: “Your job is to govern and we need a budget. What realistically can be done going forward to find a compromise?” The governor said that the legislative leaders have agreed to work on a compromise and pass a balanced budget with reforms after the general election. Hsu also talked about the new “heat map” which shows where the social services cuts have happened. “Do you have a real grasp of what’s facing the families?” she asked. His response…
* Watch it all…
“Child’s play” to hack state database
Tuesday, Aug 30, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller * There’s a lot of hyperbole in this piece, but the essential takeaway is indicated in these excerpts…
The problem is the security was far, far too lax. It’s been beefed up now in Illinois, but, man, this was no way to run a railroad.
Elected Chicago school board discussed
Tuesday, Aug 30, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller * Considering the mayor’s total opposition, I’ll believe this when I see this…
Whatever the case, Raoul is right about some of his changes, particularly the runoff aspect. Candidates should receive over half the votes, particularly with all the big money floating around out there these days and the very real potential for tons of candidates in the first couple of elections.
*** LIVE COVERAGE *** Pat Quinn remap press conference
Tuesday, Aug 30, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller * Our good pals at BlueRoomStream.com will stream the former governor’s press conference live at 10:30. Click here to watch it. And click here for background. * Follow along with ScribbleLive…
Man who threatened Rauner gets misdemeanor charge, receives probation
Tuesday, Aug 30, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller * I sure hope the prosecutors know what they’re doing on this one…
* Background…
The political environment in this state is so toxic and so heavily ginned up by all sides, I’m just thankful that we haven’t seen more of this stuff.
Governor asked how he sleeps at night
Tuesday, Aug 30, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller * Gov. Rauner was asked early this morning on NBC 5 about his vetoes of legislation to raise the pay of workers who care for people with developmental disabilities and a bill to expand child care assistance eligibility. “I understand your position,” said Zoraida Sambolin about the governor’s oft stated desire to keep spending in line, “But at the end of the day when you go to bed at night, is it difficult for you to sleep knowing that you have to make these tough decisions?” Check out his response… Short answer: No. The guy was given a meatball right over the plate to show some humanity. * Some background on the pay hike bill…
The proclamation the governor signed last week is here.
Munger hit on two online fronts
Tuesday, Aug 30, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller * Part of this may wind up in a TV ad, but the online spot is way too long for television right now…
* Rate it… * Meanwhile…
* Um, not quite… This battle is rapidly approaching our US Senate race for meaninglessness.
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Supplement to today’s edition
Tuesday, Aug 30, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller
Protected: SUBSCRIBERS ONLY - Today’s edition of Capitol Fax (use all CAPS in password)
Tuesday, Aug 30, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller