Capitol - Your Illinois News Radar » Poll: 55 percent disapprove of Rauner, but 63 percent disapprove of Madigan
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Poll: 55 percent disapprove of Rauner, but 63 percent disapprove of Madigan

Tuesday, Oct 4, 2016 - Posted by Rich Miller

* The Paul Simon Public Policy Institute has a new poll out. Let’s start with approval ratings for the governor and the two chamber leaders…

The advertising in many of the 2016 legislative campaigns in Illinois has focused largely on three people who are not on the ballot, that is, Governor Bruce Rauner, Speaker of the House Michael Madigan, and Senate President John Cullerton. The poll asked whether the respondents approved or disapproved of the job each was doing.

The results for Rauner show that his job approval ratings are underwater with 40 percent somewhat approving or strongly approving and 55 percent somewhat disapproving or strongly disapproving of the job he is doing.

However, the governor is more popular downstate where he is somewhat closer to positive territory with 45 percent approving and 51 percent disapproving of the job he is doing. In the suburban areas, Rauner is in negative territory with 55 percent disapproving and 39 percent approving.

The Governor’s biggest problem is in the City of Chicago where his disapproval outnumbers starkly overtake his approval (62 percent to 34 percent).

Speaker Madigan’s overall job approval ratings are also in negative territory with 63 percent somewhat disapproving or strongly disapproving and 26 percent somewhat approving or strongly approving.

Madigan’s best job approval ratings are in the City of Chicago where the ratings are 32 percent approve and 56 percent disapprove. His suburban Cook and collar county job approval ratings are 28 percent approve to 59 percent disapprove. Downstate yields the harshest assessment of the Speaker’s tenure with 73 percent disapproving and 20 percent approving.

In the recent negative ads wars, Senate President John Cullerton has not been the lightning rod that the Speaker has. There are 41 percent who disapprove or strongly disapprove of Cullerton’s performance while 26 percent approve and 29 percent aren’t sure.

* Notice the intensity of “strongly disapprove” on Gov. Rauner…

* Now compare that same intensity to Speaker Madigan’s ratings…


* And here’s Cullerton…

* OK, now on to Rauner by region…

* Compare that to Madigan by region…

Keep in mind that Madigan has a bunch of Downstate races where he has incumbents and some much-ballyhooed challengers.


* Methodology…

The margin of error for the entire sample of 1,000 voters is plus or minus 3.1 percentage points. The margin of error for likely voters (n=865) is plus or minus 3.3 percentage points. This means that if we conducted the survey 100 times, in 95 of those instances, the population proportion would be within plus or minus the reported margin for error for each subsample. For subsamples, the margin of error increases as the sample size goes down. The margin of error was not adjusted for design effects.

Live telephone interviews were conducted by Customer Research International of San Marcos, Texas using the random digit dialing method. The telephone sample was provided to Customer Research International by Scientific Telephone Samples. Potential interviewees were screened based on whether they were registered voters and quotas based on area code and sex (<60% female). Interviewers asked to speak to the youngest registered voter at home at the time of the call. Cell phone interviews accounted for 60 percent of the sample. A Spanish language version of the questionnaire and a Spanish-speaking interviewer were made available.

Field work was conducted from September 27-October 2. No auto-dial or “robo” polling is included. Customer Research International reports no Illinois political clients. The survey was paid for with non-tax dollars from the Institute’s endowment fund. The data were not weighted in any way. Crosstabs for the referenced questions will be on the Institute’s polling web site,

More results in a bit.

…Adding… Some folks in comments are completely missing the point. Yes, Madigan doesn’t have to run statewide. No duh. But he has become the major “issue” in House campaigns throughout the state. If the House Democrats had a presidential or other statewide type polling as badly as Madigan is, they’d be running away from that person as fast as humanly possible in order to avoid being dragged down by him/her. But the Dems can’t run away from Madigan because that’s where they get their money.

Same goes for the Republicans, by the way. Not many viable House Republican candidates/incumbents are cheering on Gov. Rauner. He’s definitely a drag. He’s just not as big of a drag yet as Madigan.


  1. - Anon - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 9:21 am:

    So if Lisa wants to run for higher office, what should she change her last name to?

  2. - AC - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 9:22 am:

    The data below “OK, now on to Rauner by region…” is a duplicate of the prior section, not Rauner by Region numbers.

  3. - IllinoisBoi - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 9:25 am:

    Rauner: Winning! They hate Madigan even more than me!

  4. - RNUG - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 9:26 am:

    Guess it’s a good thing only ONE of them has to run on a state-wide ballot in 2018.

  5. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 9:29 am:

    While no fan of the serial incumbants, we’ve lived with them for a long time. Granted, we may have arrived at this state of affairs courtesy of them. However, this governor has exacerbated chaos and doom for many people since his arrival. Things have not moved in the positive direction. Going ten steps backward does not move us forward. I vote strongly disapprove for our gov.

  6. - Big Muddy - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 9:34 am:

    *intercom crackles*
    “Paging Oswego Willy. Paging Oswego Willy”

    Rauner’s numbers are horrible. Madigan’s are worse. Two things that make this better for Rauner? Time in office and money advantage.

  7. - Team Sleep - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 9:36 am:

    Madigan has downstate Reps fighting for their political lives in the 71st, 76th, 79th, 111th and 117th. His numbers are horrible in that region - and the amount of people who have no opinion is pretty low.

    I would be curious to see a district-by-district breakdown, but my guess is that the spread is relatively even in most at-play districts.

  8. - Anon - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 9:37 am:

    Good thing for Madigan he’s only running in 1/118th of the state!

    When you look at those disapproval numbers Rauner’s electoral strategy seems to be pretty dependent on voters overcoming their dislike of Rauner enough to agree with him that it’s Madigan’s fault.

  9. - Carhartt Representative - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 9:37 am:

    The thing is, Rauner has to run with this electorate. Madigan only has to win his district, where I bet he does poll higher.

  10. - Bobby Catalpa - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 9:38 am:


    Let’s be honest: Madigan is the only person — the *only* person — standing between Rauner’s Illinois turning into Brownback’s Kansas.

  11. - Mr. Smith - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 9:39 am:

    This is why BRV has been hammering away at Madigan downstate. He won’t hurt Madigan himself in his own district, but if he makes him unpopular enough, he becomes toxic to be associated with. Downstate Democrats need Madigan’s money, but taking it has some costs…

  12. - MSIX - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 9:41 am:

    Ask again after Rauner has been in office 30+ years. Or even next year. If he’s that badly thought of after just 2 years, imagine how bad it will be after a few more.

  13. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 9:43 am:

    - Big Muddy -

    Food for thought…

    Rauner spent, during session no less, $2 million to rehab his image and Rauner is still under water. I can’t see wasting $2 million and still being under water as a “positive” for Rauner.

    Also, Madigan won’t be running statewide so there’s that too.

    I’ve felt for a long time, and it appears Rauner’s Crew felt that way too by spending that $2 million, that Rauner can only capitalize on Madigan’s high negatives if Rauner is above water to do so.

    FY2015 Fix
    FY2016 Budget
    Labor Peace.

    Rauner got none of those clean, wasted political capital, held hostages purposely, and went after ALL of Labor needlessly…

    … these numbers reflect those mistakes(?)

  14. - Rich Miller - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 9:46 am:

    Carhartt, you’re completely ignoring the fact that Madigan has become the major “issue” in every House race this year.

    Rauner is less of an issue, and those numbers show why.

    This isn’t about 2018. It’s about 2016.

  15. - From the 'Dale to HP - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 9:46 am:

    Rauner getting whacked in the ‘burbs… the line to run against him in two years should be long, very long.

  16. - Langhorne - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 9:47 am:

    Great. The three people we actually need to LEAD us out of this mess, are wallowing in the mud. Instead of seeking common ground, rauner wants more mud. Instead of solutions, rauner gives us term limits, bec it freaking polls well. Bill backlog, balanced budget, school, university and social service funding, can wait til after the election. because then everyone will magically play nice, and give the governor a grand bargain on his reforms and a real budget. Secret meetings tell him so. Disappointing and tiresome.

  17. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 9:49 am:

    One wonders if the negative attitudes about Speaker Madigan will ever translate into fewer votes for AG Madigan? Her name appears on every election ballot. Some of the criticisms of the Speaker reference the AG also. It is pretty weak stuff, but on rare occasions voters turn on allies and proxies of the big wheels.

  18. - Thoughts Matter - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 9:51 am:

    Was there a question about whether their disapproval of Madigan was influential in whom they were voting for in their own district? Because that’s the only way Madigans disapproval numbers mean anything.

  19. - VanillaMan - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 9:57 am:

    I recommend that based on these polls, none of them should run for governor this year.

  20. - Lucky Pierre - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 9:58 am:

    House and Senate Democrats will have trouble defining why we should vote for them. Not agreeing on a budget they could present to Rauner (containing their version of revenue and cuts), opposing popular proposals like term limits and redistricting, standing in the way of workers comp reform and local control which would help lower our sky high property taxes have hurt them.

    I don’t think the democrats have accomplished labor peace either OW- see the imminent CTU strike. They are even picketing their supporters like Alderman Brookins.

    The only thing they can hang their hat on is Rauner = Trump.

    Good luck with that one.

  21. - Team Sleep - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 9:59 am:

    9:37 & Carhartt - Speaker Hastert’s leadership and Speaker Pelosi’s policies/gaffes were major campaign issues in 2006 and 2010, respectively. With the nationalization of Illinois politics, Speaker Madigan’s tenure, leadership and track record are certainly going to be a consideration in many districts (especially certain suburban and most downstate districts). Rauner’s, Ken Griffin’s and Richard U’s money will ensure that Madigan is at the forefront. Madigan may not be on the ballot statewide but he is by default as those running for reelection and running as a challenger will have to face the decision of putting him back into his Speaker role if the Dems keep their majority. I have read a lot of articles and profiles about candidates in tight races and the “will you vote to retain Mike Madigan as Speaker” question has been prevalent in all of them.

  22. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 10:01 am:

    To Rich’s update,

    I was responding to - Big Muddy -, and to think Madigan isn’t a drag is whistling past the graveyard, but like I said in the QOTD yesterday, I think it’s a “3″ out of “5″, I think for both due in large part to the micro, and the specific responses to the blanket “Madigan” message.

    A “3″ isn’t saying there isn’t any impact. If anything a “3″ says it’s a measurable impact.

  23. - IllinoisBoi - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 10:04 am:

    If Rauner spent $2 million to improve his image and this was the result, I wonder what would have happened if he spent nothing? Would the results be the same — or better, even? Raunerbucks often don’t seem to have a lot of buying power: see McCann, Dunkin, etc.

  24. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 10:09 am:

    ===…local control which would help lower our sky high property taxes have hurt them.===

    If you mean eliminating prevailing wage and ending collective bargaining, Labor knows. I’m guessing they know better than most.

    As for CTU, Democrats, and Labor Peace… CTU’s own “popularity”, as opposed to state workers and Rauner’s frontal assault on ALL of Labor… One is the PR issue Rahm and Claypool are dealing with, the other is Rauner facing Labor in races, today, that Rauner is funding and hoping for more wins and less “voting accordingly” where Labor can be impactful in 2-4 specific races… and Mendoza too.

  25. - Big Muddy - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 10:11 am:

    I think those mistakes, and I admit they are mistakes, are reflected in those numbers. I also think the populous of Illinois have grown tired of the suckyness that is state government. Beyond easy for others to show Madigan owns that. (tips hat to OW)
    Rich is right in that this isn’t about 2018. When the Rauner crew picks up 4 seats this cycle, history will point to Madigan as the main reason. Considering the weirdness of the Presidential race picking up seats can only be described as huge for the Republicans in 2016.

  26. - Earnest - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 10:14 am:

    Both are unpopular, and unpopularity hurts incumbents, more of whom are democrats. Polls aside, should we fault the leader of the Illinois Democratic Party for losing the battle in terms of framing the overall campaign issue?

  27. - From the 'Dale to HP - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 10:16 am:

    Most voters aren’t going to connect their state rep to Madigan because at the end of the day, Madigan’s name is on the ballot. A number of people across the state have been trying to do this for decades and have mostly failed. “But this time is different!” I’ll believe it when I see it.

  28. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 10:17 am:

    ===When the Rauner crew picks up 4 seats this cycle,…===

    I’ll give you Franks’ seat, maybe just for argument’s sake, not a reflection of anything specific to numbers, Cloonen.

    That’s 2. Where are the other 2?

    I’m getting a stronger feeling that “holding serve” and picking up the low hanging fruit with Trump is doing “well”

  29. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 10:19 am:

    Also - Big Muddy -

    What if Munger loses? Rauner gets 3 House seats and loses Munger statewide?

    That a good night? Dunno.

  30. - Anonymous - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 10:20 am:

    How’s that Changey thing going for you?

  31. - Moe Berg - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 10:26 am:

    Rauner’s been in office 21 months - versus 40 years for the Speaker - and his disapproval is only 8 points better, despite a massive earned and paid media effort to boost his image? That wouldn’t give me comfort in the GOP.

  32. - Annonin' - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 10:31 am:

    “Not many viable House Republican candidates/incumbents are cheering on Gov. Rauner”
    Guessin’ that is already changin’ GOPies getting help on their association with both BigBrain and Trump.
    You’re welcome.

  33. - Downstate GOP Faithless - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 10:33 am:

    If this turns into a referendum on Rauner V Madigan, it seems Rauner loses. All other things being equal, independents and undecideds will default to “the Governor is impacting me in a negative fashion, but I like my legislator.”

  34. - Big Muddy - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 10:34 am:

    I’m not giving specifics. Not trying to be coy… just not sharing my intel.

  35. - Team Sleep - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 10:35 am:

    Willy - getting out of super minority status in the House would be huge. Getting out of super minority status in the Senate may be impossible. I think the ability to uphold vetoes is key.

    Tom Cross’s organization won 6 seats in 2010 with a worse crop of candidates and way less money. I know that was a non-presidential year but still.

  36. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 10:40 am:

    - Big Muddy -

    I guess we’ll see. You forgot to answer the 3-win and Munger loss question. Must be an oversight.

    - Honeybear -

    You’re on it. That’s YOUR (Labor’s) ball game.

    Control exactly what you can control and maximize your own impact at the highest possible levels in races that can use that impact and get the statewide messaging on Labor speaking with ONE voice.

    Then, then you can say, if you accomplish all that, you’ve done everything you could and the results show that hard work.

    Thanks for the hat tip, but it’s you and all those like you, individually and collectively recognizing where you need to be, not me.

  37. - Carhartt Representative - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 10:42 am:

    =Carhartt, you’re completely ignoring the fact that Madigan has become the major “issue” in every House race this year.

    Rauner is less of an issue, and those numbers show why.

    This isn’t about 2018. It’s about 2016.=

    That is a good point and one I haven’t thought about. Some of these races are quite interesting with candidates running against both the Governor and the Speaker.

  38. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 10:51 am:

    === I think the ability to uphold vetoes is key===

    They have that now. With Franks gone, that wasn’t going to change. That’s a “false” win.

    ===I know that was a non-presidential year but still===

    So you see my skepticism. Plus, I guess we are assuming Rauner keeps all the GOP seats?

  39. - Team Sleep - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 10:58 am:

    Willy - yes but it helps break the myth that Speaker Madigan has a true working supermajority. And if they get to or past 50 then there is no question. Period.

    I get the skepticism, but if Dwight Kay can keep his job with Obama running for reelection then he can keep his job this year. Avery Bourne has always been the one that worries me.

  40. - Annonin' - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 11:03 am:

    “Not many viable House Republican candidates/incumbents are cheering on Gov. Rauner”
    GOPies will be gettin’ help making the connection to BigBrain and Trump.
    You’re welcome

  41. - ILPundit - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 11:16 am:

    So basically, the GOP is banking their entire fall strategy on the fact that the Speaker’s unfavorables are 7 points higher than Rauner’s

    I don’t care how much money you have, that is a low percentage play. Especially when the source of the difference is almost entirely downstate, where dislodging an incumbent takes a hell of a lot more that playing the boogeyman card.

  42. - Last Bull Moose - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 11:17 am:

    With a Munger loss and 3 House seat gain for Rauner, we are at stalemate for normal negotiations. Even a working supermajority in both houses for the Democrats might not solve our problems. Would they pass the necessary tax increases over unified Republican opposition? I don’t think so.

    I still expect Rauner to act on the labor front before the new legislators are sworn in. Not sure how AFSCME will react. The CTU results may give some clue.

    If stalemate continues, more institutions will break. I have yet to hear plans for how Human Services will be delivered in the future. Nor the new Master Plan for Universities. I don’t think we can or should rebuild what we had. But all I hear are crickets, and frost is coming soon.

  43. - Old Timer Dem - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 11:26 am:

    Mendoza is the better campaigner by far. It will be interesting to see if all the money Rauner spends for Munger trumps Mendoza superior campaigning.

  44. - Robert the Bruce - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 11:31 am:

    I’m more with OW on how many seats change hands.

    While D’s are being tagged with the Madigan relationships, any R is in danger of being associated with both Rauner and Trump in some folks’ minds.

    But I’m not sure what we should root for.

    A real D supermajority (without counting Franks) could mean that Rauner just waits for Madigan to do something with a real supermajority, and Madigan doesn’t propose a tax hike/balanced budget, continuing to believe it the governor’s job?

    Republicans pick up a few seats, eliminating the supermajority talking point, may be a better outcome…or does this just lead to Rauner concluding that he’s winning?

  45. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 11:39 am:

    (Tips cap to - Robert the Bruce -)

    ===…it helps break the myth that Speaker Madigan has a true working supermajority. And if they get to or past 50 then there is no question. Period===

    The myth is broken already with the percentages of successful overrides

    Also, now Rauner loses a crutch of the “Supermajority”. Losing a myth sheds a bright hot light on the fact. The strawman is gone, and Rauner still lacks 60 and 30.

    ===I get the skepticism, but if Dwight Kay can keep his job with Obama running for reelection then he can keep his job this year. Avery Bourne has always been the one that worries me.===

    This is probably far more right than its wrong, and that part that makes it right is probably why “Fore Madigan” needs so much money to try to hold serve and break fallacies to seem to be winning(?)

    Much respect as always.

  46. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 11:44 am:

    ===Mendoza is the better campaigner by far. It will be interesting to see if all the money Rauner spends for Munger trumps Mendoza superior campaigning.===

    If that’s the framing…

    I’ll take Munger, the Topinka Crew, and Rauner’s money to be up on TV for the duration… versus…

    Mendoza being a better campaigner (not on TV yet) and an inept Crew, lacking at times the fundamentals like responding with releases that spell names right.

    Down 8 points with $5 million in the coffers AND on Tee-Vee, with 22% undecided?

    Munger’s to lose right now.

  47. - ILPundit - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 12:09 pm:

    This has to be the first time in my life I’ve ever seen someone say that a race with the incumbent polling at 32%, 8 points down, with a month to go as “the incumbents to lose”.

  48. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 12:24 pm:

    ===This has to be the first time in my life I’ve ever seen someone say that a race with the incumbent polling at 32%, 8 points down, with a month to go as “the incumbents to lose”.===

    Think I framed it pretty well, and I’ll add…

    “I don’t think anyone has seen an entire election cycle like this. Ever.”

  49. - archpundit - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 12:30 pm:

    ==But he has become the major “issue” in House campaigns throughout the state.

    I think that’s right and downstate it’ll be an issue as Trump is popular and it’ll be hard to localize the races. That said, overall Trump is a problem for turnout for Republican leaners.

  50. - Cassandra - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 1:05 pm:

    So, maybe the voters are saying that we’re getting kind of tired of both of these guys, and it’s time for them to move on to the next phase of their already highly successful lives. Not, I hasten to add, that I believe either is the evil spirit many of their respective opponents claim. They probably truly believe they have the right perspective on where the state should go. But folks don’t seem to be buying what Rauner’s selling, right or not, and Madigan is beyond old school Democrat-patronage, high taxes, nobody nobody sent.

    Time for a change in both leaderships. There must be a farm team in each party. We should take a closer look.

  51. - Big Muddy - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 1:27 pm:

    =What if Munger loses? Rauner gets 3 House seats and loses Munger statewide?

    That a good night? Dunno.=

    Actually I would say yes. Why? Comptroller may make life difficult for Rauner short term but that pain will be felt by all of us as she can only state reality. “State has no money… I can’t pay social service because… We need more revenue… no balanced budget.., etc” puts spotlight back on how poorly the state has been managed FOR YEARS.
    However, ANY seats picked up this cycle moves us closer to truly being rid of Madigan. Picking up seats is the winning long game.

    Any Dems looking forward to 2018 with the Raunerbucks funding a cycle that is sure to see a huge Hillary backlash??

    I didn’t think so.

  52. - AJ_yooper - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 1:40 pm:

    Madigan is the issue because Rauner, et. al are paying for the ads.

    Madigan’s and Rauner’s disapproval ratings are probably close to or within the error of measurement. Besides, Rauner has only had 2 years to build his legend.

  53. - James Knell - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 1:44 pm:

    Madigan should have make Rauner, Proft, Griffin, & Uline THE issue. They make Boss Hog and Mr. Burns look like men of the people.

  54. - Oswego Willy - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 2:07 pm:

    ===Any Dems looking forward to 2018 with the Raunerbucks funding a cycle that is sure to see a huge Hillary backlash??===

    Rauner closes one or more state universities by then?

    Now, I’ll grant y’all that sounds like such hyperbole, but I still am trying to recall, I’m the last year, any state university other than one here in all the United States that felt compelled to address its existence for a school year.


    ===Comptroller may make life difficult for Rauner short term but that pain will be felt by all of us as she can only state reality. “State has no money… I can’t pay social service because… We need more revenue… no balanced budget.., etc” puts spotlight back on how poorly the state has been managed FOR YEARS.===

    Not really…

    Since, even Munger, is dealing with, according to Munger herself, “daily triage” and picking winners and losers as Rauner would like, it’s really about “the day” and Mendoza can highlight… state universities and Rauner “fixing the glitch” to close Eastern, or Chicago State, even Western…

    The Comptroller cam clearly highlight Rauner’s spending priorities, without a budget if need be…

    If getting 50 House seats for a map just one more cycle fresh, versus losing a fiscal ally that is the … well, we all know what Munger called herself TO Rauner… I dunno if I’d call 3 House seats (1 the given Franks seat) and losing Munger a “good” night. I dunno if I’d agree.

    ===Picking up seats is the winning long game.===

    Rauner would then need 10 more seats, in the last cycle of a map that won’t exist 4 years from now.

    If anything, Rauner’s own re-elect is truly about the Map than it is about Rauner himself. Let’s also remember the 50 Raunerite seats means the phony “Veto-Proof” fairy tale disappears. That has been a great strawman, and Rauner is still 10 seats light.


    A 68-50 House with a Comptroller Mendoza is a win?

    Good luck with that.

  55. - Liberty - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 3:13 pm:

    Rich is stuck in a jar hearing the Rauner echo…

  56. - James Knell - Tuesday, Oct 4, 16 @ 4:00 pm:

    Big Muddy, if the DNC minus DWS could get its act together and “nationalize” the 2018 election like the RNC has been doing since at least 2010, we might be shocked at the result. The question is do they WANT to do this?

  57. - Anonymous - Wednesday, Oct 5, 16 @ 2:00 am:

    I believe the research is flawed… phone survey? Concerns develop how the sample was chosen.

  58. - Chucktownian - Wednesday, Oct 5, 16 @ 9:35 am:

    I assume we’re going to keep with the fairytale that somehow Rauner has some power when he loses every proxy race yet again, right? I’ll admit that I’m a little surprised that all his money has meant so little but we need to understand that he hasn’t used this money to win a race other than his own yet. He was a dismal failure at this in the spring.

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